Everything you need for the exam in social studies. How to prepare for the exam in social studies? recommendations

Despite the fact that many people are skeptical about education as such, I consider it an extremely useful and necessary thing for a successful person. This is not about the actual presence of a diploma or certificate, but about a systemic representation of the chosen direction. Education allows you to see the relationship or, as I call it, to see the work from a bird's eye view. This is the topic of a separate article, and if you do not want to miss it, subscribe to updates.

Why am I talking about education? The fact is that admission to a good university and the quality of obtaining theoretical knowledge directly depend on the USE scores. Personally, I consider this a good practice, because thanks to it everyone will be able to go where they want (with due effort, of course). However, getting high scores is not easy. You need to know how to prepare for the exam, what topics to teach, and so on.

Why do I think that I am sufficiently qualified in this matter? Of course, I do not have a pedagogical education (maybe I will in the future), but I have good practical results. Yes, social science I got the coveted 100 points, and in the Russian language 87, which is also a good result. At the same time, I did not sit at textbooks for days on end, but lived a completely ordinary life, working and walking on the street.

When I started preparing for the exam in social studies, I had practically nothing in my head. Initially, I did not plan to take this subject, as I wanted to study as a linguist-translator, but later I changed my choice. This greatly disappointed the social studies teacher, as she did not like me and believed that I would not be able to prepare properly. I had to prove to her otherwise.

So, I decided to act according to the following plan:

  • Analyze the USE of previous years (they can be easily found on the Internet);
  • Find all the necessary information about passing the exam (what time, etc.);
  • View areas of knowledge that need to be involved (economics, political science, etc.);
  • Find a maximum of tasks (on the Internet, books with tests, etc.);
  • Make a preparation plan;
  • Bring it to life.

In principle, there is nothing complicated in this. There were still about 7 months left before the delivery, so I knew that I would have time to cope with the set goals.

It is worth noting that I tell you how to prepare for the exam on your own. Of course, you can contact tutors. Especially if you need to get high scores in difficult (at least for me) subjects like physics, chemistry, biology, etc. I did not take exams on them and do not know the specifics of the preparation, so I tell the general principles that I myself adhered to and which helped me achieve the result.

Understand what is required of you

To achieve your goal, you need to know where to go. Of course, it is best to set a specific, measurable and realistic goal, but this can be demotivating, so you just need to understand what is required of you. There are several steps to be taken here.

  1. stage. Brief review of the content of the examination part. That is, you must understand how many types of tasks there will be, what skills you need to develop for this, and what you have to do in general. For example, in Russian, you need to complete a test part, a part with a short answer and write an essay. In mathematics, there is no test part (at least for the moment), and literature needs to be written a lot. You need to understand the specifics of your particular exam.
  2. stage. View specific tasks and identify areas of training. For example, let's take the same Russian language. In task A1, you must correctly indicate the stress. That is, you write down for yourself (in a notebook or a separate notebook) what exactly is required in this task. As a result, you should get a list in which the number of the exercise will be in the first column, and what needs to be done in the second. If it is convenient for you, you can create a separate table in Word or Excel. This one is very important if you want to understand how to prepare for the exam from scratch on your own.
  3. stage. Identify gaps and indicate what you need to learn. For example, you realize that you absolutely do not know the correct stress in words. In the third paragraph, you set yourself the task: “find all the words found in this exercise and learn their stress”, and then “expand the base of words with complex stress”, well, to be sure. Thanks to this, you will understand what exactly you should do and where to go.

As a result, you should get something like this table:

Don't skip these steps. Learning everything in a row is far from the best option. You should also avoid testing knowledge tests that are not related to the exam. For example, in the same social science, you can learn a LOT, since it is a complex of a large number of sciences. It is clear that the student has many gaps in these disciplines. However, to understand how to prepare for the exam, you need to study only what is useful in the exam.

Understand that mental resources are limited. You will not be able to learn a lot of material in a short period of time. But you will have to prepare not for one subject, but for several. Therefore, it is necessary to narrow the circle of preparation for the exam as much as possible. I know that teachers will punish me for such lines, but narrow specialization will allow me to get much more in the future than to know everything, but a little bit. Therefore, it is better to decide in advance on the future profession and move in this direction.

Prepare a folder with theoretical material

Now you know what to do and where to go. It's time to start preparing for the exam. It must begin with the collection of theoretical materials. There are a huge number of them: textbooks, articles, information from the Internet, analysis of practical tasks, etc. You must find as much information as possible, read it carefully, analyze it and make a short summary.

For example, in task A1 in the Russian language, you need to choose the correct stress in the word. There are certain rules, like "if the word has the letter ё, then the stress always falls on it." Read them, write down the main ones or those that you did not know. Then make a list of the words that are difficult for you. Now sign the sheet and paste it into the folder.

As a result, you will get your own reference book for any task. Why is it needed? Firstly, while you are compiling it, a lot of useful knowledge will accumulate in your head. If you were just studying theory, you would not be able to remember so much information. Secondly, by solving the options for tasks, you will be able to open the theoretical material and understand what answer to write. So you can solve more complex tasks without looking at the answers. Thirdly, you will be able to prove to teachers that you really work, and they can not interfere with you. Of course, this is a joke.

It is best to do it in print, and not on a computer. This is much more convenient, and you can easily find the material you need. Moreover, there are a lot of distracting things on the computer, and it is better to solve exam options in an atmosphere where nothing distracts you.

Now you will need to act according to the following algorithm:

  • Solve each problem separately several times. For example, 50 times A1, then 50 times A2;
  • After that, proceed to the group decision. For example, 30 times tasks from A1 to A7;
  • Then solve in whole blocks. For example, solve the whole part A 10 times;
  • The penultimate step is to solve the exam options completely. For example, solve 5 ready-made options;
  • At the end, conduct a finished exam, observing all time intervals.
  1. You will be able to carefully solve each component without missing parts that seem easy;
  2. You will be able to automate the solution of individual tasks or parts, it will be more clear to you which tasks you are not able to do and what exactly can be pulled up;
  3. You will be able to get reliable results and track the dynamics.

Keep track of the number of errors you get. Especially if you are wondering how to prepare for the exam in history or mathematics. You can create a chart in Excel if you can, which will show the decreasing error rate - this is motivating.

Also, after each decision, you will need to find flaws and carefully read the theory again. By obtaining information in this way, you will be able to better understand the issue and you will not have to memorize anything. Moreover, all this can be turned into a game, with the help of which the preparation will become an exciting experience.

When and how much to practice

It is difficult to give specific recommendations here, since a lot depends on your specific goals, workload, study shift and much more. There are only a number of basic recommendations that really work and are applied in training. By the way, I have a great article on my blog about it, you can follow the link and read it.

It is better to practice a little, but constantly. For example, instead of having 2 hours of tutoring once a week, it is better to spend 15 minutes every day. You say that in total you get only 1 hour 45 minutes, but the effect will be much better.

I also advise you to study in the morning, when your head is not yet full of information and before going to bed, so that knowledge quickly goes into long-term memory. Of course, no one forbids you to practice during the day, and it even needs to be done. Just before going to bed, briefly go over the studied material and inspire yourself that you have already memorized it.

