Situational pedagogical advice "What prevents the cool from being "cool"?". Panorama of the activities of the class teacher in the framework of the methodological and educational problems of the school Discussion of the resolved pedagogical situations

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The main activities of the class teacher RMO class teachers October 11, 2007

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The tasks of the class teacher Professional and civic readiness to take responsibility for the fate of the child Creation of conditions in the classroom for the upbringing, development and self-realization of the personality of each child Social protection of children Compensation for the miscalculations of education

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Directions of work 1. Collaboration, interaction with the children's team Comprehensive study of schoolchildren (talks "You are among people", raids on the family "Good evening", presentation "My friends") Creation in the class of a team of children, teachers and parents who have their own "face » at school - public, social, aesthetic. Uniform pedagogical requirements (Code of the Young, Laws of Honor), competition "Student of the Year", days of creativity

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Areas of work Inclusion of children in joint, socially significant activities based on their interests and needs. Selection of pedagogical technologies Traditional (classroom hours, conversations) Discussion (disputes, conferences, defense of projects) National educational (Sabantuy, Navruz) Television ("Hour of glory", "Clever and clever" Non-standard technologies (business and role-playing games, travel, salons )

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Directions of work 2. Joint work of the class teacher with subject teachers Studying the cognitive and professional interests of students (attending classes, choosing circles,) Creating a situation of success in educational work Organization of extracurricular activities: clubs of experts, an intellectual crossword puzzle.

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3. Joint work with parents, organizations, institutions. Studying the family and parents (family values, attitude towards children, school, free time, holidays, traditions) Assistance to parents (consultations, meetings, parent meetings with children) Joint activities with parents “Life lessons”, family holidays, marathons, starts.

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4. The managerial activity of the class teacher Planning work Analysis of the class team Goal-setting Collective planning of cases Choice of pedagogical technologies Drawing up a plan Taking into account the traditions of the school and class, school-wide affairs and important dates, teaching load by quarters

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The structure of the plan 1. Analysis of the educational activities of the class (portrait of the class, leaders, problems, level of development) 2. Tasks: - promising ("Creating conditions for the development of personality in the class") - current (Attach to watching the program "Adymnar") 3. Content work: by areas of activity, by type of activity (socio-public, moral and legal, economic, sports, etc.), by business (issue of a newspaper, discussion)

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Scheme of the plan Directions of work of the class teacher Work with the student team Work with family and parents Work with the teaching staff Health Health lessons, KVN Meetings with the elderly "Causes of fatigue in the classroom" conversation Teaching Contest of experts in the Tatar language Cycle of meetings "our parents are former students of schools" Consultation “Methods of working with a book” Communication Club “Boys and Girls” Family meeting “Communication in our family” Message “Learn to communicate” Leisure Evening “My favorite tunes” Report from the family “Our free time” Talk about recreation Culture of Tatarstan Tatar costume, presentation Participation of parents in the preparation of extra-curricular activities Assistance of teachers and a librarian in the preparation of material

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Creative laboratory of the class teacher 1. Regulatory documents Convention on the rights of the child The concept of modernization of Russian education for the period up to 2010 Law of the Russian Federation "On education" Family Code of the Russian Federation Federal law "On the fundamentals of the system for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency" The concept of state social support for families and children in the Republic of Tajikistan Law of the Republic of Tajikistan “On Youth and State Youth Policy in the Republic of Tajikistan” Local regulatory and legal acts on the organization of the educational process

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Creative laboratory of the class teacher 2. Planning of the educational process in the class Social passport of the class Plan of educational work, educational program

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Creative laboratory of the class teacher 3. Diagnostics of the educational process and the level of upbringing of students Availability of a package of diagnostics (level of upbringing of students) Reminders, questionnaires, tests Performance sheets

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Creative laboratory of the class teacher 4. Organization of work with children's public organizations, development of children's self-government in the classroom Charter Program Structure of student self-government bodies

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Creative laboratory of the class teacher 5. Organization of work with children at risk 6. Work with parents 7. Information on the coverage of students by the system of additional education 8. Piggy bank of creative developments: Holiday scenarios Development of class hours

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Creative laboratory of the class teacher 9. Library of the class teacher 10. Self-education of class teachers, work on generalization, dissemination of experience: Speech at the teachers' council, MO class teachers Publications in periodicals.

In the work of the class teacher there are many unforeseen situations that require immediate intervention. And now we will offer you different pedagogical situations.

