The most original houses from around the world. The most unusual houses in the world, where everyone can stay

Hello our dear readers. In modern cities, sometimes there are so many identical houses - entire blocks. And this view is not at all happy. But suddenly, among this grayness, the most unusual houses of the world flash by. Made of wood, brick, stone, one-story and several floors, round, square, and such original shapes that you wonder.

Crooked house in Poland

The house was built according to the fairy tales of Jan Marchin. This is truly a fabulous house. So it seems that now the mouth-entrance will open and say something unusual. And around the day and night the turbulent life boils. Inside the building on the ground floor is a shopping center. Imagine how briskly trade is going on in it, if a lot of tourists, having taken a selfie, go inside for souvenirs. On the second floor, popular radio stations are constantly broadcasting.

Palace of Ferdinand Cheval in France

Surprisingly, this unusually beautiful building was brought to life by an ordinary postman without an architectural and construction education. The house is built of stones, cement and wire. And in such a mixture of styles, every tourist from East and West will find a piece of their own culture. Ferdinand loved his brainchild so much that he expressed a desire to bury himself in it.

But he was refused (strange, because this is his house) and then he quickly built a crypt next to his palace and in the same style. There the famous postman of France calmed down.

portuguese stone house

It is really a solid, huge stone lying on a mountain. A creation of nature, into which an ordinary person seemed to breathe life. The house was built between two boulders. It has two floors, absolutely suitable for life, but no one has lived here for a long time, because the huge influx of tourists simply does not allow you to relax in this secluded place.

"Planet" for a sheikh in the UAE

An interesting and unusual house was built for Sheikh Hamad. Round shape and painted like a globe. Initially, the house was built for convenience when traveling through the desert of the state - it has 4 floors, several bathrooms and bedrooms. And the building has wheels. Imagine, a lone 12-meter globe is rolling across the vast desert! Not himself, of course, hitched to the tractor. But the sight is unusual.

House of Nikolai Sutyagin in Russia

This wooden 13-storey house was built in Arkhangelsk from boards and timber without nails at all, as the distant ancestors of the Slavs built. From the last floor you could see the White Sea. But, unfortunately, the owner never completed the house. It turns out that private multi-storey residential buildings should not exceed nine floors.

And at the direction of the authorities, the top was demolished, but the house was still not completed. Very sorry! But apparently the building was not destined to "live" even like this, because in 2012 the house burned down completely.

"Flying saucer" in Moscow

Another of the building masterpieces built in Russia is the Moscow registry office, which looks like a plate of aliens. As they say: “Marriages are made in heaven”, so in this registry office lovers are registered “under the clouds”. The wedding palace has two halls: one is on the ground, at the foot of the bridge, and the other is suspended at a height of 100 meters. The upper hall can accommodate about 600 guests. So you can sign on a grand scale and "in heaven."

spherical house

Building your own home is a dream for many. Anyone who thought about it would like a house that is individual, not the same as everyone else. There are people who embody their wildest fantasies in real architecture. Here are some of them.

Strange Houses of the World

teapot house

In Texas, USA, there is a kettle house. A strange building with no tenants. Where and when he appeared, the locals no longer remember, but someone regularly visits there, although no one really knows the truth.

In Portugal there is a heap of stones covered with a roof. At least at first glance, this is exactly what it looks like. But, nevertheless, this is a completely habitable house and ordinary people live in it. The stone house looks attractive in its own way, despite its strangeness.

shoe house

In Pennsylvania, USA, a shoe house appeared 50 years ago. Comfortable home with all possible amenities. The owner's design thought gave a similar look to everything that accompanies the strange building: a dog kennel, a mailbox, a sign, and even a birdhouse.

In Sopot, Poland, there is a Crooked House. Strange, all curved, but at the same time a strikingly harmonious building, erected in just a year. Its owners, a famous Swedish artist and a Polish illustrator, live in it to this day.

