Education in Spain: features and benefits. Education in Spain (kindergarten, school, university) Spanish education system

Sunny and mysterious Spain is known to many tourists. This magnificent region surprisingly combines Moorish originality and elegant "Europeanness". In addition to a luxurious holiday, Spain can please you with the opportunity to get a prestigious education. Today, any student of a Russian university can get a higher education in Spain.

Graduates of one of the Spanish universities

Today, pre-school education in Spain is not considered compulsory. But many parents prefer to send their children to kindergarten, believing that this is the only way they can become a comprehensively developed personality.

There are public and private kindergartens. The cost of education in public kindergartens is relatively low. But tuition fees in private preschool institutions often "bite". The salaries of teachers working in private preschools are also quite high. Conditionally primary Spanish education includes two stages: in fact, kindergarten and preparatory classes. At the first stage, very young children under the age of three are trained. At the second stage, three-year-olds and older preschool children up to the age of six are trained.

What are children learning

Stage 1 focuses on the overall development of children. As in Russian preschool institutions, experienced teachers work on the intellectual and physical development of children. Also, attention is paid to the socialization of the child. Of great importance is the development of super-important skills of independence.

Spanish kindergarten classes

Classes for kids are held only in the form of a game. Given that children of this age are quickly distracted and easily tired, thematic classes are “diluted” with musical and dance breaks. Usually parents leave their children for a full day, from morning to evening. This assumes that children in kindergarten are fed a balanced lunch and afternoon snack. In some pre-school educational institutions, only a six-hour school day is practiced.

One of the main advantages of private preschool institutions should be considered that there are a small number of children in groups - only 5 - 10 people. Thanks to this, the teacher has the opportunity to more carefully deal with them and pay attention to each kid.
It is noteworthy that some Spanish colleges have their own kindergartens. Children who complete their studies there automatically go to this college.

What the cost of studying

The cost of staying in a preschool educational institution is not static.

Comparison table of tuition fees in various universities in Spain

It may vary depending on the characteristics of a particular kindergarten. The average cost of education for preschool children is 200 - 500 European rubles. Payment is made monthly. If parents do not have the opportunity to place their child in a private kindergarten, you can use the services of a nanny. The cost of the service of an incoming teacher varies from 5 to 10 European rubles per hour.

Education in preparatory classes

At the end of kindergarten, the child is assigned to one of the preparatory classes at the chosen college. In this class, the young "student" is taught logical thinking, writing, the basics of arithmetic and reading. Children also attend music and dance lessons. In most schools, incl. and in the state, in the senior preparatory class, kids begin to learn English. A group of children is led by one teacher.

According to many experts, after 3 years spent in one of the preparatory classes, the child is mentally, physically and intellectually ready to continue education at a higher level. In addition to the main activities, the children attend various excursions. This helps them to get to know the culture of Spain more deeply, to get acquainted with its rich and rather turbulent history.

The price of education in such classes varies from two hundred to 1 thousand European rubles.

Features of secondary education

A considerable number of modern parents, wanting to arrange the life of their children as best as possible, send them to study in one of the schools in Spain. Secondary education in Spain is of truly European quality. At the end of school, children do not have any problems either with socialization or with the knowledge of the state language.
Today, secondary education in Spain involves an extensive network consisting of:

Both primary and secondary education in Spain is of great importance in the life of the citizens of this state. Until the child has reached the age of sixteen, he studies free of charge and on a mandatory basis.

Foreign children have the right to study free of charge in public schools on an equal footing with children who are Spanish citizens. All that is required for this is the presence of a residence permit and medical insurance. Public school enrollment has a centralized scheme. Most often, children of poor parents come in, whose salary does not allow them to arrange their children in a more prestigious educational institution. By the way, they are different - the salaries of teachers working in public schools differ markedly from the salaries of teachers working in private educational institutions.

Comparison of teacher salaries in Spain with other countries

In Spain there are a considerable number of schools in which teaching is carried out according to dual programs. This is often found in Anglo-Spanish and American-Spanish children's educational institutions. This is especially true for children who came with their parents from other countries. Thus, children have an amazing opportunity to learn two languages ​​at once - English and Spanish.

It is important to know that in order to place a child in school, parents do not have to confirm the fact of legal stay in Spain. This undoubted plus is in many ways the motive for moving with children.

Stages of education

The main stages of secondary education include:

  1. Primary (children are trained at the age of six to twelve years).
  2. Medium compulsory (teenagers aged twelve to sixteen are trained).
  3. Complete secondary (boys and girls aged sixteen to eighteen are trained).

As part of the program, which is mandatory for all schools, children study all major disciplines, including the state language, history, mathematics and geography. Particular attention is paid to the study of art and music. Also, students actively study the disciplines they need for further professional activities.

Completion of high school

When a teenager graduates from high school, he is faced with a natural choice: continue to study in the vocational education system or become a student in a special two-year program.

Scheme of the device of education in Spain

It is important to consider that this program is mandatory for those who have the desire and opportunity to get higher education in this country. This program assumes a natural flow separation. In each of the streams there are guys who want to study a particular subject in depth.

Most often, Spanish schools offer 4 main areas:

  • humanitarian sciences;
  • technological sciences;
  • natural Sciences;
  • art.

The final stage of training is passing the exam. The same exam is recognized as an entrance exam, after which the applicant has the opportunity to continue his studies at one of the universities.
The main advantage is obvious: the student has a unique opportunity to receive a classical Spanish and Spanish-American education. This will allow him in the future or .

Upon completion of his studies, a graduate can get a job at any and receive a decent salary.

