Material of the seminar on geography at school. Regional scientific and practical seminar of teachers of geography

Modern infrastructure in geography lessons -

condition for successful socialization of schoolchildren.

President of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev in the national educational initiative "Our New School" formulated the requirements for a modern school as follows: "The model of a modern school must meet the goals of advanced innovative development of the economy and the social sphere, ensure the growth of the country's welfare and contribute to the formation of human potential."

Today, the image of a school graduate is becoming a guideline for designing processes and conditions for obtaining educational results, the main tool for the development of the school and the teaching staff. (Message to the Federal Assembly, November 5, 2008).

A graduate of a modern school should be ready and able to think creatively, find non-standard solutions, take the initiative, i.e. the graduate must be competitive.

The main task of school education is to give the student the necessary minimum of knowledge, to develop in him the skills that will ensure his readiness for the next level of education or for practical activities, and also to educate those personality traits that are necessary for his social adaptation. This means that it is necessary to study in schools not only the achievements of the past, but also those methods and technologies that will be useful in the future. For this purpose, key directions for the development of general education have been identified:

  1. updating educational standards;
  2. support system for talented children;
  3. development of teaching potential;
  4. modern school infrastructure(we will discuss the last 2 directions).

To create such a model of a graduate, significant changes must also occur in the infrastructure for providing educational activities.

The modern infrastructure of the school is the totality of the entire material, technical and methodological base, all the services of the school, as well as links with organizations that provide the necessary conditions for the activities of the school as a whole.

The components of modern infrastructure are highlighted. These are the material, methodological and organizational components that require detailed consideration of each of them:

The material component of the infrastructureis aimed at changing the quality of the conditions of education and upbringing. The school space should be functionally and aesthetically well-planned, and should not contain health risks.

Methodological component of the infrastructurereoriented to support the activities of each teacher. For this, access to various methodological, informational and consulting resources is provided, a student-centered approach to methodological work at school, lesson analysis, and individual support for teachers is used.

An integral part of the methodological component of the school infrastructure is the teacher's office.

Today the lesson should not be limited to the subject textbook, the blackboard and the teacher. According to the modern requirements of the educational standard, the traditional form of a lesson cannot provide students with such a volume of information as a lesson using information technology, this requires the appropriate technical equipment of the classroom.

The study room of the 21st century is a modern design, ergonomic health-saving furniture, the latest equipment, visual aids, the Internet.

The appearance of the classroom, the availability of methodological and didactic material depend not only on the capabilities of the school, but also on the desire and abilities of the subject teacher himself.

When working with new classroom equipment, the subject experiences a shortage of multimedia discs, a complete collection of interactive materials, or a lack of computer equipment.

Having received a school geography office, I stopped considering these problems as relevant. Technical questions have been implemented in my geography classroom. There is a teacher's workplace: PC; screen located next to the magnetic board; multimedia projector. For the teacher, this location is very convenient because during the demonstration he does not turn away from the students, but sees all the students in front of him and does not distract their attention. The concentration on the educational material is complete. A laser printer and a remote modem for connecting to the local Internet network, as well as a school meteorological station, are installed at the same workplace.

To build an optimal learning process, I have built a teaching system that combines various forms of education, which, relying on ICT and the geography classroom described above, solves the following most important pedagogical tasks:

1) activation of the educational process;

2) optimal distribution of study time;

3) a differentiated approach to students;

4) the optimal choice of teaching methods;

5) building a system of lessons and lessons.

The use of new technical teaching aids provides tremendous opportunities for improving the quality of education and the development of students.The school weather station allows you to strengthen the practical skills of observing the weather and enhance the learning process.

Interactive maps (62) make it possible to implement an actively practice-oriented approach to learning, to intensify the cognitive activity of students in the classroom, to apply various forms and methodological methods of working with a geographical map, forming the most important geographical skills - cartographic.

When working with an interactive map, you can:

  1. zoom in on selected areas of the earth's surface for a more detailed examination;
  2. apply inscriptions and drawings;
  3. combine a number of maps, which allows you to identify designations, simplifying the map, making it more visual;

Additional illustrative and textual material tied to the territory has been added to some maps.

The use of interactive maps in geography lessons in grades 6-11 allows you to improve the information culture of students, helps them acquire solid knowledge, skills and abilities in geography.