If you are familiar with the Pomodoro technique, then it is better to use it. The bottom line is that you study intensively for 25 minutes, and then rest for 5 minutes. This approach allows you to learn much more, spending less time and effort.

  • Watch video reviews. This helps a lot to develop the correct algorithm for solving problems. Especially in the exact sciences like physics and mathematics. It describes in sufficient detail step by step what needs to be done and in what sequence to solve a problem or an example. You can easily find similar videos on the Internet;
  • Write down anything you don't understand. However, before that, be sure to read as much information as possible. I recommend starting a separate page in your notebook or folder. Then approach the teacher or tutor with these questions and ask them to explain in detail;
  • Subscribe to VKontakte publics. At one time, I was even one of the active participants: I posted tasks and solutions for them. Solve different options, join discussions and help explain the theory to others. This will definitely help you and count;
  • Read more self-development materials. Thanks to this, you will be able to study more effectively, and generally improve the quality of your life. By the way, I have new useful material on my blog every week, so you can subscribe to updates so as not to miss something really important.

Now you know how to prepare for the exam. If you have any questions feel free to ask them in the comments. Till!

How to prepare for the exam in society for the highest scores? That is, really high? Recently I was asked where to find all social science terms. Moreover, the person was clearly sure that it was necessary to know only the terms. In fact, knowledge of the terms is only a small component in the quality preparation for the exam in social studies 2018. In this article, we told the rest of the truth.

What you really need to lean on if you are preparing from scratch

Knowledge of terms. Terms are the alphabet with which you will understand both test tasks and essay topics. The terms must be fluent. Also, they must constantly be connected with reality. For example, you studied (a) what the legitimacy of power is. So look at what specific signs of the legitimacy of power you see in Russia, in foreign countries - collect information.

Knowledge of social development theories. Many stop at the terms, missing the study of theories of social development. Or they mistakenly believe that such theories exist only in the topic “Man and Society”. In fact, there are social theories in every branch of the discipline, and there are actually quite a few of them. In our training courses, we analyze them all.

Many people believe that the theory is not necessary to know. However, this year the questions to the text will be more detailed, and it is simply impossible to answer them without knowledge of development theories.

Good actual erudition- a true friend of the student. In what countries, what political regime, what forms of religion prevail (dominate) in what parts of the world, what type of society prevails, and why, in all these issues, facts should be guided. Otherwise, forget the high scores on the real exam.

Confident solution of all types of test tasks. This is a key skill. Without constant practice, solving tests is nothing to do on the exam. Needless to say, how many tasks do you have to solve for each topic in order to be confident in your abilities?

Where can you learn all this?

Many try to master all this on their own and inevitably fail, because they only touch on the tip of the iceberg - working with terminology, losing sight of everything else. The result is very deplorable: the majority is only just moving beyond the border of the threshold - the minimum passing result from school.

You can pass the exam test for real 100 points only with professional training, when you are led by a real professional in your field. But you, of course, do not shirk, but strictly fulfill all the requirements.

Hey! Friends, today I continue to bombard the preparation for the exam. Social science is next in line, as many students choose it as a unified state exam. Therefore, preparing for the exam in social studies is of interest to a large number of students. At first glance, this seems to be an easy subject. Due to inadequate assessment of this discipline and its capabilities, it is often impossible to get the desired assessment. To avoid such consequences, careful preparation is required, which requires considerable effort.

Take courses and get a high score on the exam in social studies!

In 2018, testing in social studies includes two parts of 29 tasks:

  1. From 1 to 20, the task is supposed to give a short answer. From the proposed options, you need to choose the correct answer, insert a missing word in the text, or determine the correspondence of elements between two sets.
  2. From 21 to 29 tasks, full answers to questions and writing mini-essays are required.

In order to get at least a three last year, you had to score 19 points. You can earn them by completing, for example, the first 13 test tasks.

Preliminary preparation

If you are starting from scratch , remember that social science is a broad subject. Schoolchildren in a few years master the base of such complex scientific disciplines as sociology, political science, jurisprudence, economics ... Therefore, the material must be studied in advance. Better to start in 10th grade. Two years is enough to get a good score with constant preparation.

If you decide to prepare for the exam from the 11th grade, then you have only 9 months at your disposal. In this case, it will be difficult to master the subject on your own. Organizes the preparation process much more effectively.

But the worst thing is to start preparing in the winter or spring of grade 11. Not every teacher will take on such a difficult task, since he cannot guarantee a good result in such a short time. In addition, the less time left for the exam, the more excitement covers the student.

This significantly undermines self-confidence, and a student in a stressful state is not able to endure serious tests. After all, the course of social studies begins in the 6th grade. And what a genius you need to be to cover a six-year base. Rapid preparation always negatively affects the quality of learning. Therefore, putting off an important matter for later, remember that you risk a lot, and the exam is still inevitable.

Stages of preparation

  1. There are sites where you can download options for control and measuring material in social studies. Go through them completely.
  2. Assess if you need pedagogical help and seek it if necessary.
  3. Theory requires accumulation. But don't get too carried away by memorizing terms. It’s better to solve specific tasks for the exam so that full-fledged answers form in your head. And to cope with the theory, even at the initial stage of preparation, make a thematic reference book and constantly replenish it. When you come across a term, you can always quickly look it up in your homemade dictionary. Reread it before the exam to brush up on concepts.
  4. Express preparation for the exam is not memorization, but what makes the student think. Try to look for a problem, contradictions in any topic, argue and analyze. Do not memorize the concept, but think about why and how it arose, without which it is impossible to imagine it, etc. Form your own definitions.
  5. For preparation, you will need full-fledged school notes, lectures, tables. If you don't have all the themes, then fix it. Having rewritten the topic once, certain material will already be deposited in your head.
  6. Any classifications that a book on social studies suggests should not be memorized mechanically. Look for their applications in life, give examples to any theoretical concepts.
  7. Writing an essay requires the skills that literature provides. But you have to write training papers in order to "check out", to learn how to convey the main idea through paper. At this stage, it is desirable that the teacher analyzes your essays, points out the shortcomings so that you have time to correct them. On the Internet there are schemes for writing an essay, a set of materials for this task, and even a collection of finished works.

Various video tutorials are posted online today , you can download the manual for sheep , which will greatly facilitate the preparation if you have little time and no opportunity to use the professional help of a teacher.


5. Culture and spiritual sphere.

I. Culture (from lat. - "culture" - "cultivation, education")

Culture Traits : functionality, quality, value, normativity, creativity (creativity).

Broadly speaking, culture- all types of transformative activity of a person and society, as well as its results.

In a general sense, culture- a set of achievements of people in the material and spiritual spheres.

material culture- is created in the process of material production (buildings, equipment, tools).

Spiritual culture -includes the process of spiritual creativity and created spiritual values ​​in the form of works of art, scientific discoveries, religion.

Structure of culture:

the form - the embodiment of cultural achievements content - Significance for the individual and society.

Culture Functions:cognitive, informative, communicative, normative, humanistic.

Types of crops: dominant (dominant) elite (for the elite), mass (for the majority, commercial, through the media), folk (on traditions, folklore, anonymous), donor (from which elements are borrowed), recipient (which borrows elements from another culture), dead (outdated content).

