How to become a group leader. Class leader: who is he and what are his responsibilities? What should be and what qualities to have

The role of the headman in the student team has been known since school. The headman of a university or college group has similar responsibilities - this is a formal leader representing the group, a kind of link between students and the university administration.

About who will become the headman, it becomes clear at the first meeting of freshmen. A suitable candidate is selected by the dean's office, based on the results of entrance examinations, taking into account the personal characteristics of students. That is, the head of the group is appointed at random, but oddly enough, often this person is ideally suited for the role of head of the group, successfully coping with his duties.

How to become a head student of a student group?

Anyone can become a headman if classmates vote for him. But do not rush to choose the first one that comes across, for several years of study this person is instructed to represent the interests of the group in the dean's office and the administration of the university. The chosen one will be able to cope with new responsibilities if he has some necessary qualities: sociability, responsibility, activity, patience, perseverance. Fortunately, if the headman has chosen an informal leader of the group, it will not be difficult for him to help the trade union organize students during extracurricular time: participate in events, meetings, excursions, congratulate birthdays, make students' lives fun and interesting. The headman can also become the commander of the department, with.

Sometimes young people with experience in the armed forces are chosen as elders because of their organization, desire for discipline and experience in interacting with the team. By the way, you can read how to get a deferment from the army for study.

What are the duties of a group leader?

  1. The unpleasant duty of the headman is to fill out the journal, controlling the attendance of students. The main unpleasant minus is that truants like to ask not to put a pass. It is very difficult to strike a balance between responsiveness and a sense of justice. It is necessary to have sufficient flexibility and diplomacy to convey to fellow students that it is impossible to note the presence of the entire group, meeting the teacher alone with a magazine under his arm. He might suspect something.
  2. Everything needs to be known. In a literal sense, everything. About the transfer of classes, the "tails" of students, or draw up a title page, where and how the exam will take place, know the orders of the administration: the rector, dean, teachers, etc., the schedule of official events. The necessary information should be communicated to the students of the group in a timely manner.
  3. Know the schedule of meetings by attending them on time, for example, the headman or the student council.
  4. Be a model of behavior and good study in a group

The headman can share his duties with the deputy chosen by him.. If for some reason the headman cannot fulfill his duties, then the powers described above are delegated to the deputy headman of the group.

What is the group leader's journal for?

The journal of the head of the group is received at the dean's office at the beginning of the academic year. The journal notes student attendance, topics of seminars and lectures. It is necessary to ensure that the teacher leading the lesson signs the journal at the end of the class.

Once a month, it is necessary to make an extract from the journal, taking into account the number of respectful and disrespectful absences for each student. Valid omissions are confirmed by a certificate, so certificates of illness of students are also transferred to the headman. All appearances and passes are issued on a special form under the heading "attendance sheet".

The journal is handed over at the end of the academic year to the dean's office.

What privileges does a student group leader have?

What is all this for? The headmen of the student group perform their duties for a reason. Among the positive aspects of such work, we note:

  1. material compensation, that is, an increase in the scholarship;
  2. bonuses from the trade union committee. For example, it can be an interesting part-time job in the summer or preferential vouchers to a sanatorium;
  3. teachers often overestimate the mark on the exam;
  4. this experience will certainly come in handy when applying for a job. It is imperative to indicate in the resume that you performed the duties of the head of the group, this will tell the employer about your experience in organizational and managerial work, about your responsibility and diligence.

So, despite the fact that the headman is a noticeable personality and all the bumps from the teachers and the dean’s office fall first of all on him, despite the wide range of duties and difficulties of university life, the acquired skills will definitely come in handy after graduating from a university or college and will help you take your first steps in building your own career.

The headman is a student who is the formal head of the student group, is engaged in administrative work and acts as a link between students and the administration of the educational institution. Usually a person for this position is selected or appointed already at the first meeting of the group. Who will suit the role of the headman, will tell in this material.

