The predictions of Nostradamus are the most interesting of the legacy of the astrologer. Predictions of Nostradamus - the most interesting legacy of the astrologer Predictions of Nostradamus for the year of the quatrain

Predictions for 2015 - 2016

Great Nostradamus - French
astrologer, soothsayer, physician and alchemist.
In 1555 Nostradamus published
my first astrological almanac
and the first edition of the Centuries, that is
prophecy in verse. Total Nostradamus
published 10 Centuries, annual
almanacs, as well as a number of prophetic
works. Centuries and others
the works of Nostradamus are interpreted
until now, and that's what awaits us in 2015 and
next year, according to him.

1. Referring to the prediction of Nostradamus, in 2015 the strongest earthquake will occur in the United States, which will lead to a humanitarian catastrophe. Like it or not, we will soon find out.

2. In addition, according to the prophecies of Nostradamus, in 2015, crises will come to France and Germany, and the leaders of the 4 leading world powers at once will undergo attempts on their lives.

3. The astrologer's message also says that the concept of "taxes" will cease to exist, and scientists will make several great discoveries, in particular, they will create an elixir of eternal youth.

4. And, in his opinion, humanity will discover a new way to obtain cheap electricity. It is likely that its source will be associated with the use of solar energy. This will significantly affect the global economic situation, significantly stabilizing it.

5. By the way, the social standard of living in many cities of the world will rise. But the financial crisis will still continue to make itself felt. But now the biggest problems because of this will be experienced by the United States, and not by the European powers.

6. Nostradamus predicted a major eruption of Vesuvius, which is expected to occur in late 2015-early 2016. It will be a huge natural disaster, many people will die, there will be multiple earthquakes and the Earth will plunge into darkness for several days.

7. And here is the first and most important prediction for 2015 - at the beginning of this period, a new messiah will be born on Earth, who in the future will become the unifier of the lands and save civilization from evil and depravity, into which people will slowly sink.

8. Moreover, it is at the beginning of 2015 that Nostradamus attributes the birth of a new religion, which will initially appear in Russia, but will soon spread to other regions. This religion will very soon, by 2040, become the only one on Earth around which the whole society will rally.

9. And finally: In the first half of 2015, a serious conflict will arise in the Middle East, namely, Iran will announce an ultimatum to Turkey, and the world risks freezing on the threshold of the Third World War.

Well, let's wait and see, come true
whether the prophecies of the great Nostradamus.

I managed to read the predictions of the astrologer, alchemist and psychic Michel Nostradamus encrypted in the quatrain for 2016. According to the interpreted predictions, the year will be incredibly difficult for the whole world: natural disasters and armed conflicts are expected.

The main ecological catastrophe that will cover all continents is the mass death of fish in the oceans, which in turn will lead to starvation and the spread of a terrible epidemic.
Another powerful tornado will sweep across the states of America, taking the lives of people with it and destroying large cities. As a result of these sad events, the American economy will be greatly shaken, it will take more than one year and more than one billion dollars to restore everything.

An unprecedented flood threatens European countries. Incessant downpours will cause floods and mudflows. According to the seer, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Italy and the entire territory of Great Britain will suffer the most. Some areas of these countries will completely disappear under water.

Natural disasters will also hit Russia. A wave of fires that will be almost impossible to control will cover many parts of the country. The tragic period for Russia will last more than three months and end only in autumn. During this time, the elements will cause irreparable damage to the country's natural and agricultural resources and a lot of hard-to-repair destruction.

A severe drought in Asian countries will lead to catastrophic crop losses and a lack of drinking water, many residents from the southeastern territory will be forced to look for a new place to live. People will massively move to the north, mainly to Russia.

Opposition between the world's major religions will intensify. A long-term bloody slaughter will be unleashed by two Arab countries, and as a result, all countries of the world will get involved in it. Waves of terrorist and military acts around the world will sweep with renewed vigor. Russia also will not stand aside. The so-called third world, along with natural disasters, will lead to even greater geopolitical changes. The US will collapse like a great power, trying to restore a smooth life on its continent. Half of Europe will disappear from the face of the Earth, people forced to flee will be able to return to their native lands only after decades.

No matter how strange it may sound, such global cataclysms play into the hands of Russia. The northern territory of the country due to such changes in the world will become the "promised land" for many people on the planet. It is here that the revival of a new civilization is expected. China, the new leading power, will become an ally of Russia.
Time will show how correct the interpretation of quatrains is, but judging by history and already deciphered predictions, Nostradamus was not mistaken.

Michel de Nostrdam, better known as Nostradamus, was a 16th century French philosopher. It was he who predicted many tragic events in history, including the assassination of the Kennedy brothers, the rise to power of Hitler, the defeat of Napoleon and major terrorist attacks. At present, there are almost no seers who can really predict the future. Nostradamus studied astrology and various "secret" sciences that help to see the future. For 2016, the philosopher identified several key points.

