Japanese army. Army of Japan: characteristics and description of weapons

The Japanese army seems to most people to be a kind of secret society of samurai: everyone knows about them, but they have only seen them in films. But in fact, the Japanese army has a rich history, and the samurai are only a small part of it.

Ancient times

In ancient Japan, the army was formed on the same principle as in neighboring China. At that time, the army unit was a detachment of 5 people - "go". If two such detachments gathered, then they formed a military group called "ka". Such detachments were led either by the oldest or more experienced comrades.

Ka were on foot and on horseback, and if 5 foot and 5 cavalry units gathered in one place, then they united the “ryo” detachment. Such detachments had their own commander - ryosui. Ryo united in gundans - a kind of garrison troops that performed military duties in peacetime. If the country was threatened by an external danger, then the gundans united in the army, and under the command of the taishogun defended the borders.

Crucial moment

Such an army of Japan lasted until the beginning of the tenth century. At that time, decentralization of power took place in the country, and the unified army ceased to exist. Different regions formed their own power and their own army. Often, armies from different regions clashed with each other.

Until the 16th century, the Japanese army consisted of military detachments scattered by the authorities. During this time, a harsh hierarchy reigned in army circles. There were no more squads of 5 people, where the most senior or experienced warriors commanded. Now the commanders of different units were appointed by the governors (shoguns). But, despite this, a kind of individualism still remained. The troops did not have to attack each other. To determine the winner, each army nominated the best samurai. The result of the duel decided the outcome of the whole battle.


In 1543, for the first time, Europeans appeared on the shores of Japan, they introduced the Japanese army to firearms, which provoked a new round in its development. The Japanese adopted from the Europeans not only weapons, but the habits and style of warfare. The Eastern desire for order and the European principles of the existence of the army, integrating with each other, created an army that began to surpass the original.

All the same, the army of the feudal prince remained the main army unit. The place of the samurai in the hierarchy was determined by the size of his estate, as well as the amount of human resources that they had to supply to the army. But with the advent of firearms, the size of the Japanese army increased dramatically. Now even a peasant could shoot without spending many years of military service on training. The Japanese army successfully absorbed the new trend of the era, but retained its traditions, and at the beginning of the 17th century was no longer inferior to the military power of the West.

Meiji Restoration

In 1868, a civil war broke out in Japan. The government of the country felt an urgent need to create a unified national army, because at that time it did not exist. The authorities mainly hired samurai regiments that were located in the autonomous regions of the country. Therefore, in August 1869, the Ministry of War was created, the main task of which was to reform the Japanese army, weapons and equipment, according to the models of the armies of advanced states.

Two years later, in 1871, the government created a single army based on the Satsuma, Tosa and Choshu shogunates. This association became the first division of the Imperial Japanese Army, which was directly subordinate to the ruler of the country of the Rising Sun. In 1872 the Ministry of War was liquidated. In its place appeared the departments of the army and navy. In 1873, according to the decree of the emperor, samurai communities were abolished and compulsory military service was introduced. The country formed 6 military districts and a corresponding number of garrisons. The main task of the Imperial Army was to maintain order by suppressing samurai and peasant uprisings. But in 1874, the Japanese army was aimed not only at maintaining order, but also at invading neighboring states. So, a trip to Taiwan was carried out. After him, military leaders began to push for an invasion of Korea in order to force her to enter into diplomatic relations with Japan.

Activities of the Imperial Army

In 1878, under the leadership of the emperor, the General Staff of the Army was created. It was a kind of think tank of Japan's military power. Over time, two such centers were formed: one was responsible for the fleet, the other commanded the ground forces. Disputes constantly arose between them, and this significantly reduced military power.

In 1885, the garrisons were replaced by divisions, after 3 years they included the seventh, guards division. This was a necessary measure for the large-scale battle with China, which lasted throughout 1894-1895. After the victory in the battle with China, the Imperial Army entered into a confrontation with Russia, which took place in 1904-1905.

Beginning in 1907, a fortification military doctrine was established in Japan. The number of divisions increased to 25. With the beginning of the First World War, the country threw its forces into the fight against the German Empire and seized at its disposal the German lands that were on the territory of the Chinese peninsula.