Personal qualities of the elder

A responsible, patient and disciplined administrator who knows how to deal with both peers and elders is the ideal portrait of a headman. And if he also studies "excellently", then he has no price. If a person who does not fit this description at all is chosen for the position of headman, after a while he can be re-elected. It is very important that the headman cope with the assigned duties.

The headman takes an active position in the student group

The duties of the warden

The duties of a headman may differ from one educational institution to another, or even from departments of the same educational institution. Most often, the daily work of the head of the student group involves keeping a journal and communicating with the dean's office, teachers and classmates. Move the couple, resolve the issue with the office, fulfill the instructions of the teacher (send lecture notes to classmates, remind debtors about the “tails”, control the delivery of reports, etc.), collect student or student records from classmates, notify the group about the upcoming event, etc. — All this is the responsibility of the elder.

Headman privileges

The position of headman also gives a number of privileges: the opportunity to be the first to receive all important information, to be on friendly terms with the teaching staff and the administration of the faculty, to receive scholarships. Usually at the faculty of elders they know everyone by sight.

Obvious disadvantages are paperwork, high responsibility (often due to malicious truants, the headman gets a hat), resolving conflict situations in a group, etc.

But if you feel that such work is too tough for you, and the cons don’t scare you at all, agree to the position of headman. This is a useful experience and a great opportunity to get a lot of bright memories from training!

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Good day, dear reader! Today I will share with you an article that is dedicated to one amazing person. Let's talk about the leader of the group. Have you ever wondered: who is the head of the group?

For many students, the headman is an ordinary student, maybe a little more responsible than the general mass of the student fraternity. And no more. At the same time, of those students who are not the leaders of their groups, few people know that being a leader is a responsible task that not everyone can handle. In order for you to better understand the role of the headman in your group, and also to know what privileges and duties are assigned to the headman of the group, I decided to write this article.

To be the headman - do not respect yourself!

Very often, among the student community (as in principle, in other social groups), those people who are nominated for leadership positions often begin to criticize, discuss, and often openly spread rot. In many ways, all this is due to human nature, which tries to keep everyone “on the same level”. People do not tolerate when someone from their environment becomes higher in the social hierarchy. Even when it comes to seniority in a group among students.

After all, students are young people, full of strength and ambition. Therefore, often, many do not like that among them there is a person who has a certain power over the actions of students.

“Okay, if teachers or parents command us, but now my peer is still in command! We certainly won't tolerate this!" - with similar thoughts, many students meet the words of the faculty leadership about the choice of group leader.

Therefore, many students, even those who have leadership qualities, are not eager to be a headman. The reason for this is the unwillingness to stand out, to be a black sheep, or, as some students still say, "to be an obedient ambassador."

So, if you want to be the head of your group, then you should think about the fact that at first your appointment will be perceived with hostility. This is fine. This always happens everywhere and at all times. Be prepared for this. However, also know the fact that it is only in your corners that you can change the negative mood of your classmates into a positive one. And your affairs will help you in this 180-degree turn. Yes, yes, it is your deeds and deeds that will serve you faithfully in the process of transforming the public consciousness of your group. However, read on for all of this.

The main duties of the head of the group

Why do you need a headman in a group? Primarily, the head of the group is the direct representative of the leadership in a particular group of students. Or, as I said, the headman is otherwise called the "obedient ambassador." This "ambassador" obediently conveys to his group the information he received directly from the leadership of the department, faculty or university.

In fact, in this case, the headman is a kind of “transmitter”, or, better, a “lower manager”.

Secondly, the headman is entrusted with the duty to mark the students present and absent in the classroom. This is where the managerial essence of the headman manifests itself in the best way. If you do not know, then I explain: the main task of a lower-level manager is direct control over the operational work of his subordinates. His responsibilities also include attendance records.
This is where the fun begins.

