Automation in proposals. Sound production and automation

iotized sounds

Pronounce the words, clearly pronouncing [Y]

Eve, ate, spruce. Howls, barks, washes, whines, digs, melts, walks.

Hedgehog, hedgehog, tree, container, brush, brush.

gives, chews, forges, sings.

South, southern, Julia, Yura, nimble, spinning top, julit.

I howl, I give, I chew, I forge, I mine, I sing, I dig, I sow.

Apple, berry, berries, poison, yak, Jacob, anchor, pit, Yana, bright, bright, clear, clear, hawk, ash, lizard, Yasha.

Bayan, lighthouse, mine, solder, piano, flock, thuja, yours, pine needles. Iodine, yogurt.

Speak sentences clearly pronouncing the sound(s)

Yana eats yogurt. The hedgehog is carrying an apple. Yura starts the spinning top. Julia eats blackberries. Yakov is fishing for ruffs. There are a lot of apples in the box. The wolf howls at the moon. Julia solves the problem. Yasha sings in the choir. Eva plays the piano.

Pronounce couplets, clearly pronouncing the sound [Y]

Eve ate blackberries

Bush is on the right, Eva is on the left.

The hedgehog lies under the tree

And he's shaking from the cold.

Yura didn’t play with Yulia,

He didn't give her the spinning top. Yana was embroidering an anchor,

She silently chewed an apple.

Learn the poem, practice the pronunciation of the sound [th)

Automation and differentiation

iotized sounds


The skiff was anchored at the pier,

The wave, rushing in, rocked that skiff.

And the hedgehog captain walked along the pier,

He whistled a song and smoked a pipe.

Prepare a retelling, practice the pronunciation of the sound [Y)


Yulia and Yura are working in the garden. They bleach apple trees, dig up blackberry bushes, and water flowers.


A hedgehog has a hole under a spruce tree. There are hedgehogs in her hole. Hedgehogs are small and blind. The hedgehog feeds them milk and then runs off to hunt. If she manages to catch a nimble lizard, she will be full, and the hedgehogs will have milk.


(illustration 38)

Mike went behind the old barn onto the lawn and heard that

in the hole by the barn someone is crying softly. Mike came up to the hole, and there was a little bunny. Mike took the bunny out of the hole and laid it on the lawn. And the bunny will run as fast as he can across the lawn into the spruce forest!

Pronouncing syllables.

Le-e La-ya e-le I-la le-e-le I-la-ya le-e e-le le-e-le

lu-yu yu-lyu lu-yu-lyu

Lyag-yak Yulka - cradle

hatch - south hole - strap

Lel - spruce Yashka - plaque

Yasha and Lida are watering the apple trees. Lyova saw a hedgehog under the spruce tree. Alena sings and dances. Baby squirrels jump from tree to tree. Julia eats raspberries. Alina washes lemons. Eva is resting in the south. Lily has a skirt with straps. In a clearing there is a hedgehog with hedgehogs. I sow celery.

Learn poems, practice pronunciation of sounds JULY

The sun is burning from above,

Herbs and flowers will fade,

even birds don't fly

The hedgehog is resting under the spruce tree,

A lizard scurries under a stump,

And Egorka will sit in the shade.

Differentiation of sounds (L), (Y)

Learn a poem.


Julia and Lyalya in the clearing

During the day we wove a wreath for Yankee.

The hedgehogs scared them

The girls fell into the hole

And they forgot about the wreath,

We ran as fast as we could.


Lena and Yasha went picking berries. There are a lot of ripe strawberries at the edge of the forest. Lena is big, and Yasha is small. Lena puts berries in a basket, and Yasha eats the berries. Then the children relax under the tree in the clearing and return home.


(illustration 39)

Yulenka is small. She is lying in a stroller. Lilya walks with Yulenka, pushes her in a stroller, sings her a lullaby:


The ghouls have arrived

The cradle was rocked

They sang the song.

Pronounce syllables, pronouncing sounds clearly

la-ya i-la i-la-ya le-e e-le e-le-e

lo-yo yo-lo yo-lo-yo lu-yu yu-lu yu-lu-yu

Speak words clearly

yak-lak yug-luk pit - llama hedgehog - lie

Pronounce sentences, pronouncing sounds clearly

Yura ate onions. Yana collects lilies of the valley. Eva has a top. The elk stood under the tree. Volodya will go south. Mila was embroidering an apple. The wolf fell into a hole. There are boats and skiffs at anchor at the pier. Klava has a bright dress. Beets and onions are placed in boxes.

Learn nursery rhymes, practice pronunciation of sounds.

Hedgehog Ermoshka

Sat by the window

Chewed a bun

I hummed the song.

Dear blackberries,

She treated Vika to it.

Vika praised the berries

And she said “thank you.”

Bye-bye, bye-bye,

You, little dog, don't bark,

Whitepaw, don't whine,

Don't wake up my Yana.

It's a dark night - I can't sleep,

My Yanochka is afraid.

You, little dog, don't bark,

Don't scare my Yana!


Prepare a retelling by practicing the pronunciation of sounds

[ L) [J)


The bright sun is shining, clouds are floating across the sky, birds are singing. Volodya and Yasha are floating on a raft. Volodya catches ruffs, and Yasha draws him.

After practicing the pronunciation of sounds [L)[ J) in words, play an outdoor game.


They drove past us, they ran in circles

Two goats with nuts. On the socks.

We drove through the meadows, changed direction,

With full bags, they walk with long strides.

We drove along paths, changed direction,

With full baskets... they run on their toes.

Goats, goats, goats, Stop,

White-footed goats! jump rhythmically.

What are you doing with nuts? Stretching.

Didn't you come to see us? They squat.

Pronounce syllables, pronouncing sounds clearly.

ra-rya-ya rya-ra-ya ra-ya-rya

ro-ryo-yo ryo-ro-yo ro-yo-ryo

ru-ryu-yu ryu-ru-yu ru-yu-ryu

re-re-e re-re-e re-e-re

Pronounce words, clearly pronouncing the sounds r, r, y

yak - cancer hedgehogs - faces skirt cutting

Yana - wound raccoons - work southern - outdoor

pit - frame hedgehog - rye fuss - steer

nursery - grew up ate - watched

Speak sentences, pronouncing sounds clearly.

Yura ate berries and saw a rainbow. The hedgehog ran into the rye. Yana has a wound on her finger. The crayfish lives in the river, and the yak grazes by the river. Raccoons are doing their job - digging a hole. Yura is picking blackberries. Julia makes apple jam. Yasha draws a hedgehog. Young man - a young sailor.