Language schools

Many people are attracted to learning Spanish. This is true both for those who are planning, and for everyone who is interested in learning foreign languages.

In order to learn the language, you must become a member of one of the special programs. The advantage of such programs is that there is no age limit. That is, both a young applicant and a person who already has a university degree can go to Spain for in-depth study of the language.

Classes at the Spanish language school

Learning takes place in a fun way. In addition to classes in the classroom, students visit museums, art galleries, concerts and various exhibitions. This allows you to get to know the culture of this wonderful country more deeply. Motivating and personal trainings are also regularly held. Some programs even involve learning flamenco and mastering the basics of national cuisine.

Another undoubted advantage of learning Spanish in this country is the unique opportunity to communicate with people from around the world. Thus, a person who has arrived to study Spanish will be able to deepen his knowledge of English or any other European language.

Benefits of Spanish higher education

A few years ago, studying in Spain was the lot of the elite. Today, almost everyone can become a student of one of the selected Spanish universities. The main advantage of higher education, which can be obtained in this country, should be considered the combination of the highest European standard with restraint of prices.

Other benefits include:

  1. Obtaining a European diploma, which is quoted in all countries, as well as in Russia.
  2. Studying in Spain assumes that the student receives only the knowledge that he needs.
  3. Solid language practice.
  4. Opportunity to establish prestigious international contacts.

Universities in Spain are distinguished by the fact that they successfully combine ancient academic traditions with innovative teaching techniques.

Facade of the University of Cadiz building in Spain

Each university has a huge scientific library and the latest laboratory.

Structure of education

Higher education in Spain involves cyclic education. In total there are three main cycles, each of which has its own advantages and specific features.

Main features of the first cycle

If we talk about the first cycle of study, then it is almost similar to the Russian bachelor's degree. A person who wants to get an education in Spain studies for four years. After that, he is awarded a certain degree. You can study in the first cycle in absolutely all industries. It can be either a humanitarian or a social or natural specialty.
The first cycle of study in Spain is for everyone who wants to advance in the medical path.

The structure of Spanish education

It is important to understand that the level of medical education here is appreciated by leading physicians around the world.

Currently, the education system in Spain consists of four levels:

    Early Childhood Education – La Educación Infantil

    Basic level – La Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO)

    Bachillerato Level – El Bachillerato Unificado y Polivalente (BUP)

    Higher education– La Ensenanza Universitaria

There is also vocational education (La Formacion Profesional (FP)) similar to the Russian vocational schools or technical schools familiar to us. Vocational education is two-stage and can be obtained instead of bachilerato after completing the basic level. A graduate with an FP certificate, on an equal footing with holders of a BUP certificate, has the right to enter a higher educational institution.

In addition to the four main levels mentioned above, education system in spain includes adult education (evening schools - Escuela de Adultos), as well as specialized language, art or applied education.

Pre-school education (Educación Infantil)

The education system in Spain starts with pre-school education for the youngest, which is not defined as compulsory, is free in public institutions and paid in private ones. It can be divided into two stages:

    Kindergarten - Escuela Infantil (for children from 0 to 3 years old)

    Preparatory classes in college - Aula Infantil en colegio de primaria (for children from 3 to 6 years old)

Basic education (Educación básica)

Basic education under current Spanish law is compulsory. Like pre-school education, it can be free in public institutions and paid in private ones. In addition to public and private colleges, the Spanish basic education system also includes religious educational institutions funded by the church.

Spanish education system is under the control of the Ministry of Education. It is the state that monitors the quality of education, sets standards for the number of teaching staff, the number of students in a class, approves methodological programs, controls funding issues, etc. Students receive basic education in all types of colleges in two stages from 6 to 14 years old:

    The initial stage (educación primaria). For children from 6 to 12 years old, divided into 3 cycles of 2 years each: the initial cycle (6–8 years), the middle cycle (8–10 years), the higher cycle (10–12 years).

    The second stage (educación secundaria). Completes basic education for students aged 12 to 16. Upon completion of the program, the student receives a diploma of secondary education.

The main subjects taught in the framework of the school curriculum: natural sciences (geography, natural history), humanities (history, social science, literature, civic education and human rights), languages ​​(Spanish, a foreign language, autonomy languages ​​(Valencian, Catalan, Galician or Basque)), mathematics, physical education, music and visual arts.

College graduate with a diploma secondary education may continue their education in secondary vocational education courses, continue their studies at a bachilerato college, or enter the labor force.


The education system in Spain includes a bachelorate, which resembles the senior classes of a Russian general education school, but consists of three courses. Bachilerato provides an opportunity for vocational education in the second year, but this is not mandatory. The third year of bachilerato involves the student choosing the main area of ​​​​specialization: the exact sciences or the humanities. The final exams in the bachilerato are the entrance exams to the university. Due to the existence of a competitive system of admission to universities, graduates with a high final GPA have significant advantages when choosing a university. Studying for bachilerato begins at the age of 16, i.e. after completion of basic school education.

Specialized training takes place in the following areas:

    Art (Artes) (fine arts and design (artes plásticas imagen y diseño) or performing arts, music and dance (o artes escénicas, música y danza))

    Science and Technology (Ciencias y Tecnología)

    Humanities and social sciences (Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales)

Students are transferred from course to course only if they successfully pass all exams. It is allowed not to pass two subjects with the possibility of re-taking the course and transferring the exam to the next session. Failure to pass 4 or more exams will result in the student being automatically left for a second year.

A graduate who has successfully passed all the final exams receives a diploma of complete secondary education (título de Bachiller, "bachelor"). Such a diploma gives the right to receive higher education.

