Bauman. Faculty of Basic Sciences MSTU im

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Department FN12

"Math modeling"

MSTU im. N.E. Bauman

Moscow Department of Education

Association of Moscow Universities

Moscow State Technical University

named after N.E. Bauman

Department FN12

"Math modeling"

MSTU im. N.E. Bauman

The Department of Mathematical Modeling (FN-12) was formed at the Faculty of Fundamental Sciences by order of the rector of MSTU. N.E. Bauman dated January 29, 1997. From the first day of the department’s work, it provides mathematical training to students at the faculties:

Informatics and control systems (IS);

Radioelectronics and laser technology (RL);

Biomedical Engineering (BMT);

and branch faculties:

Instrument-Making (PS);

Radiotechnical (RT);

Optical-electronic instrumentation (OEP).

Teachers of the department also provide mathematical training to students studying at the main educational, research and methodological center for professional rehabilitation of persons with disabilities (GUIMC).

The department takes part in the mathematical training of students studying at the Faculty of Fundamental Sciences (FN).

The main teaching load of the department falls on the 1st and 2nd years, where general mathematical disciplines are taught, which form the basis for the training of a modern engineer:

Mathematical analysis;

Analytic geometry;

Linear algebra;

Differential equations;

Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics.

In addition, the department’s employees teach special courses that take into account the specifics of training students in specific specialties.

So, for students of the Faculty of Radio Electronics and Laser Technology the following is read:

Mathematical Physics;

Numerical methods;

and for students of various specialties of the Faculty of Computer Science and Control Systems:

Discrete Math;

Mathematical logic and theory of algorithms;

Optimization methods;

Operations research;

Computational Mathematics;

Theory of formal languages.

Today, the department’s staff is headed by Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexander Petrovich Krischenko. The department employs 7 professors, doctors of science; 35 associate professors, of which 34 are candidates of science, 17 senior teachers and 7 assistants.

Employees of the Department of Mathematical Modeling under the leadership of Professor V.S. Zarubin. and Professor A.P. Krischenko took an active part in the creation of a set of textbooks “Mathematics at a Technical University”, including 21 editions. This is a unique complex covering the main sections of mathematics studied at a technical university.

The complex has a unified conceptual apparatus, supported by highlighting of terms in the text and a subject index. The final, 21st issue contains a consolidated subject index.

The team of authors of the “Mathematics at a Technical University” complex was awarded the Russian Federation Government Prize in the field of science and technology in 2004, including thirteen employees of the department: professor, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences. S.A. Agafonov; Associate Professor, Ph.D. A.I. Belousov; Professor, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences I.K. Volkov; Associate Professor, Ph.D. V.B. Goryainov; Associate Professor, Ph.D. E.A. Zagoruiko; Associate Professor, Ph.D. A.N. Kanatnikov; senior teacher N.E. Kozlov; Professor, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences A.P. Krischenko; Associate Professor, Ph.D. Yu.I. Malov; Associate Professor, Ph.D. T.V. Muratova; Associate Professor, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences S.B. Tkachev; Associate Professor G.M. Tsvetkova; Professor, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences V.N. Chetverikov.

In recent years, teachers of the department have published other textbooks for universities, including:

Krischenko A.P., Kanatnikov A.N. Analytical geometry. Publishing house "Academy", 2009;

Zhidkov E.N. Computational Mathematics. Publishing house "Academy", 2010.

Monographs have also been published:

Butko Y.A. Feynman and Feynman-Katz formulas. Lambert Academic Publishing, 2011.

Krischenko A.P., Kanatnikova A.N. Invariant compacts of dynamical systems. Publishing house of MSTU im. N.E. Bauman, 2011.

The department is graduating and takes part in training students of the Faculty of Fundamental Sciences in the specialty “Applied Mathematics”. Every year, about 10 students graduate from the department, specializing in the mathematical theory of control of dynamic systems. Enrollment of students for the specialization “Mathematical modeling of control processes of technical systems” occurs in the 5th year.

Since September 2011, the department begins training bachelors in specialty 231 300 “Applied Mathematics” within the framework of the specialization “Dynamic Systems and Control Processes”. Masters will also be trained in this specialization.

Students specializing in the department of FN-12 receive fundamental training in the field of mathematical theory of control of nonlinear dynamic systems. The training program includes the following courses:

Mathematical methods of control theory;

Feedback theory;

Parametric identification methods;

Method of Lyapunov functions in problems of analysis and synthesis;

Robust control theory;

Stabilization of dynamic systems with delay;

Decomposition methods of analysis and synthesis;

Applied problems of control theory;

Qualitative theory of differential equations;

Wavelet basis methods.

