Watch the mysteries of the earth and the secrets of ancient civilizations. Unsolved mysteries of the world and civilization

This fact is not covered by the world media and is not discussed by the general public, but, nevertheless, it remains a fact: today humanity must choose which view of history it will adhere to, and in which direction, based on its choice, to move on.

At the moment, there is an official, devoid of riddles, somehow explaining some inconsistencies and occupied mainly by digging up potsherds and compiling catalogs, official history. She, now in full force, relying on evidence and questions that have no answer, is being pressed by an alternative history.

It should be noted that even 15 years ago, the followers of both directions worked together and could always agree, but this ended for two reasons. Firstly, the "alternatives" quarreled with Egyptologists, reasonably suggesting that the famous Sphinx is much older than even the oldest of the Egyptian pharaohs. And the second blow to the official science of history was the book by Chris Dunn "The Power Plant at Giza: Technologies of Ancient Egypt."

At this, at the end of the tenth years, the paths of official and alternative history diverged. There is no more even formal politeness, the challenge is thrown and accepted, the cold war has begun. Adherents of official history adopt politics and ideology. They no longer confine themselves to proclaiming the exceptional truth of the "correct" history, they began to conduct active anti-propaganda of any other views on the human past. This looks at least strange and makes one assume that such "scientists" are just angry watchmen, protecting the inviolability of generally accepted scientific dogmas.

1 secret. The Great Pyramid: Absolutely Precise Engineering
The last one among the seven wonders of the world, and the most wonderful of them. Despite the fact that every inch of it has been carefully examined, the official history provides very few exhaustive explanations. Who was the builder? For what purpose was it built? How did the illiterate and wild Egyptians manage to create a structure of 2.3 million stone blocks with a total mass of over four million tons, perfectly fitted to each other with the help of an unknown bonding solution and forming an engineering-perfect structure? This one last question in itself gives rise to a lot of new questions and there is not a single answer to it. In the twenty-first century, with all our building technologies, we are unlikely to be able to repeat this ancient structure. And how many more such inexplicable facts?

Virtually seamless pyramid surface. To level limestone to this extent, laser technology is needed. They are also needed in order to accurately calculate the base of the pyramid up to a centimeter, as it was calculated.

An ideally straight descent-tunnel, a hundred meters long, cut into the rock at an even angle of 26 degrees. Moreover, torches were definitely not used during construction. How, without fire and special instruments, was the accuracy of the angle of inclination maintained? The error in the dimensions of the tunnel does not exceed a few millimeters.

The structure is aligned to the cardinal points with a minimum error. To do this, one had to have considerable knowledge in the field of astronomy.

A very complex but harmoniously built internal structure, turning the pyramid into a 48-story building, equipped with mysterious ventilation shafts, doors that were undoubtedly cut through with diamond-tipped saws, the obvious machine grinding of stone in various rooms of the Great Pyramid.

2 secret. Origin of the dog: genetic engineering
A mystery shrouded in darkness even older than Egyptian darkness is dogs. It would seem that there is nothing surprising in dogs, they are just domesticated descendants of wolves, foxes, coyotes and other canines. However, the origin of man's truest friends is not so obvious. More recently, geneticists have baffled that archaeologists, anthropologists, and zoologists have been wrong about dogs for generations. In particular, generally accepted beliefs that the dog was domesticated about 15 thousand years ago turned out to be erroneous. The first studies of canine DNA showed that all breeds of dogs were bred exclusively from wolves, and no later than forty thousand years ago, perhaps even earlier, up to 150,000 years BC.

Why is this fact so interesting? This question can be answered by asking another question: how did it happen that dogs suddenly emerged from the wolf? It should not be thought that this question is easy to answer. Or difficult. There is no answer to this question at all. Arguments that our ancestors from the Stone Age somehow made friends with the wolf (and it is not known how) and this wolf became a mutant wolf, the father of all dogs. Or a mother. Of course, everyone loves dogs and wants to believe that everything is so simple, but in reality it is not.

The question is, how did it happen that a wolf dad and a wolf mom got a completely different animal, a mutant that looks like a wolf, but in the character of which only those traits were left that were suitable for living together with a person and were comfortable and useful. It's unexplainable. And besides, it is incredible, because a random mutant simply would not survive in a pack subject to a strict hierarchy and certain rituals. There could be no natural evolution here. Any zoologist will confirm: if a person takes two wolves from the forest, a male and a female, then even for a long time without the intervention of genetic engineering, he will not be able to breed a dog.

3 secret. Mohenjo-daro: urban architecture
No most official history argues with the fact that mankind had to live "without conveniences" until the twentieth century. Before that, there was no smell of sewage in the cities. It turns out that not all. Residents of the South Asian city of Mohenjo-Daro, which existed from about 2600 to 1700. BC, enjoyed the benefits of their then civilization, and the benefits were almost as good as modern ones. Mohenjo-Daro is surprising, however, not so much for the presence of running water and public toilets, but for the urban structure itself, carefully thought out and perfectly executed. The city was obviously completely planned in advance and built on a special suspension system in two levels. The buildings of Mohenjo-Daro are made of burnt bricks of standard size. A clear system of streets, houses "with conveniences", granaries, baths - the city was equipped with everything necessary according to modern standards.