Pedagogical Council

What prevents cool from being "cool"

Forsaken by happiness will be the one

Who was badly raised as a child,

It's easy to straighten the green shoot,

One fire will fix a dry branch.


The course of the pedagogical council:

1. Organizational moment (dividing into groups) - 3 min

2. Opening of the teachers' council (introductory remarks by the director) - 3 min

3. “Peculiarities of the educational activity of the class teacher” (deputy speech for VR) - 10 min

4. "Accompaniment service as a factor contributing to the activities of the class teacher" (the speech of a psychologist and social teacher) - 10 min

5. "Pedagogical situations" (work in groups) - 40 min

6. "Rules for the success of the class teacher" (group work) - 20 min

7. The decision of the pedagogical council - 3 min

8. Closing remarks - 2 min

9. Reflection - 5 min

The class teacher organizes and directs the educational process, he is a direct educator and mentor, unites the educational efforts of parents and society. He cares about the comprehensive development of students, diligence, education, improving the quality of knowledge, strengthening discipline and order in the classroom.

The main activity of the class teacher is the education of students and their rallying into a friendly team. Of course, in the center of his attention are the issues of educational work, raising the level of knowledge.

The class teacher is responsible for the content of the educational process. The work of the class teacher is a purposeful, systematic, planned activity, built on the basis of the education program for the entire school, analysis of previous activities, positive and negative trends in social life, based on a student-centered approach, taking into account the urgent tasks facing the teaching staff of the school.

The activity of the class teacher is primarily aimed at working with students in their class. It forms the motivation for the teaching of each individual student, studying his age and individual characteristics for the development and stimulation of cognitive interests; through a variety of methods and forms of individual work, it creates favorable conditions for the development of citizenship, worldview culture, creative work skills, creative individuality, and the formation of a democratic culture in the self-government system.

The most important functions of the class teacher include: the development of cognitive interests and abilities of students, health care.

The class teacher organizes timely assistance to lagging students. The class teacher is a member of the teaching staff. He does not carry out organizational and educational work alone, but under the guidance of the headmaster, his deputies, in close contact with other teachers. In the process of education, the class teacher reaches each student

Among the main qualities of the personality of the class teacher, first of all, one should name such qualities as communicative ideological content, social activity, moral maturity. These qualities, of course, are necessary for every teacher. But it is especially important to have them for the class teacher. After all, he educates students and personal examples, his behavior. Of no small importance for the class teacher are such qualities of his personality as passion for the profession, humane attitude towards children, exactingness towards himself and his students.

In the work of a class teacher there is a difficult, but very important mission - to be a class teacher. The class teacher is a key figure in the educational activities of the school, he is the organizer of the educational process. We all know that raising children is probably the most intricate of all kinds of creativity. This is a creation of living characters, and it should be treated as the most important of all professions.

In the work of the class teacher there are many unforeseen situations that require immediate intervention. And now we will offer you different pedagogical situations. Time no more than 3 minutes.

VI . Group work.

Each creative group is invited to carefully read, collectively discuss and present in the form of a dramatization (role performance) or in another way a joint solution of the pedagogical problem. Pedagogical tasks include the following problem situations, quite typical and having a “way out” to the problem of interaction between the school and the family.

Situation 1

Three students of the ninth grade are seen in a state of intoxication in one of the entertainment places in the city. This circumstance became known to the teachers, however, the fact was not verified or confirmed by any of them, although, according to the parents of several students, it took place. These parents do not want to act as a source of information, not wanting to spoil relations with the parents of adolescents. What should teachers do in this situation?

Situation 2

You pass smoking high school students around the corner. At the same time, they speak youth slang. For you, this is tantamount to obscene expressions. Your actions?

Situation 3

A seventh grade student is constantly not ready for lessons, is rude, interferes with other students. The class teacher repeatedly invited parents to school and visited the family at home. Relations between the family and the school, unfortunately, do not add up, since all attempts by teachers to find an agreed solution to the problem are met with hostility by family members. What should be done in this situation?

Situation 4

At the parent-teacher meeting, the parents agreed to express their complaint against the teacher, which consists in the fact that he always sets boring, uninteresting homework, and when the students try to answer at the next lesson, the teacher accuses them of being dumb.

Situation 5

Diagnostics of the state of health of children studying in the class where you are the class teacher showed its sharp deterioration. What to do?

