Presentation on the topic of the genetic relationship of hydrocarbons. Theme of the lesson "Genetic relationship of hydrocarbons, alcohols, aldehydes and ketones" Purpose To develop the ability to draw up structural formulas for this information

The lesson of repetition and generalization of knowledge on the topic "Hydrocarbons" in the 10th grade according to the program of O.S. Gabrielyan. It is aimed at fixing the key issues of the topic: nomenclature, isomerism, methods of obtaining and properties of saturated, unsaturated and aromatic hydrocarbons. The lesson includes the solution of computational and qualitative problems, chains of transformations. Students must name the proposed substances, make correlations by classes of organic substances, choose among them homologues and isomers.



Municipal educational institution

secondary school №6

villages of Oktyabrskaya, Krasnodar Territory

in chemistry in grade 10

on the topic:

Open lesson in chemistry

in grade 10 on the topic:

« Generalization and systematization of knowledge on the topic: "Hydrocarbons".

"Genetic series of hydrocarbons".

Lesson Objectives:

  1. Repeat, generalize and consolidate the knowledge and skills gained in the study of this topic; be able to classify hydrocarbons, compare their composition, structure, properties; establish cause-and-effect relationships (composition, structure, properties, application).
  2. To be able to explain with examples the reasons for the diversity of organic substances, the material unity of inorganic and organic substances.
  3. To be able to compose equations of chemical reactions that reveal the genetic relationships between hydrocarbons of various homologous series.
  4. Develop cognitive activity using non-standard tasks; develop logical thinking skills, as well as draw conclusions; explain the course of the experiment, highlight the main thing, compare, generalize.
  5. To instill interest in chemistry, to acquaint with its role at the present stage.

Lesson type: lesson of generalization and systematization of the acquired knowledge.

Methods: solving qualitative and settlement problems, independent work.

Equipment: Models of all representatives of hydrocarbons, tables of genetic

The relationship of hydrocarbons.


I. Organizing time.

Mutual greetings to each other, fixing absentees, checking readiness for the lesson.

II. Introduction by the teacher.

Teacher. We have finished studying the topic "Hydrocarbons". Today in the lesson we will generalize knowledge on the structure, properties, isomerism of these compounds.

Any natural objects and phenomena are studied in their relationship. Among the many types of connections, one can single out those that indicate what is primary and what is secondary, how some objects or phenomena give rise to others. These types of relationships are called genetic.

There is a genetic link between the homologous series of hydrocarbons, which is found in the process of mutual transformation of these substances.

III. Work on the topic of the lesson.

  1. The first issue we are considering is the composition, classification and nomenclature of hydrocarbons.

Specify the class of compounds and give a name to the following substances:

Formulas of substances are written on a poster and posted on the board. Students from the place in turn name the substances and indicate the class of the compound.

Homologs: a) and b); g) i i); c) and j)

Isomers: c) and d); e)h) and f)

  1. One of the common properties of hydrocarbons is the presence of isomerism.

Questions to the class:

  1. What phenomenon is called isomerism?
  2. What are the types of isomerism?
  3. What hydrocarbons are characterized by spatial isomerism?
  4. Which hydrocarbons exhibit class isomerism?
  5. What substances are called homologues?

From the above substances, select a) homologues, b) isomers.

  1. Teacher. There is a genetic relationship between the homologous series, which can be traced during the mutual transformation of substances. The richest natural sources of hydrocarbons are oil and natural gas.

To move from one group to another, processes are used: dehydrogenation, hydrogenation, cycloformation, and others. Of great importance are the developments of our Russian scientists - N.D. Zelinsky, V.V. Markovnikov, B.A. Kazansky, M.G. Kucherov.

Solution of chains of transformations reflecting

genetic relationship of hydrocarbons.

  1. Two people solve two chains at the boards:

C 2 H 6 → C 2 H 4 → C 2 H 2 → C 6 H 6 → C 6 H 6 Cl 6; 1 - student

2- student only under a)

  1. One person on the board solves a chain of an increased level of complexity:
  1. The rest of the class solves the common chain, going to the board in turn:

CaCO 3 → CaO → CaC 2 → C 2 H 2 trimerization, С(act) X + Cl2, FeCl3 A

H2, Ni Y H2O, H3PO4 B

Checking the chains behind the boards No. 1 (a and b), No. 2.

  1. When studying the topic "Hydrocarbons", computational, experimental problems are often solved, in which the individual properties of substances are used.

Solving quality problems.

