Student-centered approach in education - reference materials on pedagogy from a to z. Student-centered approach in the educational process The student-centered approach considers education as

The 21st century is the century of highly developed technologies - the era of the intellectual worker. "... The 21st century in which we live is a century when intellectual values, the highest level of knowledge and education are in demand and dominate."

Mankind has gone through a number of epochs of civilization in stages: the hunter-gatherer epoch, the agricultural epoch, the industrial epoch, the information/intellectual worker epoch, and the nascent epoch of wisdom. When the epochs changed, the productivity of each worker of the next epoch increased sharply in comparison with the productivity of the worker of the previous epoch. So the productivity of the farmer compared to the hunter has increased 50 times, the production efficiency of the industrial era is 50 times higher than the productivity of the farm. The forecast for productivity growth in the era of the knowledge worker compared to the productivity of the industrial age is also a difference of 50 times. To confirm his prediction, Stephen Covey cites the words of Nathan Myhrvold, former CTO of Microsoft: “The productivity of top software developers exceeds the productivity of average developers by not 10 or 100, or even 1000 times, but 10,000 times” .

High-quality intellectual work based on creativity becomes valuable for the work of organizations. This means that the modern era requires intellectual workers with a high level of freedom of thought and self-awareness, which imposes a special responsibility on teachers for the education of our children.

Achieving this level of freedom of thought based on choice is impossible using established teaching methods. Therefore, in education in recent decades, more and more insistently they talk about the use of developing, interactive, student-centered learning in the arsenal of teachers.

It is not possible to draw a clear boundary between the types of training; the names of thinkers, the methods of work used, etc. are often intertwined. But the main focus on the humanization of education is expressed by the term "personal-oriented approach"

“The personal approach is the consistent attitude of the teacher to the pupil as a person, as a self-conscious responsible subject of educational interaction. The idea of ​​a personal approach has been developed by scientists since the early 1980s. 20th century In connection with the interpretation of education as a subject-subjective process.

Student-centered learning (LOO) is a kind of learning that puts the student's identity, his self-worth, the subjectivity of the learning process at the forefront. “The personal approach involves helping the pupil to realize himself as a person, to identify, reveal his capabilities, the formation of self-awareness, in the implementation of personally significant and socially acceptable ways of self-determination, self-realization and self-affirmation.” LOO is usually opposed to the traditional one, citing the following lesson differences:

education thinking teacher

Traditional lesson

Student-centered lesson

Teaches all students a set amount of knowledge, skills and abilities.

Encourages the effective accumulation of each student's own personal experience.

Distributes educational tasks, the form of work of students and demonstrates to them a sample of the correct performance of tasks.

Offers students a choice of various educational tasks and forms of work, encourages students to independently find ways to solve these tasks.

He tries to interest students in the educational material that the teacher himself offers.

Seeks to identify the real interests of students and coordinate with them the selection and organization of educational material.

Involves additional individual lessons with lagging students

Works individually with each student

Plans the activities of students in a certain direction.

Helps students plan their own activities.

Evaluates the results of the work of students, noticing and correcting their mistakes.

Encourages students to independently evaluate the results of their work and correct their mistakes.

Defines the rules of behavior in the class and monitors their implementation.

Teaches students to independently develop rules of conduct and control their implementation.

Resolves emerging conflicts between students: encourages the right and punishes the guilty.

Encourages students to discuss emerging conflict situations and independently look for ways to resolve them.

Student-centered learning is based on the concept that a person is the totality of all his mental properties that make up his individuality.

Therefore, the goal of personality-oriented education is to create conditions for the full development of the following functions of the individual: the ability of a person to choose; the ability to reflect, evaluate one's life; search for the meaning of life, creativity; the formation of self-consciousness (the image of “I”); responsibility (in accordance with the wording “I am responsible for everything”); autonomy of the individual (as it develops, it is increasingly freed from other factors).

A small number of teachers can observe this approach in almost every lesson. A carefully planned and thought out lesson specifically for the characteristics of each group helps each student to be active at the level available to him. It was this lesson that the young teacher Kadyrov D.S. gave at the competition "Pedagogical Hope". having managed to involve in the work on repeating the meanings of terms even members of the competition commission, who were happy to look for the desired term according to the explanation of its meaning provided by the teacher.

The use of LOO in the modern school has been most studied; it is reflected in the works of such scientists as Yu.A. Poluyanova, V.V. Rubtsova, G.A. Zuckerman, I.S. Yakimanskaya. All researchers suggest using an individual approach that takes into account the individual characteristics of each student.

In his book "Technology of student-centered education" I.S. Yakimanskaya offers her concept of LOO to transform the existing educational system. Draws attention to the importance of using the student's subjective experience for educational purposes. Subjective experience - the experience of the student's own life, the experience of his knowledge and self-knowledge, socialization, self-development, self-realization. Gives examples of documentation: maps of individual development, characteristics and information about the individual characteristics of the student, the results of observations.

In the field of vocational education, student-centered research is most often found in the practical work of teachers. But both teachers of vocational education and researchers of the modern school pay the main attention in their works to the models of the concept, the use of educational technologies, the features of LOO, the enumeration of the qualities that a teacher should have and the values ​​that he should adhere to.

"However, the personal approach has not yet become dominant in education and is often actually replaced by an individual approach." And most of our teachers, who are interested in more effective transfer of knowledge and are not very interested, but fall under the influence of fashion trends in education, use innovative pedagogical technologies in their work, use modern terms. But ... they are used most often haphazardly and at the usual level of thinking - to give knowledge, skills, skills.

Course work

Student-centered approach to learning


The scientific basis of the modern education system is classical and modern pedagogical and psychological methods - humanistic, developing, competence-based, age-related, individual, active, personality-oriented.

Humanistic, developing and competence-based make it clear what is the purpose of education. Today's school education provides a person with theoretical knowledge, but does not prepare for life in society and is poorly oriented towards the professional self-realization of the individual. it is necessary that the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities should not be the goal of education, but a means of achieving goals.

Personal and individual techniques reveal the essence of what needs to be developed. And what needs to be developed is not a set of knowledge constituting state interests in order to drive everyone under a single “graduate model”, but some personal qualities and skills of the student should be developed. This is ideal, of course. but still it should be remembered that in addition to any personal individual qualities, there is a so-called order for the production of professionals and citizens. Therefore, the task of the school should be formulated as: the development of individual qualities, taking into account what society requires, which implies a cultural and personal model of learning organization.

In the concept of a personality-oriented approach, the success of this goal is possible through the development and acquisition of an individual style of activity, based on personal characteristics.

The active approach gives us an understanding of how to develop a child. its essence is such that all abilities are manifested in the course of activity. at the same time, if we consider a personality-oriented approach, the best activity is the one that is more suitable for the child, based on his inclinations and abilities.

The implementation of all the above ideas is student-centered learning and profiling of high school students at school, as a way to specify this technique.

The Concept for Improving Russian Education for 2010 states that senior classes should be given specialized training aimed at the socialization of students.

Student-centered learning is just the same format of education today, which will allow us to consider learning as a resource and mechanism for social development.

This course work will focus on the student-centered approach.

The purpose of the course work: the study of the features of personality - oriented technology in the modern system of education. Tasks of student-centered learning:

To study the phenomenon of personality-oriented developmental learning.

Reveal the principles of building a personality-oriented learning system.

Determine the technology of a personality-oriented educational process.

Research methods: analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, abstracting, compilation of bibliography, modeling.

1. The history of the "personality component"

The concept of "personally-oriented approach" entered pedagogy in the 90s of the last century. But the very idea of ​​free education gained its popularity in the 19th-20th centuries. In the Russian school of education, as is known, the founder of free education was L.N. Tolstoy.

Despite the fact that in Russia at that time there was no developed individual freedom, the Russian version of the school was initially associated with the self-determination of a person in all areas of life, including religious ones. And therefore, one should not forget that the “theoretical basis” of Russian pedagogy of that time was Christian anthropology, “multiplied” by the philosophy of “Russian existentialism” (Vl. Solovyov, V. Rozanov, N. Berdyaev, N. Lossky, P. Florensky, S. Frank, K. Wentzel, V. Zenkovsky and others).

It all started with the thesis about the education of conscious builders of socialism (V.I. Lenin, N.K. Krupskaya, A.V. Lunacharsky, M.N. Pokrovsky and others). And "consciousness" was defined as the conscious assimilation of the Marxist worldview and the totality of knowledge that meets the requirements of the social order. And the content of attitudes in pedagogy was interpreted as follows: “... to teach you to think independently, act collectively, in an organized manner, being aware of the results of your actions, developing maximum initiative, amateur performance” (N.K. Krupskaya; cited at 30).

First phaseThe formation of the Russian school is connected both with the definition of new learning goals and with the reflection of the "didactic model of the educational process", i.e. didactic design appears.

This design is understood as the search for new educational tasks, the choice of learning settings, the selection of content, the creation of a teaching methodology that will be aimed at the development of students, the personality of the teacher and the characteristics of the content of knowledge.

If you look from today, you can understand that the economic and political situation prompted pedagogy to choose ZUNs.

Second phasethe formation of Soviet didactics falls on the 30-50s. of the last century, and is determined by a change in emphasis in the "personality-oriented" issues.

In itself, the proposal to form the independence of students, taking into account their individuality and age, continues to spread, but the most important task is to assign students a system of scientific knowledge of the subject. The need to take into account the personal factor found its response in the definition of the principle of consciousness and activity. This period in the development of personal orientation in pedagogy is determined by some uncertainty. The general focus on the development of the personality in pedagogy remains, but the increase in the role of the teacher in the learning process, the focus on the actual acquisition of ZUNs, somewhat "clouds" the concept of "development of the student's personality", expanding the scope of its meaning in the flesh to the point that personality development is considered, among other things. and accumulation of knowledge.

Next phaseThe development of Soviet didactics falls on the 60-80s. And during this period in pedagogy, the following areas of theoretical work on the problem of "training and development" can be distinguished: a) the content of education and the cognitive abilities of students; b) conditions for the formation of cognitive independence of students; c) the integrity of the educational process and its driving forces; d) problem-based learning; e) optimization of the educational process; f) programmed learning.

A characteristic feature of the development of this technology in this period is the analysis of obtaining the necessary knowledge as a holistic phenomenon. If in the previous phases all attention was focused on the study of individual elements of this process, now the identification of driving forces in the learning process, the definition of general characteristics and patterns of learning in general, has come forward. This was facilitated by research in the pedagogical field.

The proposal and explanation of the idea of ​​a possible increase in the level of theoretical knowledge is one of the areas of research by P.Ya. Galperin, V.V. Davydova, D.B. Elkonina, L.V. Zankova, I.F. Talyzina and others. This required scientists to solve the following questions:

a) assessing the adequacy of the content and logic of the organization of educational material to the cognitive abilities of students;

b) determining the "boundaries" of the cognitive abilities of schoolchildren. The result of their decision was the revision of the education system itself and the structures of curricula and plans. The main changes were that they switched to a three-year course of study in elementary school; combining the foundations of the sciences studied at school with the main directions of scientific knowledge; expansion of independent work and focus on the formation of self-education skills; inclusion in the curriculum of extracurricular activities; a slight increase in study time for humanities subjects.

I.Ya. Lerner. According to his concept, the structure of education is an analogue of social experience and, in addition to knowledge and skills, incorporates the experience of creative activity and the experience of emotional life. It is important for us to fix the fact that didactics categorically singles out a specific element of the content of education - the experience of creative activity.

V.V. Kraevsky and I.Ya. Lerner in their research identified the following levels of formation of the content of education:

level of general theoretical understanding,

subject level,

the level of educational material,

level of personality structure.

So, in my opinion, there is a “theoretically formalized” idea about the need to describe the content of education in terms of changing the subject of learning. And if here it is formulated at the level of targets, then in the study, for example, V.S. Lednev emphasizes the interdependent nature of the organization of the content of education and the structure of personality traits.

In this period, increasing attention is shown to the personality of the student.

The invariable object of all the above areas of research in this phase is the student: in pedagogical psychology, he is the bearer of certain cognitive abilities; search for the driving forces of the educational process - the "side" of a significant contradiction and the "result" of its resolution.

From the end of the 80s, the next stage in the development of didactic domestic thought began.

First, in my opinion, the current period characterizes the desire of researchers to integrate different approaches. The period of “booms” of either optimization, or problem-based learning, or programmed or developing learning has passed (when this concept is identified either with the system of D.B. Elkonin, V.V. Davydov, or with the system of L.V. Zankov).

Secondly, in this integrative process, a backbone factor was clearly identified - the unique and unrepeatable personality of the student. Moreover, the isolation of this factor with all certainty belongs to pedagogical practice rather than theory. The shifts in education prepared by the entire previous stage, even as the initial forms of reflection, were realized not in theory, but in the practice of innovative teachers, in the practice of creating and operating innovative educational institutions, variable curricula, and regional education programs.

Recently, the first works of a methodological nature have appeared, where the problems of student-centered learning are discussed in sufficient detail.

Thirdly, the current stage in the development of didactics is characterized by an increased sensitivity to teaching technology. It overcomes the identification of pedagogical technology with a unified set of methods and forms. Increasingly, pedagogical technology is interpreted as the author's system of pedagogical work.

And the last. The interest of didactics in the personality of the student in the version that we outlined above pushes it to consider the life path of the individual as a whole and, in this sense, focuses on the development of a unified methodology for organizing the developing environment, including preschool education and post-school education in its various versions.

This is, in brief, the history of the "personality component" of education and the features of its design in various pedagogical systems and approaches.

2. The essence of a person-centered approach

“Learner-centered learning is such learning, where the personality of the child, its originality, self-worth is put at the forefront, the subjective experience of each is first revealed, and then coordinated with the content of education.” (Yakimanskaya I.S. Development of technology for student-centered learning. Principal of the school. - 2003. - No. 6).

Personality-oriented approach is a methodological orientation in psychological and pedagogical activity, which helps to ensure and support the processes of self-knowledge, self-building and self-realization of the child's personality, the development of his personality.

The theoretical and methodological basis of the personality-oriented approach are the ideas of humanistic pedagogy and psychology, philosophical and pedagogical anthropology.

The purpose of its use is to promote the development of his individuality on the basis of identifying the individual characteristics of the child.

Organizational-activity and relational aspects of use - techniques and methods of pedagogical support, dominance of subject-subject helping relationships.

The main criterion for analyzing and evaluating the effectiveness of this approach is the development of the child's individuality, the manifestation of his unique features.

Professor E.N. Stepanov identifies the following components that make up the personality-oriented approach in education.

The first component of a person-centered approach is about basic concepts, which psychologists-educators operate within the framework of this approach:

*individuality - the unique originality of a person or group, a unique combination of individual, special and common features in them, distinguishing them from other individuals and human communities;

* personality - a constantly changing systemic quality, manifested as a stable set of individual properties and characterizing the social essence of a person;

* self-actualized personality - a person who consciously and actively realizes the desire to become himself and to fully reveal his capabilities and abilities;

* self-expression - the process and result of the development and manifestation of the individual's inherent qualities and abilities;

*subject - an individual or a group that has conscious creative activity and freedom in knowing and transforming themselves and the surrounding reality;

*subjectivity - an expression of one's position;

*I-concept - a system of self-image realized and experienced by a person, on the basis of which he builds his life and activities, interaction with other people and attitude towards himself and others;

* choice - the exercise by a person or group of the opportunity to choose from a certain set the most preferable option for the manifestation of their activity;

*Psychological and pedagogical support.

The second component is certain rules that the teacher uses. These are the so-called principles of a person-centered approach:

) The principle of self-realization

Awaken and support the child's desire for the manifestation and development of their natural and socially acquired capabilities.

) The principle of individuality

) The principle of subjectivity

The intersubjective nature of interaction should be dominant in the process of education.

) Choice principle

It is pedagogically expedient for the child to live, study and be brought up in conditions of constant choice, while having subjective powers in resolving issues.

) The principle of creativity and success

This principle contributes to the positive formation of the "I-concept" and stimulates the child to carry out further work on the self-construction of his "I".

) The principle of trust and support

Faith in the child, trust in him, support in his desire for self-realization.

Not external influence, but internal motivation determines the success of education and upbringing of the child. The child needs to be able to interest and properly motivate.

And the third component of the approach is methods and techniques that meet such requirements as dialogue; activity-creative character; focus on supporting the individual development of the child; providing the student with the right to choose, the necessary freedom to make any independent decisions.

The main condition for the implementation of a personality-oriented approach is the creation of a "personality-affirming" or personality-oriented situation - educational, cognitive, life. But do not forget that one of the main components that contribute to the creation of a student-centered approach is the student's personal experience. Thus, the main factor contributing to the implementation of this approach is the reliance on the subjective experience of the student in order to independently develop the method of educational work necessary for the realization of the experience of cognition and further development.

The lesson was, is, and will be the main form of obtaining knowledge, but in the structure of student-centered learning, it changes somewhat. As part of this approach, students must provide previously unknown ways to solve a particular problem, whether it be some kind of storytelling in a literature lesson, or a colorful image of solving a complex theorem in a geometry lesson. But the teacher should not completely give the conduct of the lesson into the hands of the students, he should give some kind of impetus, an example, should interest the children.

lesson learning personal pedagogical

3. Student-centered lesson: technology of conducting

The main goal of a student-oriented lesson is to create conditions for the cognitive activity of students. The means, methods and techniques to achieve success, the teacher must think through and select himself, thus demonstrating knowledge of the age, psychological, individual qualities of students, the level of preparation of the class, his pedagogical intuition and creativity. The teacher must accept the child as he is, believing in his progress in development, in the fact that his strength can be revealed with specially organized training. A special, trusting atmosphere of learning, which is established in the classroom between the teacher and students, good, respectful relations of children to each other are the most important conditions for the effective implementation of didactic principles and the advancement of children in development.

A student-oriented lesson, unlike a regular lesson at school, mainly changes the type of teacher-student interaction. The teacher's teaching style is changing, from teamwork he moves to cooperation. The position of the student also changes - from the simple execution of the "orders" of the teacher, he moves to active creativity, due to which his thinking changes - it becomes reflexive. The nature of relationships in the classroom also changes. The main task of the teacher in such a lesson is not only to give knowledge, but also to create optimal conditions for the development of the personality of students.

I would like to show in Table 1 the main differences between a traditional lesson and a student-centered one.

Table 1

Traditional lessonStudent-oriented lesson1. Goal setting. The lesson aims to give students solid knowledge, skills and abilities. The formation of personality here is understood as the development of mental processes, such as attention, thinking, memory. Children work during the whole lesson, then "rest", at home they crammed (!), Or do nothing.1. Goal setting. The purpose of this lesson is the development of the student, the creation of such conditions that at each lesson a learning activity is formed that can interest the child in learning, in his own activities. Students work throughout the lesson. At the lesson there is a constant dialogue - teacher-student.2. The teacher's activity: shows, explains, reveals, dictates, requires, exercises, checks, evaluates. The main thing here is the teacher, while the development of the child is abstract, incidental.2. The activity of the teacher: the organizer of educational activities in which the student, relying on his own knowledge, conducts an independent search for information. The teacher explains, shows, reminds, hints, leads to the problem, sometimes makes mistakes on purpose, advises, confers, prevents. The central figure here is already a student! The teacher, on the other hand, specifically creates a situation of success, encourages, inspires confidence, interests, forms the motives for learning.3. Student activity: the student is the object of learning, which is directed by the influence of the teacher. Children are often engaged not in a lesson at all, but in extraneous matters, one teacher works here. ZUN students receive not due to their mental capabilities (memory, attention), but often due to the pressure of the teacher, cramming. Such knowledge is rapidly disappearing.3. Student activity: the student here is the subject of the teacher's activity. Activity comes not from the teacher, but from the student. Methods of problem-search and project-based learning, developing character are used.4. Relations "student-teacher" subject-object. The teacher demands, forces, threatens with tests, exams and bad grades. The student adapts, cheats, dodges, sometimes teaches. The student is a secondary person.4. Relations "student-teacher" subject-subject. Working with the whole class, the teacher actually organizes the work of everyone, creating conditions for the development of students' personal characteristics, including the formation of reflective and own thinking.