In geography lessons in grades 6-11, I actively use the library of electronic visual aids, information disks, which make it possible to increase the efficiency of learning new material.

I and the students of the classes created a "personal" media library on the main topics of the geography course. The educational material is presented in the form of lessons and contains a large number of multimedia components: video clips demonstrating experiments and processes under study, high-quality photographs and illustrations, tables, graphs, diagrams. The logic, design and content of computer materials are intended for the rational organization of the educational process. This media library greatly facilitates the assimilation of the basic material in the course of geography.

At the same time, in my opinion, the result of the use of information technologies in the educational process is not a media library made by students under my guidance, but the knowledge, skills and abilities that they acquired while performing creative work. Information technologies in education, first of all, must be used as a means of managing the individual independent cognitive activity of students or as a means of performing creative work: independently or in groups, for example, in research activities, which I have been actively engaged in since 2006. results.

Timely correction and improvement of the conditions of the geography classroom makes it possible to implement the principle of psychological comfort for schoolchildren. Collective joint creativity turns the students of the class into like-minded people and gives a significantly noticeable effect in the development of the creative individuality of the student's personality and brings results. So, for example: the site "My Manych" by Vasily Savchenko was awarded a 1st degree diploma in the municipal competition of information technologies in 2008 and a 2nd degree diploma in the municipal competition "Green Planet 2009", and an electronic supplement to the lesson in the Power Point environment Sergey Bukhantsev "Japan » awarded with a diploma of the 1st degree in 2010.

In addition to educational activities, the use of a computer requires the teacher to apply health-saving technologies in detail in the classroom.

Organizational component of the infrastructureis aimed at creating a space for social communications that provide the opportunity for a child to build their own patterns of behavior and self-determination in changing social conditions, to ensure the highest educational achievements of a teacher and student, personal and professional growth, an extensive system for searching, supporting and accompanying talented children and teachers and involves the creation integrated space of education for different categories of children..

The formation of school infrastructure should be aimed at meeting, shaping and providing for the personal needs of children, the implementation of an activity-competence approach.

I want to draw attention to the fact that the age of the teacher is not at all important for the student. We must teach in a modern school with modern methods if we want to get a good result for society in the form of a competent graduate. To achieve the desired result, the teacher should not be afraid to be in the role of a student. Until the teacher can be convinced by his own experience of the need to use and the practical value of INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES, the computer and the latest technologies will be considered by him as something alien. The teacher does not always have enough practical skills in working with computer programs. To develop teacher potential, a number of distance courses can be used, for example, the educational portal "My Pedagogical Council".

School teachers take an active part in various competitions, are members of school Internet communities:

Educational portal "My Pedagogical Council";

Pedagogical club "First of September" with which I collaborated in the educational project "Open Lesson".

Teachers and students of our school use various programs in the classroom: teaching, controlling (tests), as well as electronic textbooks, reference books. This allows you to make the lesson interesting and exciting, contributes to an increase in the amount of information received, high-quality assimilation of the material.

The use of ICT in all areas of the educational process has already become a standard in our school. So this academic year, an information site was created and launched, which allowed students and their parents to be mobilely informed about ongoing events.

New approaches to learning within the framework of the national project "Education" required the creation of a specialized office in the school, which became the school's media center, used by both teachers and students.

Due to the fact that the school is gradually working on informatization, work is underway to prepare teachers for the use of modern information technologies. That is why primary school classrooms and subject classrooms of the middle and senior level are provided with Internet access, and administrative computers are connected to a local network. Thanks to the National Project "Education", the material base of the school has been significantly strengthened.

The use of computers creates objective conditions for a deeper and better assimilation of educational material, improves the general culture of students, and makes it possible to apply more effective organizational forms and methods. All teachers who want to use new technologies in their work get this opportunity. You can't instill something new by force. Therefore, the equipment of a particular classroom depends to a greater extent on the desire of the teacher to use new technologies.

Much more could be said, but it is better to see once than hear 100 times. In recent years, we have hosted seminars and other events of various levels and will always be happy to receive guests.

In conclusion, I would like to congratulate everyone on the new academic year. And I want the new year, the year of the teacher, like all subsequent ones, to be held under the slogan "The Word Follows the Deed." And nothing should be stronger than the teacher's word.

