What do you need to say to make you appear? What to do to make your wish come true? Simoron rituals

Every new day brings us new needs and desires. As a result, desires become so numerous that they lose their value and meaning. To get results, highlight one desire that is most important to you from each area of ​​your life. Remember that desire must be born from your soul, and not dictated by the people around you.

Desire requires correct formulation

Many dreams remain in the category of unfulfilled desires due to incorrect formulation. Start every desire with the words “I want...”. “I” is a very powerful word that launches the processes of the Universe, accumulates the flow of energy and, when used correctly, becomes the strongest tool. But “I” alone is not enough. Pay attention to the words that follow. “It would be necessary...”, “I would like...” and any phrase with a particle “would” indicates your helplessness and uncertainty. All this information is sent to the Universe, as a result you are helpless and uncertain in your life goals. If you are unable to correctly formulate a desire, and when you pronounce it you feel internal rejection, think about whether this desire was inspired by others and is not truly yours.

No "no" or "no"

Our consciousness is not familiar with negative formulations, so the desire will be fulfilled without the “no” part. What do we get as a result? The most secret fears will come true, and the dream will remain waiting for its turn.

About time, timing and place

A dream should not be abstract. Each desire must have a clear time and territorial framework for implementation. If you want to buy your own apartment, the thought “I want an apartment” will not be enough. Determine where it will be located, how many rooms it will have, by what time you want to purchase it, you can even choose the color of the wallpaper in the hallway.

For the desire to become a reality, significant changes will be required. This will affect your environment, lifestyle, place of work. If you want higher pay, then there is a high probability that you will lose your current job, but do not rush to despair, the Universe is leading you to great achievements, and an interesting and good position awaits you just around the corner.

"Manuscripts don't burn"

Write down everything you want on a piece of paper. If your imagination and skills allow you, draw what you want or illustrate it with your favorite pictures from magazines.

Say your desire every day for 5-7 minutes, during this time try to imagine how you are already the happy owner of what you want so badly. Here you are drinking aromatic tea in your own kitchen, having a get-together with friends, going on vacation to distant islands or getting behind the wheel of a brand new car.

And about the main thing...

Remember that your desire requires action. Break the goal into several sub-items, each of which will have a time frame and specific solutions. The Universe always helps those who are persistent; the right people will meet in your life, paths will open, but only if you take action yourself.

It's no secret that finding the right person can change our lives. Sometimes one meeting, a phone call or even a message is enough...

Surround yourself only with those peoplewho will pull you higher.

It's just that life is already full of thosewho wants to pull you down.

George Clooney

Once at one of S.V. Kovalev’s trainings, he once again joked about “What to do if you’re really waiting for the right call, but everyone doesn’t call you and keeps calling you?” The answer was something like this: “Put your phone in the farthest pocket, and then go to the toilet and soap your hands!”

There is only a grain of joke in every joke.The appearance of the right person in life is an event of great importance.

It's no wonder thatby overstating the importance of meeting such a person, we only push it back.

And vice versa, by reducing the importance, we get what we want, as in the example with soapy hands.

Sometimes the fate of an entire stage of our life can depend on one meeting, call or even message.

I think that if you start unwinding the tangle of any big or small success, then one of the threads will lead to the very right person, with whom it all began. And it is possible that there were several such people.

In any case, each of these people provided access to the resources necessary to achieve the desired goal.

These resources could be valuable advice or service , and perhaps this person had material support .

It could also be that such a person is simply awakened the inner resources in us through faith and spiritual support. In this case, he became a mentor for us.

And if the right person became for us life partner , then he himself became an inexhaustible source of vital resources in the form of love, care, and respect.

There are a large number of approaches and ways tohow we need to think correctly about the goal we are striving for.

The goal must be positive, verifiable in experience, and be in the right context. And also be environmentally friendly and under personal control.

These principles are well known in NLP.

Besides, when visualizing you need to see yourself from the outside, achieving results.

However, there is a significant point that significantly influences the implementation of the plan. It consists in answering the question:“Have we made other people part of our purpose?”