The collapse of the Imperial army

When the First World War ended, the Japanese government mobilized all available military forces and threw them into the conquest of China. Another Japanese-Chinese war began - 1937-1945. To strengthen its position, Japan agreed to sign a deal on a military alliance with fascist Italy and the Third Reich (1940).

The Imperial Army began to suffer defeat in 1941 after America went over to the side of China. This event became fatal, it dragged the country of the Rising Sun into World War II, which ended with the liquidation of the Imperial troops and the complete defeat of the state.

Japan Self-Defense Force

The military power of Japan was completely destroyed, but this gave impetus to the creation of a new army. Although the country even banned the practice of martial arts and the manufacture of swords, which were actively used until 1952, new military forces were nevertheless created.

In 1947, the Constitution was adopted in Japan, according to paragraph 9, the country completely abandoned armed, military conflicts. Nevertheless, about 200 factories were saved from the dismantling of former military enterprises the following year. In 1950, Japanese officers visited the US for military training. In the summer of the same year, a reserve police corps was created in the country. It consisted of 75 thousand people. Two years later, it was transformed into a security corps, the number of participants increased to 35 thousand.

In the fall of 1951, the United States and Japan signed the "Security Agreement", thus military-political cooperation began between the countries. In 1952, artillery equipment was transferred from America to the police corps, as well as several tanks for exercises. In the spring of 1954, a contract was again signed between Japan and the United States, now about military support, and on 08/1/1954 the security corps was transformed into the Japan Self-Defense Forces.

Formation of the modern Japanese army

After the creation of the Self-Defense Forces, several more cooperation agreements were signed between Japan and the States. Under the terms of these agreements, the US helped reform the new Japanese army. The self-defense forces began to increase rapidly, powerful and modern weapons appeared in their arsenal.

In 1976, the "National Defense Program" was approved, its goal was to strengthen the military power of the country. At the beginning of 1980, there were 260 thousand people in the regiment of the Self-Defense Forces. At the same time, there were many military officers from the staff, which made it possible to increase the number of people several times if necessary.

Somewhat later, the soldiers were allowed to use their forces outside the country to protect Japanese citizens, to use bacteriological weapons and satellite communications.

In August 1986, the National Security Council was created, and the post of Minister of Defense was established, which is the Prime Minister of Japan. At the beginning of the 21st century, the Self-Defense Forces were transformed into full-fledged armed forces.

Today, the Japanese army has the status of a full-fledged military organization. In 2012, a full-scale reform of the armed forces began. The main idea of ​​this reform was to turn the Self-Defense Forces into an army that would have its own fleet and permission to inflict damage on enemy forces. In 2014, the Secretary of Defense announced the decision to create a Marine Corps. Thus, through constant reform, training of soldiers and improvement of conditions, Japan's modern military forces can solve any problem.

The most significant advantages of any single country are its economic condition, foreign and domestic political activities, the standard of living of citizens, and, of course, the presence of a combat-ready state army. Each sane government of the country considers it its super-task to replenish, expand, and equip the mega-functional army of military personnel, whose multi-effort will protect the vital activity of any independent country from anyone.

Every second reasonable inhabitant of our country considers it his mega duty to provide his opportunities, both physical and mental, to serve in the ranks of the state army. Is this the case in other countries and how significant is the presence of their own army for them.

World Army Ranking 2017

What is the largest army in the world for 2017? More detailed and extensive examples in the top track "ranking the armies of the world":

10th place. The latest in the ranking, but very large-scale South Korean army. In terms of the number of military personnel, this army is in third place among Asian countries. In Korea, an extremely large number of residents who serve, protect their country;

9th place german army. The German army cites very worthy figures: the number of almost 190 thousand military personnel, a super huge military budget of about 45 billion dollars, which indicates that the provision of this military personnel is at the highest possible level. In terms of the number of military personnel, this military formation occupies only 25th place;