America's last president

The predictions of Nostradamus mentioned that in 2013 Barack Obama would win the election. Nevertheless, the philosopher predicted that he would be America's last president. Such a prophecy raises many questions and possible scenarios. However, we will get an answer later.

Natural disasters

In his writings, Nostradamus mentioned unusual weather conditions and possible natural disasters that would be tougher than before. He wrote that the water would take over the earth.

Unusual astronomical phenomena

According to the prophet, we are waiting for unusual phenomena related to space. It is these astronomical movements that will greatly influence the planet Earth.

Fire in the Middle East

Nostradamus wrote about the countries of the Persian Gulf. The main prophecy was that the Middle East would burn because of the large amount of oil.

Explosions in the Middle East

Nostradamus predicted radical changes in the Eastern world, including civil unrest in the last 4 years. He wrote that in 2016 there will be many explosions and planes falling from the sky in the Middle East.

End of the world

Nostradamus made an ambiguous statement that led us to believe that the war in Iraq is the first serious sign that the world is changing and will never be the same.

White House Games

His prophecies included statements that for the White House, war is just a game that could lead to the destruction of the world. The first move in this game was the Middle East.

Melting ice

Nostradamus predicted global warming that would lead to floods. So far, scientists have not observed sharp temperature changes in the South Pole, but the North Pole has changed its behavior over the past few years and makes us think about the possible consequences.

The fate of Israel

This point is still unclear. In his messages, Nostradamus claims that Jerusalem may be attacked from all sides, but Western naval forces will help Israel in the fight against opponents.

Russia will return the world

If the Russians are not allied with Europe and the West at the time of the start of the war, then, according to Nostradamus, the “northern king from Aquilon” (alluding to Russia) will ultimately help establish peace.

Nostradamus' predictions for 2016 have already been unraveled and do not bode well. So, at the beginning of the year of the Red Monkey, a freak should be born. He will be the first herald of great catastrophes in the fate of people. Not only will humanity destroy itself, but nature itself will rise up against it.

Nostradamus predicted that in 2016 terrible heavy rains would fall on Europe, lasting two months. Part of Italy, Hungary, the Czech Republic and the whole of Great Britain will go under water. But Russia with the beginning of summer will be threatened by the strongest fires. They will completely burn out the entire center of Russia before they are extinguished. They will arise because of the terrible heat, which will be not only in Russia, but throughout the world.

Trying to hide from the "sizzling" rays of the sun, Russia and all the snowy countries will be populated by people from other countries. Many researchers interpret this legend a little differently. They claim that the "sizzling rays" are chemical weapons. It will be applied by a nearby Muslim state in the Middle East.

The famous Bulgarian made the same prediction. She also prophesied of some kind of conflict arising in Asia and the catastrophe that would occur because of this.

The predictions of Nostradamus speak of a bloody war unleashed by one of the Muslim powers. The war will first take place between Muslims, but other Orthodox states will get involved. The catastrophe will be caused by an amazing event that took place at the beginning of this year, after which all Arabs will unite and go against the Orthodox with the whole world. It is from this moment that a war can begin - the Third World War.

But there are also good things that can happen in the coming year. Mankind will build underwater cities at the bottom of the oceans in the year of the Red Monkey. Since that time, the development of the world's oceans will begin.

Predictions of Nostradamus about Russia in 2016

Predictions of Nostradamus about Russia in 2016 are also available. In those days, our country was Tartary. The outbreak of World War III, of course, will not pass by Russia. But by the end of 2016 it will be over.

All her evil comes from the fact that the new chemical weapons that one of the Arab countries will use will cause most of the incurable skin diseases (he called them "pale abscesses").

It will bring particular danger to Europe, because in addition to the war, natural disasters will fall upon it - tsunamis, incessant rains, etc. He predicted the disappearance of civilizations from the face of the earth and the devastation of some continents. Only a small part of mankind will remain on the planet, which will become the successor of all his kind. There will be no Europe as such, it will be wiped off the face of the earth by nature and the human factor. New people will be able to settle there only ten years later.

Only Russia will benefit from such cataclysms. Due to geopolitical changes on the planet, Russia (Tartaria), its northern part, will rise for many nationalities as a "promised land". It is here that a new civilization will be reborn. The new leading power China (2018) will become its ally.

About Russia, its fate at that time, Nostradamus spoke little. His quatrains were deciphered as follows: in 2016, Russia will become equal, in the economic sense, to the United States, so the confrontation between these great powers will intensify and move to the highest level.

Cataclysms will not bypass our country this year either. While terrible fires will rage in its central part (from summer to late autumn), many territories will be flooded in the east of Russia. This will cause people to move to the more southern parts of the country.

