What will happen on August 19 prophecy. Dates of future "Ends of the World"

Humanity is facing another Armageddon - the next end of the world, according to the predictions of clairvoyants, is expected on August 19, 2017.

A terrible tragedy was predicted by one of the most famous and revered saints in Russia, Matrona and one of the most mysterious predictors of the 20th century, Vanga.

During the existence of the Earth, the death of our planet was predicted many times - fortunately, none of them came true, although many sincerely believe in the next such predictions.

Of course, theoretically this is possible - our planet is essentially a star, and celestial bodies have a certain "shelf life", but no one knows the exact date of such an event.

Sputnik Georgia asked what exactly will happen on August 19, 2017, and whether the world will actually end.

People will fall to the ground

In her prediction, Saint Matrona points to a kind of global catastrophe that will fall on the planet on this very day.

They have been trying to decipher the prediction of the Saint for many decades. According to one version, it sounds like this: "At the end of the day, all people will fall to the ground, and at sunrise they will rise up, and the world will become different. And great sorrows await people, which they have not yet experienced."

© photo: Sputnik / Sergey Pyatakov

According to another version: "Without war, everyone will die. There will be many victims. All the dead will lie on the ground. In the evening everyone will be on the ground, and in the morning they will rise. And everything will go to the ground."

Saint Matrona believed that the cause of the end of the world would be the behavior of people who turned away from God and were mired in immorality. At the same time, August 19 can become a turning point for people - on this day the Orthodox celebrate one of the great church holidays - the Transfiguration of the Lord.

One step away from the end of the world

In the predictions of the soothsayer from Bulgaria Vanga for 2017, it is said that the conflict in eastern Europe will cause the Third World War. European countries will fight Muslim ones - they will use nuclear weapons, as a result of which Europe will become deserted and empty.

The clairvoyant predicts that many people will suffer - an economic crisis will begin, which will develop into times of famine, however, the religious struggle will exist even in such conditions.

The soothsayer saw in her visions that in 2017 Russia will be engaged in reconciliation of warring countries - perhaps, she will unite with some of them, creating a new powerful state.

"Natural disasters and outbreaks of epidemics will complete what people have begun to do. Our world is one step away from the end of the world," - said in the prediction.

Vanga warned against wars and power struggles. She was sure that everyone can find salvation only in a peaceful life. The deterioration of the planet's ecology, hunger and disease - people themselves will be to blame for all this.

Who else predicted the end of the world

A planetary catastrophe in the summer of 2017 was predicted by Helena Blavatsky, a famous noblewoman who practiced the occult, who lived before Matrona.

A large-scale cosmic explosion that will occur due to dangerous unfinished experiments was foreshadowed by Professor Konstantin Tsiolkovsky.

It should be noted that many agree with both predictors - especially against the backdrop of severe climatic changes that have overtaken the planet over the past few years.

Numerologists, fortune-tellers on the Book of Changes and Feng Shui experts are convinced that August 19 is the beginning of great cataclysms, and astrologers believe that on this day a celestial body will fly close to the earth, which will bring with it a fatal epidemic for all mankind.

The likelihood of the development of just such a scenario is minimal, because no one provides accurate calculations regarding the speed and direction of the comet.

Some astronomers still believe that the Earth may die from a collision with one of the mythical planets - Nibiru, which is also called planet X, but its existence for many scientists is in question.

Doomsday versions

There are several versions of the development of the probable end of the world - some believe that the world is waiting for a flood, because the glaciers are rapidly melting, and the climate is undergoing serious changes.

A deadly virus can lead to the end of the world, which can get into the water and infect a huge number of people living on the planet.

There is also a version that people in the future will face a large number of natural anomalies and wars that will cause the destruction of all life on the planet.

When is the next end of the world

The next end of the world may come on October 12, 2017 - a group of researchers from the United States found out that on this day the Earth could collide with a huge space object 40 meters in diameter, which is moving at high speed towards our planet.

Scientists believe that the fall of the object this fall will lead to sad consequences - the ozone layer of the planet will disappear, which will lead to a sharp climate change and the death of all living things.

This is not the first such end-of-world warning. Dangerous asteroids are often reported, but every time there is enough space in the solar system for space bodies to safely missed each other.

