Tactical thinking: how to develop it? How to develop thinking and memory for an adult How to train and develop thinking.

Every normal person wants to think quickly, think outside the box, be able to show off their intellectual abilities, which is why requests are so frequent, how to develop thinking.

Only fools who do not care about their lives do not want this.

By the way, I suspect that it is the fools who stubbornly refuse to subscribe to the newsletter, but with enviable constancy they come to write some stupidity in the comments.

What is thinking and why should it be developed?

Thinking is the highest human ability to know this world.

It is contrasted with “low” forms: smell, perception, and others, which even primitive species of animals can boast of, but only a person can think logically, analytically, creatively.

The result of thinking is a thought that you must first extract from the bins of the brain, and then voice it in oral, written or other form.

Of course, all people can think, but the quality of the thoughts they produce is completely different.

Some, as they say, grasp everything on the fly, demonstrate excellent success first in school, then at work, instantly find a way out of difficult situations, while others are very slow-witted, therefore they are always in the shadow of people with developed thinking.

Like, for example, Vanya is a security guard at my former job.

Vanya could not be called a too stupid or lazy guy, but he really did not think well, and it was an impossible task for him to put his thought into words.

Many people live quietly with slow-wittedness and do not worry, but our guard suffered and wanted to change.

Vanya and I communicated well, and once in a conversation he admitted that he would like to develop his thinking.

What types of thinking are there and how to develop them?

Before embarking on the development of thinking, you need to understand what types of this very thinking exist, and what exactly you want to work on.

Scientists distinguish between the following types of thinking:


    Thanks to him, a person operates with logical constructions and is able to draw logical conclusions based on the information received.


    Remember Sherlock Holmes and his deductive method?

    You, too, can develop the ability to draw unexpected but correct conclusions from disparate facts, moving from the general to the specific.


    This kind of thinking is opposed to deductive thinking, because you draw conclusions by moving from the particular to the general.


    Allows a person to analyze the information received, extract the most important data from it and draw concise and accurate conclusions.

    Creative (creative).

    People of the creative profession cannot do without it, because it is thanks to creative thinking that paintings, books, theatrical performances, films, advertising campaigns and much more are created.

Most often, when people ask “How to develop thinking?”, They mean analytical, logical or creative.

We will talk about them.

How to develop logical thinking?

It is incredibly difficult to live in this world without logic, because every day we are faced with tasks that cannot be solved without logical thinking.

If you have problems with logical reasoning, then you can improve the situation with:

  1. Solving puzzles and puzzles.
  2. Solutions to logical puzzles (you can find at least a hundred of them on the Internet).
  3. Chess games.
  4. Love for computer games, such as "Rotating Matrix", "Numbers", etc.
  5. Choosing a job in which you need to apply the strategy on a daily basis.

    For example, writing texts, creating websites, etc.

  6. Solving a Rubik's Cube.

If you practice daily using these methods, then in a month you will find the ability to make logical conclusions.

How to develop creative (creative) thinking?

It is most difficult to develop creative thinking, because a person is either born gifted, or is born without the slightest ability to be creative.

For example, at our school there was a girl Olya, who wrote the most magnificent essays, but at the same time received marks for them 5/3, where her literacy was evaluated by a three.

Whereas an excellent student of Light, the pride of the class, created very boring, but literate texts, getting her fives thanks to her reputation.

Now Sveta is a candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, she teaches at the capital's university, and Olya is an employee of an advertising agency who creates great advertising campaigns.

Both girls found their calling, despite the fact that one always had it, while the other was completely absent.

And, if they chose each other's professional paths, they would most likely fail.

If you want to develop creative thinking for yourself, so as not to be considered a cracker, then try to do this with:

  1. Readings of fiction.
  2. Visits to exhibitions, theater premieres, all events related to art.
  3. Drawing, you can even sign up for some courses.
  4. Writing poems and texts.

    It is not necessary (more precisely, undesirable 🙂) to publish them somewhere, you write them as a training.

    Creative hobby: knitting, embroidery, macrame, decoupage and more.

