Learning letter e with preschooler assignment. Summary of the lesson "Sound and letter Yo"

Today we will introduce our kids to the next letter of the Russian alphabet - this is the letter "Yo".

I propose to print and complete very interesting and simple tasks about this letter. So what will the child need to do?

  • Circle the items that begin with the letter "Y". Color the capital and small letters "Yo" in red.
  • Write a small letter “ё” in a circle under each picture and circle the first letter “ё”. Discuss who is in the pictures. What letter do all these words start with?
  • Color the picture, find out who is depicted on it, insert the letter “ё” in the word “ruff”, “hedgehog” and “tree”.
  • Learning to write the letter “Ё” - you need to circle the letters ё with multi-colored pencils, and then
  • decorate the Christmas tree with multi-colored letters "ё".
  • We learn to write uppercase large and small letters “Ё” - we circle the dotted lines.
  • We are looking for five letters "Yo" among other letters of the Russian alphabet. (A game of letters for attentiveness).
  • Help the hedgehog get home to his mother hedgehog in his house under the Christmas tree. Draw a neat dotted line. Insert the letter "ё" in the word "hedgehog".


Alphabet Baby about the letter Y

Learning how to pronounce this letter

For the little ones

Class: 1

During the classes

1. Organizational moment

To not waste time
I want to know from you
Are we all right:
Books and notebooks?

Did everyone try to compose riddles?

On the board, children's creative works are opened with the image of objects in which there is a letter I.

What role does the letter play? I in your words - riddles?

Children. An indicator of the softness of a consonant.

- Denotes two sounds, where [th] is in a strong position


Yacht, spruce, spinning top and hedgehog
How are these words similar?
They have smart friends
The letters E, Yo, Yu and I!
Choral reading for children.

On the desk:

Children are reading.

U. What is the work of the vowel I?

D. Designation of two sounds [ya].

On the desk:

U. And now what work does the letter I do?

D. Denotes the softness of the preceding consonant and is pronounced with a single sound [a].

Checking home reading: P.106 - children with poor reading read line by line.

Working on what you read

U. What is the answer?

D. Apple tree.

U. You even have a diagram that helps you see the two works of the letters Y. Tell us about it.

Spelling work

U. What family of words did we collect from this riddle? Read.

The teacher on the blackboard opens the words (Annex 3)

Apple tree
apple tree

- Why did we call these words “family”?

The student comes to the board and highlights the same part in the words.

- In what position, strong or weak, is the letter I?

D. To do this, you need to: divide words into syllables, put stress and highlight “dangerous places.

U. Show the work at the blackboard.

Students take turns going out and doing spelling work with these words.

– Why do we need knowledge of “dangerous places”?

D. For correct and error-free writing.

Summing up homework.

W. Thank you, all the guys! Well done homework. They told me about the new work of the “cunning” vowel Y. Tell me, what do you think, is there one such cunning vowel in the Russian alphabet?

2. Introduction to new material

Creative work: guessing the topic of the lesson

U. Listen to the riddle and draw me a riddle.

What kind of girl is this?
Not a seamstress, not a craftswoman,
Doesn't sew anything
And in needles all year round?
(A. Rozhdestvenskaya)

Children, on pre-prepared leaves, draw a guess - spruce.
The teacher walks around the class, examines the work and asks:

Show me your answer!

On the desk the teacher hangs a big picture - spruce.(Annex 4)

- You guessed it right - it's a spruce. And what sounds do we hear at the beginning of this word, we speak slowly and listen [y-el ']. We hear [ye]. What letter are they?

D. Letter E .

Lesson topic message

U. Indeed, today in the lesson “the birthday girl will be the“ cunning ”vowel E.

The teacher opens the plate on the blackboard with the letter E.

Why is she "smart"?

D. Because it has two sounds [ye].

Mapping the Word Spruce

U. Scheme the word spruce.

A student comes to the board.

- Label the sounds under the diagram with letters: E L L. What job does the letter do E in the word spruce?

