How to cook beef tongue. Beef tongue - the right preparation and recipes for delicious dishes

Not everyone can boast that they know how to cook beef tongue deliciously. More precisely, not everyone tried to do it. If you have a goal to cook beef tongue correctly, then let's study together.

Boiled tongue is used in, aspic is made from it, in cream with cheese and mushrooms, various cold snacks are prepared. Recipes from the tongue are very diverse and in most of them this delicious by-product is used boiled. And what can I say, any guest at your table will be happy with the simplest cuts from the language!

And don't be intimidated by the lengthy cooking process, it's actually simple!

Boiled tongue

step by step photo recipe


  • Beef tongue
  • Water,
  • Salt,
  • Spices,
  • Roots - optional.

Cooking process:

Step one - how to choose a language

When going to the store or the market, arm yourself with our advice and then you will not be disappointed in your purchase. The product must have an even color, not have dark spots (it is necessary to distinguish between spots of stale goods and spots of natural color) and also a windy crust. It should also be remembered that the larger the tongue, the older the animal was, such a product will take longer to cook. Yes, and there are much more nutrients in the tongue in a young animal.

Step two - preliminary preparation

Half an hour before cooking, soak the offal in a large amount of cold water, this process will help us in the future to easily wash off all the dirt. Then, if necessary, scrape off any dirt, blood with a knife and rinse again with water.

Step three - how to boil your tongue

There are several cooking methods. If you are preparing a delicacy for slicing, then use the following recipe.

Put the prepared offal in a saucepan, pour hot water and put on the stove, bring to a boil and cook for 15 minutes. Remove intermittent foam. Then drain the water, pour in another portion of hot water and cook the tongue until tender. Why did we drain the water? Because at the beginning of cooking all unpleasant odors leave the meat, we drain this broth.

How much to cook beef tongue

It all depends on the age of the animal, the younger it was, the shorter the cooking time will be. So, in order to cook the tongues of a young animal until cooked, you will need from 1 to 1.5 hours. In other cases, longer.

Half an hour before the end of cooking, you can add various roots to the broth (onions, carrots, parsley, etc.), you can also use fresh herbs, but do not rush to chop them, use petioles that can be tied with a thread. Do not forget about spices (bay leaves, peppercorns, cloves, etc.), thereby you will add even more aroma, taste and benefit to the delicious meat.

Let's say the following about salt, it must be added shortly before the end of the cooking process.

For salads or aspic, some housewives use the following method. The offal prepared in advance is laid out in boiling water and cooked for 15 minutes. After it is extracted and cleaned. Then it is transferred to new water and cooked until tender.

The method is not fundamentally different from the first. The point is that in a purified form, the tongue absorbs more of the aroma of herbs, roots, spices and salt, i.e. becomes more aromatic. But take note, boiling in a purified form, it will lose more vitamins and nutrients.

How to cook your tongue in a multicooker or pressure cooker

You can also cook beef tongue in a slow cooker. To do this, put the prepared product in a bowl and pour it over with cold water, select the "Stew" cooking program and set the time to 2.5 - 3 hours, depending on the size of the main ingredient. 15 minutes before the end of cooking, add a fragrant set of spices, herbs, salt.

For owners of a multicooker - pressure cooker, the cooking time is reduced significantly, the tongue in such a unit will be ready in 40-50 minutes. But there is a small nuance here, because in the process, you will not be able to open the lid due to the built-up pressure, then all the ingredients are added at the beginning of cooking.

Step four - how to clean your tongue

Few people know that while the tongue is hot, it cleans very well. The only disadvantage is that it's hot.

If you have difficulties with this, transfer the finished tongue to cold water for 5 to 8 minutes. This will help you to easily remove the skin from it without spoiling its appearance.

So, here are some simple ways to prepare a beef or veal delicacy. And how to serve or use boiled tongue in the future - your imagination will tell you.

