He said the phrase cadres decide everything. What does the phrase "cadres decide everything" mean? Who said this phrase? And who said: "Personnel degradation"

Photo: Akimov Igor / Shutterstock.com

What does it mean to choose the right staff?

Choosing the right cadres does not mean picking up deputies and assistants, compiling an office and issuing various instructions from there. It also does not mean abusing your power, transferring dozens and hundreds of people from one place to another and back to no avail, and arrange endless “reorganizations”.

Choosing the right staff means:

First of all, to value the cadres as the golden fund of the Party and the state, to cherish them, to have respect for them.

Secondly, to know the cadres, to carefully study the merits and demerits of each cadre worker, to know in which post the abilities of the worker can most easily develop.

Thirdly, carefully cultivate cadres, help each growing worker to rise up, spare no time to patiently “tinker” with such workers and accelerate their growth.

Fourth, timely and boldly put forward new, young cadres, not allowing them to settle in the old place, not allowing them to turn sour.

Fifth, arrange employees according to their posts in such a way that each worker feels in place, so that each worker can give our common cause the maximum of what he is generally capable of giving in terms of his personal qualities, so that the general direction of work on the placement of personnel fully corresponds to the requirements of that political line, in the name of which this arrangement is made.

Stalin I.V.

Source: Stalin I.V. Works. - T. 14. - M .: Publishing house "Pisatel", 1997. S. 290-341.

That is why the old slogan “technology decides everything”, which is a reflection of the past period when we had a famine in the field of technology, must now be replaced by a new slogan, the slogan that “cadres decide everything”. This is the main thing now.

Can it be said that our people have understood and fully realized the great significance of this new slogan? I wouldn't say that.

Otherwise, we would not have that ugly attitude towards people, towards cadres, towards workers, which we often observe in our practice.

The slogan “cadres decide everything” requires our leaders to show the most caring attitude towards our employees, to “small” and “large”, in whatever area they work, cultivate them carefully, help them when they need support, encourage them, when they show the first successes, pushed them forward, etc.

Meanwhile, in fact, in a number of cases we have evidence of a callously bureaucratic and outright ugly attitude towards workers.

This, in fact, explains why instead of studying people and only after studying putting them on posts, people are often thrown around like pawns.

We have learned to appreciate machines and report on how much equipment we have at plants and factories.

But I do not know of a single case where they would report with the same willingness how many people we raised over such and such a period and how we helped people grow and become tempered in their work. What explains this?

This is explained by the fact that we have not yet learned to value people, to value workers, to value cadres.

I recall an incident in Siberia, where I was at one time in exile.

It was in the spring, during the flood. About thirty people went to the river to catch the forest, carried away by the raging huge river. By evening they returned to the village, but without one comrade. When asked where the thirtieth was, they indifferently replied that the thirtieth "stayed there." On my question: “How is it that you stayed?”- they answered with the same indifference: "What else is there to ask, drowned, therefore."

And then one of them began to rush somewhere, declaring that "we should go and water the mare." To my reproach that they pity cattle more than people, one of them answered with the general approval of the others: “Why should we feel sorry for them, people? We can always make people, but a mare ... try to make a mare.

Here is a touch, perhaps insignificant, but very characteristic. It seems to me that the indifferent attitude of some of our leaders towards people, towards cadres, and the inability to appreciate people, is a relic of that strange attitude of people towards people, which was expressed in the episode in distant Siberia that has just been told.

So, comrades, if we want to successfully overcome the hunger in the field of people and ensure that our country has a sufficient number of cadres capable of moving technology forward and putting it into action, we must first of all learn to value people, value cadres, value everyone. an employee who can contribute to our common cause.

Finally, we must understand that of all the valuable capital available in the world, the most valuable and decisive capital is people, cadres.

It must be understood that under our present conditions "cadres decide everything."

If we have good and numerous cadres in industry, agriculture, transport, the army, our country will be invincible.

If we don't have such shots, we'll be limping on both legs.

Stalin I.V.

Probably, many had to hear the phrase “Cadres decide everything” in their lives. Who said it for the first time, what meaning does it have, in what context was it said? And given who said this phrase, what was the implementation of his words? How relevant is this expression in our time and can it be applied now? And who owns the phrase "Cadres decide everything"?

Conversely, for Stalin and his entourage, primacy was associated with political will, political violence, with which they sought to regulate all the problems of economic and cultural development, without thinking whether the conditions for the realization of certain goals were really mature.

