Changes in kims in Russian. Verification of works will be centralized and independent

It is necessary to carefully monitor changes in the versions of the exam: if you do not pay attention to a new criterion or type of assignment, this will lead to an offensive loss of points. We have collected everything new in the Unified State Exam so that graduates know what to prepare for in 2019.

Russian language

What's new?

  • Added a new task number 21
  • Changed the format of tasks # 2, 9-12
  • Increase in scores on the K2 criterion and change in the K4 criterion in the essay
  • For task number 1, they give a maximum of one point instead of two
  • Task number 20 now goes under item number 6

New task number 21

It tests the ability to carry out punctuation analysis of the text, that is, to explain which punctuation mark should be put and why. It involves looking for semicolon, colon, and dash constructs in the given text. For the correct decision, 1 point is given. The numbers of correct answers can be specified in any order, their number is limited only by the number of sentences.

In the demo version of the exam, the new task # 21 looks like this:

It is important to pay attention to the task, because graduates consistently perform poorly on punctuation tasks. Most often, problems arise with the rules on the topics "Punctuation in sentences with introductory constructions", "Punctuation in sentences with homogeneous members", "Punctuation in complex sentences consisting of several parts".

Task number 2

The task has become more complicated, there are no more options to choose from. Instead of choosing a word from the proposed list in place of the pass, you will have to select it yourself. The task tests the ability to identify relationships between sentences and use the means of communication between them.

Tasks number 9-12

The changes affected the form of completing the assignment: instead of writing out words with missing letters, you need to choose a number for the answer.

On the one hand, it has become easier - you do not need to write out a whole word, on the other hand, it is more difficult, because there may be more than one answer.


Now, when writing an essay according to the K2 criterion "Commentary on the formulated problem of the source text", they give 5 points instead of 3.

To get all 5 points you need:

  1. Comment on the author's position based on the original text
  2. Give 2 examples-illustrations from the text that are important for understanding the problem
  3. Explain both examples
  4. Reveal the semantic relationship between examples
  5. Avoid factual errors related to understanding the problem of the text. For example, if the text raises the problem of creating a reputation, you should not talk about the categories of good and evil.

The assessment criterion K4 has changed. Now there is no need to bring arguments from life experience or literary works on it. Instead of 3 points, they give 1. In order for the criterion to be valid, it is necessary to express an attitude towards the author's position, agreeing with him or not, and justify his answer.


Significant changes in the structure and content of the USE in literature are not planned.

What's new?

The criteria for checking and grading tasks have been clarified:

  • Nos. 8 and 15 - the wording in K1 and the calculation of errors in K2 have been clarified.
  • Nos. 9 and 16 - options for shortcomings in the answers have been added to K1 and K2.
  • №17.1–17.4 in К4 added calculation of logical errors.

Quests 8 and 15

The item "The answer is substantively correlated with the task at hand" is replaced by "the answer to the question is given", the essence of the criterion has not changed - the text must be understood correctly, and the author's position is not distorted.

Factual errors are more strictly taken into account: if two or more are made, the second criterion gives 0 points, 1 point if one error was made, and a maximum of 2 points if there are no errors.

Quests 9 and 16

These assignments test how well the graduate can match the proposed artwork with another from the school curriculum. Here, according to the first criterion, you can get the maximum 2 points if the work is named, the author is indicated, it is compared with the proposed text in a given direction, the position of the author of the work is determined correctly.

The main changes relate to what you can get 1 point for: this year it is permissible to compare works in a formal way, that is, just repeat the wording of the task.

Tasks 17.1-17.4

In the assessment criteria, we clarified for how many logical errors the scores are reduced. So 0 errors is 3 points according to the criterion, 1-2 errors - 2 points, 3-4 errors - 1 point, more than 4 errors - 0.

Social Studies

Global changes in the structure and content of the USE test materials in social studies are not planned in 2019.

What's new?

  • Task number 25 - the wording of the task has been clarified and the assessment system has been changed. The maximum score has been increased from 3 to 4.
  • Assignments # 28, 29 - wording has been clarified, assessment systems have been improved.
  • The maximum primary score has been increased from 64 to 65.

Task number 25

Unlike last year, the current answer to the task must contain at least three sentences:

  • sentences or several sentences that reveal the meaning of the concept from the assignment,
  • information about the three types of disciplinary sanctions from the social studies course,
  • proposals that reveal the essence of the principle of humanism of legal responsibility.

The concept is assessed separately, with a maximum of 2 points, for two other aspects-sentences - they also give a maximum of 2 points. If the definition in the first sentence is incorrect, then the second part of the lesson will not be assessed at all.