Predictions for Ukraine for 2016

It is difficult to single out Ukraine in the texts of the predictor, in those days the Commonwealth and the Crimean Khanate were located on these lands. This territory is mentioned in the predictions of Nostradamus as a peacekeeping country that will help end the wars in the Middle East with its peace initiatives.

In the period 2015-2017, politicians will begin negotiations on the unification of countries or, at least, the accession of part of a neighboring country to Ukraine (the return of Crimea?).

As you can see, these predictions for modern Ukraine are completely at odds with reality. Perhaps, after the end of the civil war, the quatrains will open from a new side.

Fans of mysticism claim that Nostradamus' predictions regularly come true, but it is difficult to decipher them. In fact, the astrologer never indicated dates in his forecasts, and if desired, descriptions of almost all important world events can be found in quatrains.

Do not be afraid of Nostradamus' predictions for the next year, although they are often gloomy and do not bode well for humanity. Only time will tell how accurate they are. And although the predictor does not give alternatives, nevertheless unfulfilled visions are encouraging: it means that a person can change his future, and if people work on themselves, strive for mutual understanding, some of the terrible forecasts will not come true.

It must be said that it is very difficult to decipher the predictions of Nostradamus, so their interpretations can differ dramatically from each other. Moreover, many of the quatrains became clear only after the completion of the event described in them. So it happened with the description of the well-known terrorist attack in America, when two "twin towers" were killed. Only after this terrorist act took place, many remembered that its description is in the Centurion of Nostradamus.

But it is not necessary to unconditionally trust such predictions, although it is still necessary to think: maybe it is not too late to change something in our personal and social life?

Quatrain - prediction of Nostradamus for 2016

The head of Persia will fill the great olcades,
A fleet of triremes against the Mohammedans.
(Soldiers) from Parthia and Media will sack the Cyclades.
The fleet will be at anchor for a long time in the great Ionian port.

Deciphering the lines of prediction:

Olcada - barge, cargo ship. Parthia - in ancient times (250 BC - 224 AD) a state southeast of the Caspian Sea. In its heyday, it occupied the territory from Mesopotamia to the Indus River. Media is a historical region in the west of Iran. Cyclades is an archipelago in the south of the Aegean Sea, part of Greece.

"The head of Persia will fill the great olcades" - the invasion of Iranian troops on the Greek islands in the Aegean Sea.

"The fleet of triremes against the Mohammedans" is an unsuccessful attempt to repel the attack of the Muslim troops.

“(Soldiers) from Parthia and Media will plunder the Cyclades. The fleet will be anchored for a long time in the great Ionian port" - robbery and violence in the capture of the islands, which will be occupied by Iran for a long time.

Predictions of Nostradamus. Video

DUSHANBE, Dec 6 - Sputnik. The famous French doctor, alchemist, astrologer and seer Michel de Notredam (Nostradamus) predicted the future 2240 years ahead.

Believe it or not, it's up to everyone, but, as practice shows, people's interest in his prophecies encrypted in verse is alive to this day. Disputes about the identity of Nostradamus do not subside.

Who is Nostradamus

Michel de Notredam was born in 1503 in France. At a rather advanced age for those times, he published his first predictions in the book "The Prophecies of Michel Nostradamus". All predictions are written in the form of quatrains called quatrains.

Nostradamus wrote his prophecies in a cipher consisting of a mixture of four languages ​​- Latin, Old French, Italian and Greek. There are practically no dates indicated in the quatrains, so their order does not correspond to chronology.

The prophet and clairvoyant made such accurate predictions during his lifetime that he managed to amaze his contemporaries. In those days, no one doubted that he was able to foresee events for several centuries to come.

Over time, it was possible to verify the accuracy of his forecasts, and in practice it turns out that more than half of his prophecies really came true.

It is believed that Michel Nostradamus predicted many events: the Second World War, the defeat of Nazi Germany in it, the nuclear explosion in Hiroshima, the formation of the UN, the assassination attempt on John F. Kennedy, the "cultural revolution" in China, the death date of Mao Zedong, the AIDS epidemic and even the power of dictators Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi.

The astrologer foresaw the coming to power of Napoleon Bonaparte, and the terrorist attacks in the United States in 2001. Experts have repeatedly evaluated the accuracy of his predictions and consider them 85% correct.

The prophecies of Nostradamus cover a huge period - from 1555 to 3797, but we will not look far ahead, but consider what events the seer "outlined" in 2020.

What Nostradamus wrote about the New Year 2020

The year will be full of the most unexpected changes for many states. The countries of Europe, East Asia and China, which will become the creator of the latest equipment, need to especially wait for changes.

So, China will present the world with a teleport - a quantum portal capable of moving a person thousands of kilometers in a fraction of a second.

In addition, large states are expected to experience major social upheavals in 2020. This again applies to China, as well as Mexico and Brazil. But the prophet argued that these changes would not be positive for people.