    Moreover, the less you pay attention to ready-made schemes and the more you show fantasies, the better.

How to develop analytical thinking?

There is even a separate position - analysts - people who analyze the data received and draw conclusions based on them.

For example, financial analysts are able to predict the rise or fall in prices for something, the exchange rate in the near future, ways out of the crisis, and much more.

If you get the same data as them, you are unlikely to understand anything, but the analytical mindset allows you to draw the right conclusions.

The ways to develop analytical thinking are similar to the methods that need to be applied to develop logical thinking. The same puzzles, chess, Rubik's cube, computer games and more.

But your main task is to constantly analyze the information received, not be afraid to draw conclusions, even if they may be incorrect.

How to develop the speed of thinking?

Often we call slow-thinking those people who think too slowly.

If you are dissatisfied with the speed of your thinking and want to develop it, then:

    Do facial exercises that will help you express your thoughts more easily.

    I don’t give specific exercises, act on a whim, at the same time you will practice creative thinking.

  1. Lead a healthy lifestyle and.
  2. Develop fine motor skills, for example, with beadwork.

    Not only in children, fine motor skills are directly related to thinking, but also in adults.

    Learn poetry by heart.

    And what? You can always surprise your soul mate by reading a love poem to her, and the memory, which is directly related to the ability to think, is being trained.

  3. Give yourself a head massage, even special “combs” are sold to make this procedure easier for you.
  4. Travel, meet new people.
  5. Live in a fast rhythm, then your brains will not slow down.

We offer you to watch a video on how to develop creative thinking

by drawing:

Here you see: the answer to the question " How to develop thinking? not so complicated.

You will succeed.

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Thinking is one of the most important differences between man and other living beings. What is thinking? Thinking is the ability to think, analyze a situation, draw some conclusions based on observations, and also present information that a person has. A person's behavior very much depends on his way of thinking, and if so, then if we develop thinking, we can change our behavior in various situations, become a slightly different person.

The development of thinking is an exercise in which we change the course of our thoughts about the same object or phenomenon. For example, when it is a hot summer day outside, you can think about it in completely different ways. The first, as mentioned earlier, is simply a statement of fact: "It's a hot summer day outside." Or: "Great weather." Or: "Unbearable heat." Or: "Perfect weather for going to the beach!" There are many ways to talk about a hot summer day, and each of them carries its own emotional coloring, which means it determines our attitude to the weather outside the window and determines further behavior. The same is true of any event that occurs around us.

This is where the biggest problem arises - we always think in the same way that we are used to and do not even think about the possibility of looking at a familiar phenomenon from a different angle.

It turns out a very interesting situation. Thousands of people live with each other, communicate, but at the same time, everyone considers their way of thinking the most correct and only possible. At the same time, almost no one even thinks about the fact that you can think differently.

That is why it consists development of thinking it is to learn to think differently, to make your thinking more flexible.

It is very easy to start developing thinking - take some problem that has been bothering you for a long time, but you cannot find a solution to it. Think about it differently, then change your point of view again, and then again and again. In the end, you will find the way that can solve your problem.

In general, the very occurrence of a problem is usually associated with wrong thinking, the wrong approach to solving it.

Ways to develop thinking

  1. Remember the children's tasks, where you need to find a way out of the maze. If you go the wrong way, you will run into a dead end, and you can only come to the exit by returning to one of the forks. In the same way, thinking should be developed.
  2. Look closely at how other people think (speak or write). Try to think like each of them, maybe one of these ways you will like it.
  3. You can also explore the different ways of thinking described in the literature - fiction and psychological.
  4. Try to put together the ways of thinking that you have learned about and based on them, create your own way of thinking, most likely, it will be closest to you.
But most importantly, don't settle for any of the mindsets you've found, as each of them is only suitable for successfully dealing with certain situations.

The meaning of the development of thinking is not to find the ideal way of thinking, but to make your thinking more plastic, as diverse as possible, because the more ways of thinking you have, the more problems you will be ready for .

It is believed that rich people and poor, happy and unhappy people think completely differently, learn to think differently, develop your thinking and, most likely, find the way of thinking that will help you become successful and happy.