The answer cannot:

  • repeat the concept, the meaning of which must be revealed;
  • indicate a feature that is already contained in the wording of the task;
  • explain the meaning of a concept through negation, metaphor, allegory;
  • use formulations that distort the meaning of the concept or its individual aspects;
  • use reasoning of an everyday, not social science nature;
  • use uncommon offers.

Task number 28

In this assignment, you need to draw up a complex plan that will reveal the stated topic. As in the previous year, the plan should have at least three points, but now at least two of them should be detailed.

To get the maximum score for the assignment:

  • the answer must be given in the form of a plan, other forms: text, diagram, table are unacceptable;
  • it is necessary to draw up a plan of at least three points;
  • at least two points must be described in sub-points;
  • the plan should cover the topic based on social science knowledge.

Task number 29

In the task, you must choose one of the proposed statements and write a mini-essay on its basis.

This year, the wording of the assignment was changed:

  • In the text of the assignment, instead of the word "problem", "the main idea of ​​the topic raised by the author" is used - this is done so that the graduates do not look for and do not invent a problem, but focus on the meaning of the statement.
  • Expand the idea of ​​a statement based on social science knowledge (concepts and theoretical provisions).
  • To illustrate, use two or more examples from different sources: public life, media reports; personal experiences, including those read and viewed, from other academic subjects. Examples do not have to be of the same type!

The assessment criteria have become clearer, now it is impossible to slip through with an essay where phrases and judgments are used at the everyday level. The main change affected criterion 29.3: now a maximum of 1 point is given for it. Its meaning lies in the fact that reasoning and conclusions must be consistent, consistent, substantiated and reliable from the point of view of scientific social science.


What's new?

  • A new requirement for filling out the answer has been added to task No. 21, and the criteria for evaluating it have been added.

Added to the text of the assignment the paragraph "when answering, avoid quoting redundant text that does not contain provisions that must be given according to the condition of the assignment." This is due to the fact that graduates often quoted large chunks of the text given in the assignment. Now, if the answer contains extra information, it will not be counted.


What's new?

  • Task number 2 has been replaced. Added work with the table instead of the task with multiple choice of the correct answer. Now, instead of 2 points, they give 1 for him.

  • Added variants of the problem on genetics in the form of task number 6. Here it will be necessary to analyze the pedigree and determine the genotype of the offspring according to the scheme.

  • The maximum primary score has decreased by 1 and will be 58 points.

Foreign language

What's new?

  • The wording and criteria for evaluating task # 40 - writing an essay - have been clarified. The same one for which many graduates received 0 points this year.

Now in task number 40, two statements are offered to choose from, graduates must choose only one and write a detailed essay according to the plan:

  1. in the introduction, indicate the problem by paraphrasing the selected statement;
  2. express personal opinion and present 2-3 arguments in its defense;
  3. express the opposite opinion and give 1-2 arguments in its favor;
  4. explain why you disagree with the opposite opinion;
  5. write a conclusion where you reaffirm your opinion.

Despite the ambiguous attitude towards compulsory state exams among school graduates and their parents, the abolition of the USE in 2019 should definitely not be expected. Judging by the trend that took place in 2017 and 2018, students will have to prepare even better for the final tests and start preparing not at the beginning of grade 11, but much earlier.

If in the 2018-2019 academic year you have to graduate from school and choose a university, we strongly recommend that you get interested in such questions as:

Mandatory subjects

Although today it is still too early to talk about any final decisions regarding the final tests, which should take place in the 2018-2019 academic year, the staff of the Ministry of Education and Science are ready to slightly open the veil of secrecy. We managed to find out that in 2019 new compulsory subjects will definitely appear in the exam.

The total number of compulsory subjects has not yet been determined. A team of specialists is working on this, weighing all the pros and cons of introducing new tests in certain subjects.

History will definitely be added to the compulsory subjects (basic or specialized mathematics and the Russian language) in 2019. The Ministry of Education and Science focuses on the fact that every citizen should know the history of his country and be able to distinguish historical facts from profanities and fakes, which in recent years have begun to appear more and more often against the background of the confrontation between countries in the information field.

As a subject of choice, graduates will be able to choose:

  • Social Studies;
  • physics;
  • chemistry;
  • informatics;
  • foreign language;
  • geography;
  • biology;
  • literature.

The list of foreign languages ​​available for delivery will include: English, German, French, Spanish and Chinese.

As before, tests for future applicants will begin at the beginning of winter by writing the December essay, which has already become the traditional start of the graduation campaign.

Thus, already today, studying in the 10th grade, future graduates must decide in which direction they would like to continue their studies and decide how many and what subjects they need to pass on the Unified State Exam in 2019.

Innovations and changes in the exam 2019

If you believe the promises of Vasilyeva, then there will be no cardinal changes in the 2018-2019 season. The innovations introduced in 2017 and 2018 proved to be excellent, and therefore will remain in the new exam tickets.

