Forest Lubyanka. Who lives in the secret village of luxury mansions? Navalny's investigation into the "general's dacha" on the state border turned into a complete failure General Kozik's service

On the closed section of the state border of Russia with Finland with an area of \u200b\u200b6.6 thousand square meters, there is a dacha, which belongs to the deputy head of the border service of the FSB of the Russian Federation, Colonel-General Nikolai Kozik, according to the Anti-Corruption Foundation of Alexei Navalny. In his material, the oppositionist refers to the corresponding extract from Rosreestr and data from Google Earth and Google Maps.

"There is a border between Russia and Finland. As it should be, the border consists of a border zone (5-30 km), where only local residents or persons with passes can be located, and a zone of engineering and technical structures (2-3 km).

The area of \u200b\u200bengineering and technical structures is exactly what is shown in films about border guards. A fence under a weak current (triggered by touch), a control-track strip and all that jazz.

It is prohibited to stay in this area. Entering it is an attempt to illegally cross the state border and guarantees you a criminal case (for example, there are many of them).

So let's use a photo of a Google map and a satellite photo to take a virtual trip to the most beautiful, but forbidden places of the border with Finland.

We see the fence.


We wipe our eyes and look from above:

Well, yes, really a dacha on the shore of a lake in a restricted area, which is regulated by law as follows:

"By virtue of subparagraph 10 of paragraph 4 of Article 27 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation, land plots occupied by federal-owned engineering and technical structures, communication lines and communications, erected in the interests of protecting and protecting the State Border of the Russian Federation, have been withdrawn from their circulation."

It is not possible, but it is true. Dacha of an individual Kozik Nikolai Leonidovich

Google, what kind of amazing Kozik Nikolai Leonidovich is.

We immediately stop being surprised. This is the colonel-general of the FSB, the deputy chief of the border service of the FSB of the Russian Federation, who is responsible for protecting the state border. "

Alexey Navalny

As RBC found out, a piece of land with an area of \u200b\u200b47.4 thousand square meters. m., located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe village of Druzhnoselie and Lake Povarskoye (the Kozik site also belongs to it), in 2010 it was transferred from the category of reserve lands to the category of agricultural lands. The decree on this in 2010 was signed by Valery Serdyukov, who at that time held the post of governor of the Leningrad region. After that, as follows from the cadastral passport of the object, it was divided into several sections.

Six plots on the land for dacha farming, one of which belongs to Nikolai Kozik, were formed in 2011, follows from the extract from the State Real Estate Cadastre (GKN) received by RBC. Prior to this, the land was assigned to the suburban non-profit partnership "Pihkala", follows from the decree of the head of the municipal formation of the Vyborgsky district of the Leningrad region, published in December 2010.

In 2014, Pihkala was liquidated. Before that, it belonged to Vladimir Leonidovich Bobrov, Leonid Mikhailovich Vorobyov and Yulia Nikolaevna Kuznetsova, it follows from the SPARK data.

Vorobyov and Kozik, according to SPARK, are currently also co-owners of another non-profit partnership "The Partnership of Individual Developers" Lesnaya Lubyanka ", which is registered in the city of Vsevolzhsk. According to SPARK, Kozik, who is a co-owner of" Lesnaya Lubyanka ", was previously the head of the department FSB for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region The main activity of the partnership is the management of the operation of the housing stock for a fee or on a contractual basis.

The co-owners of Lesnaya Lubyanka are also the head of the SVR Sergei Naryshkin, senator from United Russia Valery Vasiliev, head of the M-11 highway FKU Urdor "Russia" Alexander Myatiev, as well as Alexander Nikitenko, namesake of the ex-head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region ...


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On Wednesday evening, another scandalous investigation of the opposition blogger came out Alexey Navalny, which, in fact, puts an end to his career as a "denouncer of human mores." Search for the FSB General's dacha Nikolay Kozik, which, allegedly, according to Navalny's thought, is located right on the state border of Russia and Finland, led to unexpected results: it turned out that Navalny - or his curators who prepared the text for him - simply passed off wishful thinking. How Navalny's investigation of the "dacha on the state border" turned out to be a failure and shame for the scandalous blogger - in the material.