D. Denotes two sounds.

Game "Dress up the Christmas tree"

U. And now I'll play, I'll give you a ball M ... What happened?

D. There was a spruce, but it became stranded.

U. What work is the letter doing now E ?

D. An indicator of the softness of the preceding consonant.

U. And what sound do we hear in place of the letter E .

D. Sound [e].

U. Why did it happen?

D. Because the letter is behind the consonant.

U. And how many of you know what stranded is?

D. Shallow place on the river.

U. I will give a ball with C I'll get the word... (Annex 6)

U. And what is a goal?

D. This is what we are striving for, we are going

U. Today the goal of our lesson is to show the new work of the “cunning” vowel E

Physical education minute

Are you tired?
Well, everyone stood up together:
In the alphabet, in the primer,
The letter E lived.
Once she walked
Slowly according to the notebook
Dreamed and fell.
Turned into the letter Sh...
The student was, of course, happy:
So the letter is an acrobat!

Working with a letter Yo

U. And what is it, guys, everything about E , yes about E are we talking? After all, the letter E , there is a mischievous sister, should we name her? Did you know it is...

D. Letter Yo !

The teacher opens the letter on the blackboard Yo.

W. Look at the blackboard. We had a green spruce with you, but it became an elegant Christmas tree! Make up a word plan Christmas tree.

Children make up at the workplace, and one student at the blackboard.

- Label the sounds below with letters. What work does the letter do in this word Yo ?

D. Denotes two sounds [yo].

U. And if I give the Christmas tree a ball with a syllable MET , what will happen? (Annex 7)

D. Metelka.

U. Where did the vowel go Yo ?

D. She stood in the middle of the word for a consonant.

U. What kind of work does the “cunning” one now Yo ?

D. Shows the softness of the preceding consonant.

U. How many of you know what a panicle is?

D. An object that sweeps up garbage.

3. Consolidation of the studied

Working with the syllable table (Appendix 8)

Reading syllables:


Reading a poem from p. 108

- Do you want to know something else interesting about the birthday letters?

U. Then we will open the textbooks and read a poem about the letter E and Y.

Reading “chain” line by line (well-reading children)

Work on a poem

U. What did you learn from the poem interesting?

D. At the letter Yo there is a hint - two points.

Reporting new information about Yo

U. U letter Yo there are really two dots at the top, but only people forget to add them when writing, and for this the letter Yo offended by them. But I want to please you and please the letter Yo, just as this year a monument to the letter Yo was erected in Russia so that people remember how it is written and not forget. And who among you knows what is significant this year in Russia? (Student answers.)

- The fact that it is celebrated as the year of the Russian language. And who else does the letter look like Yo ?

D. On a hedgehog.

U. Read the poem “The Raccoon and the Hedgehog” on your own.

Work on a poem. Selective reading

U. Read what the poem says?

Children read selectively from the text.

- And who is the hedgehog?

D. Forest animal. Beast with thorns.

U. And who is a raccoon?

D. Do you find it difficult to answer? Then you have a task: find out who the raccoon is, where he lives and what he chews.

On the desk:


U. Read the words. What did you notice in the words?

D. The letters of the birthday girl.

U. Who will give them a gift - tell them what kind of work they can do?

D. Designate two sounds if they are at the beginning of a word, or in the middle and at the end after a vowel.

- An indicator of the softness of consonants.

U. Show a strong and weak position E and Yo in words.

Children divide words into syllables, stress, highlight “dangerous” places.

Work with the poem “Letter-thorn”

U. Tell me, guys, did Grigory Viera write a good poem about a hedgehog and a raccoon?

U. What do you think, will the raccoon rub the hedgehog's back?

U. Why?

D. After all, the hedgehog is prickly.

U. Tell me, who can we call “prickly” in our lesson?

D. Letter E .

U. Let's read the poem “Letter-thorn” together.

Children read line by line.

- In what words did you meet the letter - "thorn"?

D. Hedgehog, ruff, Christmas tree.

U. Where is it in the word and what work does it do?

4. Summary of the lesson

Completion of the lesson

U. Our lesson is coming to an end. Let's evaluate our lesson. How did we work?

D. Friendly!

U. Who was the “birthday boy” in our lesson?

D. Letters E and Yo .

U. What new did you learn about their work?

D. Letters E and Yo can denote two sounds [ye] and [yo] if they are at the beginning of a word, in the middle and at the end of a word after vowels.

- Letters E and Yo indicators of softness of the preceding consonant.