Piano house in China

There is an amazing building in China. In the middle of the wasteland stands a huge piano with a violin leaning against it. The house is not residential, it is a place where students of the music college improve their talents.

House in the Clouds, Suffolk

In Suffolk, there is a House in the Clouds. A huge water tower, turned into a house by someone's thought. This house does not have permanent residents, but anyone can rent this dwelling for the night and spend several hours there, hovering above the ground.

In Warsaw, there is a kind of tiny house that claims to be the narrowest house in the world. The width of the main facade is only 122 cm, and the narrowest point of the house, from a different angle, is 72 cm. The house is two-story. Was inhabited for only six months and only one tenant. Now it is an art studio. It is intended for all creative people of the world.

House made of broken dishes in France, Louviere

In Louviere, there is a House of Broken Dishes. The original name appeared due to the unusual interior design. The entire interior and exterior decoration of the room is made of mosaic, which is assembled from shards of all kinds of broken dishes. Even the doghouse was not spared by such decorations. The house is inhabited and the son of the people who built it lives in it.

In Darmstadt, there is an unusual house "Forest Spiral". The twelve-story residential building with 105 apartments looks like a shell twisted into a spiral. At the same time, this is a quite comfortable building with its own garage, bar, cafe, children's playground and a small artificial lake. One of the striking moments are windows of various shapes and sizes, scattered throughout the facade in complete disarray.

Basket Building in Ohio Township

In Ohio, USA, there is a unique "Basket Building" office building. It looks like a shopping basket, there are even handles for the basket on top. The view is quite unusual. Seven-story basket!

upside down house

In Tennessee, USA, there is an Upside Down House. Its appearance has its own history of occurrence. Allegedly, once this house was completely ordinary, but the scientists who worked in it created a tornado as an experiment, which turned the house upside down, that is, onto the roof. No one turned it back, so they use it now.

They want it to be unusual, different from the rest.

Some are not shy about spending big money for uniqueness, others are trying to make their home as environmentally friendly as possible, and still others are building a budget option.

Here is just a small list of houses with unusual architectural ideas.

1. A house balancing on a rock

This house has been standing on a stone for 45 years. It is located in Serbia, and maybe this is not the best place to relax, swimmers will appreciate its uniqueness.

For the first time, the idea of ​​such a house was proposed in 1968 by several young swimmers, and the next year the house was already ready. It has only one room.

It is amazing how he managed to stand on a stone, given the strong winds that blow in that area.

2. Hobbit house

Photographer Simon Dale spent about $5,200 to turn a small plot of land into a house that bears a striking resemblance to the residence of one of the characters in the Lord of the Rings novel.

Dale built a house for his family in just 4 months. His father-in-law helped him.

The house has several eco-friendly details, including wood waste for flooring, lime plaster (instead of cement) for walls, straw bales on dry masonry, a dry closet, solar panels for electricity, and a supply of water from a nearby spring.

3. House under the dome

After spending 6 years and $9,000, Steve Areen managed to build his dream home.

This building is located in Thailand. The main part of the house required 2/3 of the total investment, and Steve spent the remaining $3,000 on furnishing.

The house has a place to relax, a hammock, a private pond, and almost everything inside the house is made from natural materials.

4. Floating house

The architect Dymitr Malсew worked on the design of this house. From the name it is clear why this building is unique.

The mobile home is built on a floating platform. This location offers amazing views of the surrounding nature.

original houses

5. Tiny house

This little house called "Tiny House", has an area of ​​only 18 square meters. meters. Its author was the architect Macy Miller. They worked on the house for about two years, using a lot of things made with their own hands.

Despite its compactness, in the house you can find everything that a person needs for a comfortable stay.

The idea came architect when Maisie got tired of paying crazy money for her old home.

At this stage, she continues to improve her new home.

6. House from old windows

Photographer Nick Olson and designer Lilah Horwitz cost $500 to build this home.

For several months, they collected old discarded windows to create a house in the mountains in West Virginia.

7. House of cargo containers

Four 12-meter containers were converted into one house, which was called El Tiemblo House. This house is located in the city of Avila, Spain.

