Start in science. Research project on ecology "we are for a clean city" Environmental aspects of the inspection of the creek

Municipal educational institution

"Average secondary school No. 6 "

Environmental project

We are for a clean city

10th grade student

Sheludyakova Anastasia


biology and ecology teacher

Karyachkina T.A.

g.o. Saransk

I. Introduction…………………………………………………………

1. Relevance of the chosen topic
2. Goals and objectives of the study
3. Subject of research. problem question
4. Hypothesis
5. Research methods
6. Stages of work on the project

II. Main part. Theoretical aspect...…………

    Waste classification.

    Waste management: collection, removal, use, neutralization.

    Danger of waste.

4. What does recycling give for nature and man

III. Main part. Practical aspect………………

    Object of study.

    Research methodology: questioning.

    questionnaire questions.

    Answer analysis. Findings.

    What is the use of separate waste?

    Implementation of a separate waste system.

    What is it for in our village?

    Project plan development:

a) Collection of data on waste processing. Conclusion.
b) Making a plan.

IV. Conclusion…………………………………………………….

V. References…………………………………………


    Relevance of the chosen topic.

Relevance of the topic There is no doubt that each of us throws away a huge amount of garbage. So, the average city dweller annually produces about 300 kg or 1.5 m 3 of waste per year. In terms of weight, this is comparable to an average elk, and in terms of volume - with three large refrigerators. Imagine how much waste is generated in an apartment building. How many houses are there in our city? According to official data, 40 million tons of household waste per year (ie waste from the residential sector) is thrown away in Russia. In total, more than 4.5 billion tons of garbage enter landfills annually. Remember that the waste of the city is made up of the waste of each inhabitant. This does not include construction or industrial waste. Moreover, we throw away garbage both in an organized way (in garbage cans, bins, etc.) and in an unorganized way. Poisonous substances that end up in landfills (in used batteries, accumulators, as well as in rotting and decaying food products) penetrate into groundwater, which is often used as a source of drinking water, and are dispersed by winds in the surrounding area, thereby causing damage to the environment. Some products Rotting can ignite spontaneously, so fires regularly occur in landfills, during which soot, phenol, and other toxic substances are released into the atmosphere.

Of all the global environmental problems that humanity has entered the 21st century with: a population explosion, the ozone layer, acid precipitation, the growth of household waste, the depletion of fossil natural resources, the lack of clean fresh water, etc., today the problem of the growth of household waste is considered relevant.

The experience of the world practice of burying the amount of solid household and industrial waste at landfills and landfills: Russia up to 90%, USA - 73%, Germany - 70%, Japan - 30%. The increasing accumulation of municipal solid waste leads to an increase in greenhouse gas emissions and groundwater pollution, which are among the most acute environmental problems.

Goals and objectives.

Target: prove the need for separate collection of garbage in the village.


    Compile a questionnaire and conduct a social survey among students of school No. 6

    Analyze the results of the survey.

    Explore the Separate Garbage Program.

    Subject of study. Problem question.

Subject of study: garbage collection in the village of Pushkarskie settlements

Problem question: will separate waste collection affect the ecological situation in the city.


At the beginning of the study, I conducted a survey, as a result of which a hypothesis took shape: if we organize the collection of separate waste in the village, this will have a positive effect on the ecological situation of the city of Saransk.

    Research methods.

1. Search method:

Use of Internet resources
- Finding information about pollution and the implementation of the "Separate Waste" project

2. Monitoring method:
- Questioning
- Analysis of incidence statistics

6. Stages of work on the project.

1. Definition of the field of study.
2. Collecting the necessary information.
3. Conducting a survey and testing.
4. Determining the structure of the research work.
5. Summing up.
6. Registration of work.

II . Main part. Theoretical aspect

    Waste classification.

Garbage separation(separative waste collection, waste sorting, waste separation) and selective waste collection - actions for sorting and collecting waste, depending on its origin. Separation of garbage is done in order to avoid mixing different types of garbage and environmental pollution. This process allows waste to be given a “second life”, in most cases due to its secondary use and recycling. Separating waste helps prevent it from decomposing, rotting and burning in landfills. Consequently, the harmful impact on the environment is reduced (Wikipedia).

Today, garbage is becoming more dangerous and toxic, no microorganisms are able to decompose it. Today, there is an active search for microorganisms that can decompose plastic, it occupies a huge amount of space and simply does not decompose in nature.

Classification of garbage according to the degree of danger is carried out for various materials:

    Water pollutants

    Air pollutants

    Chemical substances

All workings can be classified into the following classes:

    Extremely hazardous waste materials

    Highly hazardous materials

    Moderately Hazardous Waste Materials

    Low-hazard salvage

    Practically harmless substances

    Waste management: collection, removal, use, neutralization.

    In any case, civilized countries have long come to the conclusion that garbage must be properly disposed of and recycled. In Russia, despite the vast expanses, garbage is also becoming a serious problem. A bill is being discussed in the Russian Duma, according to which separate waste collection will be introduced, and the waste will have an owner - the one who should be responsible for them at every stage, from collection to processing. Indeed, at present, many attractive suburban areas are occupied by landfills. Therefore, the authorities of large Russian megacities are already puzzled by this problem, starting to accustom residents to sorting household waste. This is how a proposal is being considered for organizing special sorting rooms in new buildings on each floor, where each resident could separate their garbage. At the same time, the construction of waste processing enterprises is underway, where it is planned to receive and re-send recyclable materials for industrial production: waste paper, ferrous and non-ferrous metals, and much more. But, unfortunately, in society there is both a lack of environmental education among people, and a lack of bins for separate waste collection on city streets.

    The strategy of the future should be considered, first of all, the education of the younger generation, respect for the natural environment, the expansion of knowledge, skills and vitality in the management of technological processes, the search for new design solutions for the separate collection of waste and their processing, which will ensure the interests of present and future generations and preserve the nature of the planet Earth. After all

    processing allows you to: 1) save valuable natural resources necessary for the production of any product; 2) save water and energy in the production of goods from recycled materials; 3) reduce waste generated from the extraction of resources and the production of goods; 4) reduce the number of landfills and much more. But the widespread processing of waste is possible only as a result of their separation at the place of their formation, i.e. at home, at work, street, enterprise. This is called separate waste collection (SW).

    Waste management

    In the 20th century, the amount of production and consumption waste grew so rapidly that waste generation became an important problem in large cities and large industries. Along with a large amount of waste, the issue of a lack of natural resources has become acute. selective collection and subsequent use of secondary resources partially helps to reduce the burden on the environment and solve the issue of additional production of raw materials.

    Waste disposal

    Some wastes require disposal before disposal in landfills, landfills or dumps.

    One of the largest industrial wastes is coal-containing waste. Modern scientific developments make it possible to neutralize most of the industrial waste, reduce its volume and ensure maximum safety. Today, the disposal of hazardous waste can be carried out by thermal, physico-chemical, chemical and other methods. So, with the help of redox reactions, substitution reactions, various toxic and dangerous compounds are transferred into an insoluble form.

    Danger of waste.

    The danger of waste is determined by their physical and chemical properties, as well as the conditions of their storage or placement in the environment.

    For waste, it is necessary to draw up a waste passport, determine the hazard class and limits for waste disposal in the environment, limits for accumulation at the enterprise and other documents.

    The concept of "Hazardous Waste" is used in the following cases:

    Waste poses a risk to human health and/or to the normal state of the natural environment.