Obviously, this cannot be attributed to the alleged "political illness" or "mental illness" of Stalin. The question is much more complex and, if necessary, includes historical historical trends that cannot be interpreted using traditional philosophical concepts. The history of philosophy does not help us fully understand the Stalinist ideology. What sense would actually apply, as some do, the notion of "extreme subjective idealism" to a figure like Stalin, when the same concept applies to philosophers like Fichte, Berkeley, Bogdanov?

The meaning of the phrase "Cadres decide everything"

The phrase was said to draw attention to the importance of education and professional skills of a person when approaching solving some problems. The right selection of personnel who implement an idea has a significant impact on its implementation. That is why various companies and enterprises want to have the most qualified personnel and are ready to conduct a thorough selection of candidates. Cadres are everything. The original of this phrase was said by a very famous person. And who said these words, you will now find out.

In fact, Stalinism has no historical precedents. It is an ideology and a dictatorship of bureaucratic authority led by a despotic omnipotent: a voluntary and anti-humanistic ideology that uses violence in all its forms. Stalinists are still considered today the real demiurges of history: Artists decide everything, - said Stalin. In their eyes, social reality is not an organic system of inter-republic relations that develops through its laws through successive degrees of maturity, but is a raw material such as clay that can be manipulated at will, using political will, good organization, iron discipline and powerful means of violence. .

“Cadres decide everything”: who said these words and when?

Who said the words "cadres decide everything"? The author of the phrase is the famous politician of the times of the Soviet Union, Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin (Dzhugashvili). She was said to them in 1935 during a report on the state of affairs in the USSR. It should be noted that those years marked the beginning of significant progress. Humanity was entering a period of development, unfortunately delayed later by the Second World War. It was at this time that the words "Cadres decide everything" were first uttered. Who said this phrase first, you now know. But in what context was it mentioned? What preceded it, what statement did it replace, and how was the idea associated with it realized?

In this sense, Stalinism is a system based on the most bizarre lies, on ideological cynicism and on double morality. What are the roots of such a monstrous phenomenon? Its ideological sources are located in simplified Marxism, while its socio-political sources are in the instrumentalization of the October Revolution. The atmosphere of struggle before and after October led them to attach great importance to historical initiative, to all human activity, to the need to "transform" the world more than to "interpret" it.

The facts seemed right: the revolution was defeating, one by one, its enemies, one by one, overcoming its problems. The roots of Stalinism are precisely in this gauchist orientation, subjectivist, ideologically and voluntarily, on the political: an attitude that was immediately supported by many in the primitive thinking of a very significant part of the revolutionary masses.

In what context was the phrase said?

You now know who owns the words "cadres decide everything." But what were the circumstances in connection with which they were said? During that period, the second five-year plan was actively underway, and the gross domestic product of the Soviet Union was calculated in tens of percent. Therefore, many began to attribute success in construction and management to individual cadres. They said that it was all their merit. The report made by Stalin contains a sharp indignation on this occasion and opposition to attributing everything to individual managers.

At the same time, the slogan "Technology decides everything" was popular at that time. In this report of Joseph Vissarionovich there is a speech against him. And instead of the old one, a new motto is put forward - "Cadres decide everything." Who said these words? A man who understood what he was talking about. As the main argument for changing the slogans, the thesis was adopted that the statement about technology is active only for “technical hunger”, but even then the rate should have shifted from machines to qualified personnel who can effectively manage them, and also in the future and create new samples.

The authoritarian direction of Stalinism was supported by the less developed, more marginal social strata, whose hatred of the repressive social regime before the revolution became completely destructive. These social strata could fight the oppressor with great heroism, they are capable of huge sacrifices, but they can also turn their unproductive examples, their cultural inferiority, their merciless moral principles into the general law of the new society, the result of the "essential existence" carried out by the previous regime. . October and the low cultural level of a significant part of the population provoked a general euphoria of omnipotence.

As the main argument for implementation, the fact was taken into account that with a sufficient number of professional workers, it was possible to increase by three to four times. In addition to the simple demand for advanced training, an application was also put forward for a change in attitude towards the people themselves. As an example of a careless attitude, Stalin told a story about his pastime in exile in Siberia. The essence of this story was that when 1 person was lost, they did not grieve very much about him, while more attention was paid to the horse, which needed to be fed.