The designer of this project is the studio James & Mau Arquitectura, and it was built by specialists from Infiniski.

The total area of ​​the building is 190 sq. meters. The construction of the entire complex took approximately 6 months and 140,000 euros.

8 School Bus House

Architecture student Hank Butitta decided to use his knowledge to turn an old school bus he bought online into a home.

To convert the bus into a modular mobile home, he used an old gym floor and plywood.

In 15 weeks, he completed his bold project, which he turned into his own home.

9. Water tower house

After purchasing an old water tower in central London, Leigh Osborne and Graham Voce decided to renovate it.

They spent 8 months transforming the old structure into a new, modern apartment building.

The multi-storey apartment, located in the center of the tower, has large windows, and the upper part of the building offers a view of all the nature around.

10. House from a train car

The carriage from the Great Northern Railway X215 train has been converted into a comfortable accommodation. This house is located in Essex, Montana.

The car has been completely renovated and now has everything from the kitchen and bathroom to the master bedroom and even a gas fireplace.

11. Mobile house made of logs

The house was built by Hans Liberg and is located in Hilversum, the Netherlands.

Thanks to its structure, the house merges with nature and becomes almost invisible among the trees, especially with closed windows.

Inside the house is made in the style of minimalism. Many details are made by hand.

Eco friendly houses

12. House from a silo granary

The silo granary boasts a large volume that can be used to create a good house of 140-190 square meters. meters.

In addition, the structure itself is quite economical. It is worth noting that the many have appreciated all the advantages of such a home, including Don and Carolyn Riedlinger (Don Riedlinger, Carolyn Riedlinger) from Gilbert, Arizona, USA.

They even managed to connect three grain silos at once to create a kind of estate.

13. Eco-friendly micro house

The project, called NOMAD, is an affordable alternative for those who want to call themselves a homeowner.

The microhouse, designed by designer Ian Lorne Kent, costs $30,000.

The compact building is only 3x3 meters, but its design, especially the large windows, gives the impression that the house is much larger.

According to the developer, to assemble such a house, you need only one assistant and one week.

14. Dumpster house

Californian designer Gregory Kloehn has turned Brooklyn dumpsters into his own home.

The 42-year-old designer's one-room apartment-like structure has been completely renovated and now has everything you need for a normal living.

There is a small kitchen in the corner with a microwave and mini oven.

In addition, the house has a bedroom with a place for things built under it.

There is also an outdoor toilet and shower. The shower is supplied with water from a 22-litre rainwater tank. The tank is on the roof of the house.

15. House powered by solar energy

Named Halo, this home is 60 sq. meters and was developed by Team Sweden - a group of 25 students from Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden.

The house uses solar energy and is built using renewable materials.

Solar panels installed above the house play two roles at once - they supply the house with electricity and are the roof of the entire building.

house in the forest

16. House among the trees

Instead of cutting down trees to clear land for a home, architect Keisuke Kawaguchi of K2 Design decided to build a chain of several living spaces that bypass the trees.

The building is located in the city of Yonago, Japan and is called "Residence in Daizen". It is a multi-room house connected by short corridors and surrounded by nature.

17. Japanese forest house

Using local materials, kayak racing instructor Brian Schulz, who also builds boats, has created his own oasis in the forests of Oregon, USA.

The house takes Japanese design beauty to the other side of the world.

18. Modern hobbit house

Dutch architecture firm SeARCH has teamed up with Christian Muller Architects to create a house that is built into a hillside in Valls, Switzerland.

From a technical point of view, the house is underground, but its entire courtyard with a terrace opens onto open space.

The structure of the house allows you to see the one who went out into the courtyard, all the beauties of nature.

19. A house built into a cave

This house is located in Festus, Missouri. It is built into a sand cave. Initially, Kurt Sleeper (Curt Sleeper) found a place on one of the eBay auctions - the cave was only 30 kilometers from the house where he lives with his wife.