Material prepared on the basis of open sources

The media is actively discussing the next Apocalypse, which should occur in August 2017. Two doomsday dates are named at once: August 19 and 21. The last time the theme of the end of the world was exaggerated was in 2012, when everyone expected it to come on 12.12.2012. It was then that most people finally became disillusioned with the ancient predictions and visions of soothsayers. Today, few people believe in Armageddon, but there are still those who call on humanity to repent before the Last Judgment.

What happens on August 19, 2017?

Adherents of the version about the end of the world on 08/19/2017 refer to the prophecy of Matrona of Moscow. For the first time on television, the gloomy forecast sounded in early 2012. On January 7, Channel One aired the program "The True Story of the Life of Saint Matrona". For several years, the prediction was distorted, leaving the part that spoke of the "rebirth" of humanity in one fateful night.

In the original source ("The Legend of the Life of the Blessed Eldress, Mother Matrona"), the quote reads as follows:

“There will be no war, without war everyone will die, there will be many victims, all the dead on the ground will lie. And I will also tell you: in the evening everything will be on the ground, and in the morning you will rise - everything will go into the ground. The war goes on without war. "

These words are conveyed by the author of the book A.F. Vybornova, who during the life of Blessed Matrona served as a headman in the Sebenskaya Church. It was this prophecy that gave rise to numerous rumors and speculations about the end of the world on August 19 this year. Believe in the approach of the Apocalypse or not, everyone decides for himself.

Those who admit the possibility of the end of the world on 08/19/2017 put forward their versions of the death of humanity. Some are sure that biological or nuclear weapons will be used against us. Others believe that a series of cataclysms awaits the Earth, after which people should realize how much they have harmed nature. Still others believe that there will be a collision with an asteroid or large meteorite.

Should we wait for the end of the world on August 21, 2017?

On August 21, one of the most interesting astronomical phenomena of recent times will occur: a total solar eclipse will plunge the Earth into darkness for almost three minutes. For the first time in 100 years, it will touch most of the states of America, namely the so-called "Bible belt". Such an event could not fail to attract the attention of conspiracy theorists. The most fantastic and terrible theories about Armageddon are associated with this date:

Religious activists are confident in the approach of the Last Judgment. They urge all sinners to repent and turn towards faith. This is the only way to avoid punishment in hell.

Apologists of the theory "Apocalyptic Movement of Nibiru" consider the eclipse a harbinger of an impending catastrophe. According to their version, the end of the world will happen due to a collision with an asteroid of the Nibiru system or with Planet X itself.

The mystics warn against rash actions and note that the last summer month will be fateful for many. The reason for this, first of all, will be immediately two astronomical phenomena. In August we will be able to observe two eclipses, and August 19 just falls on the time of the corridor of eclipses - between the lunar (August 7) \u200b\u200band solar eclipses (August 21).

Nostradamus said about 2017 that a "big city" will be "disturbed by the waters." Before this event, some ugly creature will visit the Earth, which, most likely, is a symbol for warning the inhabitants of the Earth about the flood. As a result of such a flood, the leaders of the water-ridden country will lose their power.

On the contrary, France is marked by a lack of water. This is stated in the 71st quatrain of the 5th Century. It is likely that a large-scale pollution of the country's water resources will be a prerequisite for such an event. Because of this, there will be great disturbances in the streets and some of the population will have to be evacuated. In the 67th quatrain of the 1st Century, it was about the invasion of the "great famine".

In the predictions of Matrona, since August 19, a certain turning point is associated, which will affect the entire population of the earth. Her divination is interpreted as a harbinger of a mass accident or the end of the world. Considering other versions, her words about "great sorrow" have every chance of being associated with a global epidemic, the conflict between the Earth and another heavenly body, including the use of nuclear weapons. There is no clear decoding of the prediction at this moment.

Elena Petrovna Blavatskaya and Professor Tsiolkovsky spoke about a huge space catastrophe. On August 19, the Apocalypse is possible due to the war. Vanga spoke a lot about refugees to Europe: “The moment will come when people will leave the desert”. Experts provide a decoding of such a saying and conduct parallels with Africa and the eastern countries, from where there is now a massive flow of refugees.

August is life-changing this year. You and I have entered a kind of period, which is called the "corridor of eclipses." This period will last from August 7 to August 21 and will be marked by an interesting fateful character. Astrologers are confident that August will not bring mortal danger to our civilization.

