Not a gram is. How much do we weigh in grams? Why is it important to control weight during pregnancy and how to do it He would not have an ounce of conscience

Grams or grams? Which of the following options is better to use in writing and speaking? You can find out the answer to this question from this article.

General information

The formation of some nouns in the form of the genitive case quite often causes certain difficulties for schoolchildren and quite adult people. That is why questions often arise about how to write correctly: grams or grams, oranges or oranges, tomatoes or tomatoes, kilograms or kilograms, etc.

It should be noted that there are no specific rules for such cases. However, in Russian there are still some notes that will help you in writing the mentioned lexical units.

Word features

Many people doubt how to write and pronounce: grams or grams. And in order to use this word correctly in the text, it is recommended to recall the following feature: for most masculine nouns that are in the initial form and end in a solid consonant (for example, sock, orange, lampas, tomato, etc.) in the genitive plural . the number is characterized by the ending -ov (for example, socks, oranges, stripes, tomatoes, etc.). However, this peculiar rule does not always work and does not apply to all lexical units.

Word analysis

In connection with all of the above, we decided to analyze the word we are checking and understand how it will be correct: grams or grams. This lexical unit belongs to the category of masculine nouns, which are quite problematic to put in the plural. numbers. But in view of the fact that it ends in a solid consonant, its ending will be -ov, that is, grams. But how then to be, for example, with such a familiar expression: “Pour 100 grams!” (or 100 grams)? You will find out the answer to this question a little further.

Exceptions to the rules

As mentioned above, nouns plural. numbers ending in a solid consonant in the genitive case have only the ending -ov. However, all rules have their exceptions. Let's consider them in more detail:

  • If you are dealing with the name of people by nationality, as well as by belonging to any military unit, which are used in the plural and are used in a collective sense, then the above rule does not apply. This can be seen from the following example: soldiers - soldiers, Bulgarians - Bulgarians, partisans - partisans. By the way, this also includes the word in the form of the genitive plural. numbers - "man". For example: no one? - eight people.

  • If the text should put the name of paired objects in the genitive case, then their ending will be zero. Let's give a good example: eyes - eyes, boots - boots, shoulder straps - shoulder straps, cuffs - cuffs, boots - boots, stockings - stockings. Although there are exceptions here too. For example, you should say and write "socks" and not "socks."
  • If in a sentence you are dealing with the name of measures or units of measurement, then you should pay special attention to such a form as the genitive case. "Gram" and "grams" in this case are equal lexical units. Although experts argue that if this word is used without a "measuring" number, that is, in an explicit genitive case, then only the second option should be used. For example: "how many grams of silver are in this product"; "let's talk in detail about the abolition of grams as a unit of measurement"; “instead of grams, the weight of the goods was measured in kilograms” and so on. If such a lexical unit is preceded by some clarifying figure, then it is recommended to use a word with a zero ending. For example: "pour 100 grams"; “leave 5 free gigabytes on the flash card”, “measure 15 arshins”, “weigh 5 kilograms of apples”, “connect 220 volts”, “set a limit of 1000 watts”, etc.

Summing up

We talked about grams or grams. But in order to consolidate the material, it should be repeated why in one case we write one option, and in the other - another. The fact is that in Russian there is a countable case, or the so-called countable form. As a rule, it is available only for those masculine plural nouns that denote units of measurement. And if there is any numeral before such a word, then the counting case is characterized by a zero ending (for example, six grams, twenty amperes, three hundred volts, fifty newtons, ten arshins, etc.).

Thus, the phrase "one hundred grams" is a clear example of a counting form. Although in such cases explicit genitive cases are often used. For example: thirty grams, twenty hectares, six newtons, five kilograms, and so on. Therefore, lexical combinations like “one hundred grams”, “one hundred grams”, “many grams” or “fifty grams” are considered to be completely equal and equivalent.

Prost. Express. Nothing at all, not at all. Having risen a little light, Ivan before dinner roamed the fields, refueling tractors. He ran the cars, and he himself - not a gram, although it would not interfere with him: his head hurt. But Ivan decided to end this business(B. Ekimov. “Who does not love Saratov ...”) - Yes, you can see for yourself here. They won’t give you a rest either, just as they don’t give us(V. Telpugov. Key and dagger). The Battle of Kursk broke out, and in the letters of the soldier - unexpectedly tender sketches of the outgoing spring, persistent requests to help buy an accordion for the company, send books, paper, pencils. And not an ounce of despair, especially fear(G. Gulin. “We are for life, therefore we will win!”). The train, as always, stood at the platform. He had three minutes to spare. He did not have an ounce of doubt that Natalya was in this train(V. Mussalitin. Help me get up).

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  • - an integral part of complex words, meaning a graphic image, a record ...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - part of complex words, meaning a record, a graphic image ...

    Modern Encyclopedia

  • - part of compound words, meaning: "record, graphic image" ...

