What is included in the collection.

Geography 5th grade

Barinova, Pleshakov, Sonin

Studying a new subject is usually accompanied by slight hitches and misunderstandings. A textbook solution book can always come to the rescue of schoolchildren. "Geography 5th grade Textbook Barinova, Pleshakov, Sonin Bustard", which contains all the necessary explanations for successful learning.

What's included in the collection

The publication contains more than twenty paragraphs, into which accompanying exercises are distributed. The numbers are provided with thorough answers that can be found online, so use GDZ in geography 5th grade Barinova it has become even more convenient. This manual will help students overcome emerging obstacles more easily, and parents will always be aware of the successes and failures of their offspring.

Is it worth using it?

Fifth graders Sometimes it’s not easy to perceive new topics because:

  • they do not yet know how to fully concentrate on a subject;
  • sometimes the teacher’s explanations fall on deaf ears;
  • prefer to take a walk rather than sit over textbooks.

Not everything can have a positive impact on learning, but it can still be corrected. The workbook for the textbook will help you explain to your child the main provisions and points that are unclear to him. "Geography 5th grade Barinov's Textbook".

Geography. Beginner course. 5th grade. Barinova I.I., Pleshakov A.A., Sonin N.I.

3rd ed., erased. - M.: 2014. - 144 p.

The textbook complies with the Federal State Educational Standard for basic general education in geography, is recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and is included in the Federal List of Textbooks. The textbook is addressed to 5th grade students of general education institutions and is part of the classic line of geography textbooks.

Format: pdf

Size: 22.2 MB

Watch, download: 02

Electronic supplement to the textbook:

Format: exe/zip

Size: 186.6 MB

Watch, download: 02 .09.2016, links removed at the request of the publishing house "Drofa" (see note)

§ 1. The world in which we live 4
§ 2. Natural Sciences 11
§ 3. Geography - Earth science 18
§ 4. Methods of geographical research 22
§ 5. Geographical discoveries of antiquity and the Middle Ages 27
§ 6. The most important geographical discoveries 30
§ 7. Discoveries of Russian travelers 35
§ 8. How ancient people imagined the Universe 41
§ 9. Study of the Universe: from Copernicus to the present day 46
§ 10. Neighbors of the Sun 52
§ 11. Giant planets and little Pluto 57
§ 12. Asteroids. Comets. Meteors. Meteorites 61
§ 13. World of stars 66
§ 14. Unique planet - Earth 70
§ 15. Modern space exploration 73
§ 16. Sides of the horizon 78
§ 17. Orientation 80
§ 18. Area plan and geographical map 83
§ 19. How the Earth came into being 88
§ 20. Internal structure of the Earth 94
§ 21. Earthquakes and volcanoes 99
§ 22. Travel across continents 105
§ 23. Water on Earth 113
§ 24. Air clothing of the Earth 119
§ 25. Living shell of the Earth 125
§ 26. Soil is a special natural body 128
§ 27. Man and nature 132

You start studying geography - one of the most interesting subjects at school. He will introduce you to the world in which we all live. You will learn what living nature is and what is inanimate nature, you will get acquainted with the most ancient invention of mankind - a geographical map, which is relevant and very necessary for people today. The textbook will help you find answers to a variety of questions: why is there life only on Earth, of all the planets in the solar system? How not to get lost in the forest? Why is water from the sea or ocean not suitable for drinking? Why does the wind blow? How is the surface of our Earth formed?
This textbook will help you answer many, many “whys” if you learn to read carefully and understand its symbols and symbols.
When studying geography, you will benefit from the knowledge you gained in elementary school. Questions before the text of the paragraph will help you remember them. Highlights in the text of the paragraph will help you focus your attention on the main thing: definitions that you must remember are given in blue font, important concepts are in bold italics, geographical names and names of scientists, travelers, researchers are in italics. Some drawings are accompanied by questions and assignments. Try to answer them. The questions and tasks after the paragraph are intended for self-control. After these questions and assignments there is a link to the electronic appendix to the textbook, where you can find interactive maps and assignments, animations and slides on the topic of the lesson.
The knowledge and skills acquired while studying geography in the 5th grade will become the basis for mastering subsequent geography courses.
We hope that you will learn to look more carefully at the world around you, to hear and understand the language of living nature.
I wish you new discoveries and travels around the land of knowledge, around planet Earth!

Geography 5th grade

Barinova, Pleshakov, Sonin

Studying a new subject is usually accompanied by slight hitches and misunderstandings. A textbook solution book can always come to the rescue of schoolchildren. "Geography 5th grade Textbook Barinova, Pleshakov, Sonin Bustard", which contains all the necessary explanations for successful learning.

What's included in the collection

The publication contains more than twenty paragraphs, into which accompanying exercises are distributed. The numbers are provided with thorough answers that can be found online, so use GDZ in geography 5th grade Barinova it has become even more convenient. This manual will help students overcome emerging obstacles more easily, and parents will always be aware of the successes and failures of their offspring.

Is it worth using it?

Fifth graders Sometimes it’s not easy to perceive new topics because:

  • they do not yet know how to fully concentrate on a subject;
  • sometimes the teacher’s explanations fall on deaf ears;
  • prefer to take a walk rather than sit over textbooks.

Not everything can have a positive impact on learning, but it can still be corrected. The workbook for the textbook will help you explain to your child the main provisions and points that are unclear to him. "Geography 5th grade Barinov's Textbook".

Description of the GDZ in geography for Barinova’s 5th grade

Teachers of this subject require a workbook. It meets all Federal State Educational Standards standards. All answers to the exercises presented are printed. Thanks to this, there is no need to understand handwriting. There is also the option of studying online. This option is very relevant these days, given the love of children for gadgets and the Internet.

Not only tests are presented, but also correct answers using additional literature sources. The outline cards are painted in different colors and shades based on the questions at hand.

After studying each topic, you should complete tests. They include testing of basic skills, abilities and concepts. The evaluation score is decisive in determining the result. In the collection you can find a statement on any topic. It includes special questions and test papers that will help you pass the exams without any difficulties.

The work program is fully consistent with the curriculum. The numbers are exactly the same as in school textbooks.

Advantages of the educational and methodological complex

Thanks to this book, the student will learn the topics covered in more detail. Ready-made assignments correspond to the school course. The student will be able to perform exercises at a faster pace. This provides more personal time for relaxation.

The tutorial with solutions will help you:

  1. Find the right judgment in a short time.
  2. Test your acquired knowledge.
  3. Understand the school lesson as much as possible.
  4. Understand the complex terms you need to know.

Fifth grade is considered the first step towards choosing a specialty. GDZ in geography for 5th grade Barinova will contribute to this, thanks to them you can fall in love with the subject in order to want to become a geographer in the future. She will also be a resource for parents who have forgotten the skills they learned in school. Tests are not scary with her. The child will be able to independently cope with any mission without the help of adults.

The manual is available in printed form, but can also be found online here. Its creators are teachers with many years of experience and experience.

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