Online shopping in English: a selection of useful words and expressions for online shopping. Shopping “in English”: what you need to know Shopping in my life in English

Topic in English: My shopping trip (Shopping). This text can be used as a presentation, project, story, essay, essay or message on a topic.

Attitude towards shopping

All people can be divided into two categories: shopaholics - those who love shopping, and those who hate it. I definitely fall into the second category, but as we all know, shopping is a must. During the week I rarely go to the store because I’m busy with school. If I go somewhere for groceries, it’s a store near my home. For example, I can go to a butcher's shop for meat or to a greengrocer's for vegetables. I sometimes go to the pharmacy if I need some medicine.

Shopping day

I try to do my shopping on the weekend when I have a lot of time. I usually go to the supermarket, where you can buy not only groceries, but also household goods, such as household chemicals. I always make a shopping list so I don't forget anything. This list usually includes bread and pastries, cereals, meat, vegetables and dairy products, fruits and vegetables, drinking water and juices. As you can see, the list is quite long, so if you asked me if I preferred baskets or carts, I would grab a cart and head down the aisles. After I've made all my purchases, I head to the checkout and pay for them. When I don’t want to waste time on shopping myself, I order groceries home. I choose what I need from the online catalog, place an order and wait for the courier.

Buying clothes

If I need clothes, I go to a department store or mall because they offer good prices. I never go to boutiques or designer clothing stores because they are too expensive and I can't afford it. I often buy clothes online. There are many advantages here, for example, high competition, hence the constant sales. In addition, time is saved.


That's probably all there is to it when it comes to my shopping trips. Like I said, I hate shopping. And you?

Download English topic: My shopping trip


Attitude to shopping

All people can be divided into shopaholics and those who hate shopping. I definitely fall into the second category, but as we all know shopping is a pressing necessity. I do a little shopping during the week because I’m usually busy studying. If I do go somewhere to buy some food it’s within walking distance from my home. For instance, I occasionally go to the butcher’s to buy some meet or to the greengrocer’s for some vegetables. I sometimes go to the chemist’s if I need some medicine.

Shopping day

I try to do most of the shopping at the weekend when I have plenty of time. I usually go to a supermarket where I can buy not only food by also household goods such as cleaning products. I always make a shopping list not to forget anything. Among the items on my list are bread and bakery, cereals, meat and dairy products, fruit vegetables, drinking water and juice. As you can see it’s rather long, so if you asked me if I’m a “basket-person” or a “trolley-person” I would take a shopping cart and go down the aisles. When I’m done with everything on the list, I head for the till and pay for my purchase. When I don’t want to spend time doing the shopping myself I can have food delivered to my place. I choose what I need from an online catalogue; place my order on the site and wait for a courier to deliver it.

Buying clothes

If I need some clothes I go shopping in a department store or a shopping center because they offer good value. I never go to boutiques or upmarket shops because they are rather pricy and I can’t afford them. I often go shopping online. There are great benefits of shopping online. Competition is high, so there are always great sales and promotions. You also save time by shopping online.


So, that’s practically all about my going shopping. As I’ve already said I hate it. And you?

Modern information technologies have greatly influenced people’s lifestyle and their daily routine. Today we can do shopping not only at markets and stores but also on the Internet. There is a great variety of online shops on the Internet and they sell all kinds of goods: from cars or airplane tickets to books or food. You can buy anything just with a few clicks of the mouse. The first online store appeared in England in 1979. And since then shopping online has become really popular and widely-used. Currently the largest world online corporations are “Amazon” and “eBay”.

It is often faster and cheaper to buy online. For instance, finding and buying books on a website is easier and more convenient than walking around a large bookstore. Moreover, customers save not only their time but money as well: warehouses are normally cheaper than shops, so online companies offer lower prices even when delivery charges are included. Although shipping a small number of items from another country could be sometimes quite expensive.