Of course, many of us are almost used to the fact that various innovations in the educational world do not always cause positive emotions, although, in theory, they are aimed at sort of improving something. And how not to remember:
"You don't have to do what's best for me
Leave me as well!"
But... some news causes such a huge number of response questions that you simply wonder - why does He publicly call for one thing on the screen, but on the ground, in the regions, it actually turns out to be completely different? This is so, a saying, which seemed to be as if nothing foreshadowed, but exactly until yesterday's seminar-meeting of teachers of geography of Krasnodar together with teachers of KubSU.
However, first things first...

I am very glad that the stars of important, urgent matters have developed in such a way that my presence at the meeting at school No. 35 has become possible. The school is familiar, the assembly hall is roomy, those present are wonderful colleagues:

Together with them, we review the materials prepared for us on the All-Russian Geographical Dictation,

We are interested in new methodological literature,

We replenish our personal libraries of a geography teacher ...

Gradually, specially invited teachers of geography from 50 city schools, tutors and all interested teachers of geography of the city of Krasnodar gather in the hall.

And so, at the appointed time, our seminar begins:

Natalya Maratovna Ovsyannikova - chief specialist of the education development department of the Krasnodar scientific and methodological center, welcomes the audience and opens our meeting.

We got acquainted with the work plan for today:

And I'm smiling again)))) As in the previous plan of the August meeting, it seems like I'm not there, but I am!))) That's what it means to resolve the situation at the last moment.))))

And Natalya Maratovna told us serious things, sad things - about the results of the OGE-2017 in geography. Unfortunately, there are some schools in the city (their representatives were invited according to a special list!), where students showed very low results, a lot of not just “3”, but with a low threshold value ... Natalya Maratovna once again explained in detail how teachers can get help and support in preparing their students for the OGE. And I looked at the registration sheet and was perplexed - 50 schools were invited, and representatives of only 24 of them came. Weird...

Meanwhile, Natalya Maratovna moved on to the Unified State Exam, she recalled the structure of the examination work, introduced KIMs, and especially explained to young colleagues that the teacher should not only solve the demo version with the student, but also carefully look through the codifier with a pencil in hand, find out all the possible options questions and the topics on which they are composed!
Our Kuban 13095 graduates of 11 classes made up about 2% of all graduates in Russia. And more than 9% of those who took the exam in geography did not cross the threshold of success. We saw the themes that caused greatest difficulty those who passed the exam in geography in 2017:
- about China
- on the specialization of countries in the international division of labor,
- about the population of the world,
-- about metallurgy and chemical industry of Russia.
These are the question numbers: 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 10, 20, 26.
Teachers need to understand where children most often make mistakes in order to be able to anticipate these mistakes!
It is a pity that this year there are no guys with 100b. according to the Unified State Examination, only 2 people in the city received a result of more than 90b.
And as a conclusion, Natalya Maratovna's wish to all participants of the meeting:
"You don't have to "stew in your own juice" with difficulties, call for help, come to KNMC, me and the tutors are always ready to help!"

Natalya Maratovna invited the teachers of KubSU to the presidium.
The first to speak Vera Vladimirovna Minenkova - Head of the Department of Economic, Social and Political Geography of KubSU.

She reminded us of the Sunday lectures for schoolchildren at the Kuban State University, told about the visiting meetings of university teachers with teachers of geography of the region, told about the recent meeting in secondary school No. 31. She also showed a brochure - where they are accepted at the Faculty of Geography with the Unified State Examination in Geography, shared the latest news , which personally raised a lot of questions for me ...
1. Since mid-November, the geographical and geological faculties of KubSU cease to exist separately!
2. As a result of the reorganization of the university, a new division will appear in its composition - the Institute of Geography, Geology, Tourism and Service (I could almost remember it wrong, but the meaning is correct!).
3. In the specialty of the former Faculty of Geology, from 2018 they will not be accepted from the Unified State Examination in Geography. Geography will be replaced by physics!
And then the teachers began to make noise .... Whoa? Geology - physics? And when will this be officially announced? After all, many kids are already preparing, how much time has been spent, effort and not only invested in training in geography! The teachers were worried - this is how it turns out - the President calls for paying attention to the subject of Geography, but in the end ...? But it was clear that Vera Vladimirovna herself was having a hard time with this conversation... The teachers offered to go to Kuban State University, find out, explain, talk...

