Secrets of the ancient Egyptians. Ancient Egypt

The history of the ancient Egyptian civilization has captured the imagination of many people at different times. Philosophers made their own assumptions about the origin and meaning of the knowledge given by the ancient Egyptians. The mysteries of ancient Egypt, which have remained a mystery for several millennia, continue to be at the center of archaeological research and human fantasies.

The first mystery of the pyramids of ancient Egypt. What are the "air shafts" of the Great Pyramid of Giza?

There are a huge number of theories regarding the meaning and function of the Egyptian pyramids, especially the Great Pyramid of Cheops at Giza. One of the most mysterious features of the complex are the four shafts emanating from the "King's Chamber" and the "Queen's Chamber".

Their true purpose is the subject of much debate. The last study was carried out using a robot in 2010. The equipment went through the shaft for several meters, but there was a door in the way. On the walls of the mine, we managed to see images of unknown origin. Some scientists even say that there are inscriptions in Russian in the mines. So what connects the air shafts of the Great Pyramid and what is their purpose?

The second mystery of the history of Egypt. Did the ancient Egyptians use electricity?

Historians believe that the painting in the underground hall of the Temple of Hathor in Dendera depicts the device of an electric light bulb. According to the descriptions, the circuit corresponds to the Crookes light bulb. For science remains a mystery of ancient Egypt about the theory of the origin of electricity in Egypt.

The third mystery of Egypt. Who was the pharaoh of the Exodus?

One of the most famous and controversial stories about ancient Egypt is the story of the exodus of the Jewish people. Some are confident in the plausibility of this event, others tend to regard it as a legend or a fairy tale. Did the Exodus of the Jews from Egypt really take place?

Photograph of Theeb, Karnak, 1851. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.

The fourth riddle of Egypt. Red Sea Discharge

The story of the Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt includes the story of the flow of the Red Sea before Moses. The fairy tale turns into a miracle when you learn more about the properties of the Red Sea.

The fifth mystery of the history of ancient Egypt. The Curse of Tutankhamun's Tomb

The discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamun is connected with the main mystery of ancient Egypt - the curse of the tomb. One by one, the leader of the expedition, the Earl of Carnarvon, died from an unknown disease, and then the archaeologists and their families. Only Carter, who worked on the excavations for more than 7 years, was not injured. The legend has become the basis for the creation of several films and the writing of numerous books. Did the curse of Tutankhamun's tomb really exist?

The sixth riddle of ancient Egypt. Was Tutankhamun really killed?

Tutankhamun's mummy was x-rayed three times, but the controversy over the cause of the death of the young king did not subside. Whether the pharaoh accidentally died or was killed remained the main mystery of ancient Egypt.

Ancient Egypt. Do we know everything about this most famous country, about its history? Let's look at this antiquity, on the other hand. From the time the first photographs appeared, what the antiquities actually looked like at that time, because the Sphinx was then still up to its head in the sand. Let's look at the remnants of the "Hellenistic culture" in the form of "Fayum portraits" and the "Rosetta Stone" when Egypt was under the rule of ancient Rome. This culture was destroyed by Napoleon, along with the cultural heritage of the Mamluks and their power. We will also try to find out who the Hyksos are and why the Slavic haplogroup R1A is present in the Jewish people.

When the first photographs appeared, the scientific world, interested in revealing the many secrets of ancient Egypt, hastened to capture in the pictures sensational ancient majestic monuments at that time. Expeditions were equipped one after another, but the forerunner of these historical discoveries was Napoleon's military campaign in Egypt. What was the most important for this, the destruction of the Mamluk dynasty and the overthrow of their power, the destruction of inconvenient artifacts or other reasons, we can only guess.

Of course, Egypt is full of all sorts of secrets, for example, in the photographs below, what is it, electric lighting? Scientists tried to recreate the ancient lighting devices according to the images, and lo and behold, it all worked, not in vain, because in the huge dungeons there is no soot from torches and candles.

When the first photographs of Egypt appeared, the ancient monuments did not appear before us in the best possible way, almost everywhere there are solid ruins. Later, after the restoration, we will admire the technologies of the ancients and admire their achievements, but for now let's see how they looked at the beginning.

When the tombs were discovered, scientists tried to capture this sensation in a photograph, here is one of the tombs with the burial of Tutankhamun and its ancient treasures.

Statues of a pharaoh guarding the sealed doors between them. On the right side is a large funeral bouquet. In the foreground on the right is a chest, on the vaulted lid of which there are paintings depicting a lion on the hunt, the walls are decorated with battle scenes of the pharaoh's wars against African and Asian enemies. Inside is Tutankhamun's clothes. The oblong box contains the underwear of the king. Hathor, the cow goddess, is one side of the royal ceremonial divan.

In the foreground, on the right, is the pharaoh's chair, made of solid ebony, inlaid with ivory and gold. The legs of the chair are made in the form of duck heads, and the seat is covered with animal skin. In the background stands a large wooden chest, and below it is the throne of the pharaoh, covered with gold and silver, inlaid with semi-precious stones. On the back of the throne is a tablet with the names of the pharaoh and his wife. On the left side are parts of the four royal chariots. They bear the name of Tutankhamen and the cartouche of his wife Ankhsenamun.

On each side of the vases are depicted lotuses and papyri are attached, on which symbols meaning "one hundred thousand years" are applied. These scrolls signify the unity of the "Two Lands" - Upper and Lower Egypt. Although the ointments spent 3,300 years in Tutankhamun's tomb, they retained their fragrance.

The wooden statue is covered with black resin. The headdress, collar, armlets, bracelets, dresses, mace are gilded, and the sandals are made of gold. On the forehead is a cobra inlaid with bronze and gold. The eye sockets and eyebrows are golden, the eyes are of aragonite.

In ancient Egypt, not only people, but also animals were subjected to mummification.

Favorite pets of rich Egyptians, especially the nobility and pharaohs, were obliged to serve their masters in the other world. By status, sacred animals were supposed to be present in the afterlife of people. A separate category was made up of animals and their parts intended for food.

Pets were killed in a non-traumatic way - X-rays showed no traces of violence on their mummies. All the rest simply "went under the knife." In total, the ancient Egyptians embalmed thousands of animals of various sizes - from geese to bulls. It is interesting that in the burials there are examples of "hack-work", when mummifiers extremely carelessly packed pieces of meat for their high-ranking customers.

On the basis of the found artifacts of Egypt, whole sciences for their study appeared. The most interesting thing for scientists was the decoding of the Egyptian sign letter, which could not be deciphered in any way. And at one time there was a hope that at last the Egyptian letter would be read. On June 15, 1799, an officer of the French troops, P. Bouchard, during the construction of a fort near the Arab town of Rosetta, located in the western part of the Nile Delta, found a stone with inscriptions, which was called Rosetta.