Who will be with us when we achieve our goal? And who will help at the intermediate stages?

Let the images of these people appear there.

Even if these people are not known to us yet.

But if we leave a place for them in these internal images, then they will definitely appear in reality.

Now I want to touch on the topic ofhow other people are represented in our inner worlda little more detail.

Main tool here is a work with the social panorama discovered by the Dutch NLPers L. Derks and J. Hollander.

Our social panorama contains encoded images of all the people who were, are or will be in our lives. The most shocking discovery was that changing the internal codes of other people in our social panorama leads to changes in real life.

Before moving on to technology, I want to clarify that The social panorama represents the space around us with a radius of about six meters. It contains images of the most significant people in our lives.

Technique “How to attract the right person into your life?”

1. Important goal. Think about your most important goal at the moment.Make sure it represents what you want to get and not what you want to get away from.

Also check whether you can see, hear, or present it in the form of a film with yourself in the leading role. Does this movie make you feel good? Make the film about yourself irresistible, add special effects: lighting, background, frame.

Think about the fact that the goal is being realized in a specific place at a specific time.See if your life will be happier if you look at the future through the eyes of the you from the irresistible film?

2. Main resource. What's the single most important resource you need to make a compelling movie about you become a reality? Choose one resource that, according to the Pareto 20-80 law, will provide 80% of your result.

3. Social panorama. Where is the representation of this resource located in your social panorama? Look around - the resource may be above, below and behind your back. Note in what form it is presented there.

4. The right person. Imagine that an arrow emerges from the resource image, at the end of which the image of the person you need will soon appear. Note where and at what distance from you this image of the desired person appeared.

5. Establishing relationships. Invite this important person to take a place in your social panorama. Determine the conditions under which he will agree to do this.

What will you have to do or give him in exchange? See on your palms a symbol of a gift for the right person. Give this gift to him. Become this person and accept the gift from you from his position.

Being in his position, give yourself a gift in return - perhaps it will be that same resource, or maybe something else. Become yourself again and accept the gift in return. Thank them and ask when you are expected to meet in reality.

6. Study of obstacles. Ask yourself if there is any part of you that is resisting the fact that you want to attract the right person into your life? Are there any internal or external obstacles to this?

In conclusion, I would like to remind you of the NLP presupposition that“The universe is infinitely kind and full of resources”.

  • The people we need walk this earth and appear when we really need it. Here .

Dmitry Vostrukhov

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! © econet

Analysts from the American psychological magazine Psychology Today conducted a study and came to the conclusion that 60% of the decision about whether to respect you is made by the interlocutor at the moment when he shakes your hand. In general, a proper handshake is a very underrated skill. Not flaccid and not too strong. The hand should not be released immediately, but it should not be held for too long. You can’t shake it, but it’s also stupid to freeze with your interlocutor’s hand clenched.

Now concentrate, because if you have had training in your life on proper negotiation, it is possible that it taught you one very dangerous stupidity: to give your hand slightly palm down, thereby forcing the person whose hand you are shaking under you adapt.

In such a situation, your palm is on top - and your worthless business coaches assured that this was how you showed who would be on top in these negotiations. Well, psychologists have proven that this is not only stupid, but also counterproductive.

After such an act, the interlocutor immediately ceases to respect you and take you seriously. The palm should be perpendicular to the floor, and nothing else.

Dress up

An interesting scientific study was conducted at Princeton University, which found that people are wary of those who are better dressed than them (and the interlocutor makes a conclusion about whether a person is well dressed in the first 100 milliseconds of a meeting). Moreover, people do not at all connect whether a person is well dressed with the cost of his clothes. This also doesn't mean you have to always wear a jacket and white shirt.

Scientists conducted experiments in different social situations and groups. At a party, business meeting, baby shower, dinner, etc., people are wary of who is best dressed in appropriate attire in the room. So, if you are one of those people who are sure that the external pitchfork is unimportant, you are wrong.

Choose your clothes carefully and be sure that a business meeting will go much better if the interlocutor decides in the first 100 milliseconds that you are the best dressed in the room.