Such important changes are expected:

  1. Compulsory oral part in the Unified State Exam in Russian (the exam will be divided into two days).
  2. Development of new KIM for literature, focused on unleashing the creative potential of the examinee.
  3. Adding so-called "integrated problems" to mathematics tickets, for the solution of which students will need to accumulate knowledge from different areas of algebra and geometry.
  4. The computer science exam will be held using a PC only (no "paper" part).
  5. Tightening the rules aimed at ensuring the reliability of the result.

Perhaps for schoolchildren who did not take a sufficiently responsible approach to the study of individual subjects and realized the lack of knowledge only after passing to grade 11, information about how many subjects are to be taken for the exam in 2019 will be frightening. But, the purpose of such innovations is to provide competitive universities in the country with students with the necessary amount of knowledge.

For more information about the innovations that are expected in the Unified State Exam, see Olga Vasilyeva's interview.

Unified State Exam Calendar 2019

According to the approved schedule of the Unified State Exam, the December essay graduates of the 2018-2019 academic year will write on the following dates:

  • main session - 05.12.18;
  • 1st retake - 02/06/19;
  • 2nd retake - 05/08/19.

The early period will run from 03/20/19 to 04/10/19 according to the established schedule:

The calendar of the main session of the exam in 2019 will be as follows:

In September, graduates will be able to retake only compulsory subjects. The retake schedule will be as follows:

Minimum and passing scores

Completing the USE tasks, the graduate gains test points, which are converted into final results on a certain scale. It is not yet known whether there will be changes in the 2019 table. But, with a high degree of probability, it can be argued that the system of minimum and passing marks will remain.

  • Minimum score- a prerequisite for obtaining a certificate of education. It is not difficult to get a minimum score in subjects. To do this, it is enough to have a basic knowledge of theory and practice.
  • Passing score- a prerequisite for entering the university chosen by the graduate. Information on passing scores for a specific specialty in the university of interest should be looked for on the official website of the educational institution.


From the good news, one can single out the fact that in 2019 it will be possible to retake not only the compulsory subjects, but also any exam of the Unified State Exam. But, only one!

For graduates of previous years who received an unsatisfactory result, as well as for those who "failed" more than 1 subject or were found to have violated the discipline, there will be no retakes.

If the graduate could not appear on the day of the test for a valid reason (documented), then he will receive 2 more attempts.

  • on the reserve day of the session;
  • during the fall session.

Since the USE certificate remains valid for 4 years, the autumn retake opens up the prospect of entering the university for the next year, or even in 2019-2020 at the faculties with a shortage of students.


Reading our article today, you are just in time thinking about preparing for the final tests that await you in the 11th grade.

Experienced teachers, behind whom years of effective preparation of graduates for the passing of the Unified State Exam, recommend going towards the intended goal according to the following algorithm:

  1. Determine which faculty would like to enter.
  2. To get acquainted with what compulsory subjects (USE certificates) the university requires from applicants in 2019.
  3. Find out what changes are expected in 2019 in the main subjects of the Unified State Exam (the official FIPI website will help with this).
  4. Step by step repeat all the topics of the school course in subjects, practicing solving the trial tickets of 2018 and 2019.
  5. Attend preparatory courses for the exam or contact a tutor.

Unfortunately, practice shows that just a good knowledge of the subject is not enough to successfully pass the exam. Practice of solving tasks of a certain type is required. Gaining experience in solving USE tickets during preparation for exams, students form a strategy for completing assignments and gain self-confidence, which is an indispensable aid in achieving success.

Subscribe to our updates or join our groups on social networks and you will not miss important changes and the latest news about what to expect for 11th grade students on the exam in 2019.

We also offer you to watch the video of the All-Russian meeting of the head of Rosobrnadzor with parents, at which issues important for future graduates were raised.

In 2019 FIPI decided to change the rules of the game. Several years in a row Unified State Exam in Russian simplified and simplified and finally decided to complicate. Let's try to calmly figure out whether the current graduates are very unlucky.

1. The numbering of the exam assignments in the Russian language has been changed

Last year, a new task number 20 for lexical errors appeared. Now it has become the sixth, which is logical, because the fifth task is aimed at preventing lexical errors arising from the replacement of words with paronyms. Now tasks on the same topic are side by side. And this is good news, although it took us three days to renumber exercises and folders throughout the site. Let us recall that the former twentieth task, now posed as the sixth one, concerns lexical incongruity and pleonasms.
If you don't know how to complete the sixth task, watch the video article:
How to complete task number 6 in the exam in the Russian language
We strongly recommend the teachers a short course "Lexical Errors" by Evgenia Gorina.