D. letter Yo erected this year.

U. What is significant this year for Russia?

D. The fact that this year in Russia is celebrated as the year of the Russian language.

5. Homework

U. We have read many poems, choose the one that you liked the most for expressive reading. For children who read well, I have a request to help me in the next lesson: prepare the reading of the story “The Hedgehog and the Snake” on p. 109.
And the task is additional: to find information about the raccoon, if desired.

6. Evaluation

W. You are great! For the work in the lesson, I give you a mark of “5”. At the break, I ask you to pick her up!

Hello, friends!

You can start getting acquainted with letters from 3-4 years old, but insist on everything individually and especially, especially tell the child that now we will sit down and teach letters or something like that categorically NOT NECESSARY. I have already said that the child should become interested in letters and begin to ask adults, “What is this letter?” Letters should be in your house: on cubes, in a book - alphabet, wall alphabet etc.

I post information about letters on my website almost daily, but this does not mean that you also need to learn quickly with your child. letters. Bookmark my site and learn slowly, no matter how long. What is not clear or there are any difficulties - ask questions through

Good luck with your learning.

And today we continue. Now you already know letters A B C D E.

In the picture below, color the large letter on the left and the small letter red. Shade the middle letter as shown. Find and color the letter E on the right.

E is a vowel.

Connect with the letter E only those objects whose names begin with E.

Underline the same letter as on the bottom left side of the picture. Circle all the E's on the right side of the picture.

Make a figure out of seven sticks. What is the difference? Remove two sticks so that you get the letter E.

Complete the letter E. Cross out the letter that is different from the rest.

Write according to the pattern.

You can copy all the pictures to your computer like this:

Right-click on the picture in the dialog box that appears, select "Save picture as" and save it in any convenient place (folder) on your computer. Then you can print all the pictures on the printer. You can also write all the tasks on a piece of paper according to these samples and work with your child.

Tell your friends who have kids too getting ready for school.

Sincerely, Lidia Vitalievna.


Theme: letters Her at the beginning of a word

and after vowels


- introduce letters Her;

- learn to match letters and sounds.

Learn to read words with letters Her at the beginning of a word and after vowels;

Teach children to divide words into syllables;


- develop general, fine and articulatory motor skills of children;

Improve sound-letter analysis;;

Exercise in the use of nouns-names of baby animals in the singular and plural;

Exercise in the use of nouns in the genitive plural;

Develop phonemic processes;

Build letter writing skills Her.

Develop visual perception.

Correctional and educational:

Encourage children to listen carefully to each other.

- to educate in children the ability to listen attentively to their comrades without interrupting them.

Equipment: subject pictures; cards for designating sounds and drawing up diagrams, letter E , individual mirrors, notebooks, "berries", balloons, coloring books..

Lesson progress

Look at the picture and tell me who has who?

At the hare - ... (hare) And this? (Hares.)

At the moose- ... (calf) And this? (Moose.)

The she-bear has ... (bear cub) And this? (Bears.)

The hedgehogs- ... (hedgehog) And this? (Ezhata.)

The she-wolf has ... (wolf cub) And this? (Wolves.)

The fox has ... (fox cub) And this? (Foxes.)




Subject: letters E, e at the beginning of a word

and after vowels


Correctional and educational:

- introduce letters Her;

- learn to match letters and sounds.

Learn to read words with letters Her at the beginning of a word and after vowels;

Teach children to divide words into syllables;


- develop general, fine and articulatory motor skills of children;

Improve sound-letter analysis;;

Exercise in the use of nouns-names of baby animals in the singular and plural;

Practice usingnouns in the genitive plural;

Develop phonemic processes;

Build letter writing skills Her.

Develop visual perception.

Correctional and educational:

Encourage children to listen carefully to each other.

- to educate in children the ability to listen attentively to their comrades without interrupting them.

Equipment: subject pictures; cards for designating sounds and drawing up diagrams, letter E , individual mirrors, notebooks, "berries", balloons, coloring books..

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment. The game "Who's who?

Pictures of animals and their cubs are exhibited.

Look at the picture and tell me who has who?

At the hare - ... (hare) And this? (Hares.)

At the moose- ... (calf) And this? (Moose.)

The she-bear has ... (bear cub) And this? (Bears.)

The hedgehogs- ... (hedgehog) And this? (Ezhata.)

The she-wolf has ... (wolf cub) And this? (Wolves.)

The fox has ... (fox cub) And this? (Foxes.)