Prepare a retelling, practice pronunciation of sounds .


(illustration 40)

Yana and Yasha were eating apples under the apple tree. Suddenly a lizard jumped out from under the watering can. "Oh, I'm scared!" - Yana screamed and dropped the apple. The lizard darted into a hole under the apple tree. “The lizard is also afraid,” Yasha laughed.


After practicing the pronunciation of sounds in words, play an outdoor game.


Apple tree! Apple tree! children walk in a circle, holding hands,

Where are your apples? The driver stands in the center of the circle.

Did the frost freeze them? Stop at every line

Or did the wind carry them away? bend one finger at a time,

Or did lightning burn it? The driver shakes his head negatively.

Or were they hit by hail?

Or did the birds peck?

Where did they go? They shrug.

The frost did not freeze them, Again they bend one finger at a time.

And it wasn’t the wind that carried them away,

They were not burned by fire,

There was no hail with rain,

The birds didn't peck them.

The children interrupted! They run away, the driver runs after them,

(Yugoslav song)

Automation of the sound [th] in syllables and words based on the fairy tale “Masha and the Bear”


  • consolidate the skill of clear pronunciation of the sound [th] in syllables and simple words;
  • develop auditory attention, phonemic perception, fine motor skills;
  • develop mobility and accuracy of movements of the organs of the articulatory apparatus using articulatory gymnastics and kinetic sensations;
  • activate parts of the cerebral cortex using bioenergoplasty;
  • work on breathing, facial expressions;
  • develop the ability to change words;
  • expand and enrich the vocabulary on the lexical topic “Berry”.

Equipment: mirrors, a manual for articulation gymnastics (a clearing with berries), a basket with Velcro, object pictures, a card with an articulation diagram of sound [th], characters from the fairy tale “Masha and the Bear,” a house.

Progress of the lesson

I. Organizational moment.Welcome ritual.

Introduction to the topic.

Guess who will come to visit us:

I took the basket
I went to the forest with my friends.
But I lost my way,
Wandered into the bear's house.

Right. This is Masha. From the fairy tale “Masha and the Bear” (a figurine of Masha is on display).

II. Main part.

Announcing the topic of the lesson.

Telling the fairy tale “Masha and the Bear”.

Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman. And they had a granddaughter Masha. She and her friends went into the forest to pick berries and mushrooms (a panel depicting a forest is on display).

1. Kinesiological exercise.

Masha is walking, picking berries:

Oh! Oh! So many berries! – Masha was delighted.

Show how happy Masha was.

2. Kinesthetic perception.Isolated pronunciation of the sound [th].

One hand is placed on the crown of the head, the other on the throat. We pronounce [th] in isolation. Compare the sounds [i] and [th].

3. Clarification of articulatory posture sound [th] (based on the articulatory scheme):

  • lips are tense, stretched in a smile, pressed to the incisors;
  • incisors are brought closer together;
  • the tip of the tongue rests on the lower incisors, the back of the tongue is raised high, the lateral edges of the tongue rest on the upper molars;
  • the tongue is tense, there is a groove;
  • the vocal cords vibrate, there is a voice.

4. Articulation gymnastics (bioenergoplasty).

We collect and put the berries in a basket. On the back of the berries, pictures with articulation exercises are attached using Velcro: “Fence”, “Smile”, “Bridge”, “Chick in the nest”, “Brushing the lower teeth” (movements from bottom to top and vice versa).

Masha collected a full basket of berries.

5. Development of phonemic hearing.Game “Mosquitoes”.

Mosquitoes have swooped in and want to bite Masha. The girl began to fight them off. We need to help Masha. If you hear the sound [th], clap your hands:

y, l, and, y, l, r, y, and, and, l, y;

oh, ol, uh, il, ul, uh, ah, al;

bark, give, snake, snakes, bed, Kolka.

Well done! Helped Masha fight off mosquitoes.

6. Fixing the sound [th] in syllables.

a) Game “Echo”.

While Masha was fighting off mosquitoes, she lost her way. She began to call her friends: “Ay!”, and the echo answered her: “Ay-ay-ay...”. Masha liked it and began to play with an echo:

may - ay-ay-ay... swarm - oh-oh-oh... shey - hey-ey-ey... howl - oh-oh-oh...

bark - ay-ay-ay... noah - oh-oh-oh... chew - oh-oh-oh... my - oh-oh-oh...

kui - ui-ui-ui... rey - ey-ey-ey... paradise - ah-ay-ay... vey - ey-ey-ey...

Masha got lost. He sees a house in a clearing (a model of the house is displayed). She approached the house and knocked: I, I; I, II; II, II. Nobody answered her. I went into the house. There is no one in the house. She put the house in order, kneaded the dough, baked pies and began to wait for the owners to arrive. I looked out the window, and there was the Bear.

Physical education minute.Working on voice timbre.

b) Mimic exercise.

A bear entered the house. It smells so delicious!

A! A! - beauty!

I saw the pies:

ABOUT! ABOUT! - all is mine!

AND! AND! - Come out, who baked me pies!

c) Game “Remember, repeat.”

Masha came out to the Bear and asked to show the way home. But the Bear doesn’t want to let the girl go. He asks Masha to live a little longer, bake pies and look after the house. Masha cried:

Oh-oh-oh – I want to go home;

Oh-oh-oh – I’m scared alone;

Hey-hey-hey - take me home quickly.

d) Game “Agree a Word” (with supporting pictures).

Masha decided to outwit the Bear. The girl agreed to stay with the Bear, but only asked her to take the basket of pies to her grandmother and grandfather in the morning. Yes, she strictly ordered me not to eat pies. “I will sit on a high tree and the Bear will watch over you.” The Bear went to bed. And Masha began to think about what kind of pies to bake.

Let's help Masha make pies.

Pies (with what?):

Pies with cabbage; - pies with raspberries;

Pies with fish; - pies with potatoes;

Pies with carrots; - pies with blueberries;

Pies with earthen…-coy; - pies with cranberries;

Pies with lingonberries….-coy; - pies with plum;

Pies with cherries; - pies with cherries.

In the morning, Masha climbed into the basket and put pies on top. The Bear woke up and saw a large basket of pies standing there. He took the basket and went to the village. Several times the Bear wanted to eat the pie, and Masha kept screaming from the basket... (ask the children to remember that the girl was screaming).

The Bear came to the house of the woman and grandfather. The old people saw the Bear and got scared. They began to chase him away, and Masha jumped out of the basket.

7. Development of breathing.Exercise “Blow on tea.”

She told her grandfather and grandmother how she got lost in the forest, how she outwitted the Bear. The Bear wanted to run away into the forest, but Masha called him into the house and set out the samovar. I poured the tea into a large mug (put your palms together in the shape of a cup).

