Classification of types of children's creative associations in the institution of additional education for children. Cognition Creative associations ensembles in secondary schools

Without delving into the versatility of the concept of "form", we note only what is of fundamental importance for understanding the form as an association of people.
Form - an established set of properties, features, indicators, external distinguishing features, the order of their location as a whole; an established system with specific properties; a set pattern for something.
The Model Regulation on an educational institution of additional education for children offers the following forms of children's associations of interest - a club, studio, ensemble, group, section, circle, theater, etc. Each of them has its own specific, distinctive features, but a complete description of them is practically impossible, since real life constantly makes its own adjustments to the content of the educational process.
But in order to improve the efficiency of managing the functioning and development of an institution, it is important to answer the questions: what forms of associations have developed and do they really correspond to their name (ideal model)? Is there continuity between them in the structural organization of the educational environment of the institution? Do they correspond to the content and results of the pedagogical process?
Answers to these questions can be obtained in the process: determining the mandatory features of associations, according to which they differ from one another; highlighting the essential features of the forms of additional education of children as educational associations, which will help streamline the processes of form creation in the systemic self-determination of the institution.
Group. The concept of "group" is universal for the general characteristics of social relations. It is also universal in relation to the institution of additional education for children as a social institution, the structure of which includes the most diverse large and small groups of children, teachers, and mixed composition.
On the one hand, a group is a formal association. Just as the objects of management in a school are classes, so in an institution of additional education, the objects of management are groups or relatively stable associations of children and a teacher based on a common goal (declared and enshrined in the educational program), similar interests, the need for communication and joint activities.
The initiative in creating such groups (the subject of their activities, the number of participants) belongs to the institution itself.
niyu. Children, coming for the first time to an institution of additional education, do not choose a group and do not offer to create a completely new one, but orient themselves in the existing proposals, correlate them with their interest, enroll where they are attracted by the type of occupation, profile of activity, subject being studied or other indicator. Often such a leading indicator is the opinion of a friend, parents, and sometimes the name of a teacher, about whom a lot of good things are known.
Groups are characterized by the presence of similar interests and needs for communication and joint activities. The main factor that unites the group is joint activity, and one of the main features of the group is the ability of participants to consciously and directly engage in coordinated action (direct exchange of activities and abilities, creative cooperation), through which their individual needs can be satisfied. In addition to this main feature, other group indicators are traditionally distinguished: the establishment of certain relations between members of the group; internal organization, including the distribution of responsibilities, the hierarchy of statuses; the presence of so-called group pressure (opinions, assessments) and its impact on changing the views and behavior of individual members of the group. The regulation of relations and the division of roles in the group is carried out in the process of self-regulation, corrected by the leader (teacher) or another leader of the group. The main means, a tool for uniting a small group can be called interpersonal interaction, which is predominantly emotional in nature and obeys the laws of psychological compatibility and conflict (sympathy and empathy).
The content of the joint activities of group members affects all processes of intra-group dynamics (the perception of each other, the formation of norms, values, mutual responsibility), and relations within the group between its members affect the effectiveness of activities, the possibility or impossibility of achieving the goal.
The process of formation and development of the group has a complex, internally contradictory character, in which tendencies towards unification and differentiation collide. The first is aimed at the preservation, isolation of the group, at its stabilization in the surrounding circumstances, and the second - at the specialization of the roles of group members, at their individual recognition and self-determination. Therefore, the development of a group can go through peculiar stages of internal and, at the same time, external approval - from spontaneous association to a true community of equal, mutually significant partners (but also vice versa!).
Consequently, on the other hand, a group is an informal community of children and a teacher, a special voluntary amateur association. The group from the object of management passes into the status of the subject of management of the educational process of the institution. Within the framework of state educational institutions, relations between informal children's associations (with the participation or under the guidance of adults) and the administration of the institution are difficult, sometimes conflicting. Institutions of additional education for children are more capable of building and maintaining a dialogue with such associations.
Naturally, the process of the emergence of such self-governing, amateur associations cannot be strictly regulated and standardized, formalized, which is guaranteed by the priority ideas of the system of additional education for children. At the same time, special importance is attached to the teacher, his pedagogical style, implemented in the content of the author's program, in the innovative design of his pedagogical activity.
Within the framework of such a community, a real opportunity is created to give each child the experience of free democratic development of culture in the system of dialogical relations not only with peers, but also with adults, children of different ages as carriers of other meanings, values, norms. Dialogue communication is always a joint discussion of one problem that is interesting to everyone or a joint action to resolve it. In dialogue, the subject of communication and activity is important, to which all the activity of a single community is directed. But no less significant is the fact that each participant in the dialogue has his own opinion, his own vision, is able to express his position and defend it. At the intersection of this variety of meanings, the versatility, volume, depth of reality, the significance and value of another person, the ability for empathy and sympathy are revealed for each participant in the dialogue. In other words, the inclusion and development of dialogical relations in the educational process contribute to the most effective satisfaction of the needs of each person in expressing his "I" and at the same time mediates the individual ability to personalize.
The result of such interchange and mutual influence is not a set (sum) of subject-limited knowledge, skills, abilities or abilities, but an established individual mechanism for perception, understanding, reproduction and communication of culture. The main mechanism for organizing partnerships (interaction) of the community, as we have already noted, is an agreement - a form of manifestation of the freedom and voluntariness of subjects, which implies their acceptance of obligations, moral responsibility to other members of the community.
So, a group is a concept that unites many different forms of the institution of additional education for children on the basis of their essential belonging (identity) to this type of education.
The main principles of organizing the activities of children's associations are those that define and guarantee each child the right to free choice: Each child has the right to engage in several associations, to change them. Classes in associations can be conducted according to programs of one thematic focus or according to complex, integrated programs. The numerical composition of the association, the duration of classes in it are determined by the Charter of the institution. Classes are held in groups, individually or by the entire composition of the association. The schedule of the association's classes is drawn up to create the most favorable regime of work and rest for children, taking into account the wishes of the parents, the age characteristics of the children and the established sanitary and hygienic standards. Their parents can participate in the work of associations together with their children without being included in the main composition, subject to the conditions and consent of the leader.
However, the practice is rich in various examples of innovations in the field of formation of children's associations. The existing diversity and variety of names operating in the structure of institutions of additional education of children's associations reflects the same desire of teachers and children
to its individual self-determination, which often takes place only at the surface level of external formulation. At the same time, a direct discrepancy often arises between the organization of activities, content and technologies, the results of education with the form of association. Such a situation not only disorients the activities of children and the teacher, but also discredits the very practice of additional education of children in this institution.
The design of a system for working with a children's association cannot but be based on a conscious choice of an adequate form of an educational association. The precise definition of this form greatly facilitates the entire subsequent process of pedagogical design.
There are various approaches to determining the distinctive features of a particular form of association. However, all approaches are based on common grounds for differentiation: the level and priority of tasks; number of items, profiles; the degree of their integration; priority of directions of activity; features of the organization of the educational process: the principles of recruitment and staffing, the constancy of the contingent (admission conditions during the year), the availability of training levels, the structure of the association, the presence of a self-government body; system of accounting and control of knowledge, skills; level of educational results; provision of the educational process: regulatory, software, personnel, methodological, etc.
Circle. The most common, traditional form of voluntary association of children in the system of additional education. Historically, the circle arose as an amateur association of people, and then - as a form of extracurricular or out-of-school work. As a form of extracurricular or out-of-school work, the circle performs the functions of expanding, deepening, compensating for subject knowledge; introducing children to a variety of socio-cultural activities; expansion of communicative experience; organization of children's leisure and recreation.
In the organizational structure of the institution of additional education for children, the circle occupies the initial (basic) stage of fixing the individual needs of the child, his