Lenin was one of the few who went against the current. It is known that his calls are to study the methods of trade with specialists, use the whole culture of the past, develop the industry in a scientifically sound way, develop the principles of cooperation in rural areas on the basis of free consent, persuasion, using concrete examples of success: in a word, dialectically combine the centralized direction with workers' democracy. Enthusiasm was combined, in his opinion, with the material interest of the workers, otherwise he would have fallen into rhetoric and demagoguery.

Stalin thought otherwise. In his opinion, it was necessary to create in a few years and with shock therapy the necessary socialist relations in the countryside, turning the peasants into Kolkos. Religion must be eradicated by force. These and other principles were supported by that part of the people less developed, less educated, and, at least at first, their application leads to remarkable results, although at the expense of huge sacrifices and, above all, terrible fright.


How did this slogan come to life? The approach to implementation was chosen quite competently - it was decided to create educational reserves at the expense of freeing people employed in agriculture. The embodiment was to create a vicious circle: the more equipment and qualified personnel are located near agriculture, the more people from it can be sent for retraining and training of other workers and specialists. And the most successful ones can be trained in engineering or trained as scientists. This is how the slogan "Cadres decide everything" was implemented. Whoever said these words first, you know, it remains important that this phrase be picked up by the modern politicians who now govern the Russian Federation.

The general mechanism that allows Bonapartist regimes to form their own social base is beautifully described by Marx in Luigi Bonaparte's 18 Brumayo. Bonapartism - as infamous finds its blood in the social strata more oppressed in the years 40 of the last century were mostly peasants. After then implemented the principles of bureaucracy, militarism and from the repressive state apparatus, Bonapartism did not even need the support of the peasants, who were indeed subjected to severe persecution, because this is the most suitable social basis for ripe Bonapartist regimes - the bureaucracy, and not the peasant class.

Relevance today

Are these words relevant today? Yes. After all, it is very difficult to manage enterprises skillfully, plan the development of the economy, and create material values ​​today without qualified personnel. What can a manager do in a significant crisis if he does not know how to solve a minor problem? How can specialists calculate development plans if they do not have enough knowledge about the patterns in the economy? And can a person without qualifications create a good table, chair or computer? Therefore, these words retain their value and importance even now. Moreover, their importance is not only in obtaining qualified personnel, but also in relation to people. After all, if there is no person, then there is no knowledge and skills.

Stalinism was transformed from a voluntary system tied to a specific popular base, whose post-revolutionary enthusiasm was still alive, bureaucratic and unpopular in the mid-1930s, that is, when the development of the national economy, raising the cultural level of the country, led workers to an increasingly conscious opposition to dictatorial mode methods. This, however, does not prevent the strengthening of the bureaucracy.

First of all, it should be remembered that in the early 1920s the economic system was characterized by "small connected" productive islands. State officials carried out political and administrative connections that were absent on the economic side. Secondly, the fact that the ignorance of the workers prevents real participation in the management of the economy, that is, effective control over state and administrative bodies. Thirdly, it must be said that the bureaucratic system has never ceased to use, consciously, volunteerism and subjectivism for self-assimilation. These reasons, if they hold that bureaucracy is inevitable, should not assume that the strengthening of the bureaucracy must necessarily lead to Stalinism, that is, to the complete and unconditional rule of the bureaucracy.


And what can be said at the end? Then, in 1935, considerable attention was paid to the self-education of the working masses and enterprising people who wanted to learn. They were supported. It is worth remembering the great scientists and inventors whose talent was revealed during this period (Kurchatov, Korolev and many others). And it should be noted that for those who think about the importance of the slogan “Cadres decide everything” in their lives, an essential aspect is not only qualifications, but also attitude towards people along with self-education. Such an integrated approach in the field of management and in the approach to training workers will help our country get out of a severe economic crisis.

Lenin himself said clearly that the bureaucracy is the greatest danger of revolution, the source of a possible "Thermidoran reaction". This was rightly rejected by the idea of ​​developing the national economy against the interests of the peasants by draining resources and funds from the countryside to the city, turning factories and factories into workers' barracks, which stimulated the intensification of work with political violence. until the end of the 1920s, the "forces of the Leninist guard" lost their influence. The notes of the Bukharin economist and Ryutin's platform were perhaps the last major attempts to continue along the Leninist path.

