Academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences: list. Full members of the RAS

Shadow of Beria. Academics-intergirls pissed off the President

Academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences, who have profited and privatized state funds for science, want to be sold to everyone, and not expensive, they told Putin about this. And the president of Russia wants them to make efforts in organizing science “like a pump here”!

The President held a meeting of the Council for Science and Education in Novosibirsk. And on it, academics, like intergirls in hotels in the early 90s, twittered to the whole world about traveling and working abroad in a very sensitive area. And they masked these passionate desires to be in demand abroad with the term "international".

Putin:“Obviously, now the leader will be the one who will have their own technologies, knowledge, and competencies. They are becoming the most important resource for development, ensuring the sovereignty of the country without any exaggeration.

In science, as in other areas, we must achieve a real breakthrough. It is necessary once and for all to abandon support for inefficiency, from obsolete, obsolete approaches to the organization of scientific activity. And, of course, the country is waiting for new solutions from science that can change the quality of people's lives, give a powerful impetus to the development of Russia. These are the tasks that were set in the Strategy for Scientific and Technological Development. And projects of scientific institutes, R&D programs, ministries and departments should be aimed at this.”

But the shock workers of science did not hear the president

M. Kovalchuk: “And I want to emphasize that Russian and Soviet scientists have made a huge contribution to the development of the infrastructure of world science. Suffice it to say that the largest international project ITER, which you launched in 2006 by signing this agreement with Chirac in Paris, Vladimir Vladimirovich, is based on the ideas of Soviet physicists. A tokamak is being created there, this is a Soviet word, a toroidal chamber with magnetic coils.”

Moscow State University Rector Viktor Sadovnichy (left) and President of the Kurchatov Institute, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Mikhail Kovalchuk before a meeting of the Council for Science and Education.

M. Kovalchuk publicly boasts to the scientific community and the president that he cleverly trades in the Soviet legacy, reminding Putin that he dragged him into this completely useless project. But it's so nice to fly to Provence, imitating the scientific international fraternity! And what did the Russians get from the “development of the infrastructure of world science”, to which they “made a huge contribution”? Why can't the scientist Kovalchuk give the figures?

Quote from M. Kovalchuk's speech. “Today, the Tokamakov legacy of I.V. Kurchatov and the KAE, that is, the entire Russian people, are ordered by the caretaker of the KAE (now the Kurchatov Center, KC), nature-like and God-man, Kovalchuk as he calls himself.

Nature-like at its own discretion transfers key developments on the tokamak abroad, without asking himself the question of their value there and not even knowing how much he sells them to the West. This “God-man” is compared with Russian black-hole workers by love for symposiums (in ancient Greek "symposium" is "drinking after a meeting of friends") in the West.

Now Kovalchuk, a nature-like person, is taking Tokamak technologies to Provence, where he is building the same Tokamak, but under a different name - ITER (Research Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor). No one knows what is the benefit, including in terms of money, to the Russian society from such "physics" of Kovalchuk and from ITER in general?

So far, there is only a selfish benefit of the project for the nature-like person himself and his entourage: with the physical launch of the “thermonuclear” in Provence, Nobel Prizes in physics should be expected, including due to the large participation of the United States in it money and "theirs" clever businessmen from science. In any case, our home-grown "God-man" will not remain in the loser. This is a quote from a series of articles in our publication.

A. Sergeev President of the Russian Academy of Sciences, addressing Putin: You see, it seems to me that we could do the same at existing experimental facilities, interesting, unique, simply if we build the structure of this project correctly so that they can effectively participate foreign scientists.

It seems to me that in our country we need to adopt a law on the creation of international scientific organizations. After all foreign countries are accustomed to work in this way. If they are ready to contribute some funds, they need a clear definition that they will get a place in the management of this project, that they will get the right to shape the program, they will get certain hours for their scientists to work on these facilities.

We now, unfortunately, have only one organization in the country - the Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna operates as an international scientific organization "under the umbrella" of Russian legislation. If we had the opportunity to organize such international scientific organizations under Russian law, I think that we would receive both an influx of interest and an influx of capital here, and scientists would follow along with it. This, I think, is an important point." Highlighted by the editors.

Is Academician Sergeev very close to Alzheimer's? Or does not want to understand that Russians want to use for free, as advised by Corresponding Member. RAS M. Kovalchuk, who trades in the Soviet past of science for no benefit to the country. Can any of the scientists give an example that our scientists have worked out something worthwhile abroad? For example, for defense. Or is it just a personal career and pleasant business trips?