desire, interest in a particular type of activity or the ability to actively create.
The circle is an environment for communication and joint activities in which you can test yourself, your capabilities, decide and adapt to the realities of the area of ​​employment you are interested in, deciding to continue or abandon it. The circle allows you to satisfy the most diverse, massive needs of children, develop them and combine them with the ability for further self-improvement in educational groups, teams, or translate a “spontaneous” desire into a conscious hobby (hobby).
Success and accuracy in solving these problems depend on the degree of active participation in the work of the circle of children, but to a greater extent - on the personal qualities and professional qualifications of the teacher-leader. Activity (its volume and rhythm, duration) in the circle is adjusted by the principles of voluntariness, self-government, informality of communication. Classes in circles are carried out in various entertaining, game types, competitions, competitions or in the form of a dialogue session of equal partners. The latter is most acceptable for senior school age, which is dominated by the desire for self-education and social assertion of oneself in the success of one's own activity.
An important element of the circle, its feature is the form of expression of the result, the result. Most often, it is embodied in concrete and outwardly spectacular demonstration performances, concerts, festivals, disputes, seminars, etc. Clubs, scientific societies and schools, specialized groups can be created on the basis of circles.
The circle can also be considered as the most acceptable form of association corresponding to the initial level of the educational process within the framework of an integral educational program of the institution.
The club is an association of children and adolescents based on the coincidence of interests, the desire for communication, joint leisure and recreation.
The main principles of the club are voluntary membership, self-management, unity of purpose, joint activities in direct contact with each other (in this respect, the club is a group). The club may have its charter, program, emblem, motto and other external attributes. Headed

club, as a rule, by the Council, elected by the general meeting of club members. But at the same time, the composition of the club is not distinguished by mandatory constancy. Rather, the opposite is true - the club is a temporary, unstable association for the majority and only for a few enthusiasts (they play the role of leaders) - a permanent place of self-affirmation, development.
The typology of clubs has not yet been fully developed, but clubs are distinguished by the scale of their activities (multi-profile and single-profile); by predominant types of activity (educational, discussion, creative, leisure, etc.); by degree of organization (formal and informal); according to the age of the club members (of the same age or of different ages); by time factor (permanent, temporary).
In additional education, the club can become a kind of socio-cultural technology of education. Thoughtful and purposefully organized activities of the club (through the efforts of a teacher, team, institution, city, etc.) as organized communication in a group of like-minded people, allies, equals and independents, allows in an attractive, unobtrusive form to affirm (understand and accept for oneself) the values ​​of education, health values, values ​​of tradition and history, the value of another person, the value of personal freedom, the value of thinking, etc.
The results of the club's activities can be considered the presence in children of ways, techniques, techniques of thinking, activity, culture of reflection, behavior. Another purpose of the club is to be an environment for the formation of a culture of free time, a healthy lifestyle.
Studio - a creative team in a certain type of activity, united by common tasks, common values ​​of joint activities, the emotional nature of interpersonal relationships.
To understand the studio as a form of children's educational association, it is useful to recall the translation of this term. From the Latin "studio" - "I work hard, study", and translated from Italian - "study, study room." Starting from the Italian translation, the studio is a place for activities, specially equipped and prepared, in which classes are organized for the assimilation of any actions, knowledge, skills. It can be a theater studio, a film studio, a music and choreographic studio, etc. Such studios often become independent

a body of the institution that has its own organization of the educational process (levels, levels of education), a body for assessing the quality of creative achievements (artistic council). Often in such studios a competitive selection is carried out with a preliminary identification of the inclinations and inclinations of children to a certain profile of creativity (dance, literary, fine arts, etc.); the main goal of such studios is to develop the artistic and creative abilities of children, to identify early creative talent, to support it and develop it.
The first meaning of the word “studio” is as follows: it is dominated by the process of independent, diligent, diligent activity, learning, amateur performance, etc. This means that the association of children, called the studio, organizes its work and relations between participants on the recognition of the value of any individual creativity, the uniqueness of the personality, its irreplaceability by others, the right to free self-determination of absolutely everyone. This creates an opportunity for the process of becoming the ability of personalization, which requires special efforts (of the teacher and the team as a whole) to maintain a favorable psychological climate in joint activities and the development of integration processes.
The concepts of theater and ensemble are closely related to the concept of studio.
Ensemble (from the French word "together") - a small group of performers of individual works of art, acting together as a single creative performing team.
The theater is a creative team where the division of labor, roles, activities is determined by individual abilities and a common desire to succeed in performing a complex joint artistic action on stage. Theater is an association that can organize its activities in a complex of a wide variety of forms, types of employment, methods for developing the creative potential of an individual and its actualization. For example, there is a Folklore Theatre, Fashion Theatre, etc.
A school is a form of educational association that combines the study of several interrelated subjects or in-depth study of one profile with a stable step-by-step system of education.
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Schools are characterized by the following distinguishing features: the presence of a concept presented in the Charter, Regulations and the educational program; schools, as a rule, solve complex and multi-level pedagogical goals and objectives; with a variety of activities, priority is given to systematically organized learning (levels of learning, successive links between stages, levels, learning outcomes);
availability of a system of pedagogical analysis, control, evaluation of educational results; clearly defined recruitment and training conditions; there is a certificate or a final document on completion (certificate, diploma, certificate, rights, etc.); the educational process is organized and carried out by the teaching staff; availability of an educational program and curriculum that have passed the examination and licensing; sustainable demand for the offered educational services.
In the practice of additional education of children, a fairly wide variety of schools as educational associations has developed. For their classification, different bases are used, among which are: the priority of pedagogical tasks (professional or pre-professional training, pre-university training, social adaptation and rehabilitation, creative orientation, etc.); the degree of expression of the profile of activity (profile, multidisciplinary by the type of early development schools, which do not have a clearly defined profile); orientation to the features of the development of children (gifted children, children with disabilities).
Workshop. Most often, this word is used when describing the premises in which an artist, sculptor, architect works, or a small manufacturing enterprise associated with the production of any product or the provision of services.
When it comes to a workshop in education, the name of the master (creator, author) who created his own, unparalleled, “school-production” of students and followers stands out.
In institutions of additional education for children, this meaning is preserved. At the same time, the hallmarks of the workshop as a form of children's educational association are proposed to be:
belonging of the content of activity to a certain type of applied art, craft, art; priority of learning goals and subject-practical tasks, focus on applied skills and achieving a level of mastery in mastering a certain type of activity, in mastering special technologies, demonstration and performance expression of practical results and achievements of children (exhibitions, competitions, festivals).
In the educational program of an institution, a workshop can become a designation of groups, or rather, a contractual community or a professional community of children and a teacher (several teachers), who have “grown up” to the results of professional skills and conclude the projected sequence of educational steps.