This stone was sent to the Institute of Egypt in Cairo. Since the French fleet was completely destroyed by the English fleet under the command of Admiral Nelson, as a result of which the connection between Napoleon's troops and France was interrupted, the French command decided to leave Egypt, transferring the found ancient Egyptian monuments, including the Rosetta Stone, to the British. The latter, in turn, completed what Napoleon started - they finished off the remnants of the Egyptian nobility, the Mamluks.

The Rosetta Stone is 114.4 cm high and 72.3 cm wide. It is a fragment of a tall stele. Three inscriptions are engraved on the front surface of the stone: in the upper part - a hieroglyphic text, in the middle - a demotic text, at the bottom - a text in ancient Greek. Basically, 32 lines of demotic text have been preserved. Of the hieroglyphic text, only the last fourteen lines have been preserved, but they are also broken off all fourteen on the right side, twelve on the left. The hieroglyphic inscriptions on the stone go from right to left, because the heads of people and animals look to the right. Thus, the endings of two lines (thirteenth and fourteenth) have remained unchanged to our time, which made it possible to decipher the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic writing.

In 2005, the Macedonian scientists T. Boszewski and A. Tentov presented to the international scientific community a work that was the result of research carried out within the framework of the project "Deciphering the Middle Text of the Rosetta Stone", which was carried out with the support of the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts. In 2003, when they started their research, the Macedonian scholars were sure that the language of the middle text of the Rosetta Stone, which they were going to study, must definitely have the characteristics of the Slavic language. Macedonian scientists decided that since ancient Egypt was ruled for a long time by the ancient Slavic dynasty of the Ptolemies, whose homeland was ancient Macedonia, then the deciphering of demotic writing must be carried out on the basis of Slavic languages.

Their hypothesis was confirmed, and as a result of the research that scientists came to, the identification and sound identification of the syllabic graphemes of the middle text of the Rosetta Stone, denoting 27 consonants and 5 vowels, became. The language of the middle text of the Rosetta Stone is Proto-Slavic.

Modern scholarship supports the theory that two scripts - hieroglyphic and demotic - were used to write the state act on the Rosetta Stone in one - ancient Egyptian. That is, when writing the middle text and the text at the top of the Rosetta Stone, the same language was used. Macedonian scientists T. Boshevsky and A. Tentov proved that one of the ancient Slavic languages ​​was used when writing the middle text of the Rosetta Stone. Therefore, when deciphering the hieroglyphic text, one of the Slavic languages ​​should also be used. Below is a translation of the text, but it must be taken into account that some records are chipped off on the stone on the right and left.

Here's how the translation sounded:

1. We honor and appreciate the wounds of the shooters, they get on their feet ...
2. The very veneration of the Father and the Son has passed. No praise to You. We honor the sun with the gods. We bow and we are wounded early, and in the afternoon ...
3. And the Sun of God lives me with Its rays. He satisfies the hungry with His grace. We ourselves are imbued with these praises, saving our souls. If our warriors...
4. 3000 honors these, and we plunge in order to wash away and drive away. We pierce, not aiming at You: for the sake of particles we pierce. Her Son lives! His Name will drive away the offspring of Satan, so that with Him ...
5. We will keep the veneration of Her, we will keep Her sayings in the scriptures. The Antichrist lies himself. This creature considers it a stranger. Destroy her! He himself gives this poison to drink to those who are not his own, and - here we are drinking it!
6. They are not the snakes that were spoken of. Because they don't belong to her. Yours, the King, Who called Her the Sun, we see living faces! Yours, who called her the Lamb.
7. Three hundred new gods. Ours is the Two. We honor the Two, honor, appreciate, revere, exalt, being God's fishers. Tell everyone, tell everyone. Interest people, talk about your strangers: "We are the sons of the King, Who called Her the Sun"...
8. The brainchild is someone else's to us. Do not honor the new gods, because they are vile. Remember covenants. Is it possible to be afraid of this, because we honor our own? "They are strangers to you. We see that we honor and honor," they will tell you ...
9. Thinks: "Love, rutens." But I see: neither one's own speech is flowing - another revered one ... And we honor that one, and by that we show devotion. So that this family of hers be tormented by the spirits of malice - both. Night darkness...
10. “She doesn’t moan, but breathes. Our ruler runs behind. Here we are sheep behind him,” we say. “And ourselves, jokingly, prostrate. Rus was...
11. ... Her Niva. We are already talking to other gods. Upper Rome, your gods are alien spirits, not kings in the Father and the Son. No one hears the words of their mouths. O Lower Rome, horror itself is you! And in it, in Rome...
12. ... Who called her the Sun, countless behold. Let us honor, thank, appreciate the resurrected thousands of sons for this. They didn't resurrect themselves. We are only gods in it. Other faces strengthen our faith. We see and we will see it again. Both we and the warriors...
13. "... We see the sun. We give it to them. Here they are revered as saints, already during their lifetime. I order him to give it to his wife. We see the veneration of these two. But they acquired the mind of a stranger, and the men of Lower Rome worship only the honored husband, because they are not gods"...
14. Alive, Zheno... The kings have already spoken: this king is outside of her. She praises you, the Risen One. After all, these new gods are alien to her. We see you, the King, who called Her Sun.

As you can see, this is the time of "ancient Rome", with which they are so dissatisfied. The Roman power in Egypt left its Hellenistic mark, these are the so-called Fayum portraits.

Hellenism was formed as a result of campaigns of Alexander the Great to the East. The Greek states that formed after this campaign created the ground for mixing the culture of the conquerors and local peoples. This mixture of the ancient tradition with the traditions of ancient Egypt, Persia, etc., is Hellenism. The Roman Empire, having conquered most of the Hellenistic states, also entered the cultural area of ​​Hellenism. And on this basis of the synthesis of Western and Eastern traditions, the great Byzantine culture later arose.

This discovery in Egypt of half-looted burials of the period of Roman rule became a kind of sensation. In 1887, mummies were discovered in the Fayum oasis, the appearance of which differed from those that have been found so far. Traditionally, Egyptian mummies were enclosed in cases or sarcophagi, which were decorated with masks that reproduce the features of the deceased. But there were no masks in the Fayum burials, instead of them there were picturesque portraits of the deceased. These portraits produced an indelible effect on the cultural public of the late 19th century. They continue to amaze even now.

Since most of the artifacts were found in the area of ​​the Fayum oasis, the name "Fayum portraits" was assigned to them. Although later similar paintings were discovered in other regions of Egypt: in Memphis, Antinopol, Akhmim and Thebes.

In total, more than 900 portraits have been found to date. The time of creation of these portraits of the 1st-3rd centuries A.D. - the time when Egypt was conquered by the Romans. A few centuries before that, the Greek Ptolemaic dynasty, the descendants of one of the associates of Alexander the Great, ruled in Egypt. The ruling elite, of course, were also Greeks. Therefore, it is not surprising that simultaneously with the traditional Egyptian art, there was also the art of the Greek conquerors, and the synthesized Hellenistic art, which absorbed both traditions.