Leading specialists of the department, as well as employees of the Institute of System Analysis of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ISA RAS), the Institute of Control Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IPU RAS) and the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics of Moscow State University take part in the training of students. M.V. Lomonosov.

Since September 2006, a branch of the department has been opened at the Institute of System Analysis of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ISA RAS). The creation of a branch of the department is aimed at attracting leading specialists of the Russian Academy of Sciences to conduct classes and the participation of students in real scientific work.

ISA RAS specialists teach the following specialized courses:

Decision theory;

Intelligent dynamic systems;

Qualitative theory of dynamical systems.

ISA RAS also carries out coursework and diploma projects, and some students undergo research internships.

The training courses pay attention to both the development of modern theoretical knowledge and the application of this knowledge in practice.

The objects of study are:


Various aircraft (airplanes, helicopters, rockets);

Mobile robots;

Chemical reactors;


And other technical systems.

When teaching students, the department pays great attention to modern information technologies. Thus, as part of the course “Mathematical modeling software”, students master working with the MATLAB package (programming and various tools), and then actively use this package when performing calculations, course design and preparing the final qualifying work.

The training program includes object-oriented programming in the C# language, the basics of the SQL language and the mathematical theory of relational databases, as well as the course “Network Information Technologies”.

One of the course projects involves the creation of a software package that models a technical system and its management process, using the capabilities of the MATLAB package and other software. Another course project is devoted to the study of computer modeling systems for the dynamics of mechanical systems using the example of the “Universal Mechanism” package and pairing the model built in the “Universal Mechanism” with the control unit of this mechanical system, created using the Simulink system of the MATLAB package.

Rice. 1. Block diagram of the control system (Simulink) and the “Universal Mechanism” window with a model of a pendulum with a rotor.

In Fig. Figure 1 shows an example of a window of the “Universal Mechanism” program, in which a pendulum with a rotor was created, and a window of the Simulink system with a block diagram of the algorithm for controlling the behavior of a pendulum with a rotor. The use of computer experiments allows us to better imagine the control processes of real technical systems.

When completing coursework and diploma projects, students have the opportunity to test theoretical concepts in practice when controlling specific robotic systems. The department has a laboratory robotic arm, a wheeled robot, several sets of LEGO robots and a small laboratory unmanned helicopter.

In Fig. 2 presents a laboratory wheeled robot, created by order of the department in the Laboratory of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence of the Polytechnic Museum. It is controlled from an on-board computer, equipped with 6 video cameras and a system of ultrasonic sensors for measuring distance.

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The robot is used to carry out course projects, as well as educational and research work of students and allows you to test theoretical concepts in practice.

Rice. 3. Laboratory robotic manipulator 7 In Fig. Figure 3 shows a laboratory robotic manipulator equipped with a video camera. The principles of intelligent control are studied and developed on this robotic complex. The software developed by students of the department allows using a video camera to recognize the location of cubes in the working area of ​​the manipulator and, without human intervention, to build a given structure from them, for example, a pyramid.

The project “Intelligent control of a robotic manipulator” was awarded a diploma at the All-Russian Exhibition of Scientific and Technical Creativity of Youth in 2010.

A team of students from the FN-12 department with a robotic manipulator and wheeled robots has been taking part in the scientific, educational and entertainment program “Robot Holidays at the Polytechnic” for several years, conducted by the Polytechnic Museum.

The diploma projects of department graduates cover various areas of engineering activity. The sources of topics are scientific research conducted at the department, at the ISA RAS, at the IPU RAS and in other organizations. Here are some topics for graduation projects:

Development of control algorithms for a mobile wheeled robot and methods for visualizing control processes;

Development of methods for automatically controlling the movement of a truck;

Determining the position of an unmanned helicopter from external observations;

Control of thermal protection of a flat wall under pulse-periodic action;

Controlling the movement of an unmanned aerial vehicle along a given trajectory;

Control of plane movement of a two-legged five-link robot;

Stabilization of a linear dynamic system by parametric excitation;

Analysis of invariant compact sets of dynamical systems and development of software for visualization of localizing sets;

Synthesis of algorithms for the operation of a multi-circuit complex inclinometer of an airborne radar station;

Research on methods for reducing data dimensionality to solve classification problems;

Development of a system for tracking faces in a video stream;

Controlling the movement of a six-legged walking robot;

Development of decomposition algorithms for direct control of the position of the manipulator's gripper.