Give people the opportunity to talk about themselves

Scientists at Harvard University have proven what we already knew: people love to talk about themselves. But this is Harvard, so the scientists go much further. Studies have shown that when a person talks about himself, the same parts of the brain light up that light up when a person has sex or eats a delicious dinner. That is, few things in the world bring people so much pleasure. And now the main thing.

Firstly, when a person talks about himself, even if he started it himself, it strengthens his confidence that the interlocutor is trustworthy.

That is, they begin to trust you regardless of whether you give the impression of a person who would be worth trusting.

Secondly, talking about yourself makes a person much more vulnerable. So just by letting your business partner talk a little about yourself, you make him a little weaker. Ask a few questions that will provoke the other person to have such a conversation, and you are already in a winning position.

Watch your tone

70% of 1 thousand professional negotiators surveyed by the Linkedin portal claim that as soon as the interlocutor raises his voice even a little, he ceases to inspire respect and fear. Conversely, the most feared businessmen are those who never raise their voices, and in stressful situations even begin to speak more quietly than usual.

If you can control yourself to such an extent that you can speak almost in a whisper in a situation in which anyone else would go broke, you will become the person who will inspire trembling horror in those around you.

Life situations are different and in some of them a person is forced to play a “role” that is unusual for him, that is, to simulate. It’s just awkward for you to refuse a trip or presence in any place for no apparent reason, or perhaps you have planned a surprise for your other half and you need to be alone with yourself for a while, but there is no plausible excuse - you need to get sick, or rather , imitate illness.

You can cause a runny nose, as well as other symptoms of acute respiratory infections, at home using available means. Symptoms after such manipulations pass quickly, and you will have enough time to implement your plans.

How to provoke

The first sign of a cold is a runny nose, and this is where we will begin to imitate the disease. It is as easy as shelling pears to cause rhinitis for people suffering from allergies; it is enough to stop taking medications for a while and stay in close proximity to the allergen. Running and redness of the nose due to allergies are identical to the symptoms of a cold.

What should those who do not suffer from allergic manifestations do? There is a way out. There are several ways to cause a runny nose in a healthy person:

Red or black pepper

It is better to use fresh pods, since dry pepper may leave traces, then the whole plan will go down the drain. After cutting the fruit, take a little juice on a cotton swab and lubricate the nasal passages with it, but not too deep, otherwise you can burn the mucous membrane. If you don’t have fresh pepper in your arsenal, inhale a little dry crushed product, the main thing is not to overdo it. Do not count on long-term results; the symptom will disappear in about 20-30 minutes.


You can simply breathe in fresh onion vapor for several minutes in a row, which will provoke not only nasal congestion, but also redness of the eyes and lacrimation. However, the effect of this is short-lived; it is better to extract the juice from the fruit and lubricate the nasal passages with it.

Aloe kalanchoe

You will need the juice of these plants; you will need to drop it into your nose (1-2 drops). The procedure is harmless, and in addition to a runny nose, it provokes active sneezing.

Let's add some more symptoms

In addition to rhinitis, a cold is characterized by a cough, lacrimation, and an increase in temperature; it is also possible to provoke these symptoms artificially. To make a false cold look more believable, let’s add a few more symptoms to a runny nose.


Increased body temperature - to provoke a symptom, it’s quite simple to rub your armpit with onion or garlic, then put on a thermometer; the bar will show at least 37.5°C. If you have an electric thermometer in your home medicine cabinet, use iodine - drop a couple of drops on a piece of sugar and eat it, the dial will read 38°C.

Red eyes

You can make your eyes red and cause watery eyes using mint toothpaste - apply it (only a small amount) to the lower eyelid, resulting in redness and swelling. You can use laundry soap in the same way.


To provoke an artificial cough or sneezing, just sniff tobacco, inhale dust, and ground pepper and household chemicals can come to the rescue. These are excellent irritants for the nasal mucosa (provoking a runny nose) and the lower respiratory tract (causing a cough).

