How to download a title page. How to draw up the title page of the abstract? Title page of the abstract: design requirements

Any work, such as a diploma, term paper or essay, begins with a title page. There are generally accepted rules for the design of such first sheets. We offer you to download the sample of the title page that is necessary for you.

  • all title pages are presented in a Word, on A4 paper;
  • any sample can be opened even in the old version of Word, as they all have the DOC file extension;
  • you can easily download and edit the presented cover pages.

Title page for the abstract

On the title page of the sample for the design of the abstract, you must print your subject, topic, number and letter of the class, as well as your last name and first name. You can download the title page for the abstract at.

Title page for term paper

The first page for term paper is slightly different from the title page for abstracts. Term papers are never given in schools, but they need to be done frequently in higher education. The above title page is suitable for most Russian establishments. Free download in.

Title page for the thesis

As a person is greeted by dress, so your thesis will be judged primarily by appearance, in particular by the title page. For a thesis, it is very important that the title page is designed according to a certain GOST. But the problem is that many institutions and professors do not adhere to the actual parameters for the design of thesis, but it happens that they compare your work according to GOST, which was 10, or even 20 years ago. Therefore, it is best to take a sample from the head of your graduation project. In any case, the most correct example of a title page for a diploma is possible.

Title page, title - the first page of the academic work, reveals the student's data and the topic. It is used for an essay, term paper, thesis, report, practice report. It indicates information:

  • Full name of the student
  • Speciality
  • Educational institution
  • Work theme
  • The type of work
  • Year of completion
  • Inspector data

The design of the title page in accordance with GOST is regulated by the standard 2.105-95. It was adopted in 95 and to this day is the main standard for how to draw up the title page of an abstract and other works (coursework, diploma, control). This GOST is valid in all CIS countries, including:

  • Russia
  • Belarus
  • Ukraine
  • Kazakhstan

Download samples of the title page.

Cover sheet margins:

  • left margin: 30 mm;
  • right margin: 10 mm;
  • top margin: 20 mm;
  • bottom margin: 20 mm.

What font should be on the title page.

The guest specifies a font size of 14 for all fields, except for the table of contents and the title of the work. Usually Times New Roman or another sans serif font. All data except student information is centered.

Instructions - 6 steps for the correct design of the title page in accordance with GOST.

Depending on whether you make a title page for a control, coursework, diploma or essay, the completeness of the information will be a difference. But there is a number of mandatory data that are indicated for each job. The title of the title page contains the name of the ministry and educational institution.

Step 1. Ministry of Education

We indicate the ministry of education of your country (14 font, capital letters)

Step 2. Univer.

Followed by the full name and form of ownership of the educational institution (14 font, capital letters)

Step 3. Department.

After that, we indicate the department (14 font)

Step 4. Type of work.

After that, depending on the type of work, in capital letters (16 font, bold Bold):

    • THESIS
    • TEST
    • ESSAY

Step 5. Topic of work.

Full topic name, classic spelling 16 font, bold, lowercase

Step 6. Data of the contractor and the inspector

The data of the executor and the examiner for different jobs are formatted differently, but always have 14 font sizes and lowercase letters. Here are some examples ○ Sample for a diploma

○ Sample for coursework

○ Sample for control work

○ Sample for abstract

Can they lower the mark for incorrect registration of the title

Cover page design is an important issue on any subject and is part of the rule of thumb. If the teacher accepts a job in which the title page is incorrectly drawn up, he has no right to reduce the score for this, because in this case, the work has been reviewed and approved by the reviewer.

Which universities are suitable for

These rules are GOST. Therefore, they are universal and suitable for any university in Russia, Ukraine and other CIS countries. If you fundamentally do not want to redo it when the teacher requires it, you can refer to GOST 2.105-95. in which it is clearly spelled out for whom and how it works.

Is the artwork different for different items?

The sample of the title design does not depend on the subject. All its elements can remain the same and only the name of the object can change. Exceptions are test papers, which in some subjects may need a title page for a notebook. This is a regular A4 sheet folded in half. We have a separate material where you can download this sample or arrange it yourself.

Is the design different for specialties?

The specialty does not matter at all. All elements remain unchanged, except for the specialty, which needs to be changed for the current one.

Very often schoolchildren, students, yes, sometimes the teachers themselves, are faced with how to correctly draw up a particular document for submission for verification. Most often these are small works of authorship on some scientific topic, samples and examples of which can be downloaded from various sources. There are often cases when, after receiving an assignment, the student cannot clearly imagine where to start work and how to correctly arrange it.

In contact with

Almost everyone is faced with this question. It is not enough to write correctly, it is also necessary correctly draw up a document in accordance with GOST... The student begins to get nervous, choosing the right options for himself in search of the right answer, in this regard, he loses precious time allotted for writing the work. Even having written a work, hoping that he wrote it "excellently", he understands perfectly well that a lot depends on how the title page is correctly drawn up.

Rules and requirements

The main requirements for the correct design of the title page of the work lie in the basic samples of documents, that is standards defined in GOST 7.32-2001... In this regard, before proceeding with the design, you must familiarize yourself with them in detail, having properly studied the detailed instructions.

How to correctly draw up the title page of an essay, college, university, you can find out on the Internet. You can also download examples for college students. Almost always, the sample turns out to be correct, but nevertheless, information on the design of the title page of an abstract in accordance with GOST can be found only from official GOST documents intended for students to write scientific papers.

Fundamental points

One of the main parts of the abstract is its content. The author is obliged to arrange his work so competently that all the information that he wants to convey is clear and understandable, clearly structured and presented in the desired style. It is advisable to have good headings and section titles that clearly express the purpose of a particular topic.

Title page of the abstract in accordance with GOST

For instance, the student needs to write the topic of the chapter... After that, you must specify the paragraph and page number, in other options, you can use subheadings.