2. Development of general motor skills."To the waterhole." Coordination of speech with movement, development of creative imagination and imitation, consolidation of nouns with suffixes -onok, -yonok in speech.

3. Facial massage. Children perform facial massage in front of a mirror together with a speech therapist. First, the speech therapist conducts stroking, and then introduces children to zigzag movements:

The massage ends with stroking.

4. Development of articulatory motility.

"Bite your upper lip"

"Bite your bottom lip"

"Window" (mouth) open - close.

5. Announcement of the topic of the lesson.Introduction to the letter E

An animal came to visit us, and you can guess which one.

Unwashed in the mouth will never take,
And you be like a cleaner ...(RACCOON)

That's right, Raccoon. See how the word is written RACCOON".

Speech therapist demonstrates "raccoon".

Split the word RACCOON into syllables. Name the first syllable. Name the second syllable. Review the diagram. Read the second syllable. And the first syllable e is denoted by the letter E .

Consider the letters Her . How are they similar? What is the difference?

How many elements does a capital letter have E ? What are these elements?

Consider small letter e . How many elements does it have? What are these elements?

Draw a letter in the air E (Independently. If the child did not cope with the task, draw the given letter in the air with the child's hand.)

Make a letter out of sticks. (Help the child if necessary.)

Read the letters in the box.

How many letters E (large and small) in the picture?

Little Coon's mom sent him for blackberries. The road will be long. Little Raccoon invites us on this journey. Do you agree?


Well then, let's go!

6. Exercise in pronunciation with raising and lowering the voice.

First we need to go over the bridge, across the deep river. Let's go and sing the song "E".

The letter E goes up and down the stairs.

When you sang the "E" song, what sounds did you make?

- [th] and [e].

That's right, E consists of two sounds[th] and [e]. If the letter E stands at the beginning of a word or after a vowel, we will denote it with a green-red rectangle.

Green indicates always a soft consonant[th], and red is a vowel sound[e].


And now we come to the swamp. Look, the bumps in the swamp are of different colors. We need to get over to the other side of the swamp, but we only need to step on the bumps that represent the letter"E". (Red-green.)

Children jumping from bump to bump move to the other side of the swamp.

7. Formation of the grammatical structure of speech.The use of nouns in the genitive plural.

Has everyone moved? Well done! What animals did you see?

Frogs, snakes, herons, moose, cranes, insects.

8. Sound-letter analysis.

let's go raccoon howls












9. Development of phonemic hearing. "Echo".

The game "Echo" is being played.

I say a word or a letter, and you repeat only the last sound.

When pronouncing, the speech therapist exaggerates the last sound.

E ... (Uh-uh)

I ... (Ah-ah-ah)

Yu ... (U-u-u)

Yo ... (Oh-oh-oh)

New (Uh-uh)

My (ah-ah-ah)

Shaking ... (Oooh)

Yours (Oh-oh-oh)

10. Exercise for the eyes.

Well done! Completed the task. Further, our path runs through a dense forest.

Our kids are scared.

Close your eyes and then open your eyes wide.

What did the owl bring us? Notebooks.

11. Letter (Workbook)

a) Print the letter E to the end of the line.

b) Circle only the correct letter E.

c) Development of visual attention. The letter E is “sick”, we will cure it (we will add it)

12. Exercise in pronunciation.

Say a phrase about raccoons

Eating blackberries peacefully

Two raccoons under a spruce.

13. Development of fine motor skills:

Can we help Little Raccoon collect the blackberries?


"berries" are scattered in front of the children. You need to collect the "berries" in a basket, taking them with your thumb and forefinger, then with your thumb and middle fingers, etc. first with the right, then with the left hand.

14. Work on the development of breathing and voice.

It's time to go back. And we will return on balloons that little Raccoon gave us. But first they need to be inflated.

Children inflate balloons. The speech therapist helps them to tie.

15. The result of the lesson.

What letter are we talking about today?

16. Reflection

Children are given a coloring book of a raccoon.

If you liked the trip, color the drawing with multi-colored pencils, if you didn’t like the trip, color the drawing with a gray pencil.

Irina Chernyak
Abstract of a lesson in preparation for teaching literacy in the preparatory group "Introduction to the letter E, e"

Topic: "Sound [E], letter E, e".