At a meeting of the Council for Science and Education

A huge amount of public funds wasted on the imaginary success of science in the study fictional fusion effect"black holes", which do not exist in nature, and getting "gravitational waves" from this merger. It was science imitators who recorded the effect of the merger of black holes that occurred, according to them fables occurred, 1.3 billion light years away! The newspaper "President" published a whole scientific story, exposing a collaborative group of international swindlers from science, in which scientists from Moscow State University and other scientific centers of Russia are also involved. The results of this international scam cannot be repeated or refuted!

At the Council in Novosibirsk, the previous President of the Russian Academy of Sciences V. Forts begging Putin for funds travel and living abroad. There is nothing for scientists to go to experiments. On expensive installations of American colleagues. And he complained about bureaucracy in the design of funds and scientific ideas. Academician Fortov, former president of the Russian Academy of Sciences: " More and more papers, reports and various other bureaucratic documents need to be written, which, in general, do little to help the cause and in fact hinder our progress in this direction.

In the West it is done differently. In front of me now is a sheet of A4 scale. This is the form that the person who nominates their colleague for the Nobel Prize must write down. Every year it is sent to several dozen physicists, at least I can say that. And in order to nominate a person for such a prestigious award, you have to actually fill out half a page. This can be done by hand. It took me 15 minutes to complete this form. This is enough to make a decision that a person has the right level.

We also had such a thing at one time, when the bureaucracy and the case were separated as much as possible. Here in front of me is also a half-page A4 diagram, handwritten by Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov for the creation of a hydrogen bomb. I want to hand over these two papers to you, Vladimir Vladimirovich, so that we have an idea of ​​what a complex system we have today. She's clumsy, she's uncompetitive, definitely».

Fortov hands two sheets of paper to the President. The camera zooms in on a piece of paper by Academician Sakharov. On it in a rectangle is drawn a circle in the center and two squares on the sides. According to Fortov, this is a scheme for the device of a nuclear charge, which was then brought to life by Russian engineers. But Academician Fortov did not say anything about the international center of science that the RAS has started in recent years, having created a foreign representative office of the RAS in Nice on the Cote d'Azur of France. How did they go there and for what kind of science, and with what funds did the scientists pay? This remains a mystery. The newspaper "President" wrote about this in a publication. “Israeli-infected RAS preparing a shadow government? »

And the rector of Moscow State University Sadovnichy assured the president that after a trip to Lebanon he would catch up with a cloud of Arab students. Are Arabs well-known engines of breakthrough technologies and bright brains? But will it help on the issue of discussion at the Council and which worries the President "On the global competitiveness of Russian science"? Sadovnichiy again spoke not about science and its achievements, which are few in his huge “temple of science”, but about those that were vital to him. trips abroad?

Rector of Moscow State University Sadovnichy: “In a few days, Vladimir Vladimirovich, we we go to Lebanon, Beirut for the forum of rectors of the League of Arab countries and rectors of Russia. About 40 rectors of Russia and 60 rectors of Arab countries will take part in this trip in a few days. I will list the countries that will take part in this Arab League conference on the 18th are Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Emirates, Egypt, Algeria, Somalia, Oman, Yemen, Kuwait, Palestine and others. Considering that they themselves applied to organize this meeting, and considering that the rectors of all these leading universities from Arab countries are scientists, well-known people in their society, I think this will be a very big event in just a few days. Olga Yurievna will take part in this forum, there will also be the opening of the school.”

And he boasted to the president that it was accelerated transfers knowledge to the Chinese in the branch of Moscow State University in Beijing. But Putin knows that the team of the scientist Sadovnichy stole 122 hectares of Moscow land assigned to Moscow State University from the university and sold it to the developer Luzhkov-Baturina, who are now on the list of US enemies. How many tens of billions of dollars have these persons stolen? The answer may come from the USA.

Silently sat on the Council, deliberately destroying the aircraft industry, academician-aircraft designer M. Poghosyan he resolutely turns Aerospace University MAI into an Armenian shop? Newspapers write about it

From Putin's face, from his remarks and closing phrases, it was clear that he very disappointed the level of speeches at the Council " old robbers", which pressed on the thesis: abroad will help us. And obviously, not ready to pander to the foreign aspirations of the snickering leaders of science.