Situation 6

You are having a lesson. The day before, you invited a parent whose child you had a conflict with for a conversation. The child has an ingrained reputation as a bully, and the mother almost never comes to school. But today…she calls you on the phone in an attempt to clarify the situation. After once again you said that you have a lesson, the office door opens ... on the threshold of an angry mother of a student ... ..

Discussion of solved pedagogical situations.

VI . Rules for the success of the class teacher (work in groups)

We all remember the movie Once Upon a Twenty Years Later. After 20 years, former students gather in order to find out who they have become, what they have achieved. We will not analyze the plot of the film, but I would like to draw attention to some moments of real life. For example, it happens that the class lived together for six years at school, but as soon as they parted, they did not have a desire to get together, remember school life, funny and sad stories of many years of communication. However, the opposite also happens. School years, traditions and customs of the class, the warmth of communication calls from childhood, pulls like a magnet to meet again and again and remember everything that school life was filled with.

If everyone in the class was warm and comfortable, if they were helped and supported, they rejoiced at success, welcomed initiative and truthfulness, healed the soul and warmed the heart - the class will gather and enjoy joint communication in 5 years, and in 10, and in 20.

What does it depend on? Of course, it depends on many components: the personality of the class teacher, the relationship of all participants in communication, the students themselves, their personal qualities, etc. But to a large extent it depends on those traditions in relations between adults and students that have been developing in the class team for a long time. time.

On what principles should the cooperation of the class teacher and students be built, how to make it so that after years the students of the class would like to open the door to their class and step into childhood?

Rules for the success of the class teacher.

1. Be honest and sincere.

2. Be tolerant, accept each student, his strengths and weaknesses.

3. Evaluate not a person, but an act.

4. Don't be indifferent.

5. Be open to communication with children, know how to joke.

6. Be healthy.

7. If you are wrong, be able to admit your mistakes.

8. Be persistent in achieving your goals.

9. Know how to manage your mood.

10. Be open;

11. Know how to admit your own mistakes;

12. Show the ability to understand and support the student;

Principles of successful activity of the class teacher

The first principle is the unconditional acceptance of each student, his strengths and weaknesses.

The second principle is impartiality in assessing the actions of students.

The third principle is patience and tolerance in achieving the effectiveness of pedagogical influence.

The fourth principle is dialogue and openness in communication with students.

The fifth principle is the lack of fear in the teacher to admit that he was wrong, his unprofessional actions.

The sixth principle is the use of a sense of humor as an integral methodological tool in working with students.

The seventh principle is the ability to manage your mood, not to be influenced by preconceived opinions.

The eighth principle is the ability to admit mistakes.

It's great if the class teacher, starting to work with the class team, can tell the guys about the principles of his communication with them, as well as about his former students, about how relations in the team were built, about those traditions and customs that existed in the class.

Starting to work with the class team, you need to ask students the following questions, the answers to which will make it possible to create a system of traditions and values ​​in the class.

    What do you think a friendly class should be like?

    How to make the class friendly?

    What traditions do you already have in your class?

    State your do's and don'ts in class.

    What activities in the classroom, in your opinion, should become traditional.

VII . The decision of the pedagogical council.

Draft decision of the pedagogical council

    School teachers should focus on humanistic education and training, on a democratic style of work in interaction with students, to see a personality in each student.

    Regularly share the experience of work of class teachers at the School Methodological Association.

    To diversify the forms and methods of conducting class hours, including project activities, KTD, methods of self-control and self-assessment of activities.

    Include in the school plan for 2016-17 academic year. year next item: Hold Creativity Week in March and announce a competition for the most creative class event.

VIII .Closing word.

A teacher who educates children must meet many requirements. Perhaps, on this difficult path, the lines of B. Okudzhava will come in handy:

“Conscience, nobility and dignity - this is it, our holy army,

Give him your hand, it's not scary for him and into the fire.

His face is high and amazing. Dedicate your short life to him.

You may not become a winner, but you will die like a man.”

And let these simple rules help us in our difficult work.

IX . Reflection.

“Education is the highest of blessings,
but only then
when it's first class
otherwise it is good for nothing.”
R. Kipling


Exercise 1. Read carefully, discuss collectively and present in the form of a dramatization (role performance) or in another way a joint solution of a pedagogical problem.

The pedagogical task includes a problematic situation that is quite typical and has a “way out” to the problem of interaction between the school and the family.