Spain is a country with a well-developed, modern education system. Many residents of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan, moving to Spain, think about giving their children a quality European education. I must say that the diplomas of almost all Spanish universities are highly valued around the world. Studying in this country is also attractive because its cost is relatively low.

Preschool education in Spain is voluntary. Parents themselves decide whether to send their child to kindergarten or not. But there are still a lot of preschool educational institutions in the country. There are government organizations and there are private organizations.

Municipal kindergarten in Granada for children up to 3 years old

In state institutions, the stay and education of the child is free. In private kindergartens, the cost of stay and education may vary. It all depends on the quality of the DOW itself, and quality, in turn, depends on the funding and support of the sponsoring organization(it can be a company, a foundation or an individual). There are very few state preschools, so parents most often send their child to a private institution.

Kindergartens in Spain

Since there are a lot of private kindergartens in Spain, you need to make the right choice and send your child to a truly high-quality institution. You can choose, for example, Santa Claus in Barcelona. This is truly one of the best schools in town. Having, finding any institution is very simple.

santa claus

Usually in Spain, a child is sent to kindergarten at the age of 2, and the preschool stage ends with admission to primary school (children are taken to primary school from the age of 6). Although there is another, two-level division recognized at the state level:

The Spanish preschool program is standard. There are lessons in reading, writing, mathematics, logic, music, drawing, dance, computer literacy, foreign languages, and ethics. School day - 6-10 hours (quiet time is not available in all educational institutions).

This is how kindergarten children go for a walk in Spain

In Spain, there are Catholic kindergartens, pre-school educational institutions with the British system of education and the French one. Interestingly, in private kindergartens there are programs that allow you to get a guaranteed place in a private elite college.

Stage 2: basic education (basic level)

I stage

Basic education is compulsory in Spain. It lasts 8 years - from 6 to 14, that is, 8 full courses. 5 classes of children are taught by one teacher. At this time, as in the CIS countries, the emphasis is on the Spanish language, Spanish literature, mathematics, and natural history.

For foreign children, intensive Spanish courses are provided from the age of 3

A distinctive feature of Spanish basic education is a strong emphasis on foreign languages.(begin to be studied at school by children from the age of 8): English, French, Italian and German.

Music is an optional subject. This stage of education is called Primaria or elementary school (from 6 to 12 years).

In order to get an education in a public school, you need, first of all, a Spanish residence permit.

II stage

After 5 years, the child moves to the next level of basic education - ESO or Educación Segundaria Obligatoria (secondary school - from 12 to 14 years old). Now one class is taught by several subject teachers at once. Although the main items are preserved.

At the end of each course (or at the end of the school year), the child must pass exams in the main subjects - examen de todo el curso. If the exams are passed successfully, the child is transferred to the next year if not, they leave it for the second year (although there is an opportunity to retake “failed” exams in the fall or during the year, but only if it was only 2 subjects).

The first two levels of secondary education are compulsory in Spain

The academic year in Spain lasts from 15.09 to 15.06. It is divided into 3 semesters of 11 weeks: from September to January, from January to Easter (the date may “float”), from Easter to mid-June. Thus, in addition to the summer holidays (lasting about 10-11 weeks), there are also Christmas and Easter holidays (the Spaniards are very religious and try to introduce children to religion and the observance of religious canons from an early age).

All schools in Spain are closed for public and religious holidays (each region has its own calendar of holidays, you can read about holidays, for example, in the province of Girona). In order for parents not to get confused and manage to plan a joint vacation, calendars are published in advance.

Make the most of your summer holidays. At this time, there are language camps for children and adolescents aged 5-18. If you have a goal to start learning or improve a foreign language (Spanish, English), then these schools are a great option. In addition to language training, which is taught by native speakers with a university education, children conduct exciting excursions, play sports, sunbathe and swim.

Summer camps are available in the following cities: Barcelona, ​​Valencia, Denia, Cadiz, Alicante, San Sebastian, etc. One of the best and most popular options for Russian-speaking children is the Enforex school in Barcelona - the Agora camp (5-18 years old).

After spending the summer holidays at the Agora camp in Barcelona, ​​children and teenagers will not only receive language knowledge and skills, but will also get acquainted with the cultural life of the capital of Catalonia, will be able to visit very interesting excursions, see the famous and most beautiful sights, for example, epic, Casa Batlló, Mila and etc. .

If you are interested in other cities in Spain, other program, duration of study, as well as any questions about language courses, obtaining and continuing higher education you can get a free consultation from a specialist.

Stage 3: secondary education (middle level) or BUP

The average level or bachilerato is something similar to Russian grades 9-11. The period of study lasts 3 years (or 3 courses).

In the second year, the child can additionally receive any profession according to the two-stage FP system (the training system is organized according to the type of Russian vocational schools).

In the third year, the student deepens his specialization (it is possible to specialize in 3 areas: exact, humanitarian or natural sciences). Compulsory subjects at this stage are: Spanish (Catalan), English, philosophy, history, religion or ethics, physical education.

It is necessary to add 2 more subjects to the compulsory program in the chosen direction. It can be physics, chemistry, anatomy or Latin.

Prueba de la Acceso

At the end of the third year, students take exams - Prueba de la Acceso (similar to the Russian USE), which are also entrance exams to universities. They take subjects such as Spanish language and literature, foreign languages ​​\u200b\u200b(2 to choose from), philosophy and history.

It's interesting that children with high scores in exams have priority in admission.

Public or private education

Both basic education and secondary education in Spain are free(up to 16-17 years old), in the event that the child is studying in a public school (it does not matter where the child is from, from Russia, Belarus or Ukraine, you just need to bring his documents and enroll in a class suitable for age).