    Hazard class of harmful substances- a conditional value intended for a simplified classification of potentially hazardous substances. The hazard class is established in accordance with industry regulations. For different objects - for chemicals, for waste, for air pollutants, etc. - different standards and indicators have been established.

    What does recycling give to nature and man

    In the manufacture of products from recycled materials, the consumption of non-renewable resources, such as metals, oil, natural gas, wood, etc., is reduced.

    This helps protect natural areas and the diversity of life on Earth.

    Typically, the production of products from recycled materials requires much less energy than the production from virgin raw materials. As a result of reducing the amount of energy used, air and water pollution is reduced.

    Other types of pollution are also reduced, for example, from water runoff during mining, soil erosion and the ingress of chemical elements during the extraction of raw materials.

    Thanks to recycling, the amount of waste entering the MSW landfills is significantly reduced. This will extend the service life of landfills and reduce the area they occupy, for example, recycling one ton of PET bottles saves about 4 m 3 of the landfill area.

  1. III. Main part. Practical aspect research.

    At the beginning of the study, I conducted a survey among the younger generation, which will later make up the main population of our village, since an important point in the plan is public opinion and readiness for selective waste collection. It was the survey that became the basis for my project.

    For the survey were selected students of MAOU secondary school No. 3 / age 14-17 years /.

    Research methodology.

    a) Questioning

    To study the readiness of a teenager, the students were offered a questionnaire, answering which the students had to tell about their attitude to the separate collection of garbage.

    questionnaire questions.
    1. How often do you buy products in plastic packaging?
    2. Would you agree to hand over paper to a waste paper collection point?
    3. Do you have a positive attitude towards separate waste?
    4. Is it possible to implement "separate waste" in the village?
    5. Do you think it would be worth reopening the return of glass bottles?
    6. Do you keep the streets, parks, forests, etc. clean?
    7. Would you volunteer to clean your house?
    8. Are you ready to sort your family's household waste?
    9. What would motivate you to sort your garbage?

    Survey results. Answer analysis.

    General conclusion: it is obvious that 100% separate collection, that is, the participation of the entire population in it, is impossible. Thus, in practice, an intermediate option can be implemented, providing for the processing of both separately collected and mixed waste. At the same time, the higher the proportion of citizens participating in waste sorting at the places of their formation, the lower the costs for waste processing.

    What are the benefits of separate garbage collection?

    Firstly, it is care for the environment. Pollution adversely affects human health, especially in today's world. In Russia, waste is disposed of by incineration, and all harmful emissions enter the atmosphere. But besides this, garbage decomposes for a long time (especially plastic). If a person leaves it in forest areas, this will worsen the fertility of the soil. That is why it is important not only to collect separate garbage, but also to teach order in nature.

    Secondly, recycling. The more production will use secondary raw materials, the more natural resources we will save; reduce the amount of emissions into the atmosphere from garbage incineration; the ecological condition of settlements will improve.

    Saransk, together with the settlements subordinated to its administration, has a health index of 35%, occupying the last 23rd place among the administrative regions of the Republic of Mordovia. In total, out of 19 studied parameters, 63% of indicators in the territory of Saransk are the worst or exceed the average value for the republic.

    In the municipality of Saransk, where 346.4 thousand inhabitants, or 37% of the population of the republic, currently live, a difficult environmental situation has developed. The territory of the city is located in the area of ​​intense aerosol, water, noise and thermal pollution.

    Third, the reduction of diseases. Our health is directly dependent on the state of the environment. Selective waste collection and recycling is the key to a healthy generation.

    Fourth, cost reduction. When delivering garbage, a lot of money is spent on its transportation and incineration. Separate waste collection will reduce costs, because. Many recycling companies pick up their own waste from dumpsters.

    Conclusion: selective waste collection has a positive effect on the environment and human health, reduces costs, which is important for society.

    Implementation of a separate waste collection system.

    How would such a system work? The sociological research was preceded by an environmental campaign that was held at the school from 2014–2016. It was attended by the entire teaching staff and students of the school. During these years we have been conducting research on the issue of waste and recycling. As part of the environmental campaign, the following events were held:

  1. public hearings;

    Brochures, calendars, leaflets were distributed;

    Organized exhibitions of works;

    Conclusion: This method of garbage collection is profitable and convenient. But it is important to interest the people who will support the new order.

    What is it for in our village?

    It would seem that the village is located next to the Botanical Garden, a forest belt, a small industrial production. Why do we need separate garbage?

    Pushkar settlements are a growing settlement. Firstly, the village is located near the airport. Many residents of the village visit the city quite often and, returning, would like to breathe fresh air. Secondly, the population is growing, and with it, the amount of waste is growing. With a population of 1,300 people, approximately the village produces 1,950 kilograms daily. It is unimaginable even to imagine how much garbage is generated from our population (711,750 kg) per year. Thirdly, parents want their children to grow up healthy. Fourthly, in addition to the fact that there are emissions from burning garbage, the number of cars is also increasing. Fifthly, the village is located near the highway, on both sides there are bypass roads, from where exhaust gases also come.

    Conclusion: there is a need for selective garbage collection. Having studied the “pluses” of the program, we see that it will help improve the ecological situation of the village, as the situation in the city will improve.

    "A million for a separate fee."

    I discovered this project while researching the Greenpeace website. Its goal is to collect a million signatures under an appeal to mayors of cities and governors of regions with a demand to make it mandatory to install tanks for separate waste collection in every yard, to enshrine this method of waste management in law and to approve the rules for garbage collection and normal maintenance of sites where waste is collected.

    “Speaking of separate collection, we mean solving a specific problem that concerns each of us, our home, yard, city. After all, separate collection is, first of all, the health of our children, who will not have to inhale the air poisoned by incinerators. This is our clean yard, these are the parks that will surround our city.” ("Greenpeace")

    The project started recently, but is already gaining momentum. We can take part in this and contribute to the protection of the environment.

    Development of a project plan for the village of Pushkarskiye settlements.

    To develop a project plan, I needed to find information about recyclable products. Also, after each, information about the reception points is indicated.

    waste paper- waste from the production, processing and consumption of all types of paper and cardboard, suitable for further use as a fibrous raw material.

    There are 2 waste paper collection points in the republic on the street. Promyshlennaya-1 and CJSC Energia - st. Proletarskaya d. 132, which accept various types of waste paper: paper, cardboard, books (with and without hardcover), printing waste paper, etc. Each company has self-delivery (minimum - from 200 kg.). As the information on the sites indicates, the price depends on the quality of the paper. There are also organizations that post ads on social networks.

    Thus, there are waste paper collection points in our city and not far from our village, and, therefore, the delivery of paper can be implemented.
    Household waste- substances (or mixtures of substances) recognized as unsuitable for further use after domestic use of products end up in a landfill.

    Plastic– organic materials based on synthetic or natural macromolecular compounds (polymers). Plastics based on synthetic polymers have received exceptionally wide use.

    A big flaw in the region is a negligible number of plastic collection points. As shown by the search results on the Internet, there are companies in Saransk MordovVtorResurs LLC, VtorPlastmas LLC, st. Proletarskaya, 130, which accepts plastic for recycling.

    hazardous waste- wastes that contain harmful substances that have hazardous properties (toxicity, explosion hazard, fire hazard, high reactivity) or contain pathogens of infectious diseases, or which may pose an immediate or potential hazard to the natural environment and human health on their own or when coming into contact with other substances (law "On production and consumption waste"). One small battery, decomposing in a landfill, spoils 400 liters of water.