When preparing and conducting a student-centered lesson, the teacher must bring out the main directions of his activity, highlighting the student, then the activity, defining his own position.

table 2

Areas of activity of the teacherWays and means of implementation1. Appeal to the student's subjective experience. a) Revealing this experience by asking questions - how did he do it? Why did he do it? What did you rely on? b) Organization through mutual verification and listening to the exchange of the content of subjective experience between students. c) Lead everyone to the right decision by supporting the most correct versions of other students on the topic under discussion. d) Building new material on their basis: through statements, judgments, concepts. e) Generalization and systematization of the subjective experience of students in the lesson on the basis of contact.2. The use of a variety of didactic material in the lesson. a) The use of various sources of information by the teacher. b) Encouraging students to perform problematic learning tasks. c) An offer to choose from tasks of various types, types and forms. d) Stimulation of students to choose such material that would correspond to their personal preferences. e) The use of cards describing the main educational activities and the sequence of their implementation, i.e. technological maps, based on a differentiated approach to each and constant control.3. The nature of pedagogical communication in the lesson.a) Respectful and attentive listening to the points of view of everyone, regardless of their level of academic performance. b) Addressing students by name. c) Talking with children on an equal footing, so to speak "eye to eye", while always smiling and being friendly. d) Encouragement in the child of independence, self-confidence when answering.4. Activation of methods of educational work. a) Encouraging students to use various methods of educational work. b) Analysis of all the proposed ways, without imposing your opinion on the students. c) Analysis of the actions of each student. d) Identification of meaningful ways chosen by students. e) Discussion of the most rational ways - not good or bad, but what is positive in this way. e) Evaluation of both outcome and process.5. Pedagogical flexibility of the teacher in working with students in the classroom. a) Organization of the atmosphere of "involvement" of each student in the work of the class. b) Providing children with the opportunity to be selective in terms of the types of work, the nature of the educational material, the pace of completing educational tasks. c) Creation of conditions that allow each student to be active, independent. d) Responsiveness to the student's emotions. e) Helping children who are not keeping up with the pace of the whole class.

When preparing a student-centered lesson, the teacher should know the subjective experience of each student, this will help him choose more correct and rational techniques and methods of working individually with each. It should be remembered that different types of didactic material do not replace, but complement each other.

Pedagogy, focused on the personality of the student, should reveal his subjective experience and provide him with the opportunity to choose the methods and forms of educational work and the nature of the answers. At the same time, they evaluate not only the result, but also the process of their achievements.


Based on my research, it can be concluded that today's education system needs student-centered learning.

The main goal of student-centered education is the development of the student's individuality. But, of course, we should not forget about the acquisition of knowledge by students. And thanks to this approach, knowledge is much more interesting to receive and it remains for a long time. Since in the process of such learning there is an active participation in self-valuable educational activities, the content and forms of which should provide the student with the possibility of self-education, self-development in the course of mastering knowledge.

Thus, student-centered learning will allow:

Increase students' motivation for learning;

Increase their cognitive activity;

Build the educational process taking into account the personal component, i.e. take into account the personal characteristics of each student, as well as focus on the development of their cognitive abilities and the activation of creative, cognitive activity;

Create conditions for independent management of the course of training;

Differentiate and individualize the educational process;

To create conditions for systematic control (reflection) of the assimilation of knowledge by students;

Make timely corrective actions of the teacher in the course of the educational process;

Track the dynamics of student development;

Take into account the level of learning and learning of almost every student.

The concept of student-centered education is a beautiful utopia. It is still impossible to fully transfer current schools to this system of education. But, I think, in the future with new specialists, this utopia can be realized.

As for me, I will try to apply this technology in my practice. Because she herself studied for several years in a school where the director was an adherent of student-centered learning. And based on my experience, I can conclude that this technology certainly works. In fact, students themselves are drawn to knowledge, because a teacher, a real teacher who gives all his heart and soul to his pupils, knows how to interest and motivate students.

List of sources used

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Pligin, A.A. Personally oriented education: history and practice: monograph / A.A. Pligin. - M.: KSP+, 2003. - 432 p. (13.5 p.l.)

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Federal Agency for Education

State educational institution

higher professional education Saratov State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky




Department of Pedagogy of Primary and Preschool Education


Graduate work

Student ____________


Head department

Saratov 2008



1. Theoretical foundations of student-centered learning

1.1. The history of the "personal component" of education in Russian pedagogy

1.2. Models of student-centered pedagogy

1.3. The concept of student-centered learning

2. Implementation of a student-centered approach in teaching younger students

2.1. Features of student-centered technologies

2.2. Personally-oriented lesson: technology of conducting.

3. Experimental work on the application of a student-centered approach in teaching younger students

3.1. Conditions for the formation of experience

3.2. Diagnosis of personal characteristics of students (stating the stage of experimental work)

3.3. Approbation of an experimental model of the influence of a student-centered approach on the effectiveness of the learning process (formative stage)

3.4. Generalization of the results of experimental work



Annex A. Assessment of the level of school motivation

Appendix B. Diagnostics of mental development

Appendix B. Diagnostics of cognitive processes

Appendix D. Diagnostic study of the student's personality

Appendix D. Presentation of the lesson “Minerals. Oil"

Appendix E. Lesson summary "Minor member of the sentence - definition"


The scientific foundations of the modern concept of education are classical and modern pedagogical and psychological approaches - humanistic, developing, competence-based, age-related, individual, active, personality-oriented.

The first three approaches answer the question what is the purpose of education. The current general (school) education serves mainly the familiarization of the growing person with knowledge and is very weakly oriented towards the life and professional self-determination of the growing personality. It is necessary that the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities should not be the goal of education, but a means of realizing its main - developing goals, so that the content of education gives an adequate worldview picture, equips it with the necessary information for building life and professional plans. These provisions correspond to the humanistic approach, which puts the person at the center of education. One of the leading goals of education is the formation of personality competence - readiness for self-realization and the implementation of socially demanded activities and communication.

Personal and individual approaches concretize the humanistic, answering the question of what to develop. The answer to this question can be formulated as follows: it is necessary to develop and form not a single set of qualities oriented towards the state interests, which constitutes an abstract "graduate model", but to identify and develop the student's individual abilities and inclinations. In this case, the task of the school is to create conditions favorable for the fullest possible disclosure and development of individuality. This is an ideal, but it must be remembered that education must take into account both individual abilities and inclinations, as well as the social order for the production of specialists and citizens. Therefore, it is more expedient to formulate the task of the school as follows: the development of individuality, taking into account social requirements and requests for the development of its qualities, which essentially implies a social-personal, or rather, cultural-personal model of education orientation.

In accordance with the personality-oriented approach, the success of the implementation of this model is ensured through the development and development of an individual style of activity, formed on the basis of individual characteristics.

The active approach answers the question of how to develop. Its essence lies in the fact that abilities are manifested and developed in activity. At the same time, according to the personality-oriented approach, the greatest contribution to the development of a person is made by the activity that corresponds to his abilities and inclinations, on the one hand, and on the other hand, according to the age and activity approaches, the greatest contribution to the development of a person at each age is made by his inclusion in the leading type of activity, different for each age period.

The normative and conceptual federal documents enshrine the above scientific grounds and lay down the organizational principles for their implementation. The implementation of these ideas is student-centered education and, in particular, the profiling of the senior level of the school, as a way to concretize this approach.

The concept of modernization of Russian education for the period up to 2010 (approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated February 11, 2002 No. 393) emphasizes that a system of specialized training (profile training) in the senior classes of a general education school, focused on the individualization of education and the socialization of students, should be worked out. The need is emphasized to work out and introduce a flexible system of education profiles in high school, including through cooperation of the senior school with institutions of primary, secondary and higher professional education. The demand is put forward for the flexibility of programs and their adaptation to the inclinations and abilities of students.

The need of modern society for harmoniously developed, active, independent, creative people determines the modern transition to a new, student-oriented educational pagadigm.

Personally-oriented education is the format of education today, which will allow us to consider education as a resource and mechanism for social development.

At the same time, it is possible to talk about the orientation towards the student's personality in the modern practice of a mass school only in rare cases. The essence of a person-centered approach is still the subject of controversy between theorists and practitioners. The contradiction between the need to apply student-centered learning in elementary school and the insufficient development of its theoretical foundations in school determined the relevance of our study and determined the choice of topic.

The object of study of this thesis is student-centered learning.

The subject of the research is the theory and practice of organizing a student-centered approach in teaching younger students.

Hypothesis - a student-centered approach in the learning process will be effective if:

The subjective experience of students will be identified and used;

Conditions will be created for the implementation of the differentiation of education;

Pedagogical analysis and assessment of the procedural side of the student's work will be carried out along with the productive one through the identification of individual abilities of educational work as stable personal formations;

Communication between the teacher and the student will have a dialogic character, represent an exchange of experience in cognition and creativity in the absence of strict and direct control of the cognitive activity of students;

All subjects of education will be included in the learning process;

There will be a systematic development of students' skills to reflect their activities.

The purpose of the study is to identify the features of the student-centered approach in theory and its implementation in practice.

In accordance with the goal of the study and to test the hypothesis put forward, the following tasks were identified:

To study the theoretical literature on the research problem;

Define the concepts of "personality-oriented approach", "personality", "individuality", "freedom", "independence", "development", "creativity";

Get acquainted with modern personality-oriented technologies;

To identify the features of a student-oriented lesson, to get acquainted with the technology of its implementation;

Empirically, i.e. deliberately making changes in the pedagogical process, to test the effectiveness of a student-centered approach in teaching younger students.

To solve the tasks and test the initial assumptions, we used the following methods: the study and analysis of psychological, pedagogical, methodological literature; observation; questioning; sociometry; conversation; study of performance results; experiment.

The basis of the experimental work was: MOU "Secondary School No. 5 of the city of Ershov". Primary school teacher Elena Eduardovna Butenko took part in the implementation of the experimental program.

The study was conducted over two years, starting from the 2006-2007 academic year, in several stages.

At the first stage (stating) the students' personal characteristics were diagnosed.

At the second stage (formative), an experimental model of the influence of a student-centered approach on the effectiveness of the learning process was tested.

At the third stage, the results of the experimental work were processed, analysis, generalization and systematization were carried out.

The thesis consists of an introduction, three main sections, a conclusion, a list of sources used, an application.

In the first section "Theoretical foundations of student-centered learning" we talk about the history of the emergence and development of the "personal component" of education in Russian pedagogy. From a methodological point of view, we dwell on the approach of I.S. Yakimanskaya to the classification of models of student-centered pedagogy, reveal the essence of student-centered learning.

In the second section "Implementation of a student-centered approach in teaching younger students" we consider the features of modern student-centered technologies, general approaches to the organization of student-centered learning and dwell on the technology of conducting a student-centered lesson, comparing it with a lesson in a traditional education system.

In the third section "Experimental and pedagogical work of an experimental nature on the use of a student-centered approach in teaching younger students" we consider the diagnostic methods used by the teacher in the course of experimental work to identify the initial level of development of the cognitive sphere, school motivation, schoolchildren's learning, we state the results. We reveal the content of experimental work, a statement of the results of pedagogical research is carried out.

The list of sources used includes 58 titles of books and articles on the research problem.


1.1 The history of the "personal component" of education in Russian pedagogy

At the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries, the ideas of free education, the “first version” of individually oriented pedagogy, gained some distribution in Russia. At the origins of the Russian version of the school of free education was L.N. Tolstoy. It was he who developed the theoretical and practical foundations of free education and upbringing. In the world, according to him, everything is organically interconnected and a person needs to realize himself as an equivalent part of the world, where “everything is connected with everything”, and where a person can find himself only by realizing his spiritual and moral potential. Free education was represented by L.N. Tolstoy as a process of spontaneous disclosure of the high moral qualities inherent in children - with the careful help of a teacher. He did not, like Rousseau, consider it necessary to hide the child from civilization, to artificially create freedom for him, to educate the child not at school, but at home. He believed that at school, in the classroom, with special teaching methods, it is possible to realize free education. The main thing at the same time is not to create a “coercive spirit of an educational institution”, but to strive to ensure that the school becomes a source of joy, learning new things, familiarizing with the world (See about this: Gorina, Koshkina, Yaster, 2008).

Despite the lack of individual freedom in Russia, the orientation of the Russian version of the school of free education was initially subject-oriented, i.e. content was associated with the idea of ​​human self-determination in all areas of life.

Nevertheless, the “theoretical basis” of Russian pedagogy of that time was Christian anthropology “multiplied” by the philosophy of “Russian existentialism” (Vl. Solovyov, V. Rozanov, N. Berdyaev, P. Florensky, K. Wentzel, V. Zenkovsky and others .), which largely determined the face of practical pedagogy and to the same extent “limited” the implementation of the ideas of free education in a “pure” form (N. Alekseev 2006: 8)

Being proclaimed and designated, partially even tested, the idea of ​​a school of free education did not become widespread in Russia at the beginning of the century.

In Soviet didactics, the problems of "personally oriented learning" were posed and solved in different ways at the level of theory and practice. Attitudes to take into account the personality factor in ideology were accompanied by the consideration of the student's personality as a means of forming a certain "cog" of the system in the practice of teaching. The target setting of training was as follows: “... to teach to think independently, to act collectively, in an organized manner, to be aware of the results of their actions, developing maximum initiative, amateur performance” (N.K. Krupskaya; cited by: Alekseev 2006: 28). In the scientific works of that time, one can clearly see the installations for individually-oriented learning and, at the same time, for the formation of strong and specific ZUNs. From the position of today, it can be definitely stated that the economic, political situation of the country, its ideology quite quickly and unambiguously "pushed" pedagogy to the choice in favor of ZUNs.

A new stage in the development of Soviet didactics, which is usually associated with the 1930s and 1950s, is characterized by a certain change in emphasis in "personality-oriented" issues. The very idea of ​​forming the independence of students, taking into account their individuality and age in the organization of education continues to be declared, but the task of equipping students with a system of scientific, subject knowledge comes to the fore. The requirement to take into account the personal factor was reflected in the formulation of the principle of consciousness and activity during this period as one of the main didactic principles. The effectiveness of the teacher's work was assessed by the nature of the students' progress, and the progress was assessed to a greater extent by the ability of the students to reproduce what they had learned. This, of course, did not mean teachers' refusal to develop students' creativity and independence, but in the formation of these qualities, the teacher led them along the right path to a certain, in modern terms, subject standard. The "self", "uniqueness" of the student was partially hidden behind the attitudes towards the formation of certain ZUNs. The concept of “personal development” at that time was “blurred” to such an extent that this process begins to be identified with any change in personality, including the accumulation of knowledge.

The next period in the development of domestic didactics - the 60s - 80s - is associated with an in-depth study of the problem of "training and development". A characteristic feature of the development of didactics in this period should be considered the study of the learning process as an integral phenomenon. If in previous periods the main attention was paid to the study of individual components of the learning process - methods, forms, etc., now the tasks of revealing the driving forces of the educational process have come to the fore. This was facilitated by research in the field of educational psychology. P.Ya. Galperin, V.V. Davydova, D.B. Elkonina, L.V. Zankova and others significantly expanded the horizons of ideas about the cognitive abilities of students. In didactics, a “theoretically formalized” idea appears about the need to describe the content of education in terms of changing the subject of learning. In studies and scientific works, the interdependent nature of the organization of the content and structure of personality traits is emphasized. The attention of the didactics of this period to the personality of the student is clearly traced. Attempts are being made to determine the essence of independent work of students, to classify the types of independent work.

Apart from the studies of the period under review, there are studies and practical search for innovative teachers (Sh.A. Amonashvili, I.P. Volkov, E.N. Ilyin, S.N. Lysenkova, V.F. Shatalov, etc.). Some of them focused more on the instrumental side of students' activities, which involves a kind of technology for taking into account the individual psychological characteristics of the individual, others on their personal development. But the system-forming factor for their work has always been the INTEGRITY of the student. And even if not everyone was able to eventually conceptualize their approaches, without their innovative search, the content of the next stage would be completely different.

From the end of the 80s, the next stage in the development of didactic domestic thought began. This is our modernity and it is still difficult to assess, but, nevertheless, it is possible to identify its most characteristic features.

First, the current period characterizes the desire of researchers to integrate different approaches. The period of “booms” of either problematic, programmed, or developmental learning has passed (when this concept is identified either with the system of D.B. Elkonin - V.V. Davydov, or with the system of L.V. Zankov).

Secondly, in the process of integrating various approaches, a system-forming factor was clearly identified - the unique and unrepeatable personality of the student.

Recently, the first works of a methodological nature have appeared, where the problems of student-centered learning are discussed in sufficient detail. We are talking about the works of Sh.A. Amonashvili "Pedagogical Symphony"; V.V. Serikov “Personal approach in education; concept and technology”, I.S. Yakimanskaya "Person-centered learning in modern school" and others.

Thirdly, the current stage in the development of didactics characterizes an increased interest in learning technology. Increasingly, pedagogical technology is interpreted as the author's system of pedagogical work, and is not identified with a unified set of methods and forms.

Fourthly, the interest of didactics in the personality of the student pushes it to consider the life path of the individual as a whole and, in this sense, focuses on the development of a unified methodology for organizing the developing environment, including preschool education and post-school education in its various versions.

This, in brief, is the history of the "personality component" of learning.

1.2 Models of student-centered pedagogy

From a methodological point of view, it is convenient to use the approach of I.S. Yakimanskaya, who believes that all "existing models of student-centered pedagogy can be divided into three groups: socio-pedagogical, subject-didactic, psychological" (Yakimanskaya I.S. 1995).

The socio-pedagogical model realized the requirements of society, which formulated the social order for education: to educate a personality with predetermined properties. Society, through all existing educational institutions, formed a typical model of such a person. The task of the school was, first of all, to ensure that each student, as they grow up, would correspond to this model, be its specific carrier. At the same time, the personality was understood as a certain typical phenomenon, an “averaged” variant, as a carrier and exponent of mass culture. Hence the basic social requirements for the individual: the subordination of individual interests to the public: obedience, collectivism, etc.

The educational process was focused on creating the same learning conditions for everyone, under which everyone achieved the planned results (universal ten-year education, “fight” against repetition, isolation of children with various mental development disorders, etc.)