It goes without saying that not all products can be purchased online as easy as books. People prefer to try on clothes, for example, to feel the quality and choose the right size. So they often go shopping first, choose the product in stores and then place an order for it online, having found some attractive discount.

Online shopping is also an ideal way of buying goods for extremely busy people or for the disabled. Online stores are usually available 24 hours a day. All you need is the Internet access and a valid method of payment: credit cards, electronic money or cash on delivery.

The main disadvantage of online shopping is insecurity. There is always a small risk that your financial and personal information might be exploited by hackers. Other frustrating disadvantages are additional costs for delivery and long waiting time, up to several weeks. Besides, online shopping is a bit risky because you can get goods of bad quality, broken or even wrong items.

As we can see, shopping on the Internet has both advantages and disadvantages. To my mind, it is a very useful and convenient invention. We should just be careful when choosing a website and placing orders.


Modern information technology has greatly influenced people's lifestyles and their daily routines. Today we can make purchases not only in markets and stores, but also on the Internet. There are a wide variety of online stores that sell all types of goods, from cars and plane tickets to books and groceries. You can purchase anything you want with just a few clicks of the mouse. The first online store appeared in 1979 in England, and since then online shopping has become very popular and widely used. Currently, Amazon and eBay are considered the largest online corporations.

Shopping online is often faster and cheaper. For example, it is much easier and more convenient to find and buy books on a website than to go to a large bookstore. Moreover, buyers save not only their time, but also money: warehouses are usually cheaper than stores, so online companies offer lower prices, even including delivery costs. However, shipping small quantities of goods from another country can sometimes be quite expensive.

Of course, not all products can be purchased online as easily as books. People prefer to try on clothes, for example, to feel the quality and choose the right size. Therefore, they often first go to the store, select a product there, and then place an order for it online, while looking for some attractive discount.

Online shopping is also an ideal option for purchasing goods for extremely busy people or for people with disabilities. Online stores are usually available 24 hours a day. All you need is an Internet connection and an accessible payment method: credit cards, electronic money or cash upon delivery.

The main disadvantage of online shopping is insecurity. There is always a small risk that your financial and personal data could be used by hackers. Other unfortunate downsides are additional shipping costs and long waiting times, up to several weeks. In addition, online shopping is a bit risky because you may receive poor quality, damaged or even the wrong item.

The “Shopping” topic in English is a useful text with thematic phrases, translation and voice acting that will help everyone expand their vocabulary and learn to speak out on the topic. More topics on the topic "Shopping and Fashion"(Shopping and fashion) you can find in.

I go shopping several times per week. Nowadays there are so many types of shops - the shopping center, the hypermarket, the supermarket, the bakery, butchery and grocery.

I adore shopping centers. I usually do the shopping with my mother or with my friends. We go to the shopping centers where we can spend hours in different shops. You can buy any type of clothes there: from underwear to shoes and coat.

The supermarkets and hypermarkets are very convenient as you can buy whatever you need at once. There is no more need to go to three different shops to buy bread, meat and vegetables. It's all here.

But still there are those who prefer buying some goods at the specialized places. For example, they buy fresh bread at the bakery across the street, and then go to the butcher’s to buy some fresh meat, and then spend 20 minutes to get to the grocery to buy fresh fruits and vegetables.

Modern technologies allow doing the shopping without need not only to get out of the house, but even get out of bed. It concerns not only the clothing, but also the food. The delivery service is a part of almost all modern shops and that is extremely convenient. You can spend half an hour on choosing and ordering the products and then do some other things and then just receive all that you need. Isn't that convenient?

So there are so many types of shopping. And one can choose the most preferable to him.


I go to the store several times a week. Nowadays there are so many types of stores - shopping mall, hypermarket, supermarket, bakery, butcher and grocery.

I love shopping centers. I usually go shopping with my mother or with friends. We go to a shopping center where we can spend hours in different stores. You can buy any type of clothing there: from underwear to shoes and coats.