Vera Vladimirovna spoke about the faculty, recalled that while studying Geography, you can get for 40-45 thousand rubles. for two years, an additional specialty of a guide, teacher, manager of resort business and tourism.
It was interesting to learn that the target admission of students continues at the university. Don't be shy, just ask. By the way, applications for targeted training are accepted until April 10. And by May 20, there is already an exact number of "target targets". In recent years, Moscow has 100% satisfied requests for targeted training in all specialties except law and economics - the quota for them is constantly decreasing. And those guys who are already studying in target areas are excellent students, very bright, active, talented.

Vera Vladimirovna finished her speech with words about our common goal - the popularization of geographical science. Were there any questions? Oh, yes ......, about replacing geography with physics ......

The next speaker Dmitry Alexandrovich Komarov - Candidate of Geological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Geoinformatics of KubSU.

He once again recalled the structure of the USE in geography,

And then he moved on to the most problematic tasks. And indeed, look % is the percentage of those who answered TRUE.

Task number 4 is one of the recently appeared in KIMs.

Recently there have been discussions about increasing the number of such tasks.


This seems to be such a simple task.

But children often get confused, choose few correct answers or only 1 answer at all ...

Task number 30 is so similar to number 20 in the OGE ...

And task number 32 was introduced back in 2006. Today, there are many varieties of it, and this year the complication of one of the most difficult tasks of the exam is now there will be not only hours, but also minutes.

Many questions were asked to Dmitry Alexandrovich about new methodological materials for preparing for the exam. Will there be a new brochure? Yes, it will!

Anatoly Valerievich Pogorelov- Head of the Department of Geoinformatics of KubSU, spoke about the problems of geography in general and geographical science in particular.

He regretted that there were few professionally geographically educated people in leadership positions. And personally, I don’t quite agree with him on this issue ... There is an example of a head geographer .........
Anatoly Valeryevich said that in 2017 about 100 students took the exam in geography, and this is very few. Teachers should not only influence the number of USE students, but also prepare them with high quality. In the meantime, we are connecting to a webinar about electronic forms of textbooks...

For teachers, there is a free trial period of familiarization with textbooks...

Elena Ivanovna Shapareva thanked Anatoly Valeryevich Pogorelov for an amazing meeting with the guys, which recently took place in secondary school No. 31.

And he invited all the guys November 12 at 14:00 for the Open Day at KubSU, first there will be a general meeting in the assembly hall, and then the guys will be able to visit those faculties that interested them.

Let me remind you a little:
1. Geographic dictation I wrote in 2015 online I really want to see as many familiar faces of teachers as possible on November 3 and 26!))))) The meeting ended with the work of the city activists of geography teachers and tutors to draw up plans and schedules for the methodological association of city geography teachers.

I am glad that I could help a young colleague - I sent her an e-mail memo for parents on preparing a child for the OGE in geography. If someone needs too - write your e-mail, I will send ...
This is how we had a meeting - productive, interesting, rich, useful, but ... I still have a feeling of some understatement and resentment for geography as a science, misunderstanding of the coming changes. I mean the words about the unification of the Faculty of Geography and Geology, the replacement of the Unified State Exam in geography with physics when entering the specialty of the Faculty of Geology ...

Colleagues, what do you think about it?

How is it with geography?
Why do children in the 9th grade take geography en masse, they are interested in it. And then? What, should it be an "elitist" science, which is studied in such a way, for pleasure, if there is little where it is needed for admission ...? And now I'm thinking - what if they remove geography from schools altogether - are we really moving towards this? Why, then, in general, draw attention to it with dictations, the activities of all-Russian public organizations?

How long have I been doing, I will reset the link to this post, as well as other posts on geographical topics to the WhatsApp group of teachers of geography of the city of Krasnodar. I know that many colleagues will read it, because then they personally talk about it at a meeting, thank you ... And today I would like to invite everyone to leave their feedback.
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"Pedagogical technologies for the education of high school students in the context of the transition to the new Federal State Educational Standards"

The difference between a traditional lesson and an active one

Comparison Options

Formative paradigm

The purpose of training

Developmental paradigm

Transfer of knowledge, skills, skills

Integrated characteristic

Development of student's ability

"Do as I do" (model work)

The nature and style of interaction teacher - student

Forms of organization of work

"Do it, I'm with you" (pedagogical support)

Frontal, individual

Teaching methods

Group, dialogue, collective


Productive. Use of subjective experience

Comparison Options

Formative paradigm

Methods of assimilation

Recognition, understanding, application.