    Recycling points in Mordovia: Mordovian Procurement Company, st. Promyshlennaya1-aya, 41, OOO Mordovia Ecological Plant, Aleksandrovskoe shosse 30, RTO, recycling center, st. building, 1.

    Battery recycling - "RegionYugEco" st. Osipenko 8 . OOO "Leading Recycling Company" st. Soviet, 109

    Glass- substance and material, one of the most ancient and, due to the variety of its properties, universal in human practice. The acceptance of glass containers in Saransk can significantly affect the ecological situation in the city and improve the economic component. Rational utilization of glass containers, its reuse is beneficial for local enterprises. Among them are the SUN InBev beer manufacturer, the Saransky cannery and the Saransky dairy plant.

    Disposal of household appliances- Over time, household items begin to fail, break down, and if it is possible to fix the problem, then for some time they can still be used. And if the breakdown is serious and the device can only be thrown away? Here, everyone should remember that an unauthorized release threatens with a serious fine, but most importantly, poisonous harmful compounds contained in the devices will bring great harm, which, under the influence of weather conditions, will fall into the soil and cause enormous damage to the environment. In Saransk, the recycling of household appliances and items is carried out by the companies Promekotekhnologiya LLC, Rusutilit LLC, GriKontrolUtilization LLC, which have special permits and licenses to carry out these actions. In addition to these enterprises, electronic equipment stores, such as Eldorado and M.Video, provide great assistance in the collection and disposal of equipment from the population.

    Conclusion: Based on the material provided, the "Separate Garbage" project can exist, as there are suitable conditions and the desire of people to take part in promoting the program.

    Project plan.

    Based on the collected material, I developed a project plan for the implementation of selective waste in the village.

    Preparatory stage.

    Communication with the residents of the village. To do this, it is necessary to conduct a social survey, whether they are ready for such changes. It is important to involve young people who will be able to hold campaign teams in schools and on the streets, talking about the benefits of separate waste collection. In addition, it is these young people who make up half of the population of the village. Consequently, they will make habitual selective waste in their families.

    It is necessary to enlist the support of the village administration in sponsoring and assisting in the implementation of this project.

    Contact firms that are ready to accept garbage. See if they can take it out on their own.

    Equipment of sites and purchase of containers for garbage collection.

    Implementation - project results.

    Conclusion: this plan is the basis for the future project.

  1. IV. Conclusion

    Thus, having studied a lot of theoretical material, the results of the survey, we confirmed the hypothesis that if we organize the collection of separate waste in the village, this will have a favorable effect on the whole city. Thanks to it, the ecological situation of both the city and the village will improve. The number of healthy children and adults will increase.

    It is obvious that the entire population will not participate in the project. In practice, an intermediate option can be implemented, providing for the processing of both separately collected and mixed waste.

  2. V. References






Works: All Selected To help the teacher Competition "Educational project" Academic year: All 2015 / 2016 2014 / 2015 2013 / 2014 2012 / 2013 2011 / 2012 2010 / 2011 2009 / 2010 2008 / 2009 2007 / 2008 2006 / 2007 2005 / 2006 Sorting: Alphabetically Newest

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    We are very concerned about this state of affairs in the village and therefore the students of our school decided to take a number of specific measures aimed at improving the improvement of the area. But since the village occupies a large area, we decided to start from the smallest and transform a small area directly adjacent to the school with an area of ​​0.1 km2.
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The text of the work is placed without images and formulas.
The full version of the work is available in the "Job Files" tab in PDF format


The availability of energy has always been a necessary condition for meeting basic human needs, increasing life expectancy and raising living standards. A correct assessment of the scale of the future energy industry and the place in it of various energy sources is necessary to solve the problems of energy supply, without which further economic growth of both the world as a whole and its individual regions and states is impossible. The scale and nature of human impact on nature today are such that they threaten the very existence of modern man. He simply may not have time to adapt to changes in nature, with such a speed they begin to occur. Energy, which provides human life, has a significant impact on the environment.

With the development of science and technology, new ways are emerging for the most rational use of the country's natural resources. Known methods of generating energy require expensive equipment and depend on the territorial factor - energy can be obtained with their help only in certain places. One of the "forgotten" types of raw materials is biogas, which was used in ancient China and "discovered" again in our time. Raw materials for biogas production can be found in almost any area where agriculture is developed, primarily livestock breeding, the costs of creating installations for biogenerators are relatively low, and the production itself is environmentally friendly. For processing, cheap agricultural waste is used - animal manure, poultry droppings, straw, wood waste, weeds, household waste and organic waste, human waste.

Target: Creation of an "eco-house" project, which will be able to fully provide itself with energy and warmth.


    To study the properties of biofuel and its derived products;

    Create your own portable biogenerator at home.

    Consider the positive and negative aspects of the "eco-house", its design and provision of heat and energy;

    Consider the cost of integrated generation of heat and electricity.


The technology for building domed houses has existed for more than 30 years - since the construction of the first domed house in Alaska by its inventor Huth Haddock. Until recently, these prefabricated prefabricated houses were still little known and inaccessible to the consumer. The situation changed dramatically when the Japanese became interested in the project and in practice proved its extreme attractiveness for business and private developers. However, there is no project combining a tea house and a domed house. Although, in our opinion, such buildings are very convenient for summer cottages and hotel complexes (hostels).

In autumn, according to tradition, the fallen leaves are burned by the janitors. These days it's just impossible to go out, everywhere this disgusting smell of smoke. But in other countries, they are trying to get some use out of fallen leaves. For example, in Japan, they plan to use them to heat tea houses or even outdoor cafes.

Fallen leaves from trees can make excellent compost. The main thing is not to be lazy and come up with a way to use it. And while our janitors are still making our lives hell by burning these leaves, in Japan they have learned how to heat the room with the help of fallen leaves. Tokyo-based architecture firm Bakoko has created teahouses for parks that will be heated using fallen leaf compost.

Along the perimeter of these structures there will be several containers where the Japanese janitors will put the leaves. There they will rot, decompose and produce heat in the process. Thanks to a specially designed circulation system, hot (up to 120 degrees Celsius) air will be supplied to a kind of fireplace in the center of the house. And the people gathered inside will warm up from it. In addition, in this way it is also possible to heat the open terraces of cafes, places of mass gatherings of people, private houses with their own gardens and even stadiums. The main thing is to be able to use what nature gives us, and not thoughtlessly destroy it.

, composite material ease

The problem is that materials such as concrete and brick are quite expensive. To solve it, we combined the shape of a domed house with an eco-arbor, without a complex foundation. Instead of foam, we want to use a composite material (more durable, environmentally friendly).

Hypothesis: The resulting project "Eco-houses", which has a number of advantages, can be used in construction as country houses, camp sites.

Chapter 1. Biogas, its characteristics.

1.1 From the history of the origin and study of biogas

Individual cases of the use of biogas were known already BC. in India, Persia, Assyria. In the 17th century, Jan Baptiste Van Helmont discovered that decomposing biomass emits flammable gases. In 1764, Benjamin Franklin described an experiment in which he succeeded in setting fire to the surface of a marshy lake. Alessandro Volta in 1776 came to the conclusion that there is a relationship between the amount of decomposing biomass and the amount of gas released. In 1808, Sir Humphry Davy discovered methane in biogas. Scientific research on biogas and its properties began only in the 18th century. Russian scientist Popov studied the effect of temperature on the amount of gas released. It was found that already at a temperature of 6°C, river sediments begin to release biogas, and with increasing temperature, its volumes increase.

