Bestsellers. Lee Harper

At the end of the passing year, it’s tempting to take stock and remember what good things have happened during all this time. It is especially interesting to take a look at the published books and evaluate how well the announcements and advertising campaigns corresponded to their content. And without a doubt we can say: this year was full of unexpected new products that received their success for a reason. In this selection you will find only the best books that the entire Runet has been talking about!

1. “Givers. Gift of Fire" Ekaterina Sobol

The Rosman publishing house has been delighting fantasy fans all year. And not only with interesting stories, but also with luxurious design of the covers of their books. But, perhaps, the first book in the “Givers” series received the most enthusiastic responses.

The book describes a very interesting world: three hundred years ago, everyone living had magical talent at their own level, but over time, knowledge was lost and skills were forgotten. But suddenly magic awakens, and the main character finds himself in a whirlpool of events and adventures, who is not ready for this. It’s better to see for yourself whether he can overcome his fears and prejudices.

2. “Do no harm. Stories of Life, Death and Neurosurgery" Henry Marsh

An honest and largely personal book by Henry Marsh, which provides a glimpse into the sterile and dangerous world of medicine. In the minds of the majority, it is customary to have two attitudes towards doctors: either it is extreme adoration, or panic fear. From this book you will learn what it means to be a neurosurgeon and what responsibility lies with such a person. You will understand why doctors are overwhelmingly cynics, but at the same time they are the same people as their patients.

The book will be of interest to a variety of readers. It will appeal to those who need real action, because in the stories they tell, it is not always clear at first whether a person will survive or not. And it will become a guide to the world of neurosurgery for those interested in this topic.

3. “When Marnie Was Here” by Joan Robinson

It was this book that the legendary storyteller and animator Hayao Miyazaki included in his top children's works. The book collected many prestigious awards and nominations, and became a successful debut for the writer in the field of teenage literature. Despite the narrow focus of the book, it will be of interest to readers of all ages.

At the center of the story is a girl, Anna, who does not have good relationships with her relatives or peers. She is completely alone, gloomy and unsociable, unable to reveal her soul and feelings. But one day she meets Marnie, and the girls become best friends. Anna sometimes notices that Marnie behaves strangely and often thoughts flash through her mind: is her friend real?..

4. “Quazi” Sergei Lukyanenko

The long-awaited book from the legendary domestic science fiction writer received different reviews. There were more positive ones, but there were also fair comments in the negative ones. Therefore, this book is a must read!

Lukyanenko, with a light hand, unfolds post-apocalyptic Moscow before the reader’s mind’s eye. The creatures inhabiting the city are divided into three types: people, zombies and quasi. Quasi is an intelligent life form that stopped the destructive war between the living and the dead. The main character Denis Smirnov and his partner, a representative of the quasi, must investigate a dark case, which contains chilling crimes and intrigues of the powers that be.

5. Mrs Sinclair's Suitcase by Louise Walters

If you like intricate stories about family secrets and mysteries of the past, then this book is for you! This is a successful debut for Louise Walters in the world of literature, and her second book will be published in 2017. Fans of this story and melodramatic narratives in general are eagerly awaiting it.

Roberta finds a long-lost letter from her grandmother. After reading it, she realizes that the life of her close relative is not as simple as it seemed. Behind the first letter are more letters, and Roberta finds herself drawn into a knot of secrets from the past that only she can unravel.

6. “The Sex Lives of Siamese Twins” by Irvine Welsh

A new book by the Scottish classic, the author of the sensational work “Trainspotting” in its time, which haunts many today. The author went beyond his style and chose hot Florida as the setting for his story. And this surprised both critics and his fans a lot.

Two heroines are drawn into a series of exciting events. One of them is a fitness trainer and a woman obsessed with her appearance and health. And the second is a self-effacing, but no less talented artist and sculptor. Welsh brings these women together and twists the narrative, masterfully revealing the conflict and the characters of the chosen types. Be prepared for obscene language on almost every page; the author is famous for his pronounced alternativeness.

7. “The Lamp of Methuselah, or the Ultimate Battle of the Chekists with the Freemasons” Victor Pelevin

One can have different attitudes towards Pelevin, but it is difficult to disagree with the fact that he is a phenomenon of enormous proportions in modern Russian literature. And his new book is worth reading, even with the hipster-looking bearded man on the cover.