Task 2. Formulate practical rules that will help make the activity of the class teacher successful

1. Be ……………………………………..

2. Be tolerant, accept ……………………………………………..

3. Evaluate ……………………………………………………..

4. Do not be ………………………………………………

5. Be open………………………………………………………..

6. Be ………………………………………………….

7. If wrong, …………………………………………………………………..

8. Be persistent …………………………………………………………….

9. Know how to manage ……………………………………………………………………

10. Be …………………………………

11. Know how to recognize ………………………………….

12. Show your ability …………………………………………………

13. Do not be ……………………………………………………………..


    What is the most important thought of the teachers' council for you?


    The most controversial idea of ​​the teachers' council, in your opinion?



    Do you have any idea that you would like to try out after the faculty meeting?



GBOU secondary school No. 180

Situational Pedagogical Council

What prevents cool from being "cool"?

“Education is the highest of blessings, but only then when it's first class otherwise it is good for nothing.” R. Kipling

  • Cohesion of the student team.
  • Organization of collective creative affairs.
  • Creation of a favorable psychological and moral climate, a comfortable state for each student.
  • Creation of conditions for self-realization, self-disclosure of each student.
  • Correction of interpersonal relationships that contribute to the resolution of conflicts between students.
  • Encouraging positive student behavior.
  • Providing assistance to students in difficult, difficult situations.
  • Coordination of interaction between teachers, students and parents.

Conditions for the effective activity of the class teacher








class hands about the class


inclusion cl.ruk.

into class life

Rules pedagogical hygiene:

Every time you feel like bossing the kids around,

remember your childhood or better eat ice cream .

3. Let all the fashion models of the world see

your smile and resign.

4. Do not go into the soul of the children, unless you were asked to.

bad teacher - incinerate the soul!

5. Remember - a bad doctor can take a life,

6. Tell your parents the best truth, which you know.

Raising children is a risky business, because in case of success, the latter is acquired at the cost of great work and care, but in case of failure, grief is incomparable with any other.


10 commandments of a "class" educator:

* Learn to listen- because there is a rational grain in the ideas of children. Find him.

* Find something to praise- for a kind word and a cat is pleasant.

* Be fair- for insults hurt the child's soul.

* Be able to see the positive qualities of the student Because there is more good in children than bad.

* Lead by your own example- for someone must be a locomotive.

* Do not "sneak" to parents over trifles- for only a weakling signs in his own impotence.

* Use a lot of affectionate words during communication- because the class teacher is a mother from breakfast to dinner.

* Encourage student initiative Because it's impossible to do everything yourself.

"Panorama of the activity of the class teacher".

Goals: 1. summarize the idea of ​​​​the activities of the class teacher in

the conditions of the modern school;

2. Promote the growth of the professional skill of classroom


3. to disseminate the pedagogical experience of creative workers


4. improve the skill of use by class teachers

ICT in public speaking.

    Organizing time

    Message topic and goals.

    Conducting a survey.

Answer the questions:

1) What are the positive aspects in the work of a modern class teacher.

2) What are the negative aspects in the work of a modern class teacher.

A counting group is elected - 2 people. Task: analyze the results of the survey.

    opening speech.

It is unlikely that anyone will object if we call the class teacher a key figure in the educational activities of an educational institution. The effectiveness of the educational process as a whole largely depends on the success of his work. Attempts to increase the effectiveness of raising children without making significant changes to the content and organization of the activities of class tutors, as a rule, are unsuccessful. In this regard, I would like to believe that it is not by chance that the first national project in the field of education was a project aimed at the work of a class teacher.

Its implementation cannot be reduced only to an increase in the wages of teachers and educators and should contribute to an increase in the quality of their activities. And the latter is not possible without advanced training of class teachers in matters of theory and methods of education.

Topic: "The panorama of the activity of the class teacher" should help mentors - educators to realize the need to update the practice of building educational relations with children in a changed political, economic and socio-pedagogical situation, to get acquainted with the experience of effective organization of educational activities, to determine ways, forms and ways to improve educational interaction with students in their class.

Materials will be presented in blocks:

1. Work with students.

a) The health of the student.

B) Moral education.

C) Student's free time.

D) Individual and differentiated approach in VR.

2. Working with parents.

A) parent meeting.

B) Joint leisure activities.

C) Individual work with parents.

3. Work with the class team.

A) Boss and counselor work.

B) Organization of duty.

C) sociometry.

4. Methodical work.

A) Methodical piggy bank for BP.

    Speeches by representatives of creative laboratories.