Soon op purchased the place and turned it into a home. It took him almost 5 months to become the owner of this place and more than 4 years to complete the construction.

It is always warm inside and the surrounding nature is felt, so the family may not even go outside.

20. Underground house in the desert

Designed by Deca Architecture, this semi-underground stone house blends in with the surroundings of rural Greece.

The house is half hidden underground, which does not affect the surrounding nature in any way.

The house is located on the Greek island of Antiparos.

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Have you ever wondered what the most expensive houses in the world look like and what kind of dwellings architects build for themselves? Where do billionaire superheroes from Hollywood movies live, who has a swimming pool instead of a roof, and what does the narrowest house in the world look like? website prepared for you a selection of unusual houses, villas and mansions that amazed the whole world with their bold design.

Glass House (Japan)

This incredible home is made for lovers of natural light who don't mind living in full view. The building is located on the most densely populated street in Tokyo. There are no separate rooms here, but there are different levels and “branches” so that all residents of the house constantly feel like part of a single community.

Heliodom (France)

The house, similar to the spinning top, was designed as an eco-friendly dwelling. It is located at a certain angle to the sun in order to get maximum energy thanks to solar panels. This is quite enough for heating, lighting and other needs.

House-shell "Nautilus" (Mexico)

The embodiment of organic architecture combined with biotech aesthetics. Rays of light penetrating through multi-colored glass fill the house with bright highlights. Rough to the touch, strong walls can easily withstand an earthquake, a living plant carpet spreads across the floor, and stone paths lead to living rooms.

Stone House (Portugal)

Caterpillar house (Chile)

Sebastian Irrazaval used 12 shipping containers to build a modern and economical home for his family. Thanks to thoughtful design and the correct arrangement of glasses, the main rooms are filled with sunlight to the maximum from sunrise to sunset.

Hermitage on the Drina River (Serbia)

Once every few years, the raging rivers carry away the house, but the locals restore it every time. The very first hut appeared here in 1969. Then young people gathered here, songs were sung. Today, the house can be rented for a couple of days to relax.

Glass Pavilion (USA)

This modern, minimalist home, made from the most expensive and luxurious materials, is worth $29 million. The brainchild of architect Steve Herman, who spent 6 years building it, it is excellent in every detail, but still can not find its inhabitants.

The Hole House, or Beyond the Black Hole

A black hole appeared on the site of two dilapidated houses in Houston in 2005! This is an amazing creation of two American artists and designers Dan Havel and Dean Cancer, which they called "Inversion". They came up with the idea to build an amazing tunnel house to remind people once again how fragile time-space matter is.

Iron Man Mansion (USA)

The chic Razor Residence is known to movie fans as the residence of Iron Man from the Marvel comics film of the same name. Although the house looks a bit different from the outside in the movie, thanks to the film's special effects, after the film's runaway success at the box office, the house went under the hammer for $117 million immediately after filming ended.

Hobbit House (UK)

You will not see many people with a house resembling a hobbit's dwelling. But here we are talking about an autonomous eco-housing. It took 3,000 euros to build and only natural materials, and its chief designer posted all the drawings and tips online for those who want to build the same. Lost in the forests of Wales, his home exists independently of the outside world.

House of Medusa (Spain)

Neighboring buildings blocked the view of the sea, so the huge pool turned into the roof of this magnificent mansion. Waves create whimsical highlights in the living room, and blue light floods all rooms thanks to panoramic windows.

Keret House (Poland)

Known as the narrowest house in the world. Only 122 cm at the widest opening of the building. But due to strict laws in Poland itself, the house is registered as an art installation. The name of the building is explained simply: the house is dedicated to the Israeli writer and director Etgar Keret.

Antilia (India)

House-sphere with a 360-degree view (New Zealand)

The creator of this miracle dreamed of making an adult version of a tree house. Skysphere Tiny House, a 360-degree sphere house, is the perfect place to retreat and unwind. It has a minibar, a plasma screen and a smart home system that can be controlled using a smartphone.