After establishing the presence of methane in swamp gas and discovering its chemical formula, European scientists took the first steps in studying the field of practical application of biogas. In 1881, European scientists conducted a series of experiments on the use of biogas for space heating and street lighting. Since 1895, street lamps in the city of Exeter have been fueled with gas from the fermentation of sewage. In Bombay, the gas was collected in manifolds and used as fuel in various engines. German scientists in 1914-1921 improved the process of obtaining biogas, which consisted in the use of constant heating of containers with raw materials. During the First World War, there was a shortage of fuel, which prompted the spread of biogas plants throughout Europe.

One of the most important stages in the development of biogas technologies was the experiments on combining different types of raw materials for installations in the 30s. XX century. In 1911, a plant was built in Birmingham to disinfect the city's sewage, and the biogas produced was used to generate electricity. During the Second World War, to replenish rapidly depleting energy reserves in Germany, developments were made to obtain biogas from manure. At that time, about 2,000 biogas plants were in operation in France, and their experience was spread to neighboring countries. In Hungary, for example, as noted by Soviet soldiers who liberated the country, manure was not piled up, but loaded into special containers, from which combustible gas was obtained. After the war, cheap energy sources (natural gas, liquid fuels) replaced installations. They returned only in the 1970s. after the energy crisis. In the countries of Southeast Asia with a high population density, a warm climate necessary for the efficient operation of plants, the development of biogas plants formed the basis of national programs. To date, biogas technologies have become the standard for wastewater treatment and waste processing in many countries around the world.

1.2 Composition of biogas.

Biogas is obtained as a result of anaerobic, that is, occurring without air, fermentation of organic substances of various origins ( see Appendix 1). "Methane fermentation" occurs during the decomposition of organic substances as a result of the vital activity of two main groups of microorganisms. One group of microorganisms commonly referred to as acid-producing bacteria or fermenters. It breaks down complex organic compounds (fiber, proteins, fats, etc.) into simpler ones. At the same time, primary fermentation products appear in the fermented medium - volatile fatty acids, lower alcohols, hydrogen, carbon monoxide, acetic and formic acids, etc. These less complex organic substances are a source of nutrition for the second group of bacteria - methane-forming bacteria, which convert organic acids into the required methane, as well as carbon dioxide, etc.

This complex complex of transformations involves a great variety of micro-organisms, according to some sources - up to a thousand species, but the main one is still methane-forming bacteria. Methane-forming bacteria multiply much more slowly and are more sensitive to environmental changes than acid-forming microorganisms - fermenters, therefore, at first, volatile acids accumulate in the fermented medium, and the first stage of methane fermentation is called acidic. Then the rates of formation and processing of acids are aligned, so that in the future the decomposition of the substrate and the formation of gas proceed simultaneously. And of course, the intensity of gas release depends on the conditions that are created for the life of methane-forming bacteria.

Both acid-forming and methane-producing bacteria are found ubiquitously in nature, in particular in animal excrement. It is believed that cattle manure contains a complete set of microorganisms necessary for its fermentation. And this is confirmed by the fact that the process of methane formation is constantly going on in the rumen and intestines of ruminants. Therefore, it is not necessary to use pure cultures of methane-producing bacteria for biogas production in order to induce the fermentation process. It is enough to provide suitable conditions for the bacteria already present in the substrate for their vital activity. So, biogas is income from waste.

Composition of our biomass: chicken manure - 50%, peeling vegetables and fruits - 40%, sawdust and sludge from cleaning devices - 10%

1.3 Biogas plants.

Biogas plants are called bioreactors, as a reaction takes place in it, the result of which is biogas. The process of obtaining gas goes through several stages:

    At the beginning of the process, raw materials are loaded into the bioreactor.

    In a special installation, the raw materials are prepared, homogenized, and mixed.

    Thanks to special bacteria, a process called anaerobic (oxygen-free) digestion takes place, the product of which is biogas.

    The biogas is then sent for further use.

    Waste raw materials can be used as a biofertilizer, which contains the necessary trace elements

The benefits of the installation are as follows:

    Ecological. The installation allows to reduce the sanitary zone of the enterprise several times. Reduce carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere;

    Energy. By burning biogas without enrichment, it is possible to obtain electricity and heat;

    Economic. The construction of a biogas plant will save on the costs of building treatment facilities and waste disposal;

    The installation can serve as an autonomous source of energy for our remote regions. It is no secret that there are still interruptions in the supply of electricity in many areas. Perhaps this sounds a little utopian, the installation itself is not cheap, but the installation of such biogas plants would be a way out for residents of unsecured regions;

    Biogas plants can be located in any region of the country and do not require construction and expensive gas pipelines.

    Biogas obtained from plants can be used as fuel for internal combustion engines.

At home, a biogas plant can be an insulated sealed container with pipes for gas removal. The higher the outside air temperature, the faster the reaction in the reactor. For the reactor, you can take a barrel. Naturally, the larger the volume of the barrel, the more gas will be produced. When laying raw materials, it is necessary to leave a place for the gas to escape. A container, preferably round in shape, is attached to the barrel with the help of pipes and a pump for pumping out biogas, for assembly and storage. It happens that after the first filling of the reactor and the start of gas extraction, it does not burn. This is because the gas contains 60% carbon dioxide. It must be released, and after a few days the installation will stabilize. To prevent an explosion, it is necessary to release gas periodically. Up to 40 m 3 of gas can be received per day. The processed mass is removed through the discharge pipe by loading a new portion of the raw material. The waste mass is an excellent fertilizer for the earth.

Advantages of biogas power plants:

    solid and liquid wastes have a specific smell repelling flies and rodents;

    the ability to produce a useful end product - methane, which is a clean and convenient fuel;

    in the process of fermentation, weed seeds and some of the pathogens die;

    during the fermentation process, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other ingredients of the fertilizer are almost completely preserved, part of the organic nitrogen is converted into ammonia nitrogen, and this increases its value;

    the fermentation residue can be used as animal feed;

    biogas fermentation does not require the use of oxygen from the air;

    anaerobic sludge can be stored for several months without the addition of nutrients, and then when the raw material is loaded, fermentation can quickly start again.

  • Disadvantages of biogas power plants:
  • a complex device and requires relatively large investments in construction;

    a high level of construction, management and maintenance is required;

    the initial anaerobic propagation of fermentation is slow.

1.3.1 Stages of operation of a biogas plant.

Stage 1: Delivery of processed products and waste to the plant. In some cases, it is advisable to heat the waste in order to increase their rate of fermentation and decomposition in the bioreactor.

Stage 2: Processing in the reactor. After the transfer tank, the prepared waste enters the reactor. A high-quality reactor is a sealed structure with heat and gas insulation, since the slightest ingress of air or a decrease in temperature will stop the fermentation and decay process. The reactor operates without access to oxygen, in a completely closed environment. Several times a day, with the help of a pump, new portions of the processed substance can be added to it. This device mixes the substance in the reactor at regular intervals.

Stage 3: Output of the finished product. After a certain time (from several hours to several days), the first results of fermentation appear. These are biogas and biological fertilizers. As a result, the resulting biogas enters the gas storage tank, undergoes drying and can be used like ordinary natural gas. In turn, biological fertilizers pass through a tank with a separator, where the separation into solid and liquid fertilizers takes place. Fertilizers do not require additional processing, therefore they are immediately used for their intended purpose. It should be noted that the trade in such fertilizers is a rather profitable business. The operation of the biogas plant is continuous.