Subculture - the culture of social groups.

Counterculture - a subculture that is hostile to the dominant one.


Accumulation of culture – replenishment of culture with new elements, knowledge.

cultural transmission- transmission of culture through education.

cultural diffusion- Interpenetration of cultures.

Culture acculturation- the process of mutual influence of two or more cultures.

Assimilation of culture- the absorption of a small culture by a larger one.

Culture adaptationadaptation of cultures to each other.

II. Spiritual realm.

The structure of the spiritual realm:

1. Spiritual needs- the need of society and man in the creation and development of spiritual values. Spiritual needs are not set biologically, from birth. Formed in the process of socialization.

2. Spiritual activity (production)- the activity of people to create spiritual values.

Types of spiritual activity:

1. Cognitive - scientific, religious, artistic

2. Value-oriented - attitude to the phenomena of reality

3. Prognostic - foreseeing and planning changes in reality

3. Spiritual values ​​(goods) -what is created in the process of spiritual production:works of art, teachings, scientific discoveries, etc.

Types of spiritual production: religion, morality, art, science.


Religion - a form of social consciousness and worldview based on the belief in the existence of a supernatural principle.

Elements: faith, doctrine, religious activity, religious institutions.

Functions : worldview, compensatory, communicative, regulatory, educational.


World: Buddhism, Christianity, Islam (large following, outside the nation)

National: Confucianism (China), Taoism (China), Judaism (Israel), Shintoism (Japan), Zoroastrianism (Iran).

Atheism - denial of the existence of God

Confessional- church, denomination - religion


Moral - a form of social consciousness, which reflects the ideas of good and evil, justice and injustice and the type of social relations, a set of norms of people's behavior towards each other.

Moral functions: regulatory, educational, communicative, cognitive, worldview.

The fulfillment of moral norms is sanctioned by the norms of spiritual influence (evaluation, approval, condemnation).


Art - a form of social consciousness and a type of human activity, which is a reflection of the surrounding realityin artistic images.

Art is the core of aesthetic culture.

Theories about the origin of art: game (G. Spencer), labor (G. Plekhanov), biological(Ch. Darwin), magical.

Art Functions:aesthetic, cognitive, creative, cleansing, communicative, educational, compensatory, hedonistic (pleasure function).

Kinds of art : literature, architecture, music, cinema, theater, painting, graphics, arts and crafts, dance, sculpture, photography.

Art features:is figurative, visual; the presence of specific ways of reproduction, the huge role of imagination, fantasy.

The science.

The science - the sphere of people's cognitive activity, the system of objectively true knowledge about natural and social reality, about man.

Elements of science Keywords: scientific knowledge, scientific activity, scientific self-consciousness.

Models for the development of science:

1. Gradual development

2. Through scientific revolutions.Scientific revolution -the process of a radical, qualitative change in the dominant system of ideas and theories (paradigm), which serves as a standard of thinking in a particular historical period.

Functions of Science : cognitive, ideological, prognostic.

Functions of modern science: productive, social, cultural and ideological.

Science classification:

natural technical public (humanitarian)


Education - purposeful cognitive activity to acquire knowledge, skills and abilities and improve them.

self-educationis the process of acquiring knowledge on one's own.

Functions of education: economic, social, cultural, conservation and transfer of cultural heritage.

Education in the Russian Federation:

preschool general professional additional

Features of modern education:integration of areas of knowledge, development of lifelong education, informatization (computerization), development of distance education (via the Internet), humanization (attention to the individual), humanitarization (increased attention to social sciences, internationalization (creation of a single system for different countries).


1. Society.

Social SciencesKeywords: economics, philosophy, sociology, political science, ethics (about morality), aesthetics (about beauty).


In a narrow sense: A group of people connected by common interests and goals.

In a broad sense: Separated from nature, but closely connected with it, part of the material world, including all ways of interaction between people and forms of their unification.

Society and nature interact and influence each other. economic interaction - consumption of natural resources, ecological - protection of natural resources.

Noosphere (V. Vernadsky ) is the habitat (biosphere) controlled by the human mind.

Society - dynamic system.

Systemic qualities of society:integrity, dynamism, historicity, openness, hierarchy.

There are 4 spheres (subsystems) in the structure of society:

1. Economic - material production and industrial relations.

2. Political - politics, state, law, their relations and functioning, mass media, army.

3. Social - relations between classes, groups, nations, etc.

4. Spiritual - forms of social consciousness: religion, morality, science, art.

The spheres interact and are interconnected.

Public relations- relations and forms that arise in the process of life between social groups, classes, nations, as well as within them.

Public relations

Spiritual Material

The most important component of societysocial institution -a historically established form of organizing people, which, on the basis of a set of norms and statuses, regulates their activities and satisfies fundamental human needs.

Social institutions: property, state, political parties, family, church, labor organizations, educational and upbringing institutions, science, mass media, etc.

Types of societies (according to Daniel Bell, Alvin Toffler)

Types of societies (according to O. Toffler)

social change- the transition of social systems, communities, organizations from one state to another (natural, demographic, social, spiritual changes, etc.).

Directed Development

progress stagnation regression

Progress criterion – the degree of freedom that society gives a person for its optimal development. Progress is controversial (both positive and negative processes)

Progress Forms:revolution and reform. Evolution - gradual development.

Scientific and technological progress (NTP) -a qualitative change in the productive forces of society under the influence of the scientific and technological revolution.

Scientific and technological revolution (NTR)- a leap in the development of the productive forces of society on the basis of fundamental changes in the system of scientific knowledge.

historical process- the chronological sequence of events that influence the development of society.Subjects of the historical process: individuals, social groups, masses.historical factis a social event.

Civilization - the totality of material, spiritual and moral means possessed by a given society in a given historical period.

The term was put forward by N. Danilevsky, called civilizationscultural and historical types.Civilizations were distinguished by 4 features: economic, cultural, political, religious. To characterize civilizations, the concept of mentality is also singled out.

mentality - way of thinking, worldview inherent in a certain group, individual

Two theories: the theory of stage development (study development as a single process) and the theory of local civilizations(study large historically established communities).

Approaches to the study of the historical process:

Formative approach

(K. Marx)

Civilization approach

(A. Toynbee)

Cultural approach (O. Spengler)

The basis of the transition from one formation to another.Socio-economic formations:primitive communal, slaveholding, feudal, capitalist, communist.

There are two main components in the socio-economic formation - the basis and the superstructure. Basis - the economy of society, the components of which areproductive forces and relations of production(method of production of material goods).

Superstructure - state, political, public institutions.

Changes in the economic basis lead to the transition from one socio-economic formation to another. Plays a big roleclass struggle.

Civilizations - stable communities of people united by spiritual traditions, a similar way of life, geographical, historical boundaries.At the heart of the change of civilizations. The development of the whole story is built according to the "challenge - response" scheme. Each civilization in its destiny goes through four stages: origin; growth; break; disintegration, culminating in death and the complete disappearance of civilization.

The central concept of this approach is culture. Culture is the totality of religion, traditions, material and spiritual life. Culture is born, lives and dies. Civilization within the cultural approach -the highest level of cultural development,the final period of the development of culture, preceding its death.