The mystery of Mohenjo-Daro and the main question for historians and archaeologists is: where are the cities that preceded this capital of the Indian civilization? Why did people not even know how to burn bricks, and suddenly rebuilt such a metropolis? But this question is not the only one, since the social structure in Mohenjo-Daro was also far ahead of all others.

The Indian civilization is one of three whose writing has not been deciphered. Their cities are the same age as the great Egyptian pyramids.

4 secret. Sumerians - the basis of all civilizations
Like Egypt and the Indus Valley, the "land of Abraham" - dry, barren, cut by a mighty river, could not be the ultimate dream for the nomadic tribes of the Stone Age. Until recently, historians did not believe in the Sumerians at all, considering them a biblical fiction, and even now no one can explain where they came from, why they chose such harsh places for justification, what language they spoke, from where they knew the basics of metallurgical production. The Sumerians knew how to build furnaces for bronze production, built cities, built ziggurats, cultivated the land and developed sciences, in particular, mathematics. Thanks to them, there are 60 minutes in an hour and 60 seconds in a minute. It was they who calculated that there are 360 ​​degrees in a circle. And all this while almost everywhere on earth humanity was still mooing, folding on its fingers and collecting edible roots.

5 secret. Teotihuacan - an incredible development of technology

Teotihuacan was the first real city in America, both north and south. During its heyday, at least 200 thousand people lived in it. Archaeologists pronounce this name with reverence, because it is, as it were, synonymous with archaeological and historical ignorance: almost nothing is known about this city. Where did the people who built the city come from, what language did they speak, how was their society organized. Here, at the top of the Pyramid of the Sun, archaeologists have found one of the most amazing artifacts on the planet: mica plates. Sounds unimpressive, but for those who are interested in science, the presence of huge mica plates embedded in the top of the pyramid is a significant phenomenon. Mica is not suitable as a building material, but it is an excellent shield against electromagnetic radiation and radio waves. For whatever purpose the ancient inhabitants of Teotihuacan used mica, its meaning was clearly not in the decor.

6 Mystery. Peru: High Tech in the Stone Age
Lake Titicaca, located in the Andes, on the border of Bolivia and Peru, is also not the most comfortable and fertile place on earth. Nevertheless, it is it that is full of mysterious megalithic structures, sometimes of an incomprehensible purpose. Skillfully carved stone sculptures weighing more than a hundred tons are fastened with bronze, both melted and with special bronze clamps. Archaeologists believe that bronze could not have been in Peru at that time, but it is, as is indisputable evidence that highly productive agricultural zones were created at an altitude of 3800 meters with the help of dams, canals and dams. Needless to say, neither the origin nor the language of the mysterious civilization is known to historians.

The caves of Kondana are located 30 km from the town of Lonavala, in the village of Kondana. A group of 16 caves and all these masterpieces were allegedly created by primitive tools from scratch in stone. It is believed that the cave temples were created approximately 2100 years ago or […]

In 1936, a strange-looking vessel was found in Baghdad, sealed with a concrete plug. Inside the mysterious artifact was a metal rod. Subsequent experiments showed that the vessel performed the function of an ancient battery, since by filling a structure similar to the Baghdad battery with electrolyte available for that time, […]

Approximately 35 km northeast of the city of Gaya (Bihar), in the middle of an absolutely flat yellow-green plain, a low rocky ridge rises about 3 km long. In its central part, there is a group of rocky hills known for its oldest man-made caves in India, […]

Mes Ainak is a complex of ancient Buddhist structures, which is located near Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan. May Ainak is located in the mountains, at an altitude of more than two kilometers above sea level. Excavations are still underway here, but two forts, ancient monasteries, […]

Sigiriya, which in Senegalese means Lion Rock, is a ruined ancient fortress located in the mountains, which still retains the remains of palace structures. It is located in the center of Sri Lanka. The remains of the fortress are surrounded, unfortunately, also by the remains of a once extensive […]

The greatness of the Romans The Roman eagle spread its wings over the vast territories - from foggy Britain to the hot deserts of Africa. Thousands of years before the European Union, it already existed, and not on the map, but in reality - everything was subordinated to Rome. […]

In the southeast of Mexico, on the Yucatan Peninsula, there is the famous temple of Kukulkan, made in the form of a pyramid and miraculously survived to this day among the ancient Mayan city of Chichen Itza buried in the ruins. The fact is that the temple building stands above the cenote - […]

No matter how trite this phrase may sound, repeated and written many thousands of times, but Stonehenge is really one of the most incomprehensible and mysterious structures, whose secret people have not been able to reveal so far. Stonehenge is a megalithic, then […]

It would seem that for modern science with its progressive technologies there should be no secrets. However, despite all the achievements, there are still many "blank spots" in the history of the ancient world.

1. Who and why erected pyramids all over the Earth in such quantities? Indeed, in addition to the well-known Egyptian ones, pointed buildings were found in Europe, China, as well as South and Latin America.

