In the beautiful and furious world of Plato. The story "In a beautiful and furious world

In the Tolubeevsky depot, Alexander Vasilyevich Maltsev was considered the best locomotive driver.

He was about thirty years old, but he already had the qualifications of a first class driver and had long driven fast trains. When the first powerful passenger steam locomotive of the IS series arrived at our depot, Maltsev was assigned to work on this machine, which was quite reasonable and correct. An elderly man from the depot locksmiths named Fyodor Petrovich Drabanov worked as an assistant to Maltsev, but he soon passed the exam for a driver and went to work on another machine, and I, instead of Drabanov, was assigned to work in Maltsev's brigade as an assistant; before that, I also worked as a mechanic's assistant, but only on an old, low-powered machine.

I was pleased with my appointment. The IS machine, the only one in our traction section at that time, by its very appearance evoked a feeling of inspiration in me; I could look at her for a long time, and a special touched joy awakened in me - as beautiful as in childhood when I read Pushkin's poems for the first time. In addition, I wanted to work in the crew of a first-class mechanic in order to learn from him the art of driving heavy high-speed trains.

Alexander Vasilievich accepted my appointment to his brigade calmly and indifferently; he apparently did not care who he would have as assistants.


Here is an excerpt from the book.
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The time when the story “In a Beautiful and Furious World” (“Machinist Maltsev”) (1938) was created was turbulent: the country lived with a premonition of war. Literature had to answer the question of what forces the people have to repel the military threat. A. Platonov in his story gave the following answer: "The key to victory is the soul of the people." The plot is based on the vicissitudes of the life path of the locomotive driver Maltsev. This man, during a thunderstorm, lost his sight from a lightning strike and, without noticing it, almost caused the train he was driving to crash. After that, the vision returned to the driver. Unable to explain anything, Maltsev was convicted and went to prison. Maltsev's assistant suggested that the investigator simulate a lightning strike in the laboratory. The investigator did just that. The innocence of the driver was proven. However, after the experience, Maltsev again lost his sight completely, as he thought. At the end of the story, fate smiled at the hero: he regains his sight.

The work is not so much about trials, but about how people overcome these trials. Maltsev is a man of high romantic spirit. He considers his work a majestic vocation, a work of human happiness. The hero of A. Platonov is a poet of his profession. The locomotive under his control turns into a kind of the finest musical instrument, obedient to the will of the artist. A beautiful and furious world surrounds Maltsev. But just as beautiful and furious is the world of the soul of this person.

Anyone can lose physical sight. But not everyone will be able to stay sighted in this grief. Maltsev's "spiritual vision" did not disappear even for a moment. It seems that his recovery at the end of the story is the rightful reward for the victorious man.

But despite the fact that the story has the subtitle "Machinist Maltsev", A. Platonov reveals other human stories in the work. The fate of the narrator is interesting. This is a novice railway worker, an assistant driver. He witnessed the drama when Maltsev lost his sight along the way. He, the narrator, had to save this man: the driver's assistant is talking with the investigator, watching with pain how Maltsev suffers, deprived of the opportunity to do what he loves. The narrator, however, finds himself next to Maltsev at the moment when the vision returned to the driver.

The skill of the writer is manifested in the depiction of circumstances, in the ability to show the spiritual evolution of the hero's consciousness. The narrator admits: "I was not a friend of Maltsev, and he always treated me without attention and care." But it is difficult to believe in this phrase: the narrator simply cannot overcome modesty and speak out loud about the tenderness of his soul. The final words of the story reveal all that beautiful and furious world of the soul, which both Maltsev and the narrator live in. When it became clear that Maltsev received his sight, “... he turned his face towards me and began to cry. I went up to him and kissed him back: - Drive the car to the end, Alexander Vasilyevich: you see the whole world now! ". Saying "the whole world! ”, the narrator, as it were, included in the concept of “light” the spiritual beauty of Maltsev: the driver defeated not only external circumstances, but also his internal doubts.

The story "In a beautiful and furious world", a brief retelling of which is presented in the article, is a poignant, sad and touching work of the Soviet prose writer Andrei Platonov. It was first published in 1937.

about the author

Before proceeding to a brief retelling of the story "In a Beautiful and Furious World", it is worth devoting a few words to its creator. Andrey Platonov was born in 1989. His father was a machinist. Many heroes of the writer's works are railroad workers. The character of the work “In a Beautiful and Furious World” also works as a machinist.

A brief retelling of Platonov's book does not give an idea of ​​​​the extraordinary talent of this prose writer. His gift was not so much in the ability to find the right word, but in the ability to show the suffering of a person using the example of some everyday, seemingly insignificant situations. Perhaps the whole point is that he knew firsthand about suffering.

