Synopsis of an individual speech therapy lesson on the topic "Sound production". Effective methods and correct techniques for setting up sound r Setting up sound r

In children, it is common. In some situations, the causes of the problem are psychological. In this case, the forecasts are positive: with the joint work of teachers and psychologists, it is possible to completely restore the functions of the child's speech. But physiological pathologies that affect a person’s ability to correctly pronounce sounds are not uncommon. Problems in the formation of speech arise not only in those children who have damaged organs that are directly involved in articulation (for example, a short frenulum). There are a number of other diseases that delay and disrupt speech development.

This article will discuss how correctly, from the point of view of speech therapy, the delivery of the sound “P” occurs in such a pathological condition as dysarthria.

What is dysarthria? Causes

The diagnosis of "dysarthria" is confirmed by a neuropathologist, taking into account the conclusion of a speech therapist. What characterizes such a state? Signs of the disease are the limited mobility of the organs of the speech apparatus, in particular, the tongue and lips, which occur as a result of neurological pathologies: cerebral palsy, birth injuries of the skull, cerebrovascular accident, brain injuries and tumors and other disorders.

Children have impaired perception of hearing speech, pronunciation of words. And, as a result, the inability to learn to read and write, the general underdevelopment of speech.

First of all, it is necessary to conduct a medical examination and identify the root cause of the pathological condition. Only then can you start staging sounds using speech therapy methods. Setting the sound "P" in dysarthria requires regular long-term exercises against the background of the use of exercise therapy methods, medication and other indications of a neuropathologist.

Types of dysarthria

Depending on what type of dysarthria the neuropathologist confirms, the further work of the speech therapist depends, in particular, the production of the sound “P”. In the work of a teacher, it is extremely important to take into account the physiological deviations of the student and plan classes taking into account these factors and the child's capabilities. Disorders in dysarthria are distinguished by the following:

  • difficulty in pronouncing coherent words is observed with paralysis of the articulatory muscles;
  • with damage to the cerebellum of the brain, speech is stretched;
  • slurred "nasal" speech occurs with lesions of the subcortical region of the brain;
  • incorrect pronunciation of a syllable is characteristic of disorders of the cerebral cortex;
  • monotonous speech occurs with cerebral palsy;
  • in some cases, there is a violation of the muscles of the face;
  • hissing and whistling sounds are incorrectly pronounced when erased dysarthria has developed.

Setting the sound "P" involves purposeful interconnected work on an individual problem.

The purpose of the work of a speech therapist when staging the sound "P" in dysarthria

In a condition such as dysarthria, it is quite difficult to predict the result. Since the underlying disease often leads to irreversible disorders of the child's nervous system.

The goal of a speech therapist in working with a child who has such a diagnosis is to develop a child’s intelligible, understandable speech to others. With a timely start, good results can be achieved.

Correct articulation of the "R" sound

Note that the work of a speech therapist on the sound “R” with a child suffering from dysarthria begins only after mastering other sounds, since this sound is difficult to pronounce correctly, and many methods for developing pronunciation are based on other sound units similar in articulation.

In Russian speech, the setting of the tongue at the sound “R” is as follows: the wide tip of the tongue is on the upper alveoli, the lips are parted, a strong air stream passes in the middle and causes frequent small vibrations.

When pronouncing the sound “Pb”, the tongue arches, the tip is below the middle of the back.

Preparatory stage of setting

The production of the sound “R” takes place in several stages. The preparatory stage is designed to activate the articulatory and facial muscles, to establish proper breathing. In addition, work on staging such a complex sound in pronunciation can only be started when the child has mastered almost all the other sound units.

At the preparatory stage, articulation, facial and breathing exercises are carried out, if necessary, they resort to massage and therapeutic exercises, for example, with muscle paralysis.

Logopedic massage

An effective method of preparing for the production of the sound "P" for dysarthria is speech therapy massage. Only a qualified speech therapist can perform such a procedure, since massage has different types. Those movements that in some cases will be beneficial, in others - are contraindicated. Types of massage movements depend on the existing problem with the speech apparatus. With muscle tone, with the help of massage exercises, the goal is to relax the muscles, and with weak activity, on the contrary, it is necessary to activate the work of the articulatory muscles.

Performed manual and instrumental massage of the neck, forehead, cheeks, lips. To massage the tongue, a special speech therapy probe in the form of a ball is effectively used. Details about speech therapy massage for various types of dysarthria are described in the book by Elena Arkhipova.

Articulation gymnastics

It requires certain articulation skills to produce the sound "P". The preparatory stage of work on this sound unit includes various exercises to develop correct pronunciation. When staging the sound “R”, we offer the following exercises:

  1. "Horse". The well-known “clicking” of the tongue along the upper alveoli with an open mouth and a fixed jaw.
  2. "Let's brush our teeth." The tip of the tongue should be drawn along the inside of the gums. The exercise “Painter” is similar in technique, only here the tongue performs back and forth movements along the upper palate.
  3. "We play the accordion." To perform this exercise, you need to place the tip of the tongue on the upper palate, open your mouth in a smile. Without changing the position of the tongue and lips, you must slowly open and close your mouth. Pauses at each end point should be 5 seconds.
  4. "Puppy". In this exercise, invite your baby to lick the outer surface of the lips with the tip of the tongue.