Oh, it's hot! Let's have some tea.

III. Final part.

Summing up. Parting.

Zhayvoronok O. B., speech therapist teacher

MADOOU TsRR – d/s No. 50, Tyumen

Sound characteristics [j"]

Consonant, oral, fricative, lingual-mid-palatal, sonorant, soft.

Description of correct articulation

The lips are close to the teeth.

The teeth are close together.

The tip of the tongue is located behind the lower teeth.

The lateral edges of the tongue are pressed from the inside to the molars.

The middle part of the back of the tongue rises to the hard palate and forms a gap with it through which the exhaled stream of air passes.

The soft palate is raised and pressed against the back wall of the pharynx, closing the passage into the nasal cavity, the air stream goes through the mouth.

Sound [j"] in syllables, words and phrases

Exercise.Pronounce words clearly.

Pit, pit, sneak, java, turnout, berry, poison, tongue, core, Yakut, yak, anchor, skiff, manger, egg, egg, coachman, yacht, yacht, box, January, amber, fair, apple, apple tree, hawk, lamb, Yana, bright, clear, ash, Yasha, Jacob, Jadwiga, barley, jasper, lizards, tier, snake, acacia, Raya, Zoya, May, soybean, fairy, lighthouse, milkmaid, button accordion, mine, solder, belt, pendulum, piano, flock, thuja, yours, needles, Tatyana,

Agafya, seamstress, muslin, idea, harness, trees, cameo, statue, magic, mania, comedy, station, November, neck, surname, brothers, new, bathroom, quiet, history, Ksenia, guest, jet, family, bench, pig, statue, feathers, spears, rods.

Hedgehog, hedgehog, Christmas tree, Christmas tree, container, ruff, brush, fidget, shudder, mine, yours, his, drinks, sings, gives, chews, forges, takes out, sews, pours, pond, Mayuka, rim, rise, receive, drink.

Flair, beast, gun, spear, blowing, washing, linen, whining, housing, living.

South, skirt, cabin boy, youth, young man, youth, Juno, humor, yurt, Julia, Yura, spinning top, julit, loach, cabin, union, howl, give, chew, forge, dig, sow, sing, wash, drink, I can, I know, I bathe, I lift, I stand, I read, comfort, lull, June, July, draw.

Eva, food, riding, Egor, hedgehogs, Efim, ate, spruce, eat, blackberry, daily, raccoon, fidget, barely, unit, nonsense, if, echidna, go, more, Emelya, huntsman, howls, barks, washes, whines, digs, melts, walks, fighter, train, entrance, rider, movement, animal, insect, occupation, singing, boiling, diet, skill, weapon, roast, health, happiness, cookies, jam, two, three.

Iodine, yogurt, T-shirt, sink, barn, parrot, May, tea, kettle, bunny, snake, stand, jay, drink, neck, give, my, fight, swarm, edge, yours, stream, nightingale, taiga, husky, cod, deuce, triple, seagull, bike, massacre, buffalo, trickle, construction site, loaf, cot, bench, penny, housewife, glue, snake, harvest, pollock, China, surf, cowboy, peace, frost, sparrow, museum, hockey, Timofey, low, wild, quiet, tall, sonorous, dilapidated, new, smart, dark, edge, tram, ant, sweatshirt, nut, rack, gang.

Exercise.Pronounce words with two sounds clearly.

Eggs, bright, clear, Japan, radiance, charm, Maya, southern, young, nimble, Evsey, Eugene, caustic, hedgehog, foyer, hired, anniversary.

Exercise.Pronounce phrases clearly:

hot tea
small parrot

my dress
prickly hedgehog
ripe apple
green needles
little Yana
white acacia
young fairy
hungry hyena
leather belt
wounded fighter
wallpaper glue
barely goes
my sewing
your own home
the three of us sing

gray bunny
tall spruce trees

your egg
prickly tree
beautiful tree
prickly ruff
new skirt
green thuja
funny story
dark entrance
smart housewife
Chinese tea
light dress
your underwear
we sew together
Russian language

Pronounce clearly.

I-I-I - Yana is my berry.

I-I-I - Yakov goes to the lighthouse.

I-I-I - I can do everything.

I-I-I - I’m walking with the baby.

Yo-yo-yo - Zoya sings to the accordion.

Yo-yo-yo - ironing clothes with grandma.

Yu-yu-yu - I give Maya berries.

Yu-yu-yu - I sew dolls together with my mother.

Yu-yu-yu - I sing songs with dad.

E-e-e - Yakov rides on a horse.

E-e-e - I help everyone in the family.

Oh-oh-oh - the bunny is cold in winter.

Exercise.Pronounce sentences clearly.

Yana eats yogurt.

The hedgehog is carrying an apple.

Yura starts the spinning top.

Yana eats blackberries.

Yakov is fishing for ruffs.

There are a lot of apples in the box.

The wolf howls at the moon.

Julia solves the problem.

Yasha sings in the choir.

Eva plays the piano.

Yasha found a hedgehog under the spruce tree.

Yana sings and dances.

Eva is resting in the south.

In a clearing there is a hedgehog with hedgehogs.

Yura washes apples.

I sow celery.

We ate apple pies.

The berries are ripe in the forest.

The chicken laid an egg.

The ship lowered its anchor.

My brother goes to nursery.

The lizard darted into the hole.

Yana has a new skirt.

Yana drinks tea.

Yura is sawing the board with a saw.

Eva eats soup with a spoon.

Mom washes the floor with water.

Raya eats an apple.

Zoya eats berries.

Zoya gives Yasha berries.

Yura and Yana are riding.

Friends are wished happiness.

Dry needles fell from the tree.

I ate a ripe apple.

The snake fell on the barn.

Yasha caught the lizard.

Maya and Eva are walking.

There are old trees in the forest.

The apple fell from the apple tree.

Yasha has an anchor on his collar.

The yacht sails past the lighthouse.

Acacia and ash are trees.

Raya was afraid of lizards.

Maya and Zoya in the manger.

The lighthouse shines brightly.

Lizard and snake are similar.

Yura has a singing top.

Julia washes her skirt.

The south wind is blowing.

The ship has cozy cabins.

Birds make nests and sing.

In autumn they fly south.

I get up early and help my mother.

Yura has a ruff on his hook.

There is a hedgehog at the Christmas tree.

Yura is shivering from the cold.

There are ruffs in this pond.

A bird is singing on the tree.

Yasha gives the hedgehog milk.

Fedya sings songs.