Supermarkets and hypermarkets are very convenient because you can immediately buy everything you need. You no longer need to go to three different stores to buy bread, meat and vegetables. Everything is here.

But there are still those who prefer to buy some goods in specialized places. For example, they buy fresh bread from the bakery across the street, and then go to the butcher to buy fresh meat, and then spend 20 minutes getting to the grocery store to buy fresh fruits and vegetables.

Modern technologies make it possible to shop without having to not only get out of the house, but even get out of bed. This applies not only to clothes, but also to food. Delivery services are available in almost all modern stores and it is very convenient. You can spend half an hour selecting and ordering products, then go and do a few other things, and then just get everything you need. Isn't this convenient?

Therefore, there are many types of purchases. And everyone chooses the one that is most preferable to him.


to go shopping - go shopping

to be very convenient - to be very convenient

can buy whatever you need - you can buy everything you need

at once - immediately

no need to do sth - no need to do (anything)

the bakery, the butchery, the grocery - bakery, butchery, grocery store.

to get out of the house - get out of the house

it concerns - it concerns (something)

the delivery service - delivery service

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These days, more than ever, more people are making purchases using the Internet. After all, “on the Internet” you can purchase a wide range of goods, from real estate to shoes and air tickets.

So what are the benefits of online shopping?

Fantastic convenience: Compared to an offline store with fixed opening hours, an online store is available 24 hours a day. This is especially convenient for young mothers, people with limited mobility, as well as for those buyers who live in difficult weather conditions.

Ability to compare prices: When you go to a store, you will most likely be forced to agree to the price that the seller sets, whatever it may be. With online shopping, things are different: you can compare hundreds of prices from different sellers.

Endless choice: Trading space on the shelves of an offline store is limited, and this means a limited selection of goods. This is not the case with an online store. Plus, if you don't find a product in one online store, you can simply move on to the next one.

Easy access to customer reviews: You can easily find customer opinions on almost any product online, allowing you to make more informed purchases.

No pressure to buy: When making a purchase in a regular store, each of us has at least once been subjected to rude pressure from overly persistent sellers. You can avoid this by shopping online.

These are just a few of the benefits of online shopping.

But does it have any disadvantages? Unfortunately yes. Let's look at some of them:

You can't try on things: If you buy a piece of clothing, you cannot touch the material, put the item on, or examine the sewing details. If you don't know your own size and are unfamiliar with the brand of clothing on offer, your purchase could end in disaster.

You cannot get an immediate answer to your question: If you have a question about a product you've chosen, you'll likely have to wait at least 24 hours for a response (although many sites offer online chat for this purpose).

Privacy and Security: Privacy and security issues when shopping online are quite common, but there are a number of steps you can take to help keep your online money transactions safe. For example, pay attention to whether the server is secure: the abbreviation HTTPS (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure) in the site address indicates that it is secure. You must also learn to recognize deception and fraud during online transactions, be able to use an anonymizer and not disclose your own personal data when working on the Internet.

For those who need to prepare a story or write an essay on the topic “Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Shopping”, here is the text of the article in English:

More people than ever before in history are using the Web to shop for a wide variety of items, from houses to shoes to airplane tickets.

So, what are the advantages of online shopping?

Incredible convenience: In comparison to a brick and mortar store with fixed hours, the online one is accessible 24/7 (twenty four / seven). This is especially useful for moms with small children, people that are home-bound, or for those shoppers who live in inclement weather conditions.

Price comparisons: When you visit a store, you most likely have to settle for whatever price the vendor has placed on a particular item. Not so with online shopping - you have the ability to compare prices from hundreds of different vendors.

Infinite choice: Shelf space in a brick and mortar store is limited, which means that your variety of goods is limited. Not so with an online store. Plus, if you don't see what you want in one store online, you can simply move on to the next one.