Articulation gymnastics for setting the sound "P" exists in a variety of ways - you can use the author's techniques or classical techniques.

Mimic gymnastics

Mimic gymnastics is an integral part of a speech therapy session with a patient suffering from dysarthria. The development of facial muscles helps to cope with their tone or, conversely, lethargy, which contributes to the correct development and pronunciation of the studied sounds, including the sound “P”. Be sure to pay attention to the most damaged and weakened muscles in each case. To carry out such gymnastics effectively in a playful way. For example, you can use dice, on the faces of which various emotions are depicted - which side will fall out, such a facial expression should be reproduced. For example:

  • be surprised - raise your eyebrows;
  • angry - frown;
  • get scared - open your eyes wide;
  • smile with closed and open mouth and the like.

For the smallest, gymnastics is suitable - imitation of animal movements, for example, you can puff out your cheeks and roll the air from one side to the other like a hamster, stick out your tongue like a puppy, move your nose, sniffing like a dog. Setting the sound "P" does not involve any special mimic exercises.

Breathing exercises

It turns out that in order to correctly pronounce sounds, including “P”, you need to learn how to breathe correctly. Here are some simple but effective exercises:

  • light a candle, and invite the child to blow it out;
  • the baby lies on his stomach, put a small soft toy in the diaphragm area; the child needs to “roll” the toy taking a deep breath and a slow smooth exhalation;
  • with the help of a cocktail tube and a container of water, we blow a “storm”;
  • to develop the correct air jet for pronunciation of the “P” sound, ask the baby to blow air with his mouth ajar, reaching the vibration of the lips;
  • you can carry out the relay race “Who is next?” Using cotton wool - “snowflakes”, leaves, pieces of paper crumpled into balls, toy turntables, boats on the water.

To safely carry out such exercises, they should not be used on a full stomach, in loose clothing and for no longer than 5 minutes.

The main stage of setting the sound "R"

After preliminary work, the production of the sound “R” is carried out directly. There are a variety of techniques for "causing" this sound. But the goal of any exercises that are aimed at setting the sound "P" is to consolidate the child's skill of setting the tongue on the upper alveoli. After that, a strong jet of air “causes” the necessary sound. There are a variety of methods for setting the sound “P”, and the material continues to be regularly updated with speech therapy developments. We offer you to get acquainted with some of the methods that have proven to be effective and easy to perform:

  1. The exercise "Rain" is based on the production of the sound "R" from the sound "D". Only you need to pronounce the sound “D” “incorrectly” - resting with the tip of the tongue not on the incisors, but on the alveoli. First, a weak rain drips - the baby says slowly “td-td-td”. Then the rain became stronger - the child makes sounds more often. The rain is dripping faster and faster, turning into a downpour - the fastest "d-d-d" is pronounced as quickly as possible. At this moment, we ask the child to blow on the tongue - a vibration of the tip of the tongue appears and the sound “drrr” is played.
  2. The position of the tongue on the alveoli will be fixed by the motive of the song of the crocodile Gena, which sings with the syllables “yes”, “dy”, “do”, “du”.
  3. A simple and proven way to teach how to pronounce the sound “R” correctly: the tip of the tongue on the upper alveoli, inhalation is made and a sharp exhalation of air into the tongue with a stream of air.
  4. You can also put the sound "R" from the sound "Zh". Exhaling, the sound “Ж” is pronounced, the tongue gradually moves to the alveoli, vibration occurs and the necessary sound appears.
  5. Another simple way to call the sound "P": the tip of the tongue rests on the alveoli. The speech therapist presses the wide edges of the tongue to the palate without pinching the tip. Exhaling, the jet provokes vibration and causes the sound "P".

Setting the sound "Pb"

The production of the sound “R” soft most often occurs by imitation after the automation of the hard “R”. This is done by learning tongue twisters based on syllables with a soft “R” sound.

Sometimes they put a soft “Pb” from the syllables “ZI”, “ZE”, “ZYA”, gradually replacing “Zh” with “Pb”. Then they work out the sound in syllables.

Mechanical sound production

Mechanical production of the sound "P" involves the use of a special speech therapy probe. To put the sound "P" use a ball probe (No. 6). In the absence of a special device at home, a medical spatula or a toothbrush is used.

How to use the probe correctly?

Speech therapy probes for setting the sound "P" significantly reduce the duration of classes, in fact, quite often the sound is formed after the first use of the instrument.

How to use the probe correctly? Before using the instrument, they put the sound "P" from "Ж", but without developing vibration. Then, having worked out the fricative "P", they proceed to the use of the probe. The child is asked to pronounce a strong sound "Ж" on the upper alveoli. At this moment, the speech therapist sets the probe at the bottom of the tongue in front of it and makes frequent, but accurate movements from side to side, thereby causing the tip of the tongue to vibrate and putting the sound "P".

