At what temperature do they not study in winter. Do I have to go to school when it's cold outside? When you can not go to school

The direct decision to cancel classes at school due to frost is made by the school administration on the basis of recommendations and orders from the education authorities of the region or municipality. As a rule, an order is issued by the school. The school may completely cancel classes, or inform parents about the possibility of not attending classes during the cold season.

If attending school in cold weather affects the health of the child, the responsibility will be borne by the school. In accordance with the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation", the responsibility for the life and health of children during the educational process rests with the educational organization.

At what temperature can you not go to school

When making decisions to cancel classes, the executive authorities of the constituent entities refer to the letter of the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR dated December 22, 1978 No. 511-M:

5-9 classes - minus 30 ° C and below;
10-11 classes - minus 31 ° C and below.

In municipalities where students are transported to the place of study, classes are canceled at the following outdoor temperatures:

1-4 classes - minus 25 ° C and below;
5-11 classes - minus 30 ° C and below.

Also, authorities and educational organizations refer to the decisions of the chief sanitary doctor of the region. Such decisions are advisory in nature. For different regions, their own temperature indicators are set, at which it is recommended to cancel studies:

Central part of Russia, middle lane:
-23-25°C - 1-4 classes;
-26-29°C - 1-9 classes;
from -30°C - classes are canceled in all classes.

In the Urals:
-25-28°C - 1-4 classes;
-28-30°C - 1-9 classes;
-30-32°C - classes are canceled in all classes.

In Siberia:
-30°C - 1-4 classes;
-32-35°C - 1-9 classes;
from -40°C - classes are canceled in all classes.

In the northern regions of Russia:
from -40°C - 1-4 classes;
from -48°C - 1-9 classes;
from -50°C - classes are canceled in all classes.

The temperature at which school is canceled can range from -25 to -35 degrees. You will learn more detailed information on this topic from the materials of the presented article.

General information

As you know, children and teenagers spend almost all their time in educational institutions. That is why the conditions in which they live are very important for their parents. After all, room lighting and sanitary and hygienic indicators play a huge role for children's health and immunity. This is due to the fact that the characteristics of a small organism are such that even minor changes in the microclimate affect thermoregulation. Therefore, all schoolchildren are in dire need of ensuring maximum comfort and appropriate comfort. If such conditions are not observed in an educational institution, then the heat transfer of a growing organism increases markedly. This often leads to hypothermia, which in most cases contributes to the appearance of colds.

In connection with all of the above, it should be noted that almost every parent of a student is interested in the question of what should be the temperature at which school is canceled? To answer it, you should refer to sanitary standards.

Sanitary standards

Surely every child knows in what weather school is canceled. After all, such changes allow you to “legally” skip classes. But in addition to the general condition (“strong cold”), there is a more specific temperature at which school is canceled.

As you know, the microclimate of any room depends on humidity, air temperature and speed of its movement. Some of these indicators are quite easy to adjust. However, the air temperature in schools depends on several factors. One of them is the heat transfer of the heating system. Thus, if a general education institution is connected to a central heating system, then for a comfortable stay in the building, its management can additionally install radiators that will have a high efficiency.

It should also be noted that tight-fitting doors and high-quality double-glazed windows help to maintain a normal temperature in the school quite effectively. If such measures are not provided, then it is recommended to keep a temperature log in the educational institution. To fill it, you should take measurements every day. In the future, the results should be presented to the heat supply company.

Existing regulations in the room

What is the temperature at which school is cancelled? This question concerns not only the temperature of the air outside, but also indoors. According to the current standards, you can visit a general educational institution under the following regime:

  • from 15 degrees in school workshops and workshops;
  • from 17 degrees in ordinary classrooms;
  • from 15 degrees in the gym for physical education;
  • from 16 degrees in the general library of the school;
  • from 19 degrees in dressing rooms and locker rooms;
  • from 17 degrees in the latrines;
  • from 17 degrees in the halls for cultural development (assembly halls);
  • from 21 degrees in the medical office.

If the existing temperature in the classrooms and other premises of the educational institution is below the specified norm, then the question of canceling all classes may well arise.

Does nature have bad weather?

When do schools cancel? Asking this question to a student, you will hear the answer that most often this happens in the winter. Indeed, the temperature inside the educational building cannot but depend on the outside temperature. After all, as practice shows, even the thickest and most high-quality doors and windows cannot save from the strongest cold. That is why winter frosts are very often the reason for the "legal" absenteeism from school.

Existing regulations

In our country, there are the following standards: if the temperature outside the window varies between -25 ... -40 degrees, then all educational institutions are required to cancel classes.