8th place. She took her position at this place. Turkish army, which holds the sixth place in the ranking in terms of combat capability, as well as the ninth position in terms of numbers. This military strength holds the golden first place among the armies of the Middle East, since, in addition to the excess military reserve, army regulations state that the age barrier starts at 20 and ends at 41;

7th place. In the top list "ranking of the armies of the world 2017" Japan holds its mega positions. The main high-class characteristic features of this army is that it is among the best, in terms of worthy indicators. The small size of this army manages the maximum possible financial indicator for such a number of people, the super-rigid training of military personnel is intertwined with training in traditional self-defense methods, which makes it extremely dangerous, acting only as a self-defense organization. It can be thoroughly put in the first position in the ranking of the most powerful armies in the world in 2017, not only because it has a variety of the latest means of protection, but also because of the mega skills of the most military personnel;

6th place was taken by the armed forces Great Britain. Despite the fact that the army of Great Britain occupies only the 27th place in terms of numbers, and the fifth in terms of combat effectiveness, it cannot be called uncompetitive in any way. The most notable high-profile features are that it has at its disposal the Royal Navy of Britain, which has received world silver in tonnage; it has a structural element - the performance of medical military service, which is not accepted in any army in the world;

5th place. One of the highly productive and strongest European armies is the army France. The characteristic features of this military structure are: the presence of atomic super-stocks, which even the most famous atomic armies of the world can envy, the presence of the Foreign Legion, in which only citizens of other countries serve;

4th place was taken by the army India. The Army Table of the World 2017 put this professional military organization in third place in terms of the number of military personnel. The Armed Forces of India have the highest military potential, high-class capabilities for the production and supply of weapons and equipment, which made it possible for it to acquire top-notch new tanks; ranks first in the operation of a large number of fighters;

3rd place. The army settled here China, the largest army in the world in terms of numbers. And, in terms of combat capability, the People's Liberation Army of China holds the bronze position. The characteristic features of this super structure can be called the age of service, from 19 to 49 years; the reserve military reserve has more than one and a half billion people; specific triune organization of the military structure, taking steps towards the creation of high-precision weapons;

2nd place went to VS Russia. The main distinguishing features of this military formation are the first place in terms of the number of military in the country, many billions of dollars in cash costs give it the opportunity to use the latest military innovations in weapons and equipment; has a significant, very significant stock of military equipment, but in terms of quality characteristics, it is significantly lagging behind;

1st place was taken by the army USA. It is the American Armed Forces that close the combat capability rating of the armies of the world. And, in terms of the number of armed forces, she took a silver position. The primary features of this military structure are the mega huge financial costs for its maintenance, the nuclear stock is simply impressive with its grandiose numbers, the professional work of the National Guard.

Japanese Defense Minister Tomomi Inada said she did not rule out the possibility of strikes "on enemy bases" by the country's self-defense forces. The reason for this was another launch of North Korean missiles towards the Japanese islands. Thus, Tokyo demonstrates its intention to abandon the restrictions in the military sphere, which it took upon itself after the Second World War.

Japan builds up military power

To understand the truly revolutionary essence of the statement of the Japanese Minister of Defense, it is necessary to refer to the constitution of the Land of the Rising Sun. Chapter two "Renunciation of War" contains only one article 9, which reads: "... the Japanese people on eternal times renounces war as the sovereign right of the nation and from the threat or use of armed force as a means of settling international disputes. Land, sea and air forces, as well as other means of war, will never again be created to achieve the goal indicated in the previous paragraph. The right to wage war by the state is not recognized".

How the complete renunciation of the nation's right to wage war and the intention to strike at foreign territory is a mystery. The correct answer would be: "No way!". That is, in order to deliver such strikes, Japan must first repeal Chapter Two of its basic law.

Well, maybe it will come to that.

It must be said that Tokyo has long been pursuing a kind of policy of "bypassing" the constitutional restrictions on military activity. Take, for example, the land, sea and air forces, which "will never be created again." In fact, Japan has it all. Only it is not called "army", but "self-defense forces". They appeared in 1954, after the war in Korea (yes, in the same Korea!).

Currently, the "Self-Defense Forces" in terms of power are ranked sixth in the world and second in the region (after the Chinese army). They have the most modern weapons and equipment on land, at sea and in the air.

