Biology short course for passing the Unified State Exam. Preparing for the Unified State Exam in Biology online - Materials

Areshchenko Elena Adamovna
Educational institution: MBOU Uspenskaya secondary school of Tatar region
Brief job description: The school site is an effective continuation of the teaching and educational process, which promotes creative, design and research activities, and, therefore, contributes to the development of students’ personalities through a system of constant observations, experiments and creative projects.

Korosteleva Yulia Viktorovna
Educational institution: GBOU secondary school No. 79 Kalininsky district of St. Petersburg
Brief job description: The long-term experience of a biology teacher in developing research skills in schoolchildren is presented. Examples of creative and research projects for middle and high school students are provided.

Shapovalova Maria Nikolaevna
Educational institution: MBOU "Vyazovskaya Secondary School"
Brief job description: The article reflects the environmental problems of one of the main rivers of the Belgorod region - the Seversky Donets, which originates in the Prokhorovsky district. The Seversky Donets is an ancient and ever-young river that gave its name to the Donetsk Ridge and the Donetsk coal basin - Donbass. This is not only a geographical object - it is the historical and emotional memory of the people, the personification of eternal life. But like many rivers in Russia, it has many problems. Our task is to protect her from the harmful effects of the surrounding reality.

Usinger Victoria Vladimirovna
Educational institution:"State secondary school No. 16 of the education department of the akimat of the city of Kostanay"
Brief job description: In this topic we will try to form ideas about the science of general biology, general biological methods, prospects for the application of general biological knowledge; Develop the ability to independently work with a textbook, easily operate its components, independently update basic knowledge based on questions before the paragraph being studied;

Puzikova Elena Mikhailovna
Educational institution: KSU "Karaguginskaya Secondary School"
Brief job description: names the respiratory organs and the features of their structure in various groups of invertebrate and vertebrate animals; - identifies a pattern in the structure of the respiratory organs of invertebrates and vertebrates in connection with their habitat; - determines changes in the organization of the respiratory organs in the direction of their complexity in the process of evolution.

Shapovalova Maria Nikolaevna
Educational institution: MBOU "Vyazovskaya Secondary School" of Prokhorovsky District, Belgorod Region
Brief job description:...The Seversky Donets is an ancient and ever-young river that gave its name to the Donetsk Ridge and the Donetsk coal basin - Donbass, giving it life. This is not only a geographical object - it is the historical and emotional memory of the people, the personification of eternal life. And we simply do not have the right to allow her death.

Sakharova Natalya Anatolevna
Educational institution: MBOU "Gymnasium No. 1 named after K.D. Ushinsky" Simferopol
Brief job description: The Black Sea is home to wonderful animals that attract the attention of not only children, but also famous scientists - these are dolphins. A story about the diversity of cetaceans, their life history in the Black Sea, as well as major environmental problems that lead to a decrease in the dolphin population.

Baisheva Nadezhda Nikolaevna
Educational institution: MBOU Tabalakhskaya Secondary School Republic of Sakha
Brief job description: The test promotes the development of logical thinking and intuition as it contains tasks that “work” on the development of mental operations – comparison, generalization, analysis, search for alternatives, etc. The test simplifies the testing procedure, allows students to engage in self-testing and mutual testing, and makes it possible to test not only knowledge, but also understanding of educational material.

Shcherbakova Natalya Viktorovna
Educational institution: State Budgetary Institution of the Republic of Moldova "Ruzaevsky Railway-Industrial College named after A.P. Baykuzova"
Brief job description: Methodological development is a methodology for conducting extracurricular activities in the form of creating projects in order to answer the main problematic question posed to the participants at the beginning of the event.

Balueva Galina Dmitrievna
Educational institution: MBOU "Gymnasium" Kizel, Perm Territory
Brief job description: Meta-subject lesson, with a meta-subject category (fundamental object) "Color". Subject topic "The role of pigments in plant life" (to the section "Plant life"). The main content unit of activity is an experiment with the help of which students gain subject knowledge, and then the acquired knowledge is transferred knowledge from one area to another: animals, humans. Throughout the lesson, various UUDs are formed, which meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. Tasks for groups are attached to the technological map.