Sound Automation

Automation of the sound "P" involves consolidating the acquired skills and practicing the pronunciation of sound in syllables and words. This is a rather lengthy process, as it requires a clear systematization and consolidation of various combinations and positions of the sound being studied. At this stage, attention is also paid to the development of phonetic hearing, highlighting the sound from the stream of other sounds, syllables and words. The lesson plan can be drawn up as follows:

  1. At the first fixing lesson, the sound "P" is worked out by imitation. For example, you can growl like a tiger, purr, portray a tractor, and the like. It is recommended to practice pronouncing a sound with different strength and duration.
  2. Next, work out the pronunciation of the sound combinations TR, DR.
  3. The next step is to master the reverse syllables: ATR, OTR, UTR and so on.
  4. Only now can you move on to open syllables, studying pure tongues and inserting the missing syllables.
  5. Combinations of several consonants with the sound “R” are difficult to master: “pra”, “bra”, “vra” and their variations with other vowels.
  6. After mastering the previous stage, you can work out reverse syllables with a confluence of several consonants: "fra", "kra", "gra" and their derivatives.
  7. Then you can start working with words, using various game techniques, for example, learning short rhymes, tongue twisters, picking up missing words, and more.

The automation stage does not exclude articulation exercises for setting the sound "P".

Speech development

You can start using speech therapy exercises for the development of speech from a very young age - such exercises will only bring benefits, developing the articulatory apparatus and fine motor skills of the child. There are a large number of manuals and materials for the development of speech. We offer affordable and entertaining exercises:

  1. Finger massage and rhyming gymnastics are an effective way to develop fine motor skills from birth.
  2. Onomatopoeia is used from 6 months, when the baby can make some sounds. You should not refuse such an exercise due to the fact that the child still cannot repeat the sounds after his mother, but he hears and remembers them perfectly - it will take several months, and the baby will say his first “muuu” and “woof”.
  3. Poems with movements are offered to children from a year old.
  4. Articulation, breathing and mimic gymnastics are an integral part of the development of coherent speech. Do not scold the baby for grimacing - this is very useful.
  5. Clean tongues, rhymes and tongue twisters, drawing up stories from a picture can be offered by children from 3 years old.
  6. And even more often inflate balloons and blow soap bubbles - fun and very useful!

By applying such simple techniques in practice, the likelihood of using aggressive and not always safe methods of speech correction, such as setting the sound “P” with mechanical assistance, using physiotherapy procedures or taking medications, is significantly reduced.

Many speech disorders can be corrected. But the faster the pathology is detected, the less time and effort will be needed to solve the problem. Be attentive to the development of the child, monitor the compliance of the child’s skills according to age, undergo regular scheduled examinations, including visits to a neurologist and speech therapist. A problem identified in time is half the way to overcoming it.

I talked about how to prepare for setting the sound R. After the articulatory apparatus is ready, you can start setting the sound. There are different ways to set R, each of them is good in its own way, so you can try all at once, in turn or at the same time.

The most reliable - from the "fungus". Tongue stick to the sky and blow on the tip of the tongue, there are a lot of variations: blow TSS, DZZ, JJ, TSHSH, just T or D. If the tongue falls down, hold it with probes or just index fingers in the region of the molars. Or just hold the probe between the teeth, preventing the jaws from closing. The method is very simple and reliable. The good thing is that the sound will always be perfect and correct.

Usually at the beginning you get a ratchet - DRRR, which is easy to process and turn into R. But it is also the longest in time, because learning how to make a fungus does not always work out quickly if the child has problems with tone or bite. This is the only way to correct an incorrectly articulated sound: side, throat, one-beat. But you need to keep in mind that if the fungus is performed incorrectly, the tongue does not stick to the sky, but simply rises up or wraps back, then the sound will not work. Or the baby does not blow on the tip of the tongue, it does not come out either.

We start the "motor"

This is the most famous and popular way. A wide tongue, like a "sail", lift up, resting on the alveoli. Run along its middle part with a ball probe or finger. Vibrate and say DDDDD or fricative DZZZZ.
The exhalation should be strong enough, and the tongue should be wide, of course, it should be sufficiently developed, with a narrow and thick sound it is very difficult to deliver. As, however, with a weak exhalation.

calling sound

The most popular is to evoke sound. This method is sufficiently described, for example, in children's literature, when a child, trying to imitate the growl of a tiger cub or the cawing of a crow, finally learns to speak R. It turns out cheap and cheerful, without the participation of a speech therapist. But there are a lot of pitfalls, often in this way, forcing the child to growl, pronounce words with this sound or speak tongue twisters, parents achieve a defective sound, the baby burrs in some exotic way, which is then difficult to wean.


From "talker". The child quickly, quickly runs his tongue across the sky back and forth, this exercise has several names, in addition to the chatterbox, there is also a “turkey”. In this case, you can make different sounds, if for setting R, then RYA-RYA or something similar to BRL-BRL. It is often possible in this way to cause a single-strike P or Pb, which is then strengthened and strengthened, turning into PPRR or DRRRRR.