The technology of the educational process was based on the idea of ​​pedagogical management, formation, correction of the personality "from the outside", without sufficient consideration and use of the subjective experience of the student himself as an active creator of his own development (self-education, self-education)

Figuratively speaking, the direction of such technology can be described as "I'm not interested in what you are now, but I know what you should become, and I will achieve this." Hence the authoritarianism, the uniformity of programs, methods, forms of education, the global goals and objectives of general secondary education: the upbringing of a harmonious, comprehensively developed personality.

The subject-didactic model of personality-oriented pedagogy, its development is traditionally associated with the organization of scientific knowledge in the system, taking into account their subject content. This is a kind of subject differentiation that provides an individual approach to learning.

Knowledge itself served as a means of individualization of learning, and not their specific carrier - a developing student. Knowledge was organized according to the degree of their objective difficulty, novelty, the level of their integration, taking into account rational methods of assimilation, “portions” of material presentation, the complexity of its processing, etc. Didactics was based on subject differentiation, aimed at identifying: 1) the student's preferences for working with material of different subject content; 2) interest in its in-depth study; 3) the orientation of the student to engage in various types of subject (professional) activities.

The technology of subject differentiation was based on taking into account the complexity and volume of educational material (tasks of increased or reduced difficulty).

For subject differentiation, optional courses, programs of special schools (language, mathematics, biology) were developed, classes were opened with in-depth study of certain academic subjects (their cycles): humanitarian, physical and mathematical, natural sciences; conditions were created for mastering various types of subject-professional activities (polytechnic school, CPC, various forms of combining education with socially useful work).

The organized forms of variant education, of course, contributed to its differentiation, but the educational ideology did not change. The organization of knowledge in scientific areas, the level of their complexity (programmed, problem-based learning) was recognized as the main source of a student-centered approach to the student.

Object differentiation set normative cognitive activity, taking into account the specifics of the scientific field of knowledge, but was not interested in the origins of the life of the student himself, as the bearer of subjective experience, his individual readiness, preferences for the subject content, type and form of the knowledge being assigned. As studies in this area show, the subject selectivity of the student develops long before the introduction of differentiated forms of education and is not a direct product of their impact. Differentiation of learning through its forms is necessary for optimal pedagogical support for the development of individuality, and not for its initial formation. In these forms, it does not arise, but is only realized.

It should be emphasized that subject differentiation, according to I.S. Yakimanskaya “does not affect spiritual differentiation, i.e. national, ethnic, religious, ideological differences, which largely determines the content of the subjective experience of the student” (Yakimanskaya I.S. 1995). And in the subjective experience, both objective and spiritual meanings are presented that are important for the development of the individual. Their combination in teaching is not a simple task, yet not solved within the framework of a subject-didactic model.

Until recently, the psychological model of personality-oriented pedagogy was reduced to the recognition of differences in cognitive abilities, understood as a complex mental formation, due to genetic, anatomical, physiological, social causes and factors in their complex interaction and mutual influence.

In the educational process, cognitive abilities are manifested in learning, which is defined as an individual ability to acquire knowledge.

1.3 The concept of student-centered learning

Student-centered learning (LOO) is a kind of learning that puts the child's originality, his self-worth, and the subjectivity of the learning process at the forefront.

In pedagogical works devoted to the issues of this kind of education, it is usually opposed to the traditional, learning-oriented person, considered as a set of certain social functions and an “implementer” of certain behaviors fixed in the social order of the school.

Student-centered learning is not just taking into account the characteristics of the subject of learning, it is a different methodology for organizing learning conditions, which involves not “accounting”, but “inclusion” of his own personal functions or the demand for his subjective experience.

The characteristic of subjective experience is given by A.K. Osnitsky, highlighting five interrelated and interacting components in it:

Value experience (associated with the formation of interests, moral norms and preferences, ideals, beliefs) - orients the efforts of a person.

The experience of reflection - helps to link orientation with the rest of the components of subjective experience.

The experience of habitual activation - orients in one's own capabilities and helps to better adapt one's efforts to solving significant problems.

Operational experience - combines specific means of transforming situations and their capabilities.

The experience of cooperation - contributes to the unification of efforts, the joint solution of problems and implies a preliminary calculation for cooperation.

As for self-personal functions, the following are distinguished:

Motivating. The individual accepts and justifies his activity.

mediating. Personality mediates external influences and internal impulses of behavior; the personality from within does not let everything out, it restrains, it gives a social form.

Collision. Personality does not accept complete harmony, a normal, developed personality is looking for contradictions.

Critical. The personality is critical of any proposed means, that which is created by the personality itself, and not imposed from outside.

Reflective. Construction and retention in the mind of a stable image of "I".

Meaningful. Personality constantly refines, reconciles the hierarchy of meanings.

Orienting. A person strives to build a personality-oriented picture of the world, an individual worldview.

Ensuring the autonomy and stability of the inner world.

Creatively transformative. Creativity is a form of existence of a person. Outside of creative activity, there is very little personality; personality gives a creative character to any activity.

Self-realizing. A person seeks to ensure the recognition of his "I" by others.

The essence of LOO, in accordance with the above characteristics of personal functions, is revealed through the creation of conditions for their activation due to the personal experience of the subject of the study. The uniqueness of personal experience and its active nature are emphasized.

The purpose of personality-oriented education is to “lay in the child the mechanisms of self-realization, self-development, adaptation, self-regulation, self-defense, self-education and others necessary for the formation of an original personal image” (Alekseev N.A. 2006).

Functions of student-centered education:

Humanitarian, the essence, which consists in recognizing the inherent value of a person and ensuring his physical and moral health, understanding the meaning of life and an active position in it, personal freedom and the possibility of maximizing one's own potential. The means (mechanisms) for the implementation of this function are understanding, communication and cooperation;

Culture-creative (culture-forming), which is aimed at preserving, transmitting, reproducing and developing culture by means of education. The mechanisms for the implementation of this function are cultural identification as the establishment of a spiritual relationship between a person and his people, the adoption of his values ​​as his own and building his own life taking them into account;

Socialization, which involves ensuring the assimilation and reproduction by the individual of social experience, necessary and sufficient for a person to enter the life of society. The mechanism for the implementation of this function is reflection, the preservation of individuality, creativity as a personal position in any activity and a means of self-determination.

The implementation of these functions cannot be carried out in the conditions of a command-administrative, authoritarian style of teacher-student relations. In student-centered education, a different position of the teacher is assumed:

An optimistic approach to the child and his future as the teacher's desire to see the prospects for the development of the child's personal potential and the ability to stimulate his development as much as possible;

Attitude towards the child as a subject of his own educational activity, as a person who is able to study not under compulsion, but voluntarily, at his own will and choice, and to show his own activity;

Reliance on the personal meaning and interests (cognitive and social) of each child in learning, promoting their acquisition and development.

The content of personality-oriented education is designed to help a person in building his own personality, determining his own personal position in life: to choose values ​​that are significant for himself, to master a certain system of knowledge, to identify a range of scientific and life problems of interest, to master ways to solve them, to open the reflective world of his own “I and learn how to manage it.

The standard of education in the LOO system is not a goal, but a means that determines the directions and boundaries of the use of subject material as the basis for personal development at different levels of education. In addition, the standard performs the functions of harmonizing the levels of education and the corresponding requirements for the individual.

The criteria for the effective organization of student-centered learning are the parameters of personal development.

Thus, summarizing the above, we can give the following definition of student-centered learning:

“Person-centered learning” is a type of learning in which the organization of the interaction of learning subjects is focused to the maximum extent on their personal characteristics and the specifics of the person-subject modeling of the world” (Alekseev N.A. 2006).


2.1 Technologies of a student-centered approach in education

The concept of "technology" comes from the Greek words "techno" - art, craftsmanship and "logos" - teaching, and is translated as the doctrine of skill.

Pedagogical technologies, if used correctly, guarantee the achievement of the minimum that is determined by state standards in education.

There are various classifications of pedagogical technologies in the scientific literature. The classification can be based on various features.

“One of the main features by which all pedagogical technologies differ is the measure of its orientation towards the child, the approach to the child. Either technology comes from the power of pedagogy, the environment, and other factors, or it recognizes the main character of the child - it is personally oriented” (Selevko G.K. 2005).

The term "approach" is more precise and more understandable: it has a practical meaning. The term "orientation" reflects mainly the ideological aspect.

The focus of personality-oriented technologies is the unique integral personality of a growing person who strives for the maximum realization of his capabilities (self-actualization), is open to the perception of new experience, and is capable of making a conscious and responsible choice in various life situations. The key words of personality-oriented education technologies are "development", "personality", "individuality", "freedom", "independence", "creativity".

Personality is the social essence of a person, the totality of his social qualities and properties that he develops in himself for life.

Development is a directed, regular change; as a result of development, a new quality arises.

Individuality - the unique originality of a phenomenon, a person; the opposite of the general, the typical.

Creativity is the process by which a product can be created. Creativity comes from the person himself, from within, and is an expression of our entire existence.

Freedom is the absence of dependence.

Personally-oriented technologies are trying to find methods and means of training and education that correspond to the individual characteristics of each child: they adopt psychodiagnostic methods, change the relationship and organization of children's activities, use a variety of teaching aids, and rebuild the essence of education.

A student-centered approach is a methodological orientation in pedagogical activity, which, through reliance on a system of interrelated concepts, ideas and methods of action, provides and supports the processes of self-knowledge, self-construction and self-realization of the child's personality, the development of his unique individuality.

The basis for organizing a student-centered approach in teaching is the conceptual provisions of psychologists about the dominant role of activity in communication and personality formation. Because of this, the educational process should be directed not only to the assimilation of knowledge, but also to the methods of assimilation and thinking processes, to the development of cognitive forces and creative abilities. We believe that, in accordance with this, the focus of education should be on the student, his goals, motives, interests, inclinations, his level of learning and abilities.

Today, in domestic pedagogy and pedagogical psychology, in our opinion, we can talk about the following pedagogical technologies focused on the personality of the student:

The system of developing education D.B. Elkonin - V.V., Davydov;

Didactic system of education L.V. Zankov;

The training system “according to Sh.A. Amonashvili";

School of Dialogue of Cultures V.S. Bibler;

The theory of systematic formation of mental actions and concepts P.Ya. Galperin - N.F. Talyzina;

Approaches to organizing the training of innovative teachers (I.P. Volkov, V.F. Shatalov, E.N. Ilyin, V.G. Khazankin; S.N. Lysenkova, etc.).

Conventionally, all these systems can be divided into two groups, the basis for the allocation of which is the level of their methodological elaboration: cultural or instrumental.

Culturological systems of education basically have some ideological or rather general specific scientific ideas about the essence of a person and the features of his entry into culture.

Instrumental systems at their core, as a rule, have one or another specific method found in practice and forming the basis of a certain pedagogical technology. Typologically, this can be represented as follows: (see Table 1)

Table 1

Typology of educational schools and approaches

These technologies have proven to be effective. They have become widespread because, firstly, in the conditions of the class-lesson system that still exists in our country, they most easily fit into the educational process, they may not affect the content of education, which is determined by the educational standard for the basic level. These are technologies that allow, when integrated into the real educational process, to achieve the goals set by any program, standard of education for each academic subject by other, alternative traditional methods, while maintaining the achievements of domestic didactics, pedagogical psychology, and private methods.

Secondly, these technologies ensure not only the successful assimilation of educational material by all students, but also the intellectual and moral development of children, their independence, goodwill towards the teacher and each other, communication skills, and the desire to help others. Rivalry, arrogance, authoritarianism, so often generated by traditional pedagogy and didactics, are incompatible with these technologies.

They require a change of priorities from the assimilation of ready-made knowledge in the course of classroom lessons to the independent active cognitive activity of each student, taking into account his characteristics and capabilities.

2.2 Student-centered lesson: technology of conducting

The lesson is the main element of the educational process, but in the system of student-centered learning, its function and form of organization change.

A student-oriented lesson, unlike a traditional one, first of all changes the type of interaction "teacher-student". From the command style, the teacher moves to cooperation, focusing on the analysis not so much of the results as of the procedural activity of the student. The position of the student changes - from diligent performance to active creativity, his thinking becomes different: reflective, that is, focused on the result. The nature of the relationships that develop in the classroom is also changing. The main thing is that the teacher should not only give knowledge, but also create optimal conditions for the development of the personality of students.

Table 2 presents the main differences between traditional and student-centered lessons.

table 2

Traditional lesson Student-centered lesson

Goal setting. The lesson aims to equip students with solid knowledge, skills and abilities. The formation of personality is a consequence of this process and is understood as the development of mental processes: attention, thinking, memory. Children work during the survey, then “rest”, study at home or do nothing.

The activity of the teacher: shows, explains, reveals, dictates, requires, proves, exercises, checks, evaluates. The central figure is the teacher. The development of the child is abstract, incidental!

The activity of the student: the student is the object of learning, on which the influence of the teacher is directed. There is only one teacher - the children are often engaged in extraneous matters. They receive knowledge, skills and abilities at the expense of mental abilities (memory, attention), and more often pressure from the teacher, cramming, scandal in the family. Such knowledge quickly disappears.

Relations "teacher-student" subject-object. The teacher demands, forces, threatens with tests and exams. The student adapts, maneuvers, sometimes teaches. The student is a secondary person.

Goal setting. The goal is the development of the student, the creation of such conditions that at each lesson a learning activity is formed that turns him into a subject interested in learning, his own activity. Students work throughout the lesson. In the classroom there is a constant dialogue: teacher-student.

The activity of the teacher: the organizer of educational activities in which the student, relying on joint developments, conducts an independent search. The teacher explains, shows, reminds, hints, leads to the problem, sometimes deliberately makes mistakes, advises, confers, prevents. The central figure is the student! The teacher, on the other hand, specifically creates a situation of success, empathizes, encourages, inspires confidence, systematizes, intrigues, forms the motives for teaching: encourages, inspires and consolidates the authority of the student.

Student activity: the student is the subject of the teacher's activity. Activity comes not from the teacher, but from the child himself. Methods of problem-search and project-based learning, developing character are used.

The relationship "teacher - student" is subject-subjective. Working with the whole class, the teacher actually organizes the work of everyone, creating conditions for the development of the student's personal capabilities, including the formation of his reflective thinking and his own opinion.

When preparing and conducting a student-centered lesson, the teacher must highlight the fundamental directions of his activity, highlighting the student, then the activity, defining his own position. Here is how it is presented in table 3.

Table 3

Areas of activity of the teacher Ways and means of implementation
1. Appeal to the subjective experience of the student

a) Identifying this experience by asking questions: How did he do it? Why? What did you rely on?

b) Organization through mutual verification and listening to the exchange of the content of subjective experience between students.

c) Lead everyone to the right solution by supporting the most correct versions of students on the problem under discussion.

d) Building new material on their basis: through statements, judgments, concepts.

e) Generalization and systematization of the subjective experience of students in the lesson on the basis of contact.

2. The use of a variety of didactic material in the lesson

a) The teacher's use of various sources of information.

b) Encouraging students to perform problematic learning tasks.

c) An offer to choose from tasks of various types, types and forms.

d) Stimulation of students to choose such material that would correspond to their personal preferences.

e) The use of cards describing the main educational activities and the sequence of their implementation, i.e. technological maps, based on a differentiated approach to each and constant control.

3. The nature of pedagogical communication in the classroom.

a) Respectful and attentive listening to the respondent, regardless of his level of academic achievement.

b) Addressing students by name.

c) Conversation with children is not haughty, but “eye to eye”, supporting the conversation with a smile.

d) Encouragement in the child of independence, self-confidence in answering.

4. Activation of methods of educational work.

a) Encouraging students to use different ways of learning.

b) Analysis of all the proposed ways, without imposing your opinion on the students.

c) Analysis of the actions of each student.

d) Identification of meaningful ways chosen by students.

e) Discussion of the most rational ways - not good or bad, but what is positive in this way.

f) Evaluation of both outcome and process.

5. Pedagogical flexibility of the teacher in working with students in the classroom

a) Organization of the atmosphere of "involvement" of each student in the work of the class.

b) Providing children with the opportunity to show selectivity in the types of work, the nature of the educational material, the pace of completing educational tasks.

c) Creation of conditions that allow each student to be active, independent.

d) Responsiveness to the student's emotions.

e) Providing assistance to children who are not keeping up with the pace of the class.

A student-centered approach to learning is unthinkable without identifying the subjective experience of each student, that is, his abilities and skills in learning activities. But children, as you know, are different, the experience of each of them is purely individual and has a variety of characteristics.

The teacher, when preparing and conducting a student-centered lesson, needs to know the characteristics of the subjective experience of students, this will help him choose rational techniques, means, methods and forms of work individually for each.

The purpose of the didactic material used in such a lesson is to work out the curriculum, to teach students the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities. Types of didactic material: educational texts, task cards, didactic tests. Tasks are developed by subject, by level of complexity, by purpose of use, by the number of operations on the basis of a multi-level differentiated and individual approach, taking into account the leading type of student's learning activity (cognitive, communicative, creative). This approach is based on the possibility of assessing the level of achievement in mastering knowledge, skills and abilities. The teacher distributes cards among students, knowing their cognitive features and capabilities, and not only determines the level of knowledge acquisition, but also takes into account the personal characteristics of each student, creating optimal conditions for his development by providing a choice of forms and methods of activity. Different types of didactic material do not replace, but complement each other.

The technology of student-centered learning involves the special design of the educational text, didactic and methodological material for its use, types of educational dialogue, forms of control over the student's personal development.

Pedagogy, focused on the personality of the student, should reveal his subjective experience and provide him with the opportunity to choose the methods and forms of educational work and the nature of the answers. At the same time, they evaluate not only the result, but also the process of their achievements.

Criteria for the effectiveness of a student-oriented lesson:

The teacher has a curriculum for conducting a lesson, depending on the readiness of the class;

Use of problematic creative tasks;

Application of knowledge that allows the student to choose the type, type and form of the material (verbal, graphic, conditionally symbolic);

Creating a positive emotional mood for the work of all students during the lesson;

Discussing with the children at the end of the lesson not only what “we learned”, but also what we liked (did not like) and why, what I would like to do again, but do it differently;

Encouraging students to choose and independently use different ways to complete tasks;

Evaluation (encouragement) when questioning in the lesson not only the correct answer of the student, but also an analysis of how the student reasoned, what method he used, why and what was wrong;

The mark given to the student at the end of the lesson should be argued on a number of parameters: correctness, independence, originality;

When doing homework, not only the topic and scope of the task are called, but it is explained in detail how to rationally organize your study work when doing homework.


3.1 Conditions for the formation of experience

The base of the experimental work was the secondary school No. 5 of the city of Ershov. Butenko Elena Eduardovna took part in the implementation of the experimental program. She has worked at the school since 1986. She graduated from the Tashkent Pedagogical Institute named after Nizami. Has the highest qualification category. In 2007, she took advanced training courses on the topic "Methodology, technology of the modern lesson (theory and practice)". In 2005 she became the winner of the district competition "Teacher of the Year", and in 2007 she was a finalist of the regional festival "Flight of Ideas and Inspiration", one of her lessons was published in the collection "The Best Lessons of Teachers of the Saratov Region" (2005). Developed and tested the program "Activation of cognitive activity of younger students in mathematics lessons using a rating system." Since 2006, he has been the head of the MO of primary school teachers.