To be honest, almost every student does not like to go to classes. However, few people want to see themselves in the circle of malicious truants. Therefore, many of the students want to establish a "brotherly" relationship with the headman just so that he turns a blind eye to their passes.

And here already sometimes there are certain contradictions. On the one hand, the headman must mark the absent, because this is his direct duty and the right given by the leadership of the faculty. And, on the other hand, the headman does not want to be known as a black sheep, well, or just a bad person. Therefore, there is already an intrapersonal conflict.

And what would you do in this place? Did you cave in under the pressure of your classmates, or did you defend your tough stance that you can't ignore absentees? Dilemma…

How does the headman act in practice in such a situation? In practice, the headman acts as follows. Each person in any group (be it a group of workers, classmates or classmates) always has their own immediate environment with which a person contacts and communicates the most. At the same time, as a rule, the number of this environment is 5-9 people (small group).

It is these people who usually receive “indulgences” from the headman, i.e., if someone from this group (group of the inner circle) sleeps through the first couple, then the headman will simply turn a blind eye to this and not put “enka”. However, if one of those students who are not part of this privileged community oversleep the lesson, then the headman will mark the pass as it should be.

And often this rule is not disclosed to anyone. Only the leader of the group knows about this. Roughly speaking, here the headman is the CPR - the person who makes the decision. And his decision, as you understand, largely depends on the closeness of contacts with a particular person.

In addition to the fact that the headman of the group conveys information from the dean's office to his peers and performs the functions of an attendance controller, also the head of the group goes to the student council and the head of the university.

For those who do not know the concepts of “student council” and “headman”, I will explain.

This is a public organization dealing with issues of intra-university management by the forces of the students themselves, together with the formal management of the university.

Headman- it is also a public organization, the gathering of its members (group leaders) usually occurs more often than the student council, issues of operational importance are resolved at the headman (for example, you need to assemble a team for the race dedicated to May 9, in a week the headmen should bring lists of participants from their groups) .

It's in theory. In practice, often the student council and the headman are combined into one meeting, at which everything is decided in a row: from local problems (put a cooler in the corridor) to global issues (often at these meetings they talk completely off topic, for example, about the topic of the war in Syria etc.). In short, in most cases, attending these meetings (as, in principle, and others) is a waste of time.

Formality. Soviet legacy. Only a small number of universities have solid student councils and elders who really solve the problems of university, that is, student life.

Summarize. The head of the group performs 3 main functions:

1) receives information from the university administration and conveys it to classmates;

2) controls student attendance;

3) participates in meetings of the student council and headman.

By the way, one might think that function (1) and function (3) are an effect and a cause, respectively, but this is often not the case. At the student council and the headman, they may well not discuss those issues and not generate the information that will then be reported to other students. Sometimes the function (1) is understood as a simple denunciation of the head of the group to their classmates of the directives received by the university leadership from higher authorities.

What privileges does a group leader have?

Naturally, the head of the group performs a greater amount of work than an ordinary student. Accordingly, according to the universal law of compensation, the headman must receive some kind of remuneration for his labors.

What are the benefits of being a group leader? Firstly, in many universities, the headman receives additional payments to the scholarship. True, sometimes they are mere crumbs (200-300 rubles), however, a trifle, but nice.

Secondly, the headman of the group has privileges from the trade union committee (the trade union committee is a kind of trade union at enterprises). What are these privileges? For example, free (or preferential) trips to the south. Or maybe it's a good place for a summer job. There are many options.

Thirdly, at the end of the academic year, the university management can separately award distinguished students. And very often among the distinguished ones are the group leaders, because. usually the headman is a responsible person - in general, an example for other students.

So, if you are a responsible person who loves to solve social problems and has leadership potential - you should be the head of the group!

Conclusion: In this article, I told you about the head of the group. As you can see, the work of the headman is associated with the solution of pressing problems of university life. However, according to the great law of compensation, any activity aimed at solving social problems will bring you 10 times more benefits than you expend effort.