Individual approach

In general, when staging, I use a physiological approach - I carefully observe what the child does better and what abilities develop faster. If the children already know how to make a ratchet - “shoot like a machine gun”, then we set it from DR. Sometimes, when performing articulatory gymnastics, a single-hit P is immediately obtained (without a long vibration). It remains only to achieve a long vibration.

With dysarthria

Setting the sound P in dysarthria is complicated by a weak palatal curtain, dystonia of the tongue and increasing salivation. Careful study of the voice is required. But if there is no adenoiditis, the sound is set relatively quickly, sometimes even before whistling and hissing. Over time, the child learns to swallow saliva, chewing a douche helps. Sometimes you have to massage the soft palate a little, this procedure is unpleasant, but very effective.

Setting soft and hard sound

It happens that it is required to set the sound P soft from hard, which is set faster. And the soft Pb causes difficulty, is not pronounced at all, or, for example, PY is pronounced as PYA. In this case, you must continue to do gymnastics (fungus, sail, painter). To differentiate the pronunciation of P and iotated, explaining to the child the difference in the position of the tongue.

Sometimes, on the contrary, it is necessary to set up a hard P from a soft P (Pb). If soft Pb is single-impact, then it is necessary to achieve long-term vibration, first Ppppb, translating it into PPP. Strengthen the tip of the tongue with a massage and increase its sensitivity (suck the tip to the upper lip, alveoli, “clicking like a squirrel”). Then work out the difference between the pronunciation of soft Pb and hard P in syllables and words.

This concludes the article, in the following materials I will talk about how and how to automate it, phrases and sentences. Read, subscribe to updates, write comments, share with friends and acquaintances in social networks.

Techniques for setting the sound P and Pb.
By imitation. This technique is only occasionally leads to positive results, so you have to use others more often.
The most common approach is sound production R from d, repeating on one exhalation:ddd, ddd, followed by a more forced pronunciation of the latter. Alternating is also usedpronunciation of sounds t and d combined td, td or tdd, tdd at a fast pace, rhythmically. They are articulated with a slightly open mouth and when the tongue is closed not with the incisors, but with the gums of the upper incisors or alveoli. When repeatedly pronouncing a series of soundsd and tthe child is asked to blow strongly on the tip of the tongue, and at this moment a vibration occurs.
However, this approach is not always successful. With posterior articulationRor its velar (velar) articulation, the appearance of a two-focal vibration is possible: back and new, front. The simultaneous combination of two types of vibration creates a rough noise, and the child refuses to accept such a sound. In addition, if the forward vibration is reached, the sound often turns out to be unnecessarily long (rolling) and noisy.
Statement of p in two stages. At the first stage, a fricative is putRno vibration from soundwell when it is drawn out without rounding the lips and moving the front edge of the tongue somewhat forward, towards the gums of the upper teeth or alveoli. In this case, the sound is pronounced with a significant air pressure (as when pronouncing a dull sound) and a minimal gap between the front edge of the tongue and gums.
The resulting fricative sound is fixed in syllables. It is possible, without fixing the sound in syllables, to proceed to the second stage of production: with mechanical assistance, using a ball probe. It is introduced under the tongue and, touching the lower surface of the anterior part of the tongue, the rapid movements of the probe to the right and left cause vibrations of the tongue, its front edges alternately close and open with the alveoli. These movements can also be carried out with an ordinary flat spatula (wooden or plastic) or a probe; a child can carry out home workouts using a teaspoon handle or a clean index finger. During training, the exhaled jet should be strong. The described technique is used in cases where the hissing sounds of the child are not disturbed.
This approach leads to positive results. However, its shortcomings are that the sound turns out to be rolling, is pronounced in isolation, and the child hardly masters the transition from it to sound combinations with vowels.
The most effective is the reception of settingR from a syllable combinationbehindwith a slightly lengthened pronunciation of the first sound from the syllable:zzza. In the course of repeated repetition of syllables, the child, according to the instructions of the speech therapist, moves the front of the tongue up and forward to the alveoli until an acoustic fricative effect is obtained.Rcombined with a vowela. After that, a probe is inserted, with its help, rapid movements are carried out from left to right and from right to left. At the time of the vibration, a fairly clear sound is heardR, normal length without excessive roll. With this method of setting the sound, no special introduction of sound in combination with a vowel is required, since a syllable is immediately obtained. In subsequent work, it is important to train in evoking syllables.ra, ru, ry.
When setting softR' the same technique is applied, but with the help of a syllablezi, and later ze, ze, ze, ze.
Usually for hard and soft sound disordersR first a hard sound is put, and then a soft sound, but this order is not rigid, it can be arbitrarily changed; it is not recommended only to conduct their simultaneous setting in order to avoid displacement.

Abstract of an individual speech therapy lesson.

Topic: Staging sound [р`].

Target: Setting the sound [p`].



    To form the child's ideas about the correct position of the organs of articulation when pronouncing the sound [p`].


    Train the mobility of the articulatory apparatus.

    Develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

    Develop facial expressions.

    Develop phonemic awareness.


    Cultivate correct, clear diction; neatness and posture.

    Cultivate interest in the activity.