Having completed all the necessary manipulations and achieved the desired symptoms, you should also not forget about your appearance. After all, the image of a patient is somewhat different from the appearance of a healthy person.

Don't forget about appearance

In order for your appearance to correspond to the stated symptoms, you need to transform yourself a little, and ordinary cosmetics will help with this.

Women can cope with this most easily. All they need to do is give up decorative makeup, apply powder a couple of shades lighter than their facial skin, and apply shadow to the dark circles under their eyes. The main thing is that the shadows are matte; shiny cosmetics will immediately give away the deception.

It’s more difficult for men in terms of makeup; of course, you can ask for help from your spouse or a trusted friend, but if you don’t have them, you can probably do it on your own. To create a sick look, you will need green concealer and a sense of moderation. Apply a little product to your face, mainly the forehead and cheeks, blend thoroughly. The color should not be green; the job of the concealer is to make the face look pale.

The downside of this type of makeup is that it wipes off easily, so be careful not to touch your face with your hands and don’t let others do it.

So, the symptoms are there, the appearance is ready, the only thing that remains is behavior, sick people are less active and talkative, so “turn on” the artistry.

A little artistry

If tomorrow or the day after tomorrow you decide to get sick, you need to prepare your environment for this. Start complaining in advance about feeling unwell; this could be a mild headache, aching joints, chills, or a sore throat. You can also simulate loss of appetite, drowsiness and fatigue. Thus, if you come the next day with obvious symptoms of a false cold, you will not surprise your surroundings at all.

With this, you will also need to control your behavior and behavior as it happens when you are really sick.

Playfulness and activity are inappropriate here - be lethargic, somewhat irritable, slow, answer questions reluctantly, even the funniest jokes should not cause a violent reaction in you (after all, a sick person has no time for laughter). Don’t forget to breathe through your mouth, periodically sniffle, cough, keep a handkerchief in a visible place all the time and don’t try to recover the next day, they won’t believe you.

Deceiving and abusing trust is, of course, not good, but sometimes, unfortunately, it is impossible without it.

We all want our dreams to come true. Better yet, find out once and for all how to make your wish come true in 1 day. It would seem that there is nothing simpler - to make a wish and wait for it to come true. But no matter how it is!

The subtle world, which envelops and envelops our entire reality, requires from us a response, clear formulations and, most importantly, gratitude. Yes, simply shouting a desire into the void or whispering it under your pillow before going to sleep is not enough. Should choose a specific and real desire for yourself, do everything possible and impossible to make it come true, and then thank the Universe for the result. And we will be happy to teach you this.

All lovers of fairy tales know that the most amazing things happen at night, when the Universe freezes in anticipation of miracles. The strongest ones in terms of energy are New Year's Eve and the night before Ivan Kupala. On these dates, you should pay attention to the fulfillment of desires, and before that - learn to formulate them correctly. Read on to find out how.

How to make a wish correctly?

To fulfill desires, there is a certain system that must be followed. . And it doesn’t start somewhere behind the clouds. It begins with the words that you pronounce while formulating your desire. Let's take a step-by-step look at the process of turning your dreams into reality.

  1. It is necessary to decide what do you really want and make exactly that cherished wish that will bring you happiness and success. Everything depends on you. For example, it is common for a guy to make a wish that will lead to an improvement in his financial condition or the acquisition of heroic strength.
  2. The time is also important when you make your wish. It is best to do this on a major holiday: New Year or Easter, when the old way of life is destroyed on earth and something new and bright is born (the old year gives way to the new, winter gives way to spring). Perfect for new moon period. For a girl who dreams of meeting her love, it is better to make her wish on the night of Ivan Kupala or during the full moon.
  3. So, we already know when is the best time to make a wish. But we don’t yet know what to wish for. After all, in order for a wish to come true, it must be formulate precisely. Think about what wish you would ask of a goldfish if it appeared right now. Health? Money? Love? How would you say it? “I want to be healthy.” So, are you sick now, or what? It won't do. It’s better to say: “I am healthy and full of strength, my energy is inexhaustible.” If you want to get something material—an apartment or a fur coat—just say, “I’m getting a fur coat/apartment.” And, preferably, indicate the time after which all these benefits will appear to you.
  4. It happens that a person has not one desire or two, but several at once. Then should make a list. But this must also be done clearly and correctly, so that the Universe does not have a chance to bypass you with its attention. Start by purchasing a notepad. First of all, you should like him. Next, write your wishes in a notebook. Very simple, even funny desires should come first. You need to “tune” yourself to the wave of fulfillment of desires and receive the answer from the Universe. Your first desire may be to purchase an item that you have been thinking or dreaming about for a long time. After you have written down your wish, call a friend and hint him to bring you this item. After, don't forget to thank and friend and the Universe. Write in your notebook that you are very happy and grateful.
  5. Next stage - illustration of your main desire or so called dream card. Draw or find a ready-made image of your desired item or cut out a picture of your dream come true from a glossy magazine.