Position of the teacher

Developmental paradigm

Bearer of information, propagandist of subject-disciplinary knowledge, custodian of norms and traditions.

Student Position

Creating a situation of success. Analysis, synthesis, evaluation.

A performer who does not realize cognitive interests in full

Cooperation organizer, consultant, tutor, manager, assistant.

A person who realizes cognitive interest through research, project activities. Independently carries out the choice of content and methods of teaching.

At the center of modern education is the personality of the child, who must realize his potential. The content, methods, techniques of developing and personality-oriented learning technologies are primarily aimed at revealing and using the experience of each student, helping to develop a personality through the organization of cognitive activity.

The main thing in the lesson is the acquisition of knowledge through identifying the experience of children, including them in cooperation, active search for information, personal meaning.

Elements of innovative pedagogical technologies used in the lessons at the lyceum:

- personality - oriented learning; - educational design; - information-communicative training;

- research;

- problem learning; - critical thinking.

Technology for the development of critical thinking.

The purpose of this educational technology is to develop the mental skills of students, which are necessary not only when studying academic subjects, but also in everyday life (the ability to apply balanced decisions, work with information, analyze various aspects of phenomena, etc.)

The structure of the lesson within the technology of critical thinking .

The basis of the technology is the construction of a lesson according to a certain algorithm - sequentially, in accordance with three phases: challenge, comprehension and reflection. Only compliance with the technological stages contributes to the achievement of the desired result.

Basic model of three stages.

Stage I - challenge

Stage II - comprehension (implementation of meaning)

The teacher is faced with the task of not only activating, motivating the student, motivating him for further work, but also “summoning” existing knowledge or creating associations on the issue under study. At this stage, predictions are made, the goals of reading or research are determined.

Stage III - reflection (thinking)

There is a direct work with information, and the techniques and methods of critical thinking allow you to keep the student active, make reading or listening meaningful to achieve a new understanding.

Information is analyzed, interpreted, creatively processed. The stage gives students the skills of analysis, creative rethinking of information, is the most significant for reproducing the entire three-phase cycle.

Education in technology for the development of critical thinking .

Staging session Diagnostic goal

Motivation - why?

What do I want to know? What do I know?

Interesting, I know

How will I use it?

What else do I want to know?


Will use Know What else do I want to know?

Correspondence of the stages of the lesson and technological methods.

Lesson stages

Techniques used at the lesson stage

Logbook, mutual learning, keywords, brainstorming, taxonomy of questions, discussion, three-part diary.

Making sense

Logbook, mutual learning, two-part diary, discussion, zigzag, “catch the mistake”, “tagging text” (insert), clustering, multilevel reflection, “leave me the last word”, work with narrative text (reading with stops), taxonomy questions, three-part diary


Logbook, ten-minute essay, cube, thinking hats, zigzag, multi-level reflection, five-minute essay (summary), development for an independent task, cinquain, three-part diary

“We learn when we do something”, - under this motto, on October 30, 2018, a practical seminar for teachers of geography of educational organizations of the Yaroslavl region “Changes in the structure and content of the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in geography” was held.

About 40 teachers of geography from 36 educational organizations of the Yaroslavl region, as well as 5th year students of YaGPU named after. K.D. Ushinsky took an active part in this event.

Nurgayazova Margarita Vyacheslavovna, teacher-organizer of the department of competitive events of the SEI DO YAO YARIOTS "New School" spoke about changes in the structure and content of the regional stage of the Higher School of Education. Particular attention was paid to the issue of the procedure for conducting competitive rounds, as well as the description of the tasks of the theoretical, practical and test parts.

In the practical part of the seminar, teachers were asked to divide into creative groups. Being in the role of participants in the regional stage of the Higher School of Education in Geography, they were able to get acquainted with the peculiarities of solving geographical problems.