In 2004, she scored 1st grade. Different levels of development of first-graders influenced the low ability of children to acquire knowledge. In this regard, the goal of the teacher's activity was the formation of cognitive abilities in younger students as the main mental neoplasms in the personality structure. This also became the basis for participation in experimental work on the introduction of a student-centered approach in the process of teaching younger students. Experimental work was carried out on the basis of the school from 2006-2007.

The position of the teacher

The basis for the education and upbringing of younger schoolchildren was a student-centered approach (CAP), which assumed not just taking into account the individual characteristics of students, but a fundamentally different strategy for organizing the educational process. The essence of which is to create conditions for the “launch” of intrapersonal mechanisms of personality development: reflection (development, arbitrariness), stereotyping (role position, value orientations) and personalization (motivation, “I am a concept”).

This approach to the student required the teacher to reconsider his pedagogical positions.

To implement the key ideas, the teacher set himself the following tasks:

Conduct a theoretical analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the subject of the current state of the problem;

Organize a stating experiment to diagnose the personal characteristics of students;

To test an experimental model of the influence of a student-centered approach on the effectiveness of the learning process.

The educational process was built on the basis of the School 2100 program.

3.2 Diagnosis of personal characteristics of students (stating the stage of experimental work)

At the time of the beginning of the experimental work on the introduction of a student-centered approach (September 2006), there were 13 students in the 3rd grade. Of these, 7 girls and 6 boys. All children are physically healthy.

With the help of a school psychologist, a psychological and pedagogical diagnosis was carried out in the classroom according to the following criteria:

Cognitive sphere of the child (perception, memory, attention, thinking);

Motivational sphere of students;

Emotional-volitional sphere (level of anxiety, activity, satisfaction);

Personal sphere (self-esteem, level of communication, value orientations);

As a result of a conversation with children and parents, a survey (Appendix A), and ranking, it was revealed that the majority of children (61%) have a high level of school motivation, this can be seen in the diagram below. The priority motives in educational activities are the motives of self-improvement and well-being. At the time of the study, children consider mathematics and physical education to be significant subjects for themselves.

Fig. 1. Level of school motivation

Psychological diagnostics of the cognitive sphere made it possible to identify the background level of mental development of students, to determine the level of development of such cognitive processes as attention and memory.

Using the diagnostics “Correction test with Landolt rings” (Appendix B), it was possible to establish that only four students (30%) have high productivity and attention stability, most children have average or low attention productivity and stability.

Using the pictogram technique of A.R. Luria (Appendix B), designed to study the individual typological characteristics of children, as well as the volume of logical and mechanical memory, it was possible to reveal the following: the majority of students reproduce the material offered for memorization incompletely and with significant distortions. This suggests that at the time of the study, memory productivity in most children is average. The amount of mechanical memory is much greater than the amount of logical memory.

The level of mental development and the assessment of the success of each child were determined using the methodology of E.F. Zambicevicene (Appendix B). Based on the calculation of the total score, it was found that two students (Eismont Evgeny, Platonova Daria) are at the highest - the fourth level of success. At the third level with an assessment of success (79.9-65%) there are six students, at the second three students and at the first level - the lowest, one student.

The teacher also revealed the level of development of cognitive activity of students.

The first (reproductive) - low level, included students who did not systematically, poorly prepared for classes. Students were distinguished by their desire to understand, remember, reproduce knowledge, master the methods of their application according to the model given by the teacher. The children noted a lack of cognitive interest in deepening knowledge, instability of volitional efforts, inability to set goals and reflect on their activities.

The second (productive) - the average level included students who systematically and sufficiently prepared for classes. Children sought to understand the meaning of the phenomenon being studied, to penetrate into its essence, to establish connections between phenomena and objects, to apply knowledge in new situations. At this level of activity, the students showed an episodic desire to independently search for an answer to a question that interested them. They observed a relative stability of strong-willed efforts in the desire to complete the work begun, goal-setting and reflection together with the teacher prevailed.

The third (creative) - high level included students who always prepared well for classes. This level is characterized by a steady interest in the theoretical understanding of the phenomena being studied, in an independent search for solutions to problems arising as a result of educational activities. This is a creative level of activity, characterized by a deep penetration of the child into the essence of phenomena and their relationship, the desire to transfer knowledge to new situations. This level of activity is characterized by the manifestation of the student's volitional qualities, a steady cognitive interest, the ability to independently set goals and reflect on their activities.

The results of the work carried out to study the level of development of cognitive activity are shown in the following diagram.

Fig.2. The level of development of cognitive activity of students in grade 3

In addition to studying the cognitive and motivational sphere of the child, the teacher had to study the interests and hobbies of students, relationships with peers, relatives and adults, character traits, and the emotional state of the child. Methods were used: “My portrait in the interior”, “10 of my “I”, “What is in my heart” (Appendix D) and others.

The information obtained by the teacher as a result of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics made it possible not only to assess the capabilities of a particular student at the current moment, but also made it possible to predict the degree of personal growth of each student and the entire class team.

Systematic monitoring of the results of diagnostics from year to year allows the teacher to see the dynamics of changes in the student's personal characteristics, to analyze the compliance of achievements with the planned results, leads to an understanding of the patterns of age development, and helps to assess the success of ongoing corrective measures.

3.3 Approbation of an experimental model of the influence of a student-centered approach on the effectiveness of the learning process (formative stage)

Since the definition of student-centered learning emphasizes the need to take into account the characteristics of its subjects, the problem of differentiation of children becomes relevant for the teacher.

In our opinion, differentiation is necessary for the following reasons:

Different starting opportunities for children;

Different abilities, and from a certain age and inclinations;

To provide an individual development trajectory.

Traditionally, differentiation was based on the “more-less” approach, in which only the amount of material offered to the student increased - the “strong” received the task more, and the “weak” - less. Such a solution to the problem of differentiation did not remove the problem itself and led to the fact that capable children were delayed in their development, and those who were lagging behind could not overcome the difficulties they had in solving educational problems.

To create favorable pedagogical conditions for the development of the student's personality, his self-determination and self-realization, the technology of level differentiation, which Elena Eduardovna Butenko developed and applied in her lessons, helped.

Let's summarize the methods of differentiation:

1. Differentiation of the content of educational tasks:

According to the level of creativity;

According to the level of difficulty;

By volume;

2. The use of different methods of organizing the activities of children in the classroom, while the content of the tasks is the same, and the work is differentiated:

According to the degree of independence of students;

By the degree and nature of assistance to students;

By the nature of learning activities.

The differentiated work was organized in different ways. Most often, students with a low level of success, which was determined by the method of E.F. Zambicevicene (Appendix B) and a low level of learning (according to the sample of the school) completed the tasks of the first level. Children practiced individual operations that are part of the skills and tasks based on the sample considered during the lesson. Students with an average and high level of success and learning - creative (complicated) tasks.

The teacher also practiced multi-level control tasks, thereby increasing the requirements for assessing the knowledge, skills and abilities of the student. With the same volume of material, a different level of requirements for its assimilation was established. Consistent voluntary choice by students of the level of assimilation of the material made it possible to form a cognitive need, skills of self-assessment, planning and regulation of their activities. In evaluating the work, Elena Eduardovna considered the main criterion to be personal, i.e. the degree of effort made by the child to complete the task, as well as the complexity of the tasks chosen.

Here is a fragment of the control work on the topic “Multiplication. Commutative property of multiplication"


Objectives - to check the assimilation:

sense of multiplication

commutative property of multiplication

· mathematical terminology

First level

Take 9 twice

6 take nine times

8 times 9

9 times 3

9 increase 7 times

2. Fill in the missing numbers so that the equalities are correct.

17 4= 4 □ 0 15=15 □ 29 1=1 □

3. Find the meaning of expressions.

3 9 7 9 6 9 8 9 1 9 5 9

4. The broken line consists of three identical links of 4 cm each. Draw this broken line.

Second level

1. Insert signs:<, >, =.

9 2 □ 2+2+2+2+2+2+2+2+2

7 2 □ 2+2+2+2

3 9+9 □ 9 4

7 6 □ 7 3+7+7+7

2. Write down the expressions and calculate their values.

The first multiplier is 3, the second is 9

Product of numbers 9 and 5

8 increase by 9 times

8 increase by 9 times

3. The length of the broken line is written as 2 3 (cm). Draw this broken line.

Third level

1. Write expressions and calculate their values.

The product of the numbers 9 and 3 is reduced by 8

Decrease the sum of numbers 13 and 25 by 9

· The product of the numbers 9 and 5 increase by 17

2. Insert the missing action signs to get the correct equalities.

4 9=66 □ 30 7 9=70 □ 7

9 5=51□ 6 9 8=60 □ 12

3. The sum of the lengths of the sides of a square is written as 3 4 (cm). Make it a square.

The expansion of the subjective functions of students, as one of the indispensable conditions for a student-centered approach, suggested a different approach to goal setting in the lesson.

About 20% of school teachers, according to our survey, consider it unnecessary to indicate the goal in the classroom or limit themselves to its extremely general formulations (“learn”, “get to know”, etc.). This is wrong, first of all, from the point of view of students' reflection on the results of the lesson at the end of the lesson, which is an integral part of a student-centered approach.

Let us turn to the goal-setting methods that were used by the teacher.

At each lesson, the teacher tried to create an educational problem situation that would allow students to be introduced to the subject of the upcoming topic of the program. Elena Eduardovna used different techniques:

Setting a task for students, the solution of which is possible only on the basis of studying this topic;

Conversation (story) about the theoretical and practical significance of the upcoming topic of the program;

A story about how the problem was solved in the history of science. And it is very effective, according to the teacher, to start creating an educational problem situation with some practical work, and only after that raise a problematic question. This situation will be a powerful impetus to the beginning of intensive thinking. And the formulation of the main educational task was usually carried out by the teacher together with the children, as a result of the discussion of the problem situation. It should be noted that joint goal-setting took place not only at the beginning of the study of a large topic or section, but also at each lesson and even at different stages of the lesson.

Here are a few examples of goal setting:

The teacher organizes a group interview (survey of children) about the significance of the topic and the purpose of the lesson for studying the subject;

The teacher organizes a group interview about what the students know about the topic of the lesson and what else they would like to know.

These goal-setting methods enable the child to discover the motives for obtaining new knowledge. And this is an indispensable condition for the formation of value certainty and tolerance. In this way of goal-setting, the teacher provided the child with the opportunity to express his attitude to the content of education.

The goal-setting stage is closely related to the work carried out by the teacher to form positive motivation. The teacher understood well that motivation brings the purpose of the activity and the means of achieving it into line, determines the expediency and meaningfulness of actions in a holistic behavioral act of the individual. The strength of the motive is determined by the degree of significance of the activity performed; the intensity of the educational activity performed by children depends on it. The stronger the cognitive motivation of students, the more complex tasks they are able to solve.

In order to form positive motivation, questions were discussed in the classroom: why do you need to study this topic, what does studying it give you, why do you need to know this topic, etc.

The teacher was well aware that the content of the educational material is also of great importance for positive motivation. It should be quite accessible, should be based on the knowledge that children have and be based on them and on the life experience of children, but at the same time, the material should be quite complex and difficult. When preparing lessons, the teacher always took into account the nature of the needs of his students and thought out the content of the lesson in order to meet the needs of children and contribute to the emergence and development of new needs necessary for further educational activities.

The establishment of subject-subject relations as a condition for the model of student-centered learning led the teacher to the selection and testing of various forms of organization of learning in the course of a formative experiment. If the usual form of learning organization has limited opportunities to change the position of the student, since he is always in the position of the student, then non-traditional forms involve a variety of roles. The teacher assigned a special place in the lesson to the game, because. It has been proven that it is the game that is most suitable for organizing a student-centered approach and allows each student to take an active position, show personal knowledge, intellectual and communication skills.

In his work, the teacher paid special attention to the process of reflection, the assessment of the personality of one's "I", the development of objective self-esteem in children. At this stage of the experiment, we want to stop and consider the work experience in more detail.

Butenko Elena Eduardovna introduced into her practice lessons using a rating system for assessing knowledge, skills and abilities. In her lessons, each student could calculate their level of preparedness and activity, that is, their rating. The English word "rating" is translated quite roughly, meaning "assessment". Rating is an individual numerical indicator of a person's achievements in the classification list (Soviet Encyclopedia 1987).

Evaluation does not depend on the nature of the interpersonal relationship between the teacher and the student;

Ignorance is not punished, the process of cognition is stimulated;

The student is free to choose the strategy of his activity, since the assessments of the proposed activities are determined in advance.

Current - hourly control;

Intermediate - at the end of the quarter, studying the topic, section;

Final certification - at the end of the year.

The basis of control is a carefully revised training material. The teacher controls only the material that was studied in the classroom or at home. If the material was barely mentioned in the class and was not given for self-reinforcement, it cannot be checked.

In the lesson on the topic “Mineral Resources. Oil” (Appendix D), the teacher carried out the current control as follows. Each type of work is estimated by him in points, the children will learn about this at the beginning of the lesson from the table below.

Table 4

Table 5

Such a system allows students to find out their level, while there is no one to complain about the bias of control. The author believes that the use of elements of the rating system is appropriate for all lessons in elementary school.

Table 6

success sheet

This technique allows the teacher to accustom children to self-examination and introspection, use mutual verification, and also makes it possible to implement the principle of 100 percent feedback in classes with any occupancy.

3.4 Generalization of the results of experimental work

In order to test the effectiveness of a student-centered approach in teaching younger students, we planned work on conducting control sections, questioning, testing, etc., which made it possible to track and compare the dynamics of the changes that have occurred in terms of such parameters as motivation, the level of cognitive activity, quality performance.

The obtained results of the control sections made it possible to reflect the dynamics of the qualitative progress of students in the educational process and present it in comparison using the following figure.

Rice. 3. Indicators of the quality of knowledge of cross-sectional work at the beginning and end of the experiment

This diagram shows that in the course of the experimental work, the percentage of knowledge quality increased significantly compared to the data of the control sections at the beginning of the experiment. On average, the quality of knowledge in the class increased by 23%.

In addition to assessing the growth dynamics of qualitative academic performance, we compared the changes that have occurred within the motivational sphere. I would like to note that, according to the results of the survey, 93% of students by the end of their education in primary school have a high level of school motivation, which is 32% higher than the initial indicators. There have been changes in the very motivation of learning. If at the beginning of the study, the motives of self-improvement and well-being were priority for children, then at the end of the experimental work, the motive of cognition became the main one for most children.

The next indicator we focused on is the cognitive activity of students. Subject Olympiads held in the classroom, school and district helped to reveal the individual cognitive abilities of each student. In many ways, with their help, it was possible to develop not only interest in the subjects studied, but also arouse the desire to work independently with additional literature and other sources of information. In addition, preparation and participation in competitions influenced the development of students' personal characteristics: the desire for self-realization, planning skills, and self-control. This is confirmed by pedagogical observation, conversations with children and parents, and diagnostics. Each new Olympiad is a discovery of the potential of children.

Table 4

Results of participation in subject school Olympiads

From the table above, it can be seen that interest in participation in subject Olympiads has increased. The experience of such work shows that the use of tasks of increased difficulty, tasks of a creative type in the lesson is a stimulus for the development of interest in the subject, improves the intellectual and cognitive skills of schoolchildren, and contributes to a more conscious and deep mastery of educational material. The result of such a purposeful work of the teacher was the 3rd place of Eismont Evgeny at the regional Olympiad in the Russian language in the 4th grade (2007-2008 academic year).

We believe that the use of a student-centered approach in the classroom contributed to an increase in the level of cognitive activity of students. Most of the guys began to prepare for classes systematically and with sufficient quality.

The implementation of LLP in teaching made it possible to single out the student as a subject of educational activity; develop his intellectual and creative abilities to the level of individual capabilities. The development of these abilities provided not only erudition, versatility of thinking, independence of younger students, but also created favorable conditions for the development of personal qualities of children. Observations of the educational activity of children show that the most striking result was achieved in the development of such components as educational and cognitive interest, goal-setting, and reflection. Positive dynamics is observed in each student.

The results of our study allow us to draw the following conclusion: it has been experimentally proven that the use of a student-centered approach affects the effectiveness of the learning process. This is evidenced by the positive dynamics in the parameters that we have identified.

Of course, our study does not reveal all aspects of the problem of the influence of a student-centered approach on the effectiveness of the learning process of younger students, and therefore is not exhaustive. We consider a promising direction to substantiate the influence of a personality-oriented approach on other personality traits.


The dissatisfaction of many countries with the results of school education has led to the need to reform it. A comparative analysis of the training of students from 50 countries of the world showed that students from Singapore, South Korea, and Japan have the highest results. The results of Russian schoolchildren fall into the intermediate middle group. Moreover, non-traditional posing questions significantly reduces the level of their answers.

Based on the results of the study, some recommendations were made for reforming the education system:

Strengthening the practical orientation of the course content; the study of objects, phenomena, processes that surround students in their daily lives;

Changing the emphasis in educational activities aimed at the intellectual development of students by reducing the role of reproductive activity, increasing the weight of assignments for the application of knowledge to explain the surrounding phenomena.

The goals outlined can only be achieved through student-centered learning, because learning focused on a certain average student, on the assimilation and reproduction of knowledge, skills and abilities, cannot meet the modern requirements of life. Thus, the main strategic direction in the development of the school education system in different countries of the world lies on the way to solving the problem of student-centered education. Such education, in which the personality of the student would be the focus of the teacher, in which cognitive activity would be leading in the tandem teacher-student. So that the traditional paradigm of education teacher - textbook - student would be completely replaced by a new one: student - textbook - teacher. This is how the education system is built in the leading countries of the world.

Under the conditions of student-centered learning, the teacher acquires a different role, a different function in the educational process, no less significant than in the traditional system of education, but different. If under the traditional education system the teacher, together with the textbook, were the main and most competent sources of knowledge, and the teacher was also the controlling subject of knowledge, then under the new paradigm of education, the teacher acts more as an organizer of independent active, cognitive activity of students, a competent consultant and assistant .

Such an education system cannot be built from scratch. It originates in the depths of the traditional education system, the wisdom of folk and religious education, the works of philosophers, psychologists, and teachers.

In world practice, attempts have been repeatedly made to implement the ideas of student-centered learning, starting with the ideas of education of Rousseau, Pestalozzi, Montessori, Ushinsky. Famous Soviet psychologists also spoke about the need to take into account the individual characteristics of the child: L.V. Vygotsky, P.Ya. Galperin and others. However, under the conditions of the classroom system, the dominance of the authoritarian style in pedagogy, it was absolutely impossible to implement these ideas in relation to each student.

The modern information technology society, or, as it is called, the post-industrial society, in contrast to the industrial society of the late 9th - mid-20th centuries, is much more interested in its citizens being able to independently, actively act, make decisions, adapt flexibly to changing conditions of life. That is why the main strategic direction in the development of school education lies on the path to solving the problem of student-centered learning.

Theoretical developments on this issue are reflected in the works of N.A. Alekseeva, A.S. Belkina, D.B. Elkonina, I.S. Yakimanskaya and others. However, we noticed that in the domestic literature insufficient attention is paid to the problems of creating and managing pedagogical systems that provide a student-centered approach in elementary school. Although it is the peculiarities of upbringing and education at the age of 7-10 that determine the trajectory of the development of the child's personality in the middle and senior levels of the school and his further professional development.