Equipment: pictures for articulation gymnastics,cotton wool, sound articulation profile [р`].


    Organizing time

    Main part:

    Articulation gymnastics

    Finger gymnastics

    The development of facial muscles

    Exercise for the formation of a speech voice "Repeat quietly"

    The game "Listen - do not yawn!"

    Class Topic Announcement

    Articulation analysis

    Sound staging

    Fixing isolated sound

Physical education minute

    Game "Prove the sound"

    Development of phonemic hearing


    Summary of the lesson

Lesson progress:

1. Org. moment:

Hello Ira! On the way to kindergarten, I met our guest, but who she is, you will find out when I read you this rhyme:

What's the howl? What's a roar?
Is there a herd of cows there?
No, there is not a cow -
This is Tanya
The dress wipes off...

What are you crying, roar,
Howling cow?
On you from dampness
Mold can grow.

Who is this poem about? Here she is, look. Let's calm our Ryova and treat her with jam.

2. Articulation gymnastics:

BUT)"Delicious jam"

The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Lick the upper lip with the wide front edge of the tongue, moving the tongue from top to bottom, then pull the tongue into the mouth, towards the center of the palate. Make sure that the tongue does not narrow, when retracting, its lateral edges slide over the molars, and the tip of the tongue is raised. The lips do not stretch over the teeth, the lower jaw does not “plant the tongue up - it must be motionless.


Mouth open, lips stretched into a smile. A wide, relaxed tongue rests on the lower lip. This position is held for 5-10 seconds. If the tongue does not want to relax, you can pat it with your upper lip, while saying: pya-pya-pya.


Mouth open, lips stretched into a smile. Stick a narrow, tense tongue out of your mouth. Hold for 5-10 sec.


The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Press a wide, spatulate tongue against the palate (the tongue sticks) and tear off with a click. Make sure that the lips are in a smile, the lower jaw does not “plant” the tongue up.

The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Press the wide tongue with the entire plane against the palate (the tongue sticks) and hold in this position under the count from 1 to 5-10. The tongue will resemble a thin cap of a fungus, and the stretched hyoid frenulum will resemble its leg. Make sure that the lateral edges of the tongue are equally tightly pressed against the palate (no half should sag), so that the lips do not stretch over the teeth. When repeating the exercise, the mouth should be opened wider.


Smile, open your mouth and tap with the tip of your tongue behind your upper teeth, repeatedly and distinctly pronouncing the sound [d], gradually speeding up the pace.


Purpose: to develop the ability to hold the lateral edges and the tip of the tongue in a raised state, to teach to direct the air stream in the middle of the tongue.

The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. The tongue is out. The lateral edges and the tip of the tongue are raised, the middle part of the back of the tongue bends down. Holding the tongue in this position, blow off the cotton from the tip of the nose. Make sure that the lower jaw is motionless, the lips do not stretch over the teeth, the fleece flies straight up.

3. Finger gymnastics:

Before we start playing with Ryova, let's stretch our fingers:

On a visit to the thumb

(fingers, clench into fists, thumbs up, both hands)

Came straight to the house

(two palms close at an angle - "roof")

Index and middle
Nameless and last

(called fingers, of each hand in turn connected to the thumb)

And little finger baby
(all fingers are clenched into a fist, little fingers, put up)
He climbed the threshold himself.

(Knock fists against each other.)

Together fingers are friends.

(Rhythmically squeeze fingers into fists and unclench.)

They cannot live without each other.

(Join hands in a lock.)

5. Development of facial muscles

Look out the window! Today the weather is wonderful, the sun is shining brightly.

L .: Sponges stretch forward with a tube. Draw the sun - a circle first to the right, then to the left. And now draw the rays of the sun - stretch the lips to the right, then to the left, then stretch the lips into a smile.

L .: The sun with rays shines brightly, hits the eyes. We squint: close the right eye, then the left.

6. Exercise for the formation of speech voice "Repeat Quietly":

Our Reva speaks.

Who will silently repeat?

The speech therapist calls the object loudly, and the child repeats the word quietly.

The words:radio, rainbow, sleeve, shirt, hero, feather, mosquito, tan, watermelon, envelope, corn, kangaroo.

7. The game "Listen - do not yawn!"

Speech therapist: “I will now name sentences, and you listen carefully. If you hear me asking a question, crouch; if not, stay where you are.”Speech material: Who roams the forest? The wolf roams the forest. The cat is walking on the roof. Where is the cat walking? What is the girl drawing? The girl is drawing a house. Rainbow comes after rain. It's raining at night. When does a rainbow happen? When does it rain? What is the boy drawing? The boy draws with a pencil.

8. And now, Ryova and I will learn to pronounce the sound [p`].

9. Articulation analysis.

Look,when we pronounce the sound [p`]our lips are half open in a smile,teeth are openthe wide tip of the tongue is raised up to the palate, tense, the back of the tongue is raised, air passes freely between it and the palate, the lateral edges of the tongue are tightlylie down to the upper molars. What happens to the vocal cords? (vibrate)

Sound [p`] consonant or vowel? And why?