Meeting of the Council for Science and Education

Quotes About The President's Displeasure With Proposals academicians-intergirls:

« Vladimir Evgenievich gave an example of how easily it used to be solved in some basic areas, but it is impossible for us to return the old system, because under the old system, when Sakharov wrote this paper ... What is written on top? " Top secret".

And behind all this was a well-known nuclear physicist and organizer of this work Lavrenty Pavlovich Beria. Try not to! Therefore, we cannot transfer the previous methods here. And the fact that these citizens, gentlemen, write like this, on one piece of paper - yes, they do it, Andrei Alexandrovich is right. But when they go for money, I assure you, I know it, you won’t be limited to such a number of documents, you understand? It's pretty strict there too.».

« … Our agenda today is “ On the global competitiveness of Russian science". The point is not at all to achieve some kind of medals. Not! We just need to create conditions for development of the country and without the development of science there will be no development of the country. Conditions must be created! This is what we talked about today».

« … When we talk about international cooperation, this is extremely important, because it makes our science part of the global scientific process. But this is also not an end in itself. In no case should we create conditions in this area, just as in others, under which this cooperation will lead to a further outflow. Vice versa, it is necessary to make this cooperation work like a pump here ».

Maybe it dawned on the president that these persons cannot create a system for domestic science “HOW TO PUMP HERE”? And it was not for nothing that he called Lavrenty Beria a nuclear physicist and organizer? Will there be landings among thieves, robbers and imitators of science? Plant governors, ministers, senators, generals. But only a few directors.

Perhaps, scientists, fundamental scientists, should be taken more seriously? Or, as experts advise, especially medical ones, they say there are hundreds of billions of dollars of stolen funds among academicians and their circle. And inter-academicians all dream of Provence, then Lebanon, or Beijing?

Putin, although he joked at the Council about the organizer of the atomic project, Lavrenty Beria, who very effectively moved science, but this formidable figure not without reason surfaced from the depths of Putin's consciousness?

The President held a meeting of the Council for Science and Education in Novosibirsk

More detailed and a variety of information about the events taking place in Russia, Ukraine and other countries of our beautiful planet, can be obtained on Internet conferences, constantly held on the website "Keys of Knowledge". All Conferences are open and completely free. We invite all waking up and interested ...

The Russian Academy of Sciences has replenished with 176 new academicians, 323 corresponding members and 63 foreign members. How complicated the nomination procedure is and what the status of a member of the academy gives today, Gazeta.Ru found out with the help of academicians.

As RAS President Academician Vladimir Fortov noted in his speech, the procedure for nomination and election of the RAS is complicated, he himself counted either six or five secret ballots that candidates for members of the Academy pass.

Indeed, the procedure itself began in April, when it was published distribution of vacancies by departments and sections of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Depending on the situation within the sections, the number of vacancies for the titles of Academicians and Corresponding Members of the RAS was announced.

At the same time, the rules are such that vacancies are indicated separately with and without age restrictions (up to 61 years).

Elections of members of the academy are held at least once every three years. In 2013, the reform of the Russian Academy of Sciences, which began, forced the postponement of the next elections, so the last time its composition was updated five years ago, and for natural reasons, new vacancies appeared in it over this considerable period.

“A lot of people died in our country, there were no elections for five years, during this time, unfortunately, a lot of people left us,” the first interlocutor explained to Gazeta.Ru.

For example, in the section of nuclear physics, which, together with the section of general physics and astronomy, make up the department of physical sciences, five vacancies were announced for the title of academician without age restrictions, two vacancies with age restrictions, and one for the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. For the title of corresponding member - six vacancies without restrictions, five with restrictions and one - for the Siberian branch.

Scientific organizations, scientific councils, as well as academicians and corresponding members have the right to nominate members of the academy.

Nominations are first considered by an expert committee within each department or section, which includes all or most of its academicians. At this event, academicians consider materials submitted by departments for candidates and recommend or do not recommend individual personalities.

“Academicians sit in the section and discuss for a long time who is worthy of the title.

They usually don’t talk about who is not worthy, no one expresses negative emotions, negative emotion is silence, ”said the academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, a member of the expert commission.

After that, a secret ballot takes place, which is carried out by filling in the ballots. Formally, the decision of the expert commission is advisory in nature, which, however, plays a role in further voting within the section of the department - the names of those recommended will be at the top of the list of candidates.