"Border is locked tight"

The story of the search for the notorious summer residence began on Wednesday, October 12th. According to the website of the organization headed by Navalny with the loud name "Anti-Corruption Fund" responsible for posting scandalous videos on the Web, the dacha, owned by the deputy head of the FSB border service, Colonel-General Nikolai Kozik, stands right on the state border of Russia with Finland.

According to Navalny, the dacha is located in the Vyborgsky district of the Leningrad region, allegedly in the "zone of engineering and technical structures" - 2-3 km from the border. Recall that in accordance with Russian law, being in such a zone of proximity to the border is prohibited: it must be fenced off with a fence and a control strip.

Alexei Navalny expressed bewilderment at this fact - how, they say, so: not only had he built a dacha - Colonel-General Kozik even registered it as a property, which is impossible according to the law. However, in fact, behind the bewilderment of the odious blogger, there is an elementary inattention and ignorance of Russian legislation.

He counted me too!

Natural errors in Navalny's calculations and outright blunders of the FBK's "investigation" about the "giving of the FSB general" were quickly discovered by inquisitive minds. In particular, the blogger "Manzal" (in the world - Andrey Manzolevsky): in his opinion, the finding of the general's dacha was a "great disappointment" and even a "failure" of the scandalous oppositionist. Leaving aside the talk about who owns the "dacha of discord", Manzolevsky suggested referring to the documents that Navalny "lit up" in his video - since they contain many mistakes of the scandalous blogger.

First of all, the location of the cottage, based on the information on the video - the village Friendship by the lake Povarsky... However, with a detailed measurement using maps, it turns out that a significant amount of territory separates the dacha to the very border of Russia and Finland. First, the Brusnichnoye customs point is located at a great distance from the construction site. And secondly, together with the "two kilometers from the border" promised by Navalny, the dacha is located on a free territory - almost 4 kilometers from the barrier between Russia and Finland.

But most of all, the blogger is surprised by Navalny's inattention to the fact that a lot of people live in close proximity to the state border of Russia. For example, following the "logic" of Navalny, one can call half the population of the city of Svetogorsk, located 1.5 km from the border with Finland, "swindlers and thieves". Continuing the same "logic", we should call the inhabitants of Ivangorod "corrupt" - they generally adjoin the border with Estonia: on the other side of the river there is the city of Narva, and two border settlements are separated by a bridge across the river of the same name.

Where is the fence?

Another point of direct accusations of "Manzala" against the so-called FBK investigation, was, oddly enough, Navalny's inattention to Russian legislation, which he likes to flaunt right and left. As Andrei Manzolevsky notes, after the collapse of the USSR, the concept of a "border zone" has undergone many changes - including the regional authorities can set the size. In a number of regions of Russia, there is now officially only a narrow strip along the border - as can be observed in the Republic of Karelia.

As for access to border settlements, here, as the blogger assures, not everything is so simple. According to the law, immediately after the line of engineering and technical structures there is a plot, the stay in which is necessary if you have property or admission to the territory. However, the size and the possibility of travel to these sections of the border zone in each individual subject is again determined by the local authorities - so, in most cases, in order to find yourself in "closed cities", it is enough to present a passport of a Russian citizen.

“Even if you don’t believe the“ experts ”, let's assume another option. Google panorama. Would it have passed through the restricted area? Would you let a car with a camera into the area of \u200b\u200ba strategic object? No. If you don’t believe, try to find panoramas on the real border of any countries. Nobody and will never allow this, sorry for the slang, pale, "- writes Andrey Manzolevsky.

The most curious thing is that other people also live in the village of Druzhnoselie, where the "dacha of the FSB general" was found: the settlement is considered sparsely populated, with a population of less than 100 people. But then where did the barbed wire fence come from in the village?

And this is where the clue to Navalny's shame lies, Manzolevsky is sure: the village could simply have fallen under the transfer of the border zone, and when the decision was made to narrow the border section, the border guards with the shepherd dogs left - and the fence remained in place.

