Education. Seven Free Online Courses for Designers and Architects Private Home Design Courses

From urban eco-design to the 3D printing revolution and the cities of the future, here are seven trending online courses that will interest designers and architects. All of them are free (you will need to pay only for the official certificate at the end of the day, and even then at will), and you can study at any convenient time.

"Creation of architecture"

International Business School of Design and Architecture in Segovia, Spain

Despite the fact that the course is primarily designed for students-architects, its simple presentation and interesting content makes it accessible to everyone who is at least somewhat interested in architecture. In addition to studying the technical aspects of architecture, a considerable part of the time will be devoted to such a concept as the philosophy of architecture. The creators of the course are sure if mastering this discipline will be useful, including for graphic and industrial designers. Bonus: The course includes an interview with the Pritzker Prize chief executive and direct school principal, Martha Thorn. The 4 week course starts on March 13th.

"Design of cities"

University of Pennsylvania

Each module of the course (10 in total) will be devoted to a specific aspect of urban design. Among other topics, such topics as Ideas That Shape Cities, Cities in the Information Technology Age, Saving Old Cities, Problems of Dysfunctional Areas and Cities of Dreams will be touched upon. The course is delivered by University of Pennsylvania professors and invited experts. The first lesson of each module will begin with an open discussion by Professors Stefan Ahl, Jonathan Barnett and Gary Hack as they will bring students up to date. To successfully complete the course, you will need to pass three final tests. The new recruitment will start on March 20.

"Architectural imagination"

Graduate School of Design, Harvard University

The course is designed primarily for beginners. Historians and theorists in the field of architecture will teach to understand how architecture “works”, what are the mechanisms of its perception and how to learn not only to look, but also to see, analyze and enjoy it. The program includes ten modules, during which students will explore through examples the ability of architecture to attract, act as a mediator and express the whole complex of cultural aspirations of society. No prior registration is required.

"Product design"

Delft University of Technology, Netherlands

An archive course (no registration is required, you can study the materials at any convenient time, but they will not be updated either) on product design from Delft Technical University - this is a kind of introduction to the specialty. No manufacturing skills are required, although design experience will come in handy. The main objective of the course is to teach a designer to understand the needs of users, to work meaningfully, being aware of why you are performing this or that action - this is the only way, the lecturers are sure, to achieve the perfect product design. A separate lecture will be devoted to how to properly present a finished product to the public and teach how to correctly evaluate the work of other designers.

"The 3D Printing Revolution"

University of Illinois

The main goal of the course is to tell you how a 3D printer works and what can be printed with it. Using examples of already implemented projects, students are invited to imagine how the development of a new technology for creating an object can, in theory and in practice, change our lives. Course materials include informative video lectures, interviews with leading 3D printing experts, and hands-on, self-paced exercises. As a result, they promise a solid understanding of the processes of 3D printing, the ability to work with the machine and an awareness of its revolutionary potential. Important: only part of the training is free, in order to complete the course in full, you will have to pay 2,923 rubles. per month.

Ecodesign for cities and suburbs

University of British Columbia

Using the example of projects already implemented in the field of ecodesign, students will be explained how ecology affects urbanism, why ecodesign is important and how to make cities and suburbs built in accordance with its principles become the generally accepted norm. Upon completion of the course, students will receive the tools to work with to make existing cities more livable. Special attention will be paid to the design of cities and suburbs in a changing climate. The course is completely new, starts on April 4th and lasts six weeks.

"Cities of the Future"

Swiss Higher Technical School Zurich

Despite the fact that in different parts of the world cities develop in different ways, in the next few years all cities will change greatly, the course lecturers are sure, they researched the urban design of the Swiss Higher Technical School in Zurich. They propose to explore the city as a complex anthropogenic mechanism with its own "metabolism". Existing and new cities will be studied with an emphasis on Asia - according to preliminary data, the boom in the construction of new cities over the next 30 years will take place there. I promise to introduce students to the latest research and scientific developments in this area. The course lasts 10 weeks, no prior registration is required.