Classification of types of children's creative associations in the institution of additional education for children


The circle is one of the most common, traditional, basic forms of voluntary association of children in an additional education institution. In the organizational structure of UDOD, the circle occupies the initial (basic) stage of fixing the individual needs of the child, his desire, interest in a particular type of activity or identifying the ability for active creativity.

Historically, the circle arose as an independent association of people, and then as a form of extracurricular or out-of-school work. As a form of extracurricular or out-of-school work, the circle performs the functions of expanding, deepening, compensating for subject knowledge; introducing children to a variety of socio-cultural activities; expansion of communicative experience; organization of children's leisure and recreation.

In out-of-school institutions of past years, the circle was the main form of voluntary association of children. In the system of modern additional education, circles also continue to exist, but at the same time they are one of the simplest forms of organizing children's activities.

Today, the circle can exist as the initial stage in the implementation of the educational program, where children have the opportunity to try their hand, to check the correctness of the choice of the direction of activity. A circle is an environment for communication and joint activities, in which you can test yourself, your capabilities, decide and adapt to the realities of the area of ​​employment you are interested in, deciding to continue or abandon it. The circle allows you to satisfy the most diverse, massive needs of children, develop them and combine them with the ability for further self-improvement in educational groups, teams, or translate "spontaneous" desire into a conscious hobby. Success and accuracy in solving these problems depend on the degree of active participation in the work of the circle of children, but to a greater extent - on the personal qualities of the teacher-leader.

Education of children in the circle is carried out according to the educational program, which clearly regulates the time of training sessions for children by year of study. Priority for them is the subject-practical tasks of mastering a specific profile of activity, that is, one training course is studied that meets the requirements of the program, as a rule, one teacher works with the group.

Activity (its volume and rhythm, duration) in the circle is adjusted by the principles of voluntariness, self-government, informality of communication. Classes are carried out in various entertaining, game types, competitions, competitions or in the form of a lesson - a dialogue of equal partners.

The results of the work of the circle most often are the knowledge, skills, skills of children in the subject, corresponding to the program requirements of the teacher.

An important element of the circle, its feature is the form of expression of the result, the result. It is embodied in specific and outwardly spectacular demonstration performances, concerts, festivals, disputes, seminars, etc. Clubs, scientific societies and schools, specialized groups can be created on the basis of circles.

The circle can also be considered as the most acceptable form of association, corresponding to the initial level of the educational process within the framework of an integral educational program of the institution.


To understand the studio as a form of children's educational association, it is useful to recall the translation of this term. From the Latin "studio" - "I work hard, study", and translated from Italian "studio" - "study, study room." Starting from the Italian translation, the studio is a place for activities, specially equipped and prepared, in which classes are organized for the assimilation of any actions, knowledge, skills.

The first meaning of the word "studio" is as follows: it is dominated by the process of independent, diligent, diligent activity, teaching, amateur performance, etc. This means that the association of children, called the studio, organizes its work and relations between participants on the recognition of the value of any individual creativity, uniqueness personality, its indispensability by others, the right to free self-determination of absolutely everyone. This creates an opportunity for the process of becoming the ability of personalization, which requires special efforts (of the teacher and the team as a whole) to maintain a favorable psychological climate in joint activities and the development of integration processes.

Studio - a creative team united by common tasks, common values ​​of joint activities, as well as the emotional nature of interpersonal relations, in which classes are organized to master collective actions and skills; this is a kind of workshop for the preparation of children "specializing" in various fields of art and sports: artists, painters, sculptors, writers, athletes.

The studio is usually created in the artistic and aesthetic profile of activity (musical, visual, theatrical, etc.) in order to develop the artistic and other creative abilities of students, identify the early giftedness of children, support and develop it. It can be a theater - studio, film studio, music - choreographic or music - folklore studio, fashion studio, etc. Such studios often become an independent structural unit of an institution that has its own organization of the educational process (levels, levels of education), a body for assessing the quality of creative achievements (artistic advice). Often in such studios a competitive selection is carried out with a preliminary identification of the inclinations and inclinations of children to a certain profile of creativity (dance, literary, musical, etc.).

The content is based on the dominant, main subject, around which the adjacent, associated with it “line up”. With different options for “authorship”, the training program in the studio is drawn up taking into account the fact that children are taught several disciplines necessary for creative activity. The content of the studio's activities is associated with a certain type of art or artistic creation. The content is based on the dominant, main subject, around which the adjacent, associated with it “line up”.