And what awaits under the cover? The plot is in the best Peleven traditions: before our eyes, a battle will unfold between the security officers and the Freemasons, which will last for more than one generation. But there is always a double bottom in the writer’s works, and this book is no exception, since behind the crazy plot lies a sharp surreal satire on the current state of affairs in society.

8. “PP for TP. Proper nutrition for the training process" Vasily Smolny

Here is a book by the ideological inspirer and organizer of the “Mad Drying” project. The author advocates a healthy lifestyle and physical beauty. And in his book, he explains in simple and figurative language why certain processes occur in the body, what they depend on and what to do with them.

If you have been looking for a long time and unsuccessfully for a book that, without embellishment and simply telling you the basics of proper nutrition and training, then this is in front of you. It will be an excellent guide for beginners, because it contains practical information that is conveniently structured.

9. “If one day life takes you away from me...” Thierry Cohen

This story will appeal to those who have not yet lost faith in love, but have already left the need for sugary and sugary heroes in the past. A touching story of relationships between people from different circles who are forced to fight for their feelings under the pressure of condemnation from people close to them.

Before us is a man and a woman. He is the heir to a successful business, she is a poor dancer. Their relationship is misunderstood and doomed. But one day something happens that radically changes their situation: a car accident, due to which the young people end up in the hospital. He has only 8 days to prove his courage and the strength of his feelings.

10. “Tell me about the sea” Elchin Safarli

Safarli's prose is distinguished by sensuality and sincerity. When reading, you get the feeling that the author puts a piece of his soul into the text, which makes it come to life and what you read literally rises before your eyes. He is always open, frank and filled with melancholy, which is why his fans love him.

This book continues the tone of the story set by the writer. Before us is a kaleidoscope of sparkling childhood, with its discoveries and problems. Metaphorical images, pictures of the past that are close to everyone, familiar rustles and smells... We can say with confidence that this book will be quoted and will become a good friend for its reader.

11. “I’ll go live in “Sweater”” Anna Nikolskaya

Anna Nikolskaya’s book was published in the “Lines of the Soul” series, in which domestic writers write about the reality of life for teenagers with its problems and questions. But despite this, the touching stories appealed to female audiences of all ages, as evidenced by the success of this series.

The main character of this book, the girl Julia, lives an ordinary life and everything is fine with her. But overnight this idyll collapses when her parents let their friend’s daughter stay temporarily. Yulia is at a loss and doesn’t know how to get along with her strange neighbor, and is thinking of moving to her favorite cafe “Sweater”. But circumstances require determination and decision-making, and the girl will have to gain different experiences on her way to growing up.

12. "Shardik" Richard Adams

Adams’s masterpiece novel was written back in 1974, but hit Russian book shelves for the first time in 2016. The book has a truly epic scope and complex structure, but a dashingly twisted plot, a well-developed world and detailed mythology will appeal to all fans of the fantasy genre.

The book tells the story of the hunter Kelderek and his encounter with a huge bear, in whom he sees a god. The fact is that people in this world believe that God has the appearance of a bear and his name is Shardik. They hope that one day a giant bear will come down to them and save them from all their troubles. And when a young hunter meets the animal embodiment of his faith, he has no doubts. What we have here is a metaphor for the meeting of the divine and the human, a conversation about faith, becoming and redemption.

13. Circus Mirandus by Cassie Beasley

If in your life you have lost faith in miracles, then you urgently need this book. This is a book that you need to read and reread, and later recommend to your children and your friends' children. Under the magnificent atmospheric cover lies a magical story and it will not leave anyone indifferent!

The boy Mick has no parents and is taken care of by his grandfather. He tells his grandson wonderful stories about the magical Mirandus circus. Mika knows that his grandfather is sick, and one day he decides to find this circus in order to restore his health with the help of a magician from the circus. He sets out on a journey full of adventures and unexpected discoveries.

14. “My Name is Fox” by Lee Vixen

A series of books by AST publishing house called “Online-Bestseller” has gained wide popularity both on the Internet and among readers. The works included in the series are well selected and do not leave you indifferent. And the inscription on the cover “The most sensational books of the Runet” is even more intriguing.

