Прохождение GRIS.

Be Richest is building strategy game created by DIVO Games. You will restore West Lake City by restoring and building houses and businesses. Gamezebo’s strategy guide will provide you with detailed images, tips, information, and hints on how to play your best game.

Quick Start Guide

General Tips

  • This strategy guide will provide you with tips to pass all levels with a gold rating. You may find alternate ways to do this.
  • Play the tutorial! It will explain gameplay elements. Jeffry Goodman acts as the tutorial. Don’t skip his comments.
  • The Menu or Back button at the bottom left of the screen gives access to the options screen and/or can bring you back to the main menu.
  • There are no difficulty modes.

  • This game is level based. You will start at the map and progress through the levels.

  • Levels can be replayed to get an expert rating. Press the Replay button to replay a level, otherwise you will just return to a played level with no goals and no ability to improve your previous performance.
  • You will have to replay levels to get expert ratings. You will need to get the upgrades from the super blueprints to be able to achieve expert ratings in some levels.


  • Achieving collectibles allow you to purchase super blueprints for your home and company.
  • Super blueprints enhance gameplay, for example will speed up workers, increase capacity for commercial properties, etc.

  • Collectibles will appear randomly on the map. In the West Lake district, they appear as sheriff badges, in Snowville, they appear as snow globes, etc.
  • To earn a collectible, click on the marker on the map and click Continue. Do not click Replay as that will replay the level.
  • Your goal will appear at the top of the screen.
  • The collectibles are randomly generated
  • Collectibles levels are not timed.
  • Once you have earned the collectible, click on the Back to Map button that appears at the top of the screen.

Super Blueprints

  • From the map, click on the Super Blueprints button to view the available super blueprints. Take note of what you need.
  • Once you have all the requirements, click the Buy Now button. This won’t cost you any money.

Home and Company

  • From the map, click on the Home and Company button to access your home and company holdings.
  • Click on all the Construction (hardhat) buttons. The Back button will appear when there are no more Construction buttons.
  • When there are new construction opportunities, an exclamation point will appear on the Home and Company button.


  • The timer appears above your bank account.
  • Finish before the yellow bars run out and you will get an expert rating.
  • Finish within the red bars and you will get a silver rating.
  • If all the bars run out, you can still finish the level.
  • You can replay levels to achieve an expert rating.
  • Levels will start with some dialogue and then the goals will be presented at the top of the screen. Goals are added throughout the level.
  • Your goals will appear at the top of the screen. The three types of goals are building and upgrading property, earning a minimum daily income or achieving an appearance rating..

  • As you progress, elements will be unlocked, such as blueprints and the ability to upgrade properties.

  • When you build or upgrade properties, your cursor will turn into a mallet. Rapidly click on the property to speed up construction.

  • When you upgrade, bonus money will appear on top of residential properties. The money disappears quickly so grab it when you see it.

  • Icons will appear above houses indicated wishes of the residents. Build what they want (ex: small office, grocery store, etc.) or they will get upset and desert the house.

  • Place your mouse over a property to see an Info Cloud. Note what the property wants. The first two are always a place to shop (ex: grocery store, market, etc.) and an office. A third element might be a nice appearance (i.e., landscaping), or a restaurant or entertainment (ex: bowling alley, cinema, etc.). If all the elements in the Info Cloud are met, the property will award you Dream Property money.

  • When residents get angry enough, they will desert their home.

  • Deserted houses are considered dilapidated. This could affect your goal or other aspects of gameplay.
  • If you reach a goal, it doesn’t get “locked,” meaning, if circumstances change and you no longer have the requirements to meet the goal, it will reappear in the goal list and you will have to fulfill the criteria. For example, if a goal is to have a population of 40 and you reach it, the goal will disappear from the list. If residents get angry and leave and your population falls below 40, your goal will reappear and you will again have to reach a population of 40.

  • Properties are subject to attacks by rats, thieves, Yetis, etc. When you see one, quickly click on it until it disappears. If you don’t get rid of the attack, the property will be deserted and become dilapidated and you will have to restore it. This could also affect your goals.
  • Keep the appearance rating above zero to avoid rat infestations. Place a plaza, park or fountain (or other large Decorations items) to bring the rating up quickly.

Optional goals

  • Optional goals will appear throughout a level. They are randomly generated.
  • These goals are requests for property with large monetary incentives. If you already have the requested property built, the goal is considered met and you will receive the money.
  • These goals are timed. Under the request are happy faces. As time passes, the happy faces disappear. When the last happy face disappears, the goal disappears.
  • There is no penalty for not meeting an optional goal.
  • The optional goals are requests for properties not included in the level’s goals. When other properties go on sale, consider buying them as they could fulfill an optional goal.

Building Properties

  • To build a property, click on either the Residential or Commercial buttons, select a property and place it on a lot.
  • The more expensive a residential the property, the more money it will earn.
  • The more upgraded a residential property, the more money it will earn.
  • Building a residential property on a premium lot (lot with stars on it) will earn more money.


  • Landscape by clicking on the Decorations button and add trees, lamps, hedges, etc. Right-click to release control of the decorating function.
  • Landscaping reduces rat infestations.
  • To remove trees, signs and other types of debris, use the Bulldozer. Right-click to release control of the bulldozer.
  • The more expensive a decoration, the higher it will increase the appearance rating.


  • When you start each level, read through the dialogue for your instructions.
  • The timer starts when you make your first click on the screen. Don’t click immediately.
  • Before clicking, read your goals carefully. Pay attention to the goals. A goal such as “Own two three-star estates” can read like “own three three-star estates.” Make sure you know what you have to do.
  • Your first move depends on how much money you start with and your goals.
  • After you build your first residential property, you must build a place to shop (ex: grocery store) and an office.
  • Because you must build a store and an office, don’t spend all your money building your first property. If you don’t build a store and an office immediately, residents will get angry and desert their homes. Deserted homes do not earn an income and commercial properties require customers to earn an income.
  • Never buy a commercial property as your first purchase. Commercial property requires customers to earn an income.
  • Before you click on the screen to start the timer, wait for optional goals or existing properties to come up for sale.
  • This game relies a lot on luck. Because the optional goals are random, you may get lucky and get an optional goal with a huge payout and then you can easily afford all the other properties you need, or you never get a worthwhile optional goal and will have to keep replaying the level.
  • When an existing property comes up for sale, hover your mouse over it and look at its worth and its daily income. Use that information to decide if you should buy.
  • If your goal is to have a high daily income, buy properties that generate a higher daily income, such as villas, estates and palazzos.
  • If your goal is to have a commercial property with a minimum number of customers, build high population properties such as town houses, apartments and condos.
  • If you are starting the level with higher population buildings, build the larger stores and offices that have higher capacities.
  • If possible, leave space between buildings so you can landscape.
  • Build properties before upgrading existing properties.
  • Build higher earning residential properties on premium lots.
  • In the higher levels, buy the smaller properties when they come up for sale, then tear them down with the bulldozer. This will allow you to build bigger properties or landscape.
  • Check the Info Clouds above residential properties and meet the residents’ wishes, this will award you with Dream Property money.
  • Take advantage of optional goals as much as possible.
  • Between levels, earn collectibles and buy the super blueprints.
  • Expect to replay most levels after buying the super blueprints. Many levels are next to impossible to finish on expert (or even silver) rating; purchased super blueprints offer such upgrades as an extra day to complete levels for expert rating, faster construction teams, etc.
  • Consider selling houses you don’t need for goals (and you don’t need the land) to earn money.
  • Houses that you sell are available for purchase again but almost always at a higher rate.
  • For levels with large projects, once you start the timer, click on the Construction button immediately. Towards the end of the level, as you have more money, add more workers and materials. The buttons to add more workers and materials will disappear once you’ve reached capacity.
  • Don’t let buildings get deserted and dilapidated. They can affect goals and won’t generate income.
  • When properties are under attack (ex: rats, Yetis, criminals, etc.), they earn less money. Deal with the higher earning properties immediately or the commercial properties. You don’t want a commercial property to be deserted because your residents will get very angry.
  • Place bike racks and parking lots beside commercial properties.
  • As the population increases, upgrade the commercial properties to increase their capacity.
  • Read your goals carefully. A goal may be to build a commercial property with a capacity of 900. This means in addition to building the commercial property, you must build the area’s population to 900.
  • During construction, use the opportunity to clear debris from land. Use the bulldozer to remove signs, trees and other types of debris. Trees don’t contribute to the appearance rating so remove them and add decorations. Trees sometimes cover premium lots.
  • Always remove the trees that cover city blocks. You will need the land.
  • When the appearance rating falls below zero, you will get rat infestations. The pond, fountain, plaza and park provide quick increases. Bus stops and subway stations provide a huge increase but they are limited in use (and expensive).
  • Consider not getting expert on every level and enjoying the game.

Below is help with some of the trickier levels.

Level Nine

  • You need to have purchased the Observatory super blueprints to finish this level with an expert rating.

Level Ten

  • Based on luck with optional goals.

Level Fourteen

  • Don’t buy or build on the land blocked by the snow obstruction. Clear the snow after you’ve built a few properties and can spare the money.

Level Fifteen

  • Use the bulldozer to remove the branch from the road, then click on the Road button and complete the road. Once you do this, you can start restoring the chateau.

Level Sixteen

  • Immediately restore the dilapidated boxy apartment.

Level Eighteen

  • Build commercial properties beside the bike racks and parking lots.

Level Twenty

  • Use the bulldozer to remove the debris on the roads, then use the Roads button and restore the road.
  • Immediately restore the properties.

Level Twentytwo

  • Immediately restore the dilapidated properties, then restore the cinema.
  • Use the bulldozer to clear the lots.