Program content: Introduce the new letter "E" with the new sound that it stands for, the characteristic of the letter "E".

Learn how to correctly form words from the letters of the split alphabet.

Exercise in the ability to select words for a given sound in various positions.

To consolidate knowledge of vowels, consonants, hard, soft, voiced, deaf.

Expand the field of creative mental activity of children,

To form the oral speech of children, instill a love of reading

Equipment: For each child: beans, individual box office letters.

Demo material: posters for the games "Vertolina", "Painted Word", "Puzzles", a tiger cub toy.

Literature: Volina "Learning by playing", Shumaeva "How to be able to read well"

GCD progress

1. Introduction to new material

Guys today we will get acquainted with the sound "E", with the letter "E", but first we will do an articulation warm-up - we will learn a tongue twister:

Zhenya sat on the bench,

Right-Seva, Slava-left.

2. Characteristics of the sound "E".

Well done. Guys, look how I pronounce the sound "E".

The teeth are brought together in a smile, the lips are close to the teeth, the tip of the tongue is behind the lower incisors, the air stream goes through the mouth, the vocal cords are tense, fluctuate, as a result a voice is formed and I pronounce the sound “E”.

Try to pronounce the sound "E".

I will now read the poem, listen carefully: in which words there is an “E” sound.

Elephant stomping loudly!

I don't want to play with you

I'm so angry today

I've lost my appetite!

Guys, name the words where the sound "E" is at the beginning of the word (children's answers)

Now name the words where the sound "E" is in the middle of the word (children's answers)

Name the words where the sound "E" at the end of the word (children's answers)

Well done! Do you think the "E" sound is a vowel or a consonant? (children's answers)

What other vowels do you know? (children's answers)

Why are they called vowels? (children's answers)

What other sounds are there?


Why are they called consonants? (children's answers)

Hard and soft sounds

How to identify hard and soft sounds. Give examples, (children's answers)

Voiced and deaf.

How to identify voiced and unvoiced sounds? Give examples, (children's answers)

Well done! And now let's rest.

3. Physical Minute

"The train is coming, going, going

Past the firs and birches.

The train has gone far

The sound of wheels is barely audible!

Hand movement imitating wheel rotation

4. Characteristics of the letter "E"

Guys, the sound "E" is denoted by the letter "E".

This letter denotes the softness of consonants.

“Lena combed her hair,

It has three cloves left.

Note the letter "E" consists of three sticks,

The longest - from top to bottom, top - from left to right.

Middle and bottom, left to right.

Let's try to "register" the letter "E" in the air.

Now let's lay out the letter "E" from the beans.

5. Consolidation of the material covered.

Guys, now we're going to play game "Painted word".

Didactic task: Develop intelligence, attention,

The ability to quickly find a letter.

Game progress:

A poster with the word drawn is hung on a magnetic board

"Clock", then "Apple".

The words are "drawn" by the letters that form the subject.

Children name the drawn object and find letters in it. -Well done! Now it's time to rest, let's do finger gymnastics.

We chop cabbage, chop

We three cabbage, three

We salt cabbage, salt,

We press cabbage, we press "

Appropriate movements.

Work in individual cash desks letters.

Guys, open the cash registers of letters, put the type-setting in front of you.

Entertaining exercise "Riddles, folds"

A toy tiger cub takes part in the exercise.

The tiger cub reads verses in which the last word is missing,

"asks the children to suggest this word"

“In our garden, believe

They play all day long. (Children)."

The doors to the zoo have been opened

This is where guests are welcomed. (Beasts)"

"Let's go to another planet

Astronauts on. (Rocket)"

Children lay out these words on a typesetting canvas.

Well done! Close the cash register letters.

I suggest you play game "Vertolina"

Didactic task:

Develop logical thinking, attention, exercise in reading,

Cultivate a love and interest in reading.

Game progress:

On a magnetic board, a poster is hung out on which a circle is depicted,

In it, the words are written in a circle.

Okay, everyone did a good job.

Game "Guess the rebus"

Didactic task:

To expand the field of creative mental activity of children.

Game progress:

On the posters, part of the word is written in letters, the other part of the word is depicted


6. Bottom line.

Guys, what did we study today, (children's answers)

What did you like most about the lesson (children's answers)

You did a great job - Thank you.

In the next lesson, we will continue our acquaintance with the sound "E"

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