In private schools, education is only paid, and prices can be very different. Interestingly, all public schools teach in Spanish, but options are possible in private schools. If desired, parents can find a private educational institution with a suitable language of instruction.

Free education in Spain means that the parent does not pay for the lessons and the work of teachers. But this does not mean that there will be no spending at all. You will have to buy a school uniform, textbooks, all the necessary supplies, pay for circles and sections, as well as all kinds of excursions.

The best private colleges for children in Spain:

Remember that Spain is a religious country and so many private colleges are closely affiliated or even sponsored by the church.

Classes in Spanish schools are small - up to 20 people (in private schools - up to 10). The division into boys and girls is preserved only in Catholic schools.

When choosing a private school in Spain, it is important to pay attention to such things as accreditations and licensing. That is, any international educational institution (international school, college) must work officially on the territory of the country.

Opening hours of Spanish schools

There is no one, standardized mode of operation in Spanish schools. It all depends on the policy of the OU itself. Classes can start from 09.00 to 09.30 and end at 14.00 or 17.00, depending on whether there is a lunch break or not.

Breakfasts, lunches and afternoon snacks are organized in each educational institution, but if the lunch break is long, then the students prefer to eat at home or in a cafe).

In elementary school, the school day is shorter than in secondary school by about 3-4 hours. Circles and sections at schools work in the afternoon. In June and September, all schools in Spain work only in the morning.

Lessons usually last 40-45 minutes. Changes - 10-15 minutes.

In Spanish schools, great attention is paid to the creative development of children, as well as sports

Teaching Staff

In Spanish schools, the work of teachers is structured differently than in schools in the post-Soviet space.

Schools work:

  • tutor is an analogue of the Russian class teacher;
  • jefe de estudios or director de estudios - leader of the training cycle;
  • director académico - responsible for the general work plan of the school;
  • director de colegio - director of the school.

Tutors and leaders of the learning cycle can combine their work with the teaching of individual subjects. Parents usually contact only with the tutor.

How to get a residence permit in Spain, read.

Homework, absences, extended day group, grading system

Absence in schools in Spain is not encouraged, but not punished (especially in public schools). At the end of the month, parents are provided with a form that takes into account all the passes of their child.

Homework assignments are given regularly, but their size does not exceed 20% of the total teaching load. Naturally, in high school before exams, the load on students increases several times.

Homework is calculated in proportion to the age of the children and starts at the age of 6

Too busy parents are given the right to leave their child in the GPA. Various extracurricular activities are organized there. GPA usually works until 21.00 - 22.00.

You can attend an “extension program” not “in your own” school. You can send your child to a language school for additional classes.

The grading system in Spain is complex - ten points. In this case, there may well be such an assessment as 9.5.

Admission usually takes into account the grade for the exam (40% of the total score), the score for the entire 3-year bachilerato course (60% of the total score).

For some time now, in Spain, they began to write the so-called Trabajo de Investigacion - a thesis-monograph, the grade for which usually affects the grade for the entire last 3-year course.

The mechanism for enrolling in a Spanish school (reminder for foreigners)

Upon arrival, a family with a small child should:

  1. Register at the Town Hall (Padron Municipal de Habitantes), the local administration. Read about the visa application center in Spain.
  2. Visit the Department of Education (Departamento de Enseñanza del Ayuntamiento).
  3. Fill in the school registration form (mandatory with NIE - identification number of a foreigner, parent or guardian of the child).
  4. Fill out a medical card (all necessary vaccinations for the child must be done).
  5. Choose the language (local dialect or Spanish) and the subjects “religion” or “ethics”.

It is important to remember that some public schools have quotas and it is not so easy to get into them. Therefore, if you know exactly which area you will live in and which college you will go to.

It is worth contacting the OS in advance and confirming the reservation ( February-April - enrollment time in Spanish schools). The child may have to take exams (but if he passes them very well, then maybe he will be offered a scholarship that will cover the parents' expenses for textbooks).

What is more profitable: to rent or buy property in Spain, read this.

Studying foreign languages ​​in Spain (for teenagers) in kindergartens and colleges

Many parents who send their child to study in Spanish kindergartens and schools are concerned about 2 questions:

  1. What to do if the child does not speak Spanish, how will the training be organized?
  2. What foreign languages ​​and to what extent are studied in the Spanish school?

In kindergartens and schools, young children become bilingual very quickly. For them, special, adapted training is organized in their native or English language and additional lessons that make it possible to quickly learn Spanish.

Children in kindergartens in Spain will learn the basics of counting, writing and reading in a playful way

In Spanish schools, teaching foreign languages ​​is an important part of the program. In primary school, the study of the first foreign language (English or French) begins, in secondary school one more compulsory foreign language is added.

Schools in Catalonia teach in Catalan. Spanish is studied 3 hours a week. So parents who want to send their child to a Catalan kindergarten or school will have to face additional difficulties.

IV stage. Vocational and higher education

Higher education among the Spaniards is highly valued. This is probably due to the fact that almost all young people in Spain are sure that it is incredibly difficult to get it.

For everyone who wants to get a higher education in Spain, it is important to remember 3 things:

  1. Higher education can only be obtained at universities.
  2. Higher education in Spain is paid.
  3. An institute is not a university. The Spanish institute can be safely equated with the Russian technical school (that is, it is rather a secondary vocational education).

After graduating from a Spanish university, 2 documents are issued: a university diploma and an international certificate confirming qualifications. The specializations and qualification categories that exist in Spanish universities correspond to world standards and bachelor's degrees.