  1. Two people at the boards solve high-quality problems, designed in the form of individual cards:

Card 1.

Answer: Skip both substances through bromine or iodine water. Where there was propyne-bromine water will discolor.

Card 2.

Answer: You can recognize it by the nature of the flame when burning each gas. Ethane burns with a colorless blue flame, ethylene with a bright yellow, and acetylene with a smoky flame.

  1. Everyone else (who wants to) solve a quality problem on the main board with class support:

Card 3.

One cylinder contains methane and propene. How to separate this mixture? Write the appropriate reactions.

Answer . Bromine water is passed through the gas mixture:

Pure methane remains as a gas. The resulting 1,2-dibromopropane is treated with zinc:

Pure propene is released as a gas.

Solution of calculation problems.

  1. Two people at the boards solve problems on cards:

Card 1.

Card 2.

  1. One person together with the class solves the problem on the main board:

Card 3.

When burning 4.4 g of an unknown hydrocarbon, 6.72 liters of carbon dioxide and 7.2 g of water were released. Derive the formula for this hydrocarbon if its relative density with respect to hydrogen is 22.

Checking solutions to problems from cards 1 and 2.

IV. Analysis of grades for the lesson.

V. Homework:repeat everything on the topic “Hydrocarbons” + solve the chain of transformations: CO 2

CH 4 → C 2 H 2 → C 6 H 6 + HNO3 A



Card 1.

Two tanks contain propane and propine. Determine substances using qualitative reactions, confirming with reaction equations.

Card 2.

Three containers contain ethane, ethene and ethine. How to recognize which gas is located where. Write the equations for the corresponding reactions.

Card 1.

Set the molecular formula of a hydrocarbon if it is known that it contains 80% carbon, 20% hydrogen, and the relative vapor density in air is 1.034.

Card 2.

Calculate the mass of 96% ethyl alcohol, which can be obtained by the ethylene hydration reaction with a volume of 67.2 liters.


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Slides captions:

Open lesson in chemistry in grade 10 Genetic series of hydrocarbons. Generalization and systematization of knowledge

1. Repeat, summarize and consolidate the knowledge and skills gained in the study of this topic; be able to classify hydrocarbons, compare their composition, structure, properties; establish cause-and-effect relationships (composition, structure, properties, application). 2. Be able to compose equations of chemical reactions that reveal the genetic relationships between hydrocarbons of various homologous series. Lesson Objectives:

Any natural objects and phenomena are studied in their relationship. Among the many types of connections, one can single out those that indicate what is primary and what is secondary, how some objects or phenomena give rise to others. These types of relationships are called genetic. There is a genetic link between the homologous series of hydrocarbons, which is found in the process of mutual transformation of these substances.

Theme of the lesson "Genetic relationship of hydrocarbons, alcohols, aldehydes and ketones" Purpose To develop the ability to draw up structural formulas for this information. To form the skill of implementing chains of transformations of organic substances. Improve knowledge of the classification and nomenclature of organic substances.

The program of activity "Compilation of the structural formula of a substance from this information" 1) Translate this information into the language of schemes. 2) Assume the connection class. 3) Set the compound class and its structural formula. 4) Write the equations of the ongoing reactions.

Program of activities: "Implementation of chains of transformations" 1). List the chemical reactions. 2). Determine and sign the class of each substance in the chain of transformations. 3). Analyze the chain: A) Above the arrow, write the formulas of the reagents and the reaction conditions; B) Under the arrow, write the formulas for additional products with a minus sign. 4). Write the reaction equations: A) Arrange the coefficients; b) Name the products of the reaction.

Classification of organic compounds according to the structure of the carbon chain 1. Depending on the nature of the carbon skeleton, acyclic (linear and branched and cyclic compounds) are distinguished. Acyclic (aliphatic, non-cyclic) compounds - compounds that have an open linear or branched UC are often called normal. containing molecules closed in a cycle of UC

Classification of individual carbon atoms In the carbon skeletons themselves, it is customary to classify individual carbon atoms according to the number of chemically bonded carbon atoms. If a given carbon atom is bonded to one carbon atom, then it is called primary, with two - secondary, three - tertiary and four - Quaternary. In the carbon skeletons themselves, it is customary to classify individual carbon atoms by the number of chemically bonded carbon atoms. If a given carbon atom is bonded to one carbon atom, then it is called primary, with two - secondary, three - tertiary and four - Quaternary. What is the name of the carbon atom depicted: What is the name of the carbon atom depicted: a) inside the circle _________________; b) inside the square __________________; c) inside the heart __________________; d) inside the triangle _________________;

Topic: "Genetic relationship of hydrocarbons and their derivatives."


    consider the genetic relationship between hydrocarbon types and classes of organic compounds;

    generalize and systematize students' knowledge of hydrocarbons and their derivatives based on the comparative characteristics of their properties.

    development of logical thinking, based on the chemistry of hydrocarbons and their derivatives.

    formation of self-education skills in students.