Global problems of our time -a complex of social and natural contradictions affecting the whole world as a whole. I are an indicator of the integrity and interconnectedness of the modern world, pose a threat to humanity, and require joint efforts to solve them.

Main problems:

1. Environmental: pollution, extinction of species, "ozone holes", etc.

The term "Ecology" was introduced E. Haeckel.

2. Demographic;

3. The problem of security and prevention of world war;

4. The problem of resources;

5. North-South problem: developing and highly developed countries.

Globalization - Strengthening integration ties in various fields between states, organizations, communities.

International organizations:UN (United Nations); IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency); UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization); WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization); WTO (World Trade Organization); NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization); OSCE (Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe); European Union; OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Producing and Exporting Countries); CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States); SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organization) and others.


3. Cognition.

Cognition is a process of acquiring knowledge.

Knowledge - an objective reality given in the human mind. Knowledge is the result of cognitive activity.

Subject of knowledge- the one who knows. Object of knowledge - that to which knowledge is directed.

Epistemology - the science of knowledge.

Gnosticism (gnostics)- they believe that the world is cognizable (Plato, Socrates, K. Marx, G. Hegel).

Agnosticism (agnostics)- the world is cognizable within limited limits or unknowable (I. Kant).

Types of cognition: sensual and rational.

Forms of sensory cognition:

Feeling - a reflection of individual properties and qualities of objects and phenomena that arise when exposed to the senses.

Perception - a holistic sensual image of an object, phenomenon.

Performance - a sensual image of an object or phenomenon that arises with the help of memory without direct contact with the object.

Forms of rational knowledge:

Concept - a form of thinking in which the general and essential properties of an object are fixed.

Judgment - a form of thinking in which something is affirmed or denied.

Inference -a form of thinking in which new judgments are derived from existing judgments.

Two theories on types of cognition:

1. Empiricism (empiricists)- recognize sensory experience as a source of knowledge (T. Hobbes, D. Locke).

2. Rationalism (rationalists)– knowledge can be obtained with the help of reason (R. Descartes, I. Kant)

Intuition - a kind of cognition outside the process of sensory familiarization and without deliberation.

Features: suddenness, thoughtlessness, secrecy of the mechanism.

The purpose of knowledge is to obtain the truth.

Truth - knowledge corresponding to reflected reality.Truth is objective in content and subjective in form.

absolute truth- complete, exhaustive knowledge, not refuted by the further development of science.

Relative truth- incomplete, inaccurate knowledge, refuted by the further development of science.

Criterion of truth - a way to distinguish between true and untrue in the totality of knowledge.

The main criterion of truth is practice.

The antipodes of truth are lies, disinformation, delusion.

Lie - the deliberate erection of deliberately incorrect ideas into the truth.

Disinformation - transmission false knowledge as true or true as false.

Delusion - unintentional inconsistency of judgments or concepts with an object.

Types of knowledge.

I. Non-scientific knowledge:

Ordinary (everyday)

Practical (folk wisdom)



Artistic (by means of art).

II. Scientific knowledge -knowledge aimed at obtaining objective knowledge. Target - description, explanation, prediction of the phenomena of reality. Signs: objectivity, consistency, validity, reliability, a special language, the need for special devices and specialists.

2 levels of scientific knowledge: empirical and theoretical.

Empirical level:

Observation - purposeful perception of the phenomena of objective reality.

Description - fixation by means of a natural or artificial language of information about an object.

Measurement - comparison of an object by some similar properties or sides.

Experiment - observation in specially created and controlled conditions, which allows you to restore the course of the phenomenon when the conditions are repeated.

Theoretical level:

Hypothesis - assumptions put forward in the course of scientific research.

Theory - a system of interrelated statements.

Law - conclusions about significant, recurring relationships between phenomena.

Scientific methods:

1. General : dialectic (dialectical studies phenomena in motion) and metaphysics (metaphysical studies phenomena at rest).

2. General scientific: Analysis is the real or mental division of an object into its component parts. Synthesis is the combination of constituent parts into a single whole. Induction - the movement of thought from the individual to the general. Deduction is the ascent of the process of cognition from the general to the individual. Analogy (correspondence, similarity) - the establishment of similarities in some aspects, properties and relationships between non-identical objects.

3. Private scientific: questioning, examination, interviewing, graphic method.

III. social cognition -knowledge aimed at studying the nature of social ties, social groups, the social structure of society.

Peculiarity - the subject and object of knowledge coincide, the knowledge obtained is always associated with the interests of individuals, the subjectivity of conclusions and assessments.

Target: identification of historical patterns of development of society, social forecasting.

Methods: content analysis (analysis of statistical data, documents), survey, observation, experiment.

IV. Self-knowledge - self-knowledge, self-esteem, the creation of a "I-concept" - the image of I.

Feature - the object is the subject itself.

Purpose: knowledge of one's physical, mental, spiritual capabilities, one's place among other people.

Self-knowledge is accomplished:

1. In the analysis of the results of their own activities, their behavior, relationships with others.

2. Awareness of the attitude of others towards oneself (qualities of one's personality, character traits), through the opinions of others

people and relating to others.

3. Self-observation of one's states, experiences, thoughts.


2. Man.





The highest level of living organisms on earth, the subject of socio-historical activity and culture

The only representative of the human race

Unique, original features and qualities inherent in a person (biological, psychological, social)

A set of socially significant features that characterize a person as a member of a given society, a person as a subject of relations and conscious activity

Origin theories:religious, evolutionary(C.Darwin), Marxist (labor made man)

biosocial problem- the problem of the relationship between the biological and the social in man.

At the time of birth, a person is an individual. Personality becomes in the process of socialization.

Socialization - the process of assimilation by a person of social experience, forms of behavior acceptable for a given society.

Primary socialization: agents (relatives, teachers) and institutions of socialization (family, school).

Secondary socialization: agents (colleagues, teachers, officials) and institutions (universities, army, church).

Desocialization -the process of moving away from old values, norms, rules, roles.

Resocialization - the process of learning new values, norms, rules, roles.

Freedom of the individual- the ability to create oneself and the world of other people, to make choices, to be responsible. "Freedom is a recognized necessity" - G. Hegel.

Interpersonal relationships -relationships between different individuals on different grounds.

Interpersonal relationships

Personal worldview- a set of principles, views, beliefs and attitudes towards objective reality and a person's place in it.


mundane, religious, mythological, scientific, philosophical, humanistic.

Activity - human activity aimed at changing and transforming the world around us and ourselves. Subject - the one who carries out the activity. An object - what the activity is aimed at.

Activity structure:

Motive - goal - means - action - result.

Motive - a material or ideal object that prompts action.

Target - a conscious image of the expected result.


1. According to the content: work, play, communication, study.

Work - a type of human activity aimed at achieving a practically useful result.

Communication- the process of interaction between people, which consists in perception and understanding and in the exchange of information (communication)

2. By direction: spiritual , practical , creative , managerial .

Creation - an activity that generates something new that has never existed before.

Heuristic is the science that studies creativity.

human needs- experienced or perceived need for something.


biological, social, ideal.