In the event that there are more chapters, enter their titles, if there are none - subheadings. Then a description should be made, that is list of references and conclusion... In the event that you want to write a summary, you should remove all subheadings from the text.

The foregoing was related to the structure of the abstract, but it is still worth returning to the main topic of the article - this is the design. According to the established standards, you can describe the correct location of all the details on it.

Cover page decoration

  1. Top center is the full name of the educational institution and the name of the department, faculty. The phrase “Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation” is also written here, which can sometimes be excluded when forming the title page.
  2. In the central part or just below the type of title of the work (report, abstract, project, message) is indicated. But the name of the discipline is also indicated. You can write the title using quotation marks.
  3. On the right side - author and supervisor. This block should be located 7-9 intervals below the topic of the abstract.
  4. At the very bottom in the central part there is a block with the name of the city and the year of work.

The title page is the first page, that is, its title that says a lot about you and your work. It must be written according to standard rules and requirements and look professional.

Therefore, even from school, children are advised to gradually master the rules for designing the "cover" of their reports and messages. And if the standards for writing educational works have not changed over the years, then the way they are written is the opposite. Until recently, the design was done manually, but today you can download various templates from the Internet, fill them in and print them correctly.

How to arrange the title page of the report

A report, work or message, first of all, is a document that must be written and executed in accordance with the existing rules. There are four main types of information that must appear on a title page in a specific order:

  • Report title - topic

  • The name of the person, company or organization for which the report was prepared. For example - the full name of the educational institution

  • Name of the author who wrote the work - surname and initials, group or class number, course

  • Name and title of the reviewing instructor

  • Date and place (city) where the educational institution or organization for which the report was prepared is located

The title page may also contain additional information - the contact details of the author, the classification of secrecy or the number of copies. In some cases, it is possible to write the title according to a special template. Therefore, you should always agree on the design of work with your supervisor.

But the photo shows examples of the design of the title pages:

Cover Page Standards

When filling out the title, in addition to information that speaks about the work, you must adhere to certain rules of writing - font, text arrangement, indents, margins. We present to your attention the standard design rules:

  1. The title page of a report or message is the first page of the work, and it is not numbered, but is taken into account when calculating the total number of pages in the document

  2. The margins should have the following parameters: left margin - 3 cm, right - 1.5 cm, top and bottom margins - 2 cm

  3. Alignment should be centered. Only those lines that contain information about who "Executed" and "Checked" the work can be aligned to the right

  4. Standard fill font - 12-14 size "Times New Roman"

  5. The topic of work should always be highlighted either in bold or in full capital letters

Designing a template title page for a report

Today there are many electronic tools for page layout. Microsoft offers a number of free templates for users to quickly create standard worksheets in the Resources section. You can download these templates by clicking on the File tab and choosing the New submenu. Here you can browse templates and select a specific style in the search box.

The need to complete an essay today is faced not only by a student of an institute or college, but also by every student. Such a study is a presentation of information from various sources on any topic. What should a performer pay attention to when writing such a work?

It, like any scientific work, is written in accordance with the following rules:

  • specific research structure;
  • correct design (according to GOST) and many others.

All these issues will be covered in this review.

What is a cover page and is it required

Correct presentation of the abstract, like other requirements, is very important. Any good report consists of certain structural elements - "title", content, introductory part and many others. It is very important that all these components are present in the study. Below we will understand the issues of the title page design.

The first sheet of any report is mandatory - it is impossible to imagine such a work without a title. This structural element performs an informative function - anyone who reads the work, having seen the "title", must understand where and by whom the research was carried out, what is its topic, and who is the reviewer.

What does the title page look like?

What does the title page of an abstract look like? Any main page of the report consists of the following required fields:

  • educational institution - located on top;
  • type of work and topic - centered;
  • data of the author, reviewer and reviewer - on the right;
  • information about the city and year is below.

Let's consider the listed components in more detail.

Educational establishment. The full name of the school, college or institute must be entered here. If the research work is carried out at the university, then it is necessary to indicate the department in which the teacher who issued the assignment works.

Type of work and topic. In this case, it is important to write that the research performed is an abstract and indicate the topic.

Data of the author, reviewer and reviewer. The artist's data is the last name, first name, patronymic, group and course (if the author is a student) or class (in the case when the author is a student). Information about the inspector is the surname, name, patronymic and position. When the work has a reviewer, his surname, name, patronymic and position are written.

If everything is clear with the personalities of the performer and the reviewer, then everything is not so simple with the candidacy of the reviewer. Therefore, the questions arise: "Who is this?" and "When should you specify it?"

A reviewer is a person who writes a brief description of the report (review).

Usually only higher education institutions require this, so students do not need to indicate a reviewer in the title. A review of the work should be written by a teacher who is sufficiently well versed in the subject of the work, but not related to its implementation.

City and year. Here you need to indicate the year of writing the work and the city where the educational institution is located.

How to properly draw up a "title" in accordance with GOST 2019 (with an example)

For an abstract, it is important that all its components are written in accordance with GOST. This is a document containing a list of certain rules by which any scientific work is drawn up.

Basic rules for performing a job title in accordance with GOST 2019:

  • As with other components of the study, this section mainly uses Times New Roman, 14-point type. An exception is the type of research and topic - they can be written in 18 sizes. In addition, when writing the first page of the report, you can use only black font color.
  • All margins, except the left one, should be 2 cm each. The left margin - 3 cm.
  • The text containing information about the artist, reviewer and reviewer (if any) is right-justified. All other text is centered.
  • There is no need to number the title page.

The topic and type of the report is drawn up in capital letters. The font format is bold.

Based on the sample, you can complete the title page in a few minutes. The template can be taken from the teaching aid or asked from the teacher.

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