2. There is a new task on syntax and punctuation - №21

This is a real holiday for teachers and a real ambush for lazy students. Since complex and rather interesting syntax tasks have disappeared from the exam, many children have begun to neglect this section of the language. They put the signs “by intuition,” but did not go deep into theory. To complete tasks related to the placement of punctuation marks, this was almost always enough. New task 21, in addition to intuition, also tests knowledge. To correctly complete the twenty-first task, students must study almost the entire section in the system.

Here are the rules you need to know to complete assignment 21 in the exam in the Russian language in 2019

Punctuation marks between subject and predicate
Punctuation marks in a simple complicated sentence
Punctuation marks for stand-alone definitions (including attachments)
Punctuation marks in isolated circumstances
Punctuation marks at comparative turns
Punctuation marks for qualifying members of a sentence
Punctuation marks in sentences with words and constructions that are not grammatically related to the members of the sentence
Punctuation marks in direct speech, quotation
Punctuation marks in compound sentences
Punctuation marks in complex sentences
Punctuation marks in a complex sentence with different types of connection
Punctuation marks in a non-union complex sentence
Punctuation marks in a complex sentence with union and non-union connection
Dash in simple and complex sentences
Colon in simple and complex sentences

Topics are underlined that in recent years have not touched the USE at all. The demo task demonstrates that you will have to learn the topic "Punctuation marks in the application". Formally, applications refer to separate definitions, which are devoted to a separate task of the exam, but in reality applications have not come across in CMMs for many years. Up to this point.

In the demo task, you need to choose from 7 sentences such in which a dash is placed in accordance with the same punctuation rule. What to do to complete the assignment correctly?

  • Remember the difference between a dash and a hyphen.
  • Parse each sentence that contains a dash.
  • Explain the setting of each dash on the basis of analyzes.
  • Find similar cases.
It's also good that in this task there is a dash. If there are commas, there are many more signs to explain. The one who can easily complete this task will be able to explains the setting of each sign in randomly selected text.
Take the test and see if you can do it so skillfully.
Test "Punctuation analysis"

It is a pity that only 1 point is given for the correct answer in such a difficult task.

3. In 2019, two tasks for the microtext were changed

Exercise 1 made it possible to easily get 2 points. The task has not become more difficult, but now it is easy to get only 1 point.

Per task 2 before, the score was simply given, it was the easiest test task. It is not very difficult even now, but you will have to prepare. And it will be desirable to learn service parts of speech, because now you do not need to select a word from the list, but choose it yourself according to a given criterion. For example, choose a suitable subordinate union or a particle of a certain category. We have yet to see how difficult the second task will be, but for now we are learning the parts of speech.

4. Changed the wording of task 9 (former 8)

It was:
Define the word, in which the unstressed alternating vowel of the root is omitted. Write this word by inserting the missing letter:
see ... swear
city ​​(area)

Indicate your answer options, in which in all words of the same row the unstressed alternating vowel of the root is missing. Write down the answer numbers.
1) clamp..mother, open..tove (vegetables), (sides)
2) k..sichki, lucency, g..bear
3) lean .. to get it, zar..if, touch .. to sleep
4) elucidate ... live, indestructible, understand ... manie
5) p..rila, deputy..ret, st..list

It would seem that the task has become more difficult, since the number of words for analysis has tripled. But now there is no need to remember the rules and insert letters. It is enough to understand by what principle the missing letter should be written in each word. And additional words in each row only help to exclude incorrect answers. The most difficult thing was to learn a bunch of rules for alternating vowels in different roots and memorize thousands of words with unverifiable vowels, and now you just need to characterize the roots. The only difficulty left in the assignment is the inclusion in the list of words with roots similar to alternating roots. For example, reconciliation of the parties (not measures / peace), boil vegetables (not creature / creature), stylistic (not stele / style), etc.
Deal with the meaning of each root!

This task has become easier, but please remember that you need to learn the rules not only to prepare for the test.

5. Task 10 (former 9) for consoles is formulated differently

It was:
Determine the row in which the same letter is missing in both words. Write these words by inserting the missing letter.
be ... soulful, and ... to scare
under..em, announcement
ob..heated, s..thrown
under.. took, n... rules
rip off,

Indicate your answer options, in which the same letter is missing in all words of the same row. Write down the answer numbers.
1) pr..form, pr..unpleasant, pr..follow
2) extra .. natural, with .. capacious, two .. tiered
3) p..notke, pr.. grandpa, pos..yesterday
4) too .. too much, and .. blue-black, without .. extreme
5) ex..skat, no..proactive, over..exquisite

Here, although there is no need to insert letters now, the students are unlikely to be able to complete the task without knowing the rules and without inserting letters. The number of correct answers is not specified, this significantly complicates the task.