Benefits of using a biogas plant.

A biogas plant is a truly magical device that allows you to get really necessary things from waste and manure. In particular, you can get:

  • Biological fertilizers

    Electrical and thermal energy.

1.4 Ways to use domestic biogas.

In everyday life, biogas can find the widest application. According to its physical properties, biogas is similar to methane. Therefore, almost all universal household equipment that runs on the fuel we are used to is perfectly suitable for functioning on biogas. The only difficulty may be that biogas, compared to natural gas, has a slightly worse ignitability, which causes little difficulty in regulating the latter. (For example, when installing a tap on a “small fire” in kitchen stoves (this is due to the different pressure of the two gases on the pipe walls)). Devices that actually work flawlessly on biogas are:

    Burners for heating installations (these devices are used in the residential heating system for heating air in various dryers and air conditioners, and both conventional burners with atmospheric air intake and burners with blast are used)

    Water heaters

    Gas stoves with top burners and oven (our cookers).

Biogas can be used both in agriculture and in the household, the main types of energy consumption here are (see Appendix, table 2):

    Domestic water heating

    Heating of residential and non-residential premises

    Cooking food

    Food preservation

Biogas also has high anti-knock properties and can serve as an excellent fuel for internal combustion engines with positive ignition and for diesel engines, without requiring their additional re-equipment (only the adjustment of the power system is necessary). Comparative tests of scientists have shown that the specific consumption of diesel fuel is 220 g/kWh of rated power, and that of biogas is 0.4 m3/kWh. This requires about 300 g / kWh (m. b. - 300 g) of starting fuel (diesel fuel used as a "fuse" for biogas). As a result, diesel fuel savings amounted to 86%.

Chapter 2. The use of block houses in construction.

2.1. Japanese tea houses

Tokyo-based architecture firm Bakoko Design Development has created "dome" teahouses for parks that will be heated with leaf compost.

The design of the tea house consists of a series of large, specially shaped compost bins arranged in a circle around the body of the house, where Japanese janitors will put the leaves. The top door opens for loading into the composter. Organic material is thrown there for composting. Ready compost can be unloaded through the door located at the bottom of each compost bin. There they will rot, decompose and produce heat in the process. A system of sealed pipes runs through all the containers, and due to the circulation of air inside the container, the decaying compost heats the pipes that heat the room.

Pipes are located under the table, visitors are comfortably seated on a circular bench around a heat source, and a transparent domed roof provides the house with diffused natural light as much as possible.

Thanks to a specially designed circulation system, hot (up to 120 degrees Celsius) air will be supplied to a kind of fireplace in the center of the house. And the people gathered inside will warm up from it. In addition, in this way it is also possible to heat the open terraces of cafes, places of mass gatherings of people, private houses with their own gardens and even stadiums.

The design team is currently working on resolving some of the technical details such as good aeration of the compost, effective moisture control and reduction of specific odors. They plan to build a prototype house in the very near future.

According to Bakoko, this house design is best suited for organizing recreational points in large city parks, public and private gardens, and can also serve as an outdoor cafe. In general, the house can be installed anywhere where a continuous supply of organic waste as fuel can be arranged. In order not to be unfounded, I will give an example of the successful experience of Japanese students (no, they are not at all pioneers in this, but their creation clearly proves the viability of this idea).

Another version of the "eco-home" came up with Japanese students who used straw composting to heat the room. The straw is enclosed in transparent, acrylic boxes distributed along the perimeter of the walls of the house. The eco-house uses a simple, low-odor composting technique called bakashi. Their creation is heated up to 30 degrees Celsius, lasting for 4 weeks! Of course, this "living house" will require extra care, as the straw needs to be changed several times a year, but it's a fascinating concept to take advantage of the energy that is naturally generated.

2.4. Design technology for obtaining peat blocks and their practical significance

We decided to try to combine the acquired knowledge to create a new "eco-house". The shape of the house was suggested to us by the domed buildings. But instead of foam blocks, we want to offer another version of the wall plate. The guys from the senior classes have been experimenting with the manufacture of wall panels for several years. One of the variants of the plate was made according to the principle of a scientific group led by prof. Suvorova V.I. It consists of peat and foam chips. Highly dispersed peat with a consistency between creamy and closer to butter (from raw materials of medium decomposition, having a fibrous structure, which makes it possible to obtain high-quality products from it by pressing). All components are mixed, and the mass concentration of the components, the moisture content of the peat mass, and other parameters are determined empirically. Next, the resulting mass is vibrocompressed in a mold, under relatively low pressure to release loosely bound water, keeping in the mold until the plate dries at least to a moisture content of 55-60% (strength is gained during the drying process). Then the final drying can be carried out without formwork, preferably in room conditions, since during drying the board will shrink and there is a high probability of cracks. During drying, a complex process occurs, including the phenomena of shrinkage, compaction, structure formation, phase transitions of chemical transformations. Temperature will speed up drying, but may result in poor performance.

The bactericidal activity of such plates is such that, according to the conclusion of experts, Koch's tubercle bacillus, brucella and other pathogens, when touched with the material, die within a day. Peat, being an antiseptic, destroys them.

The material has an amazing gas absorption capacity. It reduces the level of penetrating radiation up to five times, “breathes” like a tree, absorbing steam when it is in excess and returning it when it is deficient. In terms of strength, it has no equal, withstands a load of 8-12 kilograms per square centimeter. In terms of durability, "Geokar" is akin to stone or concrete structures. It is not only durable, lightweight, but also an excellent adsorbent. For example, the level of radiation in a room made of peat is reduced by five times.

2.3. Dome "eco-house"

Foam dome houses were first built in Japan. It was there that experts revealed the main properties of such a material, which make it possible to use it not only as an auxiliary tool, but also as the main material.

The proposed dome house is 1 00% savings on the supporting frame , composite material , thanks to the domed structure of the house, it safely takes on the functions of a supporting frame, ease and a small number of load-bearing structures, low heating costs.

Materials such as concrete and brick are quite expensive. To solve this problem, we combined the shape of a domed house with an eco-arbor, without complex foundations. Instead of foam, we want to use a composite material that was developed by a scientific group led by prof. Suvorova V.I. of the Department of Peat Business of TvGU. The cost of the house due to the composite material will increase, but it will become more durable, environmentally friendly and fit well into the surrounding landscape. And the biogas plant used for heating will satisfy the needs for heat and hot water. Energy will be given to us by a solar concentrator installed on the roof and a wind turbine. For example, to maintain a comfortable temperature in a standard house with a radius of 8-12 meters, a heater with a power of only 600 watts is sufficient.

The main advantages of such a house:

1. By and large, this is the only technology that allows you to make a strong and durable house quickly and without the help of professional builders.

2. Save money.

3.Multiple time savings, turnkey construction.

4. Lightness and a small number of load-bearing structures, allows you to build in remote and hard-to-reach places - this factor is very important for the arrangement of mountain tourist routes and bases.

5.High attractiveness for tourists and tenants, which is provided by the unusual shape of spherical houses.

6. Record low heating costs for round houses in winter. 7.Because the composite material is used in the construction of the house, excellent thermal insulation of the room is guaranteed, and due to its domed shape, the air circulates freely by convection without the formation of stagnant zones in the corners. Therefore, heating and air conditioning costs are significantly reduced. The Dome House is an incredibly energy efficient building. Due to the peat included in the building blocks, the plates have bactericidal properties, so the fungus is not terrible for such a house. The "thermos effect" will be reduced due to the properties of the composite board.