Lesson objectives:

    develop in students the ability to set goals, plan their activities in the classroom;

    develop students' logical thinking (by establishing a genetic relationship between different classes of hydrocarbons, putting forward hypotheses about the chemical properties of unfamiliar organic substances);

    develop students' ability to compare (using the example of comparing the chemical properties of hydrocarbons);

    develop information and cognitive competence of students;

    develop students' chemical speech, the ability to reasonedly answer questions,

    to develop the communication skills of students, to cultivate the ability to listen to the answers of classmates.

Lesson type:

    according to the didactic goal - improving knowledge,

    according to the method of organization - generalizing.


    verbal (conversation),

    practical - drawing up transformation schemes and their implementation,

    doing independent work.


Organic chemistry- the science of vital substances.
Hydrocarbons are of great importance for modern industries, technology, and people's daily lives. These substances, both in their individual state and in the form of natural mixtures (gas, oil, coal), serve as raw materials for the production of tens of thousands of more complex organic compounds, bring warmth and light to our homes.

multimedia presentation

In our life, organic substances occupy a very large place. Today there are more than 20 million of them. Without them, many familiar things would disappear from everyday life: plastic and rubber products, household chemicals, cosmetics. Every day more and more new substances are synthesized. It is impossible to know everything about everything. But one can understand the basic laws that apply in the transformation of organic substances.

Of great importance are the developments of our Russian scientists - N.D. Zelinsky, V.V. Markovnikov, B.A. Kazansky, M.G. Kucherov.

What classes of hydrocarbons do you know, call immediately with a general formula.

Table "Classification of substances"

Answer the questions:


How do different types of hydrocarbons differ in composition?

students(number of hydrogen atoms)


What reactions should be carried out in order to obtain another from one type of hydrocarbon?


(Hydrogenation or dehydrogenation reactions.

This is how most transitions can be carried out, however, this method of obtaining hydrocarbons is not universal. The arrows in the diagram indicate hydrocarbons that can be directly converted into each other by one reaction).


Schematically it looks like this:

Exercise: to consolidate the studied material, carry out several chains of transformation. Determine the type of each reaction:

Teacher: You know that a genetic relationship exists not only between hydrocarbons, but also between their derivatives - oxygen-containing organic substances, which are commercially obtained from oil, gas and coal processing products. Let's reveal this relationship using the example of chains of transformation:

Student work on the interactive whiteboard.

This makes it possible to carry out a targeted synthesis of given compounds using a number of necessary chemical reactions (a chain of transformations)

Fragment of the video.

Task: draw up reaction equations, indicate the conditions for the course and type of reactions.

Conclusion: Today in the lesson - on the example of the genetic connection of organic substances of different homologous series, we saw and proved with the help of transformations - the unity of the material unity of the world.


To solve the task: Given 2 moles of ethyl alcohol.

How much 1 row is formed - a gram of dibromoethane;
2 row - liters of carbon dioxide
3rd row - gram of ethylene glycol;

Review topics on homology and isomerism: formulate formulas for one and two composition isomers.

See similar

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slide 2

The relationship between classes of substances is expressed by genetic chains

  • The genetic series is the implementation of chemical transformations, as a result of which substances of another class can be obtained from substances of one class.
  • To carry out genetic transformations, you need to know:
  • classes of substances;
  • nomenclature of substances;
  • properties of substances;
  • types of reactions;
  • nominal reactions, for example the Wurtz synthesis:
  • slide 3

    slide 4

    • What reactions should be carried out in order to obtain another from one type of hydrocarbon?
    • The arrows in the diagram indicate hydrocarbons that can be directly converted into each other by a single reaction.
  • slide 5

    Carry out several chains of transformations

    Determine the type of each reaction:

    slide 6


  • Slide 7

    Divide substances into classes:


    Slide 8


    • Alkanes: CH4; C2H6; С3Н8
    • Alkenes: C3H6; C2H4
    • Alcohols: CH3OH; C2H5OH
    • Aldehydes: HSON; CH3SON
    • Carboxylic acids: CH3COOH; UNSD
    • Esters: CH3COOC2H5; CH3COOCH3
  • Slide 9