2. Around the 6th millennium BC. Sumerians appeared in the southern Mesopotamia. It was they who invented the wheel, the ternary counting system, cuneiform writing, the lunisolar calendar, burnt bricks, and much more.

Meanwhile, their neighbors could not really talk and ate roots. Where the Sumerians came from and where they got their knowledge is still a mystery.

3. Scientists until today cannot answer who ruled the ancient Inca empire. The fact is that their kings were considered the descendants of the gods. They were bearded and fair-skinned. By the way, some conquistadors confirmed this in their memoirs, wondering how the representatives of the royal family are unlike ordinary Incas.

4. The beliefs of the Indians in light-skinned, bearded gods who promised to return are exactly the same mystery. According to myths, it was they who taught the savages and gave them the foundations of civilization. Some scientists tend to believe that it was the Atlanteans who survived the catastrophe.

5. Mysterious Atlantis, which has been haunting the minds of scientists and adventurers for hundreds of years. According to some researchers, a detailed story about this state was kept in the Library of Alexandria and was written by Egyptian priests. But during the fire, these papyri were burned. Atlantis was searched all over the world, from Gibraltar to Peru, but in vain.

6. Who erected the giant Moai statues on Easter Island and why? There is no answer to this question. But there are about nine hundred of them! Moreover, most of them are located near the Rano Raraku volcano. According to local legend, Moai are giants who came to the island, but then forgot how to walk and turned to stone.

7. More questions than answers are given by the natives of the Canary Islands - the Guanches. Tall, red-haired people, completely atypical for that region, did not know how to speak in the usual sense.

They only spoke in whistles. In addition, this is the only island people who have never built boats and, in general, they had a strict ban on navigation. Why is that? Unknown.

8. The appearance of the Sea Peoples is also unknown. In the second half of the XIII century BC. they suddenly appeared in the Mediterranean. Under their blows, the Hittite kingdom fell, many city-states in Greece, and Egypt waged a protracted war with them. Only the Phoenicians were able to repulse the sea nomads. The strange thing is that the peoples of the sea only robbed and killed, while not trying to gain a foothold on any part of the land.

9. The Apennine Peninsula also has its own unsolved mystery - the Etruscans. The people, who were several times superior to all their neighbors in terms of development, appeared there “out of nowhere”.

The Etruscans built stone cities, were engaged in winemaking, and were active in trade. Who they are and where they came from is unknown, since their writing cannot be deciphered.

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10. The Sphinx was not erected by the Egyptians, this has already been proven. Moreover, judging by the results of numerous studies, it appeared long before the emergence of the Egyptian civilization itself and the pyramids. Who and why carved it out of stone is a mystery.

11. Many secrets and mysteries are kept by the Indian civilization of the Olmecs, who consider themselves not people, but the children of the jaguar. Therefore, everything that has come down from them to this day is figurines in the form of predatory cats, and the same stone gates located in the middle of the desert.

And there was also a stone head, clearly a representative of the Negroid race. Therefore, some scientists believe that the Olmecs are from Africa.

12. There is no exact answer to the question: was there a global flood? It is mentioned in the Bible, in the myths of the Sumerians and some other nations. Modern scientists know only that around 5600 BC. there was a strong earthquake. Because of him, the level of the Black Sea rose by 140 meters. So, probably, it was this event that was reflected in ancient legends.

13. By the time the conquistadors arrived, the Mayan civilization had almost died out. From the great empire, only miserable, semi-savage tribes remained, who did not remember their former greatness. What caused the sharp degradation is unknown. Since there is no mention of a long war or any epidemic.

14. At one point, the Neanderthals disappeared. There are three versions that explain this. First, they were destroyed by the more developed Cro-Magnons. Secondly, the same Cro-Magnons assimilated them. And thirdly, death due to the onset of the ice age.

But they could not resist the Goths and Huns. What happened next is unclear. Some historians claim that they were assimilated by nomads, others speak of the complete disappearance of the people.

16. To this day, it is not known where Alexander the Great is buried. Moreover, there is not even one hundred percent information from what he died at thirty-two. The Persians claimed that he was punished by the gods for desecrating the tomb of Cyrus.

17. At the very end of the 20th century, at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle, researchers discovered unique buildings - two pyramids. And they were built from an unknown material, similar to glass. Apparently, these structures are not one thousand years old. Who and why built them is still unclear.

18. Drawings in the Nazca Valley can only be seen from a bird's eye view, they are so huge. For example, an eagle is about 120 meters long, and a spider is 46 meters long. How, who, when and why created them is a mystery.

19. The Temple of Sacsayhuaman, located in Peru, was erected long before the arrival of the Spaniards. When the Europeans defeated the Incas, they identified the temple as a quarry. Barbarism?

Undoubtedly, because the building of huge stones was erected without any connecting mortar. And at the same time, even a needle cannot be inserted between the stones.

20. In 1930, more than 300 man-made stone balls were found in Costa Rica, hollow inside. Studies have shown that they are more than 2 thousand years old. Who, why and how (even modern technologies will not allow stones to be processed in this way) created these balls is still unknown to this day.