Henry Ford

When a person asks the question of how to develop thinking, it can be said with full confidence that he understands perfectly well what role it plays in our life. And this role, believe me, is huge. Thanks to developed thinking, each of us can achieve very high results in almost any business, even without having the necessary knowledge for this, since well-developed thinking will easily lead a person to any knowledge he needs and allow him to use it competently. Thinking is the most important tool for a person in this world. There are many kinds of thinking, as well as ways to develop them. And each type of thinking has its advantages and some, as a rule, not very significant, disadvantages. Thinking can be: logical, analytical, deductive, inductive, systemic, creative, and so on. At the same time, any thinking is reduced to one common action that allows it to function. And in order to develop thinking, it is necessary to learn how to perform this action effectively. In this article, I will tell you about what and how you can do to develop your thinking.

To begin with, let's, friends, find out what thinking is. As you probably know, there are quite a few definitions of thinking [as well as everything else in this world], each of which reflects different sides, or aspects of this rather complex class of mental processes. And without a doubt, each of the definitions has a greater or lesser right to exist, and each of them is useful in its own way. I will give my thinking, in my opinion, the most correct and precise definition, from which we will proceed in the future. It is different from the definitions you might find in books on the subject. But it suits me just fine, and I hope it suits you too.

Thinking is the process of searching for relevant and/or new information, or if you prefer, searching for truth, through questions that a person asks himself and then moves in many different directions to find several answers to each of his questions and choose from them most from his point of view the correct answer. This search should be carried out by a person both in the external and in his inner world. Or you can also say this: thinking is the process of switching a person’s attention with the help of questions posed to himself from one information to another and establishing a logical connection between these pieces of information. Moreover, information can be not only real, but also fictional, when a person himself comes up with something new, that is, comes up with a new answer to his question. The quality of thinking is determined by the ability of a person to come up with new information, or very skillfully manipulate the information he already has in order to find a solution to some issue, some problem, to find something that he does not yet know about. That is, new information, new knowledge - you can come up with the help of questions correctly posed to yourself.

Thus, everything that concerns thinking, in our country, comes down to the ability of a person to put before himself the right questions and look for answers to them. Moreover, the more intense, intense and complex this search, the better and more effective the person's thinking. And the easier it is to search for information, the fewer questions a person asks himself and the faster he finds the easiest answers to the questions that arise before him, the weaker his thinking. Let's say, if a person does not look for new information at all, when some questions arise before him, but is content with ready-made answers that he knows and which, from his point of view, are not just true, but the only true ones, but in fact often turn out to be superficial and outdated , then it is simply not necessary to talk about the presence of a well-developed thinking in him. And another thing is when a person is actively looking for or in some cases even comes up with answers to his questions, that is, creates new information based on existing information. In this case, we can say that his thinking is well developed. But putting the right question in front of you in order to come to another right question with its help, and then to another question, and so on until you find the answer you need to solve a specific problem or task, is very difficult. Therefore, it is impossible to develop your thinking really well by solving puzzles and puzzles, guessing crosswords, playing chess, logic puzzles, picking up a Rubik's cube and the like. These are all child's play for our thinking. In order to develop, it must work on more complex and at the same time well-defined tasks, solving them with the help of correctly selected questions.

Let me briefly explain how our thinking works. Our thoughts, if we consider them as a process that we call thinking, are a kind of hooks that connect some images and concepts in our head with other images and concepts. We call this relationship a causal relationship, when another follows from one phenomenon, or another from one statement. And images and concepts are the types of information that we operate with. But when we consider our thoughts already as information that is stored in our head in the form of images and concepts, then with the help of questions and the search for answers to them, we establish cause-and-effect relationships between these thoughts [between information cells] and with their help we collect a general picture of the vision of the world or a general picture of a single situation. That is, you see, friends, our thinking is a kind of instruction for working with information, which is based on correctly posed questions.