Consonant. Because when we pronounce it, the tongue interferes with us.
Is the sound [p`] voiced or deaf?
- voiced, because the vocal folds vibrate.
What is soft or hard?
- soft.

10. Setting the sound.

1. A long rolling [r] is sequentially connected with the vowels /I/, /I/, /E/, /E/, /Yu/, while stretching the lips into a smile.

2. If there is no /P'/ soft, you can pronounce /P/ with your head thrown back.

3. Setting the sound [p`] from the syllable combination "zi" with a slightly lengthened pronunciation of the first sound "zzzzi". In the course of repeated repetition of syllables, the child, at your request, moves the front of the tongue up and forward to the alveoli until the acoustic effect of the fricative sound [p`] in combination with the vowel "i" is obtained. After that, insert the probe (forefinger, teaspoon stalk, spatula), with its help bring the tongue to vibration.

11. Fixing isolated sound. An exercise "Let's start the car."

Do you know how a car engine roars? Rrr. How does a small car engine work? R-r-r. It turns out that our guest is crying because she got lost. Let's help her! In order for Ryovushka to get to your home, you need to run your finger along this path, pronouncing the sound [r`].


Homka, hamster, hamster (children puff out their cheeks)
Striped barrel. (stroke their sides)
Homka gets up early, (stretching movements)
Washes cheeks, rubs neck, (rubbing face and neck)
Homka sweeps the hut (movements imitate sweeping)
And goes out to charge (marching in place)
One, two, three, four, five (3-4 movements imitating charging)
Homka wants to become strong. (arm muscle tension)

12. Ball game "Say the sound."

Our Ryova is very distracted, and always forgets to finish the words. Can we help her?

The speech therapist, throwing the ball to the child, pronounces the words without the last sound, the child must name this sound, repeat the whole words, and then return the ball to the speech therapist.


XO ... [R]

13. Development of phonemic hearing:

1) Clap your hands when you hear the sound [p`]

Isolated: K R` R` N G R` Z R` R` T R` V R` D M K R` F M Z R` P R` R`

2) Raise your hand when you hear the sound [p`]

In syllables: Rya-LO-PO-Ryu-WE-OR-VA-Rya-Ri-KO-Ryu-AR

3) Stomp your foot when you hear the sound [p`]

In words: child, hare, Roar, apple, rice, mountain ash, belt, hedgehog, table, backpack.

14. The game "Replace the sound - change the word!"

Reva learned that if you change at least one sound in a word, then its meaning will change. Let's check? Now I will speak words to you, and you try to replace the first sound in these words with the sound [p`].


cap - Turnip


River stove

Typhoid reef




15. Homework: Guess the riddle, draw the riddle:

There are lights outside the window.
They are bittersweet.
Birds peck at them in winter
Songs are sung in the spring.
What a vibrant picture!
What's outside the window? - ……

16. The result of the lesson:

Well done Ira! You did well!! Look, our Ryova has stopped crying, she is smiling and thanking you!

Remember what sound we learned to pronounce today in class? What task did you like the most?

The most frequent request for parents to contact a speech pathologist is a violation of the pronunciation of the sound “R”. It is formed last in the child's speech, the production of the sound "P" requires control by adults.

Mnemonic phrases for the development of the pronunciation of the sound "R".

When is a correction needed?

The sound "R" is one of the most difficult in the development of a child's speech. It belongs to the category of sonorants, in which the tones of the voice are greater than the noise.

Experts put "P" last, when all other sounds have already formed and consolidated correctly. The production of "P" is done after 5.5-6 years. Until that time, a violation in his pronunciation is the age norm.

In some cases, it is worth contacting a speech therapist from the age of 4, when the “P” appeared in speech, but does not appear correctly. In this variant, the child does not replace “R” with other sounds (“L”, “V”), but tries to pronounce “R”, but with violations of the articulatory apparatus.

Norm of pronunciation "R":

  • lips are relaxed;
  • distance between teeth 4-5 mm;
  • the tip of the tongue rises to the upper gums;
  • tongue vibrates in a stream of air;
  • the middle part of the back of the tongue arches;
  • the back of the tongue is directed backward, pressed against the palate;
  • lateral edges are pressed upward;
  • vocal folds fluctuate during speaking.

Violation of the pronunciation of the hard "P" and soft "Pb" in defectology is called rotacism or pararotacism. In Soviet times, these violations were called burr.

The main types of rotacism that require correction:

  1. Velar.
    The tip of the tongue is lowered down, does not participate in articulation. The tongue is tense, pushed back. There is little voice in the pronunciation, a lot of air. The sound is guttural, loud.
  2. Uvular.
    The tongue vibrates in the air stream. The sound is soft, quiet, smooth.
  3. Nasal.
    The air is directed to the nose, there is no vibration.
  4. Bilabial.
    Only the lips take part in articulation, without the tongue.
  5. slotted.
    The tongue is directed upward and forms a gap with the soft palate. The sound changes to "Z" or "Zh".
  6. Interdental.
    The tongue is between the teeth.

Stages of correction of violations:

  1. Preparatory.
  2. Sound setting.
  3. Automation.
  4. Differentiation.
  5. Consolidation in speech.

Reasons for mispronunciation

A set of art exercises.