The trend in educational policy now is this: the availability of education is inversely proportional to the desire to learn. Universities are being closed as street stalls, and state universities are buying up budget places. But if you abstract from the cherished crust and tune in to the wave of active cognition, then you can still learn. Moreover, to study with interest and at your own pace - without keeping within the Procrustean bed of schedules, tough deadlines and endless cash costs. So, here is a digest of alternative ways to learn more about architecture, improve your qualifications and even get a specialty.

10.10.2013, 12:55 |


All about architecture and architects was created by a group of Canadian designers and architects who decided to help students with accessible learning materials. Over time, the project grew into a serious system of training courses. They are popular with both established professionals and amateurs.

Here is a wealth of information on design and architecture. You can delve into the history of architecture and understand the variety of styles, learn to distinguish between the subtleties of national architectures or delve into professional terminology. The Design section presents two main courses: design elements and principles. As a useful bonus - a detailed guide for aspiring architects, which reveals the pros and cons of the profession and gives advice on choosing an internship. In the "links" section, textbooks on architecture are available for free download, albeit in an inconvenient txt format.

For whom:

designed for students, but it will be interesting for everyone who wants to expand their knowledge


Is free

High-quality illustrative material

The site is well structured


Mostly textual information, which is occasionally diluted with illustrations. Not enough media

Open education at MARCHI

Open educational courses at MARCHI have been available to a wide audience since 2009. All programs are divided into three groups according to the criterion of three-stage education: there are courses for applicants, for students and for teachers who are improving their qualifications. A certificate at the end of the course is not issued, but nothing is required from the student either. Having chosen the course of interest, the listener goes to the section of lectures, which are available in pdf format. Lectures are accompanied by lists of additional literature, as well as self-study assignments. Course topics are very specific, no general "architecture in human life". Particularly interesting are the programs devoted to the study of legal issues: intellectual property in architecture, urban planning code.

For whom:

popular with applicants, but it will also be interesting for professionals


All courses in Russian

Is free

Topics in demand

Additional materials


No feedback. Many tasks for lectures consist in working on an essay, which, alas, no one can check


Lectures from Yale and beyond

The portal is developing with the slogan “Watch, Learn, Share, Discuss”. This is a great example of affordable and quality education that activates consciousness and engenders discussion. Here are collected video courses covering almost all scientific areas. Lectures are given by professors from the best universities in the world. Architecture is well represented by Yale University with a series of lectures on Roman architecture. The architecture section also contains a series of four lectures "God, Caesar and Robin Hood: How the Middle Ages were built".

For whom:

for anyone who can speak English


Is free

Convenient search

There are themed playlists of lectures


Only 2 courses are offered in architecture


Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

Architectural studio

The institute offers a variety of distance learning programs, including several courses in architecture and design fundamentals. Particularly interesting is the Building in Landscapes course, which is devoted to the problem of combining natural landscapes with architectural objects. Videos from lectures are posted on the course page, and notes with illustrations are attached to them.

For whom:

The annotations to the courses indicate the expected level of the student's training (student or graduate student). But in fact, anyone can delve into the architectural subtleties.


Large selection of programs

A course of lectures can be downloaded in one fell swoop in the archive, or you can watch online


The quality of the video is "YouTube", but it leaves much to be desired. Layouts explaining the material sometimes merge into a faded spot due to a fuzzy image

Course in English

London University of the ArtsSaintMartins

Architectural Drawing Course

You don't have to travel to London to master the basics of drawing. The author's course, developed by an Icelandic architect, combines online seminars and home self-study. The study lasts two months, and live sessions - these very seminars - are held once a week. Architectural knowledge is obtained in mini-groups of 8-12 people: no student will be left unattended. To chat with the teacher, get a portion of theoretical information from him, and also discuss your homework, just turn on your webcam. And the real geographic distances, which in the case of classical education often block the student's path to a dream, are not a hindrance here on an online course. Classes begin on October 17, but there are many applicants, and applications must be submitted in advance.

For whom:

People over 18 years old who are interested in architecture are invited to the classes. No special education required.