8 Graduates of the department successfully work in various research organizations (NIISI RAS, TsNIIMASH, JSC NPK Precision Instrumentation Systems, Research Institute of BMT MSTU named after N.E. Bauman), IT companies (LANIT, Formosa companies) and other organizations, successfully enroll in graduate school at MSTU. N.E. Bauman, ISA RAS and IPU RAS. Among the teachers of the department there are many of its graduates who graduated from the department in different years.

The department trains bachelors in “Applied Mathematics” as part of the second higher education. There have already been two releases. The bachelor's training program includes the study of basic sections of classical mathematics: mathematical analysis, differential equations, elements of general algebra, functional analysis, calculus of variations, stability theory, sections of discrete mathematics, as well as the main sections of computational mathematics (computational methods of linear algebra and differential equations, methods optimization, theory of difference schemes).

The department trains scientific personnel in the field of physical and mathematical sciences in the specialties 05.13.01 - system analysis, management and information processing and 05.13.18 - mathematical modeling, numerical methods and software packages. Three members of the department defended their doctoral dissertations. 15 people completed postgraduate studies at the department, 11 of whom successfully defended their Ph.D. dissertations.

The department's employees conduct scientific research in various fields of mathematics and mechanics. Research topics include:

Study of stability of non-conservative mechanical systems;

Mathematical modeling of temperature fields;

Mathematical modeling of evolutionary processes in biological systems;

Development of methods for parametric identification of models of dynamic systems;

Mathematical modeling of control processes for dynamic systems;

Development of new provisions of mathematical control theory;

Development of methods for solving and analyzing partial differential equations.

The main scientific direction of the department is research in the field of nonlinear dynamic systems and control processes.

Within this area, the following software systems have been developed:

To visualize the processes of changing the angular position of spacecraft and stations,

To calculate permissible flight trajectories of aircraft,

To transform nonlinear systems and study their properties.

9 Active scientific work of the department’s employees led in 2006 to the formation of the scientific school “Nonlinear dynamic systems and control processes” under the leadership of Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences S.K. Korovin. and Professor Krischenko A.P. In 2010, this school acquired leading status, having won a grant from the President of the Russian Federation for state support of leading scientific schools of the Russian Federation (grant NSh-4144.2010.1). This status was confirmed for 2012 (grant NSh-3659.2012.1).

Within the framework of the scientific school, research is carried out on continuous and discrete nonlinear dynamic systems and control processes based on algebraic and differential geometric methods, as well as the development of control algorithms for them, including:

Research of non-minimal phase systems, mathematical modeling of control processes of nonlinear systems;

Study of stability, construction of attraction regions and search for Lyapunov functions;

Localization of invariant compacts of dynamical systems, chaotic dynamics;

Study of the geometry of systems with delay, systems of integrodifferential equations and other types of systems having a boundary-differential form, calculation and use in applied research of symmetries, integrable symmetries, conservation laws and transformations of such systems, as well as dynamic systems with control;

Study of invertible differential operators, problems of flatness of dynamic systems with control, systems with delay and systems with distributed parameters.

The scientific work of the department’s employees is supported by other grants:

Development of computer algebra methods for solving control problems based on nonlinear transformations of mathematical models (RFBR 07-07-00223, 2007 – 2009);

Development of methods for multi-level control of nonlinear systems based on their nonlinear transformations (RFBR 08-01-00203, 2008-2010);

Mathematical modeling of the processes of formation of temperature fields in multilayer areas, their optimization and control (MK-3654.2008.1, 2008 – 2009);

Development of methods for analyzing nonlinear systems and modeling control processes based on the differential-geometric approach (Program “Development of the scientific potential of higher education (2006 -2008) of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation).

Automation of the construction of admissible trajectories of nonlinear dynamic systems (RFBR grant 09-07-00327, 2009-2011);

Automated analysis of nonlinear dynamic systems and synthesis of controls (RFBR grant 09-07-00468, 2009-2011);

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The department has developed the “Space Constructor” software package. In Fig. Figure 4 shows a general view of the spacecraft design window.

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The complex is intended for:

Visual design of three-dimensional models of space stations and vehicles;

Calculation of inertial-mass characteristics of the space station based on the known characteristics of individual structural elements;

Modeling the process of reorientation of the spacecraft and visualization of the angular movements of the spacecraft under the influence of control;

Comparison of the effectiveness of various algorithms for controlling the angular position of the spacecraft.

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The Department of Higher Mathematics of the Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman is a leading educational center for training personnel in the field of fundamental research in applied mathematics, computational mathematics and computer science.