6. Changes in tasks 11 and 12 (former 10 and 11)

11 task
It was:
Write out the word, in which at the place of the pass the letter I is written.
nickel ... out

Indicate your answer options, in which in both words of the same row missedthe same letter... Write down the answer numbers.
1) large ... alu ... fresh
2) cell..ty, (start) dreams ..
3) almonds ... out, take over ...
4) try..taste, knife..vka

The task became more difficult. It was enough to say the words out loud and find the desired I or E, since native speakers clearly pronounce the letters in suffixes and most often hear the correct option. Likewise in task 12. Now, to be faithful, you have to learn the rules regarding suffixes and endings. And these rules, by the way, were added. Previously, I never came across words with O and E after hissing. This is a complex rule, which is often mistaken when writing and which has not previously been touched by the Unified State Exam in the Russian language. The same applies to the spelling of the SK suffix in adjectives and vowels at the end of adverbs. An unknown number of correct options complicates tasks 11 and 12, however, a larger number of words in a row again helps to cut off incorrect answers.

In general, these tasks have become more difficult.

In the test part, you can get the same number of points as in the previous year, but they will be given with more blood and great efforts. We consider: we lose a point on a simple task number 1, it is more difficult to get a point for tasks number 2, 10, 11, 12. It is easier to complete task 9. A new complex task 21 has appeared. 4-6 primary points (plus what you might otherwise have lost by completing last year's test).

We invite you to our one-year preparation course for the test part of the exam! Of course, we took into account all the changes this year.

And the sensation of this August is the change in the criteria for evaluating an essay in the Unified State Exam!

7. New criteria for evaluating an essay in the Unified State Exam in the Russian language (task 27)

This has never happened, and now again ...

Teachers who managed to work before the era of the Unified State Exam and were the first to face the need preparation for the exam-essay, remember that at first the essay presupposed an analysis of the text, and the requirement to look for the problem posed by the author and give his arguments appeared later. Now we are returning to the origins, to the analysis of the text. Although this analysis is now not linguistic, as it once was.

The changes in task 27 were most clearly shown in the methodological recommendations for teachers by I. Tsybulko:

So, now it is enough to agree or disagree with the author, and no arguments are needed to bring someone else who thinks the same way. But the text should be deeply analyzed, and not just grab a common abstract noun and call it a problem.

We are pleased with such changes for two reasons. 1. The final essay and the EGE essay have ceased to duplicate each other. 2. Students in recent years have been stupidly copied arguments from the Internet. And now you have to analyze the issued text right on the exam. And this requires a completely different level of training.

Will students read less when preparing for an essay in the exam?
Let us quote here the mentioned manual. Here are some words to watch out for:
"I would like to recall the words of LS Vygotsky:" an effective and complete understanding of someone else's thought becomes possible only when we reveal its effective, effectively volitional background. "

The state exam in the Russian language is included in the list of mandatory tests that any Russian student who receives a certificate in 2019 will have to go through.

Of course, it also belongs to the list of exams that are common to absolutely all domestic universities, therefore, it is quoted in terms of obtaining higher education as such. That is why, not to mention the fact that any citizen of the country must know the state language at the proper level, preparation for it must be approached extremely responsibly, and, no doubt, it will not be superfluous to be well-versed in all the nuances associated with it.

The general outline of this exam has remained unchanged for several years, but it looks like the 2019 exam in Russian is ready to bring potential graduates a lot of surprises. Whether pleasant or not, read on in our material!

Everything new is well forgotten old

So, firstly, today's schoolchildren may not be under the impression - the final essay or presentation on literature, as it was considered admission to the Unified State Exam in the Russian language earlier, will continue to remain in the same status in 2019. Consequently, in December 2018, graduates of 2019 and in December 2019, those who leave school in 2020 will have to write this work.

On the one hand, of course, this is a useful thing - even the Ministry of Education and Science, after collecting many years of statistics, calculated that the results on the language exam after the return of the essay became much better.

On the other hand, the students, as expected, grumble that at the end of the year they have to pass an absolutely impossible list of subjects, to which, we recall, a mandatory history has recently been added, and soon it is expected to be replenished with a foreign language. But, since the position of the departments on this issue remains firm and unchanged, it is better to just accept and consider the essay / presentation simply as another stage in preparation for a full-fledged USE. Moreover, there really is a grain of truth in this.

But the promises to "please" children with an extra verbal test are perfect news. And, sadly, in all likelihood, in 2019 it will definitely be waiting for us.