During the Civil War, the aspiring writer worked as a front-line correspondent. In 1922 he published his first book. 10 years later, Platonov wrote the story "For the future", which angered Stalin. The repressions began. In 1938, the writer's son was arrested, two years later he was released, but he lived, sick with tuberculosis, for only a few months.

Andrei Platonov also went through the Second World War. In the rank of captain, he again worked as a correspondent, but risked his life on the front line along with ordinary soldiers. After the end of the war, he published The Return Home, after which he was subjected to new, more fierce attacks. Until the end of his days, a talented prose writer was deprived of the right to earn money by writing.

"In a beautiful and furious world": retelling

Platonov created works that, according to critics, have no analogues in literature. It's all in a unique original style. It is impossible to evaluate it by reading the retelling. “In a Beautiful and Furious World” is still a work based on an amazing story. The author told about events that can hardly happen in real life. Therefore, even a superficial acquaintance with the plot will be interesting.

Below is a summary outline. "In a beautiful and furious world" is easier to state as follows:

  • Maltsev.
  • Konstantin.
  • Sudden flash.
  • Arrest.
  • Tesla installation.
  • Experiment.
  • Life in darkness.

Alexander Maltsev

What is the story "In a Beautiful and Furious World" about? The summary must begin with the characteristics of the main character.

Alexander Vasilyevich Maltsev works at the Tolubeevsky depot. And here he is the best machinist. He is about thirty. He leads the train with high skill, with some detachment. And at these moments it seems that he does not see anything else around.

Alexander Vasilievich is laconic. He only in extreme cases turns to his assistant - Konstantin, on whose behalf the story is told in the story "In a beautiful and furious world."

A brief description of Maltsev is given at the beginning of the work. Diligence, passionate love for one's work, even a certain sense of superiority over colleagues - these are the features and qualities of the protagonist. “In a beautiful and furious world” is the work of the author, from whose pen such images were often born. A person who lives by work, unable to exist without it, is a typical hero of Platonov.


The story is told from a young man who admires the talent of a machinist. No matter how much he tried to understand what the secret of Maltsev's extraordinary gift was, he did not succeed. Konstantin worked as his assistant for about six months. And then an event occurred that can be called the climax in the work "In a Beautiful and Furious World." A brief retelling of the story, witnessed and participated in by Maltsev's assistant, is presented below.

sudden flash

It happened on the way. Everything went on as usual. No signs of trouble. But suddenly thunder roared and bright lightning flashed. So bright that Konstantin was a little scared, and then asked the stoker about what it was.

It was a sharp blue light that flashed for a moment. It is not surprising that Constantine did not recognize a completely ordinary natural phenomenon. At the same time, Maltsev led the train calmly, imperturbably. When he heard the word "lightning" from the stoker, he said that he had not seen anything. But how could one not notice the piercing, instantaneous flash?

After some time, Konstantin began to notice that the driver was driving worse. But this could be explained by fatigue. When they passed the yellow and then the red traffic lights, Maltsev's assistant got scared and suspected something was wrong. And then the engineer stopped the train and said: “Kostya, you will drive further. I'm blind."


Vision returned to Maltsev the next day. But on that ill-fated night, he committed several serious violations. The driver was put on trial, and no one believed Konstantin when he talked about temporary blindness. But even if the investigator had believed, the driver would not have been released. After all, he, having lost his sight, continued to drive the train, thereby risking the lives of passengers.

Maltsev confessed to Konstantin that, even when he was blind, he saw the line, the signals, and the wheat in the steppe. But he saw it in his imagination. He did not immediately believe in his blindness. I believed only when I heard firecrackers.

Tesla installation

Maltsev was sent to prison. Konstantin continued to work, but already as an assistant to another driver. He missed Maltsev. And one day he heard about the Tesla installation, the use of which, as he hoped, could prove the innocence of the driver.

With this setup, it was possible to test a person's susceptibility to the action of electrical discharges. Konstantin wrote a letter to the investigator in charge of Maltsev's case, asking him to test him. In addition, he indicated where the installation was located and how the experiment should be carried out. For several weeks, the driver's assistant waited for a response.


No wonder Konstantin wrote a letter to the investigator. After some time, he called him to him. An examination using the Tesla installation was carried out. Maltsev again lost the ability to see. His innocence has been proven. He went free. However, the investigator still felt guilty for a long time for heeding Konstantin's advice. After all, this time the driver is blind forever.

Life in darkness

There was no hope for recovery. Maltsev, in fact, was easily exposed to electrical discharges. And if for the first time, when he led the team, his vision returned, then during the experiment, the eyes that had already been injured had suffered. Maltsev was destined to spend his whole life in darkness. See no lines, no traffic lights, no fields. Not to see everything without which he had not previously imagined his existence.

Such is the sad story of the hero of the story "In a beautiful and furious world." A summary is provided. But Platonov did not put an end to this.