In their decisions, expert commissions are guided by their assessments of the authority of scientists, the significance of the achievements that stand behind them. At the same time, objective scientometric indicators often play a secondary role. “What are the Hirschs (Hirsch index. - Gazeta.Ru)! Maybe someone remembers them, but in general, people who are elected have strong works and discoveries, so the main criterion is scientific results, ”the interlocutor explained. Other circumstances are also taken into account - for example, if a person leads a strong team of experimenters, is the director of an institute, he is chosen to maintain control over institutions.

“A lot, of course, happens behind closed doors, but we really don’t have nepotism in the sense of children and grandchildren. There is nepotism when a teacher can intercede for his student, ”he added about the department of physical sciences.

After the expert commission, voting for candidates takes place within the section itself and the department, where all candidates are voted, but taking into account the opinion of the expert commission. Then, the candidates approved by the department are put on the voting ballot of the general meeting of the Academy of Sciences, which takes place on a non-alternative basis, where the scientist is most likely approved.

However, in the case of a controversial figure, the members of the academy more than once "filled up" the candidacies of people.

“At one time, the honorary academician and some of his protégés passed through the departments. And the general meeting overwhelmed them, ”the first interlocutor explained. The academy may refuse to give the title of academician to "controversial" figures when it believes the individual has not earned the title, or believes it will be awarded for political reasons.

In recent times, a similar story was with the director, for whom 204 members voted with a minimum of 248 votes (two-thirds of all participants).

There was a case when the academicians refused to accept into their ranks the Minister of the Atomic Industry and scientists, who, as some believe, were not elected on a national basis.

Despite the over-regulation of all stages, there is one informal procedure that is not spelled out in the rules - the so-called tea party with the president of the academy, which takes place after voting in expert commissions and before voting within departments. This is a tribute to a tradition that was inherited from the USSR Academy of Sciences, it was described in detail and with humor by the famous Soviet astrophysicist Iosif Shklovsky in his collection Echelon.

“By tradition, members of the branch are invited by the president to announce the results of the work of the selection committee, after which a preliminary exchange of views on the candidates begins. In the meantime, the servants are carrying rather thin tea with lemon and vases of cookies. First, in the presence of all members of the department, candidates for correspondent members are discussed, after which the correspondent members are shamefully, like schoolchildren from the teachers' council, expelled from the hall. But these are elderly figures - many of them are directors! - wrote the scientist.

This tradition has remained to this day, during the tea party members of the departments share their opinions with the president about the candidates, listen to his thoughts. For example, Vladimir Fortov expressed general wishes that the candidates be younger, so that vacancies would not disappear during the voting. Vacancies can really disappear in those cases when a strong composition of candidates is selected and one of them fails to gain two-thirds of the votes.

Any member of the department can come to the tea party, however, some do not participate in it, considering it empty.

"Rogues" and "chansanettes"

There were no special scandals during the voting at the general meeting. True, two tendencies cannot be overlooked, which, however, were visible long before the vote. The example of Ruslan, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, winner of the Blaise Pascal medal in the field of materials science for 2011, one of the most cited Russian scientists, who was nominated from the materials science section, has become quite discussed in the scientific community.

“Within this section, there are strong corporate ties between several institutes located in Moscow, which have seized all power and choose each other regardless of scientific merit,” a second interlocutor explained to Gazeta.Ru. According to Gazeta.Ru, Valiev was disliked by quite a certain academician, so this is not the first time that Valiev has been "rolled". By the way, at the mentioned tea party Fortov raised this issue, to which it was said that Valiev's materials are not used in industry. “Firstly, they are used, and secondly, if you think like that, then in general half the sections should be closed,” the academician believes.

Be that as it may, the son of the chairman of the section, an academician, was elected to the vacancy of a correspondent member, which Valiev, among others, applied for.

“In terms of the number of chosen relatives, I'm afraid we have set a record. There are a lot of names of children of living academicians on the list,” the interlocutor added.

Only from the surnames that are well-known are doctors and Irina Chazova, the daughter of the famous Kremlin cardiologist, who, following her father, headed the cardiology center.

“We have estimated here that there are ten to twelve out of five hundred such cases, that is, at the level of 2%. We cannot ban this, it is illogical and wrong, because it puts the children of academicians outside the scientific field, ”the president of the Russian Academy of Sciences replied to a Gazeta.Ru correspondent when asked to comment on this trend.