    • How can you get from hydrocarbons:
    • a) alcohols b) aldehydes c) acids?
  • Slide 10

    Journey of carbon

    • C CaC2 C2H2 CH3CHO C2H5OH
  • slide 11

    • 2C + Ca CaC2
    • CaC2 + 2H2O C2H2 + Ca(OH)2
    • C2H2 + H2O CH3CHO
    • CH3CHO + H2 C2H5OH
    • CH3CHO + O2 CH3COOH
  • slide 12

    For oxygenated compounds

    write reaction equations, indicate the conditions for the course and type of reactions.

    slide 13

    Obtaining an ester from a hydrocarbon


    Slide 14

    slide 15

  • slide 16

  • Slide 17

  • Slide 18

    Slide 19

    Conclusion: Today in the lesson - on the example of the genetic connection of organic substances of different homologous series, we saw and proved with the help of transformations - the unity of the material world.

  • Slide 20

    • butane butene-1 1,2-dibromobutane butene-1
    • pentene-1 pentane 2-chloropentane
    • pentene-2 ​​CO2
    • Perform transformations.
  • View all slides


    What is nano?�


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    Video demonstration.

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    What is nano?�

    New technologies are what moves humanity forward on its path to progress.�

    The goals and objectives of this work are the expansion and improvement of students' knowledge about the world around them, new achievements and discoveries. Formation of skills of comparison, generalization. The ability to highlight the main thing, the development of creative interest, the education of independence in the search for material.

    The beginning of the 21st century is marked by nanotechnologies that combine biology, chemistry, IT, and physics.

    In recent years, the pace of scientific and technological progress has become dependent on the use of artificially created nanometer-sized objects. The substances and objects created on their basis with a size of 1–100 nm are called nanomaterials, and the methods of their production and use are called nanotechnologies. With the naked eye, a person is able to see an object with a diameter of about 10 thousand nanometers.

    In the broadest sense, nanotechnology is research and development at the atomic, molecular and macromolecular levels on a scale of one to one hundred nanometers; creation and use of artificial structures, devices and systems, which, due to their ultra-small size, have essentially new properties and functions; manipulation of matter on the atomic scale of distances.

    slide 3

    Technology determines the quality of life for each of us and the power of the state in which we live.

    The Industrial Revolution, which began in the textile industry, spurred the development of rail technology.

    In the future, the growth of transportation of various goods became impossible without new technologies in the automotive industry. Thus, each new technology causes the birth and development of related technologies.

    The present period of time in which we live is called the scientific and technological revolution or information. The beginning of the information revolution coincided with the development of computer technology, without which the life of modern society is no longer imagined.

    The development of computer technology has always been associated with the miniaturization of electronic circuit elements. At present, the size of one logical element (transistor) of a computer circuit is about 10-7 m, and scientists believe that further miniaturization of computer elements is possible only when special technologies called "nanotechnologies" are developed.

    slide 4

    Translated from Greek, the word "nano" means dwarf, dwarf. One nanometer (nm) is one billionth of a meter (10-9 m). The nanometer is very small. A nanometer is as many times less than one meter as the thickness of a finger is less than the diameter of the Earth. Most atoms are between 0.1 and 0.2 nm in diameter, and DNA strands are about 2 nm thick. The diameter of red blood cells is 7000 nm, and the thickness of a human hair is 80,000 nm.

    In the figure, from left to right, in order of increasing size, a variety of objects are shown - from an atom to the solar system. Man has already learned to benefit from objects of various sizes. We can split the nuclei of atoms, extracting atomic energy. Through chemical reactions, we obtain new molecules and substances with unique properties. With the help of special tools, a person has learned to create objects - from a pinhead to huge structures that are visible even from space.

    But if you look at the figure carefully, you can see that there is a fairly large range (on a logarithmic scale), where scientists have not set foot for a long time - between a hundred nanometers and 0.1 nm. Nanotechnologies have to work with objects ranging in size from 0.1 nm to 100 nm. And there is every reason to believe that it is possible to make the nanoworld work for us.

    Nanotechnologies use the latest achievements in chemistry, physics and biology.

    slide 5

    Recent studies have shown that in ancient Egypt, nanotechnology was used to dye hair black. To do this, a paste of Ca(OH)2 lime, lead oxide, and water was used. In the process of staining, lead sulfide (galena) nanoparticles were obtained, as a result of interaction with sulfur, which is part of keratin, which ensured uniform and stable staining.