This affected all aspects of the cultural and religious life of the ancient Egyptians of this period, including funeral rites. Examples of funerary images have come down to us, made both in the more ancient, proper Egyptian tradition (relief funeral masks), and in the newer Greco-Roman tradition (funeral portraits).

It is well known what great importance the ancient Egyptians paid to the afterlife. And funeral images were one of the most important aspects of life beyond the grave. The ancient Egyptians believed that after the death of a person, his mystical double - Ka - is separated from the body, but he can move into the image of the deceased and thus receive a new life. It was for this that the Egyptians made various images of the deceased. It was very important that the artist achieve the maximum similarity of the image with the deceased, otherwise Ka may not recognize his portrait and will be doomed to wander.

Fayum portraits were not just an image of a person, not just a "photo" that would convey his momentary appearance. They portrayed a person "from the point of view of eternity", the artists sought to depict not just the appearance of the deceased, but his eternal soul (although, of course, the word "soul" in this case should be used with a certain degree of caution, because the ideas about it in ancient Egyptian religion is not very consistent with Christian doctrine). One way or another, the Fayum portrait is an image of an eternal, in a certain sense, immortal personality.

It is this circumstance that makes the Fayum portrait related to the icon. And, just as the Hellenic philosophers are sometimes called "Christians before Christ", since ancient philosophy prepared the ground on which theology grew, so the Fayum portrait can, in a sense, be called "an icon before icon painting."

Recently, there has been a lot of literature on the bookshelves that sheds light on the Jewish question. The Jewish people are inextricably linked with the history of ancient Egypt, even in the Bible a lot of time is devoted to this people. They write a lot about their character, goals, worldview, influence on the culture of other peoples, the economy, etc. But the question arises why it is the Jewish question that is being discussed, and not the Ukrainian, Georgian, Tatar or any other nationality? How are Jews different from any other nation? The fact that they are scattered, but the gypsies also roam all over the world. But no one cares about the gypsy issue. To understand the question of concern to many, let us turn to the primary sources that would give answers to these questions:

Where, when and how did the Jews appear? So far, the only source is the Torah (the Pentateuch of Moses - the Old Testament). "Slavery and Exodus". It is known that the Jews wanted to leave Egypt, but the pharaoh persisted, and God sent ten plagues to the people of Egypt as a punishment. Before the tenth plague, in the month of the exodus of the Jews from Egypt, the Lord said to Moses: "Let this month be the beginning of your months" (Exodus, 12:2). That is, this is the starting point for the beginning of the calculation of the Jewish people. But why not earlier? Here's why. "As established by science. In general, Jews have never been to Egypt" (V. Kandyba

"Emotional hypnosis" p.42). What happens, the Jews left Egypt? - Yes, they did.

Were they there? - Not. To answer these two mutually exclusive questions, one must look into the depths of Egyptian history. 1700 BC Aryan warriors on horseback and chariots from the territory of present-day Ukraine, Russia and the North Caucasus moved south and easily conquered Egypt. The fair-haired and blue-eyed Hyksos (as the Egyptians called them) settled the Nile Delta and built their capital Avaris. The rulers of southern Egypt recognized the power of the Hyksos. The Hyksos simplified the Egyptian script, helped create an alphabetic script. Part of the Hyksos mixed with the local population - mestizos appeared. These mestizos form the Semitic tribes.

But the Hyksos made one big mistake, for which they paid in the future - they did not eliminate the priestly class of Egypt. The priests of Egypt possessed great knowledge, they were interested not only in earthly affairs, but also in biology, astrology, sociology and even anatomy. (V. Prus "Pharaoh"). With the help of Ahmose I in 1550 BC. the priests liquidated the power of the Hyksos, and before them was the task; what to do with them?

The Egyptian priests of the cult of Amun, after analyzing the international situation, came to the conclusion that Palestine was the main transit hub of the then caravan and sea routes in the Mediterranean. Thebes and Memphis, standing aside from trade routes and related information flows, became inconvenient for managing the Mediterranean-West Asian civilization as a whole.

For the hierarchs of the priests of Amon, who encroached on world domination, it was expedient to seize the main information node. But, mindful of the military failures of Egypt's many wars with Canaan, the quackery hierarchy of Amon was the first in history to develop the concept of the Cold War for world domination by the method of "cultural" cooperation, in which the psychological processing of both the enemy, and most importantly, the social group used as an instrument of aggression , which goes beyond their worldview, takes precedence over the weapons that are understandable to most of the war in the usual sense of the word, as a means of destroying the foundations of society and oppressing people. The transition to war by immaterial means made aggression invisible to its victims for many centuries.

After the goals have been determined, little is left. Where can I get this social group?

Fortunately, the Egyptian priests had this "tool" at their fingertips. In Egypt at that time both pure Hyksos and mestizos lived. It is clear that mestizos are easier to work with than pure Hyksos. Separation of these ethnic groups is carried out.

Pure Hyksos migrate to the upper reaches of the Nile, and mestizos to the lower reaches. After this operation, the priests Moses and Aron are introduced into the mestizo society. It is difficult for any crowd to organize itself; a shepherd is needed. After a certain time, after the indoctrination of the mestizos, an exodus from Egypt takes place (about 1443-1350 BC). So that pure Hyksos would not get under their feet during the Sinai hike, they were kept for another 100 years, and then expelled from Egypt. Although the Hyksos were in Egypt for about 200 years, there is a lot of archaeological information about them.

According to the Bible, the Jews from the time of the coming of Joseph until the Exodus lived in Egypt for about 400 years. But it is strange how much archaeologists do not tear themselves, they do not find traces of their stay in Egypt, and they will not find them, unless they slip some nonsense.

Now consider the liberation from slavery and the forty-year campaign in Sinai.

When questioning the Jews: "Why did Moses lead your ancestors for 40 years through the desert, which is equal in size to the Crimean peninsula?" The answer was always of this nature: "To beat out the spirit of slavery."

"Well, let's say" - "And when Nebuchadnezzar captured the Jewish state and kept the Jews in captivity for 70 years, why didn't they again make a trip to some desert?" A shrug in response.

Let's go back to slavery and the Exodus. Before the exodus, Moses turned to "the sons of Israel, so that they take their small and cattle" (Exodus, 12:32), "so that each one from his neighbor and each from her neighbor should beg for things of silver and things of gold and clothes" (Exodus, 11 :2). "And they (the Egyptians) gave him (the people of Israel), and he robbed the Egyptians" (Exodus 12:34).

Yes, one can only dream of such slavery. The fact that the "sons of Israel" did not really want to leave Egypt, and "slavery" even suited them, is noted in the Bible more than once.

"Isn't that what we said to you in Egypt, saying: leave us, let us work for the Egyptians?" (Exodus 14:12).