In retrograde motion, Mercury will be marked from August 13 to September 6. At this time, it is desirable to develop spiritually, to meditate, to set up a connection with oneself, but it is not very desirable not to sign business contracts during this period, to start a business, since there is a high probability of deception that will be difficult to correct. The consequences may worry you for the next 18-19 years.

The conjunction of the Moon with Saturn indicates the upcoming tests, and the Mars-Earth opposition threatens to exacerbate conflict situations. In general, August does not pose a serious danger.


The death of the Earth was predicted many times, but so far none of the predictions has been justified. Humanity is facing another Armageddon - the next end of the world, according to the predictions of clairvoyants, is expected on August 19, 2017.

A terrible tragedy was predicted by one of the most famous and revered saints in Russia, Matrona and one of the most mysterious predictors of the 20th century, Vanga.

During the existence of the Earth, the death of our planet was predicted many times - fortunately, none of them came true, although many sincerely believe in the next such predictions.

Of course, theoretically this is possible - our planet is essentially a star, and celestial bodies have a certain "shelf life", but no one knows the exact date of such an event.

In her prediction, Saint Matrona points to a kind of global catastrophe that will fall on the planet on this very day.
They have been trying to decipher the prediction of the Saint for many decades. According to one version, it sounds like this: "At the end of the day, all people will fall to the ground, and at sunrise they will rise up, and the world will become different. And great sorrows await people, which they have not yet experienced."

According to another version: "Without war, everyone will die. There will be many victims. All the dead will lie on the ground. In the evening everyone will be on the ground, and in the morning they will rise. And everything will go to the ground."

Saint Matrona believed that the cause of the end of the world would be the behavior of people who turned away from God and were mired in immorality. At the same time, August 19 can become a turning point for people - on this day the Orthodox celebrate one of the great church holidays - the Transfiguration of the Lord.

In the predictions of the soothsayer from Bulgaria Vanga for 2017, it is said that the conflict in eastern Europe will cause the Third World War. European countries will fight Muslim ones - they will use nuclear weapons, as a result of which Europe will become deserted and empty.

The clairvoyant predicts that many people will suffer - an economic crisis will begin, which will develop into times of famine, however, the religious struggle will exist even in such conditions.

The soothsayer saw in her visions that in 2017 Russia will be engaged in reconciliation of warring countries - perhaps, she will unite with some of them, creating a new powerful state.

"Natural disasters and outbreaks of epidemics will complete what people have begun to do. Our world is one step away from the end of the world," - said in the prediction.

Vanga warned against wars and power struggles. She was sure that everyone can find salvation only in a peaceful life. The deterioration of the planet's ecology, hunger and disease - people themselves will be to blame for all this.

However, so far not a single prediction about the end of the world has come true. The most popular of them is that the apocalypse will come at the turn of the 2000s, as predicted by the Mayan calendar, did not come true. As scientists later found out, the ancient Indians stopped keeping a calendar with prophecies simply because they ran out of stones. Then a prediction about the end of the world appeared in connection with the launch of the hadron collider, but it turned out to be a fake.

The end of the world is predicted in 2017 by the author of the theory of hierarchical catastrophes, Artur Belyaev. He singles out periods in the history of Russia since the adoption of Christianity, which ended with great changes for society. Each time, these periods became shorter in time. In this regard, after a while, another turning point in the history of our state may come, which is very likely to turn into a catastrophe.

By a strange and incredible coincidence, August in the Russian Federation always brings large-scale emergencies. The people gave a common name "black August".

So, according to a number of statements that appeared on the network, St. Matrona allegedly said that on August 19, 2017, “at the end of the day, all people will fall to the earth, and at sunrise they will rise, and the world will change. And great sorrows await people, which they have never experienced before. "

If you search the Internet for the original source of this quote, you can stumble upon a discussion on one of the forums in 2012. Where was discussed the program about the saint, which was released on January 7, 2012. And supposedly it was there that this quote sounded, which is attributed to Matrona herself.

Meanwhile, there is a copy of the program on the net that came out on Christmas Day in early 2012. And now this quote sounds a little different there:

“Without war, everyone will die. There will be many victims. All the dead will lie on the ground. In the evening everyone will be on earth, and in the morning they will rise. And everything will go into the ground. " And she allegedly said it would be in 2017, the program says.