    The British Museum holds the "Lycurgus Cup" (the walls of the goblet depict scenes from the life of this great Spartan legislator), made by ancient Roman craftsmen - it contains microscopic particles of gold and silver added to the glass. Under different lighting, the goblet changes color - from dark red to light golden. Similar technologies were used to create stained-glass windows in medieval European cathedrals.

    Currently, scientists have proven that the sizes of these particles are from 50 to 100 nm.

    slide 6

    In 1661, the Irish chemist Robert Boyle published an article in which he criticized Aristotle's statement that everything on Earth consists of four elements - water, earth, fire and air (the philosophical basis of the foundations of the then alchemy, chemistry and physics). Boyle argued that everything consists of "corpuscles" - ultra-small parts that, in different combinations, form various substances and objects. Subsequently, the ideas of Democritus and Boyle were accepted by the scientific community.

    In 1704, Isaac Newton made suggestions about the study of the mystery of corpuscles;

    In 1959, the American physicist Richard Feynman stated: "For the time being, we are forced to use the atomic structures that nature offers us." "But in principle a physicist could synthesize any substance with a given chemical formula."

    In 1959, Norio Taniguchi first used the term "nanotechnology";

    In 1980, Eric Drexler used the term.

    Slide 7

    Richard Phillips Feyman (1918-1988), American physicist. One of the founders of quantum electrodynamics. Winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1965.

    Feynman's famous lecture, known as "There's still a lot of room down there," is today considered the starting point in the struggle to conquer the nanoworld. It was first read at Caltech in 1959. The word "below" in the title of the lecture meant in "a very small world."

    Nanotechnology emerged as a field of science in its own right and evolved into a long-term technical project following a detailed analysis by the American scientist Eric Drexler in the early 1980s and the publication of his book Engines of Creation: The Coming Era of Nanotechnology.

    Slide 9

    The first devices that made it possible to observe nano-objects and move them were scanning probe microscopes - an atomic force microscope and a scanning tunneling microscope operating on a similar principle. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) was developed by Gerd Binnig and Heinrich Rohrer, who were awarded the Nobel Prize in 1986 for these studies.

    Slide 10

    The basis of the AFM is a probe, usually made of silicon and representing a thin plate-console (it is called a cantilever, from the English word "cantilever" - console, beam). At the end of the cantilever is a very sharp spike, ending in a group of one or more atoms. The main material is silicon and silicon nitride.

    As the microprobe moves along the sample surface, the tip of the spike rises and falls, outlining the microrelief of the surface, just as a gramophone needle slides over a gramophone record. At the protruding end of the cantilever there is a mirror platform, on which the laser beam falls and from which the laser beam is reflected. As the spike descends and rises on uneven surfaces, the reflected beam is deflected, and this deflection is recorded by a photodetector, and the force with which the spike is attracted to nearby atoms is recorded by a piezoelectric sensor.

    The photodetector and piezoelectric sensor data are used in the feedback system. As a result, it is possible to build a three-dimensional relief of the sample surface in real time.

    slide 11

    Another group of scanning probe microscopes uses the so-called quantum-mechanical "tunnel effect" to build the surface topography. The essence of the tunnel effect is that the electric current between a sharp metal needle and a surface located at a distance of about 1 nm begins to depend on this distance - the smaller the distance, the greater the current. If a voltage of 10 V is applied between the needle and the surface, then this "tunneling" current can be from 10 pA to 10 nA. By measuring this current and keeping it constant, the distance between the needle and the surface can also be kept constant. This allows you to build a three-dimensional surface profile. Unlike an atomic force microscope, a scanning tunneling microscope can only study the surfaces of metals or semiconductors.

    A scanning tunneling microscope can be used to move any atom to a point chosen by the operator. Thus, it is possible to manipulate atoms and create nanostructures, i.e. structures on the surface, having dimensions of the order of a nanometer. Back in 1990, IBM employees showed that this was possible by adding the name of their company on a nickel plate from 35 xenon atoms.

    The bevel differential adorns the main page of the website of the Institute of Molecular Manufacturing. Compiled by E. Drexler from atoms of hydrogen, carbon, silicon, nitrogen, phosphorus, hydrogen and sulfur with a total number of 8298. Computer calculations show that its existence and functioning does not contradict the laws of physics.

    slide 12

    Class of lyceum students in the nanotechnology class of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen.

    slide 13

    Nanostructures can be assembled not only from individual atoms or single molecules, but molecular blocks. Such blocks or elements for creating nanostructures are graphene, carbon nanotubes and fullerenes.

