Russian Orthodox Institute. Russian Orthodox University

    Created in 1993 in Moscow. Faculties: philosophical theological, biblical theological, historical and philological... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Created in 1993 in Moscow. Faculties: philosophical theological, biblical pathology, historical philology, legal, economic, environmental. In 1998 there were about 700 students. * * * RUSSIAN ORTHODOX UNIVERSITY RUSSIAN... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Russian Orthodox University of St. John the Theologian (RPU of St. John the Theologian) Year of foundation 1993 Rector Abbot Peter (Eremeev) (since 2010) Location Moscow ... Wikipedia

    - (street, 28/2). Established with the blessing of Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Rus' in 1993. It trains humanitarian specialists. The university program includes courses in humanities (using the heritage of domestic schools of Slavic studies... Moscow (encyclopedia)

    - (RosNOU) ... Wikipedia

    Russian Orthodox Institute of St. John the Theologian (RPI) Year of foundation 1993 Rector Abbot Peter (Eremeev) (since 2010) ... Wikipedia

    - (RGUPFKSMiT (GTSOLIFK)) Logo International name ... Wikipedia

    - (RGUNiG) ... Wikipedia

    Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov" (REU named after G.V. Plekhanov) ... Wikipedia

    The request "RGUITP" is redirected here; see also other meanings. Russian State University of Innovative Technologies and Entrepreneurship (RGUITP) International name Russian State Unive ... Wikipedia

“The goal of the Orthodox Institute is to educate not only highly professionally trained, but also spiritually mature people who have mastered the fundamentals of Christian morality and Orthodox religious and cultural traditions.”

About the Institute

Established with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Rus' in 1993. The uniqueness of the education received by students Russian Orthodox Institute of St. ap. John the Evangelist is to combine secular humanitarian and theological education. Students study not only a full course of disciplines of specialties that meet the state educational standard, but also receive a theological education, studying both the doctrinal, church-historical, and the theological block of academic disciplines.


  • legal faculty;
  • Faculty of Psychology;
  • Faculty of Economics;
  • faculty church history painting;
  • Faculty of Ecology;
  • Faculty of Philosophy and Theology;
  • Faculty of Philology;
  • historical faculty;
  • Faculty of Journalism;
  • Faculty of Theology.

Additional specialties. Diplomas

IN Russian Orthodox Institute of St. John the Evangelist faculty of additional specialties regency singing courses, giving university graduates the opportunity to obtain additional specialties Church choir director, church choir singer (church diplomas)
The Institute issues state-issued diplomas of 8 specialties level "specialist", in 9 specialties at the level "bachelor". The Institute conducts retraining of specialists and training of specialists in second higher education programs.

Every year, the university graduates specialists who receive both a state diploma and a church diploma. Upon admission, the results of the Unified State Examination are taken into account, and enrollment for a second higher education is also carried out.

Driving directions

schedule Operating mode:

Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu., Fri. from 10:00 to 18:00

Gallery MPI St. John the Evangelist

general information

Autonomous non-profit organization of higher education "Moscow Orthodox Institute of St. John the Theologian"


No. 02266 valid indefinitely from 07/13/2016


No. 02309 is valid from 10/25/2016 to 02/02/2021

Previous names of MPI St. John the Evangelist

  • Orthodox Institute of St. John the Theologian

Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for MPI St. John the Evangelist

2015 result: monitoring results are not shown for universities that, according to the results of monitoring in 2014, scored less than 4 points out of 7 (report)

2017 result: monitoring results are not shown for universities that, according to the results of monitoring in 2016, scored less than 4 points out of 7 or are in the process of reorganization (report)

Index18 year16 year14 year
Performance indicator (out of 7 points)3 2 3
Average Unified State Examination score for all specialties and forms of study57.72 54.41 66.86
Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on the budget- - -
Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on a commercial basis55.33 53.65 67.08
Average minimum Unified State Exam score for all specialties for full-time students enrolled52.92 49.76 65.25
Number of students299 394 418
Full-time department191 166 160
Part-time department0 60 67
Extramural108 168 191
All data Report Report Report

About MPI St. John the Evangelist

The Orthodox Institute of St. John the Theologian was founded in 1992 with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Rus'. This institute trains the most highly qualified specialists in various fields of knowledge related to the traditions of the Russian Church.

University education

At the St. John the Evangelist Institute, students can study only on a paid basis in full-time, part-time and evening (part-time) forms of study. After completing their education, students receive a state diploma. The university offers education in 6 faculties:

  • Historical and philological, where students receive a higher education in the humanities in the traditions of pre-revolutionary Russia. Studying at this faculty, students not only master their chosen specialty, but also study religious studies, Church Slavonic language, Church history, sing in the choir, that is, they are brought up in the spirit of Christian morality.
  • Faculty of Religious Studies, where students deeply study the Orthodox Christian religion, and can also participate in the creation of the journal “Eurasia: Spiritual Traditions of Nations,” which publishes scientific research on the religion and culture of various peoples of Europe and Asia.
  • Faculty of Economics and Law, where highly qualified specialists are trained in economic and legal disciplines who will be able to work for the Church, state and society, possessing a high level of spiritual and secular culture.
  • Faculty of Church Ministry, which was created in 2011. Here lay people who want to work in one of the areas of church ministry undergo training, retraining and advanced training courses.
  • Faculty of Psychology, the dean of which is Petr Leonidovich Kolomeytsev, a Christian psychologist in parish counseling. Students receive education here at the departments of general and applied psychology, as well as the department of psychology of social work.
  • Faculty of Culture, where students receive higher education in the departments of decorative and applied and fine arts and architecture and design. In addition, the faculty has a center for the study of Christian shrines.