Here is one of the most highly rated books in this series. The story centers on a warlike girl, Lys, who runs from her past and enlists in the legion as a boy soldier. Breathtaking adventures and fascinating stories around the campfire await you.

15. The Gospel of Loki by Joan Harris

The most intriguing book for Joan Harris that no one expected to see in her bibliography. After all, she is known for her bestsellers “Blackberry Wine” and “Chocolate,” which touch on the themes of relationships between men and women. It seemed that the theme of Scandinavian myths was not at all close to her, but the writer brilliantly proves the opposite.

The story of the god of cunning and deception Loki turned out to be extremely reliable and lively. The narration comes from his face, and willy-nilly you become imbued with sympathy and friendliness towards the rogue. He will tell his story, full of ups, downs and betrayals, which will not let you get bored.

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Every year, interesting works appear in the literary world, which quickly become popular and best-selling. It is difficult to surprise readers, since it is very difficult to come up with new, well-worn plots and new characters. Often authors use popular techniques. On the one hand, you know what to expect from the book, but on the other hand, you already predict the development of the situation.

The best books of 2016 include works of different genres: thrillers, novels, science fiction. Everyone can find something for themselves in this rating. There are a lot of interesting and exciting books for teenagers in the fashionable fantasy genre. For women there are reverent and sensual books about love.

Moreover, in the list of the best books you will find those that everyone should read. These are exactly the works that leave their mark on the life of every reader. That is, they contain deep meaning, help you understand yourself and take a fresh look at the world.

World bestsellers are not only books for adults. There are also examples popular among young people. Young people mostly prefer science fiction. Moreover, this trend is visible both among boys and also among girls. Children are interested in reading about unexplored places, about fictional civilizations, about space wars. In addition, it helps them develop their imagination.

The most widely read books usually have a very exciting plot. If this is a novel, then there should be some kind of intrigue, some kind of heart-warming story in order to read and worry about the heroes, feel their pain and suffering for yourself, and then sincerely rejoice at the victories. If this is a detective story, then the tangle of events here must be subtly thought out and very confusing. Readers don't like it when they already know who the main villain is halfway through the book. Therefore, the works that made it into the top books of 2016 are not banal stories with hackneyed techniques. These are works with deep meaning, with riddles and secrets, with colorful characters and interesting adventures.

Sometimes it is difficult to choose a book to read. We did it for you. You just need to familiarize yourself with the list of works that have already been rated by readers from all over the world and choose something for yourself. On our website you can download for free or read online e-books from the best writers from around the world that were popular in 2016. Books are presented in fb2, rtf, epub, txt, pdf formats.

Every year new covers, new titles, new worlds appear on the shelves of bookstores... But how do you figure out what to choose that is really worth reading? A rating of the most interesting and important books will come to the rescue. We are talking about the top 10 books, among which is a novel in the genre of historical fantasy. A play about good old wizards. A collection of stories from the Russian writer himself and much more...

We present the best new releases from different parts of the world and many hours of literary pleasure! So, the rating of the 10 most important works of 2016.

My Strange Thoughts, Orhan Pamuk

The Turkish writer, whose fame has spread far beyond the borders of his country, created and in 2016 published “the most Istanbul novel” of all. At the epicenter of readers' attention is the story of street vendor Mevlüt Kartash, which stretches over 40 years. Over the years, he created the most ordinary family, did not achieve any career heights, did not lose his naivety and simplicity... But thousands of thoughts swarmed in his head, simple - and important at the same time.

“My Strange Thoughts” is in many ways reminiscent of the Latin American novel “One Hundred Years of Solitude”, which is included in all times and peoples. These two books are united by the authors’ ability to recreate the national flavor, but at the same time remain artists, not documentarians. Orhan Pamuk once again proved that his novels are rightfully included in the ranking of the best literary works.

"Zone of Interest", Martin Amis

A novel that shocks. Like the whole history of Auschwitz - a terrible place whose existence cannot be explained from the point of view of humanity.

The uncompromising Martin Amis tells how the Nazis turned the concentration camps into a huge source of income; how Jews were forced to pay for train tickets to hell; How wonderfully incredible cruelty and incredible greed coexist.

For readers from the relatively prosperous year of 2016, it will be useful to remember what the Holocaust is and how important it is to remain human, even if the world has gone crazy...