21. Recently, archaeologists have made a startling discovery: they discovered a network of underground passages that cover the territory from Spain to Turkey. The approximate age of these tunnels is about 12 thousand years. How people who lived in the Stone Age managed to build such a thing is a mystery.

22. Around the 50s of the last century, golden figurines with wings and tails were discovered in Latin America. But they don't look like birds or insects. To study them, they were taken by aircraft designers, who stated that the figures are the prototypes of aircraft. Did the ancient Indians know something about aircraft construction? Mystery.

23. There are more than 50 thousand Ica stones. And the images on them are very different: from dinosaurs and hunting for them, to heart operations and amazing aircraft.

For a long time it was believed that all stones are just falsifications. But detailed studies have helped to establish that the drawings on the stones are at least several thousand years old.

24. Stonehenge was erected by no one knows who and why about 5 thousand years ago. Scientists believe that this stone building is an ancient astronomical laboratory. And lovers of myths and legends claim that the wizard Merlin created Stonehenge.

25. Whether giants really existed is not known for sure. Sometimes there is news that the bones of giants were discovered at some point on the globe, but at the first examination it becomes clear that this is a falsification. But, nevertheless, almost every nation has a legend about giants. For example, according to the inhabitants of Tibet, giants sleep in caves high in the mountains. But nobody knows the truth.

It's no secret that before modern civilization there were several other highly developed people who had extensive knowledge in various fields of science, including medicine, who created incredible machines and amazing objects, the purpose of which no one can still determine. Who these people were is unknown. Some scientists adhere to the theory of the extraterrestrial origin of these unusual creatures, while others believe that civilizations arose spontaneously and in the process of long evolutionary development reached a certain level of knowledge and skills. The secrets of the ancient world are of interest to archaeologists, historians and geologists.

Numerous groups of scientists are sent in search of cities and objects that can help in understanding who our ancestors were. Who left ancient artifacts and riddles as a reminder of themselves? In this article we will try to talk about those secrets that excite the minds of researchers for several thousand years in a row.

Stone Age Paintings

How does a modern person imagine a rock drawing? Most likely, as the simplest form of art of primitive people, which reflected their belief in spirits and scenes from everyday life. That's what it says in school textbooks. However, in reality, everything is not so simple - a rock drawing (or petroglyph) is able to present many surprises to scientists.

Most often, rock art depicts hunting scenes or ritual ceremonies. Moreover, the ancient painters with amazing accuracy conveyed the anatomical features of various animals and the intricate robes of the priests. Usually three colors were used in stone paintings - white, ocher and bluish-gray. Scientists claim that the paint was made from special stones, ground into powder. Later, various vegetable pigments were added to them in order to diversify the palette. For the most part, petroglyphs are of interest to historians and anthropologists who study the development and migration of ancient peoples. But there is one category of drawings that official science cannot explain in any way.

These paintings depict unusual people dressed in some kind of spacesuits. The creatures are extremely tall and often hold incomprehensible objects in their hands. There are tubes coming from their suit, and part of their face is visible through the helmet. Scientists are struck by the elongated shape of the skull and huge eye sockets. Also, quite often, next to these creatures, ancient masters depicted strange disc-shaped aircraft. Some of them resembled airplanes and were applied to the stone in a section, which allows you to see the complex interweaving of parts and tubes of the mechanism.

Surprisingly, these drawings are scattered all over the world. Everywhere the creatures look exactly the same, which suggests that contacts with extraterrestrial civilizations had different petroglyphs with similar creatures dating back 47 thousand years ago and located in China. Images of tall figures in protective suits painted on stone ten thousand years ago have been found in India and Italy. Moreover, all creatures emit bright light and have long limbs.

Russia, Algeria, Libya, Australia, Uzbekistan - unusual drawings were found everywhere. Scientists have been studying them for more than two hundred years, but have not been able to come to a consensus about their origin. After all, if the images of creatures can be explained by the ritual attire of shamans, then the exact depiction of mechanisms that ancient man could not know anything about suggests extraterrestrial contact that constantly took place between primitive people and alien civilizations. But scientists cannot accept this version unconditionally, so the secrets reflected on the rocks have remained unrevealed.

or reality?

The world learned about the lost Atlantis from the dialogues of Plato. In them, he spoke about an ancient and powerful civilization that lived on an island in the Atlantic Ocean. The land of the Atlanteans was rich, and the people themselves actively traded with all countries without exception. Atlantis was a huge city, surrounded in diameter by two ditches and earthen ramparts. It was a kind of system that protects the city from floods. Plato said that the Atlanteans were skilled engineers and craftsmen. They created aircraft, high-speed ships and even rockets. The whole valley consisted of extremely fertile lands, which, together with the climate, made it possible to harvest up to four times a year. Everywhere hot springs spouted from underground, feeding numerous luxurious gardens. The Atlanteans worshiped Poseidon, whose huge statues adorned the temples and the entrance to the harbor.