In 1987, the Japanese government lifted restrictions on the size of the military budget, which until that time should not have exceeded one percent of the country's GDP. This year, Japan will send a record amount of $43.66 billion to the needs of its army.

In 2004, Japanese troops were sent to Iraq, where, however, they did not take part in the hostilities. However, this was the first of the foreign missions without UN sanction.

In September 2015, a truly epoch-making event took place. The upper house of the Japanese Parliament allowed the use of "self-defense forces" outside the Japanese state. This effectively annulled the non-military, neutral status of Japan that had been held for 70 years. It is noteworthy that the initiator of this decision was Shinzo Abe, who is now the head of the government.

From that moment, Japan received a legal opportunity to provide military-technical assistance to the Republic of Korea in the event of an attack by the DPRK, to shoot down North Korean missiles that are sent to the United States (before the adoption of the law, Japanese missile defense could only shoot down missiles if they were directed directly at Japan), participate in operations to free hostages - Japanese citizens outside the country, provide and enjoy unlimited military support from the United States and other allies, and conduct military operations to protect maritime communications.

Now, as far as can be judged from the words of Ms. Inada, the "self-defense forces" should be given the right to strike at "enemy bases" at Tokyo's own discretion. In fairness, we note that we are not yet talking about preventive strikes. The head of the Defense Ministry stressed that the issue of empowering the self-defense forces with the ability to strike at enemy bases before a missile launch is carried out is not being considered. But this seems to be a matter of time.

So, Japan is preparing to lift the restrictions "for all eternity" ordering her to renounce the right to wage war.

Of course, without the North Korean missiles, this would not have happened. So Comrade Kim skillfully played along with his "opponents". There is also no doubt that he himself was not without satisfaction when he heard about Tokyo's decision, because it gives him the same right to build up his own potential.

Similarly, there is no doubt about how Japan's actions will be received in the PRC: Beijing will certainly react extremely sharply and respond by building up its potential. Everyone already knows about the actions of the United States and South Korea (enhanced maneuvers, deployment of a missile defense system).

In a word, a local arms race is beginning in Northeast Asia. This means that Russia should take the problems of ensuring its security here very seriously and responsibly. We know firsthand what the Japanese army is and what destructive potential the conflicts that have been smoldering here since the war have.

To understand the essence of the proposed amendments to the constitution, you need to understand a little the specifics of the Japanese Self-Defense Forces. According to the Japanese constitution of the previous edition, they are intended solely to protect the state from an external enemy: the Japanese do not have the right to conduct hostilities outside the country, they cannot have marines and landing units.

However, a few days ago, the House of Representatives of the Japanese Parliament approved a bill that would allow the Japanese military to take part in hostilities outside the country for the first time since the end of World War II. The Japanese armed forces will be able to reasonably threaten enemies with the use of military intervention, as well as help the allies "bring democracy" to all corners of our planet, since the self-defense forces receive the right to participate in hostilities to protect "friendly countries".

We will discuss the possible consequences of introducing amendments to the most peaceful constitution later, but now let's remember how Japan became the most peaceful state.

At the end of the Second World War, the country of the samurai was on the side of the losers. The powerful offensive of the Soviet army and the use of atomic weapons by the Americans cooled the bellicose fervor of the Japanese, who, despite the loss of allies in Europe, were going to fight to the bitter end. As a result of the war, the country lost part of the territories and ended up in the sphere of dense influence of the United States. So that Japanese militarism would no longer be a threat to the world, a series of amendments to the Meiji Constitution was adopted on May 3, 1947, under American influence. In fact, the document was a separate Constitution, which began to be called the "Pacifist".

The most interesting for our analysis in this document is article number 9:

“Sincerely striving for international peace based on justice and order, the Japanese people forever renounce war as the sovereign right of the nation, and the threat or use of armed force as a means of settling international disputes.

Land, sea and air forces, as well as other means of war, will never again be created to achieve the goal indicated in the previous paragraph. The right to waging war by the state is not recognized.”