Needs according to A. Maslow.

1.Physiological, 2.Existential, 3. Social, 4. Prestigious, 5. Spiritual

Primary, congenital Secondary, acquired

The needs of each level become urgent when the previous ones are satisfied.

Interest - a conscious need that characterizes the attitude of people to objects and phenomena that have important social development for them. Interests are incentives for various activities.

Capabilities - individual characteristics of a person, on which the success of various activities depends.

Abilities are biologically based.

Talent - a set of abilities that allows you to get a product of activity that is distinguished by novelty and significance.

Genius - the highest stage of talent development, which allows to carry out fundamental changes in a particular field of activity.

Genius is a cultural phenomenon of human nature.

"Conscious" and "Unconscious"- these are correlative concepts expressing the features of the work of the human psyche. A person thinks about situations and makes decisions. Such actions are called conscious . However, often a person acts thoughtlessly, and sometimes he himself cannot understand why he did so.Unconsciousactions suggest that a person acts on an internal impulse, without any analysis of the situation, without clarifying the possible consequences. ( Z. Freud).

Being - something that exists, existing in general (being studies the section of philosophy ontology).

Forms of being : material being, spiritual being, human being, social being.

Spiritual world of man(microcosm) - a complex system of the inner world of a person, the elements of which are spiritual needs, thoughts, feelings, worldview, emotions, values, etc.


4. Social sphere

Sociology - the science of the laws, formation, functioning, development of society and social relations.(O.Kont).

The structure of the social sphere includes:

I. Social connections -dependence of social groups and people on each other (there are formal and informal).Social connections:

1. Social contacts -unstable connections arising on specific occasions (for example, subway passengers).

2. Social interactions- stable, regular connections based on joint activities (for example, colleagues at work).

3. Social relationships- ultra-stable, self-renewing connections that are systemic in nature (for example, friends).

II. Social groups -communities of individuals united on some basis.(T. Hobbes).


population: small groups (differ in direct contact and informal communication), medium, large

demographic:gender, age, education, marital status

settlement criterion:townspeople, villagers

confessional:Catholics, Orthodox, Muslims

by ethnicity, professional etc.

III. Social communities-groups capable of self-reproduction.

Ethnosocial communities: clan (tribe), nationality, nation.

Genus - association of people on the basis of kinship ties, tribe - union of clans nationalities - associations of people on the basis of territorial and linguistic characteristics, nation - large groups of people united by economic space, language, culture, traditions, national identity.

IV. Social institution -see chapter Society.The main social institution is the family.

Function family as a social institution: childbirth.The family is also a small group. Family functions: educational, socialization, leisure, creating a sense of security, economic and economic. Family: matriarchal, patriarchal, partnership.Nuclear family- consisting of 2 generations.

V. Social culture- social norms and social values ​​on the basis of which social relations are formed.

VI. social values- the goals that people in society aspire to.Core Values– vital to society (health, well-being, family, etc.)

VII. social norms- rules of social behavior.

social norms(there are written and unwritten):

Moral norms, ethical norms, norms of traditions and customs, religious norms, political norms, legal norms.

Functions of social norms:regulating, unifying, educational.

Conformist behavior -in line with accepted standards.

Behavior that does not conform to social norms deviant.

Deviant Behavior:

Deviant behavior -violation that does not comply with the rules.

Deviation can be positive (heroes) and negative (drug addicts, murderers)

Delinquent behavior -committing crimes.

Compliance is ensured by the use sanctions - the reaction of society to the behavior of an individual or group. Function of sanctions - social control.


positive (rewarding) and negative (punishing)

Official and unofficial.

social stratification

Social stratification (differentiation) -stratification and hierarchical organization of society.(P. Sorokin).

Differentiation criteria: income(economic), amount of power (political), education (type of activity.), also distinguish prestige - society's assessment of the social significance of a person's status. Prestige depends on the real usefulness of the activity and the value system of society.

Social layers:

castes - strictly closed layers of traditional societies.

Estates - groups of people with different rights and responsibilities.

Classes - social groups distinguished by the way they participate in social production and distribution, their place in the social division of labor.

strata - informal groups with a relatively equal social status, the criteria of which are income, access to political power, education.


Status - a position in the social structure of society, associated with other positions through a system of rights and obligations.

personal status - the position that an individual occupies in a small group

social status- the position of the individual in the social group.

status set - a set of statuses of one person.

Prescribed (born) status: gender, age, nationality, kinship

Acquired (achieved) status: profession, education, position, marital status, religion.

social role - some pattern of behavior recognized for people of a certain status.

social mobility

social mobility(P. Sorokin ) - the transition of an individual or group from one position in the hierarchy of social stratification to another.

social mobility: horizontal -within one layer and vertical – transition from one layer to another. Vertical mobility can bedescending and ascending.

Channels of social mobility ("social lifts") -education, army, schools, family, property.

Marginal - an individual who has lost his former social status, unable to adapt to a new social environment (“on the edge”).

Marginality - the intermediate position of the individual between social groups, associated with his movements in the social space.

Lumpens - people who have sunk "to the bottom" of public life.

social conflict.

social conflict(G. Spencer ) - a clash of opposing interests, goals, views, ideologies between individuals, groups, classes in society.

Structure of the conflict: conflict situation--incident--active actions--completion

Types of behavior in conflict: adaptation, compromise, cooperation, ignoring, rivalry.Most scholars consider conflict to be a natural, progressive phenomenon.

Conflict types:internal, external, global, local, economic, political, family, national.

National conflictsassociated with exacerbationthe national questionabout the self-determination of peoples and overcoming ethnic inequality, as well as trends in the modern world.

Two trends in the modern world:

1. International - integration, rapprochement of nations.

2. National - differentiation, the desire for independence.

Social policy of the state- purposeful activity of the state to improve the social sphere of society. Directions: 1. improvement of the social structure of society, 2. regulation of relationships between different layers, 3. development of human potential (programs for the development of education, pensions, health care, ecology).

Social politics: active - direct influence of the state (sometimes centralized and decentralized) and passive - mediated by economic factors


8. Right


1. A system of rules and norms of behavior established and protected by the state.

2. The ability to do something, carry out, have (the right to work, education).

Signs of law (and rules of law):normativity, obligation, general character, formal certainty.

Theories of the origin of law: the theory of natural law (T. Hobbes), the liberal tradition (first the law - then the state), the statist tradition (first the state - then the law), Marxist, sociological. Statism - the theory that state the highest result and goal of social development

Functions of Law - regulatory, educational, protective.

Legal culture:legal knowledge, attitude to law, law enforcement.

Differences between law and morality:

Source (form) of law- specific types of social phenomena that form the law and the result of state lawmaking.Sources (forms) of law:

1. Legal custom- patterns of behavior that have taken root in society as a result of their repetition, which have turned into rules of conduct.

2. Judicial practice.

3. Legal (judicial) precedent- a legal decision made earlier in a specific legal case and served as an example for subsequent decisions.

4. Normative contract- an agreement between the parties containing the rules of law

5. Legal act- an act of law-making by public authorities, establishing or repealing the rules of law.

Legal act: laws and regulations.