Yana picks blackberries.

Eva is traveling on the train.

Evgeniy knows how to ride a horse.

A raccoon lives in a cage.

Tea is brewed in a kettle.

The nightingale sings in the spring.

May is a warm spring month.

A swarm of bees is hovering over Yura.

Maya puts on a T-shirt.

Petya, pour some water from the watering can.

A hunter with a husky walks through the taiga.

Howling and barking can be heard in the forest.

Eva gives the hedgehog food.

There are ripe apples on the apple tree.

Russia is my Motherland.

Yana has two apples.

My mother is kind and smart.

My cat is affectionate.

Eva draws fir trees.

The hedgehog has old red slippers.

Eva has new red slippers.

Yura has a cabin boy's brother.

Yulia has a new skirt.

Yura and Yulia are singing.

Yura went south.

Exercise.Memorize. Pronounce clearly three times in a row, speeding up the tempo.

Tongue Twisters.

The hedgehog is sitting by the Christmas tree. The hedgehog has spines.
The spruce looks like a hedgehog, the hedgehog has needles, and so does the fir tree.
We ate, ate, ate ruffs from the spruce... We barely finished them off from the spruce.
The lizard was carrying apples in a box on a skiff to the fair.

Exercise.Pronounce lines of poems clearly. Learn (optional).

Nursery rhymes

Eve ate blackberries
Bush is on the right, Eva is on the left.

The hedgehog lies under the tree
And he's shaking from the cold.

Yura didn’t play with Yulia,
He didn't give her the spinning top.
Yana was embroidering an anchor,
She silently chewed an apple.

There are no berries more sour than cranberries.
I know the letters by heart.

The skiff was anchored at the pier,
The wave, rushing in, rocked that skiff.
And the hedgehog captain walked along the pier,
He whistled a song and smoked a pipe.

Ay, bye, bye, bye,
Don't lie on the edge
The cat will come to spend the night,
Rock my daughter!

My chicken
My clever.
Here is millet, some water.
Give me an egg
My clever.

with anchor
at Yashka's.

on a vest.
Our sailor Yashka!

E. Blaginina

This is an apple orchard
This is an apple orchard.
The apples puffed out their cheeks
And they hang under the leaves.

Oh-oh and Ay-ay

Oh oh oh! - said OH-OH. -
I, my friend, am completely sick!

Go for a walk!

All will pass! - said AY-AY.

Let's play, bunny,
play with me.
The bunny answers:

I can't, I'm sick.

Oh-oh-oh, poor thing!

E. Blaginina

If the Raccoon climbed into the blackberries,
We can barely save him from the needles.
If the Hedgehog climbed into the blackberries,
It is still unknown - who will win!

Little bunny jumps
Near the rubble,

The bunny jumps quickly -
You catch him.

S. Marshak

Our duck is a quack,
And Seryozhka is a yakalka:

I can do it, I can do it
I'll run faster!

Rest a little
yakalka Seryozha!

I. Demyanov


Bye-bye, bye-bye,
You, little dog, don't bark,
Whitepaw, don't whine,
Don't wake up my Yana.
It's a dark night - I can't sleep,
My Yanochka is afraid.
You, little dog, don't bark,
Don't scare my Yana!

I have a watering can.
Oh, what a watering can!
Have you seen the watering can
My new one?
How the moon shines...
If it's dry,
I'll fill it up
And I’ll water the flowers.

L. Deleanu

Country song

The grass is turning green

The sun is shining

Swallow with spring

It flies towards us in the canopy.

The sun is more beautiful with her,

And spring is sweeter...

Chirp out of the way

Hello soon...

I'll give you some grains

And you sing a song,

What from distant countries

I brought with me...

A. Pleshcheev

Cheerful travelers
We're going, we're going, we're going
To distant lands,
Good neighbors
Happy friends.
We have fun
We sing a song
And the song says
About how we live.
Beauty! Beauty!
We are taking the cat with us,
Siskin, dog,
Petka the bully,
Monkey, parrot -
What a company!

S. Mikhalkov

The winds blow in February
The pipes howl loudly
Like a snake rushes along the ground
White drifting snow.
Over the Kremlin wall
Aircraft flights.
Glory to the dear army
On her birthday!

S. Marshak

New Year's Eve
They say on New Year's Eve
Whatever you want -
Everything will always happen
Everything always comes true.
Even guys can
All wishes come true
It is only necessary, they say,
Make an effort.
Don't be lazy, don't yawn
And have patience
And don’t count your studies
For your torment...

S. Mikhalkov

New girl

The girl is new in kindergarten.

I’ll go to the new girl now:

Why are you on the sidelines? It's boring to be alone.

Here are our toys, here is a clockwork elephant.

Ya. Naydenova

Leaves are falling

Leaves are falling, falling -
In our garden the leaves are falling...
Yellow, red leaves
They curl and fly in the wind.
Birds fly south -
Geese, rooks, cranes.
This is the last flock
Flapping its wings in the distance.

M. Evensen

Walking the street
Santa Claus,
Frost is scattering
Along the branches of birch trees;
Walks with a beard
White is shaking,
Stomping his foot
There is only a crash.

S. Drozhzhin

Berry by berry
I collected in the forest
I won't bring it home
full cart.
Berry by berry,
berry by berry -
things are moving forward
berries are decreasing...
The sun is warming hot,
the road is long.

Should I try some more?
some berries?
Berry by berry,
berry by berry.
Melting like snowflakes
berries in a basket.
The sun has set
the bottom seemed
and visible on the bottom
only one berry.
Don't go home with her!
I'll eat it and get rid of it.

N. Sakonskaya


Can't keep up

Behind you!..

S. Ya. Marshak

Lingonberries are ripening,
the days have become colder,
and from the bird cry
it only makes my heart sadder.

Flocks of birds fly away
away beyond the blue sea.
All the trees are shining
in a multi-colored dress.

K. Balmont

What words are there?
There is a sweet word - candy.
There's a quick word - rocket.
There is a sour word - lemon.
There is a word with a window - a carriage.
There is a prickly word - hedgehog.
There is a word for wet - rain.
There is a word stubborn - goal.
There is a prickly word - spruce.
There is a book word - page.
There is a forest word - tit.
There is a fluffy word - snow.
There is a cheerful word - laughter.

M. Plyatskovsky

The apple is ripe, red, sweet,
The apple is crunchy, with smooth skin.
I'll break the apple in half
I'll share an apple with my friend.

It won't be long before trouble is in the forest.
Know how to cover your tracks!
Try it and guess
Where did the bunny go?
The trail winds back and forth.
Where the bunny was, there is no bunny!