It was because of the amendments to this article that the noise arose. In the almost 70 years that have passed since the end of World War II, much has changed in the Far East. China has significantly strengthened and came to the fore in the region not only economically, but also militarily. North Korea has tested a nuclear bomb. Only the influence on Japan of the United States, supported by a military presence, remained unchanged.

The strengthening of opponents may have prompted the Abe government to finally get rid of the restrictions of Article 9. The presence of such a strong potential adversary as China has been keeping Japanese politicians awake since at least 2012, when relations between the countries escalated due to a territorial dispute.

The Japanese would not mind strengthening their positions in the South China Sea, but the Chinese set the tone here too. The policy of the PRC is pragmatic, therefore, the Chinese are unlikely to seriously reckon with a country whose armed forces can only be used within their own borders.

There is another way to look at the amendments to the Japanese constitution. Perhaps, by expanding the powers of their own armed forces, the Japanese want to demonstrate their independence to the United States. Still, when there is a full-fledged American army on the islands, but no full-fledged Japanese one, one cannot speak of complete sovereignty.

Japan's self-defense forces should not be underestimated. The country's military spending in 2014 amounted to $45.8 billion. According to this indicator, Japan ranks 9th in the world.

Photo: http://www.vz.ru/infographics/2015/6/16/751153.html

In the ranking of the world's armies, Japan is also in 9th place. Today, Japan has 122 attack helicopters, 289 fighters, and 16 submarines at its disposal. That is, the problem for Japan today is not at all in the weakness of the army, but in the inability to threaten this army.

Speaking about the possible consequences of creating full-fledged armed forces in Japan, one cannot ignore the potential threats to Russia. It is not worth leaving such an event without a reaction. China has already expressed "serious concern" about the current situation and accused Japan of revising the results of World War II. Although it can be assumed that in reality China is seriously concerned about a possible military threat from Japan. China's military potential is higher, but if overseas allies of the islanders get involved, the conflict could develop into a global one. And a purely Japanese-Chinese conflict in the immediate vicinity of our borders is an unpleasant thing.

If the amendments to the Japanese Constitution come into force, there is a danger for the Russian territory as well. The belligerent rhetoric of Japanese politicians about the Kuriles poses no real threat, but in the near future we may have to strengthen our borders in the Far East.

Of course, the likelihood of a Japanese attack on our territories is not too high. Nevertheless, the potential of our armed forces is higher, besides, Russia, unlike Japan, possesses nuclear weapons. And what it is, the Japanese, thanks to their overseas friends, know better than anyone. However, in any case, an adversary who has the ability to use force is worse for us than an adversary who does not have such an opportunity. Who knows what the Japanese would have done in a hypothetical case if the main Russian armed forces were engaged in another direction?

We talked about the attitude towards the current situation in China, estimated the potential dangers for Russia, but completely forgot to mention the attitude of ordinary Japanese to the problem raised. It turned out to be ambiguous. The rating of the initiator of the amendments S. Abe fell to 39%. More than half of the population disagree with the minister's decision. Activists collected 1.65 million signatures against the amendments. Tens of thousands of angry Japanese took to the streets on election day. About 100,000 residents of the country came to the demonstration at the walls of parliament to express their protest.

No matter how strange it may seem, but the current Abe regime can be called to some extent favorable for us. Unlike his predecessors, this prime minister really wants to compromise the Kuril issue. Therefore, resignation in the wake of the uproar raised by the opposition would be of no use to Russia.

Probably, not all readers may understand why we need to resolve the territorial dispute with Japan, because the islands are actually with us. First of all, Russia needs a solution to the Kuril issue in order to reduce one serious potential adversary. In a period of exacerbation of geopolitical confrontation in the world, this is important. However, no one says that the issue should be resolved through territorial concessions. Perhaps, as a compromise, the Japanese will agree to receive some economic preferences in the region.

Having analyzed the potential threats to Russia, it is worth thinking about the expected benefits. Can changing the concept of the Japan Self-Defense Forces bring us any dividends?