Level Twentysix

  • You don’t have to build the palazzo right away.
  • You don’t have to build the celebrity trailers to win the level, however when completed, they earn a daily income.

Level Thirtyone

  • Use the bulldozer to remove the debris from the roads.
  • Immediately restore the properties. Consider selling the lower earning properties.

Levels Thirtyfive to Forty

  • These levels are very difficult because of the rat infestations. After building a new property, landscape the property immediately. Build bus stops until you are unable to. Constantly build fountains and ponds and anything you can do to keep the score above zero. The rats will usually appear in groups of three. First concentrate on the commercial properties, then the higher earning properties. The cheaper properties will cost less to restore.


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Вы находитесь на странице игры Be Rich!, созданной в жанре Arcade, где можно найти много полезной информации. Игра выпущена студией Big Fish Games. Найденное у нас прохождение игры Be Rich! поможет быстрее решить внутриигровые проблемы и получить подсказки по сложным моментам. Также к игре Be Rich! коды и читы просто необходимы каждому, кто любит получать бесплатные бонусы.

Учитывая, что игра Be Rich! не выходила на русском языке, вам явно понадобится русификатор, чтобы сделать игру понятнее, ведь прохождение на родном языке намного приятнее. Вы будете играть в одиночку, проходя каждый этап без чьей-либо помощи.

Рецензии и отзывы читателей помогут вам понять, стоит ли игра вашего времени. Учитывая, что игра вышла 2009-02-01, можно сказать, что она относится к разряду классики.

Помимо общих данных, вам могут понадобиться разнообразные файлы. Используйте дополнения, когда устали от основного сюжета – они существенно расширят стандартные возможности. Моды и патчи помогут разнообразить и исправить игровой процесс. Скачать их вы сможете в нашем хранилище файлов.

После вступительного видеоролика двигайтесь в правую сторону. В конце концов, главная героиня упадет на землю, а когда встанет – сможет бежать. Бегите вправо. Когда будет нужно, то поднимайтесь вверх по холмам, нажимая на «Пробел» для прыжка. Перебравшись через несколько препятствий, в конце концов, вы обнаружите светящуюся точку.

Заберите ее и двигайтесь далее, пока не найдете следующую светящую точку. Обе точки последуют за героиней. Они используются в игре для того, чтобы открывать новые маршруты. Пройдите вправо и поднимитесь на руины, чтобы начать движение влево. Следуйте по ним, двигайтесь вверх по черной горе и справа обнаружите обрыв с тремя недостающими точками. Сейчас у вас только две из трех, поэтому идите налево и поднимитесь на вершину высокой башни. Оттуда вы сможете создать мост из двух точек и спуститься вправо на соседнюю башню. Внутри нее вы найдете третью светящуюся точку. Спуститесь вниз и идите направо, к трем точкам, чтобы построить мост.

Следуйте далее, пока не обнаружите место, где три точки отправятся в небо. Продолжайте идти направо, поскольку пока что здесь делать нечего. Скатившись вниз, идите по мосту вправо и поднимитесь на вершину здания, чтобы увидеть заставку с названием игры – GRIS.

Прыгайте вниз и идите влево, чтобы в пещере активировать светящуюся печать с тремя точками. Это коллекционные значки , и их в игре будет много.

Продолжайте движение вправо. Придется прятаться от сильного ветра внутри разных построек. В третьей из них вы обнаружите первую светящуюся точку. Когда ветер прекратится, то прыгайте вниз и идите вправо, чтобы внутри руин отыскать вторую светящуюся точку. Подберите момент и вернитесь назад. Прыгайте по камням в воздухе, поднимаясь обратно в помещение, где была найдена точка. После ветра переберитесь на соседние руины, где нет стен, но есть две точки. Из собранных объектов соберется мост, а вы сможете перебраться на ту сторону.

Следуйте направо по мосту и войдите в здание, которое окажется панцирем огромного существа. Оно начнет двигаться вправо. Пока существо перемещается, поднимитесь в верхнюю часть объекта по многочисленным лестницам и спрыгните на спуск справа-внизу. Главная героиня начнет скатываться вниз. Вовремя подпрыгните, чтобы активировать новый коллекционный символ .

Бегите по мосту вправо и прыгайте вниз. В помещении под вами есть коллекционный символ, но сейчас вы не можете его взять. Над символом есть частично разрушенный пол, и вскоре вы сможете его уничтожить. Бегите направо до следующего здания, где при помощи двух точек получите новую способность. Теперь главная героиня может превращаться в тяжелый куб. Возвращайтесь назад, в левую сторону, поднимитесь на руины и встаньте на разрушенных камнях. Подпрыгните и нажмите на K, чтобы превратиться в камень и ударить по камням. Так вы активируете коллекционный символ .

Следуйте направо. Когда будет дуть ветер, то превратитесь в куб и, удерживая клавишу K, передвигайтесь вправо. В конце концов, вы доберетесь до здания с огромными статуями. Встаньте под колоколом, подпрыгните и переключитесь на куб, чтобы разрушить пол под собой. Нужно будет ударить по нему трижды, после чего героиня свалится вниз. Повторите ту же процедуру, чтобы оказаться еще ниже. Когда будете в комнате, где под вами есть отражение, то несколько раз ударьте кубом по земле, чтобы птицы подняли героиню наверх.

Вы окажетесь на мосту под вулканом. Идите налево, поднимайтесь по трубам на самую вершину и при помощи вращающихся лопастей доберитесь до левой верхней точки. Вскоре вы войдете в здание. Используя передвигающийся камень, поднимитесь выше и пройдите в комнату, где сверху есть пять точке (три справа от платформы и три слева). Платформа по центру опускается – подпрыгните и превратитесь в куб, чтобы соединить ее с нижней частью. Верхняя платформа начнет периодично опускаться вправо и влево. Используйте это, чтобы взобраться на нее, а затем с нее переберитесь на мост из двух точек слева вверху.

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Check out our strategy guide for Be Rich .


  • If one of your goals involves achieving a certain minimum daily income, make sure to repair your houses right away. If a house needs repairs, you will earn no income from it and even if you’ve achieved the goal previously, it will become un-checked.
  • The first day doesn’t begin until you place your first building, so feel free to take your time and plan your first move. (Note, there are a couple of exceptions to this rule like Level 27: Redmond where you start out owning property.)
  • You can bulldoze scenery and rebuild roads at the beginning of the level without the timer starting to count down.
  • Related to the above tip, if you wait long enough before taking your first turn you’ll find that properties will come up for sale. Depending on your level goals, a good strategy might be to make purchasing a house your first move.
  • Certain buildings only need roads connecting them when they’re initially being build. Aftwards, if space is at a premium, you can bulldoze the road without any consequences. Workshops and Shops fall under this category.
  • If you can’t get Expert on a level, play ahead and earn enough credits to buy some of the upgrades, such as faster construction wagons and extra time, then go back and try again.
  • When you build a property on the first turn, you should ALWAYS click the blue lightning button on HQ to speed up your workers. This will allow them to complete the building before the first day ends and make sure you have some income in your bank account after the first day.
  • Sometimes the most efficient solution isn’t the most elegant one. In order to get an Expert score you might end up with a town that looks jumbled and illogical – but some times this is the only way to fit in everything that you need to. Don’t be afraid to bulldoze roads and stack houses next to each other.

Roads (green icon):

  • If a house is not connected to your HQ via a road, your construction workers cannot reach it to build or make upgrades. To fix this, you have to build a road. Click the green Road icon to the right of the screen, then click on the grid where you’d like to build the road. Click the Road icon a second time to get your mouse cursor back.

Bulldozer (red icon):

  • Use this to get rid of roads, decorations and buildings that are in the way.
  • To use the bulldozer, click on the red icon. To stop using the bulldozer, click the red icon a second time or right-click on the mouse.
  • You can only bulldoze buildings that you own, but you can bulldoze any decorations in the town – even ones that you didn’t put there yourself.

Info (blue icon):

  • Click this and your cursor will acquire a blue “I” attached to it. Click on any building or object in the town and you’ll get a slightly more detailed description than you would otherwise.


Cost to build: $2,500
Daily income: $400
Tenants: 3

1 star:
Daily income: $500
Tenants: 2

2 stars:
Daily income: $700
Tenants: 3

3 stars:
Daily income: $1,000
Tenants: 3

Brick House
Cost to build: $5,000
Daily income: $700
Tenants: 6

1 star:
Daily income: $900
Tenants: 7

2 stars:
Daily income: $1,300
Tenants: 8

3 stars:
Daily income: $1,850
Tenants: 9

Cost to build: $10,000
Daily income: $1,300
Tenants: 8

1 star:
Daily income: $1,700
Tenants: 10

2 stars:
Daily income: $2,400
Tenants: 11

3 stars:
Daily income: $3,500
Tenants: 12

Two-Story House

Cost to build: $20,000

Daily income: $2,000
Tenants: 11

1 star
Daily income: $2,400
Tenants: 13

2 stars
Daily income: $3,200
Tenants: 15

3 stars:
Daily income: $4,400
Tenants: 17

Cost to build: $40,000

Daily income: $6,500
Tenants: 7

1 star:
Daily income: $7,750
Tenants: 8

2 stars:
Daily income: $11,000
Tenants: 9

3 stars:
Daily income: $15,000
Tenants: 10

Apartment Block

Cost to build: $80,000
Daily income: $8,000
Tenants: 21

1 star:
Daily income: $9,500
Tenants: 23

2 stars:
Daily income: $13,000
Tenants: 26

3 stars
Daily income: $17,500
Tenants: 31

Cost to build: $150,000

Daily income: $16,500
Tenants: 13

1 star:
Daily income: $21,500
Tenants: 15

2 stars:
Daily income: $31,000
Tenants: 18

3 stars:
Daily income: $52,500
Tenants: 21


Special ability: speed up

  • Your “branch office” in the town. This is where your construction wagons are housed. In order to build new houses or buildings, there must be at least one complete and uninterrupted road connecting the new structure to HQ.
  • Run the mouse over HQ to see your company’s total value and the number of wagons you own.
  • Click on HQ and then on the orange icon to purchase additional construction wagons.
  • When a blue lightning bolt icon appears over your HQ building, you can click on it to speed up the pace at which your construction wagons build, upgrade and repair structures. (This is a temporary effect and wears off over time, and also takes time to recharge before you can use it again.)

