Detective Pierre. Children's detectives - Wimmelbuch

Maze specialist Detective Pierre has a new case to solve! The elusive thief Mister X has stolen from the museum an ancient magic stove that can cause confusion around the world. To save their beloved city, Pierre and his girlfriend Carmen give chase...

You will forget about everything in the world, trying to catch up with Mr. X and go with Pierre through dizzying labyrinths. You have to make your way through the town square and find your way through an abandoned forest village, catch up with Mr. X at the art museum, and stay out of sight at the balloon festival. And you also need to help everyone who meets on your way.

Only real detectives can cope with all the tasks of this mind-blowing book!

book chips

    Huge size

    15 unique maze spreads from the masters of detailed illustrations - the Japanese studio IC4Design

    On each spread, in addition to the maze, there are tasks for attentiveness - to find small objects in these incredible illustrations.

    The book is simply interesting to look at - there are many characters and stories.

    Labyrinths, Wimmelbuch and riddles in one unique book

Who is this book for?

For kids aged 7-8 who love mazes and puzzles. And also for keen adults.

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Hello, friends! Today I want to tell you about an incredibly interesting Wimmelbuch with tasks - โ€œDetective Pierre unravels the case. In Search of the Stolen Labyrinth" and about stickerbook about Pierre's adventures in addition ๐Ÿ™‚

"Detective Pierre" is simply the most chic Wimmelbuch: a very large format (36 cm by 26.5 cm) with labyrinths, the smallest details and a well-thought-out story. About what kind of Wimmelbuch books, what they are and why they are needed - you can read in this article :)

To say that Gleb liked the book is to say nothing, because he โ€œhangsโ€ with it for hours ๐Ÿ™‚ Somewhere around three years, we had a peak of love for Wimmelbuch, then somehow interest subsided, and now he has risen together again with Pierre.

I think this happened due to the fact that there is a thread-like plot and a large number of tasks. And the quality, of course, drawing and detailing is on top. So we are completely delighted with the book ๐Ÿ™‚

The plot of the book

The main characters of the book detective pierre(maze specialist) Carmen(his girlfriend) and Mr. X(elusive thief). The plot is that Mister X stole a slab with an ancient labyrinth from the museum and now the whole city is in terrible danger, because the power contained in this slab can turn the whole city into one big maze.

Who will help and catch the elusive Mister X? Of course, your baby and detective Pierre ๐Ÿ˜‰

Adventures of Pierre

Mazes in the book are unusual(here you will not find the labyrinths-tunnels with walls, partitions and passages familiar in our understanding).

Here the labyrinths are veiled and hide in a variety of objects, houses, stairs, ships and railway tracks. For example, on the first spread, the main labyrinth is a barely visible path on the floor of Pierre's garage, deftly making its way between hundreds of objects scattered on the floor of the garage.

And "In the sea" - a labyrinth laid between the ships.

By the way, in addition to the main large labyrinth, there are also smaller labyrinths. For example, on the first spread in Pierre's garage, there are three more mazes: on the map, on the wall, and on the bookshelves.

All labyrinths start with the word "START" and end with "GOAL", so if you see the word "START" somewhere, but don't see the labyrinth itself, look carefully, it should definitely be there ๐Ÿ™‚

Plots of labyrinths

There are 15 spreads in the book! We liked absolutely all of them, so I canโ€™t even say which one is more ๐Ÿ™‚

Here are the places you have to visit with Pierre in search of Mister X:

  • Pierre's garage
  • Museum
  • city โ€‹โ€‹holiday
  • Street Cafe
  • City center
  • Balloon Festival
  • Castle in the south
  • Mysterious forest village
  • Haunted house
  • lost city
  • In the sea (there is such an unforgettable octopus that you definitely wonโ€™t pass by it)
  • Noisy port
  • Trolley ride
  • mysterious market
  • The last giant maze


What I really liked about Wimmelbuch is that here, in addition to the main goal - to go through the labyrinth, There are many other interesting tasks.

The tasks are described at the bottom of the page and are designed very beautifully: either as a newspaper clipping, or a note on a piece of faded paper, or a page from a notebook - in a word, very atmospheric.

Tasks are distributed as follows:

  • Mister X Quests. Only after completing this task, you can turn the page and move on to the next maze. Tasks by type: find five monkeys that ran around the museum. Even it was difficult for me to find the fifth one, I confess, I โ€œfoughtโ€ with Gleb for a long time on this task, until they found the most cunning and dexterous monkey ๐Ÿ™‚
  • Stars and cups. You need to find a certain number of golden stars, red or green cups and chests scattered throughout the maze;
  • Assignment on the theme of the labyrinth. You will find a short story about the place where you ended up and, of course, a new exciting task;
  • Letter from a thematic character(on each spread you will find another special task on the theme of the labyrinth: for example, a task from a forest wizard in a mysterious forest village, or a letter from Dracula in a haunted house);

Thus, in each maze you need: go through the maze, complete the task of Mr. X, find the required number of certain items and complete thematic one or two tasks. So you can sit over each labyrinth for quite a long time. And if the child really likes to look at the details and follow the plot twists, then this time is measured in hours ๐Ÿ™‚

What else?

As in many other Wimmelbuchs, this one has a number of characters that appear on each spread and it is very exciting to look for them too. For example, we followed the movements of a white bear, a sailor and a ninja.

Iโ€™ll tell you a funny story ๐Ÿ™‚ I donโ€™t like to read books from the end, I donโ€™t even look at the last pages so as not to accidentally see some spoiler ๐Ÿ™‚, so I donโ€™t have the habit of scrolling through the book without reading it to the end. And now, the second hour is coming, Gleb and I are looking for and cannot find the fifth monkey in the museum, but I really want to find it in order to go to a new labyrinth.