    The results of the survey on the work of the class teacher. Conclusion.


1) To increase the efficiency of the class teacher through:

Strategic aspiration and long-term perspective of planning the process of education;

The focus of the content of educational activities on the development of the child and the class team;

Systematic implementation of educational interaction;

Technological effectiveness of the teacher's work.

2) To disseminate the pedagogical experience of creatively working classrooms

leaders in the OU, district, through the school website on the Internet.

To view a presentation with pictures, design, and slides, download its file and open it in PowerPoint on your computer.
Text content of presentation slides:
A panorama of the activity of the class teacher in the implementation of the direction of the educational process of educating diligence, a creative attitude to learning, work, life. MBOU "Lyceum No. 69" primary school teacher Subel Olesya Evgenievna If a person has learned the habit of work from an early age, work is pleasant for him. If he does not have this habit, then laziness makes work hated. federal state educational standards of general education of the new generation (hereinafter - GEF), dictated by the need to prepare graduates for life in a high-tech competitive world. The Federal State Educational Standard of the IEO defines a “portrait” of an elementary school graduate: - Loving his people, his land, his Motherland; - Respecting and accepting the values ​​of family and society; - Curious, actively learning about the world; - Able to work; - Ready to act independently and be responsible for their own actions; - Friendly, able to listen and hear the interlocutor, justify his position, express his opinion; - Fulfilling the rules of a healthy and safe lifestyle for himself and others. Labor education is an important means of comprehensive development of the child's personality Reasonably organized labor Strengthens the physical strength, health of the child Has a significant impact on the mental development of the child (ingenuity, initiative, perception, observation, concentration, memory) Develops thinking Attaches to the simplest forms of planning activity Labor education is an important means of moral education Behavioral stability Discipline Independence Ability to overcome difficulties Striving to do a good job Uniting children, developing teamwork skills - the ability to work together, help each other in work. Under the conditions of the teacher's work, the following tasks of labor education are solved: Formation of a positive attitude towards work among students, high social motives for labor activity; development of cognitive interest in knowledge, the need for creative work, the desire to apply knowledge in practice; education of high moral qualities, diligence, responsibility, purposefulness and honesty; equipping students with a variety of labor skills and abilities, forming the foundations of a culture of mental and physical labor Planned results: Students will acquire a value attitude to work and creativity, labor achievements; Value and creative attitude to educational work; Diligence; - Initial skills of labor creative cooperation with peers; - Initial experience of participating in various types of socially useful activities; - Motivation for self-realization in social creativity, cognitive and practical, socially useful activities. Motivation Types of activities and forms of their implementation Individual and group assignments Forms of implementation: a system of alternating assignments, duty, individual work. Class meeting Forms of implementation: conversations, games, excursions, discussions, class hours. »; reviews, exhibitions.Self-governmentForms of implementation: competitions, subbotniks. Implementation of the tasks of educating industriousness by the class teacher: Excursions to scientific organizations, cultural institutions; acquaintance with the professional activities of their parents; cooperation and role-playing interaction with peers and adults in educational and labor activities; socially useful activities on the basis of the school. In the process of activity, students gain experience in bringing practical benefits with their work and creativity: decorating and putting things in order in the space of their class, at home; expanding opportunities and skills for self-service, doing folk crafts, making bird feeders, making gifts and cards for the holidays for parents, organizing school duty, working in school areas, participating in class hours, competitions, exhibitions, etc. The process of learning, class hours Participation in various events Excursions With your own hands Cleaning the office In the process of work, the abilities, labor skills and skills of younger students develop. New kinds of thinking are being formed. Due to the collectivity of labor, the student receives the skills of work, communication, cooperation, which improves the adaptation of the child in society. Thank you for your attention!

Attached files

    At school, at work and on holidays, together with their parents.

    The old dervish was dying. He called his three sons to him and said that he left them 17 of his camels as an inheritance. He bequeathed one-half of all camels to his eldest son, one-third to his middle son, and, finally, to his youngest son, one-ninth of these 17 camels. After the death of their father, the brothers could not divide the inheritance in any way. After learning the reason for their dispute, he said, “I am too old to travel. Take my shabby camel and you can share the inheritance.” The brothers did just that. There were 18 camels. And the elder brother took 9 camels to his barn, the middle brother - 6, and the younger brother - two. After that, a shabby black camel remained standing on the sidelines… “Do you no longer need my camel? - asked the old man. - please, give it back to me, maybe it will serve both me and others…” And the elder went on… Undoubtedly, this parable is about the essence of the class teacher’s activity: to join; help; step aside in time, allowing the children to go their own way; follow on to help others.