In May 1935, the leader of the Soviet Union, Joseph Stalin, gave a remarkable speech to the graduates of military academies. He dwelled on the successes that Soviet society has achieved in recent years, pointing to the merits of the leaders of the country and individual enterprises. And yet, Stalin noted, one should not attribute all the achievements to the wisdom of the leaders or the introduction of technical innovations.

Leninism was defeated by a clash with Stalinism simply because it tried to contain the evolution of communism from the barracks by methods no less bureaucratic and authoritarian. It was believed that they could achieve a different goal using the same means. The course of history never presents inevitable or irreversible events, but always alternatives, subject to certain choices and destined to reappear whenever the decisions being made turn out to be bankrupt. Obviously, the thesis that "everything is possible" or that "everything depends on the person" is obviously false.

Having overcome the devastation, having passed through the stage of restoration of the national economy, the country entered a new period. Now, as Stalin emphasized, society needs cadres, that is, workers who can cope with technology and move the established production forward. By the mid-1930s, there were a significant number of factories and plants, state farms and collective farms in the Land of Soviets, but there was an extreme shortage of people with experience in managing teams and modern technology.

There is only one thing here: there is never a "one way", so you can know in advance which solution will be best. The results tend to depend on many specific facts. In the Brezhnev era, the anti-bureaucratic tendency was expressed in the forms of "people's" Stalinism, which at the end of years. The dream was to suddenly see the horizon of a man as strong as Stalin, capable of defending the people from the total power of the bureaucracy. This form of Stalinism is not as dangerous as the bureaucratic one, since it can be overcome by the work of patient education, the expansion of glasnost and democratic principles in which people are aware of their power enough to overcome the bureaucracy, as well as the need to rely on the mythical power of a charismatic personality.

Previously, leaders at all levels relied on the slogan "Technology decides everything." This formulation of the question helped to eliminate the country's backwardness in the field of technology and to create a powerful material basis for socialism. But in the changed conditions, technical equipment alone was no longer enough for a decisive breakthrough. It is for this reason that I.V. Stalin moved a new slogan to the masses, declaring: "Cadres decide everything!"

A few years ago, Krushchev tried to put an end to Stalinism and bureaucracy, using bureaucratic methods far from promoting the development of the social mechanisms of democracy, he considered his personality the ultimate guarantee against the return of Stalinism.

Not coincidentally, under his leadership, Lysenko and the members returned, and the neo-Stalinists Suslov and Brezhnev began their political careers. Without knowing this, Khrushchevism laid the foundations of the neo-Stalinist system of government. It is likely that many of our current readers do not know these messages.

The role of personnel policy in the modern world

Stalin's words have significance for modern Russia as well. The economic transformations in the country that unfolded two decades ago place increased demands on the personnel of enterprises and organizations. The country is still in dire need of qualified specialists who are able to form the core of industry, science, the army and state structures.

How did Bill Gates become the richest man in America? His wealth has nothing to do with the ability to produce good software at lower than competitive prices, or the ability to make better use of his employees. In fact, Gates privatized some of the general intelligence and became rich by accepting the annuity he received.

The possibility of privatizing the general intellect was an event that Marx did not foresee in his writings on capitalism. Nevertheless, this phenomenon is at the center of today's fight for intellectual property. In post-industrial capitalism, the role of general intelligence based on collective knowledge and social cooperation is growing. Equally, wealth accumulates a disproportionate amount of work done to produce it. The result is not the self-destruction of capitalism, as it would appear to Marx, but the gradual transformation of the profits generated by the labor force into revenues generated by the privatization of knowledge.

The basis of work with personnel in modern conditions is the creation of a personnel potential management system. Only those managers who carefully select personnel, take measures to educate and train them, not forgetting to stimulate the work of subordinates, can increase the profits of enterprises and achieve a useful social effect. At the same time, the strongest motivation is often not material reward, but moral stimulation.

Modern personnel are people with broad knowledge, valuable skills and work experience. This potential is gradually turning into the main factor of production, pushing aside technological innovations and fashionable methods of organizing production. When planning activities for the long term, a competent leader focuses on working with personnel, creating the so-called long-term human resources potential.

Frames are everything

Frames are everything
From the speech of the General Secretary of the CPSU (b) I. V. Stalin (1878-1953), which he delivered on May 4, 1935 in the Kremlin Palace to graduates of military academies. In the same place, he uttered another of his famous phrases: The most valuable capital is people.
Allegorically: about the role of the "human factor" in any business.

Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions. - M.: "Lokid-Press". Vadim Serov. 2003 .

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  • Frames are everything! , Beshanov V.V.. Why in the summer of 1941 the regular Red Army was defeated in a matter of weeks? Whose fault was it not possible to defeat the enemy "with little blood, with a mighty blow"? Why, until the very end of the war, our ...

"Brother Party", which includes Wilson and Won(they previously played together in the film "Uninvited Guests") reappear on the screens. Shawn Levy(author of dialogues "Night at the Museum") - film director "Personnel"- raises a current topic with the age-old question: “what if? ..” and answers it in a new way, in a “Google way”.

Best friends Billy (Vince Vaughn, on which, by the way, there was also a script) and Nick (Owen Wilson) spent most of their lives doing what they always did well - trading. But one day they realize that everything passes them by: the product they are trying to sell is no longer needed by anyone, and technology rules the world, and the Internet is a few steps ahead of them. Without thinking twice, they decide to go on an internship at Google, the largest transnational public corporation. And in order to get a job, Bill and Nick will have to turn themselves around and start from scratch, withstand great competition and prove that they are still capable of much. The film gives a huge chance to show the audience the Google headquarters with its quirks and finds: free food, places to relax, Quidditch matches; and the office environment itself is more like a huge constructor with its own fun. But even in this fairy tale there are those "who are ready to hit with a towel on ... ahem-ahem ... a soft spot in the soul."

From the very beginning "Personnel" sets the tone: everything is so simple and filled with jokes directed in a certain direction - to the topic of Internet technologies. It is difficult for people who grew up in the seventies and eighties to catch up with what is already running like Usain Bolt, so the heroes of the film, performed by the impeccable duo of Wilson and Vaughn, one way or another stumble on this; but thanks to their eloquence and impeccable mind (and also thanks to their philosophical manners), they are accepted for an internship at Google, which for them is the way to a new world, to a world that will be new inside and out for them

Shawn Levy, like the first person to walk on the moon, is trying to find this fine line between "Googles" and the old generation, so to speak, and creates a world completely different from the one that surrounds us, but under the abundance of jokes, you can forget about it and feel free to observe the internal arrangement of the office and the events taking place on the screen. The main thing is the pleasure of what is happening, which the film brings perfectly. (I myself witnessed such a picture: when there was an episode with a joke about the C ++ programming language, the audience sitting next to me did not quite understand the joke and did not fully appreciate it, depicting a kind of smile on their faces). Yes, the film is full of clichés that belong to this genre, but every time he tries his best not to be noticed. And sometimes he's even good at it.

Oh yes, I almost forgot, the authors very well conveyed the contrast of the real world and the world that is on the web thanks to the episode with the club. They seem to be telling us that we don’t need to live where, thanks to one phrase, you gain a bunch of likes and become more popular and your rating or list of your friends is growing at an incredible speed. Magnificent landscapes can be seen not only on Google Earth, you just need to literally raise your head and see all the beauty of the world, feel the taste of life and, finally, take a step towards your dream. And it doesn’t matter who you are, it’s only important what you have here (puts his hand on his heart), but in this case, what you also have here (points to his head). And know that you will succeed

Though "Personnel" and does not claim any "high" awards, but the viewer will especially remember him for a long time. After all, we don’t always manage to see how life flows in large offices of Internet giants, and we can’t always do what sometimes seems beyond our power and competence, for this we need a true friend who will show us the right path . "Personnel" just the right friend, you just need to listen to his advice

"Personnel" another movie to my collection with my favorite actor - Owen Wilson, who not only played, but got used to his role. The film is just gorgeous when viewed in a circle of good old friends. It's a great movie that I can watch over and over again and laugh heartily. And the credits at the end are simply pleasing to the eye, the best thing I've seen lately.

And yes, cadres are everything here!

On May 4, 1935, Stalin uttered his famous phrase at the graduation of the red commanders: Cadres decide everything!


It cannot be denied that recently we have had great successes both in the field of construction and in the field of management. In this regard, we talk too much about the merits of leaders, about the merits of leaders. They are credited with everything, almost all of our achievements. This is, of course, false and wrong. It's not just the leaders. But this is not what I would like to talk about today. I would like to say a few words about the cadres, about our cadres in general and about the cadres of our Red Army in particular.