But humanity will finally have an insight in the coming year. Many will reconsider their views on material wealth and put spiritual values ​​first. The priorities of the inhabitants of the globe will be health, positive energy, love and friendship.

Also in 2020, according to the predictions of Nostradamus, discoveries in science are expected - scientists will be able to find the latest ways to extract energy with sound phenomena, and the American company Tesla will completely revolutionize the global economy.

Another unexpected change will affect the Orthodox world. Catholics and Christians decide to unite and build one common church.

What awaits Russians in the New Year 2020

The predictions of Nostaradamus did not bypass Russia either. He wrote that an unknown dermatological infection would penetrate the country, which would be almost impossible to cure. Based on his prophecy, "pale purulent papules" will appear on the body of the Russians.

Nostradamus warned that the regions of the Far North could fall under the negative impact of weapons of mass destruction of a chemical type. Unfortunately, few will be able to escape, most will die, and some nations will completely cease to exist in 2020.

Those who survive will be forced to leave their native lands in search of a new habitat. At the same time, natural disasters, wars and geopolitical changes will begin to approach world capitals. Residents of many megacities of the world will have a hard time. In addition, in search of salvation, foreigners will go to Russia, which will become their "new homeland."

Global warming will begin in the world, which will cause the melting of glaciers in Russia. In this regard, the northern peoples will be forced to flee to other regions. A drought will begin in Russia, and summer will become a whole test for Russians.

What is really worth fearing in 2020, according to Nostradamus, is the coming of the Antichrist to Earth. He will be on a destructive mission and will begin to fulfill it from Russia.

By 2022, the false prophet will be able to draw all developed states into armed conflicts.

At the same time, the coming year, both for Russia and for most countries, will be the last fertile period before a meteorite falls to Earth, which will change the planetary orbit.

Then poverty, famine and devastation will reign in many states. In addition, from 2020, the situation in the international arena will begin to worsen, and subsequently the heads of world powers will unleash a third world war. The only reassurance is the fact that Nostradamus prophesied a conflict without the use of nuclear weapons.

But the economic situation in Russia in 2020 will improve. If you believe the predictions, the Russian Federation will begin to emerge from the crisis, and the state will be able to stabilize its economy, but rallies and civil unrest will greatly interfere with positive dynamics.

Also for Russia, 2020 will be the beginning of a golden age. During this period, domestic scientists will lay the foundation for great scientific discoveries, the active development of trade and the strengthening of the economy will begin.

Religious conflicts in the coming year will not be avoided. In the northern regions of Russia, serious contradictions with the Asian peoples may arise on this basis. In particular, disagreements are expected with the Middle East, but other participants will be drawn into the process. At the same time, as noted in the predictions, some important event that will occur on religious grounds will be the reason for a major quarrel.

At the same time, Nostaradamus wrote that the confrontation between Islam and Christianity would lead to the fact that by 2024 the world would become united and recognize the new religion.

Underwater hotels and cities - the reality of the future

Who would have thought that someday this would become a reality. In the coming year, scientists will advance so much in the development of the sea space that they will create sophisticated equipment for diving under water.

This will help to penetrate deeper into the underwater world and make new scientific discoveries that will radically change people's ideas about the origin of life on earth. Discoveries will become the basis for creating a separate world in the depths of the sea.

Thanks to this, hotels and even cities will be built under water in the future.

Cataclysms - the nightmare of the upcoming 2020

The Prophet warned of the onset of devastating fires in 2020 that would engulf all continents. The consequences will be so great that humanity will lose sight of the Sun and the Moon because of the smog.

In this case, cataclysms will be caused by extremes. Fires will be replaced by downpours, which will lead to a flood in many countries. Australia and Oceania will suffer the most, but Russia will also be affected by the natural disaster.

Predicted Nastradamus and earthquakes that will occur after volcanoes wake up. But the most frightening of the predictions of Nostradamus was a tsunami of unprecedented magnitude, which will occur after a comet falls to Earth.

As a result, Africa will suffer the most, where famine times will subsequently come.

Meanwhile in the political arena...

In the coming year, Turkey and Iran will actively begin to sort things out. And, as they say, there is only one step from love to hate. At first the countries will be in conflict with each other, and then they will reconcile and unite against the Christian world.

They will choose Europe as their main adversary, while Russia and African countries will take on the role of peacekeepers in this confrontation.

According to the forecast of Nostradamus, the patience of people in 2020 will come to an end. Citizens of different countries will be so disappointed in their rulers that some of them will be very unlucky.

In some states, even the emergence of anarchy is possible. In one of the countries, the people will simply overthrow the head of state, which will greatly surprise the whole world. And in this case, Russia will again act as a peacemaker.

It is worth noting that this prophecy coincides with the predictions of other soothsayers. Wang predicted something very similar at one time.

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