Expert: Navalny does only what he is told

The co-owners of the Lesnaya Lubyanka cooperative, which owns land near the border with Finland, is the deputy head of the border service, Colonel-General Nikolai Kozik, head of the SVR Sergei Naryshkin, senator from United Russia Valery Vasiliev and ex-head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region Alexander Nikitenko

The Anti-Corruption Foundation (FBK) of Alexei Navalny claims that the full namesake of the deputy head of the border service of the FSB of Russia, Colonel-General Nikolai Kozik, owns a dacha, which is located in the zone of engineering and technical facilities on the section of the state border with Finland. The new investigation was published on Navalny's blog.

FBK representatives found the buildings in a place that, they claim, belongs to the zone of engineering structures in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Russian-Finnish border, after analyzing satellite images and photos of Google Maps. The blog also published an extract from Rosreestr, from which it follows that the land plot discovered by FBK with an area of \u200b\u200b6.6 thousand square meters. m belongs to Nikolai Vladimirovich Kozik. As the fund points out, land in the area of \u200b\u200bengineering and technical structures has been withdrawn from civil circulation.

Employees of the public relations center of the FSB of Russia were unavailable for comment.

As RBC found out, a piece of land with an area of \u200b\u200b47.4 thousand square meters. m, located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe village of Druzhnoselie and Lake Povarskoye (the Kozik site also belongs to it), in 2010 it was transferred from the category of reserve lands to the category of agricultural lands. This order was signed in 2010 by Valery Serdyukov, who at that time was the governor of the Leningrad Region. After that, as follows from the cadastral passport, the object was divided into several sections.

Six plots on the land for dacha farming, one of which belongs to Nikolai Kozik, were formed in 2011, follows from the extract from the State Real Estate Cadastre (GKN) received by RBC. Prior to this, the land was assigned to the suburban non-profit partnership "Pihkala", follows from the decree of the head of the municipal formation of the Vyborgsky district of the Leningrad region, published in December 2010.

Vorobyov and Kozik, according to SPARK, are currently also co-owners of another non-profit partnership “The Partnership of Individual Developers“ Lesnaya Lubyanka ”, which is registered in the city of Vsevolozhsk. According to SPARK, Kozik, who is the co-owner of Lesnaya Lubyanka, was previously the head of the FSB department for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region. The main activity of the partnership is the management of the operation of the housing stock for a fee or on a contractual basis.

According to SPARK, the co-owners of Lesnaya Lubyanka are also SVR head Sergei Naryshkin, United Russia senator Valery Vasiliev, head of the M-11 highway department of PKU Urdor Rossiya Alexander Myatiev, and Alexander Nikitenko, namesake of the ex-head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs across St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region.

Maria Bondarenko, Alena Makhukova, Elizaveta Fokht

« Alexey Navalny's official website ", 11.10.16," Dacha right on the state border - this can only be in Russia "

Sometimes you stumble upon a small case while working, but damn it, how indicative it is. It is necessary for such a heading to start "Leviathan News", because it is no longer possible to be surprised at this, we will just shrug our shoulders and say: well, this is not a state, but Leviathan, it should be so.

For example, we found the FSB general's dacha here and not just anywhere, but right on the state border. Behind an electric fence and a control strip. According to the law, the land there is generally withdrawn from civil circulation. Nevertheless, he built and designed.

It seems to be a particular, but it is so blatant against the background of millions of owners of summer cottages, garden plots, garages, shops, tents, stalls, to which a variety of inspectors go every single day with acts on the topic “I built it wrong, I connected it wrong, I did not draw a border here, not so designed ". People are fined, and dragged to courts, and the land is forcibly seized - they are simply squeezed out of the light. And here is a dacha on the border.

I decided to record a new video about this:

And the story is like this.

There is a border between Russia and Finland. As expected, the border consists of border zone (5-30 km), only local residents or persons with passes can stay there, and zones of engineering structures (2-3 km).