Among the pedagogical tasks of the association is the creation of conditions for the formation and development of children's artistic creativity in various fields. Hence the depth of the content proposed for mastering, the presence of a complex of integrated training courses. The specificity of the organization lies in the combination of traditional and innovative forms of training sessions and the active involvement of the entire children's association in practical activities (holding concerts, performances, festivals, creative evenings, etc.). The specifics of studying in the studio is a combination of:

educational, experimental (search for effective methods for developing creative abilities, studying and using new techniques in art), practical and industrial (showing performances, designing exhibitions, issuing handwritten and printed publications, selling products) tasks

individual, group and collective forms of organization of classes.

The studio is distinguished by a clear gradation in terms of preparedness: junior, senior. The activity of the studio is dominated by independent work of children under the guidance of a teacher and with his help. The head of the studio is a master who can demonstrate his work at a high level. In addition to training, a lot of socially useful work is carried out in the studio, training sessions are combined with creative practice. The activity of the studio is distinguished by the high quality of the creative "product" of children. A public collegial body (artistic council) may participate in organizing the activities of the studios. The concepts of ensemble and theater are closely related to the concept of studio.


Ensemble (from the French word "together") - an association of children - performers or a small group of performers of individual works of art (musical, choreographic, etc.), acting together as a single creative performing art group. It may have substructures and subgroups, but the overall aspiration remains. The educational process in the ensemble combines group and individual forms of education. It can be an ensemble of song and dance, folk instruments, sports dance, vocal and instrumental, etc.


The theater is a creative team, an association that organizes its activities in a complex of a wide variety of forms, types of employment, methods for developing the creative potential of an individual and its actualization. For example, there are folklore theaters, fashion theaters, pop song theaters, etc. Usually in the theater there is a division of roles, labor by type of activity, depending on the individual abilities of the members of the team. The success is facilitated by the common desire of the entire team to succeed in the performance of a complex joint artistic action on stage.


An orchestra is a group of musicians who learn to play music together on various instruments. For example, a children's orchestra of folk instruments, a children's brass band.


A class in the system of additional education is a group of students, usually of the same age, studying under the guidance of a teacher in one educational program, or an educational team studying a particular subject. For example, a class of vocals, piano, violin, painting, composition, etc.


A school is a highly specialized association that provides specialized education, combines the study of several interrelated subjects or in-depth study of one profile with a stable step-by-step education system. Depending on the curriculum, the duration of study is one, two or more years. School students are united in study groups (classes). In addition to the compulsory educational program and curriculum, the school is distinguished by a steady demand for the offered educational services, a mandatory system for assessing the success of education. The school may issue a final document confirming the additional education received.

Schools are characterized by the following features:

availability of the concept presented in the Charter, Regulations and educational program

solution of complex and multi-level pedagogical goals and objectives

priority of systematically organized learning (levels of learning, successive relationship between stages, levels, learning outcomes) with a variety of activities

availability of a system of pedagogical analysis, control, evaluation of educational results

clearly defined recruitment and training conditions

the presence of a certificate or a final document on completion (certificate, diploma, certificate, etc.)

organization and implementation of the educational process by the teaching staff, and not by one teacher

the availability of an educational program and curriculum that has passed the examination and licensing, a steady demand for the offered educational services.

In the practice of additional education of children, a fairly wide variety of schools as educational associations has developed. For their classification, various bases are used, among which are:

priority of pedagogical tasks (schools of vocational or pre-professional training, pre-university training, social adaptation and rehabilitation, creative orientation, etc.)

the degree of expression of the profile of activity (specialized schools, multidisciplinary according to the type of early development schools, which do not have a clearly defined profile)

focus on the development of children (schools for gifted children, children with disabilities)

In the practice of institutions of additional education for children, the name "school" is sometimes used in developing, leisure, narrow-profile, as well as in temporary creative children's associations, where either the cognitive activity of children takes place (school of creative orientation, school of early development), or the process of formation and development of specific skills and abilities (school of survival, school of young traffic inspector).


Workshop. Most often, this word is used to describe the premises in which an artist, sculptor, architect works, or a small manufacturing enterprise associated with the production of any product or the provision of services. When it comes to a workshop in education, the name of the master (creator, author) stands out, who created his own, unparalleled, "school - production" of students, followers.

In institutions of additional education for children, this meaning is preserved. At the same time, the hallmarks of the workshop as a form of children's educational association are proposed to be:

belonging of the content of the activity to a certain type of applied art, craft, art (choreography workshop, etc.)

priority of learning objectives and subject-practical tasks

focus on applied skills and achieving a level of mastery in mastering a certain type of activity, in mastering special technologies

demonstration and performance expression of practical results and achievements of children (exhibitions, competitions, festivals, etc.)

The workshop is an association of children, an important feature of which is not only the presence of a wide range of disciplines studied, but also an orientation towards the creation of arts and crafts under the guidance of teachers. The basis of the educational process is the production of something (the scenery for the performance, its noise design, costumes and props - if we are talking about a theater workshop as part of a large group of children's theater) or the formation and honing of applied skills.


The laboratory is a children's association mainly for technical teams. An essential feature here is the presence of a research component in the creative activity of children.

Design is the leading method. The product of the activity is the creation by the child under the guidance of a teacher of new and improved models. In technologies, independent, search, experimental work prevails. Here, students conduct scientific and technical experiments, experimental research. The main goal of the laboratory is the development of mental and inventive abilities of children and adolescents. It consists mainly of older teenagers and high school students. The teacher is a guide, assistant, research coordinator.


The section is an association of children, in the work of which there is necessarily both training, as a result of which certain skills and abilities are instilled in the children, and participation in competitions where these skills and abilities are tested.


The salon is an association of children, which is based on the communication of children and adolescents widely deployed in society: meetings with guests, discussion of various issues, demonstration and sale of their works.


The club is an association of children for the purpose of communicating on interests, conducting joint classes and leisure orientation. It is acceptable for the mass involvement of schoolchildren in a specific type of activity (cosmonautics club, sailors' club, book lovers, tourist club, etc.).

Clubs are organized in order to create conditions for communication, development of children's abilities and talents, as well as for the purposeful organization of their free time. They successfully develop and achieve the goal - personal development - only where socially significant needs and opportunities prevail to fully reveal all their qualities and freely realize themselves.

In addition, the club solves the following tasks:

meeting a variety of educational, cultural needs and interests of the individual

expanding horizons on a wide range of issues

providing unlimited opportunities for self-realization and self-affirmation of the individual in the creative process

At the heart of the organization of club associations is interest. Children and teenagers come together for joint activities during the pool time. Clubs are formed in different conditions, have different goals and objectives, unite different groups and strata of society, and may have different names. Analysis and consideration of the interests, needs, age characteristics of children and youth is the main thing that should determine the choice of activities of the club.