The peculiar approach to elections in the department of medicine is evidenced by the fact that the number of vacancies for the title of academicians with age restrictions coincided with the number of candidates. And if in other departments the competition reached 20-30 people per place, in the department of medical sciences it was one person per place.

“In fact, 25 academicians will not be elected, but appointed, apparently, they understand the word “elections” differently than a big academy,” the interlocutor explained.

At the same time, a specialist in the field of polymer chemistry, a mega-grant Alexander, did not receive support from the Department of Medical Sciences. As the mathematician, the winner of the Fields Prize, did not receive support, with whom Kabanov convinced of the need to allocate 3.5 billion rubles. to support young scientists and other scientific projects in Russia.

The director of the State Astronomical Institute, the academician, does not hide his joy that several well-known astrophysicists have got into the academy. These are Oleg Korablev, Head of the Department of Planetary Physics of the IKI RAS, under whose leadership the device was created, which was recently sent to Mars; Marat Gilfanov - Leading Researcher, IKI RAS; - Head of the scientific program of the space experiment "Radioastron"; - Scientific Director of the Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Undoubtedly, the title of academician was deservedly received by a famous physicist, who was fired from the Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics a year ago with a scandal. Danilov is a well-known scientist in Russia and in the West, a recognized specialist in the field of elementary particle physics, a laureate of the Planck and Karpinsky Prizes. He is a member of the CERN Advisory Board, scientific councils of a number of international experiments, participates in an experiment to search for dark matter, heads departments at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology and.

What does the title of academician or correspondent member give today? Less than in Soviet times, but also a lot. In addition to honor and respect, this is a certain, and lifelong, monetary allowance.

In 2013, at the height of the reform of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the stipend was raised for members of the Academy, and academicians began to receive 100 thousand rubles, corresponding members - 50 thousand.

In addition, they can, if necessary, call a car from the academic garage for one-time trips. In addition, members of the academy are attached to the polyclinic of the Administration of the President of Russia; they, along with family members, were attached there last summer. There is an opportunity to use the services of various resort establishments, one of which is the Uzkoye sanatorium in Moscow, and others.

However, there is another privilege that comes with being a member of the RAS. “I also have the right to have a civil memorial service for me at the Academy of Sciences. In the "Golden Brains" (the building of the Russian Academy of Sciences on Leninsky Prospekt. - "Gazeta.Ru") there is a funeral hall, and when members of the academy die, a civil memorial service takes place there, ”the academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences joked.

For a complete list of selected Academicians and Corresponding Members, please visit the website

Academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the list of which is replenished every year, are the holders of the highest status in domestic science. A citizen of the Russian Federation who publishes scientific works of great social importance in various fields of knowledge can count on the title of academician. As of 2017, there are almost a thousand academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Russia, to be precise - 932. According to the charter, their main and only goal is to enrich science with their achievements.

How to become an academic?

In 2012 he became a doctor of sciences. His scientific interests also include electron cooling of beams, their generation, storage rings, and object-oriented programming.

Academician at 32

Before all those living today, another physicist, Alexander Nikolaevich Skrinsky, received the title. He was born in Orenburg in 1936.

Engaged in experimental problems and Studied accelerators and high energy physics. With his participation, the latest types of colliders were developed and created. Corresponding member since 1968 At that time he was only 32 years old. Two years later he received the title of "Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences".

Later he developed a method of electron cooling and detection of polarized beams. He played a decisive role in the development of applied physics, as well as in the creation of the latest types of lasers and the production of beam technologies.


In 2016, full members of the Russian Academy of Sciences accepted the physiologist Lev Girshevich Magazanik into their ranks. To receive an honorary title at such an age is a kind of record, at least among living academicians.

Lev Girshevich was born in Odessa in 1931. In the field of his scientific research - the work of ion channels, the effect of neurotoxins on various types and types of receptors. Among his inventions are unique tools that made it possible to study the organization of molecules in membranes.

Magazanik conducted joint research with foreign scientists around the world - in France, Switzerland, Great Britain, Germany. The result of his work was the creation of new drugs that help to establish interaction between neurons in healthy and sick

Physicians among academics

Academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences are elected in 12 departments and sections today. Medicine occupies one of the key places in this list. Most of the academics are women. One of them is an obstetrician-gynecologist Leyla Vladimirovna Adamyan.

She was born in Tbilisi. Educated in Moscow. From 1989 to the present day, he has been in charge of the department of operative gynecology at the corresponding research institute. In 2004 she was awarded the title of academician.