All in all, being a leader of a group is a responsible task that is only suitable for those of you who have a certain set of qualities inherent in a leader. If you want to hone your leadership qualities during your studies at the university, then the position of headman is simply created for you.

Practice your skills in real situations, and then at the end of the university you will have invaluable experience that will help you in your later adult life. Dare!

Now you know about who is the leader of the group.

The article tells about who the head of the class is, what his duties are, by what criteria they choose and how to become one.

elective office

At all times, in all communities and collectives, there was a need for the leadership of one person who would be the eldest (not necessarily by age) and solve certain issues relating to the entire team as a whole. This need continues to this day. In this case, the head of the school class is a student who is an intermediary between the rest of the children and the higher "bosses" (teachers, director, etc.). His duties are clearly defined in the charter of the school and may differ slightly, but usually such a document is rarely resorted to.

The meaning of this action is to simplify the interaction between teachers and students. After all, it is much easier for a person who is “their own” in a team to convey certain ideas and needs, as well as to engage in various organizational and social activities. It is worth noting that the head of the class does not receive any advantage or privileges over other children, and if there are such thoughts, they pass very soon, since he is also responsible for the actions of other members of the team. And in addition to his studies, he needs to engage in other activities, from which other students are exempt by definition.

So what is included in his duties and how is the head of the class generally chosen?


Since the headman has certain duties, this should be a responsible student. Simply put, a hooligan and a loser will not be elected or appointed to such a position. As a rule, this is a person with good academic performance in most subjects who wants to do community work. And the last point is very important, they cannot be forcibly appointed to this position, a person must be interested in such activities, and the duties of the head of the class may run counter to personal interests and take away free time.

The choice is made either by a general vote for the students who nominated their candidacies, or by the direct appointment of a class teacher. But sometimes it also happens that there are no volunteers at all, and then they can appoint him by force, contrary to the charter. Naturally, such coercion is reflected in the activity - the student performs the duties of the head of the class reluctantly and poorly. But such cases are infrequent, because almost always there are people who want to take this post. But what are their responsibilities and what do they do?


The headman solves various organizational issues and manages the social activities of the class. For example, he appoints attendants, collects money for gifts for various holidays or travel tickets for students. Also, his activities include mandatory attendance control - marking those present at the lessons and truants, and if there is a good reason - providing evidence to teachers.

In the days of the USSR, when this position was of higher importance, the headman also oversaw the progress of schoolchildren - he scolded losers and assigned them additional tasks or worked with them himself.

What else does the class president do? For example, she organizes extra-curricular activities, such as going to museums, walking, visiting veterans of the Great Patriotic War, helping the needy old people and the poor. This person plans school concerts, performances and other events.

USSR heritage

As already mentioned, such activities were especially widespread during the years of the USSR, and this position was of a more respected character. All excellent students wanted to become a headman, they were respected by both students and teachers. It cannot be said that in our time the attitude towards them has changed, but still now children are not particularly eager to take this post, since the importance of social and collective work has greatly decreased.

This position is found only in Russia and other countries of the former Soviet Union.


The attitude towards the headman has always had a somewhat ambivalent character - both before and now. On the one hand, due to the fact that he controls attendance, truants do not like him very much, and if an agreement cannot be reached, hostility only grows stronger. But on the other hand, having taken such a position, he frees other students from a number of additional work, and for this he is respected. A person can also be removed from this position in case of improper or abuse of his status.

So we figured out what the class president should do.


There are also headmen in student groups, their activities are not very different from school ones - all the same attendance control, organizational issues, and so on. But with the difference that things at the institute are more important and "adult" in nature.

The elder is the leader. The guys in the class are drawn to him, respect and listen. What qualities should a class leader have in order for the students to love him? It's no secret that elders are often disliked. They are considered scammers and snitches. Let's talk about how to behave with students, how to properly organize your own activities, and what should be the duties of the headman.

What kind of personality?