8. This building material is environmentally friendly and does not undergo chemical treatment. After formation, the blocks are sent to the drying chamber, but are not fired, which makes it possible to preserve the natural properties of this raw material.

9. Not only is the dome of the House one of the most stable forms in nature, unlike iron, it will never corrode, unlike wood, it will not rot, fungus or be attacked by insects. The residential dome concept offers a comfortable living space for a very long life.

10. Storm resistance. The aerodynamic properties of the dome with the effect of a wing successfully resist the pressure of strong winds.

11. The composite dome house is not only the most stable structure, but also extremely light in weight. The consequence of this is a small inertia during swinging. It is because of this lightness that the Dome House withstands the most severe earthquakes without any special consequences.

The problem of creating cheap and environmentally friendly housing has been and remains the object of research and innovation.

Chapter 3. Joint production of heat and electricity

With the combined generation of heat and electricity using a single generator, biogas is used as fuel in internal combustion engines that drive a generator to generate mains current (also called alternating current or three-phase current). Excess heat that appears during engine operation from the cooling system and exhaust gases can be used for heating. Of all the possible applications, the latter has received the most importance. After the entry into force of the EU Energy Act of April 1, 2004, it is for small producers that there are a number of advantages in paying for electricity from renewable energy sources. The price per generated kWh of electricity is currently fixed at 0.115 Euro/kWh as a base price. Electricity generation therefore has significant economic advantages over heating-only applications.

Example: biogas with a methane content of 60% has an energy value of 6 kWh/m³

The energy output from 1 liter of fuel oil is 10 kWh of energy; if hypothetically is 45 cents/l, then the cost of energy will be 4.5 cents/kWh

When used for thermal purposes with an efficiency of 90%, the cost of biogas will be:

6 kWh/m³ x 0.9 x 4.5 cents/kWh = 5.4 kWh/m³ x 4.5 cents/kWh = 24.3 cents/m³biogas

When used for the purpose of obtaining energy in generators for the generation of heat and electricity we can derive the following equation

(premise: 35% electrical efficiency, 11.5 cent/kWh electricity feed fee and 6 cent/kWh renewable energy bonus guarantee)

    Power generation: 6 kWh/m³ x 0.35 x 17.5 cents/kWh = 36.75 cents/m³

    Use of excess heat: 6 kWh/m³ x 0.50 x 4.5 cents/kWh = 13.50 cents/m³

    Total use for electricity generation and excess heat use = 50.25 cents/m³

The comparison shows the economic benefits when used for power generation compared to using only for thermal benefit. For further assessments, other factors should also be taken into account, such as the cost of electricity generation (grid connection, generator, etc.) and use for thermal benefits (applications, combined heat and power, etc.). In addition, power generation has the great advantage of being able to guarantee the purchase of electricity at guaranteed prices, while for installations far away from settlements it is often difficult to find use for excess heat.

There are two different methods for generating electricity:

1. Production tailored to needs. In this case, the generation of electricity takes place according to the demand, which also means, in particular, that if more electricity is required, then more of it is generated.

2. uniform production. In this case, the engine preferably runs 24 hours a day, always with the same performance. The power of the engine is adjusted by means of a gas supply and a manual valve in such a way that, if possible, all the supplied gas is consumed and only a small amount of it does not accumulate.

Since at present there is no big difference between the electricity generated from biogas and directed to the grid, as well as the energy used from it, direct electricity generation without resorting to a large gas storage is usually chosen, i.e. uniform production. Only in some cases, when, for example, the supply of electricity during peak hours is paid for at a correspondingly higher electricity tariff, as offered by some municipalities or cities, is gas storage combined with a large generator capacity economically justified.

Which of the methods will cost more profitable, you have to decide in each individual case. For the future, it is desirable that EVUs enable the use of a third method, in which during peak hours (mainly during lunch and evening), the electricity generated is better paid than its supply at other times. Due to the ability to accumulate biogas and the ability to regulate its production over time, this method is relatively easy to implement and would have advantages for both parties.

The main thing is to be able to use what nature gives us, and not thoughtlessly destroy it.


Innovative materials can make building new homes cheaper, safer, and more accessible to consumers. It will also be possible to increase the building area of ​​houses: there can be houses in every corner of the globe, as they can be easily adapted to local conditions. In addition to economical energy savings, energy costs can be reduced by using compost bins, which will solve the problem of compost heaps and biological debris on the sites.

Our project can change lives for the better: houses will become more environmentally friendly, will be resistant to seismic activity due to the domed shape, in permafrost conditions they do not need to be built with a complex foundation, and also cheap at cost.

Such houses will help save energy, as long as we use exhaustible energy resources, they will give a new direction in construction. And, most importantly, they will be affordable for residents of our country. The houses themselves will look attractive at camp sites and summer cottages.


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Appendix 1.

Rice. 1. The side of the container near the wall of the "eco-house"

Figure 2. Scheme of organic matter digestion

Appendix 2

Table 1. Main characteristics of biogas

Table 2. Consumption of biogas for a room with an area of ​​120 m 2

Table 3. Increase in biogas production when mixing different wastes

Biogas production (%)

Production increase (%)

Cattle + chicken manure

bird droppings

Cattle manure + chicken + pork (1:0.5:0.5)

Pig manure

Cattle+bird manure

Cattle + pig manure

Cattle manure

Cattle manure + pine forests

Appendix 3

Table 4. Observation diary of the obtained biogas study

The amount of gas per day in l

(bottle volume 0.5 l)

Gas monitoring

0.25 l. ½ bottle

The emitted jet of gas on the first day was slightly strong, but an unpleasant odor was already felt.

0.3 l, 2/3 bottles

The jet became a little stronger, but the expected flash did not occur.

0.32 l, 2/3 bottles

No particular changes were observed.

0.50 l, ¾ bottle

After moving the biomass bottle closer to the battery, the gas completely filled the entire provided volume.

0.80 l, 1 ½ bottles

Gas is accumulating much faster than in days gone by

1 l, two bottles

During the day, two full bottles were accumulated, the gas had to be lowered twice a day.

1 l, two bottles

No changes were observed.

1.4l, 2 2/3 bottles

The jet of gas blows out the flame of the candle, the gas builds up quickly, the pressure in the bottle is high, and there is still no flash.

1.5l, 3 bottles

There is still more and more gas.

2l, 4 bottles

The smell got much worse.

2 ¼l, 4 ½ bottles

No changes were observed.

2.5 l, 5 bottles

The humus has turned into one goo.

3l, 6 bottles

Gas is collected twice as fast.

3.5 l, 6.5 bottles

There was a flash.

Appendix 4

Rice. 3. "Ecohouse"

Rice. 4. Ecohouse layout

Appendix 5

Rice. 5. Side containers for getting humus

Rice. 6. Biogas plant

Solar power plant at Liwa School, UAE

Liwa International School became the first eco-friendly school in the United Arab Emirates. The educational institution was highly appreciated for the presented eco-projects at the World Future Energy Summit, most of which are implemented daily.

For example, every day more than 4,000 liters of wastewater are sent for treatment. After double filtration, water is used for watering and irrigating more than 35,000 plantations. Plants absorb carbon dioxide and save from the heat, and also help keep the temperature in the classrooms below the street temperature by several degrees.