The main principles of organizing the activities of the club

Voluntary membership

Self management

Unity of purpose

Joint activities in direct contact with each other (in this respect, the club is a group)

A combination of various activities (training, education, development)

Joint activities (cognitive, creative, practical - transformative, recreational)

No mutual pressure

A special spirit of co-creation and community and a friendly atmosphere

Personal comfort

Oriented to the future

Ample opportunities for choosing like-minded people

The club is attended by students of different ages and genders, united in sections or study groups. Club members can be engaged in one or more sections (study groups). The club can have associations of children by years of study (age and experience in the club, etc.), by interests (creative groups, creative associations, etc.)

The membership of the club is subject to change. The club can accept collective members (classes, creative teams, etc.), honorary members (veterans of war and labor, former pupils of the club, etc.)

The work of the club is managed by the Council of the club, elected at the meeting of the members of the club and acting on the basis of the Charter or the Regulations on the club. In an institution of additional education for children, a teacher usually manages the work of the club, he is also the chairman of the club's Council. The club is an amateur organization where pedagogical leadership is combined with student self-government. The club may have a Council of Friends of the Club, which may include veterans of war and labor, former pupils, etc.

The activity of the club is carried out on the basis of one of the developed documents: the Charter of the club, the Regulations, the Program of activities.

The document is approved by the general meeting of members and reflects: goals and objectives, the structure of the club, traditions, main activities, rights and obligations of club members, material and technical base.

The Club is considered to be created from the moment of registration of the Charter (or approval of the Regulations), which is the main document regulating its activities.

During the academic year, the activities of the club are carried out on the basis of long-term and calendar work plans, which are discussed and approved by the general meeting of club members. In order to organize and conduct joint leisure, club days are held - themed evenings, game and competitive programs, etc. The club's activities combine individual classes, work in circles, sections, club teams, and socially useful affairs, organizing mass holidays, trips, exhibitions, reporting concerts, conferences. Activity planning helps to purposefully solve the problems of upbringing, training and development of the children's team, to achieve efficiency in the organization of club activities.

Club planning is a lengthy and complex process. The degree of success in planning depends on the right goals, which must be realistic, clearly articulated and accepted by all members of the team.

The planning process consists of the following steps:

Stage 1 - analysis of activities over the past period, which includes: identifying problems (what does not satisfy in the results of activities?), identifying the causes of problems, determining the direction of change.

Stage 2 - setting goals and objectives for the new academic year. A goal is an image of the desired result that can be achieved by a certain time.

The target must have the following properties:

completeness of content

Controllability of the expected result

Temporal certainty


The goal is decomposed into specific tasks - specific results that are expected to be obtained in the implementation of a particular area of ​​activity.

Stage 3 - definition of sections of the plan for areas of activity and their collective discussion.

Stage 4 - consideration of the draft plan, determination of deadlines and responsible persons.

Stage 5 - approval of the plan at the pedagogical or methodological council.

Thoughtful and purposeful organizational activity and communication in the club (through the efforts of a teacher, team, institution, etc.) as a group of like-minded people, allies, equal and independent, allows in an attractive, unobtrusive form to affirm (understand and accept for oneself) the values ​​of education, the values ​​of health , the values ​​of tradition and history, the value of another person, the value of personal freedom, etc.

The activity of those club associations becomes promising, where the most diverse forms of work are combined in each specific direction, the possibilities of educational, cultural, educational, sports and other institutions are taken into account and appropriately used.

The results of the club's activities can be considered the presence in children of ways, techniques, techniques of thinking, activity, culture of reflection, behavior. Another purpose of the club is to be an environment for the formation of a culture of free time, a healthy lifestyle.

The club has its own traditions and distinctive symbols, attributes (name, song, emblem, badge, motto, uniform, etc.). The work of the club is reflected in the diary, the annals of affairs. The club may have its own printed organ - a newsletter, a newspaper.

The club communicates with other clubs of the relevant profile, participates in joint programs and projects, in competitions and competitions, etc.

The typology of clubs has not yet been fully developed, but today they can be classified:

by scale of activity: multi-profile and single-profile. Clubs can have one direction of work: socio-political, artistic, technical, tourist and local history, sports, etc., can unite tourists, local historians, film historians, flower growers, etc. or be multidisciplinary, organizing several activities of children and adolescents at the same time , youth

according to the predominant type of activity: educational, discussion, creative.

1) Educational - lecture halls, clubs of interesting meetings, i.e. the initiative of organizing, preparing events belongs to the staff or an initiative group, spectator activity is expected.

2) Discussion (heavy discussions, exchange of information: youth clubs, discos, collectors' clubs, etc.)

3) Creative (activity) - active individual, group, collective activities of participants: a propaganda team, a traveling museum, etc. according to the degree of organization: official, unofficial.

In additional education, the club can become a kind of socio-cultural technology of education. Thoughtful and purposefully organized activities of the club (through the efforts of a teacher, team, institution, city, etc.) as organized communication in a group of like-minded people, allies, equals and independents, allows in an attractive, unobtrusive form to assert (understand and accept for oneself) the values ​​of education, health, traditions and history, the value of another person, personal freedom, thinking, etc.

We live in the world of technology. We are surrounded by various machines, mechanisms, structures. How not to get lost in this technological space? a teacher of the highest category, who has devoted 20 years to the system of additional education, L.T. Alyokhina successfully teaches technical modeling to Kashira boys, who study with passion. She knows how to find an approach to each of them and teach everyone. Children invent and create flying and floating models, models, technical toys. This type of creativity develops imagination, resourcefulness, creative invention, as well as design abilities and technical thinking. Which, of course, will come in handy in life. The association program contains a rich scientific and methodological base, is equipped with an interesting educational and methodological complex. Lidia Timofeevna teaches children how to work with hand tools, making models of varying complexity. But the work is not only in the office. The children, together with the teacher, go on excursions, on hikes. Where are new models launched? And every spring, ships and boats created by children float along the river. And every autumn, children's planes soar into the sky.




347022, Rostov region, Belokalitvinsky district, settlement Sholokhovskiy, st. Pushkin, house 32

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By order of the director


L.S. Averyanov

No. ____, dated "___" May 2015


about creative association

I.General provisions

1.1. This provision has been developed in accordance with the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation", Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements for Institutions of Additional Education for Children SanPiN - 14, the Charter of the MBU DO CVR (hereinafter referred to as the Center).