Wahlstrom House (USA)

The asymmetrical house of John Lautner, who created the fashion for such houses in California. Completed in 1964, this masterpiece embodies the classic principles of organic architecture, where each building is individually designed to fit the particular area in order to fit in perfectly.

Mirror cube (Sweden)

This building has become one of the hotels of the Tree Hotel series, which are tree houses. Invisible from the outside and cozy inside. One night in a mirror cube will cost about 500 euros, and Swedish cuisine is waiting for tourists as treats.

The world is full of creative minds capable of changing the way we perceive even the simplest things, like home. Surely there are interesting buildings in your hometown, but they cannot be compared with the most unusual houses in the world which we are about to show you.

This home, designed and built by F2 Architecture, overlooks the Great Ocean Road in Australia. Its unusual location guarantees visitors breathtaking views and perhaps a fear of heights.

Pole House was built at a height of 40 meters, on a very steep slope, which clearly presented a problem. And the architects came up with the most intriguing solution. They created a concrete platform on a 13-meter-high pylon and placed the house on top of it. However, this gave rise to another problem - the lack of convenient access to the home. To solve it, the architects built a narrow concrete bridge that links the house to the hill.

19. Steel House, USA

Next on the list of the strangest houses on Earth is a structure that looks more like a giant work of art. And after learning her story, you will understand why this is so. It all started in 1973 when sculptor Robert Bruno started his eccentric project. From then until his death in 2008, he worked on Steel House in Texas, doing all the work by hand without outside help.

The house (which was never finished) has a very unusual shape that can be interpreted in many ways. Some think that it resembles a UFO, others argue that the building looks more like a massive insect. And there are those who compare it to the AT-AT Walker from Star Wars.

18. Slide House, Japan

This is one of the funniest houses in the world, yet its design is surprisingly simple. The central part of it is occupied by a giant slide, which is an integral part of the building. It runs along the entire inner perimeter of the building, which has rounded corners.

This wonderful home was designed by Level Architects and completed in 2009. An ideal place for children and their cheerful parents who love steep slopes.

17. PAS House, USA

This is not just a house in California, but a skateboarder's dream. Its whimsical design is the result of a collaboration between François Perrin, Gilles Lebon Delapointe and their client, professional skateboarder and ex-world champion Pierre André Senizerkes.

The interior of the house consists of three main areas, one of which is dedicated to skateboarding. There you can ride on almost all surfaces, including walls, ceilings and even furniture.

16. Seashell House, Mexico

A photo of one of the most unusual and beautiful houses on Earth very much resembles a giant sea shell. And not in vain. The house was designed by Javier Senosian, who took inspiration from images of the Nautilus (a genus of cephalopods).

Of course, the exterior of the house has been slightly stylized, and its shape and design have been adapted for a comfortable stay in this amazing architectural gem. The project was completed in 2016 and one of its most notable features is the wonderful colorful mosaic wall. It creates an exquisite rainbow effect.

15. Hotel Costa Verde, Costa Rica

This is one of . The retired Boeing 727 aircraft was delivered to the construction site in parts. It was then reassembled on a 15-meter plinth at the edge of a national park in Costa Rica. From there you have an amazing view of the jungle.

14. Star Trek Voyager, England

Live long and prosper in this home designed to replicate the interior of the Star Trek Voyager spacecraft. Even the LED lighting and intergalactic sound effects have been recreated.

13 House NA, Japan

“We have nothing to hide,” could be the short description of this extremely unusual house. It is made completely transparent (except for the bathroom, of course) and consists of 21 separate plates.

A strange house with an area of ​​85 sq.m. is located in Tokyo and was designed by Sou Fujimoto Architects. Her clients, a young couple, were inspired by the idea of ​​living in a tree. In a sense, the whole house is a giant room divided into several smaller rooms. At night, curtains are hidden from the prying eyes of the inhabitants of the house.