By the way, often the parents of schoolchildren are interested in the question of what kind of wind the school is canceled. After all, this parameter is also of great importance. So, if the wind is less than 2 meters per second, then all training sessions are canceled in the following mode:

  • -30 degrees for those children who study in grades 1-4;
  • -35 degrees for those children who study in grades 5-9;
  • -40 degrees for those who study in grades 10-11.

Cancellation in very strong winds

If the street exceeds 7 meters per second, then classes in schools are canceled at the following temperature values:

Why are classes being cancelled?

Some people wonder why sometimes schools are canceled during the winter. As you know, such approximate standards are introduced in order to protect the health of schoolchildren, to prevent hypothermia and frostbite.

How to find out about extreme air temperatures?

About unusual for certain regions of our country, local TV channels, print media and radio report. Sometimes, with the help of the media, the population is also informed about the closure of educational institutions for a certain period of time. However, the best way to find out if a school has been canceled is to call the teacher, head teacher, or class teacher on the phone.

It should also be noted that parents need to be guided by common sense. After all, if there is a severe frost on the street, and the road to an educational institution turns into an extreme path, then you should not let your child go to classes, even if they have not been officially canceled. It is better to learn with your child the educational material passed in his absence than to treat him later after hypothermia.

Will the six-day school be cancelled?

Talks about the introduction in our country have been going on for a long time. And just recently, the Just Russia party submitted a relevant bill to the State Duma. As you know, it provides for a mandatory five-day school week, but only for students who study from 1st to 9th grades. As for older students (grades 10 and 11), then only the school administration has the right to decide whether to cancel the six-day period or not, relying on its own discretion.

As you know, the data of the Ministry of Health pushed the party to such a bill. After all, as practice shows, recently the workload in general education institutions has grown so much that children have become sick much more often.

So when will six days be canceled in schools? Such an academic week is proposed to be introduced from September 1 of the current (2014) year.

Advantages and disadvantages

Of course, the fact that students will get an extra day off and be able to spend more time with their parents is the most important advantage of this change. However, it also has significant drawbacks. Now the entire study load will be distributed not for six days, as before, but for five. In other words, the number of lessons will increase noticeably. Moreover, students will have to do more homework.

Severe frosts in winter are typical for many regions of the Russian Federation. When the scale on the thermometer steadily goes down, many people ask themselves questions: at what temperature do children not go to school, do workers have the legal right not to go to work? It is worth noting that the decision regarding the cancellation of classes is made by local regional departments and heads of manufacturing enterprises. At the same time, both the requirements of the labor code and generally accepted standard norms are taken into account. Let's consider in order.

Children attending preschool

Kindergartens function regardless of climatic conditions. According to the document: SanPiN, only the hours of walking change. So, at temperatures from -15 and wind speeds of more than 7 m / s, kids spend a short period outside. If the gusts increase to 15 m/s, walks are canceled for children under 4 years old. When the temperature drops to -20, the rest of the kids remain in the groups.

School students

There are various standards for schoolchildren that apply in severe frosts. They depend on the age group.

Classes are canceled as follows

  • students of rural educational institutions from grades 1 to 4 - at a temperature of -25 degrees
  • schoolchildren of city institutions of grades 1-4 - at a mark below 27 ° С
  • students of all institutions of grades 1-11 - with a decrease in indicators to -30 ° С

It is worth noting that orders to suspend the educational process are issued by the Ministry of Education. However, the final decision is made directly by the heads of institutions. The cancellation of classes can be associated not only with frost, but also with an increase in the strength of gusts of wind.

In regions where more severe climatic conditions are observed, other norms are established. In the northern regions, classes for younger students are canceled when the thermometer values ​​are -28 ° C, students in grades 5-9 - from 30 ° C, students in grades 10-11 - less than 32 ° C.

On the territory of Siberia, kids do not attend school at -30°C, middle school students at -32°C, high school students at -35°C.

In Yakutia, the marks should be very low. Pupils of grades 1-4 stay at home when the frost is -40°С, schoolchildren of middle groups - from -48°С, students of grades 10-11 - with indicators less than -50°С.

Workers of manufacturing enterprises

The work of specialists in certain professions, as a rule, stops when critical extreme conditions are reached. If the office or buildings are not heated or are not heated well enough, management may shorten the work shift. The norms regarding the performance of duties in the winter months in the open air or inside unheated facilities are regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, namely Article 109.

Regulations allow people whose workplace is open space to use breaks for heating. The latter are included in working hours. The duration and number of breaks are parameters determined by the administration of the enterprise in agreement with the trade union.

