Competition “Research works and projects”. Competition "Research work and projects" Regional competition of research work Vernissage

1.1. This regulation defines the goals and objectives of the organizers, participants of the "Research Works and Projects" competition (hereinafter referred to as the Competition), the content and procedure for the competition, the procedure for considering submitted materials and awarding the winners. All documents accompanying the Regulations of the competition are official documents of the competition.

1.2. The organizer of the competition is the Festival of International and All-Russian Distance Competitions "Russian Talents".

  1. Goals and objectives.

2.1. The purpose of the competition is to stimulate the development of the intellectual and creative potential of the individual and the formation of interest in research, design and creative activities.

2.2. The main objectives of the competition are:

2.2.1. Promoting the development of creative research activity.

2.2.2. Stimulating the development of interest in fundamental and applied sciences.

2.3.3. Stimulation of scientific, methodological and innovative activities

teachers, search for new forms and methods of education.

  1. Competitors.

3.1. The age of participants is not limited.

3.2. Participation can be individual or joint.

  1. Competition procedure.

4.1. Stages of the competition:

Stage I - preparatory: collection of competitive works and applications for participation in the competition;

Stage II - the main one: evaluation of competitive works and summing up the results of the competition by the competitive jury;

Stage III - final: awarding and publication of the results of the competition on the website https://website

4.2. Participation in the competition is absentee (remote).

  1. The terms of participation.

5.1. To participate in the Contest, you must send:

5.1.1. Application for participation.

5.2.2. Competitive work.

5.3.3. Confirmation of payment of the registration fee (scan, screenshot or photo of the check).

5.2. Materials are provided only in electronic form.

5.3. The competition accepts works in any format and volume. If desired, the work can be accompanied by drawings, layouts, drawings, tables, graphs, diagrams, etc.

5.4. The total time for consideration of the application, preparation and sending of award documents is up to 10 working days from the date of receipt of the application.

5.5. The topic of work can be any:

- Theoretical - the study and generalization of facts and materials contained in various theoretical sources: books, films, etc.;

- Associated with practice - conducting their own experiments and observations of people, living and non-living nature;

- Fantastic - development, invention, description of non-existent, fantastic phenomena and objects.

  1. Evaluation of competitive works.

6.1. The organizers form a jury of teachers and cultural figures from different fields. Also, various public organizations are involved in the work on the jury. The composition of the jury is presented on the website in the section RULES OF PARTICIPATION / COMPOSITION OF THE JURY.

6.2. Criteria for evaluation of works:

– compliance of the work with the theme of the Competition;

- the originality of the disclosure of the theme of the competition;

- correctness and clarity of work execution;

  1. Summarizing.

7.1. Entries are evaluated by the jury on a ten-point scale, where 10 is the highest score. All data is entered into a pivot table. A specially created program, using the arithmetic mean, determines the winner and the subsequent statuses of the contestants.

7.2. The names of prize-winners and winners are published within a month, the list is updated every 5-7 days.

7.3. The final step is to send award documents by e-mail and send SMS notifications to the phone number specified in the application.

  1. Rewarding.

8.1. All participants of the competition are sent a diploma of the participant.

The winners of the competition are awarded with a diploma of the winner.

The supervisors (curators) of the competitive work are sent a certificate of the curator.

  1. Contacts.

You can find all the necessary information on our website ( A package of documents for participation in the competition, as well as questions and wishes can be sent to us at: [email protected]

We wish you victories and creative success!

Sincerely, Gryaznov D.V.

(Head of FMVDK "Talents of Russia").

/ Ah, Vernissage…

With the beginning of the 21st century, it becomes more and more obvious that the skills and abilities of research search are required not only for those whose life is already connected or will be connected with scientific work, they are necessary for every person. It's no secret that every child has abilities and talents. Children are naturally inquisitive and full of desire to learn, and, as you know, it is the period of life of younger students that is distinguished by a great desire for creativity, knowledge, and vigorous activity. This is manifested in the endless desire for research. An unquenchable thirst for new experiences, curiosity, the desire to observe and experiment, independently seek new information about the world are traditionally considered the most important features of children's behavior. It is this inner desire for knowledge through research that gives rise to exploratory behavior and creates the need for its external support.