Above, I said that a person himself must put questions before himself in order to think, but in fact, thinking turns on, or better to say, starts, and when looking for answers to other people's questions. Because other people's questions, in turn, generate questions in your head. Well, let's say I ask you this question: “How can I light a fire?”, And you already need to start thinking, start looking for information in order to answer me something. How will you do it? You will also ask yourself the question - what and how you better answer me. You can tell me that you don't know how fires are made, or you can give me the necessary information on this subject, if you have it, or you can come up with something else, for example, ask a counter question: “Why do you need this?” . This choice that you will make, deciding what and how to answer me, is a thinking process that will consist of questions you pose to yourself and search for answers to them. If you think very carefully about your answer, giving it enough attention and sorting through all the possible options in order to find the best, then your thinking will be conscious, and if you answer automatically, then your thinking will be unconscious. It also consists of questions and answers, but they do not fall into your field of attention, so you cannot control them. So a question that comes to you from the outside will inevitably lead to several questions inside your head that will start the process of thinking. If this question is difficult, then you will have to tinker a lot with the information you have before finding a suitable answer, provided that your thinking is conscious. You may need to modify the information you have in some way to adapt it to your specific situation, or you may want to ask clarifying questions to the person asking the question or questions to you in order to better understand what question you need to seek an answer to. . In other words, all thinking is based on questions and answers. This is to put it simply. And we do not need to complicate this issue with you.

As you can see, friends, having defined thinking, we have already partly answered the question of how to develop this very thinking. You need to learn how to ask the right questions and be able to find answers to them, both right and wrong. And then to determine which of the answers found may be correct. And for this, again, you need to ask the right question, which will allow you to move even further and clarify even more information for yourself. In general, the process of thinking is not an easy process. Thinking has always been hard. But it needs to be done.

So, what have we found out. We found out that in order to develop thinking, it is necessary, firstly, to launch it, and secondly, to improve its work. How to start thinking? To do this, as we have learned, you need to ask yourself the right question. What is the correct question? The right question is first of all a question about a question. This is the very first question you need to ask yourself when thinking about this or that question. That is, you must understand - why do you need to puzzle over the question before you, why go deep into some topic at all, for what purpose will you do this? You see, anyone, even the smartest person, can be loaded with absolutely useless information for him, so that his brain starts working on it, to the detriment of more important matters. Thus, a person can simply be distracted from thoughts that are important to him. But thinking is what we are given to avoid such situations. Therefore, by asking why we should think about anything at all, we can control our thinking and use it for our own good. Therefore, I repeat, the question about the question is the very first question that you need to ask yourself in order to correctly set up your thinking.

Next, you need to think about how many answers there can be to a particular question to which you decide to find an answer. In order not to think linearly and stereotyped, you need to take a broader look at the questions you are facing. Never allow yourself to be satisfied with just one answer to a particular question - look for as many answers as possible, asking yourself what they, these answers, can still be, in addition to those that you already know. The more options you find, the better. If you can't find new answers, think of them. And no matter how absurd they turn out, the main thing is that they will not allow you to slow down your thinking by stopping the process of finding answers with new questions. And this process must necessarily last as long as possible in order to give your brain the load necessary for its development, thanks to which you can, so to speak, pump your thinking. It's like with muscles - you can't do push-ups or pull-ups once to make them grow and make them more resilient. Muscles need to be loaded until they go beyond their limits in order to adapt to new loads, only then they will begin to grow and become more resilient. And only then will your thinking begin to develop, when it will go beyond its current capabilities with the help of the necessary load. Therefore, ask yourself questions and look for, construct, invent answers to them until you feel that the limit of your mental capabilities has been overcome. The brain must get used to building logical chains, creating cause-and-effect relationships, finding new information with their help, generating new information, connecting images and concepts with each other and constructing from them a complete picture of the world or some particular phenomenon. So try to make automatic decisions as little as possible, no matter how correct they are, so as not to wean your brain to think. You can train your thinking in this way constantly, in any situation - just by being curious about everything that surrounds you and asking yourself more and more questions about what you want to know.