Loktionova Lyubov Vladimirovna
Educational institution: Municipal educational institution "Podgornenskaya secondary school named after P.I. Chirkin"
Brief job description: Biology is an interesting and educational science! It is fraught with interesting and unusual facts. This Biology Week plan will help organize events at school

Educational materials and developments in biology

This section of the Notebook website contains educational and methodological materials on biology posted by users of our website. Biology teachers will be able to find many useful developments in their daily teaching work: notes, plans, technological maps, scenarios and much more. You can download all the teaching materials on biology you need for free for informational purposes.

In addition, we invite all teachers to publish their author's work on our website, for which you can receive a certificate of publication for your portfolio. Only with your help will we be able to collect the best base of developments and teaching materials in biology and other disciplines.

Our website also contains educational and methodological materials on other subjects of the Russian school curriculum, for example, physics, which we also recommend that you familiarize yourself with.

7th ed., revised. and additional - M.: 2016. - 512 p.

The proposed manual contains theoretical material and options for examination tasks for self-preparation for the Unified State Exam in Biology. All tasks are accompanied by answers and comments. The book is intended for graduates of secondary schools, lyceums, and gymnasiums; it can be used by applicants to prepare for university exams, and will also help biology teachers.

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Completing the examination paper in biology will require high school graduates to have the following knowledge and skills:
- knowledge of the most important concepts, patterns and laws relating to the structure, life and development of plant, animal and human organisms, the development of living nature;
- knowledge of the structure and life of plants, animals, humans, the main groups of plants and the classification of animals;
- the ability to substantiate conclusions, operate with concepts when explaining natural phenomena, citing examples from the practice of agricultural and industrial production, healthcare, etc. This skill is given special importance, since it will indicate the meaningfulness of knowledge and the understanding of the material presented by the examinee.


Alive organisms

Noncellular Cellular

Viruses Prokaryotes Eukaryotes

(pre-nuclear) (nuclear)

Bacteria Fungi Plants Animals
Signs of wildlife:

  1. Metabolism and energy(breathing, feeding, excretion)

  2. Heredity and variability

  3. Self-reproduction (reproduction)

  4. Individual development (ontogenesis), historical development (phylogeny)

  5. Movement

  6. Composition – organic(proteins, fats, carbohydrates, NC) and inorganic substances (water and mineral salts).

Characteristics of the kingdoms of living nature

1. Viruses (discovered by scientist Ivanovsky in 1892 using the tobacco mosaic virus)

2. They do not have a cellular structure, outside the cell they are in the form of a crystal.

3. Structure - DNA or RNA - outside there is a protein shell - capsid, less often there is a carbohydrate-lipid shell (in herpes and influenza viruses).

4. Similarities with living organisms– reproduce (DNA doubling), characterized by heredity and variability.

. Similarities between viruses and non-living systems- do not divide, do not grow, metabolism is not characteristic, there is no own mechanism for protein synthesis.

2. Bacteria (Leeuwenhoek in 1683 – plaque bacteria)

1. unicellular or colonial organisms that do not have a formed nucleus

2. do not have complex organelles - ER, mitochondria, Golgi apparatus, plastids.

3. varied in shape - cocci (round), spirilla, bacilli (rod-shaped), virions (arc-shaped).

4. have a cell wall made of murein protein and a mucous capsule made of polysaccharides, a nucleoid with a circular DNA molecule is located in the cytoplasm, and there are ribosomes.