Over time, the inhabitants of Atlantis became arrogant and considered themselves equal gods. They stopped worshiping the higher powers and mired in debauchery and idleness. In response, the gods sent an earthquake and a devastating tsunami on them. According to Plato, Atlantis went under water in one day. The author argued that the majestic city is covered with a thick layer of silt and sand, so it is not possible to find it. Beautiful legend, isn't it? We can say that all the secrets of the ancient world can hardly be compared in importance with the ability to find the mysterious mainland. Many would like to reveal to the world the truth about the mighty Atlanteans.

So did Atlantis really exist? Myth or reality formed the basis of Plato's story? Let's try to figure it out. It is worth noting that in history there is not a single other mention of the Atlanteans, except for the descriptions of Plato. Moreover, he himself simply retold this legend, taking it from the diaries of Solon. The same, in turn, read this tragic story on the columns of the ancient Egyptian temple in Sais. Do you think the Egyptians witnessed this story? Not at all. They also heard it from someone and imprinted it as a warning to future generations. So no one on earth personally saw the Atlanteans and did not observe the death of their civilization. But after all, any legend must have a real basis, so the tireless seekers of ancient civilizations are constantly looking for Atlantis, based on the description of Plato.

If we refer to the text of the ancient Greek author, then we can assume that Atlantis sank about twelve thousand years ago, and it was located in the Strait of Gibraltar. It is from here that the search for the mysterious civilization of the Atlanteans starts, but in Plato's text there are a lot of inconsistencies that prevent at least one reduction in the secrets of ancient civilizations. Now scientists have put forward about two thousand versions of the location of the mysterious Atlantis, but none of them, unfortunately, can neither be confirmed nor refuted.

The most common are two versions about the place of flooding of the island, on which the researchers are working. Some scientists refer to the fact that such a powerful civilization could only exist in the Mediterranean Sea, and the story of its death is an interpreted version of the terrible tragedy that unfolded after the explosion of a volcano on the island of Santorini. The explosion was equal to two hundred thousand atomic bombs dropped by the Americans on Hiroshima. As a result, most of the island was flooded, and a tsunami with waves of more than two hundred meters almost completely destroyed the Minoan civilization. Recently, the ruins of a fortress wall with a moat, reminiscent of Plato's descriptions, were found underwater near Santorini. True, this catastrophe occurred much later than the ancient Greek author described.

According to the second version, the wreckage of an ancient civilization is still at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. After recent studies of the soil from the seabed in the Azores, scientists were convinced that this part of the Atlantic was once dry land and only as a result of natural disasters sank under water. By the way, it is the Azores that are the top of the mountain range surrounding a flat plateau, on which scientists were able to see the ruins of some buildings. Expeditions to this area are being prepared in the near future, which may lead to sensational results.

The most ancient secret of the planet: the mystery of Antarctica

In parallel with the search for Atlantis, researchers are trying to unravel the mystery of Antarctica, which can tell the history of the world in a completely different way than we are used to. The secrets of the ancient world would be incomplete without legends about the once great people who lived in the center of the world on a very fertile land. These people cultivated the land and raised livestock, and their technologies would be the envy of modern countries. Once, as a result of a natural disaster, a mysterious civilization had to leave their land and disperse around the world. In the future, the once flourishing country was bound by ice, and it hid its secrets for a long time.

Don't you find some resemblance to the story of Atlantis? So one researcher, Rand Flem-Ath, drew certain parallels that were previously considered inconsistencies in Plato's texts and came to a sensational conclusion - Atlantis is nothing but the ancient civilization of Antarctica. Do not rush to dismiss this theory, it has a lot of evidence.

For example, Flem-At was based on the words of Plato that Atlantis was surrounded by a true ocean, and the Mediterranean Sea was called just a bay. In addition, he argued that the Atlanteans could get through their mainland to other continents, which is quite easy to imagine by looking at Antarctica from above. In the second half of the seventeenth century, a copy of an ancient map of Atlantis was produced, which strikingly resembles the outlines of an ice-bound mainland. The characteristics of the mainland speak in favor of the same version, because Plato pointed out that the Atlanteans lived in a mountainous area high above sea level. Antarctica, according to the latest data, is located at two thousand meters above sea level and has a rather uneven terrain.

You can object that for about fifty million years the ice has not let go of Antarctica, so it could not be the birthplace of a mysterious civilization. But this statement is fundamentally wrong. Scientists taking ice samples found the remains of a forest dating back three million years. That is, during this period, Antarctica was a flourishing land, which is confirmed by the maps of the mainland created by the Turkish admiral in the middle of the sixteenth century. Mountains, hills and rivers are plotted on them, and most of the points are almost perfectly aligned. This is amazing, because modern scientists manage to achieve such accuracy only with the help of high-tech devices.

It is known that one of the Japanese emperors, who lived in the year 681 AD, ordered to collect all the myths and legends of his people in one book. And there is a mention of a land located near the pole, where a powerful civilization lived, owning fire.

Now scientists say that the ice in Antarctica is rapidly melting, so perhaps soon the secrets of ancient civilizations will be partially revealed. And we will at least learn a little about the mysterious people who lived on these lands several millennia ago.