Suddenly a spring wind

flew down the mountain.

He sneaked up on the children

and took away the balls.

They flew away in a flock

light, colorful...

Well, guess what:

from whom - which one?

Different, different,


N. Sakonskaya

Exercise.Pronounce texts clearly. Retell (optional).

Yulia and Yura are working in the garden. They bleach apple trees, dig up blackberry bushes, and water flowers.

Dad caught the bunny. He gave the bunny to Yura. Yura put the bunny in the barn. He fed the bunny cabbage. And then Yura released the bunny.

Yasha and Yana were picking apples. They saw a snake on a tree stump. The snake has poison. The snake is dangerous. Yasha and Yana ran away from the snake.

I was home alone. My grandmother Yana came. She bought apples and berries. Thank you, grandma!

A hedgehog has a hole under a spruce tree. There are hedgehogs in her hole. Hedgehogs are small and blind. The hedgehog feeds them milk and then runs off to hunt. If she manages to catch a nimble lizard, she will be full, and the hedgehogs will have milk.

Mike went behind the old barn onto the lawn and heard someone crying faintly in the hole next to the barn. Mike approached the hole, and there was a little bunny. Mike took the bunny out of the hole and laid it on the lawn. And the bunny will run as fast as he can across the lawn into the spruce forest!

They bought Seryozha a hedgehog. Seryozha saw the prickly ball and asked:

Did the hedgehog shrink from the cold?

No, he's just afraid. Let's pour some milk for the hedgehog.

He drinks, he drinks! What a funny hedgehog!

Under the apple tree

Yana and Yasha were eating apples under the apple tree. Suddenly a lizard jumped out from under the watering can. "Oh, I'm scared!" - Yana screamed and dropped the apple. The lizard darted into a hole under the apple tree. “The lizard is also afraid,” Yasha laughed.

Yasha, Zoya and Raya came to the garden. Apple trees grew in the garden. There were a lot of apples on the apple trees. The children ate apples. The apples were delicious.

Bunnies (Lithuanian fairy tale)

Bunnies were born to a hare. The father looked at his children and said to them:

I have a mustache, and you already have a mustache. So, that means, get your own food.

Since then, little bunnies are born and live alone, without parents, in a dark forest; They have neither a nest nor a hole. But everyone with a mustache, everyone from the first days can get their own food.

1. What did their father say to the bunnies?

2. How do bunnies live?

Needles grow on a pine tree and a Christmas tree. Green and prickly. In winter and summer they are the same color, but there is no ear! You can't thread a thread, you can't sew a dress!

Uncle Yevsey is a huntsman. Being a huntsman is a very necessary and honorable job. The huntsman protects the forest and all living things in it. Uncle Yevsey takes care of the babies if the adult animal dies. The huntsman also helps sick and wounded animals. Every day, Uncle Yevsey goes around the forest and protects it from fires and poachers.

A family of hedgehogs lived in a hollow near the roots of an old spruce tree. Often the hedgehog's mother went hunting, and the little hedgehogs sat quietly without her. One day Eva and Yegorka saw little hedgehogs in a hole.

Eva, don’t touch them,” said Yegor, “the hedgehogs are still very small.”

“I’ll just pet the hedgehogs,” Eva answered.

The next morning the children came back to the hedgehogs' hole and saw that it was empty. At night, the hedgehog took her hedgehogs to another, safe place.

Once upon a time there was a hedgehog, and he was so lazy! Even its needles were not prickly. The hedgehog barely taught him to eat. The hedgehog lies under the spruce - eats and sleeps, sleeps and eats. One day the hedgehog did not return to the hedgehog. He waited and waited for her, but he was hungry, so he had to get out. Soon the hedgehog, like all adult hedgehogs, became prickly and learned to find its own food.

What is a yurt? - Julia asked Uncle Yura.

A yurt is a light round house that can be transported,” answered Uncle Yura.

What are yurts made of? - asked Julia.

Yurts are made from light, flexible rods, and the top is covered with warm felt.

Mom bought Yulia a blue skirt. In a new skirt, Julia went for a walk. Julia ran and climbed everywhere, and when she remembered her smart skirt, she saw that her new skirt had turned dirty.

Yuzik read in a book about a brave cabin boy. He also wanted to become a cabin boy. But dad said: “To become a cabin boy, you need to be strong and dexterous.” Mom said: “To become a cabin boy, you need to get straight A’s.” And the grandmother added: “To become a cabin boy, you need to help me.”

About the bunny

The stupid bunny got hit by a tram. His paws were cut off. The bunny was crying. The bunny's mother was crying. The bunny's dad was crying. Everyone was crying. The good doctor Aibolit sewed on the bunny's paws. Thank you, dear, kind doctor. Don't run through red lights, honey! Is it dangerous! And the bunny is always waiting for the green light. Now he has become smart.

1. What happened to the bunny?

2. Why did the bunny get hit by a tram?

3. What did Doctor Aibolit do?

4. At what traffic light can you cross the street?

5. At what light should you not cross the street?

6. What do they do when the traffic light is yellow?

Did Yasha help Aunt Maya? One day Aunt Maya takes out a sewing machine to sew a T-shirt for Yasha.

Come on, Yashenka, help me, give me that blue piece of material,” she asks.

Aunt Maya, I already cut a T-shirt out of it. Aunt Maya looked and gasped: all that was left was the matter


Aunt Maya, don’t be angry, I wanted the T-shirt to be sewn as quickly as possible,” Yasha makes an excuse.

What do you think, did Yasha help Aunt Maya or not?

1. What did Aunt Maya decide to do?2. What did she ask Yasha?

3. What did Yasha answer?

4. What should Yasha have done to really help Aunt Maya?

Beautiful ruddy apples grew on the apple tree. The apple tree was large and old, and the apples hung high on it. Yasha and little Yanochka asked grandfather Yakim to pick apples from this apple tree.

Yasha wants to be a sailor and wears shirts with an anchor. Grandfather Yakim once said that every ship has an anchor. “My toy yacht is also a ship,” thought Yasha. And he attached an anchor to his yacht. Here is a yacht in the bathtub, and Yasha is raising and lowering the anchor.

A beautiful, elegant lizard was basking on a stone. Ksenia began to catch it and grabbed the lizard by the tail. But the lizard left its tail and ran away. Ksenia held her tail, and then began to cry and said: “Now the lizard has become ugly and tailless.” “Don’t cry, Ksenia,” said the older sister Maya. “Soon the lizard will grow a new tail.”


Raya asked: “What kind of strawberry is it?” Yana replied: “She is red, large, sweet.” Eva objected: “No, it’s not large, but like a bead, and all pink.”