“Is it not enough that you brought us out of a land flowing with milk and honey to destroy us in the wilderness” (Numbers 16:13).

"Oh, that we would die by the hand of the Lord in the land of Egypt, when we sat by the cauldrons of meat, when we ate our fill of bread!" (Exodus 16:3).

"We remember the fish that the Egyptians ate for free, cucumbers and melons and onions and onions and garlic" (Numbers 11:5). Those. one conclusion emerges. A bunch of people were fooled and lured into the desert, and then you already know.

Why do the Jews have the haplogroup R1A, does it belong to the Slavic-Aryans?

Let's start with the fact that in the formed Khazar Khaganate, the Khazar Slavs and Turks adopted Judaism. From the Khazar Slavs, an extensive tribe of Jews was formed, which bears the name of Ashkenazi. Sephardim are those Jews who came there from Persia and Babylon, but among them there is a small part of the Slavic haplogroup "I". Haplogroup "J" among the Jews is the largest, but here's what's interesting.

When the Jewish people appeared, we are well aware of the Bible, which is readily used by historians, archaeologists, and now geneticists. Meanwhile, the division of haplogroup J into two groups, according to DNA genealogy, occurred about ten thousand years ago (10,000!), i.e. when there were no Jews. And, therefore, one of the two haplogroups: J1 or J2 can in no way be ancestral to the Jewish people. And then both groups. Because in addition to haplogroups J1 and J2 (according to the most representative publication of DNA data (Hammer, 2009), J2 prevails over J1), Jews have a high percentage of people with haplogroups (in descending order) E (Hitler haplogroup), G, R1b, R1a and even the Siberian Q.

Therefore, the base haplogroup of Jews can be any of several of the above (J1, J2, E; others from the list are less likely). But scientific publications stubbornly obscure this picture of the frequency of haplogroups among Jews, reducing everything either to J1 + J2, or even just to one J1. The rest of the haplogroups simply do not notice. Sleight of hand, such manipulation of DNA data can hardly be called anything else.

DNA analyzes of the descendants of the Levites also turned out to be unexpected. Only 10% of Ashkenazi Jews had one of the J haplogroups, and the rest had Indo-European R1a (half of all Ashkenazi Levites), Western European (according to AB - the Semitic-Hurrian haplogroup of the Pelasgians) R1b, as well as E, I, N, Q, etc. Among the Sephardi Levites, the picture is different: about 40% have haplogroup J, but minuscule R1a. As you can see, there are a lot of oddities in the genealogy of Jews; traditional science cannot give convincing explanations. And yet science does not like to remember the dispersion of the Jews after the destruction of the kingdom of Israel by ancient Rome.

Well, our haplogroup R was found in Southern Siberia. It was formed from the parent haplogroup P, and in the same place (apparently) its "brother", haplogroup Q, was formed. Therefore, their genomes must be very similar. Haplogroup Q went to a large (or noticeable) extent to the Americas and became American Indians. Haplogroup R continued to produce new descending haplogroups - R1, R1a, R1b, which largely left for Europe many millennia ago (R1a came to Europe 8-10 thousand years ago, R1b - about 5 thousand years ago), R was noticed, in particular , in the Caucasus, and indeed should be scattered along the entire migration route from Southern Siberia, as well as the haplogroups R1a and R1b, which are still found in Siberia, and among the Uighurs, and among the Turks, and in general all the way up to Europe , and, of course, in Europe, where R1a occupies half of Eastern Europe, and R1b - more than half of Western Europe. In other words, haplogroups R and Q diverged in diametrically opposite directions, but had very close genomes.

And what language could the Hyksos speak, if not Proto-Slavic? The decipherment of the inscriptions on the Rosetta Stone also showed the origins of the Proto-Slavic language. It took almost 500 years for Egyptian healers to smoothly transfer their wards from Proto-Slavic to Hebrew. But traces remain. In order to hide the truth from the Jews about their true origin, the authors of the Bible, the priests of the cult of Amun, never mention the Hyksos in the "sacred" book, although the time of the Hyksos dominance in Egypt and the "Egyptian captivity" coincide. And from the plot of Genesis, it turns out that the "Jews" did not notice that for 150 years they were held captive by the Hyksos along with the Egyptians. So there was something to hide.

Distribution of haplogroups among Jews according to FTDNA.


J1c3d - 17.3%, most of it since its formation.
- E1b1b1 - 18.2%, the ancient haplogroup and different subclades could enter at different times. Probably most after the exodus from Egypt.
- J2a4 - 16.3%, most at the initial stage, part after the Babylonian captivity and part already in Europe.
- R1b - 14.9%, cannot be reliably established, but probably at the initial stage of formation, and part is already in Europe.
- I - 3.9%, it could be called x, Aryan, Hyperborean, Rusyn, but the truth is hushed up.

Q1b - 3.6%, possibly after the Babylonian captivity, and possibly later from the Khazars.

J2b - 4.2%, haplogroups J1 and J2 are not exclusive to Jews. To varying degrees, they are found among many Caucasian peoples, which does not at all indicate their Jewishness, it is observed among the inhabitants of the Mediterranean, immigrants from the Middle East, and there is a lot of it in India.
- G (G1, G2a, G2c) - 7.5%, not reliably established, but probably at the initial stage of formation.
- R2 - 1.6%, probably from the environment of European gypsies in the Middle Ages.
- R1a1 - 7.9%, possibly after the Babylonian captivity, and possibly later from the Khazars.
- T1 - 3.1%, not reliably established, but probably at the initial stage of formation.
- E1(xE1b1b1) - 1.4%.

Now globalization is sweeping by leaps and bounds across the planet, everything will come down to building a completely new society on the whole Earth, with a single religion and a single government. Again, as in the song: "We will destroy the old world, and then ...", but with one amendment. Those who have written on their foreheads that they are the chosen ones should bring this new world on a "plate with a blue border" to those who created them and who herd this herd, and the "chosen ones" themselves will go to the slaughter. Artifacts are not easily destroyed, history is rewritten, libraries are burned, museums are robbed, as in Egypt (Cairo), or antiquities are destroyed, as in Syria. Those who once created this history according to antiquities are now destroying it.

“In Egypt in ancient times there was electricity! In 1937, during excavations near Baghdad, the German archaeologist Wilhelm Koenig discovered

Clay jars with copper cylinders inside. These cylinders were fixed at the bottom of clay vessels with a layer of resin. Koenig did not attach any importance to this, but after the war, excavations in Iraq resumed. And near the ancient Sumerian city of Seoevkia, scientists again discovered glazed clay vessels resembling flower vases.