Forms of rotacism:

  1. Distorted pronunciation.
  2. Lack of sound in the child's speech.
  3. Replacing one sound with another.
  1. Disorders of articulatory motility and the structure of the articulatory apparatus: short frenulum, narrow or enlarged tongue, malocclusion, absence of teeth, high palate.
  2. Violation of the central regulation of respiration. Violated rhythm, coordination of inhalation and exhalation. Exhalation occurs through the nose with throat pronunciation. Defects are caused by changes in muscle tone, limitation of mobility of the muscles of the larynx, soft palate, vocal folds, tongue and lips.
  3. Pedagogical neglect. The child does not hear literate speech in everyday situations, there is no literacy training. Adults consciously imitate its pronunciation, changing the sounds, do not correct the incorrect sound. Literary works are not read to a preschooler, they do not have long conversations with him.
  4. Phonemic hearing disorder. The child does not distinguish the phonemes of the native language, mixes them up, poorly understands the speech of others.

Problems with speech breathing

Speech breathing is the basis of sounding speech. It is responsible for the voice-forming and articulatory functions. Speech breathing is the ability of a person to take a short deep breath and distribute the air during exhalation while simultaneously pronouncing various sounds. At the same time, inhalation is shorter than exhalation by 5-8 times. On a long output, speech is formed. With correct speech breathing, the child speaks clearly and expressively, observes pauses.

Preschoolers do not control themselves, they begin to speak on inspiration or on the residual output, they take in air before pronouncing each word. This affects the correct pronunciation. If the child does not pronounce "P", correction work should begin with breathing.

Hearing disorders

Phonemic hearing is the ability to distinguish, analyze and differentiate heard phonemes. From birth, children learn their native language by imitation. By the age of 4, a preschooler develops the technique of pronunciation of all sounds except sonorants.

Disturbance of phonemic hearing (dyslalia) makes it difficult to perceive oral and written speech in school education, therefore, it is necessary to correct defects immediately when they are detected.

Speech therapy exercises for the development of phonemic hearing, which parents can do on their own:

  1. The adult names a series of sounds, and the child clap his hands when he hears the hidden one.
  2. An adult claps or taps a rhythm with a pencil, which the child must repeat.
  3. The adult dictates sound combinations, the child repeats them.
  4. The adult shows the pictures, the child chooses those in which there is a hidden sound.
  5. The adult calls the words correctly and incorrectly, the child claps his hands when he hears the correct option.

Automation of the letter "R".

Underdevelopment of the organs of speech

The immaturity of the speech apparatus is the main cause of pronunciation disorders in preschoolers. The speech apparatus consists of 2 sections: central (brain sections) and peripheral (tongue, lips, soft palate, lower jaw). Brain disorders are diagnosed and corrected by a neuropsychologist. Defects of the articulatory apparatus are eliminated by a speech pathologist-defectologist in a playful way.

The individual structure of the frenulum

A shortened frenulum, anomalies in its location, is a defect in the oral cavity that occurs in early childhood. The problem is effectively solved surgically, with timely access to a specialist, the hyoid ligament is stretched with the help of exercises and speech therapy tools.

Preparation of the articulatory apparatus

In remedial classes, the preparatory stage is devoted to working with the articulatory apparatus. Exercises are carried out to stretch the hyoid ligament, upper tongue lift, warm up the lips and jaw.

Tasks for preparing the articulatory apparatus for work:

  1. "Swing" - open your mouth, stretch your tongue alternately to the nose and to the chin.
  2. "Horse" - click the tongue slowly and strongly, imitating the sound of a horse's hooves, while the lower jaw remains motionless.
  3. "Chatterbox" - with a wide tip of the tongue, draw back and forth along the upper lip, without tearing off the tongue. Simultaneously pronounce "BL-BL-BL".

Breathing exercises

Breathing speech therapy gymnastics:

  1. "Bubbles".
    Take a deep breath in through your nose, puff out your cheeks and exhale through your mouth.
  2. "Mill".
    Feet together, arms up. Rotate with straight arms, pronouncing “zh-r-r” on the exhale. Accelerate movement, amplify sound.
  3. "Geese".
    Walk around the room, flapping your arms like wings. Raise your hands while inhaling, lower them while exhaling, pronouncing "g-u-u".
  4. "Balloon".
    Lying on your back, put your hand on your stomach. Take a deep breath in and out, observing the movement of the hand. Inflate your belly like a balloon.
  5. "Hedgehog".
    Imitation of hedgehog panting with tension in the muscles of the nasopharynx.

Sound production methods

Tongue twisters for the pronunciation of the sound "r".

Basic staging techniques:

  1. By imitation - the child's attention is fixed on the movements, positions of the organs of articulation when using visual and auditory control.
  2. Mechanically - using speech therapy probes, spatulas, hand tools.
  3. In a mixed way - staging from other sounds.

The period of fixing the correct sound is from 25 to 60 days. Lessons are held 2 times a week, without a speech therapist at home they are engaged daily.