    Natural science. encyclopedic Dictionary

  • - see Dynamo ...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - a component of compound words, corresponding in meaning to the word record, for example: telegram, phonogram ...
  • - GRAM, -a, kind. pl. grams and grams, m. A unit of mass in the decimal system of measures, one thousandth of a kilogram ...

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  • - Simple. Express. Nothing at all, not at all. Rising a little light, Ivan wandered through the fields until lunchtime, refueling the tractor. He ran the cars, and he himself - not a gram, although it would not interfere with him: his head hurt ...

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  • - Razg. Not at all, absolutely nothing. BMS 1998, 134-135; NSZ-84; F 1, 126; POS 7, 176; DS, 125; AOC 10, 22; Versh. 4, 149; SBO-D1, 103...

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  • - Athens Medical...

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1871 Morse, Babbage, Gramm machine

From the book Popular History - From Electricity to Television the author Kuchin Vladimir

1871 Morse, Babbage, Gram's Machine In the summer of 1871, a monument was erected in Central Park in New York City to veteran Samuel Morse during his lifetime. Morse was honored at the Academy of Music - there were representatives from all states, delegates from England and other European countries. When Morse

1872 discovery of Fontaine - Gram - transmission of energy over distance

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1872 Fontaine's discovery - Gramm - transmission of energy over a distance The discovery of the electrical reversibility of the "dynamo" and the first transmission of energy produced by a steam engine over a long distance, which Fontaine and Gramm performed, was helped by an incredible case. It was

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1878 de Meritin's "dynamo", Fontaine-Gramme alternator, "Yablochkov's transformer" and the Gramm machine (see 1871) magneto-electric generator -


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→ → → Not a gram in the Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

Not a gram is

Not a gram

Prost. Express. Nothing at all, not at all. Rising a little light, Ivan wandered through the fields until lunchtime, refueling the tractor. He ran the cars, and he himself - not a gram, although it would not interfere with him: his head hurt. But Ivan decided to end this business (B. Ekimov. “Who does not love Saratov ...”) - Yes, you will see everything here for yourself. You will also not be given a single gram of rest, just as they do not give us (V. Telpugov. Key and dagger). The Battle of Kursk broke out, and in the letters of the soldier - unexpectedly tender sketches of the outgoing spring, persistent requests to help buy an accordion for the company, send books, paper, pencils. And not an ounce of despair, much less fear (G. Gulin. “We are for life, therefore we will win!”). The train, as always, stood at the platform. He had three minutes to spare. He did not have a single gram of doubt that Natalya was in this train (V. Mussalitin. Help me get up).

Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST.

A. I. Fedorov.

Page Links

  • Direct link: http://site/phraseology/6874/;
  • Link HTML code: What does Not a gram mean in the Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language;
  • BB-code of the link: Definition of the concept of Nigram in the Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language.

Total found: 133

Which is correct "more than 70 kilograms" or "more than 70 kilograms in"?

Preferably: over 70 kilograms.

Question No. 302426

How to correctly write "91 kilograms more" or "91 kilograms more"?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Right: 91 kilograms more.

Question No. 301705

Hello, tell me, Yesterday I came for half a kilogram of sausage, half a kilogram is written together? We're having an argument

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Right: came for half a kilo of sausage. In colloquial speech, it is permissible: ...for half a kilo of sausage.

Question #301686

Hello, please tell me which is correct: 500 grams or 500 grams in

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Both options are correct.

Question #300792

Good afternoon! Please, tell me, is it correct to capitalize the word "Application" in the text of the documentation? Eg: Please see the diagram in Appendix 2. OR Please see the diagram in Appendix 2. Thank you.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

True with lowercase: in annex 2.

Question #299862

What declension do the words grandfather, uncle, dad refer to?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

To the first (in accordance with the school curriculum).

Question #299681

Hello! Is it acceptable to write the name of the Telegram application in Cyrillic with one "m" - "telegram" (like "instagram")? Many write with two, by analogy with "telegram th". I don't understand if this is a bug or not?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

The name of the application "Telegram" is written with one letter m.

Question #299239

Hello, please tell me how to write correctly: 5.5 kg? Five and a half kilograms?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

It is written like this: five and a half kilograms.

Question #298267

Hello! Tell me, please, which form of ending is correct: lose a couple of kilograms O / a couple of kilograms / both are equally acceptable. We have already read answers to different contexts (with numerals, with the word "several"), but in this case it is the context with the word "pair" that is important. Thank you in advance!

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Right: a couple of kilos.

Question #298248

Hello. Need an answer urgently! Do I need a comma before "taking into account", or is everything correct here? The journal was developed in accordance with the current program on the subject and the calendar and thematic planning of lessons in the 1st grade, taking into account the recommendations of the Instructional and Methodological Letter...

