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1. Perfection in the light of the Bible.

The words “perfect” and “perfection” are translated from the Hebrew word “tam,” or “ta-mim,” which means “complete,” “right,” “peaceful,” “healthy,” “morally pure,” “flawless.” Generally, the Greek word teleios also means “completed,” “fully grown,” “mature,” “fully developed,” and “fulfilled.”

In the Old Testament this word is used to refer to people in a relative sense. Noah, Abraham, and Job are described as perfect or blameless men (see Gen. 6:9; 17:1; 22:18; Job 1:1, 18), although each of them had shortcomings (see Gen. 9:20, 21; Job 40:2–5).

In the New Testament, perfect individuals are often defined as mature individuals who have lived in accordance with the light revealed to them and developed their spiritual, mental, and physical abilities as much as possible (cf. 1 Cor. 14:20; Phil. 3:15; Heb. 5 :14). Christ said that believers must be perfect in their limited sphere, just as God is perfect in His infinite and absolute sphere (see Matt. 5:48). A perfect man in the sight of God is a man whose heart and life are completely devoted to the worship and service of Him. This is a person who is constantly growing in the knowledge of God and who, through the grace of God, lives in harmony with the light he has received, rejoicing in life's victories (see Col. 4:12; James 3:2).

From the book Book 16. Kabbalistic Forum (old edition) author Laitman Michael

From the book Book 1. Kabbalah. Fundamentals (old edition 1993) author Laitman Michael

Perfection and peace As we already know, the essence of the Creator’s commandments lies in love, maximum attention and compassion for all members of society - to the same extent as for oneself. Let us now try to investigate whether we accept this commandment only on faith or is it possible in

From the book KABBALISTIC FORUM. Book 16 (old edition). author Laitman Michael

Perfection What is perfection and how to feel it? You can understand what perfection is and appreciate it only by sensing the Creator, because only He is the standard. A person also receives strength for correction only from the Creator. Therefore, the goal of all studies at the initial stage

From the book Proverbs of Humanity author Lavsky Viktor Vladimirovich

Perfection Light asked Darkness: “Do you exist or do you not exist?” - but did not receive an answer. I looked closely at her appearance: dark, empty. Look at it all day and you won’t see it, listen to it and you won’t hear it, touch it and you won’t touch it. “Perfection!” - exclaimed Light. -

From the book Kabbalah - basic principles (Book 1) author Laitman Michael

7. Perfection and peace As we already know, the essence of the Creator’s commandments lies in love, maximum attention and compassion for all members of society - to the same extent as for oneself. Let us now try to investigate whether we accept this commandment only on faith or whether it is possible

From the book Handbook on Theology. SDA Bible Commentary Volume 12 author Seventh Day Adventist Church

11. Perfection progresses “The germination of a seed is the beginning of spiritual life, and the development of a plant is the development of character. Without growth there can be no life. The plant either grows or dies. Just as his growth is quiet and inconspicuous, but constant, so is his character development. On each

From the book Hasidic traditions by Buber Martin

6. God as perfection God is perfect. This was clearly demonstrated in the process of creation and redemption, of which the Sabbath serves as a monument. In the beginning, God's works were perfect and remained so until sin brought a curse upon His creation. Salvation offered

From the book Biblical Topics author Serbsky Nikolai Velimirovich

THE PERFECTION OF THE TORAH Interpreting the verse “The Law of the Lord is perfect,” the Baal Shem said: “It is completely perfect. So perfect that so far no one has managed to change it even by

From the book Ladder, or Spiritual Tablets author Climacus John

Living in the Light of the Bible These notes arose while reading newspapers. And such reading can benefit the soul if you look at everything that the newspapers write about every day in the light of God’s Holy Scripture. Don't swear, don't blaspheme There are no swear words in Japanese

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Perfection How should those approaching perfection act in the event of errors? .Some perfect ones can distinguish which thoughts are from conscience, from God or from demons. )

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