1.2. A creative association is a relatively stable collection of children and teachers united by a common goal (fixed in the educational program), similar interests and needs for communication and joint activities.

1.3. A creative association is a structural unit of the Center, which can carry out its educational activities on the basis of the Center or another educational organization (on the basis of concluded agreements).

1.4. A creative association is created based on the interests and needs of students.

1.5. According to the decision of the administration of the Center, in connection with the production need, the creative association of one direction can be re-profiled to another.

1.6. On the basis of a creative association, a profile group of children and adolescents, interest clubs, workshops and creative laboratories can be created in order to include each child (student) in creative activity to the best of his abilities and abilities, depending on interests.

II.Goal and tasks

2.1. Purpose: formation of a common culture of students' personality based on the assimilation of the content of additional educational programs.

2.2. Tasks of the creative association:

Mastering the volume of knowledge, skills and abilities by students, developing their creative abilities in the direction of activity.

Formation of a highly moral, educated personality with the basic competencies of a modern person.

Providing the necessary conditions for personal development, health protection and promotion, professional self-determination.

Patriotic and civic education of children and youth.

Organization of meaningful leisure for students, development of their social activity, innovative ideas and searches, approval of a healthy lifestyle.

III.The main directions and content of the activity of the creative association

3.1. The educational process in a creative association is carried out in accordance with the general educational program in various areas (artistic and aesthetic, physical culture and sports, tourism and local history, socio-pedagogical), developed by a teacher of additional education, adopted by the pedagogical council and approved by the director of the Center.

3.2. The educational activities of the creative association are carried out in the following areas:

· Artistic and aesthetic the orientation provides for the familiarization of students with various types of applied arts, art, the disclosure of their individual capabilities and creative abilities, professional orientation and adaptation to the conditions of modern life (vocal, vocal ensemble, knitting, fine arts, floristry, beaded needlework, silk ribbon embroidery, soft toys, patchwork, embroidery, etc.);

· Physical culture and sports is aimed at fostering a healthy lifestyle and developing children's and youth sports in the territory, as well as the task of more widely attracting students, parents and teachers of an educational institution to regular classes in tabletop, physical culture and sports, the formation of a healthy lifestyle, increasing the level of their physical development .

· Socio-pedagogical leisure club, intellectual communication club, covers a wide age range:

For preschool children, it solves the problems of developing cognitive interests and creative development;

For children with disabilities solves the problem of social adaptation;

For students of primary and secondary school age, it contributes to the formation of special skills for safe behavior on the streets and roads in special conditions of the NPR;

Within the framework of cognitive and creative activity, it solves the problems of developing intellectual and creative abilities, design thinking, figurative imagination;

For students of senior school age, it is designed to provide social support for the life self-determination of students through the media, the formation of personal qualities that contribute to the self-development of individuality, social adaptation and professional orientation of adolescents.

Creative associations carry out educational and consulting work, organize creative reports, participate in the preparation and holding of municipal, city events, festivals, competitions, concerts, competitions, exhibitions, use other forms of socially useful, amateur activities.

3. Organization of the educational process

3.1. The organization of the educational process in the Center is carried out in accordance with the Charter, the curriculum.

3.2. The numerical composition of the creative association, the duration and frequency of classes per week are determined by the educational program, the direction of activity, the age characteristics of students, and working conditions.

3.3. Enrollment of students aged 5 to 18 years is carried out for the period provided for by the educational program.

For enrollment in the creative association of the Center, students provide the following documents:

statement of parents (legal representatives) whose children are under 14 years of age, or statements of children aged 14 years and older (Appendix 1). Parents write an application every academic year, regardless of how many years a student has been attending a creative association;

· a medical certificate from a doctor on the state of health of the child with a conclusion on the possibility of engaging in sports groups. For students, a place is retained in the children's association in case of illness, the passage of sanatorium-resort treatment, the next vacation of their parents.

Students are expelled in the following cases:

At the request of parents (legal representatives), moving to another city, district, leaving their district (Annex 2);

For gross violation of the Charter of the Center and the Rules of the order of students.

The decision to expel students is made by the Pedagogical Council of the Center, formalized by order of the Director of the Center.

3.4. The activities of students are carried out both in same-age and different-age associations of interest: a creative association, a club, a studio, a section, an ensemble, a theater, a group (hereinafter referred to as a "creative association"). Parents (legal representatives) can take part in the work of a creative association, joint mass, educational, leisure events are organized and held.

3.5. Creative associations can be of different types: single-profile, multi-profile, complex, groups of joint activities of children and parents.

3.6. Students have the right to engage in several creative associations, as well as change the direction of education. The transfer of a child from one creative association to another is carried out on the basis of an application from the parent (legal representative) of the child.

3.7. Classes in creative associations are conducted according to integrated, comprehensive, cross-cutting programs, in groups, subgroups, individually or by the entire composition of the association.

3.8. The mode of classes in a creative association is regulated by a schedule compiled by a teacher of additional education and approved by the director of the Center. The duration of the academic hour of the lesson is 45 minutes, 30 minutes for preschool children, younger students (choreography, classes using computer technology), with a mandatory 10-minute break between classes for children to relax and ventilate the premises. During the school holidays (autumn, winter, spring), the teacher has the right to change the schedule of classes of the creative association, to transfer to the daytime.

3.9. The academic year in the creative association begins on September 1 of the current year, two weeks are allotted to the teacher of additional education for the recruitment and completion of groups. The list of students is submitted for approval to the director at the beginning of the year no later than September 15 (Appendix 3), for the 2nd half of the year - no later than January 15. The change and movement of students in the payroll for the 1st half of the year is provided at the request of a teacher of additional education addressed to the director of the Center - January 15 (Appendix 4, 5).

3.10. The effectiveness of the assimilation of the subject in each year of study is carried out through certain criteria of the system for evaluating the activities of students (diagnostics, monitoring, control), based on the direction, purpose and content of the educational programs being implemented.

3.11. Students who complete the program in one year of study are transferred to the next year of study.

3.12. Students who do not study in the group of the first year of study, but who have successfully passed an interview or other tests, may be enrolled in the association of the second and subsequent years of study.