This absurdist, but at the same time absolutely realistic novel about the everyday life of Auschwitz, in the UK was called the best book of the last 25 years. Of course, it is included in our ranking of the most important literary works of 2016.

"The Humble Hero", Marios Vargas Llosa

Another creation of the brilliant Peruvian writer, Nobel Prize winner, was published in 2016. And again a novel in the genre of “magical realism”, characteristic of Llosa; and again - a masterfully twisted plot; and again - good humor mixed with melodrama. The heroes of the book are two ordinary people, and each of them wants to achieve their goal. Decent hard worker Felicito Yanage suddenly found himself in the center of attention of blackmailers, and businessman Ismael Carrera intends to take revenge on his drone sons.

In addition, a surprise awaits readers on the pages of the book: a meeting with some characters from other works of the Nobel laureate. The “highlight” is the unexpected ending, for which it is worth reading “The Modest Hero,” which was included in our “top 10 long-awaited books of 2016” rating.

"The Narrow Road to the Far North" by Richard Flanagan

The theme of war, like the theme of love, is immortal. And the book by the Australian Flanagan only confirms this idea.

The plot is based on the memoirs of the writer's father. During the Second World War he was one of those who built the Thai-Burma road. Why did it end up with a second name – Death Road? A former prisoner of war shares terrible memories with his son, who puts them into the mouth of the book's protagonist, surgeon Dorrigo Evans.

For modern readers, the sincerity of this work will be a revelation. How not to lose human dignity if you are in captivity? What are some people motivated by who consider themselves right to torture other people? Is there life after the war?

There are many questions, and for readers of this book, which was included in the top 10 best works of 2016, it is very important to answer many of them yourself.

"The Buried Giant" by Kazuo Ishiguro

Parable novel, a 2016 discovery that can be classified as fantasy, but must remain in the niche of “serious” literature. The most British Japanese writer in his new work raises the theme of memory and oblivion.

An elderly couple living in the time of King Arthur set off on a long journey. Their goal is to find a son who left them a long time ago... However, the situation is complicated by the fact that the country is shrouded in gloomy fog, due to which people lose their memory. Is it good or bad - that is the question that worries the author and readers!

Oblivion is the ability to forget about pain, war, suffering; memory can be regarded as a return to evil reality and the most severe mental anguish. However, Ishiguro is sure: memory, whatever it may be, should not become a buried giant. And the feelings of two touching old men only confirm this idea.

“The Buried Giant” is the deepest book of 2016, and is rightfully included in the top ranking of the best works of Kazuo Ishiguro.

"Shadow of the Mountain" by Gregory David Roberts

“Shadow of the Mountain” is a continuation of the acclaimed book “Shantaram”, recognized as one of the best books of 2003. Adventurer and criminal Lynn, who fled from Australia to India, has already settled in the city and even joined a gangster group. However, this work, which became part of our top 10, cannot be classified as a crime novel. It is much deeper, replete with philosophical reasoning and thoughts about a possible future.

“The Shadow of the Mountain” is a fascinating read about universal love, the search for oneself in this world, the confrontation between good and evil. It is flavored with good humor and an adventure plot. Therefore, this “eight-hundred-page brick” is of interest to everyone who considers himself a connoisseur of good literature.

Children's Act, Ian McKewan

A powerful piece of legal drama from a Booker Prize winner. The heroine of the novelty, judge Fiona May, suddenly faces a number of problems. The husband's departure from the family coincides with a complex process related to the fate of a seventeen-year-old boy who was diagnosed with leukemia.

However, both the boy and his parents are members of the Jehovah's Witness sect, which means they are prohibited from receiving blood transfusions. The parents have come to terms with the imminent death of their son, but justice can change the fate of the young man - albeit in a way that is violent for his beliefs.

What will a judge, a logician, an atheist do when faced with a sincerely believing child? This question will keep readers in suspense until the very end of the book.

“Seven Lives”, Zakhar Prilepin

From voluminous novels, Zakhar Prilepin again returned to small forms. His collection of short stories “Seven Lives” is ten stories in which there is nothing political, but everything is based on psychology.

Readers will get to know characters full of vices and virtues, sorrows and joys, cruel memories and universal love.