Easy access to consumer reviews: On the Internet, it's easy to access consumer reviews for pretty much any product you can think of, which makes for more informed purchases.

No pressure sales: We've all been awkwardly propositioned by eager salespeople while buying offline. You don't have to put up with that online.

These are just some of the advantages of online shopping. Are there any disadvantages? Unfortunately, yes. Let's look at a few:

You can't try things on. If you"re buying a clothing item, you don"t have the ability to feel the material, try it on, and see how it"s made. Unless you know your measurements and are familiar with the brand of clothing offered, this could end up being a bad experience.

You can"t get an immediate answer to your question: If you have a question about the item you"re looking at, you probably will have to wait at least 24 hours to get a question answered (however, many sites have "instant chat" enabled that take care of this issue).

Privacy and security: Privacy and security are legitimate concerns for any online shopper, but there are precautions you can take to make sure your transaction is a safe one. For example, paying attention to HTTPS protocols, knowing how to identify online scams and hoaxes, surfing anonymously, and keeping your Web usage private.

Now watch the video, which explains in clear English how to protect yourself from troubles when buying online (turn on English subtitles if necessary):

General terms:

Buyer account on the online store website

Add to cart

Add to Basket

Advanced search

Advanced Search

Availability (In stock, Out of stock)

Product Availability (In Stock, Out of Stock)

Backorder (date)

A product that will soon arrive at the warehouse (often the expected date of arrival is indicated next to it)

(Shopping) Basket, Cart

Shopping cart

Best sellers

Bestsellers (high-demand products)

Billing address

Address to which the bank card is registered

Buy on the Internet

Buy online

Card (Credit card)

Plastic bank card (credit card)

Card Number

Credit Card Number


Calculation, payment for goods




Create a profile

Create a profile (client)

Customer service

Customer Service, Technical Support

Customers' Top Rated

Remove item from cart


Product description


Out of stock


Email address

E-mail address

Estimated Taxes

Estimated tax

Expiration Date

Valid until: (about credit card expiration date)

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

For free

Import charges (estimated)

Import duty (estimated)



In stock

On sale

Article, product, name, position

Log in (out)

Login / Logout

Low stock, low quantity

Limited quantity left

Money back guarantee

Money back guarantee

Shopping cart

New Arrivals

New Arrivals

New customer

New client

Only _____ left in stock

There are only ______ pieces left in stock. goods

Out of stock (OOS)

Not available

Discounts, sale

Page __ of __

Page ___ of ____

Piece (pcs)

Piece (piece)

Price (High, Low)

Price (high, low)

(Order) Processing fee

Order processing fee

Quantities limited

Quantity of goods is limited




Recently Viewed Items

Recently Viewed Products

Remove item from cart

restocking fee

Fee for returning goods

Return policy

Return Policy

Reviews (opinions) from customers

Security Code, Card Code Verification (CCV)

Three-digit credit card authentication code

See larger view

View close up

Select a category

Select a size

Select size

Shipping Rates & Policies

Rates and delivery policy

Shop now

Go to shopping

Shop over the Internet

Buy online

Sign in (out)

Size chart/guide

Size chart

Sort by (price, availability)

Sort by (price, availability)

Store Directory, Index

Total (Tax included/incl.)

Total (including tax):

Trusted website

Reliable website

VAT (Value Added Tax)

VAT excl. (excluded)

VAT incl. (included)


A wish list

Zoom (in/out) Zoom in (zoom out)

Terms related to discounts and sales:

____% off

Discount ___%


Final sale

Discount coupon

Deal of the day

Offer of the day (Promotion of the day)


Discount coupon

Discount coupon

Editor's picks

Editor's Choice

Ends in ___ days/hours

Ends in _____ days/hours

Gift card/certificate

Gift card/certificate

Holiday deal

Holiday promotion

Promotion code

Discount code


Save ____%

Saving ____%

"Save ____% with this coupon. Discount at checkout."