I. Laws - regulatory legal acts adopted by the highest legislative body of the state (or by referendum), fixing the most significant social relations. There areFederal Laws and Laws of the subjects of the Federation.

Laws are divided into:

1. Constitutional laws(1. Constitutions, 2. Laws amending the Constitution.

3. Laws provided by the Constitution).

2. Ordinary laws– normative-legal acts of the current legislation. They are current (valid for a specified period) andcodified(codes of laws - codes).

II. Regulations– normative-legal acts specifying the provisions of laws. - Decrees, resolutions, decrees.

Legal system (family) - association of states on the basis of legal regulation.

1. Romano-Germanic- the main source is a legal act. (Russia).

2. Anglo-Saxon– main source – legal precedent

3. Muslim - the main source is the legal custom.

The right is shared to private lawserves private interests (family, civil) andpublic law(constitutional, criminal).

Realization of the right – implementation of the law.Forms of realization of the right:

1. Exercise of the right -use of rights

2. Exercise of law- performance of duties

3. Respect for the law- not a breach of law

4. Application of law- carried out with the help of officials.

Law system - a set of interconnected norms, institutions and branches of law.

System elements -1. Legal regulation(rule of law) is a unit of the system.2. Institute of Law- a small group of rights governing one type of relationship. (For example, the institution of gift in civil law, the institution of marriage in family law). 3. Branch of law - a set of homogeneous legal norms.

Rule of law - the main element of the legal system, the rule of conduct established and protected by the state.

The structure of the rule of law:

1. Hypothesis - part of the norm, indicating the conditions for the emergence of rights and obligations.

2. Disposition - part of the norm, indicating the content of the norm

3. Sanction - part of the norm, indicating the legal consequences of the violation.

Types of rules of law

1. By function: regulatory (establish rights and obligations) and protective (measures against violators)

2. By industry:family, civil, etc.

3. By content:1. binding norms(What do we have to do)2. norms prohibiting(what not to do)3. norms authorizing(what can be done).

Branches of law.

1. Constitutional (state) law -regulates socially significant public relations, the structure of the state.

2. Family law- Regulates issues of marriage and family relations, kinship.

3. Civil law- regulates property and related non-property relations.

4. Administrative law- regulates public relations in the field of management, is associated with the activities of the executive branch.

5. Labor law- regulates the relationship between the employee and the employer

6. Criminal lawregulates relations connected with the commission of criminal acts.

legal relationship– types of social relations regulated by the rule of law.

To become participants in legal relations, legal entities and individuals (subjects of public relations) must have legal capacity and capacity.

Legal capacity -the ability of subjects of legal relations to have legal rights and bear obligations. Comes from birth and ends with death.

legal capacity- the ability of subjects of legal relations to independently exercise their rights and obligations.1. Complete- from the age of 18.2. Partial- (in criminal cases from the age of 16, for some crimes from the age of 14, in the family from the age of 16, in the civil - from the age of 14, in the administrative - from the age of 16)3. Limited- by the court.

legal fact- living conditions in connection with which legal relations arise.

legal facts- 1. Law-formers. 2. Changers. 3. Terminators.

Legal Facts:1. Events(do not depend on the will of people), 2. Actions(depending on the will of the people).

Actionsthere arelegitimateandillegal(offences).

Offenses- acts that are contrary to the prescriptions of legal norms are expressed asaction, andinaction.

Offensesare divided intomisdeedsandcrimes.

Misdemeanors (torts) and legal liability.

1. Administrative(in the field of state and local regulation) –administrative responsibility (warning, fine, deprivation of rights, confiscation of the object, corrective labor, administrative arrest)

2 . Disciplinary(in the field of service relations) -disciplinary responsibility(remark, reprimand, dismissal),material liability(damage)

3. Civil(in the field of property and non-property relations) civil liability.

crimessocially dangerous illegal acts causing special harm or threat. Comingcriminal liability.

Signs of an offense:guilt, wrongfulness, public danger.

The legal structure of the offense:

1. The object of the offense -what the action is directed at.2. The subject of the offense -who committed

3. The objective side of the offense- a characteristic that includes signs of illegality, public danger, socially dangerous consequences.

4. Subjective side of the offense- internal characteristics of the offense (motive and purpose).

5. Motive of the offense- a conscious urge to do something.

6. Purpose of the offense- the mental result to which the subject aspired.


What does social science study?

The object of study of social science issociety.Society is a very complex system that obeys various laws. Naturally, there is no one science that could cover all aspects of society, so several sciences study it. Each science studies any one side of the development of society: the economy, social relations, development paths, and others.

Social science -a generalizing name for the sciences that study society as a whole and social processes.

Every science hasobject and subject.

Object of science -phenomenon of objective reality, which is studied by science.

The subject of science -A person, a group of persons, cognizing an object.

The sciences are divided into three groups.


Society is studied by social sciences (humanities).

The main difference between the social sciences and the humanities:

Social (humanitarian) sciences that study society and man:

archeology, economics, history, cultural studies, linguistics, political science, psychology, sociology, law, ethnography, philosophy, ethics, aesthetics.

Archeology- a science that studies the past according to material sources.

Economy- the science of the economic activity of society.

Story- the science of the past of mankind.

Culturology- a science that studies the culture of society.

Linguistics- the science of language.

Political science- the science of politics, society, the relationship between people, society and the state.

Psychology- the science of the development and functioning of the human psyche.

Sociology- the science of the laws of formation and development of social systems, groups, individuals.

Right -a set of laws and rules of conduct in society.

Ethnography- a science that studies the life, culture of peoples and nations.

Philosophy- the science of the universal laws of the development of society.

Ethics- the science of morality.

Aesthetics -the science of beauty.

Sciences study societiesnarrow and broad sense.

Society in the narrow sense:

1. The entire population of the Earth, the totality of all peoples.

2. The historical stage in the development of mankind (feudal society, slave-owning society).

3. Country, state (French society, Russian society).

4. Association of people for any purpose (club of animal lovers, society of soldiers


5. A circle of people united by a common position, origin, interests (high society).

6. Ways of interaction between the authorities and the population of the country (democratic society, totalitarian society)

Society in the broadest sense -part of the material world, isolated from nature, but closely connected with it, which includes the ways of interaction between people and the forms of their unification. Politics: microlevel, macro level (state level), mega level (between states).

Political system- a set of elements in which political power is realized.

The type of political system determines the political and legal regime: democratic, totalitarian, authoritarian.

Elements of the political system (spheres or subsystems):

1. Institutional:state, parties, movements (institutions)

2. Communicative- a set of relationships between groups about power

3. Regulatory– rules and regulations

4. Cultural and ideological– ideology, political culture, views, emotions.

Powerthe ability to exercise their will, to have an impact.

Power structure:

1. Subjects of power– state, political leaders, parties

2. Objects of power- individuals, groups, masses

3. Foundations of power- legal, economic, power, social, information

4 . Power resources- coercion, persuasion, law, tradition, fear, encouragement, myths

5. Functions of power- domination, leadership, regulation, control, management, coordination, organization, mobilization.

Power is legal- legal authoritylegitimate authority- that which is not imposed by force is accepted by the people voluntarily.