The department was founded in 1868. Over the past years, the department has formed Russia's leading scientific schools in various areas of applied mathematics and computer science. Over the years, outstanding mathematicians worked at the department - corresponding members of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (N.E. Zhukovsky, A.V. Letnikov, K.A. Andreev), corresponding members of the USSR Academy of Sciences (A.Ya. Khinchin, A.O. Gelfond, J.N. Spielrein), future academicians of the USSR Academy of Sciences (I.G. Petrovsky, M.A. Lavrentyev, S.A. Chaplygin), as well as prominent scientists - specialists in various fields of fundamental and applied mathematics.

The department trains masters and bachelors in the specialty “Applied Mathematics”. The goal of the educational activities of the department is to train highly qualified personnel capable of successfully functioning in new economic and political conditions and ready to solve problems associated with the use of high-tech research and technology in strategically important areas of human knowledge and activity, including the development of integrated software systems technical, information, administrative activities. It is expected to train international-level specialists with developed systems thinking.

The department trains specialists in such areas as numerical methods, functional analysis and its applications, generalized functions and linear operators, equations of mathematical physics, dynamic systems and control processes, operations research, probability theory and mathematical statistics, mathematical theory of reliability, testing of technical systems, sampling methods, Markov models of systems with interactions, theory of experimental design, queuing theory, wavelets and atomic signal processing functions.

Students study mathematical analysis, theory of functions of a complex variable, functional analysis, analytical geometry, linear algebra, differential equations, equations of mathematical physics, probability theory, mathematical statistics, theory of random processes, graph theory, mathematical logic, discrete mathematics, operations research, optimal control ,numerical methods.

Working on computers occupies a significant place in the training of specialists. Students study programming languages, operating systems and computer networks, databases, computer graphics, and applied software. Students master modern programming technologies, standard application software packages for solving practical problems on a computer, and learn to debug and test application software.

All students are involved in scientific research conducted at the department, in academic institutes, and in scientific laboratories. The department has close working contacts with large Russian and foreign companies. Together with the institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences and a number of organizations, a scientific and educational center for mathematical modeling has been created at the department.

Graduates of the department who have shown a penchant for research work can continue their studies in graduate school. Graduates of the bachelor's department, as well as graduates of other universities, can continue their studies in the master's program. Admission to the master's program is carried out on a competitive basis.

Graduates of the department work in all areas where applied mathematics and computer technology are used. These are academic and research institutes, higher education institutions, state and government agencies, banks, insurance, financial, consulting firms, Russian and foreign companies. The combination of deep theoretical training with active practical and research work under the guidance of teachers and researchers makes graduates of the department competitive in the labor market.

History of Moscow State Technical University named after. N.E. Bauman is the history of the development of scientific and technical thought of our Motherland, a chronicle of technical progress, training of highly qualified personnel. Bauman residents made a significant contribution to the development of domestic and world science and technology. Among his students are world-famous scientists, engineers, designers, and statesmen.

The basis for such success was laid over the almost two-century history of the university, in a combination of fundamental training and practical training in the specialty based on modern achievements of science and technology, and the high competence of the scientific and teaching staff.

The origins of the Faculty of Physics go back to the 1830s, when they began to teach physics, mathematics and other natural science disciplines. However, only in 1933 did the need arise for the then Moscow Mechanical Engineering Institute named after. N.E. Bauman (MMMI) to form a general technical faculty that would provide a high level of natural science training in all faculties. The faculty existed until 1938, and only in 1964 with the order of the rector Professor Leonid Pavlovich Lazarev in the structure of the Moscow Higher Technical School. N.E. Bauman, the general technical faculty (OT) was re-established.





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Scientific and educational complex FUNDAMENTAL SCIENCES MSTU named after N.E. Bauman - NUK FN | Reviews

Scientific and educational complex fundamental sciences of N.E. Bauman MSTU


Scientific and educational complex FUNDAMENTAL SCIENCES MSTU named after N.E. Bauman - NUK FN

Scientific and educational complex Fundamental sciences. MSTU im. N.E. Bauman. NUK FN is the largest division of MSTU named after. N.E. Bauman, which includes 4 departments of mathematics, the department of physics, the department of chemistry, the department of electrical engineering and industrial electronics and the department of theoretical mechanics named after. prof. N.E. Zhukovsky, forming the Faculty of Fundamental Sciences, as well as 4 departments of the Faculty of Linguistics and the research part. Scientific and educational complex Fundamental sciences... NUK FN is the largest subdivision...



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English for instrument-making specialties. English for mechanical engineering specialties. The teacher's use of technical equipment (TS) in the classroom. We listen to a tape recorder sometimes - 13.3%. We listen to a tape recorder often - 6.9%. We study in a language lab, but we don’t use the SANAKO system, but we would like it to be 3.7%. We study in a language lab, use the SANAKO system, but still don’t understand why it is needed - 5.3%. 734 Kilobytes File Type. Wednesday, 25 June 2014 Owner.