Initially, this format was supposed to be tested at the OGE for ninth graders, and if it was successful, it was to be introduced for eleventh graders. And although the data for this year are still being collected, we all understand that if something is being tested in our country, then in 99 cases out of 100 all this is coming, and very soon - if not in 2019, then in 2020- m for sure. Moreover, the relevant responsible persons have already reported that, technically, all preparation for this has been completed, it remains only to work out organizational decisions, for which, of course, there is still enough time for that.

Oral GIAs for ninth-graders were tested as a test in the schools of Chechnya, Tatarstan and the Moscow region, and the delivery of this part became a "pass" to passing the written test.

The former Minister of Education, as we know, advocated excluding test blocks in principle, what will be the policy of the new head of the department in this regard is not yet clear, but, most likely, the tone will be taken less radical - they will consider both options, not it is possible that, as it is now happening with a foreign language, perhaps they will change the places of the parts (first they will give the oral - then the written one) and the emphasis will be placed on the first one.

What is meant? So far, two technical models are being considered: a teacher and a computer. Which of them will find its practical application is, unfortunately, not yet clear.

In general, the return to oral exams is contrary to the original essence of the new GIA, as such. After all, the first desire was, on the contrary, to remove teachers from the surrender process as much as possible, preventing nepotism, corruption and other personal factors, putting all students in the same conditions. It would seem that surrendering to the computer might be a good solution, but not everything is so smooth here, given the level of technology and other specifics.

As we know, while in the domestic field, far from always working programs are able to recognize with one hundred percent accuracy a person's voice in all its nuances, and even more so it is not clear what to do for children with speech therapy defects, as well as for children with disabilities with speech disorders, etc. ...

In a word, unfortunately, so far there are more questions with the oral part of the Russian language than sensible and unambiguous answers to them. And we can only believe that they will have time to receive an adequate response even before the graduates of 2019 begin passing the state exams.

Exam structure, regulations and procedure for passing

So, while there is no official confirmation that the oral part has been finally approved, therefore, it is not clear how much time will be allotted for it. It is possible that, by analogy with a foreign language, they will provide only fifteen minutes of time and a maximum of 4 tasks for giving answers. That, of course, corresponds to the complexity of the massive involvement of teachers or computer technology to serve such a gigantic number of everyone.

The written part, and it will most likely still be left, will take 210 minutes to write, as before, because the Ministry of Education and Science does not see any arguments to cut the exam, even taking into account the introduction of the oral part - they believe that the language there is never too much. Moreover, it is not a fact that all this will surrender in one day - perhaps, as with mathematics, the tests will be carried to different dates.

According to the written test part, the minimum passing in the Russian language for admission to universities will be at the level of 36 points, and the maximum can be 58 points. Plus the second block - essays - only 42 points are available for it. The certificate is given for 24+.

Questions from the second to the sixth, from the eighth to the fourteenth and from the sixteenth to the twenty-fourth are estimated at 1 point, for questions 1 and 15 you can get a maximum of 2 points, and for the seventh - up to 5 points. To learn how to correctly build answers, you should carefully study the assessment criteria on the FIPI website.

They put, as always, one at a desk, with them - only documents and a pen, and, if necessary - medicines and food. Forms will be printed immediately on the spot - by the way, this is new. In 2018, the date for the Russian language was June 9, which will be in 2019, of course, is unknown, but, most likely, they will choose something within the limits of May 26 - June 19.

What will be the tasks?

Until 2018, there were 25 tasks, now there will be 26 of them. The bonus was number 20 to test the knowledge of lexical norms, but more about it later. And there is no reason to believe that the same rules will not apply in 2019.

In addition, in many issues, the wording has become somewhat different: in some places new terms have appeared, new rules have been mentioned in accordance with the latest trends in the educational program. Consequently, whatever one may say, you will have to learn more, however, not much. The main thing is to rely on the methodological materials of 2018 in preparation, and not of past years, in order to keep abreast of current changes.

There are only two blocks in the writing part. The first contains test questions, the answer to which can be a number (when you need to choose from the proposed options), or you need to enter a word / phrase in the appropriate fields of the form. And it, in turn, is divided into two parts: A and B - basic and slightly more complex, respectively.

As for the essay, it should be 200 words in size (this is now 26 tasks), the topic for it and the specific requirements are written in the question itself, which is attached to it.

On the subject of the questions, it is known for sure that the 20th will be devoted to lexical norms - there is one sentence that must be corrected according to this criterion (remove the extra word and write it down in the answer form). The 7th question is assigned to test the knowledge of the parts of speech, their cases and declensions, the eighth, as a rule, contains something according to syntactic norms, and in tasks 9 to 14 - spelling questions. The next five exercises focus on punctuation rules. Therefore, in order not to waste time, start with those groups for which you are best prepared first.