As noted above, student-centered learning largely depends on the personal characteristics of the participants in the educational process. When preparing and conducting such lessons, the role of didactic material increases significantly, which can vary significantly in different schools (depending on regional, national conditions, etc.) But, nevertheless, the lesson must necessarily include:

A set of techniques that allow for starting psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of personality development and compiling a class description;

Material that allows you to identify the student's subjective experience related to the topic being studied in the lesson; personal meaning of the studied; the mental state of the child in the classroom with subsequent correction; methods of educational work preferred by the student;

Material that allows you to maintain a high level of motivation during the lesson; conduct the presentation of new material as a joint discovery in the course of quasi-research activities, as well as taking into account the development of the sensory channels of each student; provide individual work to consolidate the studied material with the provision of a choice of the type and form of work and the level of its complexity; to instill in children the skills of teamwork; use the game form of activity in the lesson; stimulate self-development, self-education, self-expression; organize homework as an individual creative activity;

Material that allows the student to actively participate in the work in the lesson, regardless of the level of his preparation; to teach to identify and evaluate the ways of educational work of classmates and their own; learn to assess and correct their emotional state;

Material that allows the teacher to encourage students to use various methods of completing assignments; illustrate with vivid examples the possibility of multivariate task completion; timely assess the learning activity of the student and correct it.

Testing the effectiveness of such lessons, according to psychologists and teachers, is carried out through long-term (for 8 years) psychological and pedagogical studies of personality development in many ways. The data already obtained allow us to assert that such a construction of lessons activates the development of mental processes (by 10-15% compared to the traditional system of education); increases the level of formation of spelling and computational skills by 8-26%; improves the mental climate in the classroom by 15-29% and significantly increases the motivation for learning.


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19. Selevko G.K. Traditional pedagogical technology and its humanistic modernization. M.: Research Institute of School Technologies, 2005. - 144 p.

20. Collection of normative documents. Primary school / Comp. E.D. Dneprov, A.G. Arkadiev. – M.: Bustard, 2004.

21. Evert N. Criteria for the mastery of a teacher // Principal of the school. Special issue. - M., 1996. S. 42-48.

22. Yakimanskaya I.S. Student-centered learning in modern school. - M.: September, 1996. - 96 p.



Questionnaire for determining the school motivation of primary school students:

Instruction to the subject: “I will ask you a question and offer three possible answers to it. You will tell me the chosen answer.

The experimenter makes a note of which answer the child chose.

1. Do you like school or not?

Not good


I do not like

2. When you wake up in the morning, are you always happy to go to school or do you often feel like staying at home?

More like to stay at home

It's not always the same

I go with joy

3. If the teacher said that tomorrow it is not necessary for all students to come to school, if you wish you can stay at home, would you go to school or stay at home?

Would stay at home

I would go to school

4. Do you like it when you cancel some classes?

I do not like

It's not always the same


5. Would you like to not be assigned homework?

I would like to

Wouldn't like

6. You would like to see only changes in school

Wouldn't like

I would like to

7. Do you often tell your parents about school?

I don't tell

8. Would you like to have another teacher?

I do not know for sure

Did not want

I would like to

9. Do you have many friends in your class?

No friends

Do you like your classmates?


Not good

Do not like

Evaluation of the results: the child's answer, indicating his positive attitude towards school and his preference for learning situations, is estimated at 3 points, a neutral answer (I don’t know, it happens in different ways, etc.) is estimated at 1 point. The answer, which makes it possible to judge the negative attitude of the child to a particular school situation, is estimated at 0 points.

The maximum score is 30 points, and the level of 10 points serves as the boundary of disadaptation.

There are 5 main levels of school motivation:

25-35 points - high school motivation;

20-24 points - normal school motivation;

15-19 points - a positive attitude towards the school, but the school attracts more extracurricular activities.

10-14 points - low school motivation;

Below 10 points - negative attitude towards school, school maladjustment



Methodology E.F. Zambicevicene to determine the level of mental development of children 7-9 years old consists of four subtests. It is advisable to conduct this test individually with the subject. This makes it possible to find out the reasons for the errors and the course of his reasoning with the help of additional questions. The samples are read aloud by the experimenter, while the child reads to himself at the same time.

Subtest 1.

Choose one of the words in brackets that correctly completes the sentence you started.

The boot has ... (lace, buckle, sole, straps, button).

Lives in warm lands ... (bear, deer, wolf, camel, seal).

In the year… (24, 3, 12, 4, 7) months.

The month of winter ... (September, October, February, November, March).

Water is always ... (clear, cold, liquid, white, tasty).

A tree always has ... (leaves, flowers, fruits, root, shadow).

City of Russia ... (Paris, Moscow, London, Warsaw, Sofia).

Time of day ... (month, week, year, day, century).

The largest bird ... (eagle, ostrich, peacock, crane, penguin).

When heated, the liquid evaporates ... (never, from time to time, sometimes, often, always).

Subtest 2.

Here in each line five words are written, of which four can be combined into one group and give it a name, and one word does not belong to this group. This "extra" word must be found and eliminated.

Tulip, lily, bean, chamomile, violet.

River, lake, sea, bridge, swamp.

Doll, teddy bear, sand, ball, shovel.

Kyiv, Kharkov, Moscow, Donetsk, Odessa.

Poplar, birch, hazel, linden, aspen.

Circle, triangle, quadrilateral, pointer, square.

Ivan, Peter, Nesterov, Makar, Andrey.

Chicken, rooster, swan, goose, turkey.

Number, division, subtraction, addition, multiplication.

Cheerful, fast, sad, tasty, careful.

Subtest 3.

Read these examples carefully. They contain the first pair of words that are in some connection with each other (for example: forest / tree). On the right - one word above the line (for example: library) and five words below the line (for example: garden, yard, city, theater, books). You need to choose one word out of five that is related to the word above the line (library) in the same way as it was done in the first pair of words: (forest / trees). So, you need to establish, firstly, what is the relationship between the words on the left, and then establish the same link on the right side.

Cucumber/vegetable = dahlia/weed, dew, garden, flower, earth

Teacher/student = doctor/kidney, sick. Chamber, patient, thermometer

Garden/carrot = garden/fence, apple tree, well, bench, flowers

Flower/Vase = bird/beak, seagull, nest, egg, feathers

Glove/hand = boot/stockings, sole, leather, foot, brush

Dark/light = wet/slippery, dry, warm, cold

Clock/time = thermometer/glass, temperature, bed, patient, doctor

Car/motor = boat/river, sailor, swamp, sail, wave

Chair/wood = needle/sharp, thin, shiny, short, steel

Table/tablecloth = floor/furniture, carpet, dust, board, nails

Subtest 4.

These pairs of words can be called one word, for example: trousers, dress - clothes; triangle, square - figures.

Come up with a name for each pair:

Broom, shovel -

Perch, crucian -

Summer Winter -

Day Night -

June July -

Tree, flower -

Elephant, ant -

Evaluation and interpretation of results

Subtest 1. If the answer to the first task is correct, the question is asked: “Why not a lace?”. After a correct explanation, the solution is estimated at 1 point, with an incorrect one - 0.5 points. If the answer is wrong, help is used, which consists in the fact that the child is invited to think and give another, correct answer. For the correct answer after the second attempt, 0.5 points are given. When solving subsequent tests, clarifying questions are not asked.

Subtest 2. With a correct explanation, 1 point is given, with an erroneous one - 0.5 points.

Subtest 3.4. The scores are the same as above.

The sum of points received for the performance of individual subtests and the total score for four subtests as a whole is calculated. (The data are entered into the protocol of the study). The maximum number of points that a subject can score for solving all four subtests is 40 (100% success rate). The assessment of success (OS) of solving subtests is determined by the formula:

OU \u003d X x 100%,

Where X is the sum of points received by the child.

Based on the total score, the level of success is determined:

4th level - 32 points or more (80-100% of the OS);

3rd level - 31.5-26.0 points (79.9-65% of the OS);

2nd level - 25.5-20.0 points (64.5-50% of the OS);

Level 1 - 19.5 and less (49.9% and below).




"Correction test with Landolt rings" is designed to study the performance of primary school students. Efficiency is the potential ability of an individual to perform the desired activity at a given level of efficiency for a certain time. Distinguish between maximum and reduced performance. In the process of long-term activity, performance is characterized by the following stages: working out, optimal performance, uncompensated and compensated fatigue, final impulse.

The child is offered a form with Landolt rings, accompanied by the following instructions: “Now we will play a game called “Be careful and work as quickly as possible.” In this game you will compete with other children, then we will see what result you have achieved in the competition with them. I think you will do just as well as the rest of the kids." Next, the child is shown a form with Landolt rings and it is explained that he must, carefully looking through the rings in rows, find among them those in which there is a gap located in a strictly defined place, and cross them out. The work is done within 5 minutes. Every minute the experimenter says “line”, at this moment the child must put a line in the place of the form with rings where this command found him. After 5 minutes have elapsed, the experimenter pronounces the word "stop", and the child stops working, putting a double vertical line in this place of the form.

Results processing:

The number of rings viewed by the child for each minute of work is determined (N 1 =; N 2 =; N 3 =; N 4 =; N 5 =) and for all five minutes (N =).

The number of mistakes made by him in the course of work at each minute is determined (n 1 =; n 2 =; n 3 =; n 4 =; n 5 =) and in general for all five minutes (n =).

The more N and less n, the higher the concentration and stability of attention.

The productivity and stability of attention (S) is determined:

S= 0,5 N - 2.8 n, where T is the operating time (in sec.)

S > 1.25 – attention productivity is very high, attention span is very high;

S = 1.00 - 1.24 - high attention productivity, high attention span;

S = 0.50 - 0.99 - average attention productivity, average attention span;

S = 0.25 - 0.49 - low attention productivity, low attention span;

S = 0.00 - 0.24 - attention productivity is very low, attention span is low.

The pictogram technique of A. R. Luria is designed to study the individual typological characteristics of children (artistic, mental type), i.e. to identify the features of the functioning of the "word-image", as well as the diversity of those images that the student operates as a means of memorization. Can be used both individually and in a group. The child is given a sheet of paper and a pen.

Instruction: “You are offered a list of words and phrases for memorization. This list is large, and from the first presentation it is difficult to remember. However, to facilitate memorization, immediately after presenting a word or phrase, you can perform one or another image as a “memory knot”, which will then help you reproduce the presented material. The quality of the drawing doesn't matter. Remember that you are doing this drawing for yourself in order to facilitate the reminder. Each image must correspond to the number of the presented word.

After explaining the instructions to the students, the words are read out very clearly and once, alternately with an interval of 30 seconds. Before each word or phrase, its serial number is called, which is written down by the students, and then the drawing is already done. Reproduction of the presented verbal material can be carried out after an hour or more.

List of words and phrases for pictograms

1. Happy holiday 11. Love 22. Laughter

2. Joy 12. Deaf old woman 23. Courage

3. Anger 13. Anger 24. Erudite

4. Cowardly boy 14. Warm evening 25. Strong character

5. Despair 15. Impulsiveness 26. Mobility

6. Sociability 16. Energy 27. Success

7. Plasticity 17. Speech 28. Friendship

8. Fast person 18. Decisiveness 29. Development

9. Speed ​​19. Sun 30. Disease

10. Fear 20. Notebook 31. Dark night

21. Grade

Processing of results: should be carried out according to the table and consists of the following:

Abstract - such images that are made in the form of lines, along which it is impossible to describe the content.

Sign-symbolic - images in the form of geometric shapes, arrows, etc.

Concrete - the image of specific objects, for example, a watch, a car, and precisely in those cases when these images are only one, not several objects associated with a certain meaning.

Plot - an image of a person in an expressive pose or situation, two or more participants in the situation.

Metaphorical - such images, which, as the name implies, contain a metaphor, fiction, grotesque, allegory, etc.

In addition to counting the images of the above classification, the following indicators are also entered in the table: the number of images of a person or parts of the human body, images of animals, plants; the number of reproduced words and phrases is counted - correctly and erroneously. Thus, the table has the following columns:

Based on the analysis of the table data, three groups are distinguished:

The first group - persons with high memory productivity, who were able to fully and without errors reproduce the material offered for memorization.

The second is that the faces reproduce the presented material in full, but with distortion.

Third - persons who reproduce the material incompletely, with significant distortions

Based on the analysis of the execution of drawings, the following groups are distinguished by the type of images used:

Group A - conditionally called "thinkers" - it includes persons who, when performing pictograms, use mainly abstract and sign-symbolic forms.

Group B - "realists" - this group includes persons who are dominated by specific images.

Group C - "artists" - this includes persons who are dominated by plot and metaphorical6 images.

Studying the amount of logical and mechanical memory

Can be used both individually and in a group.

Instruction: "Now I will read a series of words that you must remember, these words form part of the sentences, the second parts of which will be read a little later." The psychologist reads the words of the 1st row at 5-second intervals. After a ten second break, read out the words of the second row with an interval of 10 seconds. The student writes down sentences made up of the words of the first and second rows.

Results processing:

A) the number of correctly memorized words in the sentences;

B) the number of words used in sentences from both rows and entered by the subject himself.

The coefficient of development of logical memory is a fraction, where the numerator is the number of words included in the logical sentences of the subject, the denominator is the total number of words of the first and second rows.

The coefficient of the relative development of mechanical memory is a fractional number: the numerator is the number of separately reproduced words, the denominator is the total number of words of the first and second rows.

K = _______________ =

K = _______________ =

Material: two rows of words and sentences made up of these words

First row Second row

Sunrise Drum

A bee sat on a flower

Dirt is the best vacation

Cowardice fire

Happened at the factory hung on the wall

Ancient city in the mountains

Bad quality in the room

Sleep very hot

Moscow boy

Metals iron and gold

Our country is the cause of the disease

Brought the book to the advanced state


The drum hung on the wall.

Dirt is the cause of disease.

The room is very hot.

Moscow is an ancient city.

Our country is an advanced state.

The bee sat on the flower.

Cowardice is a disgusting quality.

There was a fire in the factory.

The best rest is sleep.

Iron and gold are metals.

The boy brought a book.

Sunrise in the mountains.



Diagnostics "My portrait in the interior"

Before the children complete the tasks, the teacher shows them a frame for a photo, on which they sometimes place interior items (a book, glasses, etc.). Students are invited to draw their portrait and place the portrait in a frame of various objects. The subjects for the frame, students are invited to determine themselves. The objects that the student will include in the interior of his portrait should reflect the essence of his life.

Diagnostics "10 my" I "

Students are offered pieces of paper, on each of which the word "I" is written 10 times. Students should define each "Self" by talking about themselves and their qualities.

For example, I am smart, I am handsome, etc.

The teacher pays attention to what adjectives the student uses to describe himself.

Diagnosis "What's in my heart"

The students in the class are given hearts cut out of paper. The teacher gives the following explanation for the task: “Guys, sometimes you hear adults say: “My heart is light” or “My heart is heavy.” Let's determine with you when it can be hard or easy on the heart and what it can be connected with. To do this, on one side of the heart, write the reasons when your heart is heavy, and the reasons that allow you to say that your heart is light. At the same time, you can color your heart in the color that matches your mood.

Diagnostics allows you to find out the reasons for the child's experience, ways to overcome them.


Russian language lesson.

Subject. Minor member of the sentence - definition

Lesson type. Consolidation of the material covered

Form - offset

1. Improving the ability to identify the main and secondary members of the proposal.

2. Development of spelling vigilance, attention, speech of students.

3. Raising interest in the Russian language, when working in groups - the ability to listen and hear each other, to cooperate in the lesson.

Equipment: success sheet, tape recorder, picture of spring, sentence schemes, textbook, individual cards with tasks by levels, card words: definition, addition, noun.


I. Organizational moment

The motto of today's lesson is "What are the works - such are the fruits."

Advice - “Think carefully before answering”

II. Target setting.

What topic are we working on for several lessons in a row?

What will we do in class?

Yes, today in the lesson we will do different work:

Let's hold an auction of knowledge.

We will continue to improve the ability to identify the main and secondary members of the sentence.

We will evaluate and see our result in the success sheet (Appendix 1).

III. Warm-up-auction

Our lesson will start with a warm-up.

What do you see?

on the board of cards




What is redundant here?

Let's remember everything we know about the noun.

Whoever is the last to name what he knows about the noun, he will receive - a prize

Let's start ... (children name the rules on the topic “Noun”)

The winner receives a coloring book.

(2 students at this time work at the blackboard, complete the task on individual cards)

1 card

- Insert spelling, stress, pick up and write down adjectives for these words.

Answer the questions:

1. What do these words have in common?

2. What member of the sentence are the adjectives in the sentence?

2 card

Make up a sentence from these words, insert the missing spelling.

What questions does the secondary member of the sentence - the definition - answer?

What does definition mean?

IV. A minute of calligraphy

At the minute of calligraphy, we will write the endings of these questions in order to repeat the connections: lower (ay.yah), middle (oh, her, th), upper (th, oh, th) Form and write down adjectives from a noun - a forest with these endings .

Compose and write down a sentence in which this adjective would be a definition.

Underline the basis of the sentence and the definition.

V. Competition of theorists

What two groups are all members of the sentence divided into?

Name the main members of the sentence.

Offset rules

1 option

What is called subject?

Option 2

What is called predicate?

What is a definition? (Mutual check)

Who will show a sample answer to “5” (3 students at the blackboard answer the rule)

Fizminutka (musical with movements)

VI. Work with proposal schemes.

What is it? (Proposal schemes)

Make up and write down sentences according to these schemes for a picture of spring.

(The music of Tchaikovsky “The Seasons” sounds)

How are such figurative comparisons called in the Russian language and literature?

Fizminutka. (A game of antonyms)

(The teacher, naming adjectives, throws the ball to the student, and the student, naming the antonym, returns the ball)

For example:



VII. Independent work on the textbook.

Open the textbook p.85 exercise 445

Test your knowledge in the textbook.

You can choose tasks on the board for the exercise of any level of complexity.

A) Complete the sentence with definitions

B) Disassemble by members of the sentence and parts of speech.

C) Write out phrases with questions.

For a grade of “3”, complete the task under A)

For an assessment of “4”, perform under A) and B)

For an assessment of “5”, you perform under A), B), C)


Who managed to complete the task only under A), puts himself a mark of “3” on the success sheet (the student reads out his proposals).

Who managed to complete the task only under A) and B), puts himself a mark of “4” on the success sheet (the student tells how he figured it out).

Who managed to complete the task under A), B), C), puts himself a mark of “5” in the success list.

VIII. Summary of the lesson. Reflection.

How did you feel at the lesson, mark on the success sheet + or -

Everything was clear

It was difficult

It was interesting

I can tell others

Let's return to the motto of our lesson.

On the success list, look at what you each need to work on, where it was difficult.

Is there more work to be done on this topic?

Summing up the list of success.

Who got

from 18 to 20 points, today receives “5” for the lesson

from 14 to 17 - rating "4"

from 11 to 13 - “3”

below 10 - “still working on the topic”.

And in conclusion, we will make wishes to each other.

Teacher: Let's be people who love work. So what?

Children: hardworking

Teacher: Seeking to know everything

Children: Curious

Teacher: Never cheat

Children: Honest

Teacher: Never get sick.