I would like to add that ready-made languages ​​can be stored wrapped in cling film for no more than four days in the refrigerator.

Bon appetit and good recipes!

P. S. If you have anything to add, we invite you to the discussion in the comments. And we will be grateful for the like, tweet, etc.

It is not for nothing that beef tongue is considered universal! You can cook a lot of different dishes from this delicious product, or simply serve it as cold cuts, supplemented with slices of bread. By the way, such a snack will be much more useful than the usual sausage sandwiches, because the tongue is rich in protein and iron, and also contains various vitamins and is rightfully considered dietary. And it turns out just amazing!

However, whatever dish you choose using this delicacy, first you should pay attention to the preparation of meat. Our recipe will tell you how to cook beef tongue correctly!


  • beef tongue - 1 pc .;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • fresh carrots - 1-2 pcs.;
  • bay leaf - 1-2 pcs.;
  • allspice - 4-5 peas;
  • salt to taste.

How to cook beef tongue correctly - recipe with photo

  1. Before the cooking process, soak the tongue in cold water for about 30-40 minutes. Then lightly scrape with a knife to remove any dirt. After the preparatory work, fill the tongue with clean water, set it on fire.
  2. Drain the first broth immediately after boiling, pour cold water into the pan again and bring to a boil. Reducing the heat, cook the meat without salt. For aroma, throw sweet peppercorns, 1-2 bay leaves, as well as peeled vegetables - a large onion and whole carrots into the broth.

  3. We continue to cook with a low boil under the lid. The average boil time is 2-2.5 hours, but if the tongue is very large, it may take 3 or even 4 hours. To be sure of readiness, you need to use the traditional method - to pierce the meat with a knife. If the blade enters very easily, without effort, and at the same time a cloudy liquid does not emerge from the boiled tongue, remove the pan from the heat. As for the salt, we put it already at the end of cooking, about half an hour before the end of cooking - then the meat will be softer.
  4. Before eating, the tongue must be skinned. To facilitate this task, remove the freshly cooked meat from the broth and put it in a clean container. Fill with cold water and leave for a couple of minutes.
  5. After this procedure, the skin will be removed very easily.
  6. Having completely cooled the peeled tongue, we use it to prepare other dishes or serve it as a cold snack, cut into thin slices and add mustard.

Now you know exactly how to cook beef tongue correctly! Good appetite!

How to cook beef tongue so it is soft and juicy

Beef tongue is a versatile offal that can serve as a stand-alone dish (instead of sausage, as an appetizer) or in polygamous dishes (salads, soups). But not all housewives take up the preparation, since the process seems rather complicated. It is not done that way. How to cook soft beef tongue, for cold cuts or for salads, we will tell you in this recipe with a photo.

Before using or on its own, it must be boiled. All the secrets of how much to cook beef tongue by time in a saucepan and the subtleties of cooking, we will tell below.


beef tongue - 500 g;

onion - 1 pc.;

bay leaf - 1-2 pcs.;

coriander grain - ½ teaspoon;

allspice peas - 2-3 pcs.;

black peppercorns - 4-5 pcs.;

dry cumin - ½ teaspoon;

salt - 2 teaspoons (or to taste).

How to cook beef tongue deliciously:

The tongue should be well rinsed under water to remove mucus, blood and other contaminants (if any). Bring the water to a boil and dip your tongue into it. Such a simple procedure to preserve the juiciness of the language. Bring water to a boil.

Drain the water. Now the tongue is definitely clean and ready for a long boil. Place a whole peeled onion in a saucepan. In addition to it, you can take carrots, celery (stems), parsley root.

Now the main secret: how much to cook beef tongue in a saucepan

Fill a saucepan with cold water and put on fire. Cook the tongue over low heat for 1.5 hours. Then we add all the spices that we have prepared. Cook the tongue for another 1 hour.