Cost to build: $15,000
Special ability: Sale

  • Building a shop within range of other houses will earn you additional income each month.
  • Run the mouse over the shop to see its daily income, attendance and how much money you make per sale.
  • Your daily income and sale income will increase the more houses are in range of the shop.
  • When you click on a Shop, you’ll see a green square extend out from it. This square represents the range of the shop. Any houses built inside this square will add to the shop’s daily income and sales income.
  • Note: a house doesn’t have to be entirely inside the green square – as long as at least some part of it is touching, it will be considered inside the shop’s range.
  • When a pink star appears over the Shop, click it to run a sale and add bonus cash to your bank account.

Cost to build: $20,000
Special ability: Repair (extended range)

  • Any building or house within range of a Workshop will never break down or need repairs.
  • You can temporarily extend the range of the Workshop by clicking on it, then clicking on the green wrench icon. If a house needs repairs and you click the green icon to extend the range to the broken-down house, repairs will begin automatically.
  • If a house breaks down and is not in range of a Workshop, you’ll have to pay to have it repaired by your construction wagons.

Car Dealership
Cost to build: $40,000
Special ability: Exhibit

  • Run the mouse over the Car Dealership to see its daily income, attendance and how much money you make per exhibition.
  • Your daily income and exhibition income will increase the more houses are in range of the car dealership.
  • Daily income = # of attendants x 100. So 100 attendants gives you a daily income of $10,000
  • Exhibition income = Daily income x 200, so 100 attendants gives you a daily income of $20,000
  • When you click on the dealership, you’ll see a green square extend out from it. This square represents the range of the dealership. Any houses built inside this square will add to the dealership’s daily income and exhibition income.
  • When a pink star appears over the Car Dealership, click it to run a sale and add bonus cash to your bank account.

Amusement Park
Cost to build: $80,000
Special Ability: Festival

  • Run the mouse over the Amusement Park to see its daily income, attendance and how much money you make per festival.
  • Your daily income and festival income will increase the more houses are in range of the amusement park.
  • Daily income = # of attendants x 200. So 100 attendants gives you a daily income of $20,000
  • Festival income = Daily income x 400, so 100 attendants gives you a daily income of $40,000
  • When you click on the amusement park, you’ll see a green square extend out from it. This square represents its range. Any houses built inside this square will add to the amusement park’s daily income and festival income.
  • When a pink star appears over the Amusement Park, click it to run a festival and add bonus cash to your bank account.

Cost to build: $120,000
Special Ability: Opening Night (show)

  • Run the mouse over the Cinema to see its daily income, attendance and how much money you make per show.
  • Your daily income and show income will increase the more houses are in range of the amusement park.
  • Daily income = # of attendants x 250 So 100 attendants gives you a daily income of $25,000
  • Show income = Daily income x 400, so 100 attendants gives you a daily income of $40,000
  • When you click on the Cinema, you’ll see a green square extend out from it. This square represents its range. Any houses built inside this square will add to the Cinema’s daily income and festival income.
  • When a pink star appears over the Cinema, click it to run a festival and add bonus cash to your bank account.


  • Placing decorations in the vicinity of a house increases its rental value. Houses also boost the overall appearance rating of a town.
  • The tree and fountain must be touching a house to affect it. The other decorations have bigger ranges.
  • The highest house value bonus possible through decorations is 80%. To achieve this, you must place one decoration of each type in range of the house. If the house is on a premium lot, its overall value will be boosted to 90%.
  • You can’t stack decorations of the same type. For example, if you put three trees next to a house, the second and third tree won’t affect the house’s value.


Value: $1,000
Appearance: 10
House value bonus: 5%

Value: $2,500
Appearance: 15
House value bonus: 10%


Value: $5,000
Appearance: 40
House value bonus: 15%

Value: $10,000
Appearance: 60
House value bonus: 20%

China Garden
Value: $20,000
Appearance: 100
House value bonus: 30%

Premium lots

  • Premium lots are areas of ground that have stars on them. Building a house on a premium lot earns a 10% bonus to its overall value.
  • The house doesn’t have to be entirely on top of a premium lot to be granted the bonus. As long as at least part of it is touching, it will receive the 10% boost


  • You’ll earn points for completing levels that can be spent on useful upgrades. Most of these are very useful and you should buy them as soon as you can afford to do so.

Charitable Foundation (80 points)

  • This is purchased automatically as part of the tutorial
  • Advantage: Tenants in houses you own will occasionally make donations to your fun. When you see a check wiggling above a house, click on it to, erm, add the funds to your own bank account. (No one said you were running a reputable business…)

Repair Garage (150 points)

  • Advantage: Construction wagons move 20% faster

Department of Ergonomics (200 points)

  • Advantage: Number of tenants increases by 1

Personnel Management Department (100 points)

  • Constructors complete tasks 10% faster.

Financial Department (300 points)

  • Company value bonus at the end of a level increases by 10%
  • You need to build this to unlock the Operational Department.

Upgraded Repair Garage (350 points)

  • Company HQ can make company wagons move faster for a period of time
  • Construction wagons move 20% faster
  • Cost of construction wagons decreases by 15%

Material Processing Factory (400 points)

  • After demolishing a building, 25% of its cost is returned to your bank account.

Marketing Department (1700 points)

  • Radius of your buildings increases.

Assembly Workshop (2500 points)

  • Construction Wagon cost decreased by 15%.

Operational Department (600 points)

  • Workshop can increase its radius temporarily.
  • Note: You must purchase this upgrade in order to unlock Bank, Clock Tower and Team Building Department.

Bank: (700 points)

  • Company value bonus increases by 10% after each level.

Clock Tower (850 points)

  • Operational Tower must be unlocked for this to become available.
  • Number of days to complete all objectives to achieve expert score is increased by 1.

Team Building Department (1400 points)

  • Operational Tower must be unlocked for this to become available.
  • Constructors finish projects 10% faster.

Residence (3800 points)

  • I don’t think this has an effect on the gamepaly – it’s just for bragging rights.


  • Trophies are awarded for achieving various in-game milestones. You can view your trophies on the map screen.

Appearance 100

  • You’ll earn this if you can get your town’s appearance to a rating of 100.
  • The easiest way to do this is to simply construct as many decorations as possible. I achieved this in Level 5: Griggsville.

Appearance 400

  • You’ll earn this if you’re able to get the appearance of your town to 400.

Population 150

  • Get the population of your town to at least 150. You can earn this in Level 9: Winton.

Luxurious House

  • You’ll earn this for building a Chateau that’s worth $750,000. Build it on a premium lot and make sure it’s touching a China Garden, Statue, Park, Fountain and Tree.

One Million Bank Account

  • You’ll get this when your bank account reaches $1 million. (Note: this refers to your daily bank account that you accumulate in a single level, not the overall worth of your business.)

All Levels Completed

  • Awarded when you finish all 40 levels of Career Mode (you don’t need to have gotten Expert scores)


  • Earn at least $1 million.

Real Estate Company Owner

  • Earn at least $2 million.

Real Estate Network Owner

  • Earn at least 10 million.

Real Estate Tycoon

  • Earn at least $30 million.

1.Buffalo (Tutorial)

2.Greentown (Tutorial)

  • Just follow the game’s instructions to pass.

3.Bear Creek (Tutorial)

Objective: Daily income $3,500

  • This you’ll need some help on because the game sets your goal to achieve a Daily income of $3,500, then inexplicably forces you to sell off one of your properties, which lowers your daily income.
  • Start by upgrading the one house you’re left with (the brick house in the top row) as much as possible. You should have plenty of cash in the bank, so as soon as any houses come up for sale, snap them up and upgrade them as well.

4. Big Horn
Objectives: 1) Shop; 2) Hold a sale in the shop; 3) Daily income $6,000
Build a shop, placing it so that the green square around it is touching as many buildings as possible (see screenshot.) This will take care of Objective #1.

  • While you’re waiting for the Shop to finish building, construct four Brick Houses in the four possible locations. That will take care of Objective #3.
  • Once the shop is built, you have to wait for your assistant to mention the fact that you can hold a sale there. After this happens, click on the shop, then click on the pink star to begin a sale. Congratulations, you’ve finished Objective #3. (Note: you can begin a sale before your assistant talks also, but the objective won’t register as having been completed. So you might as well wait.)

5. Griggsville
Objectives: 1) Three duplexes; 2) Daily income $10,000

  • Follow the tutorial prompt and build your road connecting the Brick House to your HQ.
  • Build three duplexes straight away. (This is all you’ll be able to afford.) Make sure one of them is in the slot in the upper right corner to take advantage of the fact that there’s already a fountain there.

  • As you’re waiting for the duplexes to come up for sale, the Brick House in the upper left should come up for sale. You should have just enough to buy this house. Do it!
  • At this point, your daily income should be around $7,350. Build one more duplex, and then spend the rest of your money upgrading four duplexes to 1-star ratings. This will be enough to push your daily income over $10,000.
  • Note: This is a good place to aim for the Appearance 100 trophy. Spend as much money as possible building fountains next to your homes.