3.13. The mastering of general education programs in the third and more years of study ends with the final attestation of students, carried out in the manner prescribed by the Regulations on the attestation of students of the Center. On the recommendation of the teacher, the pupil is allowed and included in the final certification after achieving:

The third year of study, which involves the development of competence in this educational area, the formation of skills at the level of practical application;

The next year (4 years or more) of study, which provides for the achievement of an increased level of education in this educational activity, the ability to see problems, formulate tasks, and look for ways to solve them.

Students who successfully complete the year of study provided for by the program are issued a certificate of completion of the program.

3.14. Educational activities in a creative association are carried out by years of study, which include the preparatory year of study, the first, second, third and more years of study in accordance with additional general educational programs in the following areas:

3.14.1. Artistic and aesthetic orientation


Ø Vocal Ensembles

Rehearsal and staging, summary classes with the whole team is 2-4 hours a week.

Ø art(painting, drawing, composition, modeling, graphics)

In the 2nd year of study, options are provided for breaking down hours to create learning conditions, taking into account the age characteristics of children.

Ø Decorative and applied art

Knitting, weaving, embroidery, macrame, floristry, soft toys, patchwork, batik, painting, fabric flowers, salt dough, natural material, designing and modeling clothes, clothes for dolls, etc.

Individual work (for children with disabilities, gifted children) is 2-3 hours per week.

The creative workshop is 2-4 hours per group.

In the 2nd year of study, options are provided for breaking down hours to create learning conditions, taking into account the age characteristics of children.

Ø Folklore ensembles

Individual work (for soloists, children with disabilities, gifted children) is 2-3 hours per week.

Rehearsal and staging, summary classes with the whole team are 2-4 hours a week.

In the 2nd year of study, options are provided for breaking down hours to create learning conditions, taking into account the age characteristics of children.

3.14.2. Physical culture and sports orientation

Ø OFP(General physical preparation)

Gymnastics, basketball, acrobatics, athletics, volleyball, mini-football, outdoor games.

In the 2nd year of study, options are provided for breaking down hours to create learning conditions, taking into account the age characteristics of children.

Ø Table tennis

For the organization and conduct of the sports section, 2-4 hours a week are provided.

Individual work (for children with disabilities, gifted children) is up to 3 hours per week.

In the 2nd year of study, options are provided for breaking down hours to create learning conditions, taking into account the age characteristics of children.

3.14.3. Tourist and local history orientation

Individual work (for children with disabilities, gifted children) is up to 3 hours per week.

Club hours are 1-2 hours per week.

3.14.4. Socio-pedagogical orientation

Ø Club of intellectual communication. Leisure activities.

Individual work (for children with disabilities, gifted children) is up to 2 hours per week.

Club hours are 1-2 hours per week.

3.15. Individual lessons (2-3 hours per week) are provided for working with soloists of choreographic and vocal groups, gifted and disabled children in all areas of activity.

3.16. Rehearsal and staging hours (2-4 hours per week) are provided for organizing consolidated rehearsals and staging work in choreography, vocals, theater. Rehearsal and staging work is a form of educational, creative work with students to develop previously acquired knowledge, skills and abilities on specific repertoire material.

3.17. For creative associations of fine arts, arts and crafts - artistic and aesthetic areas, a creative workshop (2-4 hours a week) is provided for organizing independent, research, project activities of students in collaboration with a teacher. A creative workshop is a form of educational, creative work to organize independent, research, project activities of students in collaboration with a teacher.

3.18. For creative associations of the social and pedagogical direction, club hours are provided (1-2 hours per week) in order to summarize the scientific, artistic, cognitive and other interests of students and their parents. Club - a group of students united by a common idea, interest, etc.

3.19. For creative associations of physical culture and sports orientation, 2-4 hours a week are provided for organizing and conducting a sports section.

4. Creative association management

4.1. The management of a creative association is carried out by a teacher of additional education in accordance with job descriptions.

4.2. The teacher of additional education implements the general education program and is responsible to the administration of the Center for the activities of the creative association.

4.3. The main forms of self-government in a creative association are the asset of the creative association and the parent committee.

4.4. Creative association can be encouraged in the manner established for encouraging teams and participants for certain creative achievements.

4.5. In the event of a decrease in actual attendance during the year, the groups must be merged or disbanded.

Appendix 1

Annex 2

Appendix 3




"______" ________________ 20__


Students of the creative association

for 201___ - 201___ academic year

Creative association -

Teacher -

Year of study_ _______ Year of study ________

Group __1___

Group ___2___

Total children:

Total children:

Year of study_________

Group __3___

Individual training (OR/HIA)

Total children:

Total children:


Teacher's signature ___________________ ____________________________

signatureFull name teacher

The date:_________________________


Methodist _______________________ / N.V. Orlova /

Appendix 4


about the movement of students in a creative association

for the 1st half of the year 201____ - 201____ academic year

Creative association - ____________________________________

Teacher - ___________________________________________________


Student's name (fully)

Year of study

Reason for leaving


Year of birth

MBOU (where he studies)

The date:_____________

· Attach this completed table to the application for the replacement of children.

· Attach a list of students of the creative association for the 2nd half of the year to this information.

Appendix 5


I ask you to allow me to make changes to the payroll of the creative association "____________________________________________" in connection with the departure of children.

A list of students and information about the movement of students is attached.

________________ ___________________

What is a creative team? This term can be attributed to the group The creative team can be called an organized version of artistic, technological, pedagogical, executive activities. The created group implements the sum of values ​​and norms in accordance with the positions and functions of the joint activities of the participants and the leader.

Organization principles

The creative team must cope with the tasks assigned to it. Pedagogical activity includes training, education, education of all its participants. The training is aimed at mastering the theoretical knowledge and practical skills of working with a variety of works of art and their performance.

The creative team systematically expands its horizons in the field of art and culture, is an active participant in public life.

Education involves the formation of aesthetic, moral, physical, artistic qualities in its participants.

Artistic technologies

The creation of a creative team involves serious work not only of the leader, but also of all its members. During their joint activities, the transformation of various source material into a stage work is carried out, which is presented to the "judgment of the audience". Performing activities involve different options: concerts, performances, holidays. For example, a children's creative team takes an active part in a variety of themed evenings, musical lounges, holiday concerts.

No special administrative orders are needed to create independent creative groups.

Tasks and principles

The activity of the creative team is aimed at developing the individual potential of its members. Its organizers must take a responsible approach to the formation and development of the established associations, develop them taking into account subjective and objective factors.