You know that we have inherited from the old times a technically backward and semi-impoverished, devastated country. Devastated by four years of imperialist war, devastated again by three years of civil war, a country with a semi-literate population, with low technology, with individual oases of industry, drowning in a sea of ​​the smallest peasant farms - this is the country we have inherited from the past.

The task was to transfer this country from the rails of the Middle Ages and darkness to the rails of modern industry and mechanized agriculture. The task, as you can see, is a serious and difficult one. The question was: EITHER we will solve this problem in the shortest possible time and strengthen socialism in our country, OR we will not solve it, and then our country - technically weak and culturally obscure - will lose its independence and become an object of the game of the imperialist powers.

Our country was then going through a period of severe famine in the field of technology. There were not enough machines for the industry. There were no machines for agriculture. There were no cars for transport. There was no that elementary technical base, without which the industrial transformation of the country is unthinkable. There were only separate prerequisites for creating such a base. It was necessary to create a first-class industry. It was necessary to direct this industry so that it would be able to reorganize technically not only industry, but also agriculture, but also our railway transport. And for this it was necessary to make sacrifices and introduce the most severe economy in everything, it was necessary to save on food, and on schools, and on manufacture, in order to accumulate the necessary funds for creating an industry. There was no other way to overcome the hunger in the field of technology. This is how Lenin taught us, and in this matter we followed in Lenin's footsteps.

It is clear that in such a big and difficult undertaking one could not expect continuous and quick successes. In such a case, success can be identified only after a few years. Therefore, it was necessary to arm ourselves with strong nerves, Bolshevik restraint and stubborn patience in order to overcome the first setbacks and steadily move forward towards the great goal, not allowing wavering and uncertainty in our ranks.

You know that we handled this case in exactly this way. But not all of our comrades had the nerve, patience and endurance. Among our comrades there were people who, after the first difficulties, began to call for a retreat. They say that "he who remembers the old is out of his sight." This is, of course, true. But a person has a memory, and one involuntarily recalls the past when summing up the results of our work. So, we had comrades who were afraid of difficulties and began to call the party to retreat. They said: “What do we need your industrialization and collectivization, machines, ferrous metallurgy, tractors, combines, automobiles? It would be better if they gave us more manufactory, we would rather buy more raw materials for the production of consumer goods and give the population more of all those little things that make people's lives more beautiful. The creation of an industry in our backwardness, and even a first-class industry, is a dangerous dream.

Of course, we could use the 3 billion rubles of foreign currency that we obtained through the most severe economy and spent on creating our industry - we could use them to import raw materials and increase the production of consumer goods. This is also a kind of "plan". But with such a "plan" we would have neither metallurgy, nor mechanical engineering, nor tractors and automobiles, nor aviation and tanks. We would be unarmed before external enemies. We would undermine the foundations of socialism in our country. We would find ourselves in captivity of the bourgeoisie, internal and external.

Obviously, it was necessary to choose between two plans: between the plan of retreat, which led and could not but lead to the defeat of socialism, and the plan of attack, which led and, as you know, has already led to the victory of socialism in our country.

We chose a plan of attack and went forward along the Leninist path, wiping back these comrades as people who saw something under their noses, but turned a blind eye to the immediate future of our country, to the future of socialism in our country.

But these comrades did not always limit themselves to criticism and passive resistance. They threatened us with raising an uprising in the party against the Central Committee. Moreover, they threatened some of us with bullets. Apparently, they hoped to intimidate us and force us to deviate from the Leninist path. These people have obviously forgotten that we Bolsheviks are people of a special breed. They forgot that the Bolsheviks could not be intimidated by difficulties or threats. They forgot that we were forged by the great Lenin, our leader, our teacher, our father, who did not know and did not recognize fear in the struggle. They forgot that the more the enemies rage and the more the opponents within the Party fall into hysterics, the more the Bolsheviks heat up for a new struggle and the more rapidly they move forward.
It is clear that we did not even think of turning off the Leninist path. Moreover, having strengthened on this path, we moved forward even more rapidly, sweeping away any and all obstacles from the road. True, we had to crush the sides of some of these comrades along the way. But there's nothing you can do about it. I must confess that I also had a hand in this matter.

Yes, comrades, we have set out confidently and swiftly along the path of industrialization and collectivization of our country. And now this path can be considered already passed.
Now everyone recognizes that we have achieved tremendous success along this path. Now everyone admits that we already have a powerful and first-class industry, a powerful and mechanized agriculture, a transport that is expanding and going uphill, an organized and well-equipped Red Army.
This means that we have largely outlived the period of famine in the field of technology.