    Slide 14

    1985 Richard Smalley, Robert Curl and Harold Kroto discover fullerenes, for the first time able to measure a 1 nm object.

    Fullerenes are molecules consisting of 60 atoms arranged in the shape of a sphere. In 1996, a group of scientists was awarded the Nobel Prize.

    Video demonstration.

    slide 15

    Aluminum with a small additive (no more than 1%) of fullerene acquires the hardness of steel.

    slide 16

    Graphene is a single flat sheet of carbon atoms linked together to form a lattice, each cell of which resembles a honeycomb. The distance between the nearest carbon atoms in graphene is about 0.14 nm.

    The light balls are carbon atoms, and the rods between them are the bonds that hold the atoms in the graphene sheet.

    Slide 17

    Graphite, which is what ordinary pencil leads are made of, is a stack of sheets of graphene. The graphenes in graphite are very poorly bonded and can slide relative to each other. Therefore, if you draw graphite over paper, then the graphene sheet in contact with it is separated from the graphite and remains on the paper. This explains why graphite can be written.

    Slide 18

    Dendrimers are one of the paths to the nanoworld in the "bottom-up" direction.

    Tree-like polymers are nanostructures ranging in size from 1 to 10 nm, formed by combining molecules with a branching structure. The synthesis of dendrimers is one of the nanotechnologies that is closely related to the chemistry of polymers. Like all polymers, dendrimers are made up of monomers, and the molecules of these monomers have a branched structure.

    Cavities filled with the substance in the presence of which the dendrimers were formed can form inside the dendrimer. If a dendrimer is synthesized in a solution containing a drug, then this dendrimer becomes a nanocapsule with this drug. In addition, the cavities within the dendrimer may contain radioactively labeled substances used to diagnose various diseases.

    Slide 19

    In 13% of cases, people die from cancer. This disease kills about 8 million people worldwide every year. Many types of cancer are still considered incurable. Scientific studies show that the use of nanotechnology can be a powerful tool in the fight against this disease. Dendrimers - capsules with poison for cancer cells

    Cancer cells need a lot of folic acid to divide and grow. Therefore, folic acid molecules adhere very well to the surface of cancer cells, and if the outer shell of dendrimers contains folic acid molecules, then such dendrimers will selectively adhere only to cancer cells. With the help of such dendrimers, cancer cells can be made visible if some other molecules are attached to the shell of the dendrimers, which glow, for example, under ultraviolet light. By attaching a drug that kills cancer cells to the outer shell of the dendrimer, one can not only detect them, but also kill them.

    According to scientists, with the help of nanotechnology, microscopic sensors can be embedded in human blood cells that warn of the first signs of the development of the disease.

    Slide 20

    Quantum dots are already a handy tool for biologists to see different structures inside living cells. Various cellular structures are equally transparent and unstained. Therefore, if you look at the cell through a microscope, then nothing but its edges is visible. In order to make a certain cell structure visible, quantum dots of various sizes have been created that can stick to certain intracellular structures.

    Molecules were glued to the smallest, glowing green light, capable of sticking to microtubules that make up the inner skeleton of the cell. Quantum dots of medium size can stick to the membranes of the Golgi apparatus, while the largest ones can stick to the cell nucleus. The cell is dipped in a solution that contains all these quantum dots and kept in it for a while, they get inside and stick where they can. After that, the cell is rinsed in a solution that does not contain quantum dots and under a microscope. Cellular structures became clearly visible.

    Red is the core; green - microtubules; yellow - Golgi apparatus.

    slide 21

    Titanium dioxide, TiO2, is the most common titanium compound on earth. Its powder has a dazzling white color and is therefore used as a dye in the manufacture of paints, paper, toothpastes and plastics. The reason is a very high refractive index (n=2.7).

    Titanium oxide TiO2 has a very strong catalytic activity - it accelerates the course of chemical reactions. In the presence of ultraviolet radiation, it splits water molecules into free radicals - hydroxyl groups OH- and superoxide anions O2- of such high activity that organic compounds decompose into carbon dioxide and water.

    Catalytic activity increases with a decrease in the size of its particles. Therefore, they are used to purify water, air and various surfaces from organic compounds that are usually harmful to humans.

    Photocatalysts can be included in the composition of road concrete, which will improve the ecology around roads. In addition, it is proposed to add powder from these nanoparticles to automotive fuel, which should also reduce the content of harmful impurities in exhaust gases.