6. Wolf Point
Objectives: 1) Three duplexes; 2) Daily income $18,000. New objectives: 3) Three construction wagons; 4) Bridge ($50,000)

  • Build three duplexes in the available slots close to the shop.

  • As soon as the duplexes are built, start upgrading them. You should be able to get at least two upgrades started before Mayor Paul Evans arrives and tells you about the new bridge and construction wagon objectives.
  • Follow the tutorial prompts and purchase an additional construction wagon from HQ.
  • You can’t build more houses until you fix the bridge, so your next goal should be raising the $50,000 that you need to build the bridge. Continue to upgrade the duplexes, but make sure you have at least $11,000 in your bank account so that you can buy the fourth duplex when it comes up for sale.
  • When the duplex on the left comes up for sale, buy it and upgrade it as well.
  • When two of your duplexes are upgraded to 3 stars, and the other two are upgraded to two stars, your daily income should be around $18,700, which is enough to satisfy Objective $2.
  • Now, wait a day or two until your bank account reaches at least $50,000.
  • Click on the bridge to build it.
  • If any of your houses require repairs, do it right away so that your daily income remains above $18,000, or you won’t pass the level.

7. Challis
Objectives: 1) Three two-story houses; Daily income $30,000. New objectives: 3) Build a Shop

  • Click on HQ and buy another wagon.
  • Build two Two-Story Houses next to the two fountains in the center of town. Click on the Hurry Up button (the lightning bolt near HQ) to speed up the workers.
  • Upgrade both houses to 3-stars.
  • Save up $20,000, and construct a third Two-Story House to the right of the Bungalow in the left corner (see screenshot.)
  • Construct a Shop and place it next to the third Two-Story House so that it reaches all three of your houses.

  • While the Shop is being constructed, begin upgrading your Two-Story House.
  • Build a fourth Two-Story House to the right of the Shop,
  • Make sure all four Two-Story Houses are upgraded to 3 stars, and keep on top of any Repairs that are needed.
  • When any of the other houses come up for sale, immediately buy it. This will shoot your daily income over $30,000.

8. Oakley
Objectives: 1) Workshop; 2) Population 100; 3) Daily income $35,000. New objective: 4) Build a 3-star Two-Story House with a fountain for Kevin Moore

  • Follow the tutorial prompt and build a Workshop in the square between the two damaged buildings.
  • While the Workshop is being built, click on HQ and buy another wagon, then start constructing another Two-Story House in the upper left corner.
  • Upgrade all three of the Two-Story Houses to 3 stars. Then, save up $20,000 and build a fourth Two-Story House below the Workshop.
  • Around Day 12, Kevin Moore will show up and ask you to build him a 3-Star Two-Story House with a fountain. Since you already have three 3-star houses, this is an easy objective to fulfill. Simply plunk a fountain down next to a house of your choice and you’ve fulfilled the objective.
  • Build a fifth Two-Story House next to the one you’ve just completed, so it’s still within range of the Workshop. Upgrading both to 3-stars.
  • You should have a ton of cash at this point, so start to buy any properties that come up for sale. You can also build a Bungalow in the open space to the left of HQ. Upgrade all buildings to 3-Stars until your daily income reaches $35,000. Note: It looks like you have to buy all properties in the town for your rental income to be high enough, so watch out for those For Sale signs.

9. Winton
Objectives: 1) Stadium; 2) Daily income $40,000; 3) 5 construction wagons. New objective: Run two games in the stadium.

  • You start the level with no rental income. Click on HQ to buy 1 construction wagon.
  • Construct a shop in the right part of town near the road (see screenshot). You’ll have enough money to build three Two-Story Houses. Build them close to the Workshop.
  • Wait a couple of turns until you save up $15,000, then build a Shop to the left of the Workshop. Use money left over to start upgrading your Two-Story Houses.
  • Continue to fully upgrade your Two-Story Houses to 3-stars.
  • Note: Keep an eye on the Shop, and as soon as the Pink Star becomes available to click on it, do so to cause a sale and earn you some extra cash.
  • When the Bungalow in the lower-left corner comes up for sale (which should occur between turns 6 and 12), buy it.
  • By Day 12, all of your hosues should be at 3 stars. Build a fourth and fifth Two-Story House in the two remaining slots near the Workshop.
  • As soon as you can afford it, build a second Workshop and place it in the lower left corner, up against the lake, so that there’s room to fit another house next to the Bungalow.
  • As soon as you can afford it, build a sixth Two-Story House underneath the second Workshop. Use any remaining money you have to begin upgrading your Two-Story Houses.
  • Click on HQ and purchase 1 more wagons.
  • Bulldoze your Bungalow and build a seventh Two-Story House in its place.
  • Note: You should earn the Population 150 trophy here.
  • As soon as you reach $150,000, click on the Stadium to construct it. You aren’t finished there! You also have to run two matches in the stadium (click on the stadium, then on the pink star). Like the Shop, it takes a while for the match to recharge before you can use it again. Make sure you start the stadium by no later than Day 20 and you will still have time to build it and run both matches and achieve Expert score.

10. Craig
Objectives: 1) Three mansions; 2) Daily income $50,000. New objective: Build 2 more Mansions for a total of 5.

  • The helpful assistant says you can either build a mansion or wait and purchase the ones on the hill. However, you’ll find that they’re being sold for more than you can afford so you should just build one.
  • Start by building a Two-Story House and a Shop next to it. on the right side in the middle of the three green areas. (To the left of the upgraded Two-Story House).
  • Upgrade your Two-Story House to 3 stars.
  • As soon as you earn $40,000, build a Mansion south of the Shop.
  • Build a Workshop in the middle of town, as far up as possible.
  • Upgrade your Mansion to 3 stars.
  • Build a second mansion below the Workshop, and upgrade it to 3 stars.
  • Here you have some options: Buy up the two Bungalow in the upper right of the screen, demolish them, and build your third mansion, or buy one or both of the Mansions on the hill. If you choose to buy the Mansions on the hill, make sure you build a Workshop in between them.
  • Once you finish your third Mansion, you’ll be asked to build 2 more. Choose two remaining open spaces and build your Mansions. Make sure there’s a Workshop nearby. Upgrade your Mansions until your daily income exceeds $50,000.

11. Minot
Objectives: 1) Car dealership; 2) Run three car exhibitions; 3) Population 80

12. Greensburg
Objectives: 1) Three mansions on premium lots; 2) Appearance 150; 3) Daily income $60,000

13. Weston
Objectives: 1) Amusement Park; 2) Appearance 170; 3) Daily income $65,000. New objective: Run two carnivals in the Amusement Park

14. Hanksville

Objectives: 1) Three 3-star Two-Story Houses; 2) Three 3-Star Mansions; 3) Daily income $70,000

  • Build a Workshop and Shop, one Mansion, and one Two-Story House (see screenshot for locations).

  • Click on HQ and purchase one more wagon for a total of 6.
  • Upgrade your Mansion and Two-Story house to 3 stars.
  • Build another Two-Story House in the slot available, and build a second and third Mansion.
  • When the Two-Story House goes up for sale, purchase it.
  • The rest is straightforward. Keep building Mansions wherever they’ll fit; if they won’t fit, build Two-Story Houses. Buy any properties that come up for sale, and upgrade your houses as much as possible.

15. Sunset Beach
Objectives: 1) Two apartment blocks; 2) Amusement Park; 3) Daily income $80,000.

  • Bulldoze the road and create a new road as follows in the screenshot.

  • Build a Shop, a Workshop and an Apartment Block.
  • Build a Mansion in the upper right premium lot.
  • If the Shop comes up for sale, buy it.
  • Upgrade your Mansion to 3 stars and your Apartment Block to 2 stars.
  • As soon as you can raise $80,000, build a second Apartment Block to the right of the Workshop.
  • Upgrade your first Apartment Block to 3 stars.
  • Buy up any properties that come up for sale that are within radius of the Workshop.
  • Build a third Apartment Block in the premium lot to the right of HQ.
  • As soon as you can afford it, build an Amusement Park. When this is completed, it should also raise your Daily income above $80,000. (If you haven’t purchased additional properties, you may need to upgrade your final Apartment Block to bump your income up high enough.)

16. Broken Oak
Objectives: Demolish the steel mill

  • To demolish the steel mill, you’ll have to raise $400,000 to buy it.
  • The first thing you’ll have to do is build a roadway connecting HQ to the upper road. The best way to do this so it doesn’t cut into prime building land is to just hug the left side of the screen. And build three squares upward.
  • Build a Shop, Workshop and Apartment Block (see screenshot for placement)

  • Upgrade the Mansion to 3 stars.
  • As soon as you can afford it, build an Apartment Block to the right of the Workshop.
  • Build a Two-Story House to the right of the first Mansion.
  • Build a Mansion to the left of the Shop.
  • Build an Apartment Block to the left of the steel mill.
  • Upgrade all properties to 3 stars.
  • Let your daily income roll in until you reach $400,000. (And/or, sell off some properties.) You’ll get a message, after which you can click on the Steel Mill to purchase it. After you buy it, click on the red bulldozer icon and then back on the steel mill to demolish it.
  • It takes 1 day to demolish the steel mill, so make sure to start to process no later than Day 23.