5. reproduce by dividing in half every 20-30 minutes, under unfavorable conditions they form spores (thick shell)

6. food – autotrophs(synthesize organic substances from inorganic): a) phototrophs(during the process of photosynthesis) – cyanides, b) chemotrophs(in the process of chemical reactions) – iron bacteria;

heterotrophs(use ready-made organic substances): a) saprophytes(feed on dead organic remains) – bacteria of rotting and fermentation,

b) symbionts(organic substances are obtained as a result of symbiosis with other organisms) – legume nodule bacteria (they absorb nitrogen from the air and transfer it to legume plants, which in return provide them with organic substances),

7. The importance of bacteria – positive– nodule bacteria enrich the soil with nitrates and nitrites, absorbing nitrogen from the air; putrefaction bacteria utilize dead organisms; Lactic acid bacteria are used in industry to produce kefir, yogurt, silage, feed proteins, and in leather processing.

Negative– cause spoilage of food (putrefactive bacteria), pathogens of dangerous diseases - pneumonia, plague, cholera.
3. Mushrooms

1. Structural features - the body consists of hyphae that form mycelium (mycelium), reproduce by budding (yeast), spores, vegetatively (parts of mycelium), sexually.

2. Similarities with plants– motionless, absorb nutrients over the entire surface of the body, unlimited growth, have a cell wall (their chitin consists), reproduce by spores.

3. Animal resemblance– no chlorophyll, heterotrophs (feed on organic substances), reserve nutrient – ​​glycogen.

5. Types of mushrooms - see point 6 - “nutrition”.

4. Plants

1. Immobile - have a strong cell wall made of cellulose, few mitochondria.

2. Unlimited growth - grow throughout your life

3. Reserve nutrient – ​​starch

4. Nutrition – autotrophs (feed on inorganic substances through photosynthesis). Nutrition through suction over the entire surface of the body.

5. Features of a plant cell– 1.presence of plastids (chloroplasts – the function of photosynthesis, leucoplasts – accumulation of substances, chromoplasts – provide the color of fruits and flowers); 2. large vacuoles (storage function); 3. few mitochondria; 4. there is a cell wall made of cellulose; 5. no microtubules.

5. Animals

1. Mostly mobile - many mitochondria, thin membrane.

2. Limited growth - until puberty

3. Storage substance – glycogen (in muscles and liver)

5. Features of an animal cell– no plastids, small vacuoles – perform an excretory function in aquatic animals, thin shell, microtubules – for building the spindle during mitosis and meiosis.

6. characterized by irritability and reflex.
Classification of plants and animals. Taxonomy.

Classification – distribution of organisms into groups.

Taxonomy- the science that deals with classification

System category




Nuclear (pre-nuclear)



Animals (plants, mushrooms)



Multicellular (unicellular)


Type (department)

Chordates (protozoa, flatworms, roundworms, annelids, arthropods, molluscs)

Flowering plants (algae, bryophytes, pteridophytes, gymnosperms)


Mammals (fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds)

Monocots (dicots)


Carnivores (rodents, bats, primates, artiodactyls, pinnipeds, cetaceans)




Lilies (cereals, rosaceae, nightshades, legumes)



lily of the valley


Common fox

May lily of the valley

Increasing complexity of plants during evolution on Earth:

Algae→ mosses→ mosses→ horsetails→ ferns→ gymnosperms→ angiosperms

Directions of plant evolution - aromorphoses

    1. The emergence of multicellularity (algae→flowering plants)

    2. Landfall (mosses→flowers)

    3. Appearance of tissues (integumentary, conductive, mechanical, photosynthetic) and organs (roots, stems, leaves): mosses→flowering plants.

    4. Reducing the dependence of fertilization on the availability of water (gymnosperms, flowering plants)

    5. Appearance of flower and fruit (floral)

Characteristics of plant departments (500,000 species)

1.Algae. Lower spore plants.

1. Unicellular (chlorella, chlamydomonas) and multicellular organisms (spirogyra, kelp, ulotrix), some form colonies (volvox).