And now, at the moment when I am ready to give up - the book slips out of my hands and opens at the last spread, and there ... the answers ๐Ÿ™‚ It turns out that in the book has the answers, so be prepared for this and do not open the last pages ahead of time. Seeing that there are answers, we already, out of principle, had to find the monkey on our own, so that later we could check and make sure we were right ๐Ÿ™‚

On the last pages there are answers to the labyrinths and all tasks, as well as an interesting selection designed in the form of an old newspaper.

Stickerbook with 800 stickers

A special mention is the sticker book for the book about Pierre and his investigations. It's just a masterpiece!

In stickerbook spreads of the book are repeated to the smallest stone, only all these details are stickers!

Each item is a sticker! Just a gift for sticker lovers, which are all children.

In addition to a whole spread-sticker repeating the plot of the book, the next spread in the stickerbook is individual stickers of items related to the case.

Of course, not all 15 spreads of the book about Pierre are repeated in the sticker book, but only five, but this is enough "with a head":

  • Pierre's garage
  • In the museum
  • Balloon Festival
  • Haunted house
  • In the sea

Also in stickerbook there are tasks: they are different from the tasks in the book, so the child will be interested. Tasks - two or three for each turn.

There is a photo wall at the beginning of the stickerbook. It is here that all the items that remind Pierre of his amazing adventures are stored. The kid needs to find these items in the sticker book and paste them in the appropriate places within the frames on the wall of honor.

From the items there: bear, boat, airship, etc.. It will definitely not be difficult to find them, because after reading the book you will surely remember their location ๐Ÿ™‚


In a word, the book fascinates the child already at first sight, since it is very large in format and such a large number of details fit in this huge space that the eyes immediately โ€œrun upโ€ and a slight shock sets in, and then the desire to consider it all, figure it out and find everything the most interesting ๐Ÿ™‚

These are such curious books, enjoy your journey through the labyrinths ๐Ÿ˜‰

With love,

Marina Kruchinskaya

About the book

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Huge size

On each spread, in addition to the maze, there are tasks for attentiveness - find these incredible...

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About the book
Maze specialist Detective Pierre has a new case to solve! The elusive thief Mister X has stolen from the museum an ancient magic stove that can cause confusion around the world. To save their beloved city, Pierre and his girlfriend Carmen give chase...
You will forget about everything in the world, trying to catch up with Mr. X and go with Pierre through dizzying labyrinths. You have to make your way through the town square and find your way through an abandoned forest village, catch up with Mr. X at the art museum, and stay out of sight at the balloon festival. And you also need to help everyone who meets on your way.
Only real detectives can cope with all the tasks of this mind-blowing book!

book chips
Huge size
15 unique maze spreads from masters of detailed illustrations - Japanese studio IC4Design
On each spread, in addition to the maze, there are tasks for attentiveness - to find small objects in these incredible illustrations.
The book is simply interesting to look at - there are many characters and stories.
Labyrinths, Wimmelbuch and riddles in one unique book

Who is this book for?
For kids aged 7-8 who love mazes and puzzles. And also for keen adults.

about the author
Hiro Kamigaki and IC4DESIGN - author of "Detective Pierre unravels the case"
IC4Design is a Japanese illustrator studio one of the most famous in the world. Specializes in creating very detailed, detailed illustrations. Winner of numerous international awards, including being included in the list of 200 Best Illustrators Worldwide 09/10. Among the studio's clients are Adobe, Google, The New York Times Magazine, Mercedes-Bentz, Amtrak, MarsCorp and others.

Mysteries, adventures and brave heroes who always defeat insidious villains are integral elements of a children's detective story. Children love sleuth stories so much because they enjoy pretending to be part of mysterious events and solving puzzles with the characters, especially if saving the world depends on the results. But it is much more interesting to follow the trail of criminals on your own! For example, in the Wimmelbuchs about Detective Pierre, in order to catch the villain, you have to rack your brains.

According to the plot of the book, detective Pierre is trying to catch the insidious villain Mr. X and save the city from disaster. To do this, the detective needs to walk a lot: along the streets, paths, tunnels and stairs. It is in the midst of narrow streets and busy docks that Pierre finds valuable artifacts and clues hidden among many other items. And along the way, he helps all the locals who turn to him with a variety of requests. For example, the shepherd begs the detective to collect the lost goats.

The offender also does not sit still and constantly creates new problems that interfere with the investigation: he will set his accomplices on the detective, then he will revive militant stone statues, then he will make a commotion by releasing the monkeys from the enclosure. And, like a real good character, Detective Pierre can't move on until he fixes the whole mess and makes everyone around him happy, but with the help of the reader, he still wins.

You can play with this book more than once. There are so many interesting details hidden on each turn that it will not be difficult to come up with new tasks, it all depends on your imagination:

- ask the child to find some small objects;
- make lists with artifacts for each other and arrange a competition: whoever finds all the items faster wins and gets ice cream;
- get creative. There is almost no text in the book, so each picture is an occasion to dream up. You will meet a lot of characters, for them you can come up with additional options for the development of the plot, up to a new biography!

Opera City, where detective Pierre lives, is full of surprises and mysteries that await whoever can solve them! For those who are incredibly fond of this anthill town, the publishing house " MYTHยป released an addition to the adventures of Pierre - bright stickerbook. It contains stickers with characters and animals from the first book, and you can use them in different ways - you can just paste them over a room or turn on your fantasy and continue to wander through the narrow streets, creating more and more life situations. Fortunately, the book has several spreads with already familiar locations.

And, of course, there are new tasks there - a nice bonus for those who enjoyed the main game.

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