    The decision of the teachers' council:

    To form a bank of pedagogical ideas and a card index of educational systems at school

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"Scenario of the teachers' council "Panorama of the activity of the class teacher""

Panorama of the activity of the class teacher

Targets and goals:

    Improving the activities of the class teacher.

    Identification of weaknesses in the activities of the class teacher and assistance in identifying shortcomings.

    Identification of the strengths of the class teacher and assistance in summarizing experience.

    Collection of material in a methodical piggy bank on the problems of educational work of the class teacher.

We all come from childhood. Remembering childhood, every adult often reproduces events related to his life during his school years. A good memory remains of that teacher, with whom there were joyful moments of communication, who helped in solving problems, in choosing a life path, was an interesting person. More often than not, it's the class teacher. He really stands closest to the child in the teaching staff of the school.

Problems of health, behavior, study, relationships with classmates, subject teachers, organization of schoolchildren's leisure and much more are areas of concern for the class teacher. Therefore, we can say that he is one of the key figures in the process of development and self-development of the child, the formation of his worldview.

Those who work at school today are well aware that, first of all, the biggest costs - psychological and physical - are borne by the class teacher. We know the subject well, and it is not difficult for us to conduct a lesson, but the emotional components of class life must be experienced

According to sociological studies, a class teacher spends more than 40 hours a week to organize full-fledged extracurricular work in the classroom. It is very difficult to become a real mentor of your pupils. After all, there is no work in the school more complex and difficult than the work of a class teacher. His activities are diverse and voluminous, the range of duties is very wide, sorrows and failures are more frequent than joys and victories. At the same time, there is no work in the school more interesting than the activity of leading a class team. Class leadership is the joy of communication, it is the circle of your children, it is the realization of pedagogical cooperation, it is the desire to be needed by each of your pupils and the joy of small achievements and great victories in the upbringing of a person.

At present, questions are often discussed about how to educate: everyone and everywhere is talking about this.

The concept of modernization of Kazakhstani education formulated the state order: “A developing society needs modernly educated, moral, enterprising people who can independently make responsible decisions in a situation of choice, predict their possible consequences, are capable of cooperation, are distinguished by mobility, dynamism, constructiveness, have a developed sense of responsibility for the fate of the country.

The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child defines childhood as the time from birth to the age of 18. In this living space, a special place is occupied by school years, as the years of formation and intensive development of the personality.

Everything that a child needs in school years, and he seeks to understand and prove himself (need for self-actualization), enter into various human communities (need for socialization) and establish themselves in them (the need for self-determination and self-affirmation), impossible without teachers. Without teachers, it is difficult for a child to achieve the main internal goal of childhood - growing up.

Often a student cannot solve problems on his own due to a lot of “hindrances”: ignorance of himself, inability to make decisions on his own, lack of experience in relationships with peers and other people who surround him. Today, more than ever, a child needs advice, help, love, protection.

Now, more than ever, the role of the class teacher is being rethought, aiming him at educating the subjective position of the child.

At the end of the 3rd quarter, I conducted a survey “Class teacher through the eyes of pupils.” This questionnaire is conducted to analyze the activities of the teacher. Its purpose is to encourage class teachers to “put” themselves in the place of their students and see the educational process “their” eyes. Children of 5,7,9,10 classes took part in the survey, in total 167 students. (Analysis of questionnaires)

In the conditions of the modern world, the class teacher must be one step ahead of those whom he educates. He needs to be an interesting person, have a deep knowledge, skills in one of the areas of culture: to be fond of theater, painting, some direction in literature, play the guitar, draw, sing, go in for sports, understand fashion, feed on information from the Internet and just be a cultured person.

The guys respect the class teacher who is fair, has his own principles, knows how to protect the interests of his class and his own interests. An important quality students consider to have a sense of humor, the ability not to bring the situation to a conflict, to provide pedagogical support. The priority for a real class teacher is the acceptance of each child, respect for him as an individual.

At today's teachers' council, we present a panorama of the activities of the class teacher.

The activity of a primary school teacher differs significantly from that of a middle and senior teacher. Its features are determined by the contingent of students. Primary classes are the first stage of school education. Children, under the guidance of a teacher, take the first steps in learning, acquire knowledge, skills and abilities in educational activities. The teacher works with the class most often alone and acts as both teacher and educator.