17. Broken Oak Revisited

  • Objectives: 1) Three 3-star Mansions on premium lots; 2) Appearance 174; 3) Daily income $70,000. New objective: Build a 3-star Duplex with a Park.
  • Build a Mansion on the premier lot to the right of the Park. Build a second Mansion on the premier lot to the south, and build a Workshop next to that.
  • Keep an eye out for the Duplex on the premium lot across the road to come up for sale. When it does, buy it for around $35,000. (It usually comes up for sale around Day 8, but I’ve seen it as early as Day 4 or as late as Day 15. If it hasn’t gone up for sale, move on to the next steps.) While waiting for this event, begin upgrading your Mansions.
  • Demolish the Duplex and build a third Mansion.
  • Upgrade all three Mansions to 3 stars.
  • Build a Shop and Workshop side by side south of HQ. (Shop on the left, Workshop on the right.)
  • Click on HQ and buy another wagon for a total of 4.
  • Build an Apartment Block south of the Shop. Hug the roads so you have room to build another one next to it.
  • On Day 20 you’ll get a message asking for a 3-star Duplex with a Park next to it. Build a Duplex to the left of HQ, and build a Park next to it. Upgrade the Duplex to 3 stars. This satisfies the new objective that pops up on Day 20. (You can build this before Day 20 as well.)
  • Build a Mansion to the right of HQ.
  • ALTERNATE SOLUTION: You can buy the Duplex down in the lower right when it comes up for sale and build a park next to it. The risk of this is that the Duplex will be outside of the range of your Workshop and you might have to deal with repairs if you buy it too early on. If it does break down, make repairing it the last thing you do so it won’t keep breaking down and wasting your time and resources.)
  • Place two statues in the leftover space to raise your Appearance.
  • Upgrade all buildings to 3 stars to push your Daily income above $70,000.

18. Spring Creek
Objective: Wind Powerplant ($350,000). New objectives: Seven construction wagons.

  • Before you construct anything, demolish the two fountains on the premium lots, bulldoze the section of road and rebuild it over to the far right so that the town looks like it does in the following screenshot:

  • Build an Apartment Block on the far left of the premium lot. Build a Shop and Workshop to the left of HQ.
  • As soon as you can afford it, build a Two-Story House next to the Apartment Block.
  • As soon as you can afford it, build a second Apartment Block to the right of the Two-Story House.
  • Upgrade the Two-Story House and Apartment Block to 3 stars.
  • Click on HQ and buy three more construction wagons, for a total of 7.
  • Sell both Apartment Blocks to quickly pump your bank account full of cash.
  • Once you have $350,000 in your bank account, click on the Wind Powerplant to begin construction.

19. Rockyford
Objectives: 1) Chateau on a premium lot; 2) Daily income $100,000. New objective: Bungalow and a fountain.

  • Buildoze a small section of road to the southwest, Build a Workshop, a Shop, and two Mansions.

  • Upgrade your Mansions to 3 stars.
  • If the second Shop comes up for sale, buy it if you can afford it. You can then demolish the second Shop and build a Mansion there instead.
  • Buy the Duplex when it comes up for sale, and build a Workshop to the left of it (hugging the road).
  • Continue to upgrade your Mansions until they’re both 3 stars.
  • Demolish the Duplex and build a Mansion.
  • When you have enough money, build an Apartment Block south of your second Workshop.
  • When you have enough money, build a third Apartment Block across the road from the second Apartment Block.
  • Upgrade all buildings to 3 Stars.
  • Save up $150,000 and construct the Chateau on the premium lot in the north end of Town.
  • You’ll receive a request to construct a Bungalow with a fountain.
  • Bulldoze a section of road on the lower left part of town to make room for a Bungalow. Build it, and put a fountain above.
  • I came down under the wire. Make sure to collect checks, and activate the Blue Lightning on HQ and Pink Star on the Shop as soon as they become available.

20. Henning

Objectives: Purchase all houses you don’t own (10); Daily income $110,000

  • I can’t give you a step-by-step strategy for this level because the houses come up for sale at random times. Still, there are a few tips you can follow:
  • Don’t build anything right away, because as soon as you do the timer will start counting down. Wait for the first lot to come up for sale, then buy it.
  • With your second turn, build an Apartment Block in the free space at the bottom of the screen to the left of the Duplex, and build a Shop and Workshop nearby. (See screenshot below for placement.)
  • Upgrade the Apartment Block to 1 star.
  • The Apartment Block will give you a decent Daily income with which you can start buying up cheaper properties as soon as they come up for sale.
  • Demolish Bungalows and replace them with Two-Story Houses (and later Apartment Blocks if you can afford them.)
  • Demolish Duplexes and replace them with Mansions.
  • Upgrade your buildings star ratings if you can afford to do so.
  • Note: You won’t be able to reach the upper properties until you build a road to reach them. I demolished one of the center Bungalows to build a road.
  • Don’t forget to build a couple of well spaced out Workshops to cover the new buildings you purchase, because the last thing you want to be dealing with are house repairs. You can also just demolish lower rent buildings if you don’t want to bother with a Workshop.
  • The Chateau costs between $390,000 and $550,000 so this will be the last thing you buy.
  • Look at the "before" and "after" screenshot to see what my town looked like by the end of the level. As you can see, I demolished quite a few properties.

21. Glenville
(Note: I played this level after I had purchased all of the bonus items)
Objectives: 8 construction wagons; Airport ($800,000); Daily income $120,000.

  • Build an Apartment Block to the left of the Amusement Park and put a tree next to it. Build a Shop in the 2×2 space to the left of the Apartment Block across the road, and build a Workshop to the left of HQ leaving two spaces in between.
  • Immediately upgrade the Apartment Block to 1 star. When the Bungalow above the shop comes up for sale, buy it. Place a Park to the right of the Bungalow, above the Statue. Bulldoze two squares of road to the left of the Bungalow and place a Tree and Fountain next to it.
  • Save up $80,000 and build a second Apartment Block to the left of the Workshop, and place a Fountain above the Workshop. (If you haven’t done so already, place a Park to the left of the Apartment Block, above the statue.) Upgrade both Apartment Blocks to 2 stars.
  • When the Amusement Park comes up for sale, buy it (it will cost around $100,000.)
  • Build a third Apartment Block to the right of the Amusement Park and place a Tree to its left, in between the two Fountains.
  • Upgrade all Apartment Blocks to 3 stars.
  • Around this time, your Bungalow should break down. Don’t repair it; instead, bulldoze it and build a fourth Apartment Block in its place. (Don’t build the fourth Apartment Block until you’ve upgraded your other three to 3 stars.
  • While the fourth Apartment Block is being built, click on HQ and buy four more construction wagons for a total of 8.
  • As soon as the fourth Apartment Block is built, your daily income should move past $120,000 so there’s no need to upgrade it.
  • Save up $800,000, making sure to click on any pink stars and checks that appear on your buildings. When you have the money, click on the Airport to begin construction. Make sure to click on the blue lightning bolt to speed up construction. The airport takes 2 days to build, so make sure you start its construction by Day 21 at the latest.
  • Note: The far-left Apartment Block may break down as you’re building the airport, but finishing the airport will bump your income back over $120,000 so there’s no need to panic.

22. Spring Hill
Objectives: 1) Four 3-star apartments; 2) Stadium ($250,000); 3) Daily income $130,000. New objective: Run a game at the stadium.

  • Build an Apartment Block on the lower left corner. Bulldoze the road and build a Workshop and Shop above the middle Apartment Block.
  • When you can afford it, build a second Apartment Block directly above the first.
  • When you can afford it, bulldoze the road leading up to the Chateau in the upper left corner so that you can place a third Apartment Block.
  • Doing so will cut off access to your store, so build a new road to the right and attach it to the north-south road.
  • Keep an eye open for one of the two Apartment Blocks along the bottom of the screen to come up for sale, and buy one of them.
  • That’s your four apartments. Now, upgrade all four of them to 3 stars.
  • Click on HQ and buy another wagon for a total of 5.
  • When you have $250,000 saved up, click on the Stadium and begin construction.
  • When the Stadium is finished, click on the Pink star to run a game.
  • Build a Mansion in the empty space south of HQ. (You can do this while the stadium is being constructed but you’ll need to buy 3 extra wagons. Or, you can do it as the game is running.)
  • Upgrade the Mansion to 1 star, and this should satisfy your Daily income requirement.

23. Sandbridge Beach
Objectives: 1) Cinema; 2) Four 3-star apartments; 3) Daily income $150,000

  • Build an Apartment Block in the Premium Lot as far left as you can (next to the 4×4 empty square), and build a Shop in the 4×4 square to the left of the Apartment Block, and build a Workshop to the left of the pool.
  • See screenshot: The "A" is where you should build the Apartment Block; the "S" is where you should build the Shop, and the "W" is where you should build the Workshop.

  • Watch for the second Bungalow from the right (of the three along the top of the screen) to come up for sale, and buy it.
  • Upgrade your Apartment Block to 1 star.
  • When you can afford it, build a second Apartment Block to the right of the first one.
  • Upgrade both Apartment Blocks to 2 stars.
  • When the Apartment Block to the south comes up for sale, buy it.
  • When you have enough money, build another Apartment Block to the left of the Workshop across the road.
  • Upgrade your Apartment Blocks to 3 stars
  • Click on HQ and buy another construction wagon.
  • Demolish the Bungalow, and build a Chateau on the premium lot to the right of two the Apartment Blocks.
  • Build the Cinema in an empty spot.

24. Panton
Objectives: 1) 3-star chateau with a China garden; 2) Cinema; 3) Daily income $145,000.

  • Build a Workshop in the center grassy area, build an Apartment Block to the left, and a Shop below (see screenshot).

  • Upgrade the Apartment block to 2 stars, and then save up $80,000.
  • Build a second Apartment Block below the first.
  • Upgrade the second Apartment Block to three stars.
  • Build a third Apartment Block to the left of the two Two-Story Houses along the harbor.
  • Save up $150,000 and build a Chateau north of the Workshop.
  • As soon as the Chateau is built, begin constructing a Cinema in the empty space to the right.
  • While the Cinema is being built, use your remaining wagon to upgrade the Chateau to 3 stars.
  • Build a China Garden to the right of the Chateau.