Dialogue with the teacher

A combination of practice and theory


Seminars and assignments are in English, therefore, to participate in the program, you will need an IETELS certificate with a score of at least 5 in the spoken and written part

The pleasure is not the cheapest. For two months of intensive training, you will have to pay 425 pounds, that is, about 22 thousand rubles

When forming groups, the level of training of students is not taken into account. For example, an inquisitive beginner may weigh on a more savvy student.


March to the MARCH!

The Moscow School of Architecture offers master's programs with a diploma from the University of London, but the cost of such training is prohibitive for most. But in the summer MARCH supervises a non-commercial project: a round pavilion "School" opens in the Muzeon, where meetings with architects are held. This summer, students from Cornell University even came and participated in the discussion "The Neighborhood: A View from New York." According to the announcements, the school is open from May 23 to September 20, but for some reason the lecture schedule has not been updated since June.

For whom:

for connoisseurs of quality social spaces and interesting discussions


Is free

The pavilion is located in the center of city life


Summer School MARSH works rather in an entertaining format

In addition to free lectures in the pavilion in the summer, MARCH is recruiting students for special courses (this summer there was a course "Architecture of Light"), but for such a pleasure you will have to pay 40 thousand rubles


Exploring urban spaces in Strelka

Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design also has a free summer school, but more interesting here is a nine-month program that integrates a cycle of humanitarian knowledge: economics, sociology, politics, architecture and culture. The study of these disciplines, according to the organizers, helps to invent the future. Here they are engaged in the study of social spaces, address the problems of urbanism and do research work.

For whom:

for people 25-35 years old with higher education in architecture, media or design, fluent in English (requires IETELS certificate with a score of at least 6.5). The main criterion: the desire to change the world


Free, plus a monthly scholarship of € 980

A rich curriculum combining practice and theory


Difficult to do


VShSD at Moscow Institute of Architecture: changing career guidance

The Higher School of Environmental Design has been operating since 1999. Upon admission, you do not need to pass exams: you need a desire to immerse yourself in the profession and material wealth (each thematic module will cost 33 thousand rubles). Those entering the School can choose short-term courses (4-8 months) or become a student of a full-fledged two-year program. It all depends on how many topics the student is ready to master. If he decides to become a multidisciplinary designer and chooses a full two years, then after defending the graduation project (by the way, the student himself chooses the topic) he will receive an accredited diploma from the Higher School of Arts and Sciences of the Moscow Institute of Architecture, which is appreciated by employers and opens the door to the world of designer freelancing.

For whom:

the bulk of students are people with a non-core education. Lawyers, doctors, ballerinas come to the VShSD, but there are also architects


Students can model the curriculum themselves by choosing interesting thematic modules

Flexible schedule. You can study at the VShSD both in the morning (from 10 to 13) and in the evening (from 18 to 21). Classes are held 2-3 times a week

Twice a year, the School organizes festivals, at which the works of not only students of the School of Arts, but also students of other universities and colleges, as well as professional architects are presented

HSSD cooperates with several European universities, so program participants can go on an internship abroad

Atmosphere. Classes are held within the walls of the Moscow Architectural Institute. The space is inspiring. The walls here are flooded with soft sunlight, and the skylights overlook old Moscow.


Training is expensive

It is difficult for students to work with specialized programs (AutoCAD, Photoshop, etc.). You will have to learn to manage them in parallel with the main course.

The site brings together well-known MOOC platforms for online education: edx, Coursera, Udacity, Futurelearn, MIT OpenCourseWare. All of them give free access to the best universities in Europe, America and Asia.

For architecture, the system finds 36 courses in architecture theory, history and practice. There are programs for photography, layout and management in architecture. At a minimum, we recommend three directions that you have tried personally:

Architectural imagination

Harvard. 10 weeks

The most discussed course of 2017 explores “key themes, concepts and examples of architectural thought”. The project is being led by a very serious professor Michael Hayes, but the organizers did their best not to complicate understanding.

Four facets of modern architecture in Japan

University of Tokyo, 5 weeks

It is from Japan, as many believe, that all modern architecture came. The key to this course is its speakers. In a series of conversations and excursions, the best Japanese architects of our time: Kengo Kuma, Tadao Ando, \u200b\u200bArata Isozaki, Kazuyo Sejima, tell about the development of architecture.