These were galvanic cells. Scientists filled these vases with lemon juice and found a potential difference of half a volt between an iron rod and a copper cylinder. The electric current has gone! These vases turned out to be electric batteries. They were discovered in Iraq in the early 1980s. Then images of similar vases-batteries were found on the walls of Egyptian houses. In the same years, Reinhard Habek in the Egyptian temple of Hathor in Dendera, five hundred kilometers south of the Giza plateau and 50 kilometers north of Thebes, discovered wall images of pear-shaped objects with wavy lines in the form of snakes inside. From them came the cable and hoses. And they were strengthened on racks. It has been proven that pear-shaped objects with wavy lines inside are lamps of electric lamps, and racks are high-voltage insulators.

They were found under the oldest pyramid - Saqqara and under the pyramid of Djoser.

Egyptologists do not have a common opinion about the purpose of these columns (racks). Peter Krasa and Ron Hubard published a book on electricity in antiquity, Light of the Pharaohs, and they see columns as mere insulators. Then samples were found on which copper wires hung.

Apparently, this underground chamber in the foundation of the Temple of Hathor in Dendera was a mini-power plant, and here they depicted the secret science of electricity, which was transmitted only to initiates.
There are no traces of soot from torches on the walls and ceilings of the temples and pyramids of Egypt - they were illuminated by electricity. This idea was confirmed by the Mahatmas and E. Blavatsky.

The headdresses of the pharaohs were also accumulators of electrical or electromagnetic energy. On the front of their tall hats was an image of a cobra - a symbol of danger and strength. Maybe she hit enemies with electric current and subjects who did not want to obey the will of the pharaoh? D. Myers believes that the hat of Valdark, which the pharaohs of Egypt adopted from the alien representatives of Nibiru and Mars, in itself concentrated spiritual energy. But, probably, these hats were also equipped with electric batteries.

Recently, in the Valley of the Kings, scientists found a golden disk, or a coin, one and a half kilometers from the pyramid of Tutankhamun, which depicts a face very similar to the Martian sphinx of Kydonia, photographed by the American Viking-1 spacecraft in 1976. The archaeologists were also puzzled by the inscription carved on the disk. The letters are completely different from Egyptian hieroglyphs. Copies of this inscription have been sent to authoritative specialists from different countries, but no answer has yet been found.”

Even modern technologies are inaccessible to the engineering accuracy of the ancient constructions of the past peoples who inhabited Egypt. Huge Temples, giant statues, huge pyramids - as if they appeared from Nothing, using some kind of space technology.

Here are some facts that still only ascertain the amazing secrets of the Pyramids:

– In 1978, the Japanese, using the alleged technology of overlay planes, were able to build a Pyramid with a height of only 11 meters, which is 2367 times less than the total geometric volume of the Cheops Pyramid, only for this Pyramid alone would require segments with a total volume of 500,000 m3, with their tenfold use .

- For the construction of the Pyramid, in ancient times, about 50 million people would have been used, although according to experts for 3000 years BC. only 20 million people lived on Earth. How could a state have 2.5 times more people than there were in the whole world and how could they feed themselves?

– In 1930, the Frenchman Bovy constructed a wooden model of the Pyramid with a base one yard (91 cm) long and placed a dead cat in it, having previously oriented the model to the North. A few days later, the cat's corpse was mummified. But until now, mummification is achieved by the most complex chemicals and technologies.

- The Czech radio engineer K. Drobanu, having oriented the axis of his Pyramid model exactly from North to South and placed a dull razor blade in it, found that it had acquired its former sharpness.

– Hoping to find secret chambers inside the Pyramid of Khafre, Nobel Prize winner A.U. Alvarez in 1969, studying the background of cosmic rays penetrating the ancient colossus, noticed that their trajectories recorded on different days were completely different, which, according to scientists , contrary to all known laws of science.

- The technology for creating Pyramids and underground labyrinths, adits in all the Pyramids is the same, although the difference in their construction is more than 1000 years. And what is surprising - the most Majestic Pyramids were created at the Dawn of Egyptian Civilization. Or maybe at the Sunset of the Past ...?

- All stone blocks with sharp corners and smooth side surfaces are fitted to each other with millimeter accuracy, and the average weight of one block is 2.5 tons.

– The height of the Great Pyramid is 146.595 meters. The difference between the sides of the base is only 0.83 mm. Each of the meanings of the pyramid carries information unattainable for the ancient Egyptians, and even in modern units of calculation.

– On the basis of the “Clock of Isis” created, S. Proskuryakov developed systems for constructing graphical-numerical diagrams and, on the basis of mathematical relations, revealed the relationship of the Pyramid with all the physical and mathematical quantities of a cosmic nature known to us.

- The meridian passing through the Pyramid divides the continents and the ocean into two equal parts.

- The perimeter of the base, divided by twice the height, gives the famous number "Pi" - 3.1416.

– The rocks on which the Pyramids are installed are perfectly aligned.

- The Cheops Pyramid is installed in such a place in the desert that it is the center of gravity of the continents.

- In rock adits there is no completeness of walls and ceilings from torches. So the lighting was electric?

- A manuscript is kept in the library in Oxford, in which the Coptic chronicler MAD-UDI claims that the Egyptian Pharaoh Zurid ordered the construction of the Great Pyramid. But Zurid ruled, according to legend, before the Flood. It was this Pharaoh who ordered the priests to write down and hide the entire amount of wisdom and knowledge known to them and hide it inside the Pyramid.

- According to the memoirs of "Herodotus" - "the father of history", it is said that the Egyptian priests showed him 341 colossal figures of the high priests, from father to son, while still alive, making their sculpture. Herodotus said that the priests assured that before the 341st generation, the GODS still lived among people, this was about 11,350 years ago. And then the Gods did not visit them. The historical age of Egypt is estimated at only 6530 years. What was the civilization before this? Who were the ancestors of the Egyptian priests?

- Recent studies from American NASA satellites that have visited Mars have found on its surface Pyramids and images of human faces-copies of the Sphinx on Earth. The construction of both was based on the same mathematical principles! The only difference is in size. It turns out that the first priests of Egypt, missionaries from Mars?

- By the location of the 3 Pyramids in Giza, and the Nile coded as the Milky Way, it is assumed that Sirius is visually reflected on Earth in the constellation Canis Major, which corresponds to the assumption that the civilizations of Mars, and then the Earth, were created by aliens from Sirius, somehow got to us. Presumably, through the information energy encoded in the rays of magnetic radiation from the Stars.

- The creation of the Pyramids of the Fourth Dynasty, which took 22 million tons of stone, involves careful preparation for some kind of global event. The scope of the structures shows that the work was completed in a hundred years and the construction took place according to a certain super-plan. 8 million blocks of rock were laid.

– During the subsequent construction, starting with the grandson of Cheops, the priests paid more attention not to architecture, but to the “magical” properties of “hieroglyphs” - Pyramid texts - that appeared after the 4th dynasty, i.e. suddenly, it began to prevail as if some kind of mission had been completed, and the pyramids were space launch pads for receiving and launching (reincarnation, neomaterialization) of aliens.