Leyla Adamyan is famous for being fluent in all types of gynecological operations known to science today. The objects of her research are the use of X-rays in reproductive medicine. He works a lot on the treatment of pregnant women and children.

Thanks to her, modern surgical technologies are being used today, which have made it possible to at least halve the severity and consequences of adhesions that occur after gynecological operations.

Academic mathematicians

Another field of knowledge, which is traditionally preferred by academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the list of which is replenished after that, is mathematics.

Today, one of the most famous scientists in this field is Ludwig Dmitrievich Faddeev, who became a member of the Russian Academy of Sciences back in 1976. He specializes in the field of mathematical physics.

Most of his works and research are devoted to solving three-body problems in quantum mechanics. In modern science, this problem is known under his name - the Faddeev equation. He also deals with the Schrödinger equation. He is the author of two hundred scientific papers and monographs.

They can be proud that among them there is the Russian Academy of Sciences. Mathematicians devote a lot of time to theoretical work, however, it is often appreciated. In 2008, Ludwig Faddeev received the Shao Prize in Hong Kong, which is annually awarded to the best scientists in the world. He received the award in the nomination "Mathematics" with another compatriot Vladimir Arnold. Their contribution to the popularization of mathematical physics was appreciated.

  • Adrianov Andrey Vladimirovich
    Member of the Department of Biological Sciences, Section of General Biology, Vladivostok, tel. (423) 222-86-39; (423) 231-09-05
  • Akulichev Victor Anatolievich
    Member of the Department of Earth Sciences, Section of Oceanology, Atmospheric Physics and Geography, Vladivostok, tel. (423) 231-14-00
  • Baklanov Petr Yakovlevich
    Member of the Department of Earth Sciences, Section of Oceanology, Atmospheric Physics and Geography, Vladivostok, tel. (423) 232-06-72
  • Besednova Natalia Nikolaevna
    Member of the Department of Medical Sciences
  • Bogatov Viktor Vsevolodovich
    Member of the Department of Biological Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Section of General Biology, Vladivostok, (423) 231-21-04
  • Buznik Vyacheslav Mikhailovich
    Member of the Department of Chemistry and Materials Sciences, Section of Chemical Sciences, tel. (495) 437-97-40 (Moscow)
  • Guzev Mikhail Alexandrovich
    Department of Mathematical Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Section of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, tel. (423) 231-19-07, (Vladivostok)
  • Gordeev Evgeny Ilyich
    Member of the Department of Earth Sciences, Section of Geology, Geophysics, Geochemistry and Mining Sciences, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, tel. (4152) 29-84-08
  • Gorovoy Petr Grigorievich
    Member of the Department of Biological Sciences, Section of General Biology, Vladivostok, tel. (423) 231-14-09
  • Dolgikh Grigory Ivanovich
    Department of Earth Sciences RAS, Section of Oceanology, Atmospheric Physics and Geography, tel. (423) 222-85-90, This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view.(Vladivostok)
  • Zhuravlev Yury Nikolaevich
    Member of the Department of Biological Sciences, Section of Physical and Chemical Biology, Vladivostok, tel. (423) 231-07-18
  • Ishaev Viktor Ivanovich
    Member of the Department of Social Sciences, Section of Economics, Khabarovsk, tel. (4212) 32-55-40
  • Kiselev Evgeny Petrovich
  • Kolosov Viktor Pavlovich
    Department of Medical Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Section of Clinical Medicine tel. 4162) 77-28-00, This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view., (Blagoveshchensk)
  • Kulchin Yuri Nikolaevich
    Member of the Department of Nanotechnology and Information Technology, Section of Nanotechnology, Vladivostok, tel. (423) 231-04-39, (423) 226-86-70
  • Larin Victor Lavrentievich
    Department of Global Issues and International Relations of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Section of International Relations
    tel. (423) 222-05-07, This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view.(Vladivostok)
  • Levin Vladimir Alekseevich
    Member of the Department of Energy, Mechanical Engineering, Mechanics and Control Processes, Section of Mechanics, Vladivostok, tel. (423) 231-99-99
  • Minakir Pavel Alexandrovich
    Member of the Department of Social Sciences, Section of Economics, Khabarovsk, tel. (4212) 72-52-25
  • Moiseenko Valentin Grigorievich
    Member of the Department of Earth Sciences, Section of Geology, Geophysics, Geochemistry and Mining Sciences, Blagoveshchensk, tel. (4162) 53-52-48
  • Sergienko Valentin Ivanovich
    Member of the Department of Chemistry and Materials Sciences, Section of Chemical Sciences, Vladivostok, tel. (423) 222-25-28
  • Sinegovskaya Valentina Timofeevna
    Department of Agricultural Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, section of crop production, plant protection and biotechnology, tel. (4162) 36-96-43, This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view.(Blagoveshchensk)
  • Smirnov Gennady Vasilievich
    Member of the Department of Earth Sciences, Section of Oceanology, Atmospheric Physics and Geography, Moscow, tel. (495) 124-59-58
  • Stonik Valentin Aronovich
    Member of the Department of Biological Sciences, Section of Physical and Chemical Biology, Vladivostok, tel. (423) 231-16-51
  • Khanchuk Alexander Ivanovich
    Member of the Department of Earth Sciences, Section of Geology, Geophysics, Geochemistry and Mining Sciences, Vladivostok, tel. (423) 226-11-08