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Question #296635

Good afternoon! Can you please tell me which set of rules is currently in effect? 12 years ago, when I was at university, we only referred to the 1956 Rules. Even then, they got acquainted with the Lopatin reform of 2006, but all this was not accepted then. How are things now? What source should you go to? The question arose in connection with the discussion of variant forms - five kilograms and five kilograms in - in the 2012 Lopatin dictionary, these 2 currently existing options are indicated. But is it? Can we rely on this dictionary? Thank you. Olga

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

The question of choosing the ending in the form of the genitive plural of the word kilogram is not spelling, it is a problem of grammatical norm. You can read about it in the answer to question no.

The 1956 Rules and the 2006 Rules you are asking about are spelling and punctuation laws. Here are their full bibliographic descriptions:

Rules of Russian spelling and punctuation: approved. Acad. Sciences of the USSR, M-vom higher. arr. USSR and Ministry of Education. RSFSR / [the largest account. in comp. hosted by S. G. Barkhudarov, K. I. Bylinskiy, V. V. Vinogradov, I. S. Istrina, I. A. Kairov, E. I. Kornevsky, S. E. Kryuchkov, S. P. Obnorskiy, D N. Ushakov, A. B. Shapiro, L. V. Shcherba]. - Moscow: Uchpedgiz, 1956. - 176 p.

Rules of Russian spelling and punctuation. Complete academic reference book: approved by the Spelling Commission of the Russian Academy of Sciences / [ed. N. S. Valgina, N. A. Eskova, O. E. Ivanova, S. M. Kuzmina, V. V. Lopatin, L. K. Cheltsova; resp. ed. V. V. Lopatin]; Ros. acad. Sciences, Dep. historical and philological. Sciences, Institute of Rus. lang. them. V. V. Vinogradova. - Moscow: Eksmo, 2006. - 478, p. – The reference book is an updated edition of the current “Rules of Russian Spelling and Punctuation” of 1956. – Editions after 2006 erased.

The code of 2006 cannot be recognized as reforming our writing, although according to the publications that appeared in the media in the early 2000s, such a conclusion could well be drawn. But journalists need a sensation, they tend to demonize any situation.

Here is what is written in the preface to the rules of 2006: “The main task of this work was to prepare a complete text of the rules of Russian spelling that meets the current state of the Russian language. The “Rules of Russian Spelling and Punctuation”, which are still in force, officially approved in 1956, were the first generally binding set of rules that eliminated inconsistency in spelling. Exactly half a century has passed since their release, and numerous manuals and methodological developments have been created on their basis. Naturally, during this time, a number of significant omissions and inaccuracies were discovered in the wording of the Rules.

The incompleteness of the "Rules" of 1956 is largely due to changes that have taken place in the language itself: many new words and types of words have appeared, the spelling of which is not regulated by the "Rules". For example, in the modern language, units that stand on the verge between a word and a part of a word have become more active; Among them were such as mini, maxi, video, audio, media, retro and others. In the "Rules" of 1956, one cannot find an answer to the question of whether such units should be written together with the next part of the word or through a hyphen. Many of the guidelines for capitalization are outdated. Punctuation rules that reflect the stylistic diversity and dynamism of modern speech, especially in the mass press, need to be clarified and supplemented.

Thus, the prepared text of the rules of Russian spelling not only reflects the norms fixed in the "Rules" of 1956, but in many cases supplements and clarifies them, taking into account modern writing practice" (p. 9).

It must be admitted that there are discrepancies in the recommendations of the 1956 code and the 2006 code. But they are completely insignificant. We owe some of them to D. E. Rosenthal. In his spelling guides, he did not reproduce the rules of 1956, but clarified, detailed them and, in some cases, changed recommendations. All these changes are connected with the changes that have taken place in the language itself.

In addition to sets of rules, spelling dictionaries also fix the spelling norm. Work on the creation of an academic spelling dictionary was entrusted to the Institute of the Russian Language. V. V. Vinogradov RAS. There are specialists who conduct constant research in the field of spelling, study the modern practice of writing, the history of its normalization, and develop recommendations for writing words that are entering the Russian language before our eyes. They are also preparing new editions of the academic spelling dictionary for publication. The most complete of them at the moment is the 4th edition of the Russian Spelling Dictionary (M., 2012). The data of the spelling resource correspond to the recommendations of this dictionary, which anyone can use on our portal in the "Word Check" section.

Question No. 295143

Good afternoon! How to write the mathematical number 18,800.50 grams in words correctly?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Eighteen thousand eight hundred and fifty hundredths of a gram.

Question No. 295095

Hello! Today I discovered in the curricula of the master's programs of the Taganrog Institute named after A.P. Chekhov (a branch of the Russian Institute of National Economy) the following wording - "Head of the educational program". It is right?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

This is not true. Correctly: R educational program manager.

Question No. 294721

Tell me how to write "four kilograms of butter" or "four kilograms of butter"?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

The first option is correct.

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