Strange skulls: amazing finds of archaeologists

Many archaeological finds baffle scientists. Skulls of an unusual shape have become one of those mysteries that have no logical and scientific explanation. Now in various museums and collections there are more than ninety craniums that only remotely resemble human ones. Some of these finds are carefully hidden from the eyes of the public, because if we recognize the existence of such unusual creatures on the planet in antiquity, then evolution and history will look new. Scientists cannot yet confirm the presence of alien guests among ancient civilizations, but it is quite difficult for them to refute this fact.

For example, the scientific community does not explain in any way how the mysterious cone-shaped skull from Peru appeared. If we clarify this information, then we can say that several similar skulls were found in Peru, and almost all of them are of the same shape. Initially, the find was perceived as an artificial deformation, adopted by some peoples of the world. But literally after the first studies, it became clear that the skull was not artificially elongated with the help of special devices. It originally had this form, and the isolated DNA generally caused a sensation among scientists. The fact is that part of the DNA is not human and has no analogues among earthly creatures.

This information became the basis for the theory that some alien creatures lived among people and were directly involved in evolution. For example, a mysterious skull without a mouth is kept in the Vatican, and skulls with three eye sockets and horns have been found in different parts of the world. All this is difficult to explain, and often ends up on the farthest shelves of museums. But some scientists argue that it was the aliens who initiated some selection of the human species, which led to today's Homo sapiens. And the traditions of deforming your skull and drawing a third eye on your forehead were just a memory of the powerful gods who once lived freely and openly among people.

in Peru: items that could change history

The black stones of Ica have become one of the largest. These stones are rounded boulders of volcanic rock, on which various scenes from the life of some ancient civilization are engraved. The weight of stones varies from a few tens of grams to five hundred kilograms. And the largest copy reached one and a half meters. What is strange about these finds? Yes, almost everything, but the drawings on these stones are most striking. They depict those things that, according to scientists, simply could not happen. Many of the scenes on the Ica stones are about medical operations, most of which are described in stages. Among the operations, organ transplants and brain transplants are depicted in detail, which is still a fantastic procedure. Moreover, even postoperative rehabilitation of patients is described. Another group of stones depicts various dinosaurs interacting with humans. Modern scientists cannot even classify most of the animals, this raises a lot of questions. A special group includes stones with drawings of unknown continents, space objects and aircraft. How could ancient people create such masterpieces? After all, they had to have incredible knowledge that our civilization still does not have.

Professor Javier Cabrera tried to answer this question. He collected about eleven thousand stones, and he believed that there were at least fifty thousand of them in Peru. Cabrera's collection is the most extensive, he devoted his whole life to studying it and came to sensational conclusions. The Ica stones are a library that tells about the life of an ancient civilization that freely explored space and knew about life on other planets. These people knew about the impending catastrophe in the form of a meteorite flying towards the Earth and left the planet, having previously created a group of stones that were supposed to become a source of information for descendants who survived after terrible events.

Many consider the stones to be fake, but Cabrera repeatedly gave them for research to various laboratories and managed to prove their authenticity. But so far, scientists have not been working on studying these incredible finds. Why? Who knows, but perhaps they are afraid to discover the fact that human history developed according to other laws and somewhere in the Universe we have our blood brothers? Who knows?

Megaliths: who built these structures?

Megalithic buildings are scattered all over the world, these structures made of huge stone blocks (megaliths) have different shapes and architecture, but they all have certain common characteristics that make us think that the construction technology was the same in all cases.

First of all, scientists are struck by the fact that there are no quarries anywhere near massive structures that could serve as a source of material. This is especially noticeable in South America in the area of ​​Lake Titicaca, where scientists have found a solar temple and a whole group of megalithic structures. The weight of some blocks exceeds one hundred and twenty tons, and the thickness of the wall is more than three meters.

In addition, it is unusual that all blocks have no traces of processing. They seem to be carved with a tool from soft rock, which subsequently hardened. Each block was fitted closely to the next in a way that modern builders could not do. Everywhere in South America, archaeologists have found incredible structures that each time asked scientists a new group of riddles. For example, on the blocks of complex shape found in the already mentioned Solar Temple, a calendar is depicted. But the month, according to his information, lasted a little more than twenty-four days, and the year was two hundred and ninety days. Incredibly, this calendar was compiled on the basis of observing the stars, so scientists were able to establish that this structure is over seventeen thousand years old.

Other megalithic structures date back to other years, but still science cannot explain how these blocks were cut into the rocks and transferred to the construction site. These technologies remain unknown, as well as a civilization that has such incredible capabilities.

Easter Island statues

The stone idols of the island also belong to the megalithic structures. Their purpose raises only questions among archaeologists and historians. At the moment, 887 moai are known, as these figures are also called. They are located facing the water and looking somewhere into the distance. Why did the locals make these idols? The only plausible version is the ritual purpose of the figures, but their huge size and number is out of the story. After all, usually two or three statues were installed for ritual purposes, but not several hundred.

Surprisingly, most of the idols are located on the slope of the volcano. Here stands the largest of the surviving figures, weighing about two hundred tons and twenty-one meters high. What are these figures waiting for and why are absolutely all of them looking outside the island? Scientists cannot give any decent answer to this question.