    A film of titanium dioxide nanoparticles deposited on glass is transparent and invisible to the eye. However, such glass, under the action of sunlight, is able to self-clean from organic contaminants, turning any organic dirt into carbon dioxide and water. Glass treated with titanium oxide nanoparticles is devoid of greasy stains and therefore is well wetted by water. As a result, such glass fogs up less, since water droplets immediately spread along the glass surface, forming a thin transparent film.

    Titanium dioxide stops working indoors, because. In artificial light, there is practically no ultraviolet radiation. However, scientists believe that by slightly changing its structure, it will be possible to make it sensitive to the visible part of the solar spectrum. On the basis of such nanoparticles, it will be possible to make a coating, for example, for toilet rooms, as a result of which the content of bacteria and other organic matter on the surfaces of toilets can be reduced by several times.

    Due to its ability to absorb ultraviolet radiation, titanium dioxide is already used in the manufacture of sunscreens, such as creams. Cream manufacturers began to use it in the form of nanoparticles, which are so small that they provide almost absolute transparency of sunscreen.

    slide 22

    Self-cleaning nanograss and the "lotus effect"

    Nanotechnology makes it possible to create a surface similar to a massage microbrush. Such a surface is called a nanograss, and it is a set of parallel nanowires (nanorods) of the same length, located at an equal distance from each other.

    A drop of water, falling on a nanograss, cannot penetrate between the nanograss, as this is prevented by the high surface tension of the liquid.

    To make the wettability of a nanograss even smaller, its surface is covered with a thin layer of a hydrophobic polymer. And then not only water, but also any particles will never stick to the nanograss, because. touch it only at a few points. Therefore, the particles of dirt that are on the surface covered with nanovilli either fall off it themselves or are carried away by rolling drops of water.

    Self-cleaning of a fleecy surface from dirt particles is called the "lotus effect", because. lotus flowers and leaves are pure even when the water around is muddy and dirty. This happens due to the fact that the leaves and flowers are not wetted with water, so drops of water roll off them like balls of mercury, leaving no trace and washing away all the dirt. Even drops of glue and honey fail to stay on the surface of lotus leaves.

    It turned out that the entire surface of the lotus leaves is densely covered with micropimples about 10 microns high, and the pimples themselves, in turn, are covered with even smaller microvilli. Studies have shown that all these micro-pimples and villi are made of wax, which is known to have hydrophobic properties, making the surface of lotus leaves look like nanograss. It is the pimply structure of the surface of lotus leaves that significantly reduces their wettability. In comparison, the relatively smooth surface of a magnolia leaf, which does not have the ability to self-clean.

    Thus, nanotechnologies make it possible to create self-cleaning coatings and materials that also have water-repellent properties. Materials made from such fabrics remain always clean. Self-cleaning windshields are already being produced, the outer surface of which is covered with nanovilli. On such glass, the "wipers" have nothing to do. There are permanently clean rims for car wheels on the market, self-cleaning using the "lotus effect", and even now it is possible to paint the outside of the house with a paint that dirt does not stick to.

    From polyester covered with many tiny silicon fibers, Swiss scientists managed to create a waterproof material.

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    Nanowires are called wires with a diameter of the order of a nanometer, made of metal, semiconductor or dielectric. The length of nanowires can often exceed their diameter by a factor of 1000 or more. Therefore, nanowires are often called one-dimensional structures, and their extremely small diameter (about 100 atom sizes) makes it possible to manifest various quantum mechanical effects. Nanowires do not exist in nature.

    The unique electrical and mechanical properties of nanowires create prerequisites for their use in future nanoelectronic and nanoelectromechanical devices, as well as elements of new composite materials and biosensors.

    slide 24

    Unlike transistors, battery miniaturization is very slow. The size of galvanic batteries, reduced to a unit of power, has decreased over the past 50 years by only 15 times, and the size of the transistor has decreased over the same time by more than 1000 times and is now about 100 nm. It is known that the size of an autonomous electronic circuit is often determined not by its electronic filling, but by the size of the current source. At the same time, the smarter the electronics of the device, the larger the battery it requires. Therefore, for further miniaturization of electronic devices, it is necessary to develop new types of batteries. Here again, nanotechnology helps.

    Toshiba in 2005 created a prototype of a lithium-ion rechargeable battery, the negative electrode of which was coated with lithium titanate nanocrystals, as a result of which the electrode area increased several tens of times. The new battery is capable of reaching 80% of its capacity in just one minute of charging, while conventional lithium-ion batteries charge at a rate of 2-3% per minute and take an hour to fully charge.