Corresponding members of the RAS

  • Akinin Vyacheslav Vasilievich
    Department of Earth Sciences RAS, Section of Geology, Geophysics, Geochemistry and Mining Sciences, Magadan, tel. (4132) 63-06-51, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view.
  • Aminin Dmitry Lvovich
    Department of Biological Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences, Section of Physical and Chemical Biology, Vladivostok, tel. (423) 231-99-32, (423) 233-33-02
  • Aseeva Tatyana Alexandrovna
    Department of Agricultural Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Section of Plant Growing, Plant Protection and Biotechnology, Khabarovsk Territory, Vostochny-1 settlement, tel. (4212) 49-72-03, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view.
  • Bratskaya Svetlana Yurievna
    Department of Chemical Sciences RAS, Section of Materials Sciences tel. (423)231-18-89, This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view.(Vladivostok)
  • Bulgakov Viktor Pavlovich
    Member of the Department of Biological Sciences, Section of Physical and Chemical Biology, Vladivostok, tel. (423) 237-52-79
  • Burenin Anatoly Alexandrovich
    Member of the Department of Energy, Mechanical Engineering, Mechanics and Control Processes, Section of Mechanics, Vladivostok, tel. (423) 222-03-16
  • Bykovsky Viktor Alekseevich
    Member of the Department of Mathematical Sciences, Section of Mathematics, Khabarovsk, tel. (4212) 32-46-76
  • Voronov Boris Alexandrovich
    Member of the Department of Earth Sciences, Section of Oceanology, Atmospheric Physics and Geography, Khabarovsk, tel. (4212) 22-75-73
  • Geltser Boris Izrailevich
    Department of Medical Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences, This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view.(Vladivostok)
  • Gnedenkov Sergey Vasilievich
    Department of Chemical Sciences RAS, Section of Materials Sciences
    tel. (423)231-25-90, This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view.(Vladivostok)
  • Goncharov Andrey Anatolievich
    , Vladivostok
  • Goryachev Nikolai Anatolievich
    Member of the Department of Earth Sciences, Section of Geology, Geophysics, Geochemistry and Mining Sciences, Magadan, tel. (4132) 63-00-51
  • Didenko Alexey Nikolaevich
    Department of Earth Sciences RAS, Section of Geology, Geophysics, Geochemistry and Mining Sciences,
    (4212) 22-74-99, This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view.(Khabarovsk)
  • Dubinin Vladimir Nikolaevich
    Member of the Department of Mathematical Sciences, Section of Mathematics, Vladivostok, tel. (423) 231-28-31
  • Duizen Inessa Valerievna
    Department of Biological Sciences RAS, Section of General Biology
    tel. (423) 231-04-63, This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view.(Vladivostok)
  • Zhmerenetsky Konstantin Vyacheslavovich
    Department of Medical Sciences RAS, Section of Biomedical Sciences
    tel. (4212) 30-53-11, This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view., (Khabarovsk)
  • Zotov Andrey Vadimovich
    Department of Physical Sciences RAS, Section of General Physics and Astronomy
    tel. (423) 2 31-04-12, This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view.(Vladivostok)
  • Klykov Alexey Grigorievich
    Department of Agricultural Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, section of crop production, plant protection and biotechnology, tel. (4234) 39-23-74, This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view.(Ussuriysk)
  • Kovtanyuk Larisa Valentinovna
    Department of Energy, Mechanical Engineering, Mechanics and Control Processes of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Section of Mechanics, Vladivostok, tel. (423) 231-02-14
  • Kozlov Vladimir Kirillovich
    Member of the Division of Medical Sciences, Section of Clinical Medicine
  • Kradin Nikolay Nikolaevich
    Member of the Department of Historical and Philological Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok, tel. (423) 222-80-67
  • Krestov Pavel Vitalievich
    Department of Biological Sciences RAS, Section of General Biology
    tel. (4232) 38-80-41, This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view.(Vladivostok)
  • Kuzin Vasily Fedorovich
    Member of the Department of Agricultural Sciences
  • Levin Boris Vulfovich
    Member of the Department of Earth Sciences, Section of Geology, Geophysics, Geochemistry and Mining Sciences, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, tel. (4242) 79-33-02
  • Mikhailov Valery Viktorovich
    Member of the Department of Biological Sciences, Section of Physical and Chemical Biology, Vladivostok, tel. (423) 231-11-68
  • Maksimov Arkady Leonidovich
    Member of the Department of Physiology and Fundamental Medicine of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Magadan, tel. (4132) 60-75-44
  • Panasyuk Alexander Nikolaevich
    Department of Agricultural Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Section of Mechanization, Electrification and Automation, Blagoveshchensk, tel. (4162) 36-94-91
  • Perelman Yuly Mikhailovich
    Department of Medical Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Section of Clinical Medicine, Blagoveshchensk, tel. (4162) 77-28-01