The old and distinguished University of Salamanca, whose graduates were Miguel Cervantes and Christopher Columbus

How to enter the university of Spain as a foreigner

For graduates of schools in other countries (and for graduates of universities too) there are special preparatory student programs, 2- or 3-year (3 years at student preparatory courses for those who specialize in medicine or mathematics).

After the end of the program, exams are taken and a certificate is obtained, according to which there is a guaranteed admission to the university.

The University of Salamanca is the first European university with its own public library

Yesterday's students can enter universities in Spain by simply passing exams such as:

  • Spanish (in the event that the applicant has a DELE certificate (Diploma de Español como Lengua Extranjera - Spanish as a foreign language), then he is exempt from the language exam);
  • history of Spain (or philosophy);
  • foreign language (optional for residents of the CIS);
  • specialty exam.

Since 2014, foreigners do not need to take the Selectividad Selectividad (Spanish Unified State Examination), since the Russian school certificate, for example, is fully equivalent to the Spanish one. This greatly simplifies the entire procedure for entering a Spanish university.

Training system and timing

There are several levels of study at the Spanish university:

  1. Bachelor's degree - 2 years. Upon completion of training, a diploma is issued and a bachelor's degree is awarded according to the chosen qualification. With such a document in Spain it is very easy to find a decent job.
  2. COU is an additional one-year training, a necessary (but, at the same time, optional) step for the transition to a master's program.
  3. Master's degree - 2-3 years (it all depends on the specialization chosen by the student). Very often, Spanish universities cooperate with a foreign university, so after graduation, the student receives a double diploma that fully complies with international standards.
  4. Postgraduate studies - 2-3 years. Upon completion of postgraduate studies, a doctoral degree is awarded (it is necessary to defend a doctoral dissertation in the chosen specialization).

During the period of study at the university, you can get an additional specialty in the MBA system. Most often, such an opportunity is provided by commercial higher schools. Education under the MBA programs is designed for 2 years. Teaching is conducted in 2 languages: Spanish and English. In almost all areas, practice is provided, both in Spain and in other European countries. The diploma provides an opportunity to realize oneself in international business.

There is also an additional postgraduate education. Almost all universities in Spain provide their graduates with the opportunity to receive a second and third education in addition to the already existing specialty. A person with such a level of qualification will easily find a job, both in Spain itself and in other countries of the world.

Higher education in Spain is paid, but this does not mean that the prices are exorbitant. You can find a university with quite moderate annual rates. Education at all universities is conducted only in Spanish or English.

Top 6 leading universities in Spain (taking into account the wishes of Spanish employers)

In total, in Spain there are more than 50 public universities, 16 private educational institutions and 7 higher educational institutions at the church.

One of the buildings of the University of Barcelona

For example:

  • in Andalusia - 10 universities (all public);
  • in Aragon - 2 (1 - public, 1 - private);
  • in Castile - 9 (2 private and 2 - at the church);
  • in Catalonia - 12 (4 - private);
  • in Madrid -15 (6 - private, 1 - at the church);
  • in Navarre - 2 (1 - at the church);
  • in Valencia - 7 (1 - private, 1 - at the church).



1 University of Seville
2 Barcelona University
3 Complutense University of Madrid Business planning and administration
4 Autonomous University of Madrid Business planning and administration
5 Barcelona Autonomous University Humanities and social science field
6 Pompeu Fabra University of Barcelona
7 Murcia Catholic University of San Antonio The medicine
8 Pontificia Comillas University Law, economics, management and management of enterprises
9 Catalan Polytechnic University
10 University of Alicante Law, economics, management and management of enterprises
11 Valencia Polytechnic University Technical direction
12 King Juan Carlos University of Madrid The field of IT and communication technologies
13 University of Navarre Technical direction
14 Madrid Polytechnic University Technical direction
15 University of Cadiz Social Security and Health
16 University of Alcala The field of IT and communication technologies

Graduates of these particular areas of this university are especially valued by employers, but this does not mean that these universities do not have other areas.

At the same University of Navarre, there is an opportunity to study in the direction of the “Social Security and Healthcare System” and graduates with this specialization are incredibly in demand in the Spanish labor market. Read about work in Spain for Russians.

The University of Seville is located in the former building of the Royal Tobacco Factory

Top 5 Spanish Further Education Institutions

Many young people who have graduated from universities or are just about to enter Spain choose Spain as a country where they can improve their skills, learn a language, gain new knowledge or even change their profession.

There are a lot of higher schools and colleges in which there are programs of additional special education with a practical focus.



1 Les Roches International School of Hotel Management (Marbella) Excellent programs in tourism and hotel business (including the MBA program).
2 Euroaula (Barcelona Business School) Programs in marketing, administration, accounting, innovation in tourism and the hotel industry.
3 European Design Institute Design and fashion (the institute has branches all over the world, so you can study according to the programs of different countries).
4 LAUDE in San Pedro A language college that teaches in Spanish and English.

There are various programs for non-native speakers (reinforced preparatory and individual courses).

5 Barcelona Graduate School of La Universidad Pompeu Fabra Advanced study of economics and finance, history, political and social sciences and communications

The cost of education

Educational materials have to be paid for, both in public and private institutions

As mentioned above, public preschool and school education in Spain is free, both for citizens and for children of foreigners working in Spain.

Private kindergartens, colleges and all universities, as well as additional education programs are paid.

Prices vary. It all depends on the prestige of the educational institution and the number of educational programs.



Preschool education 200-500 euros (with mandatory individual approach to the child)
Basic and secondary education 600-900 euros per month.