The heroes of the new product are a drunkard, a family man, a priest, a soldier, a politician, a lover... Who are they all? It is quite possible that these are variations of Prilepin himself, if something had gone wrong in his life. The writer explains that his collection is like a garden with many paths: which one to step on, where to go? It all depends on the person himself, who always has the opportunity to choose.

Among all the books listed, “Seven Lives” is the most ingenuous and the most Russian. This is why it is included in the top 10, and this is why it is worth reading in one sitting.

"Wild Swan" by Michael Cunningham

Have you ever wondered what happened to the heroes of your favorite children's fairy tales after the word “end” seemed to put everything in its place? And Michael Cunninghame was interested.

“Wild Swan” is his next work, inspired by children's stories. Only a happy ending is not at all what awaits the beloved characters.

Fairy tales are over, they live in the real world, where love ends, luck does not come to everyone, and to be different from others means to become known as a loser and become the subject of ridicule.

Cunninghame's books are sad, but not without hope. And you need to read “The Wild Swan” in order to become a little more humane and find a matured child in your soul.

Thanks to a non-standard approach to works familiar from childhood and a heartfelt plot, we give this collection an honorable place in the top 10 books recommended for reading.

"Harry Potter and the Cursed Child", JK Rowling

This happened! Fans of "Potter" are in a state of happy shock: on July 31, 2016, the official release of a new book about the adventures of their favorite hero took place. The long-awaited, eighth volume is called “Harry Potter and the Cursed Child.”

So, yesterday’s little Harry today successfully serves in the Ministry of Truth, and the history of a new generation of wizards comes to the fore. Or rather, Albus Potter and Scorpius Malfoy. With the help of a miraculous artifact, this pair of friends travels back in time; however, interference in “past affairs” can lead to disaster...

In general, the book turned out to be in the spirit of the good old “Potteriana”, but at the same time with new interesting characters. It is not surprising that the long-awaited work is included in the top 10 most interesting books of 2016.

Continuing the topic

Definitely, 2016 gave the world some wonderful books. There are many more than the top 10, so some books simply could not make it into our ranking. This list includes:
  • "A Spool of Blue Thread" by Anne Tyler;
  • "In the Service of Evil", Robert Galbraith;
  • A Little Life, Hanya Yanagihara;
  • "HHhH", Laurent Binet.
These books are written in different genres and styles, but they are the best examples of prose of 2016.

Alla Leskova “Rain Cat”

A wonderful book by a St. Petersburg writer who came to journalism after many years of working as a successful psychologist. “Rain Cat” is a series of stories about our lives, written witty and ironic, despite the fact that the realization of what is happening brings tears to our eyes. You will truly enjoy this book. And after reading “Rain Cats” you will want to live, smile and play, even if these games are not entirely simple and fun.

Lyudmila Ulitskaya “Jacob’s Ladder”

An interesting book novelty of 2016 is a new novel by Lyudmila Ulitskaya, written in the form of a non-linear chronicle. She successfully used this technique in her other works. The story described in Jacob's Ladder covers an entire century, or rather six generations of the Ossietzky family. The book masterfully shows the intricacies of eras, worldviews, characters and cultures. On the pages of the novel you will not find unambiguous assessments and you will be forced again and again to look for answers to eternal questions with the heroes of “Jacob’s Ladder”: the intellectual scientist Jacob Ossetsky and his granddaughter, the artist Nora.

Christina Stark "Wings"

Books of 2016 delight with a variety of plots. The novel “Wings” can be called a fantastic thriller. The events of the book take place in different parts of the world. Together with the heroes you will visit Tibet and the foothills of the Alps, Saudi Arabia and bustling European cities. The novel contains many secrets that you will reveal together with the main character - young Lika Werner, who became a victim of a mental experiment. There is also a bright love line in “Wings”.

Guzel Yakhina “Zuleikha opens her eyes”

These are the new books of 2016. , as a novel by the young Kazan writer Guzel Yakhina, deserve special attention. No wonder this work became one of the nominees for the Big Book Award. The story of the novel begins in the 30s of the twentieth century. and tells about the resettlement of the Tatars to Siberia. The peasant woman Zuleikha finds herself in a carriage with hundreds of other people of different nationalities, social groups and religions. The book is dedicated to the victims of the Stalinist regime, resettled and dispossessed.