- If you look closely, the tops of the Pyramids are deliberately not finished, as they are the tops of the antenna of the emitter - the receiver of some cosmic energy materialized into information, at the light-wave level. Since Energy and information are fundamentally the same, it is quite likely that the ancient priests of Egypt had knowledge of the transformation of Matter at the wave level. After all, there is still no answer to the question why the speed of light is constant, passing from any Star Millions of light years?

– It has been observed that the galleries in the Great Pyramid of Cheops have a relationship of tangent 1 / 2 angles of 26 degrees 34 minutes, which, according to the latest achievements of Genetics, is a combination of two values: 26 degrees is the angle of elevation of the DNA helix, and 34 angstroms is the length of its period. But it is known that the genetic code of all organisms on Earth, from a microbe to a Human, is the same. This means that the foundations of thinking in past Civilizations are similar to ours.

- The number “Pi” is the key to the secrets of the Egyptian Pyramids, but the number “Pi” is directly related to the “Golden Section” by Leonardo da Vinci, “Golden Wurf” by Corbusier, as well as the “Fibonacci Numbers”, which again constitute the Pyramid of the Perfect numbers.

- In ancient times, a stone of a “pyramidal” shape - “PYRAMIDION” - called BENBEN, was installed on the flat, unfinished tip of the Pyramid. It seemed to symbolize the cosmic “CITY OF THE SUN”, from which, as it were, “sun rays” - edges, were breaking through.

- Initially, the tops of the pyramids were lined with slabs of gold and semi-precious stones, on which the texts of the entire history of civilizations of past times were carved, but over time they were torn off by barbarians.

– According to the found papyri “Book of the Dead”, according to the wall texts of the tombs, it is determined that the Pyramids were built to perform the ritual of stellar rebirth. It was the written word that, after the 4th dynasty, replaced some kind of super mechanism that had been under construction for more than a hundred years, or maybe just restored, to move in space. It can be assumed that the displacement occurred or there was a failure, an accident, which led to the emergence of magical symbolism of secret knowledge, presented to ordinary people as “miracles”, and for the initiates, having coded, through the mysteries, the knowledge of ancient Civilizations. What is it, self-defense or fear from the future based on the experience of the past?

- After research on a computer, scientists calculated that there is a SIRIUS-B Star near the SIRIUS-A Star, it is not visible to the naked eye. Although there is information about such a Star in the secret knowledge of the Dogon, whose ideas date back to 3200 BC. Sirius-B is, as it were, the “son” of the “father” of Sirius and the “mother” of “Orion”, which is the reincarnation of the “father” into the “son”.

All the facts speak for the fact that the "stellar" pregnancy of "Sirius" is 280 days. The reincarnation of the Pharaoh lasts 280 days, according to legend, 280 days is the pregnancy of a person.

90 days The time of sunset and then the rising of a star in the EAST

12 days (The star passes the meridian line immediately after sunset. The star, as it were, does its work (like a soul) gave birth to the Pharaoh

70 days (Star is in DUAT). Sirius invisible (death) embalming lasted 70 days.

- In modern chronology, there were 31 dynasties of pharaohs in total from 3100 BC. and until 332 BC. In total, the rule of 390 monarchs. After that, Egypt was ruled from 332 BC. and up to the present time another 49 dynasties, which included:

Macedonian Greeks (Ptolemaic period 332-30 BC)

Romans (Roman emperors 30 BC - 641 AD)

Arabs (642 AD - Present).

As you can see: Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, Arabs keep in their roots the history of secret knowledge about the Pyramids, about the Civilizations of the past, about the Mysteries.

- The Egyptians had a "ROMBOID" - the egg of the world was in the form of an "OCTAHEDRA" (two pyramids docked at the bases): which in Christianity gradually turned into just an egg for Easter, although the paintings on it are still pyramidal in nature.

- Golgotha, where Christ was crucified, resembled a Pyramid in shape.

- Until now, on Easter, symbolic Pyramids are made of cheese.

- The perspective of the picture, the TV screen and the eye that perceives them, isn't this a pyramid?

- When drawing in a two-dimensional three-dimensional space, a Pyramid is drawn “as if” deep into, where the top is the horizon line.

— If we assume that the rays of energy, falling on the inner faces of the Pyramid, will be reflected in them, then we will get some kind of accumulation of internal energy, similar to the concentration of energy in a laser.

- If you take the image of a pyramid from ancient manuscripts, then it is depicted by the letter L - delta, as it is similar to the first letter A in all the alphabets of the world.

- The symbol of the delta, HA - in the YOGA of the ancient Hindus, symbolizes the masculine principle, a conductor of positive energy, symbolizes the Moon.

- Two triangles (deltas with the top up and deltas with the top down) superimposed on each other symbolize HATHA (sign of Vishnu) harmony, balance.

Star of Solomon, Solomon's Seal, Sri Antra Brahmins, six directions of space, a symbol of the fusion of pure spirit and matter. Are these symbols echoes of secret prehistoric knowledge, past civilizations of the Neolithic era, matriarchy and patriarchy.

- The very first and main pose of yogis, the “LOTOS” pose, resembles, first of all, the Pyramid.

- From the pyramid you can add five PLATONIC BODIES.

- Perspective and everything that we perceive visually is based on the principles of pyramidality.

- If you join the tops of the pyramids, you will get a symbolic “Clock of Time”, which, after some time, must be turned over and in a new way, time, as it were, begins to run, well, isn’t it allegorical in relation to the repetition of everything and everything in the world, at certain intervals of time?

- The eye arranged in a pyramid is an echo of the symbolism of the God of the Sun-Ra, in Ancient Egypt, in the Christian religion.

- In meditation, there is a symbol of energy concentration, when the fingers are crossed in the form of a triangle-pyramid.

- According to the ideas of the Ancients (according to Blavatsky H.P.), people belong to the fifth race, which is like the top of the four previous races - the foundations:

1 race - Giants (from another star of Sirius or the planet Mars).

2 race - A mixture with earthly creatures.

3 race - Hermaphrodites are bisexual.

4 race - Atlantis (inhabitants of Atlantis)

5th race - our humanity.

6 race - i.e. the top of the pyramid, it will supposedly be radically opposite to the Human race - it will be technotronic, where biorobots will be in the foreground, with their own new criteria.

7th race - i.e. a pyramidal crystal consisting of two pyramids docked at the bases is the most important symbol explaining the entire principle of the Universe. This is the final phase of Civilizations, after it everything must start over, i.e. first turning into NOTHING, and then from NOTHING and will appear.

- According to the ancient Mysteries - repositories of ancient knowledge, the motto of the ancient sages - Adepts, occultists is: "As from above, then from below." The ancestor of the occultists was HERMES - the Egyptian God, thrice great, who transmitted secret knowledge to the priests through the art of Magic. The symbol of his teaching was TRANSMEGIST - a crystal resembling an OCTAHEDR (two pyramids docked at the bases).