In the most prestigious colleges, education can reach 18-20 thousand euros per year, but this is with full board for foreigners: campus accommodation, meals, uniforms, textbooks.

Textbooks and uniforms will cost parents of public schools 200-300 euros per year.

Professional, additional professional education From 1000 to 3300 euros per semester (it all depends on the type of program and specialty, as well as connections with similar institutions in other European countries)
Higher education From 1700 to 11500 per semester (it all depends on the chosen degree: undergraduate, graduate and specializations; the most expensive specializations are medicine, IT, business administration).

The main thing to remember is that in Spain a large number of public and private scholarships and grants are issued to foreign students (the difference between a scholarship and a grant is that the scholarship is paid monthly, and the grant is issued once). With their help, you can partially cover the costs of education, housing, medical insurance.

Pros and cons of studying in Spain

Naturally, before making a decision to educate your child in Spain, you must once again weigh all the pros and cons.

Advantages of studying in Spain

Cons of studying in Spain

The child finds himself in an interesting multicultural environment, in a country with ancient stories. Education in Spain is not as prestigious as, for example, in England or France.
Relatively low cost of education. Insufficiency of English-language training programs.
High probability of receiving educational scholarships and grants. Separation of education from the professional sphere, insufficiency of real production practice.
Compliance of Spanish education with international standards. Insufficiently developed links between the OUs in Spain.
Good material and technical base of all OS. The lack of uniform standards of education in the state (each university, college has its own program, which differs significantly from others)
Well-developed connections of Spanish OUs with EIs of other European countries


Recently, Spain has become a very popular country to study in Europe. And this is quite predictable, because the Spanish education system provides knowledge of several languages ​​​​at once and a high level of international education.

Far Eastern State University for the Humanities

Faculty of Fine Arts and Design

Specialty of Fine Arts

Department of Pedagogy

Subject: "Education system in Spain. Education reform"

Completed by: 4th year student

Sinitsa D.V.

Leader: Yu.P. Pustelnikov

Khabarovsk 2010


Primary and secondary education

Stages of school and preschool education

Secondary education in Spain

Higher education

Entry exams

Types of Higher Education

academic year

Admission Requirements

Preparation for entering the university

Required language proficiency

Overview of language courses

Educational process

Postgraduate education


Master Researcher



Education in Spain is characterized by a combination of centuries-old academic traditions with a dynamic curriculum that adapts to the needs of modern Europe. Recently, the education system in Spain is rapidly integrating into the European system. It was for this purpose that a reform was carried out from 1996 to 2000, affecting mainly primary and secondary schools. As for universities, it should be borne in mind here that each university in Spain is autonomous and can make its own changes (sometimes significant) to the program.

The main goal of this reform was, first of all, the transition to European general education standards.

The choice of my topic is justified by the interest of this country. Many people today are learning Spanish to continue their studies in Spain. The wide opportunities of the professional market in Spain attract young people from different countries. Many of them consider studying in Spain as the first stage of their future professional career in this country and other countries of the European Union.

Primary and secondary education

As part of the school curriculum, students study both compulsory subjects (geography, history, Spanish, mathematics, art, music, natural sciences), as well as elective subjects and the basics of professional training in any field. Upon completion of compulsory secondary education (approximately corresponding to the Russian nine-year education), the graduate can continue his studies either in the vocational education system, or, after successfully passing the test, enter the two-year Bachillerato program necessary for subsequent admission to the university and complete the full secondary education. During the Bachillerato program, there is a division into streams with in-depth study of subjects in the area in which the student plans to specialize in the future. Typically, schools offer four areas of specialization: arts, sciences, humanities and social sciences, and technology. After completing the education, the Selectividad exam is taken, which is the entrance to Spanish higher education institutions.

Stages of school and preschool education

1. Kindergarten (Jardin de enfancia) - from 2 to 4 years; 2. Pre-school preparation (Escuela de parvulos) - from 4 to 6 years; 3. Primary education (Educacion Primaria) from 6 to 12 years; 4. Secondary compulsory education (Educaion Secundaria Obligatoria) - from 12 to 16 years; 5. Complete secondary education (Bachillerato) or 1st level of vocational education (Formacion Profesional I) - from 16 to 18 years.

Primary education in Spain

Compulsory education in Spain starts at the age of six. It is relatively free and available in public and private-public schools. About how they differ, as well as about their pros and cons, we will tell in a separate article.

The Spanish academic year is divided into three trimesters, it does not begin on September 1, but later - closer to the middle of the month. The elementary school starts the school year and ends it a few days earlier than the rest of the students. The academic year ends in mid-June.

Primary education system in Spain

Designed for six years of primary education (educacion primaria). Primary education is divided into three cycles of two years each.

Compulsory subjects in the primary school curriculum are mathematics, Spanish and the official language of autonomy, literature, a foreign language, physical education, drawing and music, cultural and social sciences, natural history and a recently introduced subject that includes an introduction to human rights and civil rights. and responsibilities. At the third stage of primary education (i.e. from the age of 10), students are offered a second foreign language.

Religion in Spanish schools is not taught without fail, it all depends on the wishes of the parents. Even in public-private schools, which often belong to one or another monastic order, religion is not enforced. In completely private schools, the situation may be different.

general education spain european education

How primary education is assessed

At the end of each trimester, students are graded from 1 to 10. There are no diaries, grades in notebooks and for answers at the blackboard in Spanish schools. In principle, if parents during the trimester do not consider it necessary to find out how their child is studying, no one will inform them about successes or problems. The school is obliged to inform parents three times a year, and the rest is a personal initiative.