Sunken pyramids: remains of an underwater civilization or ruins of ancient cities?

Underwater pyramids explorers of the deep sea found in different parts of the world. A group of similar structures was found in the USA on Lake Rock, at the bottom of the famous Bermuda Triangle, and recently the pyramids near Yonaguni Island in Japan have been actively discussed in the media.

This object was first discovered in the late eighties of the last century at a depth of thirty meters. The dimensions of the pyramids simply amazed the imagination of scuba divers - one of the tallest buildings had a width of more than one hundred and eighty meters at the base. It is hard to believe that this was the creation of human hands. Therefore, for many years, Japanese scientists have been arguing about the origin of these underwater pyramids.

Masaki Kimura, a well-known researcher, adheres to the version that the pyramid was formed as a result of human activity. This version is supported by the following facts:

  • variety of forms of stone blocks;
  • a head of a man carved in stone nearby;
  • traces of processing are visible on many blocks;
  • on some faces of the pyramid, the ancient masters applied hieroglyphs unknown to modern science.

Now the approximate age of the pyramids dates back to a period of five thousand to ten thousand years. If the last figure is confirmed, then the Japanese pyramids will be much older than the famous Egyptian pyramid of Cheops.

Mysterious disc from Nebra

At the turn of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, an unusual find fell into the hands of scientists - a stellar disk from Mittelberg. This, simple at first glance, the subject turned out to be just a stepping stone on the way to understanding ancient civilizations.

The bronze disk was dug out of the ground by treasure hunters, along with two swords and bracelets that are about eighteen thousand years old. Initially, the disk, found near the city of Nebra, was tried to be sold, but in the end it fell into the hands of the police and was handed over to scientists.

They began to study the find, and it revealed many incredible facts to archaeologists and historians. The disk itself is made of bronze, on it are golden plates depicting the sun, moon and stars. The seven stars clearly correspond to the Pleiades, which were important in determining the timing of the cultivation of the earth. Almost all peoples engaged in agriculture were guided by them. The authenticity of the disk was immediately proved, but after some time, scientists discovered its alleged purpose. A few kilometers from Nebra, an ancient observatory was found, the age of which exceeds all similar structures on the planet. The star disk, according to scientists, was used in many rituals in this particular observatory. Archaeologists suggest that it helped to observe the stars, was a drum for a shaman and had a direct connection with a similar observatory in Greece, pointing directly to its location.

Of course, scientists have just begun to study the mysterious subject and are in no hurry to draw final conclusions. But what they have already learned suggests that ancient people had a fairly deep knowledge of the world around them.


In this article, we have listed far from all the secrets of the ancient world. There are many more of them, and there are even more versions that reveal them. If you are interested in the mysteries of bygone civilizations, then the book "Secrets of the Ancient World" written will be very interesting to you. The author tried to tell about the alternative history of mankind as it appears before the eyes of everyone who has managed to accept the facts of the presence of unusual archaeological finds and buildings.

Of course, each person determines for himself what to believe and how to perceive information. But you must admit that the official history of mankind has too many white spots to be the only correct one.

Inconvenient facts confirming the existence of very advanced civilizations once on the planet have recently begun to appear especially often. The version about the perfection and uniqueness of the current human civilization was questioned earlier, however, now it does not stand up to criticism at all. The astonishing finds made by archaeologists, mainly in Peru and Egypt, show that we are not even half as far as the level of development of the creatures that lived on the planet more than five thousand years ago.

Of course, everyone has heard about Atlantis, however, this civilization was already the last of a number that existed before it. Today, on the basis of texts translated from the ancient Sanskrit language, it can be confidently asserted that the territory of modern India was originally the political and cultural center of the entire planet. The current territory of this country is just a miserable remnant of the once-existing huge mainland, which also included the current Hindustan. Mythical Lemuria, as the researchers called it, was inhabited by people who were three times, or even four times taller than the current ones.

They had excellent telepathic abilities, which was later transferred to the Atlanteans. Most importantly, they had at their disposal aircraft, the images of which were found on wall bas-reliefs in the pyramids of the Maya and the ancient Egyptian pharaohs. Scientists also found, as they believe, and images of pilots. Previously, they were considered ordinary representatives of ancient tribes with decorations characteristic of their culture, however, after carefully studying the images of accessories on the body, the researchers came to the conclusion that these are tubes through which oxygen is transported.

The inhabitants of Lemuria easily moved over the entire surface of the planet, thanks to their devices, and also made space flights to other planets. Even the references of the ancient Egyptians speak of gods or mentors descending from heaven through smoke and fire. Some researchers tend to believe that in fact, the Lemurians colonized the planet, having flown here from a distant galaxy, after a planetary catastrophe occurred there. It is possible that they were the inhabitants of the planet Phaeton, which existed earlier in the solar system. The planet collided with a large planetoid, from which it was torn apart, but most of the inhabitants managed to evacuate before the disaster.