And finally, the last thing I want to tell you about in this article, but not the last one in this matter, is the curiosity I have already mentioned above, as well as such a thing as doubt, or better to say, a state of doubt. With the help of doubt and curiosity, you can generate an incredible number of questions, the search for answers to which will allow you to actively develop your thinking. Curiosity encourages a person to look beyond what he knows. With its help, a person can ask questions about a variety of things about which he would like to know as much as possible. And curiosity plus doubts encourage a person to doubt the truths that he already knows. And then he asks a very important question, both for any scientist and for each of us: “Why is something arranged the way it is, and why does something work the way it works?” So curiosity helps us think big and far, and doubt plus curiosity helps us think deep. The main thing is that you, friends, have questions, and you are not content with the answers to them known to you, but are looking for new answers to these questions for you and new answers in general. Then your thinking will work and develop.

I can't help but tell you that I have a very interesting training program that allows you to develop thinking. It comes down to just the two main actions I described above - the ability to ask yourself questions and the ability to find answers to them with the help of other questions. This program is very unusual, you probably have not come across anything like this in your life, because, as far as I know, few places teach the ability to ask questions, especially to yourself, basically everywhere people are taught something with the help of ready-made answers. So for those who are interested, you can try to pump your brain in an unusual, but very useful way for the development of thinking.

Finally, I would like to briefly tell you how you can benefit from a very developed mindset so that you do not lose motivation to work on its development. In our time, friends, knowledge is no longer the power it used to be. They are still very important and they need to be received, but it is thinking that comes to the fore in importance. Whoever has it more developed is stronger, or, if you like, more successful in life. And knowledge today quickly becomes obsolete, and it is available to many. Today, almost everyone can get the necessary knowledge, the necessary information - at any time and in any place. In the same cell phone, you can download as much information as you will not be able to master in your entire life. And search engines answer any questions faster and more accurately than any, even a very smart person. Therefore, it is not so important to know a lot, it is much more important to be able to correctly use the knowledge you have and find, or even better, invent new knowledge and create new information. And in order to work productively with different information and benefit from it, you need to have developed thinking. It will help you quickly solve any problems and tasks.

Many business gurus in their books or trainings begin communication with the audience by pointing out the errors of thinking of modern man. The fact is that in fact, if we discard all stereotypes and assumptions, in preschool institutions and schools we are not taught to develop thinking. Children solve certain problems, learn to work with data, receive conditions and even analyze actions, however, conditions for personal growth are created only at the institute, and even then, these are limited courses of basic subjects.

A person uses different types of thinking:

  • Logical thinking - its task is to generalize what is happening, to find sequences, cause-and-effect relationships.
  • Deductive thinking is a process very similar to logical thinking, but it differs in generating inferences, rather than comparing what is happening with logical actions. A person himself determines the associated processes and understands what they lead to.
  • Analytical thinking is very connected with logic, most often it characterizes the ability to quickly find an effective and optimal solution in a given situation.
  • Creative thinking - it is not logical centers that work here to a greater extent, but creativity, imagination. It is responsible for the generation of creative ideas, thoughts.
  • Inductive thinking is a form of logical thinking that is responsible for generalization and summing up in the thought process.

It is interesting that logical and analytical thinking (as the most interconnected type) is preserved until old age, until the time when the brain atrophies and loses the ability to rationally explore the surrounding world.

The features of human development of a personality are such that someone in his life is based on logical conclusions and actively uses logic, someone lives and makes creative decisions that are dictated by imagination, desires, emotions. It's not good or bad, it's just human nature. However analytical thinking can be developed, and it is believed that logic is more difficult to develop than creativity.

Thinking is the ability to model systematic relationships with the outside world. The more often you solve problems of a certain type and complexity, the more logical thinking will develop. Analytical mind is valued in leadership positions, among those people who have to solve a huge stream of tasks of various types, and find the best solution for them. Moreover, the ability to think analytically allows you to add up a big picture of the world, which helps to achieve greater success through understanding cause-and-effect relationships.

How to develop analytical thinking?