25. Pine Hills
Objectives: 1) Car Dealership; 2) Amusement Park; 3) Cinema. New objective: Buy all the houses from Ronald Brem (8 in total)

  • Build a Car Dealership to the right of HQ.
  • Build a Mansion south of the Car Dealership. Build a Workshop and Shop to the right of the Mansion.

  • Wait a couple of turns until you have $80,000, then build an Apartment Block south of the Shop.
  • Upgrade the Apartment Block to 3 stars.
  • Note: Keep running sales at the Car Dealership and Shop to increase your bank account.
  • Click on the bridge to repair it (cost: $50,000).
  • Demolish the Mansion and build the Cinema in its place.
  • Build the Amusement Park on the other side of the river in the empty space.
  • Once you finish the first three objectives, you’ll get a message from Ronald Brem and all of the houses will come up for sale.
  • You now have to buy up all the properties before time runs out. I was on Day 13.
  • Buy up the cheap properties first. You should be able to buy all four Two-Story Houses right off the bat. Wait a turn for your bank account to replenish.
  • There will be four Apartment Block left. Provided you spoke to Ronald on Day 13, you will have enough time to buy one Apartment Block per turn and still come in under the time limit.

26. Boonville
Objectives: 1) Two 3-star chateaus on premium lots; 2) Daily income $100,000.

  • You will have to purchase both houses that are on the premium lots and demolish them in order to build your Chateaus.
  • Before your first turn, do some remodeling. Bulldoze the roads and reconnect them so that the screen looks like so:

  • Wait for the Duplex in the upper left to come up for sale, then buy it.
  • Build a Shop directly below the Park in the area that you’ve bulldozed.
  • Build a Workshop directly southeast of the Shop, under the large tree.
  • Build an Apartment Block in the area to the south of the second Duplex
  • Buy up the second Duplex.

  • Upgrade your Apartment Block to two stars, and then sell it.
  • Click on HQ and buy another construction wagon for a total of 5.
  • Demolish one of the Duplexes and use the money from the sale of the Apartment Block to build a Chateau in its place.
  • Demolish the second Duplex and build another Chateau.

27. Redmond
Objectives: 1) Hotel; $1,000,000; 2) Cinema. New objective: 3) $5,000,000 in your bank account.

  • (Note: I achieved Expert on this level out of order by going back and playing it after I had finished all 40 levels and earned all of the bonuses.)
  • Build a Chateau to the left of the Amusement Park. Place a Fountain and Tree to its left. Bulldoze four segments of road to the south (leaving a rightmost strip underneath so your wagons can reach it), then place a Statue in space to the left and a Workshop beside it to the right.
  • Upgrade the Chateau to 3 stars.
  • When you can afford it, build another Chateau south of the Workshop. Place a Tree to its left.
  • When you can afford it, build an Apartment Block to the right of the Amusement Park. Bulldoze the road to the right and place a Fountain and Tree there.
  • Upgrade all of your buildings to 3 stars.
  • Build a Cinema to the right of the Apartment Block. While it’s being built, click on HQ and purchase 5 construction wagons for a total of 10.
  • Save up $1,000,000, then click on the construction zone in the center of town to begin constructing the Hotel.
  • Build a Shop south of the Cinema across the road.
  • Your final goal is to accumulate $5,000,000 in your bank account. If you complete all of the construction by Day 20, you will have enough time to earn the money provided you run any sales, shows and festivals and click on all checks that appear. If the right-most Apartment Block breaks down, click on your Workshop’s green wrench icon to repair it.

28. Slidell
Objectives: 1) Chateau near a shop and a cinema; 2) 3-star chateau on a premium lot; 3) Daily income $200,000

  • Build a Chateau to the right of the China Garden.
  • Build a Shop to the right of the Chateau, and a Workshop to the right of the Shop.
  • Place a Fountain and Tree north of the Shop so they’re affecting the Chateau.
  • Build a second Chateau directly south of the first one, across the road.
  • Build a Cinema to the north of the first Chateau.
  • Upgrade both Chateaus to 3 stars.

29. Atkins
Objectives: 1) Purchase all the houses you don’t own (14); 2) Population 200; 3) Appearance 500
Note: I did not achieve Expert the first time through. This solution is
based on going back and replaying the level a second time after
purchasing all of the bonus upgrades.

  • Start by building an Apartment Block in the open space to the southeast of HQ in the center of town. Build a Shop to the right of HQ, and a Workshop to the right of the Shop.
  • The screenshot below tells you where to place the Apartment Block, Workshop and Shop. It also indicates where to build the second Workshop when you’re able to purchase and demolish the house.

  • Buy properties as they come up for sale. The most expensive property shouldn’t run you more than about $33,000 tops, so make sure you have that much in your bank account at all times.
  • Upgrade your Apartment Block to 3 stars.
  • Click on your Workshop and you’ll see that its repair radius extends to the house to the right, and the two houses south of HQ. As these three houses come up for sale, buy them, demolish them, and build three Apartment Blocks in their place. Upgrade all buildings to 3 stars.
  • Build a second Workshop after buying and demolishing the Bungalow in the middle of the row of three Bungalows in the center of town.
  • Don’t bother upgrading any of the other properties that are out of range of the Workshops. Collect the income and cheques, and once they break down, bulldoze them and build China Gardens in their place until the town’s appearance reaches 500.
  • Aim to build 6 Apartment Blocks and 5 China Gardens. You should upgrade the Apartment Blocks as much as possible, and as quickly as possible. Depending on what other structures you’ve left standing, you can upgrade your Apartment Blocks to various levels in order to reach a population of 200.
  • This level is very flexible in terms of where you build your Apartment Blocks and place your China Gardens, provided the Apartments are all within range of the Workshops. Here are two sample solutions.

Objectives: 1) Two 3-star Bungalows with 60% bonus; Repair the chateau of Bertram Wagner

  • Bulldoze the road south of the Mansion to the right of HQ and build an Apartment Block in the space you create. Upgrade the Apartment Block to 2 stars, and build a Workshop south across the road. (See screenshot.)

  • Place a Statue in the spot to the east of the Workshop, across the road.
  • Build a Bungalow below the statue, and upgrade it to 3 stars
  • Place a Fountain to the right of the Bungalow.
  • Bulldoze the road below the Bungalow so there’s space to build a China Garden.
  • Bulldoze the road to the left of the China Garden and build another Bungalow.
  • Place a Statue and Fountain to the left of the second Bungalow.

  • Once both Bungalows are upgraded to 3 stars, you’ll get a message saying that the farmers are about to put their Bungalows up for sale, referring to the two Bungalows that are blocking access to Bertram’s mansion.
  • Fill in the road crossing over the mountain.
  • As soon as each Bungalow comes up for sale, buy it and immediately demolish it. You’ll have to extend the road by demolishing the first Bungalow in order to reach the second Bungalow for demolition.
  • There is a game flaw here; because houses go up for sale randomly, sometimes the second house will not come up for sale in time. If this happens, unfortunately you just have to restart and try again.
  • Once you’ve completely connected the road to Bertram’s mansion, click on it to begin repair.
  • I managed to complete this on Day 15, so I was right down to the wire.

31. Mansfield

Objectives: 1) Daily income $180,000; 2) $1,000,000 in your bank account

  • Bulldoze two space of road near the center of town, and bulldoze the left branch of the road in the upper right corner. Below HQ, extend the roadway all the way to the right, then curve it up so it connects to the road running north. (See screenshot.)

  • Build a Chateau on the south premium lot to the left of the statue. Immediately press the Blue Lightning icon on HQ so your workers will build it before the end of Turn 1.
  • On Turn 2, build a Shop to the right of HQ. Place a Park and a Fountain to the right of the Shop so it’s touching the Chateau.
  • Place a China Garden to the left of the Chateau.
  • Build a Workshop above the Chateau in the space that you bulldozed the road to create, and upgrade your Chateau to 1 star.
  • As soon as you can afford it, build an Apartment Block in the upper right corner, directly below the statue so that it’s touching the premium lot area.
  • Place a fountain to the left of the Apartment Block, above the tree.
  • While waiting for the Apartment Block to finish being built, upgrade your Chateau to 2 stars.
  • Place a China Garden to the right of the Apartment Block, across the road.
  • Build a second Chateau in the upper premium lot area hugging the left.
  • While waiting for the Chateau to be built, place a Park, Fountain and Tree around the third Chateau, and begin upgrading your other buildings.
  • Upgrade everything to 3 stars.
  • Your daily income should be around $236,000 at this point.
  • It will be tight, but if you’ve managed to finish everything by Day 14 or so, you should be able to coast to Expert by letting your Bank Account increase until it reaches $1 million. (The earliest I managed to complete everything was Day 11, which gave me plenty of time.)

32. Duck Hill
Objective: Shop attendance of 130. New Objective: Purchase the grocery store.

  • You need to build four Apartment Blocks around the Shop; three of them need to be 3 stars and one 1 star.
  • Press the pink star on the Shop to start a sale.
  • Bulldoze the two Parks and the south half of the road (see screenshot).

  • Build an Apartment Block north of HQ, and click on the blue lightning bolt on HQ to speed up your workers.
  • As soon as you can afford it, build a second Apartment Block south of the first one, across the road.
  • Upgrade both Apartment Blocks to 1 star.
  • As soon as you can afford it, build a Workshop in the hole where the northmost Park used to be, north of the Shop.
  • By around Day 5, the Shop will be ready for another sale. Click on the pink star.
  • As soon as you can afford it, build the third Apartment Block to the southwest of the Shop. Click on the Blue lightning bolt, which should have just recharged.
  • While the third Apartment Block is being built, upgrade the first one to 2 stars.
  • Once the third Apartment Block is finished, immediately upgrade it to 1 star.
  • Wait for your bank account to reach $80,000 and build a fourth Apartment Block to the south of the shop.
  • Upgrade your 2 star Apartment Block to 3 stars as soon as you can afford it.
  • By Day 10 your shop will be ready for another sale. Press the pink star.
  • Click on the blue lightning bolt on HQ to speed up your workers. In the same turn, upgrade both 1-star Apartment Blocks to 2 stars, and upgrade the new Apartment Block to 1 star.
  • Wait a day for your bank account to replenish, then upgrade both 2-star Apartment Blocks to 3 stars. This will happen on Day 12, the last turn, but if you start it fast enough you should just be able to beat the Daily Income counter and come in on Day 12.
  • It’s not over though! You will get a message from the other shop owner offering to sell you the store. QUICKLY click on the dollar sign on the other shop to buy it.