First of all, it is worth noting that Russian citizens can become either academicians or corresponding members of the RAS. In general, it is these two categories that form the backbone of this organization. Such a system has remained since the days of the Soviet Union. The Academy of Sciences of the USSR ceased to exist in the 91st year of the last century, but its traditions live on to this day.

Citizens of other states, in turn, have the opportunity to obtain the title of foreign member. For the most part, academicians hold in parallel leadership positions in various research institutes, for which they are paid the corresponding salary.

It should be noted that the main benefit of an academician is lifelong election. The status is usually obtained by those who have already been a corresponding member for a certain period of time. At the same time, according to the charter, only academicians have the right to vote in elections.

As you know, the last time elections were held at the end of October 2016. Their difference from the previous ones is that this time most of the vacancies were occupied by relatively young scientists. An age limit for applicants was introduced - up to 61 years. In this way, the organization is trying to rejuvenate its composition somewhat.

What does membership give

By and large, the title of academician is nothing more than an award for certain merits and achievements in the scientific path. Thus, the recognition of the value of the work of a particular scientist at the state level and within the framework of the Russian scientific community is actually ensured.

In accordance with the law, the title of Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences is not considered an academic degree, but it is highly attractive due to its prestige.

Among other things, based on the Charter of the Russian Academy of Sciences, academicians have the following rights:

  • take part in the affairs of the Russian Academy of Sciences in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • be elected, as well as participate in elections to the governing bodies of the Academy;
  • initiate consideration of issues of both scientific and organizational order in the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences;
  • demand the provision of information relating to the activities of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the prescribed manner;
  • every month to receive the monetary payments introduced by the government decree.

Salary and other payments to academicians

As can be understood from the above, the benefits available to academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences are largely of an image nature. Nevertheless, since Soviet times, there have been certain payments for the title. So under the USSR, each academician received 500 rubles a month, which at that time was a very substantial amount.

After the formation of the Russian Federation as an independent state, this practice was preserved. So, in February 2016, the government, by its decree number 86, established a new amount of payments. As you might guess, the amount of scholarships have been increased. True, only members of the State Academy felt the growth. In the RAS, they were left at the same level. They, in particular, were put into effect back in 2008, the Russian Cabinet of Ministers then determined their size as follows:

  • for academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences - 100 thousand rubles;
  • for correspondent members - 50 thousand;
  • for academicians of GAN - 60;
  • for GAN correspondent members - 30.

The Russian academician, in addition to universal respect and honor, receives life support from the state budget. And this despite the fact that scientists of this rank usually make good money at their main workplace.

Other perks

Of course, it must be admitted that academics now have fewer privileges than they did in Soviet times. However, the existing preferences are more than enough. At least that's what many people think.

Among other privileges, one should also mention the opportunity, if necessary, to use official vehicles from the garage of the academy.

In addition, they also receive medical care from the doctors of the polyclinic working under the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. The same right is reserved for their relatives, however, only the closest ones.

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