Yana argued: “But I picked strawberries in our garden myself.”

Julia said: “You don’t have strawberries in your garden, but strawberries. And the strawberries are in the forest, in the clearing.”

Yura smiled and remarked: “Strawberries can be forest, wild, or garden. This is the big one.”

Who said lizards are nasty? As soon as his tongue turned? He probably had never seen a lizard up close.

The lizard is especially beautiful in spring. In spring she is in a festive green outfit: her shields and scales are burning! Fabulous malachite beauty. And if frogs can be princesses, then lizards even more so!

N. Sweet

Eva and dad went to the spruce forest to get a Christmas tree. There the forester allowed them to cut down one Christmas tree. Eva chose the fluffiest tree. When dad wanted to cut down the Christmas tree, Eva felt sorry for her.

No need to chop down the tree. “Let this Christmas tree grow,” said Eva. - We will put up an artificial Christmas tree at home.

Mom, I bought a brush,” said Eva.

Where, where is the brush? Show me! - asked brother Yegorka. Eva took a brush out of her bag.

“This is not a brush, but some kind of brush,” Yegorka said sadly. - Yorshik is a fish. I myself caught a small fish in the summer, and my dad said that it was called a brush.

Right. There is a fish called a ruff, and this is a brush for washing bottles,” Eva explained to Yegorka.

Fox and Hedgehog

You, Hedgehog, are good and handsome to everyone, but thorns don’t suit you!

Why, Fox, am I ugly with thorns, or what?

Not that he's ugly...

Maybe I'm clumsy with the thorns?

Not that clumsy...

So what kind of person am I with these thorns?

Yes, you, brother, are inedible with them.

I'm Sweet

Two singers

Well, Nightingale, are you still singing and singing? At dawn you sing, during the day you sing. Do you sing even at night?

It’s me who doesn’t sing, it’s me who’s still learning.

Are you studying? Oh, you idiot! And I learned it a long time ago. Listen: kar-kar-kar!

S. Ivanov

Yashka byaka

The day was clear and clear, and the kitten Yasha was gloomy and angry. He was walking around the yard and fell into a hole. Here he stands and sticks his tongue out at the pit out of frustration. But the pit doesn’t care! Yasha then began to tease everyone. The frog stuck out his tongue - the frog was offended.

Yeah, here you go!

The lizard sits and doesn’t touch anyone, so he stuck his tongue out at her too. The lizard's eyes clap-clap - and into tears.

And Yasha is already teasing the lamb with her tongue. The lamb looked and looked and spoke.

Damn you, Yasha.

Am I a jerk? Well, then hang in there!

He climbed onto a pile of boxes, and then an apple fell from the apple tree and hit Yasha right on the forehead - bam!

Meow!!! - Yasha meowed, thinking that the hawk had attacked him. He rolled off the boxes, tail like a pipe, and went home.

I'll tell my mom everything! And everyone laughs.

Byaka-boyaka and sneak!

Long snake (translated from Swedish)

Once upon a time we had a snake. Such a long snake, such a long snake - I have never seen a longer snake.

Such a long snake that I can’t find a comparison. The head is reading a book, and the tail is bathing in the pond. One day at home the head drank tea with cherry jam. And the tail went for a walk and got on a tram for a ride.

Well, now, perhaps, it’s time for me to finish my poems,

So that they don’t suddenly become longer than that long snake.


Y in Krasnodar and Moscow.

Y and differentiation of sounds L"-Y

Y Y L"-Y.

L" And Y,

Characteristics of sound Y

Articulation of the sound Y

When pronouncing a sound Y:


Tip of the tongue rests on the lower incisors;

dorsum of tongue

soft sky

Sound Y[j]

descending iotation: ma th, ma th ka

a, oh, uh, uh included in diphthongs ya, yo, iu, ee, I, yo, yu, e- so-called ascending iotation :

Characteristics of sound Y


middle language (mid palate)

sonorant (voiced)

Violation of the pronunciation of the sound Y


a) no sound;

b) sound distortion (in practice this is extremely rare).

Paraiotacism- replacement with sounds I, L",3",X"

with descending iotation: with ascending iotation:

Preparatory articulation exercises

"Smile"With closed lips.

"Smile"With with parted lips.


“Let’s punish the naughty tongue.”

"Pussy is angry."

Setting the sound Y

(After eliminating the pronunciation defects of whistling, hissing and sonorous R, L, R", L").

Method I- By imitation :

a) by reflected and conjugate pronunciation of sound Y;

b) from a soft dull sound X" with the inclusion of voice with mandatory auditory and tactile-vibration control;

c) from a vowel sound AND in combination with vowels A, O, U, E with gradual acceleration:

eey-ey-ey- eey-ey-ey- ya-ya-ya

io-io-io- io-io-io- yo-yo-yo

eew-eew-eew- eew-eew-eew- yu-yu-yu

ee-ee-ee- ee-ee-ee- ye-ye-ye

II method- mechanical, used in difficult cases.

Sound Y placed using a spatula or sound probe Z : the child pronounces the syllable for-for-for, at this time, the speech therapist presses the tip of the tongue with a probe or spatula, slightly lifting and moving the back of the tongue into the depths of the mouth:

for-for-for® zy-zy-zy® ya-ya-ya

SOUND AUTOMATION Y, as a rule, it begins with ascending iotation.

Lesson 1

Lesson 2

Lesson 3

Lesson 4

1. Articulation and finger warm-up, exercises for the prevention of visual impairment.

Lesson 5

Lesson 6

Lesson 7

Lesson 8

Lesson 9

Lesson 10

Lesson 11

Lesson 12

Learning tongue twisters

Andrey is a sparrow!

Don't chase the pigeons!

Chase the tick

From under the sticks.


7. Game "Confusion"-transformation of a deformed phrase.

Andrey, open the door-

Andrey, open the door.

Anatoly, parrot, buy, no-

Anatoly, don’t buy a parrot.

Evgeny, pigeons, chase, no-

Evgeny, don’t chase the pigeons.

Vasily, song, sing, ringing-

The story, Andrey, is interesting, read it-

Timofey, melody, guess, funny-

storm, windows, Yuri, after, wide open, open-

China, Arkady, in, on, vacation, visit-

8. Game "Telegraph"- dividing words into syllables using claps (see full names from Exercise 3) .

9. Game "Echo"- highlighting the stressed syllable (see words from exercise 3).

10. Repeat tongue twister (exercise 5).

11. Application of geometric shapes "Sparrow".


Lesson 13

Lesson 14

Lesson 15

Lesson 16

Lesson 17

Lesson 18

Lesson 19

Lesson 20

Lesson 21

Drawing up diagrams of these words.