Neil Bastard "Death Carrier"

Exciting fantasy with a dynamic plot is a firm favorite. Here is another Bastard novel that has taken a prominent place among the new books of 2016. A wave of a deadly virus is moving across the African continent, rapidly affecting the population. Cities are in panic. UN mission scientists are fighting the disease. The vaccine is running out, and a plane carrying humanitarian aid crashes. You will find out how the catastrophic epidemic will end when you turn the last pages of the book.

Sasha Filipenko "Former Son"

This Russian writer is only 30 years old. He managed to receive an excellent education, work on Channel One as a scriptwriter for the programs YestardayLive, ProjectorParisHilton and Multipersonalities, as a television journalist and as an author for a number of Russian magazines. His novel “Former Son” is one of the long-awaited new books of 2016. The actions take place in the post-Soviet period. The plot describes the tragic fate of the boy and the touching love of his grandmother for him. The book perfectly reflects the harsh political and cultural realities of the country. The story is lyrical and emotional.

Also look at our article about, maybe you haven’t read some of this yet...

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Modern literature is constantly evolving. Today there are a lot of excellent new authors who surprise with intricate and interesting plots, unusual writing style and creative book design.

Every year there are many bestsellers that captivate readers from different parts of the world. The best books of 2015 are distinguished by their fantastic plots, which are impossible to tear yourself away from. The reader rating “Top 20 Popular New Books of 2015” includes interesting and most popular books that not only left their mark on people’s destinies, but changed many and influenced their lives.

Today, e-books have become very popular, especially since there are a huge number of gadgets on the market for reading them. Such books can be stored in one device without filling up your apartment, and they are much cheaper. You can make your own list of the best and most interesting books and re-read them whenever and wherever you want, without having to carry heavy volumes with you.

The ranking of the most read books of 2015 also includes publications that have long been bestsellers abroad, but in our country were translated into Russian and published only this year. Nevertheless, these books are worthy of attention and “most popular” status.

Books are life. They should not only bring pleasure, but also teach us a lot. Today there is a huge amount of interesting literature that teaches readers to be more positive, believe in the best and be kinder. Such publications inspire, make you think about yourself and start changing your life.

Our top 20 best books of 2015 is exactly the list of literary works that won the hearts of readers with their sincerity and real feelings. It is also important that a fiction book should be exciting, keep you in suspense until the last line.

1. Name: ""
Author: Anatoly Boukreev, G. Weston DeWalt
The book's high rating is due to the fact that it is based on real events that occurred in 1996 during the ascent of a group of people to Everest. Bad weather conditions and mistakes by climbers led to the tragedy. The book was written in 1997, but was translated into Russian only in 2015.

2. Name: ""
Author: Mark Levy
An interesting and exciting love story between two people who did not expect or hope to know real feelings. The book makes you think about how unpredictable fate can be, and how people are accustomed to not noticing the happiness that is very close.

3. Name: ""
Author: Paula Hawkins
It was no coincidence that Paula Hawkins' work was included in the list of the best 20 books of 2015. This is an unusual story about people who have their dark sides. We are used to idealizing everything, but the truth can turn out to be much more cruel and terrible.

4. Name: ""
Author: Victor Pelevin
The book is full of secrets, riddles, fiction and truth. This is a new world, a new level, new knowledge. This book is loved by many for the extraordinary skill of the author and is rightfully in the top 20 best books of 2015.

5. Title “The sea is my brother. Lone Wanderer"
Author: Jack Kerouac
The first works of the young Kerouac, which were considered lost. The book is unique in that it preserves the author’s special style. It was first written in 2011, but translated into Russian only in 2015.

6. Name: ""
Author: Haruki Murakami
An unusual story about a man who tried to find harmony with himself and the world around him. Haruki Murakami is an amazing author who creates unpredictable worlds and makes his characters very rich and interesting personalities. The book was written in 2013, translated into Russian in 2015.

7. Name: ""
Author: Harper Lee
This book is a continuation of the beloved work “To Kill a Mockingbird.” As the years go by, everything changes. The main character returns to her native land, where everything is no longer the same as it was before, and people, relatives and friends, are no longer the same either.