So, for example, masons stop working when they reach -25 degrees, if the wind gusts are more than 3 points. In the absence of strong air circulation, work continues up to -30 degrees. Persons who are representatives of other specialties, working in the open air, stop their activities, respectively, at -27 or at -35 degrees. If the forced stoppage of work is associated with a breakdown of special equipment, then the downtime is paid in the amount of 2/3 of the salary.

Office staff

Office workers must continue to perform their duties, regardless of weather conditions. Only the temperature indicator directly at the place of work is taken into account. This issue is regulated by sanitary standards according to SanPiN

Based on the content of this act, employees are classified into several categories

  • Sedentary work. These are managers, office workers, seamstresses, etc. The norm for them is considered to be conditions within 22-24 degrees with a plus mark.
  • Leg work. This includes salespeople, managers, controllers, consultants, and others. They are required to continue activities at a temperature of 21-23 degrees.
  • Work involving certain physical loads. These are guides, cleaners, employees of machine-building enterprises. The optimal values ​​​​in this case: 19-21 degrees Celsius.
  • Activities in which you have to walk, carry weights of no more than 10 kg. This, as a rule, includes welders, metalworkers and other factory workers. The norm for them is the temperature in the range of 17-19 degrees.
  • Work associated with heavy physical labor. These are employees of foundries and blacksmith shops, loaders carrying objects over 10 kg. In such a situation, conditions are optimal at a temperature of 16-18 degrees.

If the indicators on the thermometer scale drop by one value, then the working day is reduced by an hour, and so on exponentially.

Frosts are approaching, schoolchildren and their parents are wondering at what temperature it is possible not to attend educational institutions.

Parents have the right to decide whether their children will go to school in the cold or not. According to representatives of the Department of Education and Science, students have the right not to attend kindergartens or schools if the thermometer indicates a very low temperature.

At what temperature do children not go to school in 2018, what should be the air temperature for children to have the right to skip school

Grades 1-4 may not go to school at temperatures of -27°C or below.

5-6 classes - at a temperature of -30 ° C and below

7-8 classes - at a temperature of -32 ° C and below

9-11 classes - at a temperature of - 36 C and below

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation also emphasized that for Central Russia the reason for the cancellation of lessons in elementary school in the countryside is the temperature of -25 ° C and below, and -27 ° C in the city. Senior classes have the right not to come to classes at a temperature of -30 in the city -27 ºС, in senior classes -30 ºС. and below.

If we talk about Oymyakoe, then the village education department decided:

Students in grades 1-5 have the right to be absent from school at a temperature of -52 ºС and below.

At what temperature do children not go to school in 2018, how does this apply to teachers

These guidelines do not apply to teachers in any way. Teachers must come to work in any weather, and if at least one student comes to class, they are obliged to conduct lessons for him.

The only reason not to conduct classes at all is the temperature in the educational institution itself. If the thermometer shows +18 ºС and below, then according to the decree of the Ministry of Education and Science, teachers and students have the right not to come to school at all.

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The direct decision to cancel classes at school due to frost is made by the school administration on the basis of recommendations and orders from the education authorities of the region or municipality. As a rule, an order is issued by the school. The school may completely cancel classes, or inform parents about the possibility of not attending classes during the cold season.

If attending school in cold weather affects the health of the child, the responsibility will be borne by the school. In accordance with the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation", the responsibility for the life and health of children during the educational process rests with the educational organization.

At what temperature can you not go to school

When making decisions to cancel classes, the executive authorities of the constituent entities refer to the letter of the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR dated December 22, 1978 No. 511-M:

5-9 classes - minus 30 ° C and below;
10-11 classes - minus 31 ° C and below.

In municipalities where students are transported to the place of study, classes are canceled at the following outdoor temperatures:

1-4 classes - minus 25 ° C and below;
5-11 classes - minus 30 ° C and below.

Also, authorities and educational organizations refer to the decisions of the chief sanitary doctor of the region. Such decisions are advisory in nature. For different regions, their own temperature indicators are set, at which it is recommended to cancel studies:

Central part of Russia, middle lane:
-23-25°C - 1-4 classes;
-26-29°C - 1-9 classes;
from -30°C - classes are canceled in all classes.

In the Urals:
-25-28°C - 1-4 classes;
-28-30°C - 1-9 classes;
-30-32°C - classes are canceled in all classes.

In Siberia:
-30°C - 1-4 classes;
-32-35°C - 1-9 classes;
from -40°C - classes are canceled in all classes.

In the northern regions of Russia:
from -40°C - 1-4 classes;
from -48°C - 1-9 classes;
from -50°C - classes are canceled in all classes.

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