7. Extract from the poem by I.A. Bunin of words with a soft sound L":

forest, green, bells, green, valleys

8. Game "Echo"- highlighting the stressed syllable in these words.

9. Conjugation in the present tense:

Listen to the nightingale’s singing in the forest thicket until dawn.

10. Changing characteristics according to the model (formation of the comparative degree of adjectives):

green Forest- even greener

curly forest- even curlier

dark forest- even darker

dense forest- even denser

cold weather- even colder

fresh breeze- even fresher

warm spring- even warmer

long belt- even longer

light skirt- even lighter

stupid lamb- even stupider

new jersey- even newer

cute bunny- even cuter

white bunny- even whiter

smart deer- even smarter

brave boy- even braver

purple bell- even more purple

shy chicken- even more timid

11. Score -2 « 20:

illustration for a poem

12. Drawing an illustration for a poem about spring by I.A. Bunina (from exercise 2).


The willow is all fluffy

Spread out all around;

It's fragrant spring again

She blew her wings.

A.A. Fet


In the sun the dark forest glowed.

In the valley there is a thin white steam.

And he sang an early song

In the azure the lark is ringing.

Sings, sparkling in the sun:

- Spring has come to us young,

I'm here singing the coming of spring!

V. A. Zhukovsky


Sleep, my child, sleep!

Sweet dream to yourself:

I took you as a nanny

Wind, sun and eagle.

The eagle flew home;

The sun disappeared under the water;

Wind after three nights

Rushing to his mother...

A.N. Maikov

There is in the initial autumn

A short but wonderful time-

The whole day is like crystal,

And the evenings are radiant...

Where the cheerful sickle walked and the ear fell,

Now everything is empty- space everywhere

Only a web of thin hair

Glistens on the idle furrow.

The air is empty, the birds are no longer heard,

But the first winter storms are still far away-

And pure and warm azure flows

To the resting field...

F.I. Tyutchev

My dear side,

Great are your sufferings,

But there is an irresistible power,

And we are full of hope:

It won't go back in a wave

Mother Volga is free,

And the path of grace

Rus' will rush free!

N.P. Ogarev


This is my village;

This is my home;

Here I am sledding

Steep up the mountain...

FROM. Surikov


You're going, you're going- steppe and sky,

There really is no end for them.

And stands above, above the steppe,

Silence is silent...

FROM. Surikov

* * *

Winter sings- hoots,

The shaggy forest lulls

The ringing sound of a pine forest.

All around with deep melancholy

Sailing to a distant land

Gray clouds...

S.A. Yesenin


Bird cherry fragrant

Bloomed with spring

And golden branches,

What curls, curled.

Honey dew all around

Slides along the bark

Spicy greens underneath

Shines in silver.

S.A. Yesenin


Sleep, my beautiful baby,

Baiushki bye.

The clear month is shining quietly

To your cradle.

I will tell fairy tales

I'll sing a song;

You were dozing with your eyes closed,

Baiushki bye...

M. Yu. Lermontov


The lonely sail is white

In the blue sea fog-

What is he looking for in a distant land?

What did he throw in his native land?

The waves are playing, the wind is whistling,

And the mast bends and creaks;

Alas!- he is not looking for happiness

And he’s not running out of happiness!

Below him is a stream of lighter azure,

Above him is a golden ray of sun...

And he, the rebellious one, asks for a storm,

As if there is peace in the storms!

M.Yu. Lermontov


The storm covers the sky with darkness,

Whirling snow whirlwinds;

Then, like a beast, she will howl,

Then he will cry like a child;

Then on the dilapidated roof

Suddenly the straw will rustle,

The way a belated traveler

There's a knock on our window!

A.S. Pushkin

It's a sad time! Ouch charm!

I am pleased with your farewell beauty-

I love the lush decay of nature,

Forests dressed in scarlet and gold.

In their canopy there is noise and fresh breath,

And the skies are covered with wavy darkness,

And a rare ray of sunshine, and the first frosts,

And distant threats of gray winter...

A.S. Pushkin

See: Konovalenko V.D. Konovalenko S.V. "Articulation and finger gymnastics." - M., 1998.

See: Konovalenko S.V. “Development of cognitive activity in children from 6 to 9 years old.” - M., 1998.

Correction of the pronunciation of the sound Y.

Individual work with preschool and
primary school age.
- M.: Publishing House GNOM and D, 2000.

The manual gives a brief description of the sound Y, describes the most common defects in the pronunciation of this sound in children of preschool and primary school age and methods of production, automation and differentiation with the sound L.

Intended for speech therapists of preschool educational institutions, schools and medical institutions.

Preface........................................................ ........................................................ ............................. 4

Characteristics of sound Y.................................................... ........................................................ ........... 5

Lesson 1................................................... ........................................................ ................................... 7

Lesson 2................................................... ........................................................ .................................. 9

Lesson 3................................................... ........................................................ ............................... eleven

Lesson 4................................................... ........................................................ ............................... 13

Lesson 5................................................... ........................................................ ............................... 14

Lesson 6................................................... ........................................................ ............................... 16

Lesson 7................................................... ........................................................ ............................... 18

Lesson 8................................................... ........................................................ ............................... 20

Lesson 9................................................... ........................................................ ........................... 22

Lesson 10................................................... ........................................................ ........................... 25

Lesson 11................................................... ........................................................ ........................... 26

Lesson 12................................................... ........................................................ ........................... 29

Lesson 13................................................... ........................................................ ........................... 31

Lesson 14................................................... ........................................................ ........................... 34

Lesson 15................................................... ........................................................ ........................... 37

Lesson 16................................................... ........................................................ ........................... 39

2. Differentiation of sounds L" - Y.................................................... ........................................... 42

Lesson 17................................................... ........................................................ ........................... 42

Lesson 18................................................... ........................................................ ........................... 43

Lesson 19................................................... ........................................................ ........................... 46

Lesson 20................................................... ........................................................ ........................... 48

Lesson 21................................................... ........................................................ ............................. 50

Excerpts from poems by Russian poets.................................................... ........................................... 53


The brochure describes the experience of a speech therapist working with children of preschool and primary school age in correcting sound pronunciation Y in Krasnodar and Moscow.

The manual outlines individual lessons on audio automation Y and differentiation of sounds L"-Y using lexical and grammatical material that develops the child’s speech.

Sound pronunciation correction work Y designed for 21 lessons: 16 of them on sound automation Y and 5 - on differentiation of sounds L"-Y.