After completing their education, students of the PI of St. John the Evangelist can continue their studies in master's and postgraduate studies, as well as write and defend master's and doctoral dissertations, thereby becoming more competitive in the labor market.

Scientific student community of the university

A scientific student community has been opened on the territory of the St. John the Evangelist Polytechnic Institute, uniting students, graduate students and masters of the university who participate in research work. The goal of the scientific community is to create all conditions for the creative development of student youth and, on this basis, to replenish the intellectual potential of the institute. This center helps improve the quality of education for students, because here everyone can talk with a teacher in a friendly atmosphere, fill gaps in education, and deepen knowledge in their chosen disciplines.

The main objectives of the scientific student community are:

  • identifying the scientific potential of students of the St. John the Evangelist Institute and its development;
  • motivating students to deepen their own knowledge and participate in research work;
  • development of professional qualities of future specialists, which are manifested through a competitive spirit when participating in various studies;
  • improving the image of the institute, thanks to constant research that leads to improved quality of education;
  • increasing students' interest in scientific research, thanks to the unity of theory and practice.

Thus, those students who participate in the scientific student community prepare themselves from their student years for adult life and work in their chosen specialty. Thanks to the research they conduct, students not only deepen their knowledge, but also learn to complete the work they have begun, become more disciplined, self-confident, able to defend their point of view, and therefore more competitive compared to other applicants for the same and the same workplace.

Employment of graduates of PI St. John the Evangelist

The institute has created a “Perspective” center, which promotes the employment of university graduates. Its main goal is 100% employment of all graduates of the institute 3 months after graduation. To do this, the Center’s specialists constantly monitor the labor market in order to know how in demand the institute’s graduates are; they also monitor how satisfied employers are with the quality of education of university graduates in order to increasingly improve the education system at St. John the Evangelist Polytechnic Institute. In addition, university specialists create a special vacancy bank, where vacant positions in leading enterprises and organizations in Moscow are noted and where graduates of the institute are then sent for employment.

Among the tasks of the Graduate Employment Assistance Center are:

  • psychological support;
  • consulting assistance on employment issues;
  • interaction with a variety of organizations in Moscow that provide new jobs for university graduates;
  • selecting each student his future workplace in order to ensure 100% employment of all graduates;
  • assistance in adapting graduates to their new place of work.

UNIQUENESS OF PSTGU While studying at PSTGU, students have the opportunity to simultaneously develop in different directions, taking into account individual needs. On the one hand, the University offers 52 training programs in the field of humanities education in popular specialties at 9 faculties with the issuance of state-recognized diplomas. On the other hand, the offered programs allow you not only to obtain a current specialty, but also to expand your range of competencies by studying foreign languages ​​and obtaining several professions.INTERNSHIPS IN LEADING UNIVERSITIES IN EUROPE PSTGU creates opportunities to gain first professional experience through internships and internships. The university has partnerships with 12 universities in Europe and the USA, where PSTGU students can undergo training and practice under exchange programs. Thus, each student can build an individual development trajectory, which may include obtaining several specialties at once, good language and theological training. CRITERIA FOR EDUCATION QUALITY The quality of education is an important criterion for assessing the activities of PSTGU, which is achieved through the university’s scientific activities, its own methods, the high level of qualifications of teachers and famous invited specialists. PSTGU teachers are high-level experts in their fields, often speaking at Russian and international scientific conferences, as well as giving lectures at other universities. Students from Europe and the USA also undergo training and internship within the university. PSTGU AND SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITIES For those wishing to devote themselves to scientific activities, the university provides the opportunity to continue their studies in master's and postgraduate studies, publish works in PSTGU publications, work in scientific centers, and participate in conferences.STUDENT LIFE The university has an active and diverse student life and hosts numerous scientific and cultural events. MATERIAL AND TECHNICAL BASE OF PSTGU The good material and technical base of the university allows the use of modern technologies in the learning process. Students can also use libraries, electronic resources, canteens, and even a coworking studio to prepare for classes and relax. A dormitory is provided for non-resident students. AVAILABILITY OF BUDGET PLACES AND HOSTELS In 2018 the university offers applicants 375 “budget” places, some of which are financed from the state budget, partly from own funds, as well as 392 places on a paid basis. During their studies at PSTGU, young men of military age are granted a deferment from the army. Studying at PSTGU requires students to be purposeful, hard-working and willing to learn. Only in this case, all the opportunities that the university provides will allow you to get a good base and advantages necessary for further employment.PSTGU is waiting for its students!

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