8. Name: ""
Author: Frederic Beigbeder
The book is about the writer Jerry Salinger and his girlfriend, who were separated by the war. In the end, everyone went their own way, but fate decided that the roads must cross in the future. The book was written in 2014 and translated into Russian in 2015.

8. Name: ""
Author: Chuck Palahniuk
Chuck Palahniuk always likes to question everything. In his book, he talks about a manipulative man who creates special products for women called “To the Very Tips.” The book was first written in 2014 and translated into Russian in 2015.

9. Title: “Marina”
Author: Carlos Ruiz Zafon
The story is about a young man who went missing. Friends and relatives searched for him for a long time, but he was found at the station. He has secrets that are hidden far away in a dark box. He will have to talk about the night when he met the mysterious Marina. The book was written back in 1999 and the author considers it his best work. Translated into Russian only this year.

10. Name: ""
Author: Bernard Werber
A book about our future, about what each person is. And most importantly, it touches on the topics of ecology, and what does our planet think about humanity? After all, no one ever asked her about this.

11. Name: ""
Author: Boris Akunin
This is a detective story, which the author himself describes as: “Technocratic detective”, “nostalgic detective” and “idiotic detective”.

12. Name: ""
Posted by Jeannette Walls
This book is the autobiography of the author. This is not just a story about a difficult childhood and difficult parents. This is a story about how a person, even who grew up in unfavorable conditions, can change his life and not follow in the footsteps of his parents. The book inspires, makes you change and change everything around you, achieving happiness and harmony.

13. Title: ""
Author: Donna Tartt
Art, tragedy, new life, new person - this is probably how you can describe this creation, which was included in the ranking of the best books of 2015. A powerful work, written in 2013 and translated into Russian in 2015, touching the soul.

14. Title: ""
Author: Sally Green
A book for both teenagers and adults. There is something for everyone here. There is magic, witches and Great Britain. It is not for nothing that the book is compared to the series about the most famous wizard, Harry Potter.

15. Title: “Lights”
Author: Eleanor Catton
This is not just a detective story, where there is a murder, and a mysterious disappearance, and a real treasure, and people who have taken the path of reform, and revenge, and even spiritualistic seances. The plot revolves around 12 main characters, but they have their own peculiarity - each of them is associated with celestial bodies and zodiac signs.
Written in 2013, and in 2015 it was translated into Russian.

16. Title: ""
Author: Anthony Doerr
The book describes military events, as well as the fate of two heroes who are fighting for their lives and for the lives of their loved ones. The book is very bright and kind, because even a tiny ray of light can defeat real darkness. The book was written in 2014, and in 2015 it was translated into Russian.

17. Title: ""
Author: Narine Abgaryan
A story about a small town hidden high in the mountains. There are very interesting people here who have a strong spirit, a grumpy character and eccentricities.

18. Title: ""
Author: Jaume Cabret
The story is about a musician, a creative person, who completely rethought his life before he lost his memory due to illness. He decided to write down all those bright moments of his life that are still stored in his heart and which can disappear in an instant, dissolve into oblivion. The book was written in 2011, and it was translated into Russian in 2015.

19. Title: ""
Author: Andre Maurois
A touching and especially tender story about the human soul. The book tells about a man who has achieved a lot in this life, but in his soul there is no miracle of love that will turn autumn into spring. Only Andre Maurois can so sensually and subtly describe such beautiful feelings as love. The book was written in 1956 and translated into Russian in 2015.

20. Title: ""
Author: Dmitry Glukhovsky
This book is one of the most anticipated in 2015, and it immediately became a bestseller. It tells the story of an apocalypse that happened on earth. People who survived, hiding in the subway underground, begin to create a new world. But will he be that good? After all, human nature is very dark and warlike.

Many of the books included in the top 20 best books of 2015 are known and loved by readers. Of course, each of them can find its own flaws and shortcomings, which is what critics love to do. But even a negative review indicates that the book attracted attention, was read and appreciated, even if poorly. The main goal has been achieved – attention and active discussion.

In any case, this list of books is very interesting and deserves everyone's attention. After reading this literature, you will definitely be able to find a lot of interesting and useful things for yourself. A good book is essential for a good rest. Our ranking of the 20 best books of 2015 will help you find great reading.

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