Konstantin passed the exams, became a machinist. Now he drove the train on his own. Maltsev, however, every day came to the platform, sat down on a painted bench and looked with an unseeing gaze in the direction of the departing train. His face was sensitive, passionate. He inhaled greedily the smell of lubricating oil and burning. There was nothing Konstantin could do to help him. He was leaving. Maltsev remained.

But one day Konstantin took Maltsev with him. He put Alexander Vasilyevich in his place, put his hand on the reverse. On quiet sections, Konstantin sat in the assistant's seat and watched how the former driver was leading the train, forgetting his grief. And on the way to Tolubeev, sight returned to Maltsev. He saw a yellow traffic light, ordered Konstantin to turn off the steam, and then turned to face him, looked with a sighted eye and began to cry.

After work, they went to Maltsev's house and talked until the morning. Konstantin was afraid to leave Alexander Vasilyevich alone with the hostile force of this beautiful, but furious world.

Retelling a work of art saves time. In order to find out the content of the story or story, it is enough to spend only 2-3 minutes. But still, books by such masters of the word as Andrey Platonov should be read in the original.

The hero of Andrey Platonov's story is a young and talented driver of a passenger steam locomotive, Maltsev. This young and ambitious young man, who is about thirty years old, already holds the position of a top-class machinist, on a brand new and powerful steam locomotive "IS", giving all his time and energy to his beloved work, he no longer imagines his life without his favorite business.

The narrator of the work becomes a young ward of Maltsev, a new machinist who is just starting his labor business, but he is frustrated by a couple that he shows obvious distrust in relation to his work done. Also, the young partner was upset by the fact that the work with Maltsev usually took place in exceptional silence without stories and ordinary human communication, characteristic of two people working together.

However, all grievances and omissions were forgotten overnight at the moment when the passenger locomotive set off, Maltsev's partner was amazed at what he manages to understand this iron mechanism so subtly and sensitively, and also not to miss the beauty of the flying mime of the world.

The young assistant worked for an outstanding machinist for about one year and was surprised at his true talent to perform sometimes unthinkable things on a steam locomotive, but all this idyll was suddenly crossed out by a tragic event that completely crossed out the habitual foundation of Maltsev's life.

The story of Andrei Platonov is true proof that even talented and successful people sometimes vitally need support and understanding from the outside, and personal prejudices and hidden pride become absolutely unimportant.

Read the summary In the furious and beautiful world of Platonov

The usual way of life for Maltsev is destroyed by the ongoing tragic event that occurred in one of the summer months. Then in July, Maltsev's assistant went on his last flight with his senior mentor and they had to take with them a train that was four hours late. The station dispatcher asked the senior driver to make up for at least one hour of lost time.

Trying to follow the instructions of the dispatcher, the senior engineer squeezes out all the power of his train. But suddenly, an obstacle in their path, a summer thundercloud rises, which blinds Maltsev with its discharges. But despite his blurred vision, an experienced driver does not slow down and with all his confidence continues to drive a passenger locomotive. Very awkward and sometimes bad management notices his junior partner.

On the way of the passenger train, an oncoming steam locomotive appears, which goes to meet them. Then Maltsev has to confess to the loss of his sight and give control to his partner Konstantin. Thanks to the actions of the young driver, it is possible to warn of an emergency. And by the morning after arriving at Maltsev, his vision returns.

However, based on the fact that an experienced driver did not transfer control to his assistant in the event of a dangerous situation, a trial awaited him.

Trying to help his friend and mentor, Konstantin is looking for a way out of this situation. Then he turns to his friend from the institute for help. And he learns that with the help of the Tesla machine, which produces an artificial lightning discharge, it is possible to prove the innocence of his partner.

Konstantin turns to the investigative committee with a request to check Maltsev on this car. And during the experiment, the innocence of the senior engineer was fully proved, but unfortunately, there was a complete loss of Maltsev's vision.

The senior engineer completely loses hope that someday he will again have the opportunity to drive his beloved passenger steam locomotive again and catch the flying beauties of his native land with his eyes.

Dejected by his current situation, the saddened senior engineer with a cane constantly comes to the station, sits on a bench and simply listens to the trains passing by him.

Having once noticed a destitute partner with a cane, Konstantin decides to take Maltsev with him on a flight. Maltsev gladly agrees to this proposal and promises that he will not interfere, but will simply sit quietly next to him.

Incredibly, Maltsev's lost vision is restored during the trip and Konstantin decides that the path should be brought by his mentor on his own.

After the work done, both partners go together to Maltsev's house and talk to each other on various topics all night. Konstantin is afraid to leave Maltsev, feeling responsible for him before the cruel and furious world.

The work “In a Beautiful and Furious World” reflects and proves the existence of human compassion, support, friendship, love and devotion to loved ones, all this is the facets of the soul and cordiality in the human world.