Ideally, it should take at least six months to prepare for the Unified State Exam in Russian, but it all depends, of course, on the level of preparation and other points. True, here you need to understand that this time, given the need to prepare for other exams, will not be enough for a complete study of all topics.

However, during these few months, you can at least work out several options, and then it will become clear which topics need maximum attention. Consistently advise to study:

  • "Phonetics",
  • "Vocabulary and phraseology",
  • "Morphemics and word formation",
  • "Morphology"
  • "Syntax",
  • "Spelling",
  • "Punctuation"
  • "Speech",
  • "Language norms".

It's still good, at least for informational purposes, to work out expressiveness and style processing.

As for the tests, we write notes, cram the rules, do countless exercises with them, and train for a while to answer according to the ready-made versions of the exam for the past years. Everything is relatively simple here. But, it is important to pay special attention to the "traps" of tasks, with which, believe me, they abound in abundance. By the way, there are a number of textbooks (for example, "Unified State Exam without Errors" by Alekseeva and Volkova), in which all this is described in detail.

The most difficult, as the practice of 2018 showed, turned out to be exactly that brand new 20th task - sheer trick in its purest form. To answer it correctly, you need to have either the deepest knowledge in vocabulary (there, believe me, and teachers often pour in), or super-intuition.

However, if you stop joking, in fact, it is possible to prepare for this assignment, but here you will need either the advice of an experienced teacher, or some good manual with common speech errors, from where, as a rule, the compilers take assignments for this type questions (something like "Speech errors and their prevention" by S.N. Tseitlin or the work of I.A. Tursunova with the same name).

Also keep in mind that the order of writing the numbers in the answer matters - the answer may not be counted at all for the permutation.

Next, the most important thing: learn how to quickly and efficiently work on essays - these are fairly easy points that you cannot use. In addition to the banal compliance with the size, compositional rules should be strictly adhered to, that is, the structure "introduction-main part-conclusion and conclusions" is an immutable law.

At the same time, lovers of pouring water and "being clever" with extensive introductions and conclusions should wean themselves from this habit: if you choose a career in the relevant profession in the future, such skills will undoubtedly be a plus for you, but in the case of the USE-essay in Russian, the teachers believe that that the introductory and concluding parts should total no more than a quarter of the entire text, and the main emphasis should be on the analysis of the proposed text.

In fact, this is not as difficult as it seems at first glance, which is easy to verify by reading the corresponding textbooks on the exam and successful examples of completed assignments posted on the network. In the introduction, in fact, it is necessary to formulate the basic postulates of the basic text (attention: not a brief retelling of it, namely the translation of the plot) and state in a nutshell your attitude to this opinion.

In the main part, it is better to start with arguing why this problem is relevant, from your point of view. Here, on the basis of the text, you can explain why this particular idea of ​​the author seemed to you to be key here, and based on quotes, you can cite his position. Then, in the main part, you need to smoothly move on to your own thoughts on this matter - you can both agree and dispute, your business.

One should also give reasoned statements - relying on scientific facts, life experience (both one's own and third-party), provide statistics or literary material. There should be two or more such explanations, but one of them must certainly be literary (pay attention in the process of studying a literature course on the parallels of all varieties between works).

With the conclusion, everything is quite simple - in fact, this is your weighty "yes!" or, conversely, "no!" on the topic (cunning people simply repeat the theses of the introduction, sifting them through a sieve of the arguments of the main part, in just other words).

To successfully write an essay, you must, first, read a lot in the process of preparing ready-made arguments and try to remember them (such methodological materials will not be difficult to find), memorize common speech cliches and universal quotes on various topics.

The average score in the Russian language, in comparison with other subjects, is much higher - in recent years in the country it has been steadily floating in the region of 68-69. It is obvious that it is quite possible to pass this exam with dignity with due diligence in preparation, the main thing is to keep your finger on the pulse of all the changes and not overestimate your strength. Well, our readers can only wish good luck in passing this most important exam, as they say, no feathers!


The article was written specifically for the site "2019 Year of the Pig": https: // site /

A few years ago, many parents, teachers and children were outraged by the very fact of introducing the exam in the USE format into the educational system. Now everyone is used to it, but officials from the Ministry of Education regularly change something, either adding tasks or removing any blocks. This is done so that the final exam becomes really informative for universities and schools themselves, regardless of the discipline. Although more attention is paid to the main subjects, therefore the USE in the Russian language in 2019 will once again be held with changes, and some innovations are very different from the initial postulates of the unified state exam. Although this will affect not only the Russian language.

Expected innovations in the format of the USE

The main difficulty of honestly conducting the exam in any subject from the very first exam of this format is keeping the content of the test materials secret. To do this, we used the transfer of packages with examination materials for each group of students. This package was opened immediately before the exam in the presence of witnesses and with the obligatory recording on video.