Until the age of 6, pure "P" and "Pb" appear in children by imitation. The child masters articulation independently through phonemic perception, focusing on the speech of the surrounding people. Therefore, the pronunciation of adults should be clean and clear, without violations.

Setting "R" from the sound "D"

You can teach your child to say the letter "P", starting from already formed sounds.

Statement from "D":

  1. The child pronounces "D" loudly. The tip of the tongue rests on the alveoli of the upper palate. The tongue does not leave the palate.
  2. Repeat without stopping "Ddddd". The tongue will vibrate and “DDD-RRR” will appear.
  3. Say the syllables DRA, DRO, DRU, DRE, DRA, in which the "R" sounds hard.
  4. Pronounce words that begin with "DR", "TR", work out pronunciation.
  5. Remove the "D" from the exercises.

If the child is unable to vibrate the tongue, then you can help him by gently pushing the tongue with an ice cream stick.

Exercises from the sound "Ж"

If the preschooler correctly pronounces “F”, then when pronouncing it, you can move the tongue with a stick deep into the mouth. A short "R" is formed. Fix it by repeating the exercises. After automating "R" to select words without using "F".

Staging from the sound "Z"

The child pronounces "Z" briefly, lightly touching the alveoli with his tongue, blowing strongly on the tongue. A single-hit “P” will be heard, which then easily turns into a vibrating one.

This method is rarely used in practice, because. the articulation of "R" and "Z" is different.

Exercises from the sound "C"

The child pulls "Sssss" for a long time, then inhales through the mouth and presses the tongue to the alveoli. A short "P" will appear, which is automated through the above exercises.


A distinctive feature of the above method is that the sound is evoked on inspiration. Speech is built on a long exhalation, inhalation during speech breathing is short. But when setting "P" from "C", the child makes a sound, inhaling the air.

Ways of setting the sound "r".

mechanical method

"P" is placed mechanically using speech therapy tools. The child opens his mouth, raises his tongue to the sky. The speech therapist taps the alveoli with a hammer, adds vibration with a spatula. The sound is fixed with the help of exercises, vibration is worked out first with a spatula, then without it.

The vibration of the tongue can be obtained in the following way: put a thick piece of paper (tied to a long thread) on the tip of the tongue, remove the tongue by the upper teeth and blow it off the tongue with a strong stream of air.

The mechanical method is applied with care, in the game, so as not to injure the preschooler.

Setting the sound "Pb"

When replacing "P" with its soft pair, the child opens his mouth wide and pronounces a sound more slowly, moving the front edge of the tongue forward to the upper incisors. In this case, "R" is combined with the front vowel "I". As a result, the sound acquires a soft tone.

Automation of the sound "P" in the syllables "ra-ro-ry-ru"

The game for working out "R" in open syllables helps the child to consolidate hard and soft forms, and contribute to the fluency of speech.

The preschooler repeats tongue twisters:

Ra, ra, ra is a warm hole.

Ra, ra, ra - thin bark.

Ry, ry, ry - a hedgehog sits at the hole.

Ry, ry, ry - they ran to the mountain.

Ru, ru, ru - we will walk in the forest.

Ru, ru, ru - I'll pick a lot of berries.

Ro, ro, ro - we called the bureau.

Setting the sound "R" according to Khvattsev

The Soviet teacher M. E. Khvattsev in 1959 developed a system of stage-by-stage production of "P":

  1. Comparison of phrases with an explanation of the difference for the development of phonemic perception (hot-sorry, thief-ox, horns-spoons).
  2. Obtaining vibrations mechanically, by tapping on the gums, and through working with an air jet.
  3. Setting "P" from the resulting long "D" and "P".
  4. Automation through the insertion of a reduced vowel sound "Y" (dyyyra, tyyyyra).

Exercises for the development of the pronunciation of the sound "r" according to Khvattsev.

Method according to Levina

Speech therapist R. E. Levina in 1965 developed a set of articulation exercises for teaching the pronunciation of "P".

At the first stage, the exercises are aimed at obtaining a fricative "P" without vibration after achieving the correct articulation.

On the second, the vibration of the tongue is trained from the sounds “Sh”, “Zh”. The child spreads his lips without rounding them, stretches out the “F”, moves the tip of the tongue up to the gums, there is no gap between them. The child exhales forcefully.

To generate vibration, the sound “D” is used, which is pronounced on one exhalation. The mouth is wide open, the front edge of the tongue is tightly connected to the gums of the upper teeth. "D" is pronounced instead of "R" in words with a combination of "TR" or "DR".

Bogomolova's method

A. I. Bogomolova in 1979 proposed a method for generating vibration for speaking "P". The teeth are open at a distance of 2 fingers. The tongue is pressed against the palate, stretching the frenulum as much as possible. The teacher moves the edges of the tongue to the sky with his fingers, while the frenulum is free.

The child takes a deep breath and blows it out sharply, connecting the voice. The combination "TJ" is formed. Repeat the exercise, gradually increasing the air pressure. The sound combination "TLE" will change to "TR". After fixing the short “TR”, they work out the rolling “TR” with the help of fingers, and then without them.

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