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English for instrument-making specialties. English for mechanical engineering specialties. The teacher's use of technical equipment (TS) in the classroom. We listen to a tape recorder sometimes - 13.3%. We listen to a tape recorder often - 6.9%. We study in a language lab, but we don’t use the SANAKO system, but we would like it to be 3.7%. We study in a language lab, use the SANAKO system, but still don’t understand why it is needed - 5.3%. And if so, which course can I take? Unfortunately to be an aspir...

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English for instrument-making specialties. English for mechanical engineering specialties. The teacher's use of technical equipment (TS) in the classroom. We listen to a tape recorder sometimes - 13.3%. We listen to a tape recorder often - 6.9%. We study in a language lab, but we don’t use the SANAKO system, but we would like it to be 3.7%. We study in a language lab, use the SANAKO system, but still don’t understand why it is needed - 5.3%. Department of Romance-Germanic languages ​​(L-4). The department employs highly...

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English for instrument-making specialties. English for mechanical engineering specialties. The teacher's use of technical equipment (TS) in the classroom. We listen to a tape recorder sometimes - 13.3%. We listen to a tape recorder often - 6.9%. We study in a language lab, but we don’t use the SANAKO system, but we would like it to be 3.7%. We study in a language lab, use the SANAKO system, but still don’t understand why it is needed - 5.3%. MSTU im. N.E. Bauman. Email: [email protected].

Faculty of Linguistics - L-2

English for instrument-making specialties. English for mechanical engineering specialties. The teacher's use of technical equipment (TS) in the classroom. We listen to a tape recorder sometimes - 13.3%. We listen to a tape recorder often - 6.9%. We study in a language lab, but we don’t use the SANAKO system, but we would like it to be 3.7%. We study in a language lab, use the SANAKO system, but still don’t understand why it is needed - 5.3%. English for instrument-making specialties". State Institute of Informatics and Informatics (Gol...

Unofficial website of the Faculty of Fundamental Sciences of Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman. Official website of MSTU named after N.E. Bauman. A site created by IU students and which became famous throughout Baumanka thanks to its forum. As a matter of fact, the largest Bauman forum is the only thing that deserves attention on this site. Prompt information about life at MSTU, a photo gallery, a student forum, a huge database of tops - all this is Website of the rock group Against the Wind, consisting of FN-2 students of the 2002 batch.

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Scientific and educational complex FUNDAMENTAL SCIENCES MSTU named after N.E. Bauman - NUK FN

Your browser does not support the video tag. Scientific and educational complex Fundamental sciences. MSTU im. N.E. Bauman. NUK FN is the largest division of MSTU named after. N.E. Bauman, which includes 4 departments of mathematics, the department of physics, the department of chemistry, the department of electrical engineering and industrial electronics and the department of theoretical mechanics named after. prof. N.E. Zhukovsky, forming the Faculty of Fundamental Sciences, as well as 4 departments of the Faculty of Linguistics and the research part. Scientific...NUK FN is the largest subdivision...

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Case Western Reserve University. Bringing a diverse range of academic perspectives on local, national, and global issues to audiences around the world. Subscribe to Our Programs. Enter your email address:. Please select the title of the program that you would like to view below.). The French Presidential Election. Israeli Politics from Soup to Nuts. Are There Any Norms Left? What Clues 2016 Offers to America During the Trump Presidency. Marijuana Legalization and Federalism. The New Heroin Epidemic.

The faculty is graduating - training of highly professional personnel is open in the specialties “Applied Mathematics”, “Mathematics and Computer Science”, “Technical Physics”.

Video about the Faculty of Basic Sciences:

Departments included in the faculty:

  • Higher mathematics (FN1);
  • Applied mathematics (FN2);
  • Theoretical mechanics (FN3);
  • Physics (FN4);
  • Chemistry (FN5);
  • Electrical engineering and industrial electronics (FN7);
  • Computational mathematics and mathematical physics (FN11);
  • Mathematical modeling (FN12).

The faculty is actively working to increase the number of students in physics and mathematics. Since 2011, student enrollment has more than doubled. Training of students in the field of “Mathematics and Computer Science” is open.

The departments are headed by prominent scientists and experienced teachers who have worldwide recognition. Unique theoretical and experimental research is carried out in scientific laboratories, which attract a new generation of Baumanians. Many of them discover a thirst for new knowledge and a talent for research already in their first years.

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