- The crystal lattice of DIAMOND, the hardest crystal on earth, even in degrees of inclination of the faces is completely similar to the pyramidal crystal of two pyramids.

- During the floods of the Nile, thousands of years ago, the dazzlingly bright Pyramids were reflected in the sky-blue water, and each of them was an image of a double mountain symbolizing: a reflection of the upper world, where the Pyramids directed, in the lower one. And when the Nile changed its course, artificial lakes were created around the Pyramids for a long time, performing the same function of a mirror. If we imagine the truncated top of the Pyramid as an emitter of informational energy accumulated inside, then it is obvious that the Pyramid looks like a segment concentrating the reflected energy from the "thicket" - a plate - a lake around the Pyramid, focusing it in space. Something like a hyperbolic antenna. Nostradamus wrote that the mirror (just like the Mages) is one of the main Attributes (along with the tripod, also a kind of Pyramid) of Magic, with the help of which he traveled in time and space. Those. it can be assumed that the pyramids were stations for travelers - priests - aliens, in the past, present and future.

- In ancient times, dualism was displayed in all cultures, this is especially noticeable in the pyramidal crystal, where the pyramid with its top up symbolizes good, and down - evil. For all peoples, a tree was considered a symbol of duality - called the "WORLD TREE", remember the Christmas tree for the New Year, doesn't it resemble the Pyramid? Man, animal plant, etc. everything is dual. It's like a worldwide insurance code, a duplication of the same thing. In Biochemistry, this phenomenon is called CHIRALITY (like a reflection in a mirror where left changes to right). Water molecules can be represented as a bipyramid (a pyramidal crystal, where important corner points, the corners of the base of the pyramids, correspond to the atoms of only four elements):

1-H-hydrogen 2-C-carbon 3-O-oxygen 4-Ni-nitrogen

– The Maya depicted double worlds with the help of two stepped Pyramids connected by bases:


(daytime sun)


home of the gods



dwelling of the dead


(night sun)

- The ancient civilization of the Egyptians distinguished between the worlds of the gods and the dead, surrounding the world of the living. And just like Maya, they proved the duality and unity of the worlds with the help of the Sun:



Heavenly world of light


Realm of the dead, world of darkness



- A pile (like a pyramid), made of stone, tsebnya, is capable of producing water from the air, even in the desert, i.e. In contact with stones, the vapor cools, condenses and turns into a liquid. Drops are formed flowing down, giving rise to a water skating rink. Even Herodotus wrote about two Pyramids standing waist-deep in water, which were about 180 m high?

- It is known from crystallography that any crystal tends to energy balance, i.e. any unfinished form of a crystal sooner or later self-repairs. If we consider a pyramid, then the side faces are larger in area than the base, in order to restore symmetry it needs to “grow” down another pyramid, i.e. the form from open should become closed, but this will be a bipyramid (pyramidal crystal0.

- In the cards of a tambourine - a rhombus means WISDOM, respectively: Pike-POWER (arrow-target), WORMS (symbol of love, heart), CROSSBOW (symbol of faith, shamrock, Christianity).

- Pyramids, as later in the church, were not built anywhere. They were located above the deep faults of the earth's crust. It is over these places that anomalous zones are most often encountered, UFOs appear, and some miraculous phenomena appear. The Great Pyramids are located in the zone of the grandiose East African Rift, which gave rise to the Red and Dead Seas, as well as the Nile River, the largest in the world.

- A pyramid is a large copy of a certain crystal, like any crystal it has its own closed energy grid, if it is broken, then energy will be released, maybe that's why the crystal of the pyramids was made unfinished (top) and the crystal became an antenna for ejection or absorption of energy. To which the ancients added the energy of human emotions, reason, prayers, which, in the whirlwind flow of Nature and the thoughts of a person, a people, mix and, as it were, create a common unison. Here you have the Magic of the relationship between NATURE and MAN. Pyramids are some kind of psychotronic generators, where the energy of the Pyramid affects a person at the level of consciousness and those biological processes occurring in his body at the cellular level.

- Pyramids are "TIME MACHINES", where time slows down - top up and accelerates - top down. Of natural formations, the largest time machine is the Earth itself. In its northern hemisphere, as in a pyramid with the top up, time slows down, and in the southern hemisphere it speeds up. For this reason, the main part of the continental massifs is concentrated in the northern hemisphere, and depressions filled with water are concentrated in the southern hemisphere.

I think, dear reader, the above facts have interested you, but this is only the beginning of an amazing journey into the WORLD OF PYRAMIDALITY. In subsequent chapters, we will consider the pyramidality of the World and the Universe, the pyramidality of Philosophy and Truth, the pyramidality of Politics and Economics, the pyramidality of Nature and Man, the pyramidality of Will and Success.

But I want to warn in advance, the more you will rise above others in your knowledge and capabilities, the more you will move away from others, all greatness leads to loneliness, since the chaos of your foundation in thinking, in unfortunate will gradually concentrate on the top of the supernomination of everything and ALL OF YOU AS A CHESS PLAYER WILL CARRY OUT YOUR POBENDS, ONE AFTER ANOTHER, THAT IN THE END LEAVES YOU ALONE ON THE CHESSBOARD.

Video archive on the topic of the secret Egyptian pyramids

Selected Egyptian Pyramid Exploration Videos

Pyramid Revelations. Research that changed the world!

The Forbidden Past of Mankind

Detailed study of the pyramid of Cheops

Mystery of the Egyptian pyramids

Secret territories #57: PYRAMIDS. HERITAGE OF THE GODS.

The mystery of the construction of the Egyptian pyramids is revealed! Video on RuTube

Seven Wonders of the World

Forbidden History Topics: The Secrets of the Seven Pyramids (Episode 1)

Mysteries of Ancient Egypt

The power of the Pyramid and its possibilities...

Pyramids. funnel of time

The whole truth about UFOs: The pyramids were built by aliens.

Secrets of the Pyramids, Pyramids America, Egypt, China, Mexico, Russia

Egypt. Inside the Pyramid of Giza.

Mummies of white blue-eyed giants and pyramids in China

pyramids of death

Secrets of Egypt - the best videos on the topic

Studying Ancient Egypt is one of the most interesting things to do in the world. From early childhood, we have heard tales of mummy curses, that the ancient pyramids were built by aliens, and that the ancient Egyptians knew how to conjure. Perhaps much of this remains just legends, but Ancient Egypt left behind a lot of interesting things.

10) Pregnancy test

Not everyone has heard that the first pregnancy tests appeared in ancient Egypt. There were many ways to tell if a woman was pregnant or not. All these methods were described in a document called "Berlin Medical Papyrus".