The main point in the formation of a new group is to take into account the needs of society. The organization of a creative team involves a thorough preliminary study by its creator of all the real needs of people of different ages and social categories. It is also necessary to take into account the material possibilities for the emergence of a new group. It will be difficult to create a full-fledged artistic and creative team without a material base and a professional leader.

Important Facts

The condition for the viability of an amateur group is the presence of a clear, justified goal. It is necessary to link the interests and desires of each participant with it. Only when solving this complex problem can one count on the absence of conflicts within the team being created.

The leader must find a way to activate the creative potential of all participants, to direct it in the right direction. The method of work depends on the individual abilities, properties of the participants. In order to cope with this difficult task, the leader must know the physical, psychological, creative, artistic properties of each member of the group.

The development of the creative team allows you to provide opportunities for the disclosure of the creative potential of each student.

For a conscious and systematic direction of its activities, it is important to have information about the qualitative characteristics of its members, the stages of development. The main quality of such an organization is intra-group highly developed relations with society.

How do large creative teams function? Moscow is a city of great opportunities, therefore the created creative associations work closely with various social groups, demonstrating to them the products of joint work.

The specifics of education

Is it possible to create full-fledged professional creative teams from amateur groups? Moscow is the capital of Russia, therefore it is here that the maximum number of various artistic associations is formed. In order for the group to become a full-fledged "organism", certain conditions must be observed.

First of all, we note the presence of a common goal for all its members. At the stage of education, special attention should be paid to cooperation between the representatives of the circle, their ability to coordinate joint activities.

As favorable motives that affect participation in a new team, we note conscious motivation, the desire for communication between members of the circle, the desire to improve the reputation of the team, to advertise their favorite pastime.

Joint action is built on mutual respect, setting as the main goal of the development of the team being created.

Working methods

In order to understand which creative teams will be successful, it is necessary to dwell on the methods of working with them. One should not lose sight of the fact that the main subject of activity of any such association is art, and the main goal is to satisfy the spiritual and aesthetic needs of all participants. Pedagogical activity is carried out by involving performers in the socio-cultural and artistic and creative activities. It is implemented in the process of rehearsals, classes, concert performances.

The characteristic of the creative team is inextricably linked with the specifics of its activities. It is not enough just to learn how to play a musical instrument, sing, master the art of acting, it is important to acquire the skills of collective activity, the ability to build relationships with other representatives of a creative association. Amateur performance does not imply "student" classes, preparations are immediately made for entering the real stage.

Action algorithm

The leader is faced with the task of developing special performing skills and abilities among the members of his association. First, an acquaintance with the basics of art is carried out, aesthetic knowledge is instilled, then a smooth transition to performing practice is observed.

Occupation classification

Depending on the specifics of the creative team, theoretical and practical classes are allowed. There is no single theoretical methodology by which theoretical classes for creative associations can be conducted.

In some cases, they are supposed to allocate special hours, in other situations they are simply included in practical exercises. For example, when practicing dance movements, learning musical parts, participants first study the theory and only after that proceed to working out the information received.

This is especially true for:

  • choral, orchestral associations in which the study of musical literature, solfeggio, musical notation, performing arts is carried out;
  • theater studios, where it is supposed to study the culture of speech, the history of theatrical art, musical literature;
  • choreographic, in which there is an acquaintance with human anatomy and physiology, choreographic art, history and features of folk costume.

Methods of theoretical work

Theoretical activity involves the use of certain methods of work. Let's take a closer look at some of them. For example, an information story, description, conversation, explanation (verbal types) help the head of a creative association to acquaint the team with those nuances without which it will be impossible to build a performance.

Visual types of work: demonstration of phenomena, processes, didactic material, images, maps - contribute to the visual perception of the material under consideration.

Practical activities

The most effective is to show real processes, individual movements, specific objects. Also, the work of creative associations is built on improvement, acquisition of skills. A variety of practical exercises are etudes. These are exercises that contribute to the development and improvement of technical skills, acting technique.

The etude includes several actions that are developed by the teacher.

To create their own repertoire, they use the project method, collecting material, choosing costumes for concert performances.

Description and explanation are suitable for those cases when a member of the collective does not “grasp” the essence of the movement, the features of the musical part.

Mastering the technique of singing, the techniques of playing musical instruments is carried out through their initial demonstration by the teacher (team leader).

The level of skills and abilities of each representative of the creative group is an indicator of the performance skills of the team. The chosen repertoire, popularity depends on it.

The head of the association in his work often uses educational games, trainings, periodically monitors and corrects the skills and abilities acquired by the wards.

The repertoire is understood as the totality of all works that will be performed by the creative team. It can rightfully be called the "face" of any musical or artistic association.

It is by him that the audience creates their first impression of the artistic and social significance of the creative association.

When selecting a concert repertoire, the head of the group relies on social demand, the wishes of the artists, and their capabilities.

The repertoire has an important educational function, not only for the audience, but also for the performers themselves.

Team classification

There is a conditional division of them into types according to different criteria:

  • age features suggest the creation of youth, children, adult associations;
  • organizational features allow the formation of ensembles, studios, circles;
  • taking into account the themes and repertoire features, it is possible to create classical, modern, folk groups.

Also, when organizing a new creative team, the leader faces a responsible task - combining the individual characteristics of each member of the team, their skills, abilities, and abilities. For example, both solo and collective performances can be used in the repertoire. It is allowed to combine several thematic numbers, for example, when preparing for a certain holiday.


At present, issues related to the creation of creative teams are relevant and deserve special attention. Almost every educational organization has its own creative association, which has a certain direction of activity. For example, vocal groups are appearing more and more often in secondary schools among not only schoolchildren, but also their teachers. In medical organizations, doctors unite in amateur art groups, clubs of the cheerful and resourceful.

Of course, the primary clubs, associations are of an amateur nature, they are not professional creative teams. But we can give a lot of examples when creative ensembles with a high professional level were formed from a small group. Among the children's groups, known not only in Moscow, but also far beyond its borders, the vocal ensemble "Fidgets" can be noted.

This creative association has become a real "forge of personnel" for the professional scene. Of course, the merit of the scenic professionalism that young vocalists acquire in the studio belongs to its leader. In the work of the children's team, a variety of activities are actively used, the individual characteristics of each child are taken into account, and special methods for personal growth are selected.

Despite the computerization that is inherent in the twenty-first century, people have not stopped attending various concerts, they are happy to watch the performances of amateur and professional creative teams created in our country and abroad.

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