The gullibility and spontaneity of children, everyday contact with them allow the teacher to deeply know the course of their development, to guide him daily.

In the activity of a primary school teacher, as a rule, the organizational aspect is pronounced, since children need constant organization.

The teacher's attitude towards children is characterized by great warmth and care, combined with reasonable demands.

The floor is given to Akhmedzhanova G.E.

In modern conditions, the class teacher is called upon to constantly take care of improving the quality of knowledge and developing the cognitive activity of students.

I invite the class teacher 9 "G" Karaseva L.N. to the conversation.

Collaboration and co-creation is the key to success

Development of cognitive interests of students through business and educational games.

The formation of subjectivity, as well as its subsequent manifestation, occurs only in the process of active creative activity. Therefore, another aspect of the activity of the class teacher is to involve students in active creativity.

When kids are having fun. Co-creation is the key to success

Nurkanova S.K. will share her experience.

    There are many forms of educational work . An important role in the formation of the class team and the establishment of relationships in the class is played by class hours. « Classroom hour - this is a form of educational work in which students, under the guidance of a teacher, are included in specially organized activities that contribute to the formation of their system to the” (N. E. Shchurkova).

Some examples of classroom organization.

Work aimed at the development of the personality of the child becomes effective and efficient only if the parents of students are involved in the process of education and upbringing.

Nechaeva T.S. will tell about the interaction of the class teacher with parents

At school, at work and on holidays - together with their parents.

Thus, the panorama of the class teacher's activity is the creation of conditions for the formation of a competitive, harmoniously developed personality, capable of independently making responsible decisions in a situation of choice, predicting their possible consequences, characterized by mobility, dynamism, constructiveness, having a developed sense of responsibility for the fate of the country.

Classroom leadership is a kind of sacrament From a group of students, where each with their own character, habits and hobbies, the teacher-educator creates not just a class, he creates a team, a team that studies, lives, works and rests as a whole.

The team is a single organism, where each student is a bright individuality. Let's work so that our children feel needed by society and be happy.

The parable of the shabby black camel.

The old dervish was dying. He called his three sons to him and said that he left them 17 of his camels as an inheritance. He bequeathed one-half of all camels to his eldest son, one-third to his middle son, and, finally, to his youngest son, one-ninth of these 17 camels. After the death of their father, the brothers could not divide the inheritance in any way. After learning the reason for their dispute, he said, “I am too old to travel. Take my shabby camel and you can share the inheritance.” The brothers did just that. There were 18 camels. And the elder brother took 9 camels to his barn, the middle brother 6, and the younger brother 2. After that, a shabby black camel remained standing on the sidelines… “Do you no longer need my camel? the old man asked. – please, give it back to me, maybe it will serve both me and others…” And the elder went on… Undoubtedly, this parable is about the essence of the class teacher’s activity: to join; help; step aside in time, allowing the children to go their own way; follow on to help others.

In conclusion, I would like to give “10 commandments of a “class” educator”:

Know how to listen - for there is a rational grain in the ideas of children. Find him.

Find something to praise for - for a kind word is also pleasant for a cat.

Be fair - for insults hurt the child's soul.

Know how to see the positive qualities of a student - for there is more good in children than bad.

Infect with your own example - for someone must be a locomotive.

Protect your student even in front of teachers - because there are reasons for negative moments.

Do not tell your parents about trifles - for only a weakling signs in his own impotence.

Encourage the initiative of students - for it is impossible to do everything yourself.

Use a lot of affectionate words during communication - for the class teacher is a mother from breakfast to lunch.

I would like every class teacher to remember and be guided in his work with children by the words of V.A. Sukhomlinsky: “Every child has bells hidden in the depths of his soul. You just need to find them, touch them so that they ring with good and cheerful ringing.

The decision of the teachers' council :

Continue to develop the cognitive activity of students, involving them in additional education; fast. class leaders

Continue work on the creation of an educational and methodological complex for educational work; post class leaders

To form a bank of pedagogical ideas and a card index of educational systems at school

;fast. Deputy Director for BP, Heads of the Moscow Region

Class teachers to improve the organization of work with parents of students post. Cl. leaders

To consider it expedient to implement an educational system of classes aimed at improving the efficiency and quality of the educational process, to improve the forms of extracurricular activities using new, modern technologies of education. fast. class leaders

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