Legitimacy or domination of power (M. Weber)

1. Traditional dominance- driven by tradition

2. Legal domination- on the recognition of legal norms

3. Charismatic dominance- based on the authority of the leader.

Political power is divided into:state and public authority.

Theories of the origin of the state:

1. Patriarchal theory - Aristotle2. Religious theoryThomas Aquinas3. Contract theoryD. Locke, T. Hobbes4. Organic theoryG. Spencer5. Class theoryK. Marx

State- a special organization of power and administration, which has a special apparatus of coercion and is able to give its orders binding force for the whole country.

Signs of the state

1. The presence of a special public authority

2. The presence of a special control apparatus

3. Territorial organization

4. Taxes

5. Sovereignty of power

6. Monopoly on lawmaking.

State functionsthe main, socially significant areas of state activity.


1. By objecty: internal and external

2. By content: political, economic, social, cultural and educational, legal, organizational, environmental.

3. By the nature of the impact:protective (ensuring the protection of public relations) and regulatory (development of public relations).

State shape- a set of basic ways of organizing, organizing and exercising state power, expressing its essence.

State forms:

1. Form of government -way of organizing government.

Form of government: 1. Monarchy- power is concentrated in the hands of one head and is inherited.2. RepublicPower is exercised by elected bodies elected for a fixed term.Monarchy:1 . absolute, 2. parliamentary, 3. dualistic.Republic:1. presidential, 2. parliamentary, 3. mixed.

2. Form of governmentmethod of national and administrative-territorial structure.Forms: 1. unitary state, 2. federation, 3. confederation.

3. Political and legal regimea set of political and legal means and ways of exercising power.Regime: 1. democratic, 2. anti-democratic (1. authoritarian, 2. totalitarian, 3. military).

Democracyrecognition of the principle of equality of all people, active participation of the people in political life.

Signs of democracy:1. recognition of the people as a source of power and sovereignty,2. the existence of rights and freedoms, 3. pluralism, 4. separation of powers(legislative, executive, judicial), 5.publicity. 6. elective power, 7. developed system of local governments.

Forms of democracy: 1. direct (direct), 2 indirect (representative).

Institutions of Direct Democracy: 1. elections, 2. referendum (popular vote).

Electoral system(includes the right to vote, the electoral process and the procedure for recalling deputies) –the procedure for the formation of elected bodies.

Suffrage- principles and conditions for the participation of citizens in elections.Suffrage: 1. active(right to vote)2. passive(the right to be elected).signs: 1. universal, 2. equal, 3. vowel, 4. open.Determination of results takes place on two systems: 1. majoritarian electoral system -The winner is the candidate who receives the most votes.2. proportional electoralsystem - voting according to party lists and the distribution of mandates between parties is strictly proportional to the number of votes cast.Mandate- a document certifying the rights of a deputy.

Civil society(G. Hegel)- this is a non-state part of socio-political life, protected from direct state intervention, equality of rights and freedoms of all people;Signs of civil society:1. the presence in society of free owners of the means of production; 2. development and branching of democracy; 3. legal protection of citizens; 4. a certain level of civic culture.

Constitutional state- the state, which in its activities is subject to law.Signs of the rule of law: 1. law supremacy, 2 . observance of rights and freedoms, 3. separation of powers, 4. mutual responsibility of the state and citizens.

Political Party- an institution of the political system, a group of adherents of certain goals, uniting to fight for power.Party features: 1. power struggle, 2. programwith goals and strategy, 3.charter, 4. organizational structure, 5. the presence of governing bodies.

Party types: 1. By methods:revolutionary, reformist. 2. By the nature of membership:personnel, mass3. By ideology: conservative, liberal, social democratic, communist.4. By representation in power: ruling, opposition.5. By the nature of the actions:radical, reactionary, moderate, extremist, conservative.

Political culture (G. Almond, S. Verba) - a set of systems of opinions, positions, values ​​that prevail in a society or group.

Types of political culture:

1. Patriarchal- Orientation of citizens to local values,2. subject- passive attitude of citizens in the political system.3. political culture of participation (activist) - active participation of citizens in political life.Absenteeism- non-participation, avoidance of political life.

Political ideology- system of ideas. Types of ideologies:

1. Conservatism- maintaining order. 2.liberalism- freedom of individuality, entrepreneurship, rights. 3.Socialism- a fair structure of society. 4.anarchism- elimination of the state 5.nationalism- superiority of the nation 6.extremism- Violent methods.

Constitution of Russia1918 (first), 1925, 1937, 1978,1993 (12 December). The first in the world1787 - US Constitution.December 10, 1948- "Universal Declaration of Human Rights", 1966 - "International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights" and "International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights".1959 – "Declaration of the Rights of the Child"1989 – "Convention on the Rights of the Child".

You will need

  • - Internet access.


History is not just a collection of facts to be memorized. She is very logical. Of course, the names, dates, names of princes and emperors will simply have to be learned, but otherwise everything can be divided into blocks, which will be much easier to learn from. For example: politics, social sphere, culture, wars.

In each paragraph of each paragraph of the textbook there are a couple of important facts and there are details, often unnecessary and confusing, or presented in such a way that it is simply impossible to remember them. Forget about them for a while. Imagine that the New Year is coming soon and that you are collecting and decorating an artificial Christmas tree. First you need to assemble the Christmas tree itself, i.e. attach the "paws" to the "trunk", then wrap it with a garland of light bulbs, and only after that hang up the toys. So: do not try to hang toys if the tree has not yet been assembled! The reign of Alexander II, for example, is all about the abolition of serfdom, judicial, zemstvo and military reforms, and then the number of attempts on his life and the construction of the Church of the Savior on Blood in the place where he was mortally wounded.

Helpful advice

Talk to those who took the exam in history last year. What were the questions that seemed difficult to them?
Connect with your history teacher. He works to help you. Surely he knows and can advise good tutorials.
If the story doesn't lend itself to you, talk to your parents about a tutor. It is better to spend money on a tutor than to enter a university next year or choose a less prestigious university.

Despite the fact that social science is a very easy subject, it is very difficult to pass it in the framework of the unified state exam. And getting a score of 100 points in the exam in general seems to be an impossible task. However, the Unified State Examination in social studies for 100 points is absolutely real.

You will need

  • - four hours of free time daily for 2-3 weeks;
  • - perseverance and diligence;
  • - 2-3 books on social studies by various authors;
  • - the necessary regulatory legal acts in the current version;
  • - Internet access.


Your best friends for the near future should be patience and perseverance. Social science is a subject, although, but the amount of information that you need to know in order to successfully pass the exam is large, so you will have to work hard to eliminate gaps in knowledge. If you allocate four hours a day for preparation, then in 2-3 weeks you will study the entire course of this subject. But you will have to concentrate as much as possible on the assimilation of information so as not to re-read the same material several times.

Make short cheat sheets. So you will consolidate and generalize the entire array of information. You may not have to use them, but in the process of writing them, you will additionally repeat the most important thing from the entire course. If you are too lazy to make cheat sheets, you can underline the main points of each paragraph with a pencil in the book - re-read, and then carefully erase the pencil with an eraser.