2. Body – thallus (no division into organs and tissues)

3. There are chromatophores with chlorophyll - they provide photosynthesis.

4. Brown and red algae have rhizoids instead of roots - the function of anchoring in the soil.

5. They reproduce asexually - by spores and sexually - by gametes.

6. Meaning: the substance agar-agar is obtained from red algae; brown algae - kelp-seaweed - in the food industry, livestock feed, chlamydomonas causes blooms in water bodies.

2. Lichens.

1. lower plants, consist of a symbiosis of fungus and algae. The body is a thallus.

2. nutrition - autoheterotrophs: algae is autotrophic, gives the fungus organic substances during photosynthesis, the fungus is heterotrophic, gives the algae water and minerals, protects it from drying out.

3. Reproduction - asexually - vegetatively - by sections of the thallus, sexually.

4. Lichens are indicators of purity (they grow only in ecologically clean areas).

5. Lichens - “pioneers of life” - populate the most difficult-to-reach places, enrich the soil with mineral salts and organic matter - fertilize, after lichens other plants can grow.

6. Species – reindeer moss, xanthoria, cetraria. (bushy, scale, leafy).

Higher spore plants.


1. Leafy spore plants that do not have roots (or have rhizoids)

2. Tissues and organs are poorly differentiated - there is no conducting system and mechanical tissue is poorly developed.

3. A change of generations is characteristic: sexual - gametophyte (haploid) and asexual - sporophyte (diploid). The gametophyte predominates - it is the leafy plant itself, the sporophyte lives at the expense of the gametophyte and is represented by a capsule on a stalk (on a female plant).

4. They reproduce by spores and sexually. Water is required for fertilization, as with all spore-bearing plants.

5. Types – cuckoo flax, sphagnum
4. Pteridophytes (Horsetails, mosses, ferns)

1. The body is differentiated into stem, leaves and root or rhizome.

2. Mechanical and conductive tissues are well developed - ferns are taller and bushier than mosses.

3. Characteristic is a change of generations with a predominance of the sporophyte (the plant itself), the gametophyte is small - represented by a prothallus (an independent heart-shaped plant on which gametes mature). Water is required for fertilization.

4. Reproduction - sexual and asexual - by spores, by rhizomes - vegetative.

Higher seed plants

1. Evergreen (less often deciduous) trees or shrubs with erect perennial stems and taproot systems.

2. Instead of vessels, wood contains tracheids and many resin passages

3. Needle-shaped leaves

4. Reduction of the gametophyte, the sporophyte (diploid) predominates. Water is not needed for fertilization.

5. Reproduction – by seeds (sexual). The seeds lie bare on the scales of the cones. The seed has a peel, an embryo and nutritional tissue - endosperm (haploid). On 1 branch, 2 types of cones ripen: female and male.

6. Species – juniper, pine, thuja, spruce, fir, larch.
6. Flowering. (Angiosperms)

Angiosperms are evolutionarily the youngest and most numerous group of plants - 250 thousand species that grow in all climatic zones. The wide distribution and diversity of the structure of flowering plants is associated with their acquisition of a number of progressive features:

1.Formation of a flower that combines the functions of sexual and asexual reproduction.

2. Formation of an ovary within the flower, enclosing the ovules and protecting them from adverse conditions.

3.Double fertilization, which results in the formation of a nutritious triploid endosperm.

4. Storage nutrient tissue in the fetus.

5. Complication and high degree of differentiation of vegetative organs and tissues.
Flowering family (angiosperms). Classes.

Class dicotyledons






Ch 5 L 5 T ∞ P 1

(sepals - 5, petals - 5, stamens - many, pistil - 1 or many)

R(5) L(5) T(5) R 1

(5 fused petals and 5 fused sepals, 5 fused stamens,

1 pestle).

R 5 L 1+2+(2) T (9)+1 P 1

(5 fused sepals; 5 petals: the two lower ones grow together, forming a “boat”, the upper one - the largest - a sail, 2 lateral ones - oars; stamens -10, 9 of them grow together, pistil - 1)


Drupes, nut

Berry, box



Brush, simple umbrella, shield

Curl, brush, panicle

Brush, head


Apple tree, rose hip, rose, strawberry

Potatoes, tobacco, black nightshade, tomato

Peas, soybeans, clover, china, beans, lupine, vetch




Cereals -monocots


H 2+2 L 2+2 T 4+2 P 1

(sepals 2+2,

petals 4 stamens 6, pistil -1)

Flowers of 4 types: tubular, reed, false-reed, funnel-shaped.