At the same time, in the same film about St. Matrona, the following is said literally 10 seconds after the quote uttered:

- Not a single person can know and indicate the timing of the coming of the Savior. The Gospel directly says - "And not a single person who remains within the confines of the church faith will never undertake such a thing." Therefore, if we have any texts that have come down to us, where the blessed Matrona is supposedly assigned an indication of a specific year, then this is nothing more than a mistake in other cases, and in other cases - falsification, - says Archpriest Maxim (Kozlov) in the frame , rector of the House Church of the Holy Martyr Tatiana at Moscow State University.

So where did this quote, which is attributed to Saint Matrona, come from? The "correct" quote from this program is already in the book "The Legend of the Life of the Blessed Eldress, Mother Matrona", which was published in 1993. And it sounds like this:

- There will be no war, without war everyone will die, there will be many victims, all the dead on the ground will lie. And I will also tell you: in the evening everything will be on the ground, and in the morning you will rise - everything will go into the ground. War goes on without war.

These words in the book are pronounced by Anna Filipovna Vybornova, who was the headman of the Sebenskaya Church during the life of the blessed Matrona. And it does not say at all that these words of hers are read as any prediction. And in many sources that allegedly speak about this "prediction" of Matrona, for some reason, the phrase "War goes on without war" is missing.

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February 29, 2020, in, a welterweight bout will take place between two professional American boxers: Jesse Vargas and Mikey Garcia.

We tell where will it take place, what time will it start and where to watch boxing Garcia - Vargas February 29 (March 1) 2020.

The meeting of the fighters will be final during the boxing evening, which will be held in the "Ford Center" with a capacity of 12 thousand spectators, which is part of the Zvezda complex ( Ford Center at The Star) located in Frisco, Texas (USA).

What time boxing Garcia - Vargas will start:
The event, which includes nine bouts, is scheduled to start at 6:00 pm ET on February 29, 2020, which corresponds to 02:00 am ET on March 1, 2020.

Most Anticipated Boxing the fight Garcia - Vargas will begin at approximately 7 am "Moscow time" on March 1, 2020 (Sunday morning), after the completion of 8 previous bouts.

By the way, in the second fight of the evening (out of nine) Uzbek boxer Israil Madrimov will compete against Charlie Navarro. Also, the tournament was originally planned to fight Russian Murat Gassiev against Jerry Forrest, which was later canceled.

Where to watch the duel Garcia - Vargas on February 29 (March 1) 2020:

Live the meeting Garcia - Vargas will show "First channel... The beginning of the direct connection from the "Ford Center" - 06:55 Moscow time.

And on the website of the "First" channel, the fight can be watched online and in recording.

Since ancient times, various beliefs and traditions have been associated with leap years. Today we will talk about what a woman can ask a man on a leap day on February 29, but he has no right to refuse.

There is an old European custom, according to which once every four years - February 29 - a woman can ask for a hand (propose to marry her) from a man, and not vice versa. AND at the same time, a man has no right to just refuse from this offer - he must either agree or "pay off" (pay a "fine" for refusal). In monetary terms, the "penalty" is equal to the cost of 12 pairs of gloves. It is believed that this is how many pairs of gloves a woman will need to hide the absence of a wedding ring until the next leap day.

This tradition originated in Ireland in the 4th century AD, when Saint Patrick, who spread Christianity in the country, allowed women to make marriage proposals to men once every four years. This was done in order to "balance" the roles of men and women in society, just as the leap day on February 29 balances the calendar.

In the Middle Ages, in a number of European countries, this rule was even approved at the legislative level. For example, in the 13th century in Scotland, when young knights died en masse in battles and many girls could not find a mate, a law was passed according to which a woman could propose to a man on February 29, and if he refused, he was obliged to pay a fine ... Similar laws were passed at different times in England, Denmark and other countries.

And even in Russia there was a similar tradition.... Only for "our" girls the opportunity to call a loved one into husbands worked for more than one day, but throughout the entire leap year. The leap year was called "the year of the bride", while matchmakers could not be sent to the girls, because they themselves chose their future husbands. Since then, in Russia, a leap year has been considered unsuccessful for a wedding, since men did not have the opportunity to choose their own bride.

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