33. Edisto Beach
Objectives: 1) Two cinemas with attendance of 50; 2) Daily income $160,000. New objective: Run two shows simultaneously.

34. Lewistown
Objectives: Population 300

35. Midland
Ojectives: 1) Three 3-star Duplexes; 2) Three 3-star Two-Story Houses; 3) Three 3-star Mansions

  • First, do some bulldozing and road-building. Bulldoze two fountains as well.

  • Start by building three Two-Story Houses in the space along the top, and build a Workshop in the space below that you created by bulldozing the road.
  • Build a Mansion to the left of HQ, and build a second Workshop in the 4×4 hole above the Mansion.
  • Upgrade your three Two-Story Houses to 1 star each.
  • Build a Duplex in the upper right corner (the road will automatically fill in so your construction wagons can reach it.
  • Upgrade the Duplex to 3 stars, and upgrade the Two-Story Houses and Mansion to 3 stars.
  • Once the Duplex is fully upgraded, bulldoze the road below it and build a second Duplex directly below.
  • Build a third Duplex in the space below the Workshop, and upgrade the rest of your buildings to 3 stars.
  • Build a second Mansion below the first one.
  • Build a third Mansion in one of two available open spaces (in the lower center, or in the lower left corner).
  • Upload both Mansions to 3 stars.

36. Bigfork
Objectives: 1) Shop; 2) Two 3-star Chateaus on premium lots; 3) Daily income $200,000.

37. Soccoro
Objectives: 1) Three 3-star Chateaus with 50% value bonus; 2) Daily income $270,000.

  • Build a road extending the southeast road east by two blocks. Build a Chateau so that it touches the Premium Lot. Build a Shop in the space to the left of the Chateau, and a Workshop above it.
  • Place a China Garden to the right of the Chateau, and a Fountain, Park and Statue below.

  • Upgrade the Chateau to 2 stars.
  • Build a second Chateau north of the first one (the game will automatically fill in a road). Place a China Garden to the right and a Statue above.
  • Bulldoze the square of road in front of the Workshop (this will mean that there’s now no road into the Workshop, but you don’t need one). In the space created, build a third Chateau as soon as youcan afford it.
  • Place a China Garden to the right of HQ leaving one column’s worth of space in between so that the China Garden is in range of your third Chateau.
  • As the third Chateau is being build, click on HQ to purchase another construction wagon and begin upgrading your other two Chateaus.
  • Upgrade all your Chateaus to 3 stars, starting with the two on the right.
  • Once the two Chateaus on the right have been fully upgraded, bulldoze the road below the Chateau 2 spaces and place a Park.

38. South Beach
Objective: Daily income $300,000

39. Longview
Objective: Population 300

  • This level is straightforward. You need to build as many Apartment Blocks as possible. I started by building on at the base of the road that runs south from HQ. Then, count three squares over to the right and two down, and build a Workshop. The game will automatically fill in a road for you. Once the Workshop has been build, bulldoze the road and build a Shop directly above it. (There doesn’t need to be a road leading to the Workshop, so ignore the warning symbol.)
  • Upgrade your Apartment Block to 2 stars, and save up enough cash to build a second Apartment Block.
  • You can fit 6 Apartment Blocks along that row. Start by filling in the space closest to the Shop and Workshop.
  • The Workshop’s range only extends to the first Apartment Block on either side, but if the next two break down you can click on the Green repair button on the Workshop to temporarily extend its range and repair them automatically.
  • I found it easier to just repair the other buildings manually if they broke down, since space is at such a premium and it’s difficult to squeeze in more Workshops.
  • The last Apartment Block that you build in that row should be to the right of the Chateau. (Just demolish the Fountain to make room.)
  • You can fit two more Apartment Blocks in the upper right corner. Build the first one in the upper right corner itself and the game should automatically build the connecting road for you. When you build the second Apartment Block next to it, you’ll have to manually build a road along the top so that your workers can reach it.
  • As you go, you should be upgrading your Apartment Blocks to 3 stars. As the days progress and you start to accumulate a lot of money, you can also start buying and upgrading some of the other houses as they come up for sale.
  • To achieve a population of 300 you’ll need at least seven 3-star Apartment Blocks depending on what other buildings you purchase.


Welcome to the Walkthrough

A city is left in ruin at the hands of a corrupt official, and you have been called in to rebuild it in this exciting new installment of the Be Rich franchise!

Whether you use this document as a reference when things get difficult or as a road map to get you from beginning to end, we’re pretty sure you’ll find what you’re looking for here.

This document contains a complete Be Richest game walkthrough featuring annotated screenshots from actual gameplay!

We hope you find this information useful as you play your way through the game. Use the walkthrough menu below to quickly jump to whatever stage of the game you need help with.

Remember to visit the if you find you need more help. Have fun!

This walkthrough was created by Lucky Smile , and is protected under US Copyright laws. Any unauthorized use, including re-publication in whole or in part, without permission, is strictly prohibited.

Walkthrough Menu

General Tips

  • Press (A) to start the game.
  • Select (B) to change the current player.
  • Push (C) to access the options menu. Here you can change settings for volume and screen size.
  • Press (D) to leave the game.
  • The game requires one or more playthroughs for some of the levels. Beneficiary upgrades can only be bought by collectibles, and some of those upgrades are necessary to complete certain levels in golden time.
  • This guide displays which upgrades were used to beat any level in golden time, and which collectibles can be collected at the end of each level.

  • The bar on top (E) displays the current amount of collectibles in your possession.
  • You can always review your current bank account and your reputation score (F).
  • If you select any level you can either replay it to improve your performance or continue it to collect collectibles (G).
  • Choose the super blueprints menu (H) to purchase and construct super blueprint buildings with money, reputation and collectibles.
  • Enter the home and company menu (I) to build up your own office.
  • Collectible symbols next to any level (J) indicate that you can continue this level to earn a collectible for fulfilling additional goals.

  • Goals are always shown at the top (K). Sometimes additional goals are added during the course of any level.
  • The bar (L) displays your current daily income and when the next income will be added to your bank account (M).
  • The small panel (N) represents the appearance of the current neighborhood, the actual number of citizens and the number of construction vans.
  • The larger panel (O) displays the current fulfillment of the population’s four needs. When there are blue or even red bars above any needed symbol, quickly build or upgrade an appropriate commercial building.

Chapter I: Strategies

  • The timer for each level does not start before you perform your first action. Therefore it is always advisable to consider your goals, free lots, and to wait for any house coming up for sale cheaply to accumulate additional money right in the beginning.
  • You should always speed up construction tasks by constantly pushing buildings in construction yourself.
  • If buildings are affected by rats or similar problems, always deal with the building providing the highest income first. That way you won’t lose that much money.
  • You should always try to build houses with high rents on premium lots. Avoid selling houses on premium lots, because that way you earn additional income without paying anything for it.
  • It’s particularly advisable to buy cheap houses when all needs are fulfilled in a neighborhood; you will not only make a profit by buying cheaply and selling for a normal price, but also cash in the ‘dream-house’ bonus.
  • There are two essential strategies for beating any level in golden time besides buying beneficiary upgrades. Firstly, you should always buy and sell buildings that are offered cheaply (A) to earn money quickly. Those cheap offers are indicated by high sale posts, but it never hurts to compare the sale price to the original value.
  • Secondly, you should always try to fulfill special orders (B) if they do not contrast with your general goals too much and you can afford to build or upgrade the related house. Those offers always provide large amounts of money for comparatively easy tasks. The number of smileys below the offer indicates how much time is left to complete the offer.