The area of \u200b\u200bengineering and technical structures is exactly what is shown in films about border guards. A fence under a weak current (triggered by touch), a control-track strip and all that jazz.

It is prohibited to stay in this area. Entering it is an attempt to illegally cross the state border and guarantees you a criminal case (for example, there are many of them).

So let's use a photo of a Google map and a satellite photo to take a virtual trip to the most beautiful, but forbidden places of the border with Finland.

We see the fence.

We see the control strip.

We see the harrow used by the border guards.

We see the sign "mines after 100 meters."


We wipe our eyes and look from above:

Well, yes, really a dacha on the shore of a lake in a restricted area, which is regulated by law as follows:

By virtue of subparagraph 10 of paragraph 4 of Article 27 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation, land plots occupied by federal-owned engineering and technical structures, communication lines and communications, erected in the interests of protecting and protecting the State Border of the Russian Federation, were withdrawn from their circulation.

We go crazy and run to the registry:

It is not possible, but it is true. Dacha of an individual Kozik Nikolai Leonidovich

Google, what kind of amazing Kozik Nikolai Leonidovich is.

We immediately stop being surprised. This is the colonel-general of the FSB, the deputy head of the border service of the FSB of the Russian Federation, who is responsible for protecting the state border.

Really just like in a Soviet joke. The dude privatized a piece of the state border.

"" , 19.08.16, "The FSB wrote a draft presidential decree granting it the right to seize private land"

The Federal Security Service (FSB) of Russia has developed a draft presidential decree, in which it offered to grant her the right to seize land and facilities located on them for state needs. The draft decree has been published on the portal of draft regulations.

The FSB asks to grant her the right to make decisions on the seizure of land plots and real estate located on them for state needs "on the grounds provided for by federal laws, in the relevant sphere of jurisdiction of the FSB of Russia." The special service proposes to amend the 2003 Regulations on the Federal Security Service.

The explanatory note to the document states that the seizure of land will be carried out only in "exceptional cases related to the implementation of international treaties of Russia, construction, reconstruction of objects of state and local importance, as well as on other grounds established by federal laws."

The secret service makes the following argument: property that is in private ownership sometimes needs to be seized to ensure the protection and protection of state borders. In some cases, the border is required to be designated in accordance with the requirements stipulated by the documents on the demarcation and redemarcation of the state border, which are an integral part of international treaties on the border regime. In particular, the borders with Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan, Estonia, Belarus, Georgia, Abkhazia and South Ossetia are not fully formalized, the FSB points out.

The special service explains that the powers proposed by the draft decree will allow the special service to fully ensure the tasks assigned to it by law.

The FSB is not the first law enforcement agency to ask for the right to seize land for the needs of the state. Earlier in August, the Federal Security Service (FSO) also published a draft presidential decree, which proposes to empower itself with the acquisition of land.

As Kommersant reminds, now the procedure for seizing land for state needs is established by the Land Code, which states that such decisions can be made by authorized government agencies. This right is directly provided for in the provisions, for example, on the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use and on the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications. The current version of the Land Code stipulates that land can be seized in "exceptional cases" related to the implementation of international treaties, construction and reconstruction of objects of state importance (for example, highways, federal transport facilities, nuclear energy facilities and state energy systems).

However, the code also allows other grounds if they are provided for by federal laws. Moreover, if real estate objects are located on the plots to which the state claims, then they are also seized, and compensation should be paid to their owners. One of the most striking examples of the application of this procedure was the acquisition of land for the construction of facilities for the Olympic Games in Sochi.


Kozik Nikolai Leonidovich - Colonel General, Deputy Head of the Border Service of the FSB of Russia, Head of the Border Guard Department

Kapralov Andrey Anatolyevich - Head of the Central Border Ensemble of the FSB of Russia

Oleg Kulinich: Every year our radio company congratulates Russian border guards on their professional holiday. This year it is special - the Border Guard Service of the FSB of Russia turns 95. The guest of our program is Colonel-General Nikolai Leonidovich Kozik, Deputy Head of the Border Guard Service of the FSB of Russia, Head of the Border Guard Department.