It is possible to reduce electricity consumption thanks to hundreds of solar panels. The station produces about 78 kilowatts per hour per day. This energy is stored and then used for water treatment facilities and lighting the school grounds at night.

Every day, students independently take care of the cleanliness of the school grounds. As part of the environmental club, children draw posters about extinct or endangered animals and plants.

Campus for Eco-Education at Trivandrum School, India

Trivandrum International School in India has set aside a separate campus for environmental studies. Emphasis is placed on combating environmental pollution and rational consumption of natural resources.

Trivandrum International School was one of the first in India to switch to rainwater, which meets more than 50% of the school's needs. Wastewater is also treated.

The school's own organic farm supplies the school with organically grown vegetables and herbs. Lunches are prepared without preservatives and dyes, so most of the waste from the kitchen goes to the compost pit or biogas plant. All these processes become part of practical training with children and adolescents.

The school has also managed to free itself from the use of plastic, using paper bags designed by students that can be recycled, as well as disposable trash cans.

The school also has its own "green" tradition: each graduate receives two tree seedlings to plant them on the territory as part of the graduation ceremony.

Panyaden Bamboo School, Thailand

Panyaden Elementary School was built in what was once an orchard. All the premises of the educational institution are built of bamboo, stone and mud brick (clay mixed with sand and rice husks), and are shaped like fern leaves. Natural materials provide natural cooling and ventilation of the premises, they do not have air conditioners.

The walls of the classrooms outside are made of adobe and reclaimed glass from bottles and washing machines. Window frames are made from recycled hardwood. The dining room and assembly hall are literally in the open air and are covered only by a bamboo canopy.

Wastewater is treated and used to water the garden, food waste is used as fertilizer, and biogas is used to generate energy for cooking.

The school simultaneously accommodates 375 children. Students learn about tropical plant species, northern Thai cuisine, and learn how to plant rice and grow vegetables without the use of pesticides, using wood vinegar as an insect repellant.

Paper minimum and used clothes collection at Sing Yin School, Hong Kong

Hong Kong's Sing Yin Eco-School helps students gain basic knowledge of ecology and provides the opportunity to practice environmental protection. In language classes, schoolchildren write essays about environmental problems, in mathematics lessons they calculate the costs of protecting the environment, and after physical education they clean the football field.

The green school building is equipped with renewable energy sources - photovoltaic panels and windmills. Energy-saving motion and light sensors are installed in the premises, the use of heaters and air conditioners is limited.

The school is reducing paper consumption by managing paperwork electronically, using the blank side of sheets of office paper for drafting or reprinting, reducing the number of photocopies, and not purchasing paper towels.

On the territory of the educational institution, a collection of used clothes, plastic and aluminum cans, as well as old computer equipment is organized. The US Green Building Council has recognized Sing Yin as one of the greenest schools in the world.

Vegetables from a local garden and separate collection at Watkinson School, USA

Minimum energy costs, clean air and spacious classrooms made from recycled building materials. Eco-school Watkinson, whose area is 3500 square meters, was assembled from modules in 6 months. A carefully thought-out space flooded with sunlight saves up to 25% of the school budget.

The building was conceived as a teaching aid for children. In the process of teaching the basics of ecology, teachers use modular building systems as an example of respect for nature.

The school is powered by 60 solar panels, which generate more electricity than the building consumes. Fluorescent lamps are used inside, and lanterns with photocells are used to illuminate the territory outside. 90% of cleaning products that are used for cleaning are environmentally friendly.

Separate garbage collection is organized on campus. Thus, the publication of a school newspaper from 100% recycled paper and cardboard saves 60 trees annually. All office and newsprint paper is shredded and composted.

Vegetable waste from the kitchen is also used as fertilizer. Vegetables for the dining room are delivered directly from the training beds. Once a week, the school organizes a fast day to reduce the carbon footprint by reducing the consumption of animal products.

Solar cookers and hay-insulated walls at Secmol school, India

At an altitude of 3.4 kilometers above sea level, along the Indus River, the Secmol Eco-School is located. Its campus was built from local building materials - stone and wood, in keeping with the architectural traditions of the inhabitants of the historical region of Ladakh.

The project did not require multimillion-dollar investments. Eco-School Secmol demonstrates how to live in harmony with the environment, without harming it and reusing the most ordinary things.

The thermal insulation of the premises in cold weather is provided by walls painted with lime and black paint. In addition, they are insulated with hay or waste - for example, paper and plastic. The school tries to adhere to the principles of ZERO WASTE. Manure from cows and compost are used as fertilizer for grown vegetables, which is obtained using bio-toilets built in the form of dry underground chambers.

Water is obtained from an underground stream. The one that is undrinkable goes to water the vegetables. Her students also participate in the daily work of the school: they take care of the garden, clean up, control the operation of alternative energy sources, cook food on solar cookers. Classes are held in spacious and bright classrooms, where there are no desks.

Dunbarton 2015 World's Greenest School, Canada

The title of the "greenest" school in the world in 2015 according to U.S. The Green Building Council received the Dunbarton Eco-School from Ontario. The Canadian educational institution was awarded the highest award both for the form - over the past five years the school has been modernized, and for the content of the curriculum. Schoolchildren are not only involved in the process, they are the initiators and leaders of eco-projects.

The old building, built in 1960, was "greened": energy-saving windows, lighting and a solar water heating system were installed. It also launched a recycling program for organic waste.

Dunbarton has a special garden for pollination of plants, which attracts butterflies and bees, for the latter there are special "houses" in the garden. The Eco-School takes part in the Atlantic Salmon Recovery Program. Projects are funded by philanthropists, parents and non-profit organizations.


Gechekbaeva S.B. (Megion, MBOU "Secondary School No. 4")

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Objective: learn how and from what paints were made in ancient times, explore the possibilities of using natural dyes as an environmentally friendly material for dyeing fabrics and for obtaining watercolors.

Research methods: theoretical (research, study, analysis), empirical (chemical experiment). Practical work was carried out on dyeing fabric, using dyed fabric (sewing clothes for dolls), and making watercolors.

Data obtained: fabrics dyed with dyes derived from coffee, onion skins, carrots, cranberries, oranges. Cotton was used as a fabric for dyeing. From a large piece of dyed fabric, we made clothes for dolls: a skirt, a jacket, a belt and a bow.

For the manufacture of watercolors from the first experiment, the obtained dyes of three colors were used: yellow (carrot), raspberry (cranberry), brown (coffee). But in order for the paint to thicken, binders are needed. We used honey and flour. The resulting watercolor can be stored in a semi-liquid state for a long time. As a result, three colors of watercolors (yellow, brown, crimson) were obtained. Then they mixed brown paint with yellow and got a light brown paint. When mixing crimson paint with yellow, orange paint was obtained. Received watercolors of five colors (yellow, brown, light brown, raspberry, orange). From the eco-friendly watercolors we made, we drew a picture.

Conclusion: Based on the work done, we came to the conclusion that natural dyes, unlike artificial ones, are environmentally friendly, since flower petals, plant fruits, tree bark and other material can be used to obtain them. Natural dyes can be obtained at home, they are easy to use and easy to dye fabric.

Study plan

Problem: The role of paint is difficult to overestimate. Without bright colors, the world and objects would be very dull and dull. No wonder a person tries to imitate nature, creating pure and rich shades. Paints have been known to mankind since primitive times. I wanted to learn as much as possible about the world of dyes and explore the possibilities of using natural dyes as an environmentally friendly material for dyeing fabrics and for making watercolors. Now almost all dyes are produced in chemical plants. Dyes are added to food, dye fabrics, added to cosmetics, household chemicals. Therefore, more and more people are showing an allergic reaction. People are beginning to understand the dangers of using chemicals and are increasingly turning to nature. Return to natural sources - this is the relevance of my work.