The last version is the most probable, since the artificial appearance of mankind, a fact that has long been proven and who arrived on a lifeless planet, decided to stay here. They were primarily attracted by the rich deposits of minerals, including silicon and radioactive metals. Since by that time the Earth was inhabited mainly by giant lizards, its future owners had to make changes to the composition of the flora and fauna, as well as create a person based on their DNA. Researchers who adhere to this theory believe that the biblical “In the image and likeness” should not be taken literally. In this holy book, the description is somewhat exaggerated, but it is precisely genetic technologies that are meant. But about the flora and fauna, the opinions of researchers differ. Some believe that the genes of animals and plants, the Lemurians brought from their planet, but there is also a version of the creation directly on the spot.

Many researchers doubt that the Lemurians, in the event of a disaster, transported all the biomaterial with them. Most likely, they possessed technologies that allow them to design living organisms, which explains such a variety of species. Gradually populating all the continents with people, the titular nation began to build a network of pyramids, both on the surface of the planet and under water, obviously these were some kind of energy stations, thanks to which aircraft could move freely to any of the continents. Many scientists believe that those buildings that are today under water, earlier, like everyone else, were on the surface, because since then, the relief of the planet has changed a lot. Subsequently, something happened that led to the disappearance of Lemuria, however, the knowledge of the first civilization did not disappear and passed to the Hyperboreans and Atlanteans, who founded a new country-continent.

Many believe that the cause of the disappearance of Atlantis, as well as other pra-civilizations, was a planetary catastrophe. Much more is associated with it, or rather, with the fall of an asteroid into the ocean, for example, the death of ancient lizards or the global flood, as a result of which the island state disappeared. Are there too many consequences tied to the same event? Researchers have asked this question more than once, especially since what is described in the ancient Indian treatises Ramayana and Mahabharata tells a completely different story. It speaks of a certain war of the gods, the main battle of which took place in the vicinity of modern Delhi. According to legend, two races came together in a duel - the humanoid and the reptilian. Judging by the descriptions, weapons were involved that exceeded in power even the most modern current developments in the field of weapons. According to some reports, the conflict occurred due to the fact that the descendants of reptiles, that is, reptilians, laid claim to the planet.

They proved their correctness by the fact that ancient lizards dominated the entire surface of the Earth - their ancestors, and, accordingly, people cannot have any rights to the planet. The battles took place all over the planet, and the final battle nevertheless showed the superiority of people over the lizards, but it also could not have done without catastrophic consequences. A series of nuclear explosions led to the activation of the strongest volcanic activity, thereby causing the oscillation of tectonic plates. Powerful tsunamis with a wave height of several hundred meters swept the coastal zone tens of kilometers deep, but since Atlantis was an island state, water shafts passed through it several times, in addition, the resulting earthquake provoked a change in relief due to which the island began to sink rapidly to the bottom of the ocean.

The remains of either Atlantis or the reptilian settlements that had their colonies on Earth before the start of the conflict lie today near Bermuda. These are the foundations of powerful fortress walls in fairly good condition, they go deep and are lost in the perimeter of the so-called Bermuda Triangle. The local population is well aware of this dead city and calls it the city of dragons. There is a belief that dragons live on the sea floor and will one day come to land to regain control of the planet.

The Atlanteans passed on all their knowledge, and in particular everything related to medicine, to the Egyptians, because only this can explain such unusual abilities to cure the most complex diseases. Knowledge of embalming corpses, and even dentistry, seems unthinkable for that time, but it is. Examining the mummies found in one of the pyramids, scientists found on the teeth, signs of drilling and filling. Among the many inscriptions and drawings on the walls of the Egyptian pyramids, we managed to find a mention and, most importantly, images of heavenly chariots, as the Egyptians called them. Interestingly, the description very closely matches the detailed instructions for the flying device described in the Mahabharata. As it turned out, in the days of ancient Egypt, these "chariots" were one of the simplest used by the army of the pharaoh and were used to patrol the valley of the pyramids from robbers. Who, then, flew on them and what was so valuable there, because it’s clear that the pharaohs were definitely not buried there?

Thanks to this evidence, the connection between the gods mentioned in ancient Indian treatises and the deities of ancient Egypt is well traced. Of course, the Valley of the Pyramids was guarded not by people from the retinue of the pharaoh, but by the Atlanteans or representatives of another prehistoric race who knew the principle of operation of a flying machine. The valley of the pyramids was guarded not so much from people, but from a possible attack by reptilians trying to disable the power plants located inside the pyramids. Although ordinary robbers could also get inside, because gold and copper were necessary for the operation of the installations. The researchers suggest that the entire surface of the pyramids was previously covered with a thin layer of gold, which contributed to the most powerful generation of the energy field necessary to maintain the weight of the aircraft. Subsequently, for some reason, the gold plating disappeared over time, which is why the pyramids began to collapse, reaching their current state.

Today, scientists continue research in this direction, and although one can hear claims that there is nothing to look for in Egypt, in fact this is not so. Further deciphering of the wall inscriptions showed that in the same area there is some source of energy hidden underground, and if it is found, it will be possible to solve the riddle not only of aircraft, but also of many other things, which so far remains unattainable for us.

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