L(5) T(5) P 1

Instead of a cup there is a film or a tuft.

O 2+(2) T 3 P 1
Perianth – 2+2


Pod, pod






Complex ear, panicle, cob


Cabbage, radish, turnip, mustard, rapeseed, jarutka

Sunflower, chamomile, cornflower, tansy, dahlia, aster, dandelion, wormwood

Rye, millet, barley, bluegrass, brome, corn, sorghum
Select the Biology section Biology tests Biology. Question answer. To prepare for the UNT Educational and methodological manual in biology 2008 Educational literature in biology Biology-tutor Biology. Reference materials Human anatomy, physiology and hygiene Botany Zoology General biology Extinct animals of Kazakhstan Vital resources of humanity The actual causes of hunger and poverty on Earth and the possibilities of eliminating them Food resources Energy resources A book for reading on botany A book for reading on zoology Birds of Kazakhstan. Volume I Geography Geography tests Questions and answers on the geography of Kazakhstan Test tasks, answers on geography for applicants to universities Tests on the geography of Kazakhstan 2005 Information History of Kazakhstan Tests on the History of Kazakhstan 3700 tests on the history of Kazakhstan Questions and answers on the history of Kazakhstan Tests on the history of Kazakhstan 2004 Tests on the history of Kazakhstan 2005 Tests on the history of Kazakhstan 2006 Tests on the history of Kazakhstan 2007 Textbooks on the history of Kazakhstan Questions of the historiography of Kazakhstan Questions of the socio-economic development of Soviet Kazakhstan Islam on the territory of Kazakhstan. Historiography of Soviet Kazakhstan (essay) History of Kazakhstan. Textbook for students and schoolchildren. THE GREAT SILK ROAD ON THE TERRITORY OF KAZAKHSTAN AND SPIRITUAL CULTURE IN THE VI-XII centuries. Ancient states on the territory of Kazakhstan: Uysuns, Kanglys, Xiongnu Kazakhstan in ancient times Kazakhstan in the Middle Ages (XIII - 1st half of the 15th centuries) Kazakhstan as part of the Golden Horde Kazakhstan in the era of Mongol rule Tribal unions of the Sakas and Sarmatians Early medieval Kazakhstan (VI-XII centuries .) Medieval states on the territory of Kazakhstan in the XIV-XV centuries ECONOMY AND URBAN CULTURE OF EARLY MEDIEVAL KAZAKHSTAN (VI-XII centuries) Economy and culture of the medieval states of Kazakhstan XIII-XV centuries. BOOK TO READ ON THE HISTORY OF THE ANCIENT WORLD Religious beliefs. The spread of Islam by the Xiongnu: archaeology, the origin of culture, ethnic history The Hunnic necropolis of Shombuuziin Belcheer in the mountains of the Mongolian Altai School course on the history of Kazakhstan August coup August 19-21, 1991 INDUSTRIALIZATION Kazakh-Chinese relations in the 19th century Kazakhstan during the years of stagnation (60-80s ) KAZAKHSTAN DURING THE YEARS OF FOREIGN INTERVENTION AND THE CIVIL WAR (1918-1920) Kazakhstan during the years of perestroika Kazakhstan in modern times KAZAKHSTAN DURING THE CIVIL CONTROL NATIONAL LIBERATION MOVEMENT OF 1916 KAZAKHSTAN DURING FEBRUARY AL REVOLUTION AND OCTOBER COUP OF 1917 KAZAKHSTAN AS PART OF THE USSR Kazakhstan in the second half of the 40s - mid-60s. Social and political life KAZAKHSTAN PEOPLE IN THE GREAT PATRIOTIC WAR Stone Age Paleolithic (Old Stone Age) 2.5 million - 12 thousand BC. COLLECTIVIZATION INTERNATIONAL SITUATION OF INDEPENDENT KAZAKHSTAN National liberation uprisings of the Kazakh people in the 18th-19th centuries. INDEPENDENT KAZAKHSTAN SOCIAL AND POLITICAL LIFE IN THE 30s. INCREASING THE ECONOMIC POWER OF KAZAKHSTAN. Socio-political development of independent Kazakhstan Tribal unions and early states on the territory of Kazakhstan Proclamation of the sovereignty of Kazakhstan Regions of Kazakhstan in the early Iron Age Reforms of management of Kazakhstan SOCIO-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN THE 19TH-EARLY XX CENTURY Middle Ages STATES IN THE FLOWING PERIOD OF THE MIDDLE AGES (X-XIII centuries) Kazakhstan in the XIII-first half of the XV centuries Early medieval states (VI-IX centuries) Strengthening the Kazakh Khanate in the XVI-XVII centuries ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: ESTABLISHMENT OF MARKET RELATIONS History of Russia HISTORY OF THE FATHERLAND XX CENTURY 1917 NEW ECONOMIC POLICY THE THAW FIRST RUSSIAN ROAR OLUTION (1905-1907 ) PERESTROIKA THE VICTORY POWER (1945-1953) THE RUSSIAN EMPIRE IN WORLD POLITICS. FIRST WORLD WAR RUSSIA AT THE BEGINNING OF THE XX CENTURY Political parties and social movements at the beginning of the XX century. RUSSIA BETWEEN REVOLUTION AND WAR (1907-1914) CREATION OF A TOTALITARIARY STATE IN THE USSR (1928-1939) Social studies Various materials for studying Russian language Tests in the Russian language Questions and answers in the Russian language Textbooks in the Russian language Rules of the Russian language
We have added theory on all topics to our biology materials. These materials will be useful for preparing for the Unified State Exam and State Examination. All topics are presented according to the following plan:

Plant cell, its structure
The escape. Sheet. Stem
Flower - modified shoot
Plant propagation
Pollination. Fertilization
The structure of seeds. Germination and spread
Development of the plant world
Horsetails and mosses
Division Gymnosperms
Division Angiosperms, or flowering plants
Flowering plants. Class Monocots
Flowering plants. Class dicotyledons
Kingdom Mushrooms
General information about animals. Unicellular
Multicellular animals. Type Coelenterates
Type Flatworms
Type Roundworms
Type Annelids
Type Shellfish
Phylum Arthropod
Class Insects
Type Chordata
Superclass Pisces
Class Amphibians (Amphibians)
Class Reptiles (Reptiles or Reptiles)
Class Birds (Feathered)
Class Mammals (Animals)
Evolution of the animal world
Human Anatomy and Physiology
General overview of the human body
Human musculoskeletal system
Tissues, their structure and functions
Muscles. Their structure and functions
Internal environment of the body
Circulation. Lymph circulation
Structure of the heart
Gas exchange in the lungs and tissues
Human reproduction
Endocrine glands
Human nervous system
Sense Organs (Analyzers)
Higher nervous activity
General biological patterns
Basic principles of cell theory, its significance
Chemical composition of cells
Metabolism and energy conversion in the cell
Protein synthesis
Viruses, their structure and functioning
Cell division is the basis for the reproduction and growth of organisms
Sexual and asexual reproduction of organisms
Embryonic development of animals
General biology
Basics of genetics. Laws of Heredity
Sex chromosomes and autosomes. Genotype
Variability, its forms and meaning
Adaptation of organisms to their environment, its causes
Genetics and the theory of evolution
Pre-Darwinian period in the development of biology
Darwin's theory of evolution
Breeding Basics
Fundamentals of ecology. Biogeocenosis
The doctrine of the biosphere

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