It is not uncommon for a child not to pass one or another subject in some trimester. In this case, he has the opportunity to catch up in the next, and only if at the end of the year the student does not pass three subjects (or two - language and mathematics), he will be offered to repeat the course of study.

Primary school usually does not have a common building with a secondary school - it is a separate educational institution.

Elementary school timetable in Spain

The schedule of "mayor's office" differs from the senior classes. Primary school students come to classes a little later - around 9 and study until one, then there is a break for lunch and rest, and at three o'clock the children return to school again and stay there until five.

Such a schedule creates quite a lot of inconvenience for parents, so many schools offer to bring children "to breakfast", i.e. one hour before class starts. At lunchtime, the child can also not be picked up, he will have lunch and rest from the lessons in the school yard.

Secondary education in Spain

After the kids have studied in elementary school, grown up and matured, it's time to leave the usual walls and move on to a new level.

Compulsory secondary education in Spain

Secondary education in Spain is compulsory. This means that any child living in the country legally or illegally is required to attend an educational institution from 12 to 16 years old.

He must attend and master the program to the best of his ability and ability, but an illegal immigrant may have problems with a document on obtaining a secondary education in Spain. When placing a child in a Spanish school, you can present his foreign passport (even with an expired visa) or some other document, plus information about registration at the place of residence, the school will not ask for more. But if by the age of 16 the child does not receive a residence permit or other confirmation of the legality of being in the country, then they will not be given a document on Spanish secondary education. So the road to further education is closed for him.

Secondary education system in Spain

Secondary education in Spain consists of four levels. The subjects studied in secondary school prepare the child for the subsequent choice of the direction of study or for work. In principle, even without completing a high school course, but after sitting at a desk until the age of 16, a child can complete his education. If you decide to take up the mind later - please. Secondary education can also be completed at an adult school.

A child can repeat any of the secondary education courses if they fail to pass three or more subjects. Grades are given by trimester. Those who received a score below the minimum in two subjects move on to the next class, but at the beginning of the year they must "finish the tails".

Secondary education in Spain - what's next

For those children who have not completed a secondary education course in Spain, professional programs are organized that provide an entry level in any specialty.

In general, secondary education in Spain, despite the fact that it is compulsory, does not pull anyone by the ears. If parents consider education necessary, and the child for some reason does not pass the subject, you can study additionally. But not at school. To do this, there are private "academies", where the student for a fee will chew and sort out an unyielding object.

After the stage of secondary education is over, the child must choose his future path. There are several. The simplest (or the most difficult?) is to start working. You can go get a professional education. And you can continue your studies at a school in bachierata. This two-year stage serves to prepare the child for university entrance.

Higher education

The bachelor's degree covers 2 courses (as a rule, it is possible to prepare for the University in the humanities, social sciences). After completing a bachelor's degree, students can enter the University. It should be borne in mind that in some Universities this two-year training is not enough; here you need to complete an additional year of training (COU) - a university-oriented course - an analogue of our preparatory courses at universities. (Usually COU is required for admission to medical, mathematical universities).

Relatively low, compared to other EU countries, tuition fees and affordable housing prices, meals make Spain attractive to applicants from all over the world. So, at universities here up to 10% of students are foreigners.

Spanish education system

The structure of the Spanish education system complies with European requirements and consists of four stages. A feature of Spanish education is the presence, along with public and private schools, of educational institutions funded by religious organizations.

Spanish education system

Preschool education

In Spain, preschool education (Educación Infantil) is optional and is divided into two stages. Children under 3 years old can attend kindergartens. Since the state does not finance them, most parents are engaged in raising the kids themselves or hire a nanny (niñera).

Children from 3 to 6 years old are prepared for school at Escuela de parvulos. There are public free and private paid Escuela de parvulos. They differ significantly in terms of the level of training and equipment, since the state can cooperate with various funds, monastic orders to increase funding.

Primary education in Spain

All children in Spain, including illegal immigrants, foreigners, must attend Educación Primaria from 6 to 12 years old. The educational process is divided into three two-year blocks. The purpose of elementary school is to give the basics of writing, counting, speaking and reading, to develop creative skills. There are both separate "clear" courses and combined ones. For example, Inventem lessons combine chemistry, physics and creativity. And the MEDI course is a mix of knowledge in history, natural history and social science.

There are schools in Spain:

  • state colegios públicos (students are accepted only by registration);
  • semi-state colegios concertados (co-financing of the state and the Catholic Church, local authorities);
  • private colegios privados (often according to the American or English system, subject to the requirements of Spanish law).

Compulsory subjects are Spanish, the language of autonomy, mathematics, natural science, physical and creative education. In the last 2 years of study, a foreign language is added. In private schools, teaching in English is possible.

Secondary education in Spain

In Spain, secondary education is divided into two stages: the compulsory Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO) and Bachillerato (bachilerato). All children between the ages of 12 and 16 attend a secondary school (ESO) where they receive a basic secondary education. At the end, an exam is taken. If the result is unsatisfactory, then the student is left for the second year, but no more than 2 times. Based on the results of the ESO exams, the student is encouraged to continue their studies in bachilerato, vocational training courses, or enter an unskilled professional activity.

Secondary education in Spain

Bachillerato is a compulsory stage of education only for those who plan to enter higher education institutions. In the second year of bachilerato, students choose a specialization: the humanities or the exact sciences.

Higher education in Spain

In Spain, higher education can only be obtained at universities. Moreover, public ones are considered more prestigious than private ones. The country also has theological universities funded by the Catholic Church.