For example, a woman was given a special drink to drink, which included beer and dates. Pregnancy was somehow determined after the amount of her vomit was analyzed. Most likely, the pregnant woman simply had a greater sensitivity to smells.

Another test suggested that a woman should urinate on two bags - one with barley and wheat, the other with dates and sand. If the grains in both bags germinate, then the woman is pregnant.

Not so long ago, modern scientists decided to check how true the last test is. As it turned out, the test did in most cases indicate pregnant women, but some of them received a negative result.

The ancient Egyptians also knew how to determine the sex of an unborn child, but the researchers found that this method only works half the time, that is, it is based on chance alone.

9) Curse of the Mummies

As we all know, the Titanic was a gigantic ship built by fools who thought they had built an unsinkable ship. Their pride led to a huge tragedy that claimed hundreds of lives. Although it is believed that the sinking of the Titanic was an accident, many do not want to believe it.

There are legends about the cursed mummy of the priestess of Amon, who was brought to England. This mummy allegedly knew how to break nearby objects and cause misfortune with the help of black magic. It was this mummy that sank the Titanic, as it was taken aboard the ship.

Rumors of a mysterious Egyptian mummy originated with an Englishman, William Stead, who claimed to own a mummy he took with him on his travels that had incredible magical powers. However, in reality, he made it all up.

8) Love drinks

The ancient Egyptians loved to conjure and naturally knew a lot about love, so they knew how to brew love potions. These drinks were made depending on the situation, for example, there were love potions that helped make a woman fall in love with a certain man, arouse passions in her, or vice versa, lapel drinks that help destroy a marriage.

The recipes for these love drinks have survived to this day, but we can consider them simply insane. For example, according to one recipe, a man needs to mix the dandruff of a murdered person with barley, apple seeds, blood taken from a bug that bit a black dog, his own blood and semen. This mixture was to be added to the drink of his beloved and ensured that no one else drank it.

7) Prophetic dreams

In ancient Egypt, close attention was paid to dreams. Today we know that dreams are just a jumble of images, but the Egyptians were convinced that everything they saw in a dream was important.

People paid money to priests who were good at interpreting dreams and were the owners of special books - dream books, so that they would explain the meaning of a particular dream. Some even stayed in temples to sleep in order to be closer to the gods, in order to see something very important in a dream.

The ancient Egyptians were not particularly worried about the specific things that they saw in a dream, but they paid great attention to the details that they described in their dream books. For example, to see a large cat in a dream means that the future harvest will be very generous, and to see a dwarf in a dream means that half of your life is already behind you.

6) Mentions of Christ

Not so long ago, an ancient Egyptian text was discovered in which there are new details from the life of Christ. Although researchers have accepted this text as genuine, they cannot claim that the information it contains is correct. At least the person who wrote this document believed what he described.

Many things were mentioned in the text, among other things, for example, it was said that Jesus could change his appearance. He, of course, could not turn into any animal, but he could change facial features, disguise himself as an old man or become a small child. Christ used this ability to hide from his pursuers, who intended to arrest him.

The Last Supper is known to have taken place on a Thursday, but the text says that it actually took place on a Tuesday. It has also been claimed that before Jesus was executed, Pontius Pilate interacted with Jesus, shared bread with him, and even offered to kill his son in his stead. Jesus allegedly politely declined and thanked Pilate for his kindness and showed him that he could leave at any time if he wished.

5) Revenge

The ancient Egyptians knew all kinds of witchcraft and knew how to use it in the most diverse form in order to take revenge on someone. The most famous use of witchcraft is the curse of mummies. The pharaohs knew some magic spells that were written in their tombs, so anyone who disturbed their peace paid for it with their own lives.

Naturally, the existence of any of these curses has not been scientifically proven, it is just a theory that is based on random events. Scientists nevertheless became interested in this issue and decided to find out, maybe the "curses" can be explained in some other way.

After examining the substances that were present in the tombs, scientists found dangerous molds that grew on the walls and could lead to lung problems in those who inhaled their spores.

By the way, the myth of a magical ancient Egyptian statue was recently debunked. In the British Museum, a video was filmed of how she spontaneously turns. Magic again? Not at all. After careful research, it turned out that the statue turned due to the vibrations of the floor, which were caused by the feet of museum visitors while walking.

4) Resurrection of the dead

Magic was not just popular in ancient Egypt, it was used for a variety of things, and in society it occupied a special place and was officially recognized. The high priests used sorcery for various performances, in which everyone unconditionally believed.

According to legend, one ancient Egyptian priest was once able to move the waters of the lake apart, just as Moses parted the Red Sea in order to take some trinket lying there from the bottom. Also, the priests allegedly knew how to resurrect dead animals and even people. Usually resurrection was used in special cases, when, for example, it was necessary to testify at a trial.

Resurrection was an important part of the life of the Egyptians. The idea of ​​death and rebirth to new life was the main tenet of their religion. The Egyptians believed that, like the sun that rose every time, they would eventually begin to live a completely new life.

That is why they carefully preserved the remains of the dead in order to prepare them for a new life. If a person died, he had to appear before the highest judge. He started a new life only if his deeds were properly evaluated.

3) Trained monkeys

Most people associate cats with ancient Egypt, but baboons also held an important place in Egyptian culture and society. In addition, primates are much easier to train than cats, and these animals have been used for practical purposes. For example, they could easily be taught to get fruits, nuts, dates from tall trees. By the way, this method of harvesting is used in some countries today.

According to historians, baboons were considered sacred animals in Egypt. They make loud unpleasant sounds at sunrise, so they were associated with the Sun God. One of the pharaohs - Amenhotep III - even ordered the installation of four huge statues of monkeys. The Egyptians also believed that baboons had a connection with the God of the Nile, Hapi, who was the offspring of the great Egyptian God Horus.

2) Amulets

The Egyptians were the first to use amulets, as they were very superstitious. They believed that if you wear certain items with special properties, you can protect yourself. Most of us think this is just stupid, but how often before an important event do we, for example, put on a "lucky" shirt, take a "lucky" pen with us, or some other object with which we think we more lucky.

Ancient Egyptian amulets were mostly jewelry made in the shape of some kind of animal or symbol. These gizmos could be made of anything, but they had great magical power. How this or that amulet "worked" depended on what it was made of, what shape it had, what it looked like and, of course, what kind of spell was put into it.

1) Healing the sick

Perhaps the most famous fact related to magic is the use of sorcery by the Egyptians to heal the sick. Perhaps they managed to do something, but most of the stories that have come down to us are nothing more than fiction.

It was believed that ancient Egyptian medicine was largely based on witchcraft, but recent research has shown that magic did not play too much of a role. Many rituals were based on the use of witchcraft, but this does not mean that the ancient Egyptians did not use traditional methods in medicine.

The Egyptians, for example, were excellent at surgery, and there is evidence that they even made prosthetic toes. The researchers found that in Egyptian society, everyone could equally receive medical care, regardless of status.

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