ETH and Delf rates

The Zurich School of ETH and the Delft Institute of Technology each year are among the top of the best architecture universities in the world. Including because they are investing in the development of online education. The two schools offer 9 courses in Architecture and Urbanism on the edX platform - all available in the architecture section.

Other platforms

Not all courses are posted on major MOOC resources. Of those not included in the directory, two were particularly popular this year:

  • offers 17 lessons from the award-winning Pritzker. Although, judging by the reviews, the course is more like a series of interviews or stories about the life path.
  • It has been launched in Russian for the second time in a row. The program includes 9 modules and 67 hours of classes.

© photo by Archikids

We have selected 7 architectural studios in Moscow, in which children are taught three-dimensional thinking and graphics, are introduced to the basics of urbanism and help to develop their spatial imagination.

Children's Art School "Start"

Photo from the site of the Children's Art School "Start"

"Start" is one of the oldest and certainly the most famous architectural school in Moscow. Moreover, this is not just a circle, but an entire art school, which has the status of additional education. The school has a free department:

Pre-vocational general education program - lasts five years

General educational general development program - three and a half years

Comprehensive program at an advanced level - seven years.

There is a big competition for the budgetary department and serious entrance exams. There is also a paid department, where they accept without entrance exams:

Preschool workshop

Optional classes

University preparation classes

Pupils of the school participate in international competitions, many of them continue to study architecture or design after graduation.

5-16 years old

Free and paid (from 2000 rubles per month)

School of architectural development "SHAR"

The work of a pupil of the Shar school. Photo from the school website.

School "SHAR" was included in the list of the ten most interesting children's circles in Moscow according to Forbes magazine seven years ago. There are classes for children from the age of four, as well as a special program for applicants to architecture faculties. In "SHAR" there is a school, divided into 10 levels, roughly coinciding with the classes of the school, and there are master classes and summer schools. Within these levels, there are many courses: architectural graphics, spatial modeling, and so on.

Classes are held in the buildings of the Moscow Academy of Finance and Law and the Russian International Academy of Tourism. But they are taught by teachers from the Moscow Architectural Institute. Admission to the school is based on the results of an interview, you must bring a portfolio with you.

4 to 17 years old.

21,000 - 25,000 rubles / semester

Children's creative studio of the Union of Moscow Architects

22 workshops of various directions work every day without days off from morning to evening, so you can choose the most convenient time. Classes begin in mid-September and continue until the end of May. They are led by practicing architects and teachers from Moscow Architectural Institute. The studio actively participates in festivals and other city events.

From 4.5 to 16 years old.

The cost of a monthly subscription is 4000 rubles.

Children's center at
Museum of Architecture. Shchuseva

A children's center with various creative activities was opened at the Museum of Architecture. Some courses deal directly with architecture. For example, the course “What an Architect Needs to Know” is intended for children aged 7-10 and their parents. There are courses for older children: the course "Fundamentals of Architectural Photography" is designed for teenagers 12-16 years old. Enrollment for the course is based on the results of an individual interview, for which you must bring 10-20 of your own photos.

7-16 years old.

The price is different for each course. “What an architect needs to know” - 2000 rubles for four classes (child + adult), preferential subscription - 1000 rubles. "Fundamentals of Architectural Photography" - 6200 rubles for a course of nine lessons.

Children's club "Horses on the balcony"

If you, for a start, want to appreciate the interest of the child and try his hand at architecture, then it is better to choose one of the small cute studios.

At the Horses on the Balcony children's club, programs are developed at the intersection of disciplines: architects with animators, actors or performers, physicists, psychologists and even chefs. At the end of each program is an exhibition and a celebration. Each program consists of six sessions. There are four such programs a year. In 2017, classes begin on 23 September.

For children from 3 years old.

From 8000 rubles for one program of six lessons.

Children's architectural studio MOGU (Moscow association of brilliant students)

Studio MOGU develops the child's spatial imagination and three-dimensional thinking. The name of the studio is not accidental - its founders promise to teach children to understand that they can do anything. And even create your own reality. The studio has courses:

Investigator's Diary (0-6 years old)

Architectural animation (10-14 years old)

Urbanist (10-14 years old)

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