So you have traveled the path that leads you to the fulfillment of your cherished and desired goals. Next, you will find several “recipes” of what you need to do to make your wish come true in 1 night.

What to do to make your wish come true?

You already tuned in to make your wish come true, you even know what you want. Now try to try several methods that will help you achieve what you want.

  1. Ask God for help. If you are a believer and often attend church, you can turn all your prayers to the Lord. There is a time and place for prayer outside the temple, so do not forget to turn to the Lord in everyday life, and most importantly, thank him for everything.
  2. When you have already managed to formulate a desire and visualize it correctly or write it down, you Don't tell anyone about your dream. Neither your mother nor your friend needs to know about this until your wish comes true.
  3. Another effective way is make a wish on New Year's Eve. Many people know him, and many want their wish to come true right now. However, desires also have an expiration date. By making a wish at the beginning of a new period of time, you kind of set yourself a goal for the next year. Much depends on you, however, to enhance the effect of your desire, write it in red ink on a piece of paper and burn it in the flame of a red candle. It’s better to do this exactly at 12 o’clock at night, while the chimes are striking.
  4. They love dreams when they are made in a calm atmosphere, in twilight, by candlelight. Another cherished period - first day of any month. You are starting, as it were, a new stage of your life, along with your dream. Whether it will come true in one minute or in several years depends on you. But you help your wish come true, give it the green light, because you are starting the month with a clean slate. And here it’s up to you to decide whether to just resign yourself and wait for your wish to come true or still use the experience of previous generations and make your dreams come true here and now.

Little secrets of making a big wish come true

So, you managed to come up with your wish, all that remains is to help it come true. On the way to fulfilling your plans also has its own rules, compliance with which will help the dream quickly become a reality. Let's call them secrets.

  • The first secret. You need to become a good wizard yourself. For example, find out what your loved ones dream of and help them realize their dream. By the way, a very kind and reliable way - The universe will definitely respond to your kindness and there is no need to wait for the new moon.
  • The second secret. We often ask: “Why doesn’t my wish come true?” or “I want this or that and more.” Do you believe enough for it to come true? You need to believe. And act. As soon as you said: “I believe, and I will have a new phone,” as soon as you have collected all the information about the object of your desire, described all its qualities and details, you need to start moving towards this dream. And for this you need faith and work.
  • The third secret. A very effective and demonstrative method. Make a wish while standing under the canopy of a tree. Now jump up and touch the highest branch you can. Repeat 2 more times and each time try to jump and reach even higher. Thus, you not only train your will, but also actually help your desire come true.
  • The fourth secret. Do you know that every day there is one golden minute? This is the best time to make a wish, because a direct channel opens with the Higher powers or with the Universe, as you wish. Calculating this time is very simple. It is equal to the day and month when you make a wish. For example, today is November 9, that is, you make a wish at exactly 9 o'clock and 11 minutes in the morning. If you decide to do this after the 25th (there are only 24 hours in a day), then you simply swap the numbers. For example, on November 25, we will make a wish at 11 o'clock and 25 minutes.
  • Secret five. Make a wish for your birthday. In the circle of family and friends who wish you well, your dream will definitely come true.

What wish should you ask the goldfish?

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