We had two small tongues, with a total weight of 500 g, if your offal is heavier, increase the cooking time by 30-60 minutes. How to check readiness? You need to put your tongue on a plate and pierce it with a fork or knife. If the juice is released at the same time, then the tongue is ready. If the juice is still cloudy, cook further, but no longer than 4 hours.

After 2.5 hours, remove your tongue and immerse it in ice water. This transition from hot to cold will help you peel off easily.

Pry off the skin with a knife and remove it from root to tip.

We dip the tongue into the broth for another 15 minutes so that the beef tongue is soft and juicy. Broth, can be used for soups, sauces or main courses. Strain it through a sieve or cheesecloth. If you don't have the option to use it right away. Freeze in the icebox freezer - these cubes defrost quickly and do not take up much space. And if you add a little gelatin, then you can immediately cook the jellied tongue on a platter.

Cool and cut the tongue. In this way, you need to cook soft beef tongue for cold cutting or as a component for other dishes.

Gastronomy offers a large number of delicacies that can satisfy the gastronomic needs of any person. Among them is boiled beef tongue, which is easy to chew and incredibly tasty. An article on how to cook beef tongue will reveal the secret of cooking this delicacy.

Boiled beef tongue is served as a separate treat, added to appetizers and cold dishes. It is found in salads and is used to make delicious sandwiches. Unsurprisingly, it is considered a versatile product.

Cooking boiled beef tongue is simple, but time-consuming. Haste is inappropriate, otherwise the dish will be extremely tough. The cooking time is determined by the age of the animal whose tongue you decide to feast on.

We cook beef tongue tasty and right

Practice shows that not every housewife will agree to cook this delicacy, considering the cooking process too complicated. In fact, even a beginner can handle the task.

If you plan to cook soup, pies, aspic or other dish from beef tongue, you will have to boil the ingredient first.

Nowadays, chefs have access to a large number of recipes for dishes based on beef tongue. This product is included in their composition for a reason. It matches perfectly and adds expressive flavor to complex treats. But only on condition that it was boiled correctly.

  • Before cooking, I pour cold water on the beef tongue for half an hour, which makes it easier to clean up the dirt. Next, using a knife, I remove dirt, cut off the film and fat. Then, I rinse it under running water.
  • I pour cold water into a large saucepan, put it on medium heat and wait for it to boil. I use large dishes as the tongue swells and grows in size during cooking. In some cases, I cut it in half.
  • Be sure to add allspice, parsley and laurel to the pan. These spices give a piquant taste and unique aroma. At the initial stage of cooking, I do not recommend adding salt, otherwise the delicacy will turn out to be tough.
  • After the liquid boils, I reduce the heat a little and send my tongue into the pan. To make the broth clear and the beef tongue soft and tender, cook it over medium heat and skim regularly.

Cooking time is determined by the weight, size and age of the tongue. This usually takes 2-4 hours. A tongue weighing 1 kg is cooked for about 120 minutes, a heavier one - at least 3 hours.

  • I check the readiness with a kitchen knife or toothpick. A slight piercing and the appearance of a clear juice indicates complete readiness. You need to check the readiness regularly, otherwise it will be digested, lose its taste and tenderness of the structure.
  • After cooking, I move it into a container with cool water, which makes it easier to remove the skin. After this procedure, I return it back along with salt, chopped onions, carrot cubes and chopped herbs. The product will reach readiness in 20 minutes.

Video recipe of Grandma Emma

The benefits and harms of boiled beef tongue

The delicacy in question is on the list of valuable offal, and treats based on it are appreciated even by the most sophisticated gourmets. As you can imagine, the beef tongue is a muscle in the shell, so the harm manifests itself only due to the peculiarities of health and individual intolerance.


  • There are no connective tissues, as a result of which it is well absorbed. Recommended for people with gastritis, anemia or stomach ulcers.
  • Beef tongue improves insulin production, which makes life easier for people with diabetes. Insulin regulates glucose levels.
  • A source of vitamins. Vitamin B improves the condition of the skin and hair, vitamin PP helps to fight insomnia.
  • Beef tongue is especially useful for people after surgery and for pregnant women. It saturates the body with missing trace elements.