1. Study the varieties of natural dyes and their properties.

2. Carry out practical work on the isolation of natural dyes from plants.

3. Make natural paints without using chemical additives.

Hypothesis: dyes for coloring can be obtained from available natural raw materials (roots of the bark of flowers, fruits, leaves of the stems of various plants).

Method description:

1. Search and analysis of information on the topic "Natural dyes".

2. Search for material to extract dyes.

3. Isolation of natural dyes from plants and their application.

4. Preparation of watercolors.

The state of the problem under study. Choice of objects and research methods

The very first paints were multi-colored clays: red, white, yellow and blue. A little later, paints began to be made from minerals and plants. A decoction of onion skins, walnut shells, and oak bark gave a brown color. The bark of barberry, alder and euphorbia plants is yellow, and red paint was obtained from some berries. Interesting and unusual recipes of Russian artists were found in old handwritten lists. For durability and plasticity, eggs and milk protein - casein were added to the paint.

Until the nineteenth century, paints were even used, which were very unhealthy. In 1870, an analysis was made of the effect of paints on human health. Paints containing lead and arsenic turned out to be poisonous. It turned out that a very beautiful and bright emerald green paint is deadly, because. it contains vinegar, copper oxide and arsenic. There is even a version that Napoleon died, poisoned by arsenic fumes that came from wallpaper painted in emerald green.

It was very expensive to make really bright and resistant paint. For example, ultramarine (bright blue paint) was obtained from lapis, which could only be brought from Iran and Afghanistan. Purple dye was obtained from the shells of Mediterranean snails. It took about ten thousand shells to get 1 gram of paint! Due to such a high cost, purple was considered the color of luxury, royalty and wealth.

Currently, almost all paints are made in laboratories and factories from chemical elements. Therefore, some paints are poisonous. For example, red vermilion from mercury. For the industrial production of paints, mineral and organic pigments are used, mined from the depths of mother earth, or pigments obtained artificially. Watercolor paints are kneaded on the basis of natural gum arabic (vegetable resins), with the addition of plasticizers: honey, glycerin or sugar. This allows them to be so light and transparent. In addition, an antiseptic, like phenol, will definitely be included in the watercolor, so you still shouldn’t eat it. Watercolor was invented along with paper in China.

Plants have special coloring substances - pigments, of which about 2 thousand are known. In plant cells, the most common green pigments are chlorophylls, yellow-orange carotenoids, red and blue anthocyanins, yellow flavones and flavonols.

Many plant pigments are used as dyes: carrot roots give a yellow dye, table beets - red, colored plant petals also give a certain color.

There is a special group of pigments - anthocyanins (from the Greek "anthos" - flower, "cyanos" - blue), first isolated from blue cornflower flowers.

We studied plant pigments that are used as dyes and started dyeing fabrics.

As an object of study, we chose natural dyes obtained from coffee, carrots, cranberries, and onion peels. The subject of research is the staining process.

Fabric dyeing consists of three stages: extraction, i.e. extracting the dye, fixing (etching) and washing. Each material is dyed differently.

Dyeing methods depend on the type of fibers of the material to be dyed. The dyeing process consists in the absorption of dye by fibers.

To fix the natural dye, mordant fixatives are used. Without etching, the fabric after dyeing acquires in most cases a beige or light brown color. With different fixatives, the same vegetable dye gives a different color. To obtain light tones, alum is used, dark ones - chromium pickling, copper and iron sulfate. Sometimes salt, vinegar, birch ash, sauerkraut brine are used as fixatives.

Experimental part. Preparation of dyeing broths and dyeing of fabric

The purpose of the experiment: to prepare dyeing broths and dye the fabric.

Material used: onion peel, cranberry, carrot, coffee, salt, saucepan, wooden spoon, bowl.

Experience number 1. Coffee.

Pour a tablespoon of ground coffee with two glasses of water and bring to a boil. Then we put the prepared cloth in it, add a tablespoon of salt and cook for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, remove the fabric from the coffee water, rinse well in cold water and dry.

Conclusion: after brewing in coffee, the color of the fabric is brown.

Experience number 2. Onion peel.

Let's do it a little differently with onion skins. Pour it with two glasses of water, bring to a boil and boil the liquid for 15 minutes until we get colored water. Only now we can put a piece of fabric into the water, add a tablespoon of salt. Cook it together with onion peel for 10 minutes. We take out a piece of fabric from the water, rinse and dry.

Conclusion: we got the color of the fabric in a rich sandy shade.

Experience number 3. Cranberry.

Cranberries need to be crushed a little to extract more juice. Fill with water and boil, to fix the color, add a tablespoon of salt. We load the fabric. Leave for a few hours, stirring occasionally.

Conclusion: after boiling, the color of the fabric turned out to be pink.

Experience number 4. Carrots.

Cut the carrots into small cubes, fill with water and boil, add a tablespoon of salt to fix the color. We load the fabric. And leave for several hours, stirring occasionally.

Conclusion: after boiling, the color of the fabric turned out to be pale orange.

Experience number 5. Orange and lemon.

Grate orange with lemon, fill with water and boil, add a tablespoon of salt to fix the color. We load the fabric. And leave for several hours, stirring occasionally.

Conclusion: after boiling, the color of the fabric turned out to be yellow.

Experience number 6. A mixture of cranberries and carrots.

Mix two dyes from cranberries and carrots.

Conclusion: turned out to be a pink dye.

Note: before dyeing, the fabric must be moistened with water, otherwise the color will be uneven. The fabric must be completely immersed. When dyeing, the fabric was constantly “translated”. "Translate" the fabric with a quiet boil should be a glass or wooden stick. Dyeing should be done slowly so that the color is uniform.

From dyed fabrics, we sewed a skirt, a jacket, a belt with a bow for the doll.

Preparing watercolors

Purpose: to prepare watercolor paints using the obtained natural dyes.

Material used: honey, flour, natural dyes (anthocyanin solutions).

In the preparation of watercolors, solutions of anthocyanins can be used. But in order for the paint to thicken, binders are needed. We used honey and flour. Honey gives watercolor softness and helps to keep the paint in a semi-liquid state for a long time. Paints must be evaporated in a water bath.

For the preparation of watercolors from the first experiment, the obtained dyes of three colors were used: yellow (carrot), raspberry (cranberry), brown (coffee). As a result, three colors of watercolors (yellow, brown, crimson) were obtained. Then they mixed brown paint with yellow and got a light brown paint. When mixing crimson paint with yellow, orange paint was obtained.

Conclusion: Received watercolors of five colors (yellow, brown, light brown, raspberry, orange).

From the resulting environmentally friendly watercolor paints, a drawing was drawn.


Natural dyes can be obtained from plant pigments.

Natural dyes can be used to dye fabrics and make watercolors. Natural dyes, unlike artificial ones, are environmentally friendly, since flower petals, plant fruits, tree bark and other material can be used to obtain them.

Natural dyes can be obtained at home, they are easy to use and easy to dye fabric.

Bibliographic link

Karpova M.V. INFORMATION AND RESEARCH PROJECT "NATURAL DYES" // International School Scientific Bulletin. - 2018. - No. 2. - P. 110-116;
URL: (date of access: 01/07/2020).

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