Picture or drawing In a beautiful and furious world

  • Summary Aitmatov The first teacher

    The story of a talented Kyrgyz writer tells an interesting life story from the time of the birth of the USSR. Very often it is perceived as propaganda of communist ideas, but the thinking reader should look deeper to understand the main idea.

  • Year of publication of the book: 1941

    The story "In a Beautiful and Furious World" was first published in 1941 in one of the periodicals. The first title of the work was "Machinist Maltsev". In the story, the writer describes his experience on the railroad. Based on the work of Platonov "In a beautiful and furious world" in 1987, a feature film of the same name was shot.

    The story "In a Beautiful and Furious World" summary

    The book "In a Beautiful and Furious World" tells about Alexander Vasilievich Maltsev, the best locomotive driver in the local depot. All employees of the Tolubeevsky depot note that no one knows the cars as well as Maltsev knows them. He seems to feel the soul of the locomotive and can feel the way. For several years, Alexander Vasilievich worked with an elderly locksmith named Fedor Drabanov. However, he passed the driver's exam and transferred to another engine, as a result of which the young man Konstantin becomes the driver's assistant. They have to work on a brand new steam locomotive of the IS series.

    The new employee was initially very pleased with his position. However, over time, he noticed that Maltsev treats him with distrust. This was noticeable, if only by the fact that Alexander Vasilievich constantly double-checked everything after his new assistant. In the story “In a Beautiful and Furious World,” a brief summary describes that a little time passes, and Konstantin understands why Maltsev behaves this way. The fact is that the old machinist can rely only on his own experience and considers himself better than all the other employees. Despite the fact that the new assistant was periodically angry with Alexander Vasilievich, he still admired his experience and confidence in driving a steam locomotive.

    In the story "In a Beautiful and Furious World" we can read that in a year Maltsev and Konstantin go on a trip that will be fatal for an experienced machinist. Alexander Vasilyevich was asked to take the train, which was four hours late. The dispatcher asked the driver to do everything possible to reduce the gap in time as much as possible. Maltsev does not dare to disobey the order. He drives the team at full strength. However, already in the middle of the journey, the drivers notice a huge thundercloud. Lightning suddenly flashes, and Maltsev completely loses his sight. Despite this, he pretends nothing happened and continues to drive the engine.

    Meanwhile, Konstantin notices that Alexander Vasilyevich is gradually losing control. After a while, another train appears on their way. It was then that Maltsev decided to confess everything to his assistant and transfers control of the machine to Konstantin. In the story “In a Beautiful and Furious World” by Platonov, we can read that he, in turn, did everything possible to avoid an accident.

    The next morning, Maltsev's vision gradually returns, but because of the situation that has happened, the driver is arrested and criminal proceedings are started. It is almost impossible to prove that Alexander Vasilievich is innocent of a nearly unaccomplished accident. Konstantin continues to work, but often thinks about his mentor.

    Winter comes, and Konstantin goes to visit his brother. He was a student of the Faculty of Physics and lived in a hostel. During the conversation, Konstantin finds out that the local laboratory has a special Tesla installation that can cause artificial lightning. In Platonov's story "The Beautiful and Furious World", the summary describes that then the protagonist has a brilliant plan. Returning home, he again thought carefully about everything that came into his head.

    After that, Konstantin wrote to the investigator who dealt with the Maltsev case. In the letter, the young man asked for permission to experiment using the Tesla installation. Thus, it will be possible to check the visual organs of the defendant and, possibly, to justify him. Some time passes, but there is still no response from the investigator. One day, Konstantin receives a letter informing him that the prosecutor gives the go-ahead for such an experiment. He wants the examination to be carried out in a laboratory at the university.

    After some time, the hero of the story "In a beautiful and furious world" Maltsev is brought to the laboratory and the Tesla installation is used. He again loses his sight, which proves his innocence. The defendant is acquitted and released. However, the sight of Alexander Vasilyevich did not return the next day. Konstantin is trying with all his might to calm the driver and cheer him up a little. However, he does not even want to listen to his assistant. The young man invites Maltsev to go on a flight with him. Suddenly, on the way to the driver, his vision returns completely. Konstantin, to celebrate, allows him to lead the train to the final destination. After all, no one, except Alexander Vasilyevich, can feel the car like that.

    In the story “In a Beautiful and Furious World”, the characters, after the arrival of the flight, go to visit Maltsev and talk about life for a long time. Konstantin manages to imbue his mentor. He wants to take care of Alexander Vasilyevich and try to protect him in this beautiful, but sometimes violent world.

    The story "In a Beautiful and Furious World" on the Top Books website

    Andrey Platonov's story "In a beautiful and furious world" has become a household name for Russian literature. He got into ours and, given the presence in the school curriculum, has every chance of getting into ours more than once.

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