Children: Healthy

Teacher. Never offend, but help each other

Student-centered approach to learning

1. Student-centered approach to learning
1.1 The essence of a student-centered approach to learning
1.2 Features of student-centered technologies in learning
2. Personally-oriented approach in education
Annex I
Appendix II
Currently, among the main trends in the development of the educational process of a modern school, the transition from a socially oriented educational system to a student-oriented one occupies a leading place. The student-centered educational process recognizes the student's personality, his personal-subjective qualities as the basis for organizing the educational process, as the main value.
A personality-oriented approach is designed to humanize the educational process, fill it with high moral and spiritual experiences, establish the principles of justice and respect, maximize the potential of the child, stimulate her to personally develop creativity. Personally oriented education is the affirmation of a person as the highest value around which all other social priorities are based.
Modern requirements for the formation of this educational technology were determined in the studies of V.A. Sukhomlinsky, Ya.F. Chepigi, I.D. Bekha, O.Ya. Savchenko, O.N. Infantry, etc.
object work is student-centered learning.
Subject works are ways to implement a student-centered approach in elementary school.
Target work revealing the features of a student-centered approach to students in the learning process in elementary school.
The following tasks:
- to study the theoretical literature on the research problem;
- define the concepts: "personality-oriented approach", "personality", "individuality", "freedom", "independence", "development";
- reveal the features of personality-oriented training and education.
1. Student-centered approach to learning
1.1 The essence of a student-centered approach to learning
Learner-centered approach to learning refers to humanistic direction in pedagogy, the main principle of which is the emphasis on learning, and not on teaching. The center of learning is the student himself, his personal growth, the meaning of teaching and life. Consequently, the personality of the child here appears not as a means, but as an end.
The personal approach within the framework of the subject of didactics, including the goals, content of education, learning technologies, educational activities, the effectiveness of the educational process, is most fully and widely considered by V.V. Serikov and his school (E.A. Kryukova, S.V. Belova and others), as well as other scientists (E.V. Bondarevskaya, S.V. Kulnevich, T.V. Lavrikova, T.P. Lakotsenina, V. I. Leshchinsky, I. S. Yakimanskaya).
Personally oriented education is education, the center of which is the personality of the child, its originality, self-worth. This recognition of the student as the main figure of the entire educational process.
A student-centered approach is a methodological orientation in pedagogical activity, which allows, through a system of interrelated concepts, ideas and methods of action, to provide and support the processes of self-knowledge, self-construction and self-realization of the child's personality, the development of his unique individuality..
Thus, student-centered learning is such learning that puts the child's originality, his self-worth, and the subjectivity of the learning process at the forefront.
Student-centered learning is not just taking into account the characteristics of the subject of learning, it is a different methodology for organizing learning conditions, which involves not “accounting”, but “inclusion” of his own personal functions or the demand for his subjective experience.
Target personality-oriented education is to lay in the child the mechanisms of self-realization, self-development, adaptation, self-regulation, self-defense, self-education and others necessary for the formation of an original personal image.
Task student-centered learning is to teach the child to learn, to adapt it to school.
Functions student-centered education:
- humanitarian, the essence of which is to recognize the inherent value of a person and ensure his physical and moral health, awareness of the meaning of life and an active position in it, personal freedom and the possibility of maximizing one's own potential. The means (mechanisms) for the implementation of this function are understanding, communication and cooperation;
- culture-creative (culture-forming), which is aimed at the preservation, transmission, reproduction and development of culture by means of education.
The mechanisms for the implementation of this function are cultural identification as the establishment of a spiritual relationship between a person and his people, the adoption of his values ​​as his own and building his own life taking them into account;
- socialization, which involves ensuring the assimilation and reproduction by the individual of social experience, necessary and sufficient for the entry of a person into the life of society. The mechanism for implementing this function is reflection, preservation of individuality, creativity as a personal position in any activity and means of self-determination.
The implementation of these functions cannot be carried out in the conditions of a command-administrative, authoritarian style of teacher-student relations. In student-centered education, a different position of the teacher is assumed:
- an optimistic approach to the child and his future as the teacher's desire to see the prospects for the development of the child's personal potential and the ability to stimulate his development as much as possible;
- attitude towards the child as a subject of his own educational activity, as a person who is able to study not under duress, but voluntarily, at his own will and choice, and to show his own activity;
- reliance on the personal meaning and interests (cognitive and social) of each child in learning, promoting their acquisition and development.
Thus, student-centered learning is learning based on deep respect for the personality of the child, taking into account the characteristics of his individual development, treating him as a conscious, full and responsible participant in the educational process.
1.2 Features of student-centered technologies in learning
One of the main features by which all pedagogical technologies differ is the measure of its orientation towards the child, the approach to the child. Either technology comes from the power of pedagogy, the environment, and other factors, or it recognizes the child as the main character - it is personally oriented.
The term "approach" is more precise and more understandable: it has a practical meaning. The term "orientation" reflects mainly the ideological aspect.
The focus of personality-oriented technologies is the unique integral personality of a growing person who strives for the maximum realization of his capabilities (self-actualization), is open to the perception of new experience, and is capable of making a conscious and responsible choice in various life situations. The key words of personality-oriented education technologies are "development", "personality", "individuality", "freedom", "independence", "creativity".
Personality- the social essence of a person, the totality of his social qualities and properties that he develops in himself for life.
Development- directed, regular change; as a result of development, a new quality arises.
Individuality- the unique originality of any phenomenon, person; the opposite of the general, the typical.
Creation is the process by which a product can be created. Creativity comes from the person himself, from within, and is an expression of our entire existence.
freedom- no dependency.
Student-centered technologies are trying to find methods and means of education and upbringing that correspond to the individual characteristics of each child: they adopt psychodiagnostic methods, change the relationship and organization of children's activities, use a variety of teaching aids, and restructure the essence of education.
Personally-oriented technologies oppose the authoritarian, impersonal and soulless approach to the child in the technology of traditional education, create an atmosphere of love, care, cooperation, conditions for creativity and self-actualization of the individual.
In learning, taking into account individuality means revealing
opportunities for the maximum development of each student, the creation
sociocultural situation of development based on the recognition
the uniqueness and originality of the psychological characteristics of the student.
But in order to work individually with each student, given
its psychological characteristics, it is necessary to build the entire educational process in a different way.
Technologization student-oriented educational process involves the special construction of the educational text, didactic material, methodological recommendations for its use, types of educational dialogue, forms of control over the student's personal development in the course of mastering knowledge. Only in the presence of didactic support that implements the principle of the subjectivity of education, we can talk about building a student-centered process.
In order for a student-centered approach to be in demand by teachers and enter the mass practice of schools, a technological description of this process is necessary. Yakimanskaya I. S. defines the technology of student-centered learning as the principles for developing the educational process itself and identifies several requirements for texts, didactic materials, methodological recommendations, types of educational dialogue, forms of control over the student's personal development, i.e., to the development of all didactic support for personal -oriented learning. These requirements are:
- educational material should reveal the content of the student's subjective experience, including the experience of his previous learning; the presentation of knowledge in a textbook (by a teacher) should be aimed not only at expanding their volume, structuring, integrating, generalizing the subject content, but also at the constant transformation of the student's existing subjective experience;
- in the course of training, it is necessary to constantly coordinate the subjective experience of students with the scientific content of the knowledge being given;
- active stimulation of the student to self-valuable educational activity, the content and forms of which should provide the student with the opportunity for self-education, self-development, self-expression in the course of mastering knowledge;
- designing and organizing educational material that provides the student with the opportunity to choose its content, type and form when performing tasks, solving problems;
- identifying and evaluating the ways of educational work that the student uses independently, sustainably, productively. The possibility of choosing a method should be incorporated in the task itself. It is necessary by means of a textbook (teacher) to encourage students to choose and use the most significant ways for them to study educational material;
- when introducing metaknowledge, i.e. knowledge about the methods of performing educational actions, it is necessary to single out general logical and specific (subject) methods of educational work, taking into account their functions in personal development;
- it is necessary to ensure control and evaluation not only of the result, but mainly of the learning process, i.e. those transformations that the student performs while mastering the educational material;
- the educational process should ensure the construction, implementation, reflection, evaluation of learning as a subjective activity. This requires the allocation of units of teaching, their description, use in order to organize teaching by the teacher in the classroom, in individual work (various forms of correction, tutoring).
feature orientation personality approach training
2. Personally-oriented approach in education
The upbringing that has developed in our school gravitates toward authoritarianism, that is, the power of the educator dominates in it, while the pupil remains in a position of subordination and dependence. Sometimes such education is also called directive (leading), because the decisions are made and directed by the educator, and the pupil is only obliged to fulfill the requirements. This is how he grows up - a passive performer, indifferent to what and how he does. The pedagogy of indications considers educational influence according to the scheme "requirement-perception-action".
A different approach is required to educate a free person, capable of making decisions independently and being responsible for their consequences. It is necessary to cultivate the ability to think before acting, to always act correctly, without external coercion, to respect the choice and decision of the individual, to take into account his position, views, assessments and decisions. These requirements are met humanistic personality-oriented education. It creates new mechanisms for the moral self-regulation of pupils, gradually replacing the prevailing stereotypes of forced pedagogy.
Modern scientific developments in the theory and practice of personality-oriented education proceed from the principle of a personal (personality-centered) approach to the pupil as a self-conscious responsible subject of his own development and as a subject of educational interaction. His conceptual ideas were developed in the 60s. 20th century representatives of foreign humanistic psychology K. Rogers, A. Maslow, V. Frankl and others, who argued that a full-fledged education is possible only if the school serves as a laboratory for discovering the unique "I" of each child.
In domestic pedagogy, the idea of ​​a personal approach has been developed since the 80s. XX century K.A. Abulkhanova, I.S. Kon, A.V. Petrovsky and others in connection with the interpretation of education as a subject-subject process. By the beginning of the 21st century, as a result of the work carried out by E.V. Bondarevskaya, V.P. Davydov, V.V. Serikov and others, the conceptual provisions of the theory of personality-oriented education in educational institutions of various levels were formed. Despite some differences in the approaches of scientists to the interpretation of their content, it seems possible to single out common methodological positions in them. Among the most significant of them are the following provisions.
1. At the center of each concept is a person as a unique socio-biological being with a unique system of individual psychological characteristics, moral and moral values ​​and guidelines. This is explained by the fact that in modern Russian society, ideas about a person are changing, which, in addition to social qualities, is endowed with various subjective properties that characterize its autonomy, independence, ability to choose, reflect, self-regulate, etc.
2. Researchers of pedagogical problems of personality-oriented education see a change in the structure of education as one of the main conditions for its implementation - its transfer from the sphere of subject-object relations to the sphere of subject-subject relations. As a result, education is seen not as a "pedagogical influence" on the personality of the educated person, but as a kind of "pedagogical interaction" with it.
3. In the content of education, the authors propose to move from the formation of a personality with the qualities set by society to the creation of conditions for its self-actualization and subsequent disclosure (realization) of one's own personal potential (psychological capabilities, spiritual and moral value orientations, etc.).
4. Self-education is recognized as the leading type of personality-oriented education. It is believed that it is the most effective in the emerging new educational environment. In this case, education realizes the need of society for specialists who are able to independently acquire the necessary knowledge and adapt to the changing economic, social and social conditions of the state.
Generalization of the presented methodological positions allows us to present personality-oriented education as activities to form an educational system (educational environment), which allows to fully realize the personal potential of the educatee in order to achieve value (life) guidelines in the interests of his educational training and professional activities. This approach gives upbringing a certain originality - it assumes the subject-subject relations of educators and educatees, and also recognizes the priority of the personal values ​​of the latter in the educational activities of the teacher.
It should be noted that the personal approach is the basic value orientation of the modern teacher. It involves helping the pupil to realize himself as a person, to identify, reveal his capabilities, the formation of self-awareness, in the implementation of personally significant and socially acceptable self-determination, self-realization and self-affirmation. In collective education, it means the recognition of the priority of the individual over the team, the creation of humanistic relationships in it, thanks to which pupils become aware of themselves as individuals and learn to see individuals in other people. The collective must act as a guarantor of the realization of the possibilities of each person. The originality of the individual enriches the team and its other members, if the content, forms of organization of life are diverse and correspond to their age characteristics and interests. And this largely depends on the exact definition of the educator of his place and pedagogical functions.
In the theory of humanistic pedagogy, where the child's personality is presented as a universal value, the concepts of "personality-oriented education", "personality-oriented education", "personal approach" are legitimate.
Student-centered pedagogy creates an educational environment where the individual interests and needs of real children are realized, and personal experience is effectively accumulated by children.
The educational environment is nature-oriented. The personal approach is the most important principle of psychological science, which provides for taking into account the uniqueness of the personality of the individual in the upbringing of the child. It is this approach that determines the position of the child in the educational process, means recognizing him as an active subject of this process, and therefore means the formation of subject-subject relations.
Individual work- this is the activity of the teacher, carried out taking into account the peculiarities of the development of each child.
Differentiated Approach in education involves the implementation by the teacher of educational tasks in relation to the age, gender, level of upbringing of students. Differentiation is aimed at studying the qualities of a person, his interests, inclinations. With a differentiated approach, students are grouped on the basis of similarities in intelligence, behavior, relationships, and the level of formation of leading qualities. The effectiveness of this work depends on the pedagogical professionalism and skill of the teacher-educator, his ability to study personality and remember that it is always individual, with a unique combination of physical and psychological characteristics that are inherent only to a particular person and distinguish him from other people. Taking them into account, the teacher determines the methods and forms of educational influence on the personality of each student. All this requires from the teacher not only pedagogical knowledge, but also knowledge of psychology, physiology, humanistic technology of education on a diagnostic basis.
In individual work with children, educators should be guided by the following principles:
1. Establishment and development of business and interpersonal contacts at the level of "teacher-student-class".
2. Respect for the student's self-esteem.
3. Involving the student in all activities to identify his abilities and qualities of character.
4. Constant complication and increasing demands on the student in the course of the chosen activity.
5. Creation of psychological ground and stimulation of self-education, which is the most effective means of implementing the educational program.
Individual work with children includes several stages:
Stage 1. Starting individual work, the class teacher studies the scientific and methodological foundations of personality-oriented education, establishes friendly contacts with children, organizes joint collective activities, diagnoses the personality of each child.
At stage 2, the teacher continues to observe and study students in the course of a variety of activities: educational and cognitive, labor, play, sports, creative. Experience shows that when studying children, teachers use both traditional methods and alternative ones. For example, the methods of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics help to study both relatively stable personality traits (abilities, temperament, character) and short-term ones (deeds and actions, the psychological state of the child), as well as the effectiveness of the educational process.
At the 3rd stage of individual work, based on the established level of upbringing of the student, the class teacher designs the development of value orientations, personal characteristics and qualities of the student. The design of personality development is based on a comparison of the current level of upbringing of the student with his ideal and is carried out in the process of compiling differentiated programs for raising a child.
At stage 4, the student is further studied, his behavior and relationships are projected in various situations, which make it possible to determine the system of educational influences, taking into account the level of development of a particular student, his capabilities, abilities, character traits, the content of personal relationships and needs. This stage is characterized by the use of general methods of education, although the use of methods for each student must be individualized. The final, 5th stage of individual work with children is correction. Correction is a method of pedagogical influence on a person, contributing to the correction or making adjustments to the development of a person, consolidating positive and overcoming negative qualities. Correction, as it were, completes the individualization of the educational process and is based on its effectiveness.
It can be considered that the goal of personality-oriented education is to lay in the child the mechanisms of self-realization, self-development, adaptation, self-regulation, self-defense, self-education for the formation of an original personality, for productive interaction with the outside world.
From here it is possible to determine the main human-forming functions personality-oriented education:
. humanitarian;
. cultural-creative;
. function of socialization.
The implementation of these functions cannot be carried out in the conditions of a command-administrative authoritarian style of relations between a teacher and students.
In personality-oriented education, a different role and position of the teacher is assumed:
- an optimistic approach, advance by trust (Pygmalion effect), the ability to stimulate the development of the child as much as possible and see the prospects for this development.
- attitude towards the child as a subject of his own student activity, and as a person who is able to study not under duress, but voluntarily, at his own will and choice, and to show his own activity;
- reliance on the personal meaning, interests (cognitive and social) of each child in learning, promoting their acquisition for development.
The content of personality-oriented education should include the following components:
- axiological - aims to introduce students to the world of values ​​and assist them in choosing a personally significant system of value orientations;
- cognitive - provides students with a system of scientific knowledge about man, culture, history, nature, noosphere as the basis of spiritual development;
- activity-creative - aims to form in students a variety of ways of activity of creative abilities;
- personal (as a backbone) - provides self-knowledge, development of reflexive abilities, mastering the methods of self-regulation and self-determination, the formation of a life position.
At the same time, the main condition for the new approach is the involvement of the student in critical analysis, selection and construction of personally significant content and the process of education. In the new system of education, the roles and relations between the student and the teacher are changing. Traditionally, the student is thought of as an object of education; in personality-oriented education, the student is presented as a partner of the teacher, who has his own interests and learning opportunities, i.e. a student is a subject in the educational process (self-control, mutual control, mutual learning, analysis), a subject of his own behavior in an educational situation, in various activities. But this role of his is possible and arises only under certain conditions, which the teacher must create for the development of the student. These special conditions are the object of pedagogical activity in personality-oriented education. What are the conditions?
Researchers distinguish several groups of these conditions:
- the psychological atmosphere in an educational institution in educational activities;
- interpersonal relations of the student with partners in the educational process, with people with whom he communicates in an educational institution (the level of authority of teachers, the degree of mutual understanding and support in the classroom and groups of children, the level of cohesion);
- orientation and peculiarity of the educational organization;
- the degree of professional competence of educators, professional qualities, creativity, desire for professional growth;
- material and technical conditions for the organization of the educational environment;
- scientific and methodological conditions.
Student-centered developmental model of a mass primary school and is designed to ensure the implementation of the following main goals:
¾ development the personality of the student, his creative abilities, interest in learning, the formation of the desire and ability to learn;
¾ upbringing moral and aesthetic feelings, emotional and valuable positive attitude towards oneself and the world around;
¾ development systems of knowledge, skills and abilities that ensure the formation of a student as a subject of various types of activities;
¾ security and strengthening the physical and mental health of children;
¾ preservation and support for the individuality of the child.
In order to properly organize the personality-oriented education of students, it is necessary to establish the conditions and factors that will determine the process of forming a person's personality. These conditions and factors are:
¾ The natural inclinations of a person, which determine the possibilities for the development of his personal abilities of character traits. They can be pronounced and very minor. In the process of life, upbringing and self-education, these inclinations can be developed into abilities and talents, or they can be destroyed by unreasonable upbringing. With a reasonable upbringing, good inclinations are strengthened, developed, and bad ones are smoothed out. The main thing is that education should be aimed at developing the willpower of each student to overcome the temptations and weaknesses lurking in human nature and in the environment;
¾ Features of the family and its relationship to the child. Now family education is going through a severe crisis: the spread of crime, drunkenness, smoking, drug addiction, a huge number of divorces, lead to the fact that a significant number of children do not receive reasonable family education. Therefore, the school must reimburse the costs of family education. This is one of the most important tasks of the school in modern conditions;
¾ The social environment in which a person lives and develops. This is the environment of the immediate environment of a person (microsociety) and a wider one, which affects him indirectly, through the creation of public opinion, a scale of values, dominant views;
¾ Educational institution in which a person receives education. From what kind of institution it is, what goals it implements, what is the social environment created in it, what is its influence on students and educators, the characteristics and nature of the student's personality being formed depend decisively.
In primary school, the leading in education is the adaptation of the child in the society of the school, the development of reflection on one's own behavior, communication with peers and adults, and the education of a citizen.
Personally-oriented education involves:
1. Formation of intellectual culture:
- development of cognitive motives, skills of mental activity, individual creative abilities of each person;
- the formation of a constant desire for enrichment with modern scientific knowledge, for arming with the values ​​of world civilization.
2. Moral and legal education:
- the formation of schoolchildren's awareness of moral and legal duty and obligations in relation to man, the Fatherland, the Universe;
- the formation in students of the desire to assimilate legal knowledge, a sense of civic responsibility for their behavior and the actions of others.
3. Ecological education and upbringing. Formation of a system of scientific knowledge, views and beliefs that ensure the formation of a responsible attitude of students to the environment in all types of their activities.
4. Physical education, the formation of a healthy lifestyle:
- the formation of sanitary and hygienic skills in the organization of work and reasonable rest among students;
- strengthening health and hardening, promoting the correct physical development of students;
- the formation of a desire for a healthy lifestyle.
5. Aesthetic education:
- education in children of the ability to aesthetic perception of domestic and world culture, the art of literature;
- careful attitude to the monuments of culture and art, folk art;
- the formation of a desire among schoolchildren to develop artistic abilities and creative activity in various types of art and labor;
- enrichment and development of aesthetic skills and abilities.
All these qualities begin to form in the mind of the child even in the preschool period, but the most productive is the primary school age. Therefore, it is so important at this time to lay the foundations for the development of certain qualities.
Thus, a personality-oriented approach in education
involves: the creation of a unified system of educational space that meets the interests of the child, family and society as a whole;
providing an individual approach in the process of development of each student; integration of basic general and additional education.