    In addition to a high recharge rate, batteries containing nanoparticle electrodes have an extended service life: after 1000 charge / discharge cycles, only 1% of its capacity is lost, and the total life of new batteries is more than 5 thousand cycles. And yet, these batteries can operate at temperatures down to -40 ° C, while losing only 20% of the charge, compared to 100% for typical modern batteries already at -25 ° C.

    Since 2007, batteries with conductive nanoparticle electrodes have been on the market, which can be installed on electric vehicles. These lithium-ion batteries are capable of storing energy up to 35 kWh, charging to maximum capacity in just 10 minutes. Now the range of an electric car with such batteries is 200 km, but the next model of these batteries has already been developed, which allows increasing the mileage of an electric car to 400 km, which is almost comparable to the maximum mileage of gasoline cars (from refueling to refueling).

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    In order for one substance to enter into a chemical reaction with another, certain conditions are necessary, and very often it is not possible to create such conditions. Therefore, a huge number of chemical reactions exist only on paper. For their implementation, catalysts are needed - substances that contribute to the reaction, but do not participate in them.

    Scientists have found that the inner surface of carbon nanotubes also has great catalytic activity. They believe that when a "graphite" sheet of carbon atoms is rolled into a tube, the concentration of electrons on its inner surface becomes less. This explains the ability of the inner surface of nanotubes to weaken, for example, the bond between oxygen and carbon atoms in a CO molecule, becoming a catalyst for the oxidation of CO to CO2.

    To combine the catalytic ability of carbon nanotubes and transition metals, nanoparticles from them were introduced inside nanotubes (It turned out that this nanocomplex of catalysts is able to start the reaction that was only dreamed of - the direct synthesis of ethyl alcohol from synthesis gas (a mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen) obtained from natural gas, coal and even biomass.

    In fact, mankind has always tried to experiment with nanotechnology without even knowing it. We learned about this at the beginning of our acquaintance, heard the concept of nanotechnology, learned the history and names of scientists who made it possible to make such a qualitative leap in the development of technologies, got acquainted with the technologies themselves, and even heard the history of the discovery of fullerenes from the discoverer, Nobel Prize winner Richard Smalley.

    Technology determines the quality of life for each of us and the power of the state in which we live.

    Further development of this direction depends on you.

    Download abstract

    "Properties of Alkanes" - Alkanes. Read the information in the paragraph. IUPAC nomenclature. Connections. Physical properties of alkanes. We solve problems. Alkenes and alkynes. Natural sources of hydrocarbons. Limit hydrocarbons. Methane halogenation. Nomenclature. Natural gas as fuel. Hydrogen. Chemical properties of alkanes. Variant of special exercises.

    "Methane" - First aid for severe asphyxia: removal of the victim from the harmful atmosphere. Methane. Often concentrations are expressed in parts per million or billion. The history of atmospheric methane discovery is short. The increase in the content of methane and nitrogen trifluoride in the Earth's atmosphere causes concern. The role of methane in ecological processes is exceptionally great.

    "Chemistry Limit hydrocarbons" - 8. Application. Applied in the form of natural gas, methane is used as a fuel. The angles between the orbitals are 109 degrees 28 minutes. 1. The most characteristic reactions of saturated hydrocarbons are substitution reactions. In alkane molecules, all carbon atoms are in the SP3 state - hybridization.

    "Limited hydrocarbons chemistry" - Table of saturated hydrocarbons. Organic chemistry. In the laboratory. C2H6. The carbon chain therefore assumes a zigzag shape. Limit carbohydrates (alkanes or paraffins). Where is methane used? Receipt. Methane. What compounds are called saturated hydrocarbons? Questions and tasks. Application.

    Gas mixtures obtained from associated gas. Natural gas. Natural gaseous mixtures of hydrocarbons. Origin of oil. Therefore, saturated hydrocarbons contain the maximum number of hydrogen atoms in the molecule. 1. The concept of alkanes 2. Natural sources 3. Oil as a source 4. Natural gas. natural sources.

    "The structure of saturated hydrocarbons" - Combustion of alkanes. Examples of isomers. Homologous series of alkanes. Limit hydrocarbons. positive and negative consequences. properties of methane. Characteristics of a single bond. Formation of new knowledge and skills. Radicals. Physical properties of alkanes. Alkanes. decomposition reactions. Obtaining synthesis gas.

    In total there are 14 presentations in the topic

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