When working with this manual, you must have a set of subject pictures for sounds L" And Y, as well as plot pictures for these sounds from the manual: T.B. Filicheva, T.A. Kasha "Didactic material on correcting speech deficiencies in preschool children."

Characteristics of sound Y

Articulation of the sound Y

When pronouncing a sound Y:

lips close to the incisors, the corners of the mouth are moved back;

Tip of the tongue rests on the lower incisors;

dorsum of tongue rises and forms a gap with the middle part of the palate;

soft sky raised and closes the passage into the nasal cavity;

Sound Y[j] In the Russian phonetic system it is used in two meanings:

1) non-syllabic soft sound - the so-called descending iotation: ma th, ma th ka

2) syllabic sound included with vowels a, oh, uh, uh included in diphthongs ya, yo, iu, ee, denoted by iotated vowels I, yo, yu, e- so-called ascending iotation :

Characteristics of sound Y


middle language (mid palate)

sonorant (voiced)

Gulko Victoria
Outline for correcting the absence of sound [Y]

Preparatory stage.


1. "Fence". Smile, revealing your closed teeth with tension.

2. "Elephant". Stretching your lips forward like a tube, form an “elephant’s trunk.”

3. ""Elephant Fence". Alternate the 2 previous exercises.

4.Spatula. The mouth is slightly open, the lips are stretched in a smile. A wide, relaxed tongue rests on the lower lip. This position is held for 5-10 seconds. If the tongue does not want to relax, you can pat it with your upper lip, while saying: five-five-five.

5. “Punish the naughty tongue.” Smile. Open your mouth slightly. Calmly place your tongue on your lower lip and, smacking it with your lips, make the sounds of five-five-five. Pat your tongue with your lips several times during one exhalation, then hold the wide tongue in a calm position with your mouth open, counting from 1 to 5 - 10. Make sure that the child does not hold in the exhaled air. The lower lip should not curl up or be pulled over the lower teeth. The lateral edges of the tongue touch the corners of the mouth.

6. " Slide". The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. The wide tip of the tongue rests on the tubercles behind the lower teeth, the back first rises until it touches the upper incisors, then lowers. Make sure that the tip of the tongue does not leave the alveoli, and that the lips and lower jaw remain motionless.


Method 1. By reflected (for the adult) and conjugate (together with the adult) pronunciation of the sound Y.

Method 2. From the soft dull sound of X" with the inclusion of voice with mandatory auditory and tactile-vibration control.

Method 3. Let the child say the sound combinations [aia], [she], [uia] after you. You need to press the sound [and] with your tongue, pronounce the last vowel with emphasis, sharply and abruptly, opening your mouth wide. With this last vowel sound, the child should “aim” at his palm, “hitting” it with his exhalation. Despite the fact that the sound [i] is pronounced with emphasis, it should be as short as possible.

Between vowels, instead of [and], the sound [and] will slip through. But when you pronounce these combinations out loud for your child, you should pronounce the sound [and], not [and]. Tell your child that he must repeat your sound combinations faster than you and with pressure.

Then let the child quickly pronounce the syllables [aia - aia - aia - aia] - the sound [and] will be clearly heard between the vowels.

Draw the child’s attention to it and call it something (for example, say that’s what a saw “squeals”).

Method 4. The sound Y is placed using a spatula or a probe from the sound Z: the child pronounces the syllable za-za-za, at this time the speech therapist presses the tip of the tongue with a probe or spatula, slightly lifting and moving the back of the tongue into the back of the mouth:

for-for-for zya-zya-zya ya-ya-ya.


1) Pronunciation of isolated sound [th]. _It hurts, it stings! - Yyyy!

2) Automation of the sound [th] in syllables

Repeat the syllables.

ya-ya-ya - ya-ya, ya-ya - ya-ya-ya

yo-yo-yo - yo-yo, yo-yo - yo-yo-yo

yu-yu-yu - yu-yu, yu-yu - yu-yu-yu

ye-ye-ye - ye-ye, ye-ye - ye-ye-ye

3) Automation of the sound [th] in words

Iodine, yogurt, T-shirt, sink, barn, parrot, May, tea, kettle,

bunny, snake, stand, jay, drink, neck, give, my, fight, swarm, edge,

yours, stream, nightingale, taiga, husky, polar cod, deuce, three, seagull,

bike, slaughterhouse, buffalo, trickle, construction site, loaf, cot, bench-

ka, penny, housewife, glue, snake, harvest, pollock, China, pri-

fight, cowboy, peace, frost, sparrow, museum, hockey, Timofey,

low, wild, quiet, high, sonorous, dilapidated, new, smart,

dark, edge, tram, ant, sweatshirt, nut, rack, gang.

4) Automation of the sound [th] in words with two sounds.

Eggs, bright, clear, Japan, radiance, charm, Maya, southern,

young, nimble, Evsey, Evgeny, caustic, hedgehog, foyer, hired,

5) Automation of the sound [th] in phrases

hot tea

small parrot

my dress

prickly hedgehog

ripe apple

green needles

little Yana

white acacia

hungry hyena

leather belt

wounded fighter

wallpaper glue

barely goes

my sewing

your own home

the three of us sing gray bunny

tall spruce trees.

6) Automation of the sound [th] in sentences

Pronounce clearly.

I-I-I - Yana is my berry.

I-I-I - Yakov goes to the lighthouse.

I-I-I - I can do everything.

I-I-I - I’m walking with the baby.

Yo-yo-yo - Zoya sings to the accordion.

Yo-yo-yo - ironing clothes with grandma.

Yu-yu-yu - I give Maya berries.

Yu-yu-yu - I sew dolls together with my mother.

Yu-yu-yu - I sing songs with dad.

E-e-e - Yakov rides on a horse.

E-e-e - I help everyone in the family.

Oh-oh-oh - the bunny is cold in winter.

Automation of the sound [th] in connected speech

Tongue Twisters. The hedgehog is sitting by the Christmas tree. The hedgehog has spines.

The spruce looks like a hedgehog, the hedgehog has needles, and so does the fir tree.

We ate, ate, ate ruffs at the spruce tree. They were barely finished at the spruce.

The lizard was carrying apples in a box on a skiff to the fair.

Publications on the topic:

Outline of an individual lesson on audio automation [C] Goal: to consolidate the correct pronunciation of the sound “C”. Objectives: 1. Strengthening the correct articulation of the sound “C”; 2. Reinforcing the correct one.

Outline of the lesson of correction and control of knowledge in English for the first year of study “My Family” Topic: "My family". Goal: Generalization and systematization of skills and abilities

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