Such precautions made it possible to significantly reduce the likelihood of falsification of exam results both in a particular school and in an individual student. However, along with this, the financial side of the exam also increased - to conduct it, it was necessary not only to print the forms, but also to send them to the school. Moreover, this had to be done not only annually, but also directly for each exam.

Now they want to introduce self-printing of examination materials directly in the classroom with students in each specific school. That is, the principle of keeping the content of the tests in secret will be respected, because the forms will be printed for a specific group of students in their presence.

Attention! There is no data yet on whether this will apply to all subjects or only compulsory disciplines, and also when exactly this approach will be introduced. Therefore, it is unclear how the Unified State Exam in the Russian language will be held in 2019.

Also, do not forget that usually innovations of various kinds are tested on a small group of educational institutions 1-2 academic years before mass implementation. For this reason, some schools can receive documents for exams in the already familiar sealed packages, while other educational institutions will acquire a special printer designed for quick printing.

The innovation of the exam in the Russian language

Only the lazy one did not comment on the official oral innovation in the Russian language exam last year. We are talking about the introduction of a preliminary oral part on this subject into the Unified State Exam. In fact, in practice, it looks simple - the child undergoes an oral interview, which is an admission to the very passing of the exam.

It seems simple only at first glance - oral answers are also scored. Moreover, no one is talking about a simple conversation; during speech testing, students will perform specific tasks with clear conditions. Therefore, at the very beginning of the year, it is worthwhile to attend to the training of oral response skills. Even in the Soviet years, there were “silent” students among the students, able to write an essay perfectly or masterfully pass the test, but absolutely helpless with oral answers. For such students, teachers made exceptions, offering them more written answers or talking with them in person during the break without witnesses. Now such schoolchildren will have to pull themselves together in order to at least get admission to the "main exam".

If last year such an innovation could be considered a training one, then in the format of the Unified State Exam in the Russian language 2018-2019, oral admission has become mandatory. In fact, a student who did not receive a credit when passing oral Russian is not allowed to the Unified State Exam. At the same time, the presence of points in the preliminary exam is only conditional - they will not be counted in the overall result of the exam. They are needed only to determine the general knowledge of the native speech. The passing of the oral exam itself will be assessed on the pass-fail principle, based on the number of points scored when answering.

Reasons for introducing an oral exam

The need for changes in the format of the delivery of the Russian language was obvious from the very beginning. Various modifications of the exam in this subject appear quite often due to the unconvincing reliability of the exam results. The initial testing of the oral interview in the Russian language has already passed. That is, this form of the exam has been tested and found to be effective, therefore, with a high degree of probability, it will be introduced on mandatory terms for all Russian schools. There are several reasons for this:

  1. Almost complete loss of reading fiction.
  2. Lack of interest among students in obtaining knowledge outside of school.
  3. The emergence of a large number of various slang topics.
  4. A sharp increase in the number of graduates with illiterate oral speech.
  5. A general decline in the quality of oral responses across disciplines.

Internet buzzwords, technical jargon and simple youth slang have seriously "spoiled" the speech of modern schoolchildren. Simple but beautiful sentences and words are replaced with slang. The same words “amazing” and “delicious” are now being replaced by the variants “cool”, “nishtyak”, “fabulous” and other more rude versions. At the same time, the form of constructing sentences is greatly changed in children, and when writing, they may notice an illogicality, but orally they already manage to say an unsuccessfully built set of words. If earlier children could learn the correct monologue or dialogue while reading fiction, now it is really possible to catch only a few schoolchildren at a book. Moreover, some of them read according to the strict order of their parents, and not according to personal desire.

To pass a decent oral exam in the Russian language, children will have to learn to speak correctly, using the full breadth of their native speech. For this, it will not be enough to thoroughly know the rules - they are not always able to help in oral speech. Especially if the conversation includes stable phrases that do not obey the rules. The same can be said about words with a complex stress, in written speech such nuances will be invisible, but during a conversation they will become obvious.

Attention! Do not forget about the compulsory essay conducted in winter. Although it takes place within the framework of interdisciplinary testing, it still directly relates to the Russian language, because together with knowledge of literature, knowledge of the native language is also assessed.

Moreover, it should be understood that the formation of a competent and varied oral speech will inadvertently have a positive impact on the written skills of constructing sentences. All this will result in a more stable knowledge of the peculiarities of native speech, which will allow you to get a high score on the exam in the Russian language in 2019. In fact, the oral exam will be the most visible change in high school grading. It will not take place on the day of written work, but will determine in advance those who will be admitted to the test. Therefore, from the beginning of the year, it is necessary not only to learn the rules of written Russian speech, but also to master the art of oratory for the ability to have a full-fledged oral answer.

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