Time has changed, and the requirements for a person, his education are also changing. Life has put forward a public demand for the education of a creative person who is able to think independently, offer original ideas, make bold, non-standard decisions. Therefore, the focus of the content of education is the development of the individual.
In today's conditions, the school remains the only social institution that can take on the protection of the rights of each child, which would provide her with a full-fledged personal development in the maximum possible range of growth of his individual resources.
Today, in pedagogical science, a personality-oriented approach clearly declares itself, which ensures the creation of new mechanisms for education and is based on the principles of deep respect for the individual, the independence of the person, and taking into account individuality.
The teacher at school, first of all, deals with the integral personality of the child. Everyone is interesting for their uniqueness, and personality-oriented education allows you to preserve this uniqueness, grow a self-worthy personality, develop inclinations and talents, expand the capabilities of each "I" and, simply put, bring up a little person better than he is.
When a child comes to school, the class team becomes the real world, and the relationships in it are not only “educational” in nature. The “background” of positive parenting in the classroom has a strong influence on the learning process as well.
Education, the formation of the child's personality is carried out every day in everyday life. Therefore, it is very important that the daily life and activities of the student become diverse, meaningful and built on the basis of the highest moral relations. Joyful for the student should be the very process of acquiring new knowledge, learning about the world with difficulties, successes and failures. Incomparable joy is delivered by communication with comrades, making friends, collective affairs, games, joint experiences, involvement in work and socially useful activities.
The content of personality-oriented education is designed to help a person in building his own personality, determining his own personal position in life: to choose values ​​that are significant for himself, to master a certain system of knowledge, to identify a range of scientific and life problems of interest, to master ways to solve them, to open the reflective world of his own "I and learn how to manage it.
Personally-oriented education is the education of each student as a developed independent personality. At the same time, the upbringing of a personality is a super-task, in relation to which training in knowledge, skills and abilities, necessary for education, acts as a means of education.
Modern humanistic education in our country determines the priority of the tasks of personality formation over other tasks of the secondary general education school. A student-centered approach to education and upbringing, focusing on the student's abilities, his interests, creating conditions for the development and maximum realization of the child's inclinations and abilities is the main trend of the modern school.
So, modern education should be aimed at the development of a person's personality, the disclosure of his capabilities, talents, the formation of self-awareness, self-realization.
1. Aremenkova I. V. The role of an individual approach in the development of personality // Primary school plus before and after. - 2004. - No. 4. - S. 23-26.
2. Afanasyeva N. Personal approach to teaching // School psychologist. - 2001. - No. 32. - S. 7-10.
3. Bondarevskaya E. V. Meanings and strategies of personality-oriented education//Pedagogy. - 2001. - No. 1. - S. 17-24.
4. Bondarevskaya E. V. Value bases of personality-oriented education// Pedagogy. &nd

Sections: elementary School

1. Content of the innovation project:
1.1. The concept of student-centered learning;
1.2. Features of personality-oriented technologies;
1.3. Methodical bases of the organization of the personality-oriented lesson;
1.4. Types of tasks for the development of an individual personality.
2. Implementation of an innovative project
2.1. Diagnosis of personal characteristics of students;
2.2. Monitoring the impact of a student-centered approach on the effectiveness of the learning process;
2.3. Relationship between student-centered learning and the problem of children's differentiation.
2.4. The use of differentiated and group learning technologies for schoolchildren

The scientific foundations of the modern concept of education are classical and modern, pedagogical and psychological approaches - humanistic, developing, competence-based, age-related, individual, active, personality-oriented.

A lot has been said and written about the personal orientation of education in recent years. It seems that no one needs to be convinced of the need to pay attention to the personal qualities of students during their education. However, how much has the teacher's approach to planning and conducting classes in academic subjects changed under the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard? What technologies of conducting a lesson most of all correspond to personal orientation?

Russian education today is going through a crucial stage of its development. In the new millennium, another attempt was made to reform general education through updating the structure and content. The key to success in this matter is a deep, conceptual, normative and methodological study of the issues of modernization of general education, the involvement of a wide range of scientists, methodologists, specialists in the education management system, teachers, as well as students and their parents.

The loss of universal values, spirituality, culture led to the need for a highly developed personality through the development of cognitive interests. And today Federal State Educational Standard of the second generation, aimed at the implementation of a qualitatively new personality-oriented developmental model of a mass school, is designed to ensure the fulfillment of the main tasks, among which is the development of the personality of the student, his creative abilities, interest in learning, the formation of the desire and ability to learn.

Personal and individual approaches answer the question of what to develop. The answer to this question can be formulated as follows: it is necessary to develop and form not a single set of qualities oriented towards the state interests, which constitutes an abstract "graduate model", but to identify and develop the student's individual abilities and inclinations. This is an ideal, but it must be remembered that education must take into account both individual abilities and inclinations, as well as the social order for the production of specialists and citizens. Therefore, it is more expedient to formulate the task of the school as follows: the development of individuality, taking into account social requirements and requests for the development of its qualities, which essentially implies a social-personal, or rather, cultural-personal model of education orientation.

In accordance with the personality-oriented approach, the success of the implementation of this model is ensured through the development and development of an individual style of activity, formed on the basis of individual characteristics.

The active approach answers the question of how to develop. Its essence lies in the fact that abilities are manifested and developed in activity. At the same time, according to the personality-oriented approach, the greatest contribution to the development of a person is made by the activity that corresponds to his abilities and inclinations.

In this regard, it is interesting to get acquainted with the personality-oriented approach as such.

object research of this work is student-centered learning.

Subject research advocates ways to implement a learner-centered approach in elementary school.

Target research - to identify the features of a student-centered approach to students in the learning process in elementary school.
The following tasks:

  • study the theoretical literature on the research problem;
  • define the concepts: "personality-oriented approach", "personality", "individuality", "freedom", "independence", "development", "creativity";
  • identify the features of modern personality-oriented technologies;
  • reveal the features of a student-oriented lesson, get acquainted with the technology of its implementation.

1.1. The concept of student-centered learning

Learner-Centered Learning (LOO)- this is such training that puts the originality of the child, his intrinsic value, the subjectivity of the learning process at the forefront.
Student-centered learning is not just taking into account the characteristics of the subject of learning, it is a different methodology for organizing learning conditions, which involves not “taking into account”, but “turning on” his own personal functions or demanding his subjective experience (Alekseev: 2006).
The purpose of personality-oriented education is to "lay in the child the mechanisms of self-realization, self-development, adaptation, self-regulation, self-defense, self-education and others necessary for the formation of an original personal image."

Functions student-centered education:

  • humanitarian, the essence of which is to recognize the inherent value of a person and ensure his physical and moral health, awareness of the meaning of life and an active position in it, personal freedom and the possibility of maximizing one's own potential. The means (mechanisms) for the implementation of this function are understanding, communication and cooperation;
  • culture-creative (culture-forming), which is aimed at preserving, transmitting, reproducing and developing culture by means of education. The mechanisms for the implementation of this function are cultural identification as the establishment of a spiritual relationship between a person and his people, the adoption of his values ​​as his own and building his own life taking them into account;
  • socialization, which involves ensuring the assimilation and reproduction by the individual of social experience, necessary and sufficient for a person to enter the life of society. The mechanism for the implementation of this function is reflection, the preservation of individuality, creativity as a personal position in any activity and a means of self-determination.

The implementation of these functions cannot be carried out in the conditions of a command-administrative, authoritarian style of teacher-student relations. In student-centered education, a different teacher position:

  • an optimistic approach to the child and his future as the teacher's desire to see the prospects for the development of the child's personal potential and the ability to stimulate his development as much as possible;
  • attitude towards the child as a subject of his own educational activity, as a person who is able to study not under compulsion, but voluntarily, at his own will and choice, and to show his own activity;
  • reliance on the personal meaning and interests (cognitive and social) of each child in learning, promoting their acquisition and development.

The content of personality-oriented education is designed to help a person in building his own personality, determining his own personal position in life: to choose values ​​that are significant for himself, to master a certain system of knowledge, to identify a range of scientific and life problems of interest, to master ways to solve them, to open the reflective world of his own “I and learn how to manage it.
The criteria for the effective organization of student-centered learning are the parameters of personal development.

Thus, summarizing the above, we can give the following definition of student-centered learning:
“Person-centered learning” is a type of learning in which the organization of interaction between learning subjects is oriented to the maximum extent to their personal characteristics and the specifics of the person-object modeling of the world (See: Selevko 2005)

1.2. Features of student-centered technologies

One of the main features by which all pedagogical technologies differ is the measure of its orientation towards the child, the approach to the child. Either technology comes from the power of pedagogy, the environment, and other factors, or it recognizes the child as the main character - it is personally oriented.

The term "approach" is more precise and more understandable: it has a practical meaning. The term "orientation" reflects mainly the ideological aspect.

The focus of personality-oriented technologies is the unique integral personality of a growing person who strives for the maximum realization of his capabilities (self-actualization), is open to the perception of new experience, and is capable of making a conscious and responsible choice in various life situations. The key words of personality-oriented education technologies are "development", "personality", "individuality", "freedom", "independence", "creativity".

Personality- the social essence of a person, the totality of his social qualities and properties that he develops in himself for life.

Development- directed, regular change; as a result of development, a new quality arises.

Individuality- the unique originality of a phenomenon, a person; the opposite of the general, the typical.

Creation is the process by which a product can be created. Creativity comes from the person himself, from within, and is an expression of our entire existence.
Personally-oriented technologies are trying to find methods and means of training and education that correspond to the individual characteristics of each child: they adopt psychodiagnostic methods, change the relationship and organization of children's activities, use a variety of teaching aids, and rebuild the essence of education.

A student-centered approach is a methodological orientation in pedagogical activity, which allows, by relying on a system of interrelated concepts, ideas and methods of action, to ensure and support the processes of self-knowledge and self-realization of the child's personality, the development of his unique individuality.

Personally-oriented technologies oppose the authoritarian, impersonal and soulless approach to the child in the technology of traditional education, create an atmosphere of love, care, cooperation, conditions for creativity and self-actualization of the individual.

1.3. Methodological foundations of the organization of a student-oriented lesson

A student-oriented lesson, unlike a traditional one, first of all changes the type of interaction "teacher-student". From the command style, the teacher moves to cooperation, focusing on the analysis not so much of the results as of the procedural activity of the student.

The position of the student changes - from diligent performance to active creativity, his thinking becomes different: reflective, that is, focused on the result. The nature of the relationships that develop in the classroom is also changing. The main thing is that the teacher should not only give knowledge, but also create optimal conditions for the development of the personality of students.

The table shows the main differences between traditional and student-centered lessons.

Traditional lesson Student-centered lesson
1. Teaches all children a set amount of knowledge, skills and abilities 1. Contributes to the effective accumulation of each child's own personal experience
2. Determines the learning tasks, the form of work for children and demonstrates to them an example of the correct completion of tasks 2. Offers children a choice of various educational tasks and forms of work, encourages children to independently find ways to solve these tasks
3. Tries to interest children in the educational material that he offers himself 3. Strives to identify the real interests of children and coordinate with them the selection and organization of educational material
4. Conducts individual lessons with lagging behind or the most prepared children 4. Conducts individual work with each child
5. Plans and directs children's activities 5. Helps children plan their own activities
6. Evaluates the results of the work of children, noticing and correcting mistakes made 6. Encourages children to independently evaluate the results of their work and correct their mistakes.
7. Defines the rules of conduct in the classroom and monitors their observance by children 7. Teaches children to independently develop rules of conduct and monitor their observance
8. Resolves emerging conflicts between children: encourages the right and punishes the guilty 8. Encourages children to discuss conflict situations that arise between them and independently look for ways to resolve them

The activity of the teacher in the lesson with a personality-oriented orientation

  • Creating a positive emotional mood for the work of all students during the lesson.
  • The message at the beginning of the lesson is not only the topic, but also the organization of learning activities during the lesson.
  • The use of knowledge that allows the student to choose the type, type and form of the material (verbal, graphic, symbolic).
  • Use of problematic creative tasks.
  • Encouraging students to choose and independently use various ways to complete tasks.
  • Evaluation (encouragement) when questioning at the lesson not only the correct answer of the student, but also an analysis of how the student reasoned, what method he used, why he made a mistake and in what.
  • Discussing with the children at the end of the lesson not only what “we learned” (what we mastered), but also what we liked (did not like) and why, what we would like to do again and what to do differently.
  • The mark given to the student at the end of the lesson should be argued according to a number of parameters: correctness, independence, originality.
  • When doing a homework assignment, not only the topic and scope of the assignment are called, but it is also explained in detail how to rationally organize your academic work when doing homework.

The purpose of the didactic material used in such a lesson is to work out the curriculum, teach students the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities.

Types of didactic material: educational texts, task cards, didactic tests. Tasks are developed by subject, by level of complexity, by purpose of use, by the number of operations on the basis of a multi-level differentiated and individual approach, taking into account the leading type of student's learning activity (cognitive, communicative, creative).

This approach is based on the possibility of assessing the level of achievement in mastering knowledge, skills and abilities. The teacher distributes cards among students, knowing their cognitive features and capabilities, and not only determines the level of knowledge acquisition, but also takes into account the personal characteristics of each student, creating optimal conditions for his development by providing a choice of forms and methods of activity.

Technology student-centered learning involves a special design of the educational text, didactic and methodological material for its use, types of educational dialogue, forms of control over the personal development of the student.

Pedagogy, focused on the personality of the student, should reveal his subjective experience and provide him with the opportunity to choose the methods and forms of educational work and the nature of the answers.

At the same time, they evaluate not only the result, but also the process of their achievements. In student-centered learning, the position of the student changes significantly. He does not mindlessly accept a ready-made sample or teacher's instructions, but he actively participates in every step of learning - he accepts a learning task, analyzes ways to solve it, puts forward hypotheses, determines the causes of errors, etc. The feeling of freedom of choice makes learning conscious, productive and more effective. In this case, the nature of perception changes, it becomes a good "helper" to thinking and imagination.

1.4. Types of tasks for the development of an individual personality

The task of creating opportunities for self-knowledge(the position of the teacher in addressing schoolchildren in this case can be expressed by the phrase “Know yourself!”):

  • meaningful self-assessment, analysis and self-assessment by schoolchildren of the content of the checked work (for example, according to the plan, scheme, algorithm set by the teacher, check the work done, draw a conclusion about what worked and what did not work, where are the mistakes);
  • analysis and self-assessment of the method used to work on the content (rationality of the method of solving and designing problems, imagery, personality of the composition plan, sequence of actions in laboratory work, etc.);
  • the student's assessment of himself as a subject of educational activity according to the given characteristics of the activity (“can I set educational goals, plan my work, organize and adjust my learning activities, organize and evaluate results”);
  • analysis and assessment of the nature of their participation in educational work (degree of activity, role, position in interaction with other participants in the work, initiative, educational ingenuity, etc.);
  • inclusion in a lesson or homework of diagnostic tools for self-study of one's cognitive processes and features: attention, thinking, memory, etc. (One of the moves in solving this methodological task may be to motivate the children to diagnose their cognitive features as a means for choosing a method, a plan for completing a further educational task);
  • "Mirror tasks" - the discovery of one's personal or educational characteristics in a character set by educational content (the richest for this, of course, is literature), or diagnostic models introduced into the lesson (for example, descriptive portraits of various types of students with a proposal to estimate themselves).

The task of creating opportunities for self-determination(address to the student - "Choose yourself!"):

  • reasoned choice of various educational content (sources, electives, special courses, etc.);
  • the choice of tasks of a qualitatively different orientation (creativity, theoretical-practicality, analytical synthesizing orientation, etc.);
  • assignments involving the choice of the level of academic work, in particular, orientation to a particular academic score;
  • tasks with a reasoned choice of the method of educational work, in particular, the nature of educational interaction with classmates and the teacher (how and with whom to do educational tasks);
  • the choice of forms of reporting of educational work (written - oral report, ahead of schedule, on schedule, late);
  • the choice of the mode of educational work (intensive, in a short time, mastering the topic, distributed mode - "work in portions", etc.);
  • a task for self-determination, when a student is required to choose a moral, scientific, aesthetic, and perhaps ideological position within the framework of the presented educational material;
  • task for the student to determine the zone of his proximal development.

The task of "turning on" self-realization(“Check yourself!”):

  • requiring creativity in the content of the work (inventing tasks, topics, assignments, questions: literary, historical, physical and other works, non-standard tasks, exercises that require reaching a productive level in solving, performing, etc.);
  • requiring creativity in the way of educational work (processing of content into schemes, reference notes: independent setting of experiments, laboratory tasks, independent planning of the passage of educational topics, etc.);
  • selection of various “genres” of tasks (“Scientific” report, literary text, illustrations, dramatization, etc.);
  • tasks that create the opportunity to express themselves in certain roles: educational, quasi-scientific, quasi-cultural, reflecting the place, functions of a person in cognitive activity (opponent, erudite, author, critic, idea generator, systematizer);
  • tasks involving the realization of oneself in the characters of literary works, in a “mask”, in a game role (specialist, historical or contemporary figure as an element of the process being studied, etc.);
  • projects in the course of which educational knowledge, educational content (analysis of projects) is implemented in the extracurricular sphere, extracurricular activities, in particular, in socially useful ones.

Besides. It is possible to motivate self-realization (creative, role-playing) assessment. This can be both a mark and a meaningful assessment such as reviews, opinions, analysis, it is important that this is a different assessment, not for knowledge, skills, skills, but for the fact, involvement, manifestation of one's creative inclinations.