The first thing you need to know before starting work on self-development is that analytical thinking is very closely related to logic. Therefore, by solving problems for logical thinking, you can get an analytical mindset by reorienting your worldview. Solve problems, puzzles, crossword puzzles, difficult puzzles, solve riddles. At school, we all get a base, especially in math subjects. Over time, however, especially after the start of labor activity, most people abandon their development, mistakenly believing that work in itself contains all the conditions for improving qualities.

Analytical thinking develops differently for everyone, with different speeds and different results. Especially the analytical mindset develops quickly when studying foreign languages, programming languages, when working with technology, complex mechanisms, large data sets.

In modern business, it is difficult to say unequivocally what led to the success of an entrepreneur, his analytical mindset, or solving a huge number of tasks improved his thinking abilities. It is definitely known that the skill of strategic vision, predicting the result, working to achieve various goals, through certain algorithms and actions, is the merit of analytical thinking, which can and should be developed.

Create situations

This technique is very simple and affordable, because you need a little free time and your intelligence. The essence of the task is to come up with a certain situation, setting a goal and forming an effective solution. For example: Your goal is to fly into space. To do this, you will need either participation in the space program, or money to buy a ticket for the space tourism program. If you have health problems, or you are old, and your physical fitness is weak, your only way out is to buy a place in the Chatelet. By developing this idea, working on the generation of a chain of decisions, analyzing information, you develop your analytical thinking. If you do not want to waste time, start planning your own business, buying a country house or a car, analyze what you might need during a trip to a foreign resort.

Psychological simulators

Of course, the BrainApps team could not lose sight of the need to develop analytical thinking. Here you will find a huge number of games and simulators that are aimed at developing, including logic. There are tasks for quick decision-making, finding the optimal answer, for restoring the full picture, having particulars. The main feature of our site is powerful user support. You'll get:

  • Personal trainer - a unique, specially designed mechanism for building workouts according to your goals and abilities;
  • Statistical module - the ability to check the progress of your development in your personal account, for even more effective training;
  • Interesting and exciting games that will appeal to both adults and children.

Remember, the best investment is an investment in yourself! Your intellect is the greatest phenomenon that requires a careful and responsible attitude. Get involved, and the results of your workouts will not keep you waiting.

In previous articles, we talked about how to develop thinking in a child. But what about adults? Is it possible that the level of thinking that we reached in childhood and school years cannot be raised here? Is it really only left to improve memory, attention, perception, gain new knowledge, and thinking will remain at the same level?

We are glad to dissuade you: thinking is a process of cognition, it is an activity that requires development and improvement, the formation of thinking skills. By developing these skills, we are enriched with new techniques and ways of thinking and, importantly, contribute to the development of our brain. In what way?

How to develop thinking in an adult

By developing the brain, we create the preconditions for the development of thinking, and by improving the functioning of the brain, we improve thinking.

The fact is that our brain is designed for active work, it has the property of plasticity, that is, until old age it is able to process new information, adapt to new, changed conditions, create new connections between neurons, recover from injuries and even make up for lost neural connections. . By providing the brain with interesting, important information for processing - “food” - we contribute to the creation of new neural networks, ensure the activity of the brain. You can read about what nutrition is needed to improve brain function.

How to develop abstract logical thinking

The development of abstract-logical thinking involves the development of speech, because it is the conceptual form that distinguishes this type of thinking. To develop speech, you need to read more. You can develop speech by retelling the text. Poetry or prose, artistic, scientific or journalistic, oral or written - it doesn't matter, just choose what suits you and try.

Written speech is good for its orderliness, it is easier to build it logically. Remember how you wrote an essay at school: after reading what was written, you often wanted to make changes to the draft, remove one piece, move another, add something, correct something. You can't do that verbally.

Logical thinking involves the use of certain operations. They are well known, and yet we will call them:

Analysis is the process of dividing a whole into its constituent parts, understanding the structure and principles of organization.

Synthesis is the process of transition from parts to a whole, combining, and often combining these parts in a new way.

Comparison - comparing with something, identifying similarities and differences.

Abstraction is the replacement of specific objects and images with abstract concepts, or the operation of formulas and numbers (that is, abstract concepts), or a distraction from something insignificant.

How to develop logical thinking through exercises?