The head of the class is a noticeable personality. This is a good student who gets along equally well with his classmates. He is smart, his opinion is taken into account. Let's highlight the main qualities that a team leader should possess:

    Responsibility. If you have chosen a headman, then you cannot do without this feature. You promised, do it.

    Justice. Agree, it is wrong when the headman chooses his associates. And these comrades get away with a lot. Truancy without a good reason, boorish behavior, bad grades. And the class leader looks at other students like they are second grade. It shouldn't be like that. You have been chosen as the headman, so behave the same with everyone. It doesn't matter if your best friend is in front of you, or the person you don't really like. Personal relationships should not be mixed with work relationships.

    Good performance. The head of the class and the loser are not compatible concepts. Remember, you are an example for other students. So be kind, study well.

    Help for the lagging behind. The headman does not just monitor the progress of students and fixes it in a special notebook. He also helps those who have this performance is low. Do you see that a classmate "doesn't fumble" in algebra? Pull it up, explain what is not clear.

    Sociability. If the headman is unsociable, then he is unlikely to stay in this position. Imagine: students ask questions that need to be resolved through the class teacher. And our headman crumples in a corner, not daring to approach the teacher. No, since you were chosen as the headman, then be able to communicate with different people.

    Friendliness is everything. A student approaches the class leader. Begins to state his problem, hoping for help. And the headman sits and digs in his phone. He doesn't even raise his eyes to the speaker. Do not do it this way. They put the phone down, smiled and listen carefully to what they say to you.


What are the responsibilities of the class leader? He is responsible for discipline, academic performance, solves administrative issues, acts as a link between the class and teachers.

About everything in order:

    monitors the availability of the journal in all lessons;

    has a student progress notebook (by appointment of the class teacher);

    participates in the discussion of issues related to the place of the class in various school activities;

    discusses with classmates issues of academic performance and discipline;

    appoint class attendants;

    maintains discipline;

    solves the necessary issues with teachers;

    timely conveys to classmates information related to studies or any events;

    participates in resolving conflicts between classmates;

    informs the class teacher about the violation of the rights of students;

    reports information about student disruptions.

For some of the duties of the head of the class and become hated among classmates. How to avoid it? Now we'll tell you.

We observe neutrality

What to do if a conflict situation is brewing? The students decided to disrupt the lesson, and the headman is obliged to inform the class teacher about this. He is boycotted, or threatened with something more substantial.

Dear class leaders! Hold a meeting, urgently. And clearly state your position on it. You "pawn" comrades not on your own whim, there are certain responsibilities. They were not designed by you. And if classmates do not want to go into conflict, then let them help you with their behavior. Let your students know that you are the first to suffer for their slovenliness. They skip class and forget. And you will blush in front of the director and the class teacher.

Just say it all softly. No need to raise your voice, shout and get angry at your comrades.

Warden's Choice

How are class president elections going? In several ways:

    The decision on the appointment of the headman is made by the class teacher.

    Joint decision of students and teacher.

How does voting take place? There are several nominations. Each student writes who he wants to see as the headman. Voting forms are counted. And the one with the most votes wins. If the number of votes is equal for two or more candidates, then the teacher makes his final word.

A simpler option, when the teacher asks: "Who is Ivanov Petya?" Those who want to see him as a leader in the class raise their hands. The teacher counts them, fixes them. And so - for each candidate.

Responsibilities at school

What are the duties of a class president in a school? Is, contacts with teachers and administration, if necessary. And attending meetings of elders. Such meetings are held at the end of each quarter. And, if necessary, can be held at any time.

At the end of the quarter, the headman sums up the progress and discipline in his class. Reports on them to the class teacher, and together with him, develops options for improving this or that factor.


That's it, dear students. Now you know what the class president does. And you can decide for yourself exactly: are you ready for such a role, or is it better to leave it to someone else.

If you decide to be a headman, keep in mind that this is a rather difficult task. And you can deal with it only with certain characteristics.

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