Tasks focused on the joint development of schoolchildren("Create together!"):

  • joint creativity using special technologies and forms of group creative work: brainstorming, theatricalization, intellectual team games, group projects, etc.;
  • “usual” creative joint tasks without any distribution by the teacher (!) of roles in the group and without special technology or form (joint, in pairs, writing essays; joint, in teams, laboratory work; joint compilation of a comparative chronology - in history, etc. .d.):
  • creative joint tasks with a special distribution of educational and organizational roles, functions, positions in the group: head "laboratory assistant", "decorator", export controller, etc. - (such a distribution of roles works for joint development only if each of the roles is perceived by the guys as contribution to the overall result and presents opportunities for creative manifestations);
  • creative game joint tasks with the distribution of game roles in the form of business games, theatricalization (important in this case, as in the previous one, are interdependence, connectedness of assigned roles, opportunities for creative manifestations and perception of game and creative results: general and individual);
  • tasks that involve mutual understanding of the participants in joint work (for example, joint experiments on measuring the properties of their nervous system - in biology or joint tasks such as interviews in a foreign language with mutual fixation of the level of mastery of this skill);
  • joint analysis of the result and process of work (in this case, the emphasis is not on mutual understanding of personal and individual characteristics, but on active, educational, including the quality of joint work, for example, a joint meaningful assessment of the degree of mastering the educational material by each participant in group work and a group assessment of the quality of group work , coherence, independence, etc.);
  • assignments involving mutual assistance in the development of individual learning goals and individual plans for educational work (for example, joint development of a plan for the implementation of individual laboratory work followed by independent, individual implementation or joint development of the level of response to the test and individual plans for preparing for such a test);
  • stimulation, motivation of joint creative work is evaluated by teachers who emphasize both the joint result, and individual results, and the quality of the joint work process: emphasizing when evaluating the ideas of mutual development, joint development.


Work on the individuality of the student refers to personality-oriented technologies that create a scientific basis for internal and external differentiation.
I have gained some experience on the issue of personality-oriented technologies.

The means to achieve this goal are:

  • the use of various forms and methods of organizing educational activities that allow revealing the subjective experience of students;
  • creating an atmosphere of interest for each student in the work of the class;
  • stimulating students to make statements, use various ways of completing tasks without fear of making a mistake, getting the wrong answer;
  • use of didactic material, digital educational resources during the lesson;
  • encouraging the student's aspirations not only for the final result, but also for the process of achieving it;
  • the creation of pedagogical situations of communication in the classroom, allowing each student to show initiative, independence, selectivity in work methods.

And now concrete examples from my work experience.

In 2010, she scored 1st grade. Different levels of development of first-graders influenced the low ability of children to acquire knowledge. In this regard, my goal was the formation of cognitive abilities in younger students as the main mental neoplasms in the structure of personality. This became the basis for work on the introduction of a student-centered approach in the process of teaching younger students.

My position as a teacher was as follows:

The basis The teaching and upbringing of younger schoolchildren was based on a student-centered approach (LOA), which involved not just taking into account the individual characteristics of students, but a fundamentally different strategy for organizing the educational process. essence which - in creating conditions for the "launch" of intrapersonal mechanisms of personality development: reflection (development, arbitrariness), stereotyping (role position, value orientations) and personalization (motivation, "I-concept").

This approach to the student required me to reconsider my pedagogical positions.

To implement the key ideas, I set myself the following tasks:

  • to conduct a theoretical analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the subject of the current state of the problem;
  • organize a stating experiment to diagnose the personal characteristics of students;
  • to test an experimental model of the influence of a student-centered approach on the effectiveness of the learning process.

The educational process was built on the basis of the Harmony program.

At the beginning of the school year, together with the school psychologist, an entrance express diagnostics of students' readiness for school was carried out. ( Appendix 1 )

Her results showed:

  • ready for training 6 people (23%)
  • ready at an average level 13 people (50%)
  • ready at low level 7 people (27%)

Based on the results of the survey, the following groups were identified:

Group 1 - high age norm: 6 people (23%)

These are children with high psychophysical maturity. These students had well-formed skills of self-control and planning, self-organization in arbitrary activities. The guys flexibly owned images-representations about the world around them, for them it was an accessible level of work, both according to the model and according to the speech instruction. The students had a fairly high rate of mental activity, they were interested in the content side of learning and aimed at achieving success in learning activities. At the same time, the level of readiness for school is high.

Group 2 - stable middle: 13 people (50%)

They were characterized by emerging skills of control and self-control, stable performance. These children cooperated well with adults and peers. Arbitrary organization of activity was manifested when they performed tasks that are interesting to them or inspire confidence in the success of their performance. Mistakes were often made due to their lack of voluntary attention and distractibility.

Group 3 - "risk group": 7 people (27%)

These children showed partial slippage from the proposed instructions. There was no skill of arbitrary control over their own activities. What the child did, he did poorly. They found it difficult to analyze the sample. Uneven development of mental functions was characteristic. There was no motivation to study.

According to the results of these diagnostics, recommendations were given, in which the main attention was focused on the development of independent cognitive activity among students (this included knowledge and skills of goal-setting, planning, analysis, reflection, self-assessment of educational and cognitive activity).

All these points, in general, constitute the formation of educational and cognitive competence. And since not a small place in the curriculum of the 1st grade is literacy lessons, I decided to implement the formation of educational and cognitive competence in Russian language lessons, through the technology of student-centered learning. The purpose of this training is to create conditions for the formation of cognitive activity of students.

Not only the content has changed, but also the forms of teaching: instead of the prevailing monologue of the teacher in the classroom, dialogue, polylogue is widely practiced, moreover, with the active participation of students, regardless of their academic performance.

Having processed a large amount of literature with tasks for the formation of educational
cognitive interests, I made a selection of exercises for the first grade that can be used in literacy classes.
I will give examples of some of them.

1. Exercises of a verbal-logical nature

Based on these ex. The logic of children, working memory, coherent evidence-based speech, and concentration of attention develop. They are a specially composed text corresponding to the studied topic. This text serves as the basis for the lesson. Based on its content, all subsequent structural stages of the lesson can be carried out: a minute of calligraphy, vocabulary work, repetition, consolidation of the studied material. Students comprehend the text by ear. Initially, these texts are small in volume.

Nr: The wolf and the hare made holes under the roots of pine and spruce. The hare mink is not under the spruce.
Determine in what place each animal made a dwelling for itself?
You will find the letter with which we will work in a minute of calligraphy in one of the words of the logical exercise. This word is the name of an animal. It has one syllable. The letter we will write in this word denotes a deaf double solid acc. sound.

2. Exercises for the development of thinking, the ability to draw conclusions by analogy

Birch-tree, violet-…; bream-fish, bee-... etc.

3. Creative exercises

Compose a story using key words or plot pictures.
In the proposed word, replace any letter with a letter w so that you get a new word: rat-roof, steam-ball, raspberry-machine, revenge-six.

4. Didactic game

A didactic game has a great influence on the development of cognitive activity of students. As a result of its systematic use, children develop mobility and flexibility of the mind, such qualities of thinking as comparison, analysis, conclusion, etc. are formed. games built on the material of varying degrees of difficulty make it possible to carry out a differentiated approach to teaching children with different levels of knowledge. (“The letter got lost”, “Living words”, “Tim-Tom”, etc.)

This is just a small example of what can be used in Russian language lessons in the first grade. Since I started working on this topic this academic year, in the future I plan to continue studying the theoretical material on this topic, compile a collection of tasks and exercises to develop the cognitive competence of students and actively use this in my teaching practice.

By the end of grade 2, a group study was conducted by a psychologist"Research of verbal-logical thinking" E.F. Zambatsyavichene based on the test of the structure of the intellect. The results of this technique illustrated not only the level of development of verbal-logical thinking, but also the degree of development of the student's educational activity itself. In the process of fulfillment, students showed varying degrees of interest in tasks, which indicates the development of cognitive activity, the presence of interest in intellectual activity. ( Annex 2 )

2.1. Methodology E.F. Zambiciavichen "Indicators of mental development of children"(Appendix 3 )

At the beginning of the 2012-2013 academic year, with the help of a school psychologist, diagnostics were carried out in the classroom according to the method of E.F. Zambicyavichen "Indicators of the mental development of children" according to the following criteria: the cognitive sphere of the child (perception, memory, attention, thinking).

As a result of the survey conducted with children ( Appendix 4 ) it was found that the majority of children (61%) have a good level of school motivation. The priority motives in educational activities are the motives of self-improvement and well-being.

Psychological diagnostics The cognitive sphere made it possible to identify the background level of mental development of students, to determine the level of development of such cognitive processes as attention and memory.

I have identified the level of development of cognitive activity of students.

In the first (reproductive) - low level, included students who did not systematically, poorly prepared for classes. Students were distinguished by their desire to understand, remember, reproduce knowledge, master the methods of their application according to the model given by the teacher. The children noted a lack of cognitive interest in deepening knowledge, instability of volitional efforts, inability to set goals and reflect on their activities.

In the second (productive)- the average level was attributed to students who systematically and sufficiently prepared for classes. Children sought to understand the meaning of the phenomenon being studied, to penetrate into its essence, to establish connections between phenomena and objects, to apply knowledge in new situations. At this level of activity, the students showed an episodic desire to independently search for an answer to a question that interested them. They observed a relative stability of strong-willed efforts in the desire to complete the work begun, goal-setting and reflection together with the teacher prevailed.

In the third (creative) - high level were attributed to students who always prepared well for classes. This level is characterized by a steady interest in the theoretical understanding of the phenomena being studied, in an independent search for solutions to problems arising as a result of educational activities. This is a creative level of activity, characterized by a deep penetration of the child into the essence of phenomena and their relationship, the desire to transfer knowledge to new situations. This level of activity is characterized by the manifestation of the student's volitional qualities, a steady cognitive interest, the ability to independently set goals and reflect on their activities.

The information I received as a result of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics made it possible not only to assess the capabilities of a particular student at the current moment, but also made it possible to predict the degree of personal growth of each student and the entire class team.

Systematic monitoring of the results of diagnostics from year to year allows you to see the dynamics of changes in the student's personal characteristics, analyze the compliance of achievements with the planned results, leads to an understanding of the patterns of age-related development, and helps to assess the success of ongoing corrective measures.

2.2. Monitoring the impact of a student-centered approach on the effectiveness of the learning process

Systematic diagnostics and correction of the process of personal development of each student is carried out from the moment the child enters school. All teachers, class teachers under the guidance of a school psychologist take part in diagnosing and correcting the process of personal development of students. The evaluation of the results of the diagnosis of the mental and personal development of students is carried out mainly from the point of view of the dynamics of the individual development of each student.

  • Classroom, group lessons.

Classes in the system of student-centered education involve the widespread use of various technical teaching aids, including personal computers, the accompaniment of some classes with quiet music ....

  • Aesthetic cycle of training sessions

Teaching all the subjects of this cycle (drawing, singing, music, modeling, painting, etc.) is widely presented at various exhibitions systematically held at the school, at amateur competitions, and in student performances outside of school.

  • Extracurricular work of the school

The school has a large number of different circles, choir ensembles, sports clubs, other student associations of interest, so that each student can choose an activity outside of school hours.

  • Labor training and labor activity of students

The main principle on which this component is built is that the development of work skills and habits in students is carried out in the process of useful labor activity carried out by modern scientific and technical methods. ( Annex 5 )

In the 3rd grade, the teacher-psychologist carried out the diagnostics “Determination of the sociometric status” (17 people participated in the diagnostics). As a result of the obtained data, four status categories were identified:

  • Leaders (12 people - 71%)
  • Preferred (5 people - 29%)
  • Accepted (0 people)
  • Isolated (0 people)

This BWM (relationship well-being) is high.

2.3. The relationship of student-centered learning with the problem of differentiation of children

Since the definition of student-centered learning emphasizes the need to take into account the characteristics of its subjects, the problem of differentiation of children becomes relevant for the teacher. To solve the problem of differentiation of children in the Russian language lessons, I developed task cards on the topic "Spelling literacy - a guarantee of the accuracy of expressing the thought of mutual understanding." ( Appendix 6 )

In my opinion, differentiation is necessary for the following reasons:

  • different starting opportunities for children;
  • different abilities, and from a certain age and inclinations;
  • to provide an individual development trajectory.

Traditionally, differentiation was based on the “more-less” approach, in which only the amount of material offered to the student increased - the “strong” received the task more, and the “weak” - less. Such a solution to the problem of differentiation did not remove the problem itself and led to the fact that capable children were delayed in their development, and those who were lagging behind could not overcome the difficulties they had in solving educational problems.
To create favorable pedagogical conditions for the development of the student's personality, his self-determination and self-realization, the technology of level differentiation, which I used in my lessons, helped.

Let's summarize the methods of differentiation:

1. Differentiation of the content of educational tasks:

  • by the level of creativity;
  • according to the level of difficulty;
  • by volume.

2. The use of different methods of organizing the activities of children in the classroom, while the content of the tasks is the same, and the work is differentiated:

  • according to the degree of independence of students;
  • by the degree and nature of assistance to students;
  • by the nature of learning activities.

The differentiated work was organized in different ways. Most often, students with a low level of success and a low level of learning (according to the sample of the school) completed tasks of the first level. Children practiced individual operations that are part of the skills and tasks based on the sample considered during the lesson. Students with an average and high level of success and learning - creative (complicated) tasks.

In student-centered learning, the teacher and the student are equal partners in educational communication. The younger student is not afraid to make a mistake in reasoning, to correct it under the influence of the arguments expressed by peers, and this is a personally significant cognitive activity. Primary schoolchildren develop critical thinking, self-control and self-esteem, which reflects a fairly high level of their general abilities.

Many teachers are of the opinion that children should work strictly according to the instructions in the classroom. However, such a technique allows only without errors and digressions to do the work, but does not form cognitive processes and does not develop the student, does not bring up such qualities as independence, initiative. Creative abilities develop in students in practical activities, but with such an organization, when knowledge needs to be obtained by oneself. The task set by the teacher should encourage children to search for solutions. The search involves a choice, and the correctness of the choice is confirmed in practice.

2.4. The use of differentiated and group learning technologies for schoolchildren

In my teaching practice, I systematically use differentiated learning technologies. The degree of manifestation of the student's activity in the educational process is a dynamic, changing indicator. It is in the power of the teacher to help the child move from the zero level to the relatively active and then to the executive-active. And in many respects it depends on the teacher whether the pupil reaches the creative level. The structure of the lesson, taking into account the levels of cognitive activity, provides for at least four main models. The lesson can be linear (with each group in turn), mosaic (inclusion in the activities of one or another group depending on the learning task), active role-playing (connecting students with a high level of activity to teach the rest) or complex (combining all the proposed options) .

The main criterion of the lesson should be the inclusion in the educational activities of all students without exception at the level of their potential; educational work from everyday compulsory duty should turn into a part of a general acquaintance with the outside world.

I usually use group technologies or collaboration pedagogy (work in pairs and small groups) in repetitive and generalizing lessons, as well as in seminars, when preparing oral journals, and creative assignments. I think over the composition of the groups, their number. Depending on the topic and objectives of the lesson, the quantitative and qualitative composition of the groups may be different.

It is possible to form groups according to the nature of the task being performed: one may be numerically larger than the other, may include students with varying degrees of skills and abilities, and may consist of “strong” if the task is difficult, or of “weak” if the task does not require creative approach.

Groups receive written assignments (peculiar observation programs or algorithms of actions), prescribed in detail, and the time for their implementation is agreed. The students complete the tasks by working with the text. The forms of organization of relations in groups can also be different: everyone can perform the same task, but for different parts of the text, episodes, they can perform individual elements of the tasks prescribed in the card, they can prepare independent answers to various questions ...

Each group has a leader. Its function is to organize the work of students, collect information, discuss the assessment of each member of the group and give a score for the part of the work assigned to him. After the time has elapsed, the group reports on the work done in oral and written form: it gives an answer to the question posed and submits an outline of its observations (from each student or from the group as a whole). For a monologue statement, the mark is placed directly in the lesson; after reviewing the written responses, each member of the group is given a score based on the score given to them by the group. If the task is given to make notes in the course of the reports of the groups, students' notebooks are collected for verification - each work is evaluated from the standpoint of the quality of the assignment.


The modern education system should be aimed at shaping the student's needs and skills for independent mastering of new knowledge, new forms of activity, their analysis and correlation with cultural values, the ability and readiness for creative work. This dictates the need to change the content and technologies of education, focus on student-centered pedagogy. Such an education system cannot be built from scratch. It originates in the depths of the traditional education system, the works of philosophers, psychologists, teachers.

Having studied the features of student-centered technologies and comparing a traditional lesson with a student-centered one, it seems to us that at the turn of the century, the model of a student-centered school is one of the most promising for the following reasons:

  • in the center of the educational process is the child as a subject of knowledge, which corresponds to the global trend of humanization of education;
  • student-centered learning is a health-saving technology;
  • Recently, there has been a trend when parents choose not just any additional items, services, but, first of all, they are looking for an educational environment that is favorable, comfortable for their child, where he would not get lost in the general mass, where his individuality would be visible;
  • the need to move to this school model is recognized by society.

I believe that the most significant principles of a student-centered lesson, formed by I. S. Yakimanskaya, are:

  • use of the child's subjective experience;
  • giving him freedom of choice in the performance of tasks; stimulation for independent choice and use of the most significant ways for him to work out educational material, taking into account the diversity of its types, types and forms;
  • the accumulation of ZUNs not as an end in itself (end result), but as an important means of realizing children's creativity;
  • providing in the lesson a personally significant emotional contact between the teacher and the student on the basis of cooperation, motivation to achieve success through the analysis of not only the result, but also the process of achieving it.

The student-centered type of education can be considered, on the one hand, as a further movement of ideas and experience of developmental education, on the other hand, as the formation of a qualitatively new educational system.

The set of theoretical and methodological provisions that define modern student-centered education is presented in the works of E.V. Bondarevskaya, S. V. Kulnevich, T.I. Kulpina, V.V. Serikova, A.V. Petrovsky, V.T. Fomenko, I.S. Yakimanskaya and other researchers. These researchers are united by a humanistic approach to children, "a valuable attitude towards a child and childhood as a unique period in a person's life."

The research reveals the system of personal values ​​as the meanings of human activity. The task of personality-oriented education is to saturate the pedagogical process with personal meanings as an environment for personal development.

Diverse in content and forms, the educational environment makes it possible to reveal oneself, to fulfill oneself. The specificity of personality-developing education is expressed in the consideration of the subjective experience of the child as a personally significant value sphere, enriching it in the direction of universality and originality, the development of meaningful mental actions as a necessary condition for creative self-realization, intrinsically valuable forms of activity, cognitive, volitional, emotional and moral aspirations. The teacher, focusing on a socially significant model of the personality, creates conditions for the free creative self-development of the personality, relies on the inherent value of children's and youthful ideas, motives, takes into account the dynamics of changes in the student's motivational needs sphere.

Mastering the theory and methodological and technological basis of a student-centered pedagogical approach and interaction, a teacher who has a high level of pedagogical culture and reaches the heights in pedagogical activity in the future will be able and should use his potential for his own personal and professional growth.


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