“Save ___% with this coupon. Receive a discount when paying for goods."

Special offer

Special offer

Today's deal

Promotion of the day

Up to ___% off

Discount up to ____%

Voucher, discount code

Terms related to online auctions:

Add to watch list

Add to watch list

Bidding software

A program that allows you to monitor your progress
lots you are interested in at auctions (for example, eBay and Amazon)

Buy it now

Buy immediately

Condition (New, Used, Collectible)

Condition (New, Used, Collectible)

Feedback (positive, negative)

, which will be relevant for everyone. After all, shopping makes up a significant part of our lives. Having studied topic in English with translation on the topic of shopping, you can talk about going to the store or talk to sellers in an English-speaking country.


When we want to buy something, we go to a shop. There are different kinds of shops for example: food supermarkets, grocery, department stores, men's and women's clothing stores, bakeries and butcheries.

I like to do my shopping at supermarkets and department stores, because lots of different goods are sold under one roof, it`s very convenient. Department stores are composed of many departments: clothes, fabrics, shoes, toys, china and glass, sports goods, electric appliances, curtains, linen, cosmetics, etc. You can buy all the necessary things here.

There are escalators in big stores; they take customers to different floors and counters on which the goods for sale can be easily seen.

In the men's clothing department, one can find trousers, overcoats, suits, ties, etc.

In the women's clothing department, one can choose dresses, skirts, blouses, coats, beautiful underwear and other things.

In the knitwear department, there are sweaters, woollen jackets, cardigans, pullovers. In the perfumery, you can buy face powder, different creams, lipstick, mascara, shampoos and lotions.

In a food supermarket we buy various things like: sausages, macaroni, fish, sugar, flour, tea and cereals. At the butcher"s we can find meat and poultry. At the bakery they sell white and brown bread, rolls and biscuits.

At the greengrocery there is a wide choice of vegetables and greens: potatoes, cabbage, onions, cucumbers, beetroots, carrots, green peas, dill and parsley.

If you go to a dairy, you will find milk, cheese, butter, cream and other products.

There are various methods of shopping. It may be a self-service shop where you go from counter to counter selecting goods you need and putting them into your basket.

Then you have to take your basket to the checkout counter, where the prices of your purchases are added up.

If it is not a self-service shop, the shop assistants help their customers to find what they want.

The customers pay money to the cashier and get their change back.


When we want to buy something, we go to the store. There are different types of stores: food supermarkets, groceries, department stores, men's and women's clothing stores, bakeries and butchers.

I like shopping in supermarkets and department stores because they sell a lot of different products under one roof, it's very convenient. Department stores consist of many departments: clothing, fabrics, shoes, toys, china and glass, sporting goods, electrical goods, curtains, linen, cosmetics, etc. You can buy all the necessary things here.

Large department stores have escalators that take visitors to different floors, as well as counters on which products are laid out so that they can be easily seen.

In the men's clothing department you can find trousers, coats, suits, ties, etc.

In the women's clothing department you can choose dresses, skirts, blouses, coats, beautiful lingerie and other things.

In the knitwear department you can buy sweaters, woolen jackets, cardigans, and pullovers. The cosmetics department sells powder, various creams, lipstick, mascara, shampoos and lotions.

In the grocery supermarket we can buy various products: sausages, pasta, fish, sugar, flour, tea and cereals. In the meat shop we can find meat and poultry. The bakery sells white and brown bread, buns and cookies.

The grocery store has a large selection of vegetables and herbs: potatoes, cabbage, onions, cucumbers, beets, carrots, green peas, dill and parsley.

If you go to a dairy store, you can buy milk, cheese, butter, cream and other products.

There are different ways to go shopping. There are self-service stores where you walk from counter to counter, select items and add them to your cart.

You then need to take your basket to the control counter, where the cost of your purchases is added up.

If this is not a self-service store, then sellers help their customers find what they want.

​Customers pay money to the cashier and receive change.

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