It would seem that there is nothing good for us here. However, if we take into account that Japan, by amending the constitution, wants to demonstrate its independence to the States, the situation becomes completely different. Of course, even then, Japan would not automatically become Russia's closest ally. But it should be borne in mind that the task of the foreign policy of the Russian Federation is to build a multipolar world:

“Russia attaches great importance to ensuring sustainable manageability of world development, which requires the collective leadership of the leading states of the world, which must be representative in geographical and civilizational terms and be carried out with full respect for the central and coordinating role of the UN.”

And if Japan gets out of the influence of the United States, and also defends its interests, striving to build a multipolarity, this will, to a certain extent, make life easier for our country.

In expanding the capabilities of the Japan Self-Defense Forces, one can also try to find economic benefits. It is likely that by adopting the amendments, the country will begin to modernize its armed forces. Russia, as one of the main arms exporters, could help it in this. In the current uncertain situation, it would be unwise to sell weapons to Japan. But in the event that the Kuril issue is resolved, as well as the influence of the Washington Regional Committee on Tokyo is reduced, why not expand the geography of our exports? After all, we supply weapons to India, China, Algeria. This would have a positive impact on the domestic budget, and if you trade in national currencies, the benefits can become very serious.

But another question is whether Russia will be able to offer Japan something special in terms of weapons. The Japanese military-industrial complex is not backward and provides the country with equipment to a large extent. Partially aviation equipment is supplied to the Japanese by the United States and some European countries. Therefore, it is possible to offer Japan either better quality products or more attractive prices than Americans and Europeans. The fall of the ruble contributed to the reduction in the cost of our weapons. And in terms of advanced developments, perhaps we have something to offer the Asians. It is unlikely that the island nation needs tanks in large quantities, but we have other products in stock. For example, the Japanese Howa Type-89 assault rifle is a bit old and inferior in performance to our AK-12. Also, the Japanese may be interested in Russian submarines, helicopters, fighters, combat robots.

Summing up, I would like to say that you should not have high hopes about Japan. Today it is a close ally of the United States, so the expansion of the powers of self-defense forces cannot be considered positive for Russia. However, even in not the most pleasant event, you can find positive moments. And if the head of the Japanese Foreign Ministry, after a meeting with Vladimir Putin, realizes that living under the wing of the United States is less profitable than pursuing an independent policy, this will be a significant success for our country.

The military art of any state is filled with specific traditions that have been formed over the centuries. Many countries in world history were famous for their ability to wage war beautifully, but only a few of them have preserved ancient customs in our time. As practice shows, such states are the most combat-ready, because the war for their soldiers is an innate instinct. Such states include Switzerland, famous for its mercenaries, Germany, which twice waged war against the whole world, Great Britain with its best navigators, as well as Spain, whose infantry is known throughout the world. But in world history there is another country whose army is no worse than the above. This state repeatedly waged war with China, Russia, and also played an important role in World War II. Thus, the article will discuss the structure, number, history and other features of the army of the state of Japan.

The Imperial Army is the source of modern Japanese Armed Forces

The modern army of Japan is a historical echo of the once existing army, which was known throughout the world for its ruthlessness, strength and power. However, the creation of the Japanese army was preceded by a series of reforms. Initially, there was no single military formation in Japan.

The basis of the country's defense was specific samurai militias, which were practically uncontrollable. But by 1871, the imperial army of Japan appeared in the country. The basis of the military formation was the individual troops of several principalities (Choshu, Tosa, Satsuma). The main regulatory bodies were the Ministry of the Army and Navy. Within a few years, the imperial army became a formidable force that repeatedly proved its power in battles with the Russian Empire, China and the British colonies. However, the history of the Japanese Imperial Army was sealed when the country entered into an alliance with Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy.

Creation of self-defense

In 1945, Japan was defeated in World War II. The occupying forces of the United States of America liquidated the imperial army, and by the middle of 1947, absolutely all military educational institutions were closed, and traditional martial arts were banned. Since then, the state of Japan has been under the complete control of the United States.