In the specifics of the task of the theoretical part of the Olympiad on the knowledge of the natural and climatic features of the globe, the nomenclature of physical and geographical objects, as well as the knowledge of geographical coordinates, Irina Mikhailovna Georgita, head of the Department of Physical Geography, FGBOU VO YSPU named after M.I. K.D. Ushinsky, candidate of geographical sciences.

Under the guidance of Lyudmila Valentinovna Bazunova, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Physical Geography YaGPU them. K.D. Ushinsky, the participants of the seminar analyzed step by step the task of the theoretical part of the Olympiad, focused on knowledge of the structure and geography of the railway transport of the Russian Federation, characteristics and features of cargo flows.

Due to the fact that the participants of the Olympiad have great difficulties in completing the second part, which consists of tasks of a practical orientation, the seminar was offered to work with the practical part of the Olympiad. The tasks related to the verification of topographic knowledge and skills, as well as the skills and abilities of working with cartographic and statistical information were analyzed. In the process of work Zhikharev Aleksey Mikhailovich, Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Geography, YaGPU named after K.D. Ushinsky, candidate of geographical sciences, answered the questions of the seminar participants in great detail.

In each creative group, the participants were presented with a system for evaluating the tasks of the Olympiad.

During the workshop, each of those present was able to work in all three creative groups.

The seminar participants called the event informative, useful and relevant.

On May 12, 2016, on the basis of MBOU Olovyanninskaya secondary school No. 1, a seminar was held for teachers of geography of educational organizations of the Olovyanninskaya district. The seminar was attended by 12 teachers from 9 educational institutions.

The seminar program was devoted to the topic: "Local history as an integrative resource of humanitarian and natural science education in the formation of a person's social identification."

The seminar was held at a high professional level, a large amount of information was given. The seminar program was very rich and interesting. All participants rated it excellently, noting the practical value and clear organization.

Teachers shared their experience in master classes: Yu.V. Shageeva (geography teacher) - demonstrated a geography lesson in the 8th grade on the topic: "Specially Protected Natural Territories of Russia"; together with Nesterova M.V. - Deputy Head of Academic Affairs, showed with the participation of students extracurricular activities "Implementation of research activities of students in local history", where students acquainted the participants of the seminar with their work on which they had been working for 3 years, as part of an intra-school program, namely, a collection of ancient animals (toys), a collection of rocks, collection of water from various sources in Russia, collection and storage of materials from the beginning of the functioning of the educational organization.

Later, the attention of geography teachers was occupied by students of MBOU Olovyanninskaya secondary school No. 1, where they talked about their numerous scientific works that bring excellent results at the municipal, regional and All-Russian levels.

The seminar was continued by Filippov V.A. - teacher of Russian language and literature, Shageeva Yu.V. - a teacher of geography, the topic of the report was "Local history as an integrative resource of humanitarian and natural science education in the formation of a person's social identification" the report said that socialization is an essential component in the development of the younger generation, Olovyanninskaya secondary school No. 1 it is implemented through the local history program. In the institution, local history takes place in classroom, extracurricular, extracurricular activities. Children participate in research activities, create collections from various natural rocks, participate in hikes in the area and travel outside the area to participate in scientific conferences.

In conclusion, Dondokova B.S. - Deputy Chairman of the MKU RCS and DM with the issue of introducing the Federal State Educational Standard into the subject "Geography". She reminded the teachers of geography that the subject of geography is taught as a separate subject and should not include additional courses. She also recalled the Federal Law on Education of 1992, which states that education takes place throughout life, the main goal of teachers should be to teach the ability to learn, to teach children to find the necessary material for work. Bairma Soktoevna suggested that the teachers of the Olovyanni secondary school No. 1 publish any product of their activity, think over the result upon completion of their program.

K.A. Beketova provided teachers with the necessary information on extracurricular activities in geography as part of the transition to the Federal State Educational Standard. She pointed to the forms for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, LLC, through literary and musical compositions and through extracurricular activities, tk. extracurricular activities fill in the gaps in classroom activities.

Marina Vladislavovna Nesterova completed the seminar of teachers of geography by conducting a self-analysis of this event and thanking the participants of the seminar.

The participants of the seminar expressed their wishes to the organizers to conduct training and exchange of experience more often, leaving suggestions on the topics of seminars in the questionnaires.

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