The benefits of the product are due to the enviable content of useful elements - molybdenum, sulfur, chromium, phosphorus. Continuous use improves the functioning of organs, helps the normal development of the body, stimulates the production of amino acids and hormones that have a positive effect on the nerves.


The doctors managed to thoroughly study the benefits of the product, but they did not ignore the harm either. Let's consider the cases when the use of beef tongue is contraindicated or undesirable.

Each hostess tries to diversify the menu for her family, surprise guests with an original dish, and show her cooking skills. The recipe for boiled beef tongue is often used in the kitchen of professional chefs, and is also available for novice housewives. A well-prepared product will make it possible to make the simplest dish delicious and delicious.

There are many recipes for how to cook the tongue correctly, the main thing that unites them is the standard form of preparation and a number of technological features of preparation. So, before starting the cooking process, the tongue must be thoroughly rinsed, gently brushed, and the remaining fat cut off from the bottom. Remove sublingual muscle tissue and bone if present.

After that, the product must be soaked in a saline solution for 30 minutes to cleanse the meat of the remaining blood and mucus. Then rinse under running water again, put in a saucepan for further cooking. It is also important to know how much to cook the beef tongue. Here, the time depends on the weight of the product and the pretreatment. Well washed and peeled offal weighing up to a kilogram can be cooked faster - from 2 to 3 hours.

The recipe for boiled beef tongue weighing 1 kg 500 g.

The prepared meat is placed in a saucepan, poured over with cold water and boiled over medium heat until foam appears. After removing it, continue to cook for another 1.5 hours. Then drain the broth and pour in clean water. We bring it to a boil, lower our tongue and continue the cooking process. Here, the amount of liquid in which the tongue will be boiled is of no small importance; there should be no less and not much. Just enough so that the meat is completely covered, taking into account evaporation.

See also: beef tongue - cooking recipe


  • for soaking - 2 tbsp. tablespoons of salt for 2 liters of water;
  • for taste - 1 carrot, 1 onion;
  • for aroma - 2 bay leaves, allspice 8 peas;
  • salt for half an hour until tender.

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To enhance the smell, you can use ginger, parsley, celery, garlic. Cook the tongue over low heat for 4 hours. After the expiration of time, the finished tongue is transferred to a bowl of cold water, the shell is removed, and the cut is made.

When boiling the tongue, you need to take into account its increase in volume, therefore, for convenience, it is better to take a deep pan with a wide bottom.

Tongue in a slow cooker according to the classic recipe

Often, in order to save time and speed up the process of preparing a gourmet dish, programmable kitchen appliances are used. Tongue cooked in a multicooker turns out to be just as tasty and soft as on the stove.

After washing the offal under running water, it is placed in the bowl of an electric pan, along with peeled vegetables, everything is poured with cold water and closed with a lid. Using the "extinguishing" button, the time range is set, usually it is 3 hours. The command "start" is given.

Ingredient composition:

  • beef tongue - 900g;
  • bulb;
  • carrot;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • bay leaf and other spices to taste.

Depending on the weight of the tongue, the cooking time can be increased by up to half an hour. The spices and salt are added about 15 minutes before the end of cooking. Upon completion of the thermal process, the product is removed, cooled for 3 minutes in cold water, then gently peeled from the skin slightly hot. Before serving, the tongue is cut into pieces. For garnish use mashed potatoes, green peas.

Steamed beef tongue

Simple and not laborious cooking of the tongue by steam is very popular not only among professional chefs, but also among young housewives. The product takes about an hour to cook. Cooking food in a double boiler begins with the preparation of the necessary products.

Recipe composition:

  • beef tongue - 700g;
  • lemon - 1 piece;
  • garlic - 2 teeth;
  • hard cheese;
  • spices, salt.