The Vitebsk Regional Institute for the Development of Education in this direction prepares and holds various competitions and festivals. One of them was the regional competition of research works and creative projects of students in grades 2-4 of educational institutions of the Vitebsk region "Vernissage".
At the first stage of the competition, which was held in absentia, students sent 78 works. The second stage of this competition is full-time, it was held on May 24, 2016 on the basis of the Vitebsk branch of the International University "MITSO".

The event was held in the form of an open bench defense. This form is becoming increasingly popular among such events. Its advantages are that the stand allows not only to visually present a project or study in a holistic way, but also allows the speaker to freely express his thoughts without fear of violating the rules. Also, the speaker does not speak to a large audience, but only to 2 - 3 listeners. For young participants, this is especially important, since they do not have to worry and worry, as is often the case in an oral report. A relaxed, free atmosphere at the poster session helps the speaker better and more fully reveal the content of his work, calmly and thoughtfully answer the questions of the jury members. In addition, speakers can communicate with each other, boldly ask questions and, without fear of making a mistake, answer them, exchange experiences and observations, which happened at the Vernissage.

All participants were awarded diplomas of the International University "MITSO", 5 works became laureates of the competition and received valuable gifts.

The regional competition of research works and creative projects of students in grades 2-4 of educational institutions of the Vitebsk region "Vernissage" has already become permanent and its new project will soon start.

With the beginning of the 21st century, it becomes more and more obvious that the skills and abilities of research search are required not only for those whose life is already connected or will be connected with scientific work, they are necessary for every person. It's no secret that every child has abilities and talents. Children are naturally inquisitive and full of desire to learn, and, as you know, it is the period of life of younger students that is distinguished by a great desire for creativity, knowledge, and vigorous activity. This is manifested in the endless desire for research. An unquenchable thirst for new experiences, curiosity, the desire to observe and experiment, independently seek new information about the world are traditionally considered the most important features of children's behavior. It is this inner desire for knowledge through research that gives rise to exploratory behavior and creates the need for its external support. The Vitebsk Regional Institute for the Development of Education in this direction prepares and holds various competitions and festivals. One of them was the regional competition of research works and creative projects of students in grades 2-4 of educational institutions of the Vitebsk region "Vernissage".

At the first stage of the competition, which was held in absentia, students sent 78 works. The results of the correspondence stage are available at the link

The second stage of this competition is full-time, it was held on May 24, 2016 on the basis of the Vitebsk branch of the International University "MITSO".

Arzhanik Diana,

Pentyuk Slavyana

State Educational Institution "Kokhanovichskaya Kindergarten-Secondary School of the Verkhnedvinsky District"

kitchen laboratory

Zubritskaya Anastasia,

Novik Maria,

Maslyanyk Danil,

Polochanina Margarita,

State Educational Institution "Secondary School No. 2 of Verkhnedvinsk"

The whole truth about onion skins

Yatskovsky Kirill

State Educational Institution "Secondary School No. 1 of Dokshitsy"

density tower

Zenderov Egor,

Eliseev Danila

State Educational Institution "Svatoshitskaya Kindergarten-Secondary School of Dubrovensky District"

From heavy stone to modern steamer

Petrovskaya Arina

State Educational Institution "Secondary School No. 2 of Vitebsk"

Let's save electricity!

Fomichev Nazar

State Educational Institution "Gymnasium No. 2 of Vitebsk"

The use of solar energy in self-propelled toys

Moshkina Tatiana

State Educational Institution "Staiskaya Secondary School of the Lepel District"

How to travel economically as a family

Hare Polina

State Educational Institution "Gymnasium named after I.M. Erashov, Lepel"

Can you always trust your eyes?