The Border Service plays one of the most important roles in the development of our state and in ensuring security. With what mood do you meet this holiday, how did the Border Service of the FSB of Russia approach the 95th anniversary?

Nikolai Kozik: 95 years of the Russian FSB Border Service is, of course, the history of our country, the history of our people, our employees, and veterans. A lot has been done over these 95 years. I would like to dwell on a small stage in our history. Over the past 10 years, the Border Service has been reforming and integrating the Federal Security Service. It should be noted that this program has been implemented by 90% today. Structural changes have been made within the service. As for the results, I would like to note that the results for 95 years are significant. We managed to build a well-functioning, harmonious security system in the border area of \u200b\u200bthe Russian Federation. Secondly, in 2012, more than 3 thousand violators of the state border were detained, more than 40 thousand violators of the border regime, channels for smuggled goods to Russian territory, as well as narcotic drugs were blocked, persons on the federal wanted list were detained. Great progress has been made in terms of social protection of our employees. This is the provision of housing, the building of a system of administrative facilities on the territory of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the adoption of a decision by the government and the president to increase the pay, especially for junior employees, who are the main border activities.

Oleg Kulinich: Probably, this is facilitated by the fact that in 2007 the Border Guard Service was the first of our law enforcement agencies to completely switch to contract work, that is, there are no conscripts. And this imposes positive moments, because people go voluntarily, they know what a difficult profession they are going into, and this affects the performance of their duties.

Nikolai Kozik: Yes, the transition to the recruitment of border agencies throughout the Russian Federation required completely new approaches to building a system for protecting the state border. But it all depends on the employees, on the personnel and management. It was necessary to determine the professional suitability of our employees, to determine the level of their training, educational qualifications. The management of the service took the appropriate decisions to change the training program at the universities of our employees. Today we see that this system is built absolutely correctly and allows ensuring the security of the Russian Federation in the border area.

Oleg Kulinich: We decided to touch upon another side of the border service - the creative one. Today in our program we represent the Central Border Ensemble of the FSB of Russia. I am pleased to introduce the head of the ensemble, Honored Artist of Russia, Colonel Andrei Kapralov. When was the ensemble born?

Andrey Kapralov: We are 35 years old. The ensemble as a separate structure was born in 1978 on June 4. But I want to tell you about the background. First of all, we start from the first drummers and signalmen of the separate border guard corps. Not so long ago, historians of our museum found a unique clavier, on which Count Sergei Witte, who was at the origin of the creation of the Border Guard in Russia, put his marks. The next major stage is the creation of the current Moscow Frontier Institute of the FSB. It was in this institute that our collective began to emerge as an institute orchestra. Considering that there were no other collectives in the Central region that could provide service and combat activities, this orchestra slowly began to play the role of the central collective in our region. The need to create such a team was obvious. In 1978, a decision was made that a separate team was created. At that time, it was called the Exemplary Military Band of the Border Troops of the KGB of the USSR.

Full version available in audio format

Colonel-General of the FSB Border Service Nikolai Kozik built a dacha in the area of \u200b\u200bengineering and technical facilities on the state border with Finland. This was announced by Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, who published the results of the investigation on his blog.

According to him, the site is located in the Vyborgsky district of the Leningrad region on the shore of Lake Povarskoye. This follows from satellite images and Google Maps photos.

This territory belongs to the zone of engineering and technical structures, in which it is forbidden to stay and whose lands have been withdrawn from circulation, Navalny writes.

He published an extract from Rosreestr, from which it follows that the specified land plot with an area of \u200b\u200b6.6 thousand square meters. m belongs to Nikolai Vladimirovich Kozik. He is a colonel-general of the FSB, deputy head of the border service of the FSB of the Russian Federation, who is responsible for protecting the state border.

"Really just like in a Soviet joke. The dude privatized a piece of the state border," Navalny summed up.

As reported , earlier Alexey Navalny announced the discovery. The area of \u200b\u200bthe estate is 80 hectares, which is almost three times the area of \u200b\u200bthe Kremlin.

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