Already in 1951, the American authorities received permission to deploy their military bases in Japan. After that, the state gradually begins to develop its own armed forces, which acted solely on the basis of the principle of state defense. Thus, self-defense forces appear in Japan. By the beginning of the 21st century, these forces had turned into a professional military formation, deserving the status of the armed forces. At the same time, the ban on the use of the Japanese Armed Forces outside the state is lifted. Today, Japan's self-defense is a professional army that has its own structure and a clear list of tasks. The number of the army is 247 thousand people.

Operating principles

Japan operate on the basis of principles that have absorbed many moral norms and political doctrines. There are only four basic principles:

1. Refusal to attack. This means that the state will not use its troops for a direct attack, violation of the territorial integrity of other states.

2. Refusal to use nuclear weapons.

3. Widespread continuous monitoring of Japan's self-defense activities.

4. Military cooperation with the United States of America. Since World War II, Japan has been the largest US military ally outside of NATO.

This list of principles is not exhaustive, as Japan seeks to ensure full transparency in its military activities.

Ambiguity of legal status

It should be noted that the Japanese army has an ambiguous legal status. The Constitution of Japan prohibits the creation of any military formations on the territory of the state, which is enshrined in Article 9 of the Basic Law.

In turn, self-defense is a civilian formation, in other words, not a military one. However, none of the existing countries in the world can do without a strong, professional army. Japan is no exception in this sense. But the lack of a legal basis for the application significantly limits the activities and scope where the Japanese armed forces or self-defense forces can be used.

The structure of the self-defense forces

Along with the armies of other states, the army of Japan today has a standard structure of four main elements. The convenience of such a formation of the armed forces is due to the promptness of interaction between individual elements. There are the following structural elements that make up the army of Japan, namely:

Self defense.

Naval Self-Defense Forces.

Air Self Defense Force.

The fourth main element of the armed forces are special services. It is customary to single them out as a separate system unit, since they have their own hierarchy and complex internal structure.

Ground and Air Self-Defense Forces

The Imperial Army was famous for its air force units, which proved to be excellent during the Second World War. Today, Japan's self-defense adopted the traditions of the imperial army, but the goals are significantly different.

Aviation is designed to protect the airspace of the state, as well as to destroy enemy air forces in the event of a direct attack on Japan. The country has a powerful aviation technology and several structural military formations within the air force. The ground self-defense forces of Japan are significantly "cut down" because the state is forbidden to create motorized landing units in the structure of the army. Nevertheless, such troops have artillery, infantry, tank and helicopter divisions, which fully ensure the defense of Japan. The ground forces of Japan are armed with a large number of heavy and light tanks, armored vehicles (IFVs), armored personnel carriers, artillery installations, and mortars manufactured in different countries.

Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force

Maritime forces are the main way to protect the territory of Japan, because the state is located on several islands. This is the most combat-ready part of the armed forces.

Many scholars compare Japan's self-defense to the US Navy as equals in warfare at sea. The Japanese Navy consists of four main squadrons, which are based in different parts of Japan: the first in Yokosuka, the second in Sasebo, the third in Maizuru, and the fourth in Kure. But there is one minus of the naval forces - there is no marines. This fact is due to the principle of non-aggression, which is basic for the Japanese army. Marines don't exist because the state simply isn't allowed to have one. The naval forces include a large number of destroyers, destroyers, aircraft carriers and submarines of various classes and levels. The fleet also has many support ships and floating bases.

Special Services

Special services are allocated to a separate group of departments, which form a separate element of the structure of the Japanese Armed Forces. All of them have their own as well as a number of specific functional tasks. Such services include:

Information and Research Bureau (the activities of the service are not exactly clear due to the small number of employees and the high degree of secrecy).

Military intelligence (a service that is based on the achievements of the intelligence of the imperial army, and also largely adopted the experience of intelligence of the United States).

Information and research management.

General Police Directorate (the main body of public security).

Office of Investigations.

Military counterintelligence (Japan's main counterintelligence agency).

In addition, new services are constantly being created in Japan as social and international relations develop.


In addition, it should be said that the size of the Japanese army is growing every year. In addition, the amount of funds that the government spends on maintaining the army is also increasing. Thus, today Japan's self-defense is one of the most professional and dangerous armed formations in the world, even taking into account the neutral status of the state.

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