Martynenko Konstantin

State Educational Institution “Gymnasium named after I.M. Erashov, Lepel"

Where is the cold in the refrigerator

Tislenko Christina

State Educational Institution "Secondary School No. 22 of Vitebsk"

Where does the rain live

Kislitsyn Ivan

State Educational Institution "Gymnasium No. 2 of Orsha"

Trash bag longevity

Vanskovich Natalia

State Educational Institution "Secondary School No. 24 of Vitebsk"

And the cat sings songs when he lives well

Eremenko Stephanie,

Kashtanova Polina,

Ogrizko Diana,

Ozerova Diana,

Prashkevich Ivan

State Educational Institution "Gymnasium No. 8 of Vitebsk"

Slavic canvas

Yanchilenko Xenia

State Educational Institution "Secondary School No. 40 of Vitebsk"

Plastic boom, or which trash bag decomposes faster

Karbovsky Nikita

State Educational Institution "Secondary School No. 42 of Vitebsk"

rainbow arc

Nikolaev Gleb

State Educational Institution "Secondary School No. 45 of Vitebsk"

History and names of Vitebsk streets

Fadeeva Arina

State Educational Institution "Secondary School No. 45 of Vitebsk"

Excursion around Vitebsk through the eyes of a child

Kornyakov Stepan

State Educational Institution "Secondary School No. 14 of Vitebsk"

My family as part of the history of the Vitebsk railway

Stepanov Gleb

State Educational Institution "Gymnasium No. 8 of Vitebsk"

Slutsk belts - the national heritage and pride of Belarus

Krasovskaya Alina,

Sapyan Yana

State Educational Institution "Secondary School No. 1 of Tolochin"

What is written in pen...

Ivanov Kanstancin, Lyudmila Konyshava

DUA “Mishnevitskaya Syarednya School named after the Hero Savetskag Sayuz A.S. Telling Shumilinskaga district"

The image of zhanchyna and matsi in Belarusian jumps and jumps

The competition was held in the form of an open poster defense with elements of interviews and interviews. Stands of participants - colorful, informative, entertaining - deserve special attention. The authors of the works also brought with them to the competition research materials, experimental models being developed, and equipment.

The form of open bench protection is gaining more and more popularity among such events. Its advantages are that the stand allows not only to visually present a project or study in a holistic way, but also allows the speaker to freely express his thoughts without fear of violating the rules. Also, the speaker does not speak to a large audience, but only to 2-3 listeners. For young participants, this is especially important, since they do not have to worry and worry, as is often the case in an oral report. A relaxed, free atmosphere at the poster session helps the speaker better and more fully reveal the content of his work, calmly and thoughtfully answer the questions of the jury members. In addition, speakers can communicate with each other, boldly ask questions and, without fear of making a mistake, answer them, exchange experiences and observations, which happened at the Vernissage.

All participants were awarded diplomas of the International University "MITSO", 6 works became laureates of the competition and received valuable gifts.

The regional competition of research works and creative projects of students in grades 2-4 of educational institutions of the Vitebsk region "Vernissage" has already become a permanent one, and its new project will soon start.

All-Russian competition of design and research works of students "Edges of Science"

Students in four age groups can take part in the competition: 1-4 cells, 5-6 cells, 7-8 cells, 9-11 cells.

The purpose of the competition: to improve the quality of education and the effectiveness of student learning by means of project and research activities.

Competition objectives:

Development of creative abilities and cognitive activity of students;

Providing students with the opportunity to compete on a scale that goes beyond the educational institution and the region;

Identification of gifted children through project and research activities.

Competition subject:

Design and research works of schoolchildren of grades 1-11 and students of grades 1-2 (on the basis of grades 9) are submitted for the competition

Criteria for evaluation.

1. The clarity of the wording of the topic, its relevance.

2. Putting forward a hypothesis for research work and the presence of a problem for design work.

3. Use of scientific facts in work, experience of scientists and researchers

4. The logic of drawing up a work plan, the completeness of the disclosure of the topic.

5. Creativity and reasoned point of view of the author, independent assessments and judgments.

6. Availability of reasonable conclusions.

7. Style, language of presentation of the material (clarity, figurativeness, conciseness, vocabulary, grammar).

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