Let's try to play a little.

Exercise "Logic chains"

Your task is to find what can be common to any two objects whose names come to your mind. Try to choose a few objects that are completely different from each other, and try to find something that could connect them. For example, a sugar bowl and tweezers:

- these are devices;

- before their manufacture, drawings are required;

- they are solid

- they are of comparable size;

- they can be used in the kitchen;

- they can be used together (for example, to get pieces of sugar from a sugar bowl with tweezers);

- their surfaces can be shiny;

Or consider another example, a cactus and a hammer:

- both can get hurt;

are material objects;

- both from organic material (if the hammer has a wooden handle);

- comparable in size;

- may have an elongated, elongated shape;

- can be used within the apartment

The second version of "Logic chains":

Think of any two events with relatively little time elapsed between them. For example:

1. Zinaida Ivanovna's morning coffee "escaped", flooding the stove.

2. A yellow leaf fell from a poplar.

Task: Try to find intermediate events that logically follow from each other and eventually lead from the first event to the second. For example:

Zinaida Ivanovna’s morning coffee “ran away”, flooding the stove => so she hesitated and was late for work => was annoyed => took out evil on a colleague => received a negative emotion in response => ran out, upset, not understanding the road => ran into the young poplar tree => a yellow leaf fell from a poplar.

If there are many players, you can come up with and compare several options and choose the most interesting one, which will become the “winner”.

How to develop logical thinking in a different way?

Try entering a diary, or take up poetry, or try writing about something. It doesn’t matter if the story turns out, or a note, or a sketch, or a poem (blank verse is also welcome!)

Why does it work? Because logical thinking is inextricably linked with speech, and is realized mainly in the form of signs and concepts.

What to do if creativity is “not your forte”?

Firstly, it’s still worth trying, and if you don’t even want to try, you can go the other way. To do this, name any three objects at random, for example: an elephant, a chair, a fan. Now come up with a sentence in which you can logically fit all three selected objects. For example:

There was a plate of chopped fruit on a chair, and Timka was sitting on the carpet, watching a cartoon about an elephant, chewing on a slice of an apple and waving his grandmother's fan.

Or show your imagination by combining the words hammer, fish, geyser in a sentence. For example, like this: “Grandfather threw a hammer into a geyser, and from the depths to the very top of the fountain, a real fish flew up, and not simple, but golden, and threatened grandfather with a fin.”

How to develop verbal thinking in an adult?

Verbal thinking (thinking based on words) is the basis of logical thinking. It can be trained both in the company and without it. It's very simple: take any sentence that contains a complete thought, and try to retell it in such a way as not to use a single word from those contained in the original sentence. For example:

Water lilies opened up on the lake.

White lilies bloomed in the pond.

Over the smooth surface of the reservoir flaunted blooming grass-grass.

The power of imaginative thinking

Figurative thinking, controlled by the right hemisphere of the brain, also needs to be developed. As children, we actively use it (at about the age of three or five), but then abstract-logical thinking comes to replace it, helping to master counting, writing, speech - and this is the responsibility of the left hemisphere. But creativity, creativity without working with images is impossible. Imaginative thinking allows us to remember and reproduce smells and sounds, pictures and movements, combine them and analyze them. It is proved that the thought process not only proceeds, being closely connected with the image, but also begins with its birth. Creativity is the most effective way to develop imaginative thinking. The right hemisphere is actively working during the creative process, so the elements of creativity are contained in many exercises and tasks.

How to develop thinking?

Thanks to books, teachers, the Internet and other sources, our knowledge is constantly updated. Some information becomes obsolete and new information comes to replace it. Knowledge, of course, is very important, but even more important is how we will be able to dispose of it, that is, developed thinking, because it is thanks to it that we can work with the information received, use it, come up with something new, improve what has already been done, receive benefits, solve current problems and problems, find a way out of the situation. Whenever we are interested in something, curious, studying, asking new questions, we are training our thinking.

You can develop thinking, memory, perception, attention in a fun way with the help of educational games on. You just need to practice every day and have fun!

We sincerely wish you success in self-development!

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