Before starting the process, the tongue is thoroughly washed and cleaned of dirt. Then it is cut into small portions, which are sprinkled with spices, salt, chopped garlic, sprinkled with lemon juice. The pieces are wrapped in foil and placed on a special grid, which is inserted into the multicooker pan. Here, it is important to know that the spices scattered on the foil enhance the taste and aroma of the meat.

By adding water to the 8th level within 30 minutes, the product is heat treated. After the expiration of time, the finished pieces of the tongue are carefully removed, with the help of a knife they are peeled from the skin. To add a piquant taste, the pieces are sprinkled with grated cheese, wrapped in foil and steamed for 5 minutes. The tongue, while retaining the maximum of useful substances, turns out to be juicy and aromatic.

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Gourmet gourmet meat is used not only as a separate dish for an appetizer, but for the preparation of various jellied dishes.

A simple salad with boiled beef tongue can become a "signature" treat for any housewife.

For cooking you will need:

  • boiled beef tongue - 500g;
  • boiled potatoes - 300g;
  • pickled cucumbers - 2 pcs;
  • one apple;
  • hard cheese - 50g.

Beef tongue, potatoes, cucumbers must be cut into thin slices. Grate the apple. Place the prepared food in a salad bowl. Then add 2 chopped celery stalks, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of olive oil, 1 tsp. honey, white pepper and salt to taste. Mix everything well, sprinkle the salad with grated cheese on top. Garnish with finely chopped onions.

Beef Tongue Stew

With a ready-made boiled tongue, you can quickly prepare a delicious stew, stewed in the oven. To do this, cut into strips 600 g of boiled offal, one carrot, 4 pcs. potatoes, a head of onions. All ingredients are placed in layers in a pot, poured with broth in which the tongue was cooked and placed in the oven for 30 minutes. The finished dish is poured into plates, sprinkled with herbs.

Beef tongue appetizer

The light meal is ideal for both the holiday menu and the everyday.

For cooking you will need:

  • boiled beef tongue - 600g;
  • mushrooms - 100g;
  • sour cream - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • prunes - 2 berries;
  • two walnuts;
  • onions - 1 pc.

Boiled tongue, peel and leave to cool in broth. Grind the onion in olive oil until transparent, then add the boiled mushrooms to the frying, season with sour cream and quench a little.

Chop prunes with walnuts and mix with mushrooms. Then season with black pepper and salt to taste. The tongue is cut into small portions, laid out on a plate. The mushroom mixture is laid out on pieces of meat, garnished with parsley or dill. The appetizer can be eaten both warm and cold.

Delicious tongue pate

A boiled, peeled tongue weighing 700 g is finely crumbled and placed in a mixer bowl. Finely chopped eggs (3 pcs.), Butter (70g), two sprigs of parsley, black pepper, salt are placed there. The ingredients are whipped into a homogeneous mass, turning into a puree. The finished mixture is transferred to a sealed container, placed in the cold to solidify. A delicate pate served in special tins with green peas or marjoram leaves.

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Cooking beef tongue is not difficult at all. If desired, it is available for absolutely every home cook. Using the advice of professionals, you can learn how to cook tender meat that melts in your mouth with a minimum of time.

  • It is advisable to cook fresh beef tongue immediately so as not to lose its usefulness and taste.
  • Haste and lack of pre-processing will make the meat tasteless and tough.
  • To make the tongue soft and tender, and the broth rich and tasty, it is recommended to add salt at the end of cooking.
  • A delicacy product will turn out to be more juicy if it is immediately immersed in boiling water or, after peeling from the skin, placed in broth for 10 minutes.
  • The degree of doneness of the offal is determined with a knife or fork. A properly welded tongue pierces easily.
  • You need to cook the tongue only over low heat to give it softness.
  • It is necessary to monitor the broth in a multicooker, every 40 minutes. If evaporating strongly, top up with water.
  • Cooked food for slicing is best kept in the refrigerator, wrapped in foil.

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