12. Flintstone-style house, USA

This is what the Flintstones' house would look like if they were our contemporaries. Everything about this pseudo-primitive California dwelling looks like it's made of stone and has jagged surfaces, lines, and angles. At the same time, the whole design looks very organic. The interior of the house is one huge room.

11. Keret House, Poland

“Are you claustrophobic? But you will suffer, you will!” Master Yoda might have said to Luke if the young Jedi had visited the narrowest house in the world. Its width is only 122 centimeters, and this is at its widest point. You can find this unusual building in Warsaw, Poland. It is wedged between two other buildings.

The house has no windows, but it is translucent and has a white interior that visually expands the space.

10. Water tower conversion, Belgium

You can even live in a water tower, and quite comfortably. Numerous towers around the world have been turned into cozy homes, and some of them are really pleasing to the eye.

One of these houses is located in the Belgian village of Stenokkerzel. The water tower was built between 1938 and 1941 and was in operation until the 1990s. At one point it served as a watchtower, and in 2007 it was completely renovated and converted by Bham Design Studio into a single family home.

9 Upside Down House, Germany

This very strange dwelling was built in 2008 as a tourist attraction in the commune of Trassenheide in northern Germany. The house was commissioned as part of The World Upside Down project, which allows visitors to view everyday objects from different perspectives. The house is fully furnished, except that all the furniture is also turned upside down.

8. Toilet House, South Korea

Sometimes ads show dangerous bacteria that live in the toilet bowl. But it turns out that other creatures can be in the toilet. People, for example.

In 2007, the Mayor of Suwon commissioned the design of a toilet museum to celebrate the founding of the World Toilet Association. Its construction cost $1.1 million. There is no end to tourists, and the exposition in the museum, although small, is very funny. There are both the first toilets and modern models of "white friends of man".

7. H2ome - anywhere with clean sea water

This crazy house may not be the most innovative idea, but its concept seems cool. US Submarines Structures is committed to building luxurious submerged dwellings. Access to the house is possible from the shoreline on a private pier and down the central elevator or spiral staircase.

One such sea house will cost 10 million pounds. However, this is so, small things compared to. For this price, you will also get the opportunity to choose a suitable place for construction on the seabed.

6. Dupli Casa, Germany

This villa looks like it stepped out of one of Salvador Dali's paintings. One of the strangest houses in the world was designed by a group of architects and designers led by the famous Berlin architect Jurgen Mayer, who is not the first to create bizarre structures from glass, reinforced concrete and even wood.

5. Hobbit House, Northern Ireland

Back in 2003, Simon Dale took on the daunting task of building a low-rise apartment building for his family. Influenced by the Lord of the Rings franchise, Dale started building a cozy hobbit house, buying 7 acres of land and materials worth 3,000 euros. After 4 months of hard work, the fairy house was completed, and it must be said that it is a very nice and cozy home both from the outside and from the inside. Would you like to live in this?

4Psychedelic Mansion, Bolivia

In 2005, creative Bolivian architect Freddy Mamani designed this spaceship-like mansion to celebrate the political autonomy given to his Aymara people. The building represents the "new confidence" of the Aymara and the "economic boom" of Bolivia.

3. Domes For The World, Indonesia

About 70 domed houses were built by the American company Domes for the World for villagers who lost their homes in the May 2007 earthquake near the city of Yogyakarta.

Buildings can withstand wind speeds up to 190 km/h.

2.Dr. Seuss House, United States

This strange and quirky 12-story house looks like it came straight out of a fantasy book. The building, located in Alaska, stood dormant for several years before a local resident purchased it. But we're not entirely sure if it will keep all those floors.

1. Shark Attack Home, England

The most ordinary house in the world, a huge shark just flew by and decided to say hello to the inhabitants of the house. Yes, right through the roof. These migratory sharks are so awkward!

The building is owned by writer and BBC radio presenter Bill Heine. We don't know what prompted him to order this particular design, but we do know that this house with a 7-meter fiberglass shark carcass immediately became a local landmark.

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