Higher education in Spain

The organization of Spanish higher education complies with world standards and the Bologna process:

  • bachelor's degree (Grado) 3-4 years, upon completion the qualification Diplomado, Arcquitecto Tecnico (architects), Ingeniero Tecnico (technical specialties) is awarded;
  • magistracy (Máster) 1-2 years, the degrees of Licenciado, Arquitecto (architect), Ingeniero (engineer) are awarded;
  • postgraduate / doctoral studies (Doctorado) 3-6 years.

Spanish universities are autonomous. They can independently adjust the educational process, the requirements for entrance exams.

Is knowledge of Spanish required?

Proficiency in Spanish is required to study at a Spanish university. Already at the stage of admission, it is desirable to have an international Dele certificate issued by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports of Spain. You can also take an exam for knowledge of Spanish directly at the university. The advantage of the Dele certificate is that it is unlimited and is accepted by all educational institutions in Spain.

Some universities offer programs in English.

Education paid or free?

There is no free higher education in Spain. Fees are charged for tuition at both public and private institutions.

Tuition fees in Spanish universities

State universities in Spain take, depending on the specialty, 0.6-5.0 thousand euros per year. Private universities are traditionally more expensive. Here, for a year of study, you will have to pay up to 10 thousand euros. At public universities for foreign students, the cost of education is several times higher than for Spaniards. But in private universities, the price of education is the same for everyone.

In the provincial universities of Spain, the cost of education is an order of magnitude lower than in Madrid, Barcelona and other large cities.


The Spanish state supports talented young people from low-income families. Scholarships are provided for them. Their size depends on the level of family income for the previous year, the student's grade point average.

Foreigners can also apply for a scholarship, but not from the first semester of study.

Scholarship programs to support certain areas are offered by various funds. They regularly issue grants on a competitive basis.

University campus in Bilbao

Stages of admission to a Spanish university

Enrollment in Spanish universities is based on the results of a unified state exam. It is taken in the last year of bachilerato or after preparatory courses at the university. Foreign applicants can choose an exam option for Spaniards (EvAu, PAU) or a special exam organized for foreigners - PCE.

The exam includes a test of knowledge in 3-6 subjects. Mandatory is Spanish, the history of Spain, and other socially significant subjects. The number and set of subjects in a special block of the exam depends on the province and university. Before registering for the exam, it is important to clarify which subjects are important for the chosen university, faculty. The result of the compulsory block of subjects is 60% of the score for admission to the university. The remaining 40% are recruited from the entrance exam in priority subjects.

There are 2 days in June and 2 days in September to take the exam. Dates change annually. Having scored insufficient points in June, the applicant can retake the entire exam, or only a special block in September.

Enrollment in Spanish universities takes place on the basis of a competition of points for a single entrance exam.

What documents are needed for admission?

For admission to a Spanish university for a bachelor's degree (Grado), you must provide:

  • certificate of secondary education;
  • certificate of knowledge of Spanish (for English-language programs - English) language;
  • motivation letter.

After reviewing the documents, the university invites the student to take the entrance exam. Based on the invitation, a national Spanish visa is issued. If the applicant is in a country with or is studying in preparatory courses, he can register for the entrance exam himself.

Admission of Russians and residents of the CIS to Spanish universities

It is almost impossible for graduates of CIS schools to enter a Spanish university immediately after school. Difficulties arise due to differences in the number of years of complete secondary education (12 in Spain and 11 in Russia, most other countries of the former union) and insufficient knowledge of the Spanish language.

The best option for entering universities in Spain is to study at the preparatory courses at the university. It is also possible to transfer from a Russian educational institution to Spanish under a student exchange program or after 1-2 courses, subject to the specialty, intensive study of Spanish.

You can enter the Spanish master's program after receiving a bachelor's degree in Russia or Spain. At the same time, it is important that the diploma of a Russian university is recognized at the international level.

The most popular universities in Spain

The University of Barcelona is considered one of the oldest and most influential in Europe. Founded in 1450. More than 47 thousand students study here, 9% of them are foreigners. Priority areas - biology, psychology, pedagogy.

University of Barcelona

The Autonomous University of Madrid takes 2nd place in the TOP of Spanish universities. Known for high quality teaching. More than 25 thousand students study, of which 6% are foreigners. Popular areas are philosophy, law, psychology.

The Complutense University of Madrid is the largest in terms of the number of students. There are more than 83 thousand of them here (foreigners 13%). Priority areas are economics, art, computer science.

The Polytechnic University of Catalonia specializes in IT sciences, engineering, and architecture. It teaches more than 21 thousand students (11% foreigners).

The University of Granada is chosen by those who are interested in business and economics, political science. The number of students is more than 54 thousand, including 9% of foreigners.

Obtaining a visa to study in Spain

National D for study is issued on the basis of an invitation from the university, language school. It is valid only for 3 months, during which the student needs to apply for a residence permit. To do this, you will have to provide documents on enrollment in a university or school.

Interesting facts about education in Spain

In Spain, many semi-public schools are funded by the Catholic Church. At the same time, their education is often secular.

In the province of Catalonia, teaching is conducted in Catalan, with the exception of a few disciplines. If parents want their child to study in Spanish, they write an appropriate application and the child is compensated for studying in a private school.

The academic year in Spanish schools lasts from mid-September to the 20th of June. At universities from October to the end of June.

In Spanish schools and universities, a siesta is provided - a break of 2-3 hours in the middle of the day.

Homework is not assigned in elementary and partly in basic secondary school.

In Spain there is a special education in the field of arts, sports, military affairs, the clergy. It is optional and is present at all stages, from elementary school to higher education.

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