But having outlived the period of famine in the field of technology, we have entered a new period, a period, I would say, of a famine in the field of people, in the field of personnel, in the field of workers who are able to ride technology and move it forward. The fact is that we have factories, plants, collective farms, state farms, an army, we have equipment for all this work, but there are not enough people with sufficient experience necessary to squeeze the maximum out of equipment that can be squeezed out of it. . We used to say that "technique is everything". This slogan helped us in the sense that we eliminated the hunger in the field of technology and created the broadest technical base in all branches of activity for arming our people with first-class technology. This is very good. But this is far and far from enough.
In order to set technology in motion and use it to its fullest, we need people who have mastered the technique, we need cadres capable of mastering and using this technique in accordance with all the rules of art.

Technology without people who have mastered technology is dead. Technology, led by people who have mastered technology, can and must produce miracles. If our first-class plants and factories, our collective farms and state farms, our Red Army had a sufficient number of cadres capable of saddling this equipment, our country would have three and four times more effect than it now has.

That is why the emphasis must now be placed on people, on cadres, on workers who have mastered technology.
That is why the old slogan "technology decides everything", which is a reflection of the past period when we had a famine in the field of technology, must now be replaced by a new slogan, the slogan that "cadres decide everything".
This is the main thing now.

Can it be said that our people have understood and fully realized the great significance of this new slogan? I wouldn't say that.
Otherwise, we would not have that ugly attitude towards people, towards cadres, towards workers, which we often observe in our practice.
The slogan "cadres decide everything" requires our leaders to show the most caring attitude towards our employees, to "small" and "large", in whatever area they work, cultivate them carefully, help them when they need support, encourage them, when they show the first successes, pushed them forward, etc.

Meanwhile, in fact, in a number of cases we have facts of a callously bureaucratic and downright ugly attitude towards workers.
This, in fact, explains why instead of studying people and only after studying putting them on posts, people are often thrown around like pawns. We have learned to appreciate machines and report on how much equipment we have at plants and factories. But I do not know of a single case where they would report with the same willingness how many people we raised over such and such a period and how we helped people grow and become tempered in their work. What explains this? This is explained by the fact that we have not yet learned to value people, to value workers, to value cadres.

I recall an incident in Siberia, where I was at one time in exile. It was in the spring, during the flood. About thirty people went to the river to catch the forest, carried away by the raging huge river. By evening they returned to the village, but without one comrade. When asked where the thirtieth was, they indifferently replied that the thirtieth "stayed there." To my question: "How is it that you stayed?" - they answered with the same indifference: "What else is there to ask, drowned, therefore." And then one of them began to hurry somewhere, declaring that "we should go and water the mare."

To my reproach that they pity cattle more than people, one of them replied, with the general approval of the others: “Why should we pity them, people? We can always make people, but a mare ... try to make a mare ". Here is a touch, perhaps insignificant, but very characteristic. It seems to me that the indifferent attitude of some of our leaders towards people, towards cadres, and the inability to appreciate people, is a relic of that strange attitude of people towards people, which was expressed in the episode in distant Siberia that has just been told.

So, comrades, if we want to successfully overcome the hunger in the field of people and ensure that our country has a sufficient number of cadres capable of moving technology forward and putting it into action, we must first of all learn to value people, value cadres, value everyone. an employee who can contribute to our common cause. Finally, we must understand that of all the valuable capital available in the world, the most valuable and decisive capital is people, cadres.

H One must understand that under our present conditions "cadres decide everything."
If we have good and numerous cadres in industry, agriculture, transport, the army, our country will be invincible.
We will not have such shots - we will limp on both legs.

Concluding my speech, allow me to proclaim a toast to the health and prosperity of our academic graduates in the Red Army! I wish them success in organizing and leading the defense of our country!

Comrades! You graduated from high school and received your first hardening there. But school is only a preparatory stage. The real tempering of cadres is obtained in live work, outside of school, in the struggle with difficulties, in overcoming difficulties. Remember, comrades, that only those cadres are good who are not afraid of difficulties, who do not hide from difficulties, but, on the contrary, go towards difficulties in order to overcome and eliminate them.
Only in the struggle against difficulties are real shots forged. And if our army has enough real hardened personnel, it will be invincible.

To your health, comrades!

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