Map of Europe countries and capital in Russian. Map of Europe

Europe is part of the continent of Eurasia. This part of the world is home to 10% of the world's population. Europe owes its name to the heroine of ancient Greek mythology. Europe is washed by the seas of the Atlantic and Arctic oceans. Inland seas - Black, Mediterranean, Marmara. The eastern and southeastern border of Europe runs along the Ural Range, the Emba River and the Caspian Sea.

In ancient Greece, it was believed that Europe is a separate continent, which separates the Black and Aegean Seas from Asia, and the Mediterranean Sea from Africa. Later it was found that Europe is only part of the vast mainland. The area of \u200b\u200bthe islands that make up the continent is 730 thousand square kilometers. 1/4 of the territory of Europe falls on the peninsulas - the Apennine, Balkan, Kola, Scandinavian and others.

The highest point in Europe is the summit of Mount Elbrus, which is 5642 meters above sea level. On the map of Europe with countries in Russian, it can be seen that the largest lakes in the region are Geneva, Peipsi, Onega, Ladoga and Balaton.

All European countries are divided into 4 regions - Northern, Southern, Western and Eastern. Europe includes 65 countries. 50 countries are independent states, 9 are dependent and 6 are unrecognized republics. Fourteen states are island, 19 are inland, and 32 countries have access to the oceans and seas. On the map of Europe with countries and capitals, the borders of all European states are indicated. Three states have their territories, both in Europe and Asia. These are Russia, Kazakhstan and Turkey. Spain, Portugal and France all have part of their territory in Africa. Denmark and France have their territories in America.

The European Union includes 27 countries, and the NATO bloc - 25. The Council of Europe includes 47 states. The smallest state in Europe is the Vatican, and the largest is Russia.

The collapse of the Roman Empire marked the beginning of the division of Europe into Eastern and Western. Eastern Europe is the largest region on the continent. In the Slavic countries, the Orthodox religion predominates, in the rest - Catholicism. Cyrillic and Latin scripts are used. Western Europe unites Latin-speaking states. This part of the continent is the most economically developed part in the world. The Scandinavian and Baltic states unite to form Northern Europe. South Slavic, Greek and Roman-speaking countries form Southern Europe.

Foreign Europe is part of the European continent and several islands, covering a total area of \u200b\u200babout 5 million square meters. km. It is home to approximately 8% of the world's population. Using a map of Foreign Europe by geography, you can determine the size of this region:

  • from north to south, its territory occupies 5 thousand km;
  • from east to west Europe stretches for almost 3 thousand km.

The region has a fairly diverse topography - there are flat and hilly territories, mountains and coastal coasts. Due to this geographical location, various climatic zones are represented in Europe. Foreign Europe is in a favorable geographic and economic position. It has been conventionally divided into four areas:

  • western;
  • eastern;
  • northern;
  • southern.

Each of the regions includes about a dozen countries.

Figure: 1. In blue color on the map depicts Foreign Europe

Driving from one end of Europe to the other, you can visit the eternal glaciers and subtropical forests.

Countries of Foreign Europe

Foreign Europe was formed by four dozen countries. There are other countries on the European mainland, but they do not belong to Foreign Europe, but are part of the CIS.

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Among the countries there are republics, principalities, kingdoms. Each of them has its own natural resources.

Almost all countries have maritime borders or are located at a short distance from the sea. This opens up additional trade and economic routes. The countries of Foreign Europe on the map are mostly small. This is especially noticeable in comparison with Russia, China, the USA and Canada. However, this does not prevent them from being among the most highly developed in the world.

Figure: 2. Countries of Foreign Europe

Almost the entire population belongs to the Indo-European group, with the exception of emigrants from other countries. Most of the population preaches Christianity. Europe is one of the most urbanized regions - which means that cities are home to about 78% of the total population.

The table below shows European countries and capitals, indicating the number of inhabitants and the area of \u200b\u200bthe territory.

Table. Composition of Foreign Europe.



Population, million people

Area, thousand sq. km.

Andorra la Vella



Bosnia and Herzegovina


United Kingdom

















San Marino

San Marino











As you can see, the geographical picture of Europe Abroad is very diverse. The countries that make up it can be divided into several groups according to their location.

  • Inland, that is, without borders with the sea. This includes 12 countries. Examples - Slovakia, Hungary.
  • Insular, or completely located on islands, are 4 countries. An example is Great Britain.
  • Peninsular are fully or partially located on the peninsula. For example, Italy.

Figure: 3. Iceland is one of the island states of Europe

The most highly developed economically and technically are four European countries - Italy, Great Britain, Germany, France. They are part of the G7 along with Canada, Japan and the United States.

What have we learned?

Foreign Europe is a relatively small area of \u200b\u200bthe European continent, including 40 countries. Most of them have maritime boundaries, some are located on islands. The geographical location of European countries is favorable in most cases. Abroad Europe has a connection with the whole world.

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