Don't limit yourself to one book - use 2-3 textbooks by different authors. Why is it necessary? How many lawyers, so many opinions. Social science structure of the state and society, authors who have. On only one topic “what comes first: the state or society?” There are several hypotheses that need to be known. If you prepare for the exam using only one book, your knowledge will be limited to the opinion of one particular person on a particular issue. But on the exam, very tricky questions can come across and it is simply necessary to have material for reasoning.

Since the subject studies state-legal issues, and in books there are often references to articles of a particular law, you should familiarize yourself with the current legislation in the Russian Federation. Only with the basic and necessary acts for the successful passing of the exam. To pass the exam, you will need to study the Constitution, the Civil and Criminal Codes of the Russian Federation. If it is not possible to buy them, the Internet will help you, in the vastness of which you will find the necessary regulatory legal acts.

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In order to successfully pass the history of 100 points, thorough preparation is necessary. You can attend classes with a tutor - in this case, the chances of passing the exam perfectly increase. But what about those who do not have the means for additional classes? Here it remains only to rely on your own strength and prepare yourself for the exam on your own.


Purchase additional literature to prepare for the exam. Do not buy the first textbooks that come across. It is better to carefully study them in the store - is there information in an understandable language, what year is the issue you are holding in your hands, whether the authors explain the solution in an accessible way, whether all the material is collected in the book. Only after the benefit satisfies all your requirements - feel free to buy it.

Solve daily suggested tests. You may come across some familiar questions that you can easily answer. When analyzing your answers, focus on the wrong ones. Do not be lazy to work on the mistakes so that they do not happen again. Memorize dates, definitions, facts - at the exam you will definitely remember them. If for some reason you have not studied for several days, try to repeat the material you have already covered, at least briefly, in order to “refresh” the information in your memory.

Make cheat sheets. Not the fact that you will take them with you on. But you remember what you wrote down. Write down the dates that will definitely be in the tests. Don't forget to include famous people who have contributed to history in your names. Pay special attention to the definitions, as in Part B the emphasis is on the terms. Part C suggests more of an answer. Therefore, read as much as possible to be able to navigate, even if you come across a difficult question.

During the year, try to participate in school Olympiads in - this will be a great help for passing the exam in the subject with excellent marks. Do not be lazy to visit the library if you do not have some material at home.

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Social studies remains the most popular subject chosen by schoolchildren as a final exam. The results of the Unified State Examination in social studies are required for admission to the law, sociology and many other humanitarian faculties. In order to successfully pass this test, you need to seriously prepare for it.

You will need

  • - social studies textbooks;
  • - legal documents of the Russian Federation;
  • - sheets of paper;
  • - pen.


The mistake of many graduates is that they consider social science an easy subject, the passing of which will not be difficult. Do not leave the study of the material until the last days before the exam, since a high score can only be obtained by carefully studying a large amount of information. Start preparing at least one month before the exam.

The social science curriculum consists of five different subjects: economics, law, sociology, political science and philosophy, each of which contains its own basic concepts and terms. When preparing for the exam, one should not be limited to one school textbook. Pick up several reputable publications by professional authors that provide different points of view on a particular issue.

In addition to educational literature, when preparing for the exam, carefully study the main legal documents of the Russian Federation (the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Civil and Criminal Codes). These legislative acts can be easily found in any library or on the Internet.

For the successful completion of the test part of the exam, it is necessary to familiarize yourself in detail with the basic concepts of the course, and learn some by heart. Connect motor and visual memory to the memorization process. This can be done by making small cribs. Write down key terms, main names and dates on sheets of paper. This will make it easier to structure and summarize, and subsequently repeat a large amount of material. It is not worth taking these cheat sheets for the exam itself, they will only distract from the main thing.

The greatest difficulty in the exam is usually writing an essay. It is important that it formulates the main idea (thesis), in the disclosure of which you will be able to show the depth and quality of your knowledge on the subject as much as possible. This cannot be achieved without regular practice in writing such papers.

Preparation for the exam

It will be easy to pass the exam if all the tasks turn out to be familiar and the student does not "swim" in terms and dates. Therefore, you should prepare for the exam in advance, and not on the last day. Set aside a time that is convenient for you - you can practice every day for thirty minutes, or three times a week for an hour or more. It all depends on your fatigue and readiness to perceive repeated material. These sessions should be fruitful, you should memorize information, and not just skim it.
Memorize dates as they are an important part of learning history. If you have a bad memory for numbers, then use the association method. Match them with important dates for you.
Memorize dates as they are an important part of learning history. If you have a bad memory for numbers, then use the association method. Match them with important dates for you.

History assignments

Get special textbooks to prepare for the exam in history. Memorize the tasks and answers to them that are offered there. Spend enough time on each question. Note down important terms and dates. If necessary, you can quickly find the information you need, and writing on paper helps you remember better.
Benefits should be bought "fresh", that is, the year in which you will take the exam, taking into account all changes and amendments. Give preference to those manuals in which the most complete answers are written.
Benefits should be bought "fresh", that is, the year in which you will take the exam, taking into account all changes and amendments. Give preference to those manuals in which the most complete answers are written.

Exam behavior

Don't answer at random if you don't remember the correct answer. Try to remember what you have learned. You will definitely remember something related to this topic. Think logically. There are not many options, so choosing the right one will not be difficult.

Advice 7: How to effectively take notes for preparing for the exam

In order to prepare well for the exam, in addition to memorizing, you need to effectively write notes for good memorization of the material. To do this, you need to follow certain rules. They consist mainly in isolating the main thing from the general.

What to write down and how to highlight the main thing

So, we decided that we need to highlight the main thing from the general. How to do it? First, highlight the key words in the course of the text or lecture, they will just guide you. Keywords will also protect you from writing unnecessary, superfluous information. Secondly, find sentences that are related to these keywords, write them down, so your text will begin to take shape. Third, find all the definitions that appear in the text. And fourthly, ask all the questions that may arise when reading the topic title. The answers to these questions are just the main thing in the recorded information.

After you have selected everything, compose a logically coherent text, reducing it to a minimum. Enter and use word abbreviations, as they will help reduce the amount of text, which is better for understanding and remembering. Do not skip any definitions, because they are the basis of the abstract. Whenever possible, make tables and lists.

How to make an outline

It has long been known that the design of the text plays no less important role than the informative content, as it makes it easier to remember. So, in order to effectively format the abstract, divide the page into parts: below and , you will thus get 3 blocks. In the center, write all the main information, below, write down all the terms and definitions that were found in the text, and make drawings or diagrams on the side. This way of dividing the page will help you better navigate it, find the information you need, and also teach. Pictures in this case will help to remember the material based on associations and images, and tables and lists will help to organize it.

The next thing to remember when writing an outline is the use of different colored pens and markers, which should also be used to highlight different topics and definitions. You can assign specific colors to the type of information you highlight, for example, highlight definitions in red, topics in black, diagrams, etc., so it will be easier for you to navigate through the text.

Do not forget to highlight the definitions by stepping back a few cells before and after it. This is done due to the fact that continuous text is very difficult to remember.

Such note-taking will help you easily, quickly, efficiently memorize and write down the material, highlight the general from it. Perhaps this method is suitable not only for preparing for the exam, but also in everyday life.

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