Chapter II: Residential Buildings

  • The number of stars next to each building (K) represents its number of upgrades.
  • From the residential button (L) you can access all residential buildings.
  • Hovering over any building in this menu shows you its daily income, its population, and how many construction vans are needed to build this building (M).
  • Bungalow: Population: 2. Daily income: $300. One-star bungalow: Population: 2. Daily income: $400. Two-star bungalow: Population: 2. Daily income: $600. Three-star bungalow: Population: 2.
  • Cottage: Population: 3; Daily income: $500. One-star cottage: Population: 3. Daily income: $750. Two-star cottage: Population: 3. Daily income: $1,100. Three-star cottage: Population: 3. Daily income: $1,650.
  • Town House: Population: 10. Daily income: $750. One-star town house: Population: 11. Daily income: $1,100. Two-star town house: Population: 13. Daily income: $1,600. Three-star town house: Population: 15. Daily income: $2,400.
  • Nice Town House: Population: 15. Daily income: $1,000. One-star nice town house: Population: 16. Daily income: $1,500. Two-star nice town house: Population: 18. Daily income: $2,200. Three-star nice town house: Population: 20. Daily income: $3,000.
  • Estate: Population: 5. Daily income: $4,000. One-star estate: Population: 5. Daily income: $6,000. Two-star estate: Population: 5. Daily income: $9,000. Three-star estate: Population: 5. Daily income: $13,500.
  • Villa: Population: 5. Daily income: $6,000. One-star villa: Population: 5. Daily income: $8,500. Two-star villa: Population: 5. Daily income: $12,500. Three-star villa: Population: 5. Daily income: $18,500.
  • Boxy Apartments: Population: 80. Daily income: $2,000. One-star boxy apartments: Population: 85. Daily income: $3,000. Two-star boxy apartments: Population: 90. Daily income: $4,500. Three-star boxy apartments: Population: 100. Daily income: $6,500.
  • Nice Apartments: Population: 100. Daily income: $2,500. One-star nice apartments: Population: 105. Daily income: $3,500. Two-star nice apartments: Population: 112. Daily income: $5,000. Three-star nice apartments: Population: 125. Daily income: $7,500.
  • Palazzo: Population: 10. Daily income: $15,000. One-star palazzo: Population: 10. Daily income: $22,500. Two-star palazzo: Population: 10. Daily income: $34,000. Three-star palazzo: Population: 10. Daily income: $50,000.
  • Cheap Condos: Population: 200. Daily income: $5,000. One-star cheap condos: Population: 210. Daily income: $7,000. Two-star cheap condos: Population: 225. Daily income: $10,500. Three-star cheap condos: Population: 250. Daily income: $15,500.
  • Nice Condos: Population: 500. Daily income: $8,000. One-star nice condos: Population: 520. Daily income: $12,000. Two-star nice condos: Population: 560. Daily income: $18,000. Three-star nice condos: Population: 620. Daily income: $27,000.
  • Luxurious Condos: Population: 750. Daily income: $15,000. One-star luxurious condos: Population: 790. Daily income: $22,000. Two-star luxurious condos: Population: 870. Daily income: $33,000. Three-star luxurious condos: Population: 1000. Daily income: $49,000.

Chapter III: Commercial Buildings

  • Each commercial building fulfills one of the four needs of the population. Those four needs are shopping, working, gastronomy and entertainment. Grocery store, market and megamall fulfill the shopping need; small office, office block and high-rise office provide a place to work. Diner, restaurant and fast food bars enable your citizens to dine out, and bowling alley, cinema and fitness center provide entertainment.
  • Consider that each commercial building only occupies a specific number of customers. There should always be enough commercial buildings to fulfill the need of your complete population, otherwise citizens might leave the residential buildings. This will not only lower your income, but also turn buildings into abandoned houses, which are pretty expensive to repair.
  • Only residential buildings in your own possession count towards occupants of any commercial building.
  • Any commercial building only reaches its highest possible income when it is fully occupied. This means that you should always balance the number of citizens with potential commercial occupancy.
  • Grocery store: Capacity: 50. Daily income: $1,000. One-star grocery store: Capacity: 60. Daily income: $1,200. Two-star grocery store: Capacity: 75. Daily income: $1,500. Three-star grocery store: Capacity: 100. Daily income: $2,000.
  • Market: Capacity: 250. Daily income: $7,500. One-star market: Capacity: 300. Daily income: $9,000. Two-star market: Capacity: 375. Daily income: $11,250. Three-star market: Capacity: 500. Daily income: $15,000.
  • Megamall: Capacity: 1000. Daily income: $45,000. One-star megamall: Capacity: 1200. Daily income: $54,000. Two-star megamall: Capacity: 1500. Daily income: $67,500. Three-star megamall: Capacity: 2000. Daily income: $90,000.
  • Small office: Capacity: 50. Daily income: $2,000. One-star small office: Capacity: 60. Daily income: $2,400. Two-star small office: Capacity: 75. Daily income: $3,000. Three-star small office: Capacity: 100. Daily income: $4,000.
  • Office block: Capacity: 250. Daily income: $15,000. One-star office block: Capacity: 300. Daily income: $18,000. Two-star office block: Capacity: 375. Daily income: $22,500. Three-star office block: Capacity: 500. Daily income: $30,000.
  • High-rise office: Capacity: 1000. Daily income: $90,000. One-star high-rise office: Capacity: 1200. Daily income: $108,000. Two-star high-rise office: Capacity: 1500. Daily income: $135,000. Three-star high-rise office: Capacity: 2000. Daily income: $180,000.
  • Diner: Capacity: 50. Daily income: $3,000. One-star diner: Capacity: 60. Daily income: $3,600. Two-star diner: Capacity: 75. Daily income: $4,500. Three-star diner: Capacity: 100. Daily income: $6,000.
  • Restaurant: Capacity: 250. Daily income: $22,500. One-star restaurant: Capacity: 300. Daily income: $27,000. Two-star restaurant: Capacity: 375. Daily income: $33,750. Three-star restaurant: Capacity: 500. Daily income: $45,000.
  • Fast food bar: Capacity: 1000. Daily income: $135,000. One-star fast food bar: Capacity: 1200. Daily income: $162,000. Two-star fast food bar: Capacity: 1500. Daily income: $202,500. Three-star fast food bar: Capacity: 2000. Daily income: $270,000.
  • Bowling alley: Capacity: 50. Daily income: $4,000. One-star bowling alley: Capacity: 60. Daily income: $4,800. Two-star bowling alley: Capacity: 75. Daily income: $6,000. Three-star bowling alley: Capacity: 100. Daily income: $8,000.
  • Cinema: Capacity: 250. Daily income: $30,000. One-star cinema: Capacity: 300. Daily income: $36,000. Two-star cinema: Capacity: 375. Daily income: $45,000. Three-star cinema: Capacity: 500. Daily income: $60,000.
  • Fitness center: Capacity: 1000. Daily income: $180,000. One-star fitness center: Capacity: 1200. Daily income: $216,000. Two-star fitness center: Capacity: 1500. Daily income: $270,000. Three-star fitness center: Capacity: 2000. Daily income: $360,000.

Chapter IV: Decorations

  • There are two varying types of decorations. Decorations in the first two rows only increase a neighborhood’s appearance, while decorations in the third row increase both the appearance of a neighborhood and the capacity of commercial buildings.
  • The subway station increases capacity for all commercial buildings in the neighborhood, while bike racks, parking lots, celebrity stars and bus stops only increase capacity for commercial buildings in their sphere of influence.
  • Grass patch: +2 appearance.
  • Bush: +5 appearance.
  • Hedge: +8 appearance.
  • Park: +40 appearance/Pond: +80 appearance.
  • Stone patch: +2 appearance/Street lamp: +6 appearance.
  • Small plaza: +10 appearance.
  • Plaza: +50 appearance.
  • Fountain: +150 appearance.
  • Bike rack: +2 appearance, +5 commercial capacity.
  • Parking lot: +5 appearance, +10 commercial capacity.
  • Celebrity star: +30 appearance, +50 commercial capacity.
  • Bus stop: +200 appearance, +150 commercial capacity.
  • Subway: +1000 appearance, +500 commercial capacity.

Chapter V: Super Blueprints

  • You need collectibles, money and reputation points to purchase super blueprints. Note that you can play each level again to earn additional money and reputation points without any pressure.
  • When you purchase a super blueprint, only the required amount of money is deducted from your bank account. Reputation points and collectibles remain the same.
  • The same rule applies to collectibles. You can achieve specific goals in levels later on without any time pressure to collect those items.
  • Seaport: Increases commercial capacity by 10.
  • Observatory: Increases worker’s speed by 15%.
  • Ski Resort: Adds another construction team.
  • Museum of Archeology: 20 additional points to neighborhood appearance.
  • Airport: + one extra day to complete levels in gold time.
  • Concert Hall: 30% increase of worker’s speed.
  • Movie Studio: +1 extra construction team.
  • Bridge: +2 extra days to get golden time bonus.
  • Stadium: +2 extra construction teams.
  • Hotel: +1 extra subway station.

Chapter VI: Levels 1 – 10

Level 1

  • Simply follow the instructions to complete this level.
  • Build one bungalow (E).
  • Upgrade this bungalow.
  • Build a grocery store (F).
  • Collect the bonus money.
  • Upgrade two more bungalows.
  • Build a fifth bungalow (G) and upgrade it to complete the level.

Level 2

  • Follow the instructions to complete this level.
  • Plant a bush next to the bungalow.
  • Purchase a cottage (H) and sell your other bungalow (I).
  • Build a small office (J) and another cottage (K).
  • Upgrade both cottages to complete the level.

Level 3

  • Build a grocery store (L).
  • Build two cottages (M), (N).
  • Add materials to the worksite.
  • Upgrade one bungalow and two cottages.
  • Wait for the baseball field to be finished to complete the level.

Level 4

  • Restore two dilapidated houses.
  • Clear the road to the diner (O).
  • Build three bungalows on premium lots.
  • Upgrade the cottage to two stars.
  • Repair the diner.
  • Build a grocery store (P).
  • Upgrade four bungalows to one star to complete the level.

Level 5

  • Repair three dilapidated buildings.
  • Start constructing the school.
  • Buy the diner if possible.
  • Build a cottage (Q) and a town house (R).
  • Add materials to the worksite.
  • Build a small office (S) and another cottage (T).
  • Sell a bungalow.
  • Upgrade all three cottages once.
  • Add another worker to the worksite.
  • Wait until construction of the school is finished to complete the level.
  • Note: Build a one-star bungalow here later on to earn the sheriff’s badge for this level.

Level 6

  • Restore three dilapidated buildings.
  • Build a town house (U) and a small office (V).
  • Build another town house (W).
  • Plant some bushes and hedges.
  • Kick out the thief and collect bonus money whenever possible.
  • Upgrade two town houses and the grocery store.
  • Repair buildings if needed.
  • Build a bowling alley (X) to complete the level.
  • Note: Build a three-star cottage to earn the sheriff’s badge for this level.

Level 7

  • Repair two dilapidated houses and purchase the bowling alley.
  • Start the construction of the police station.
  • Build a grocery store (Y).
  • Build two town houses on premium lots (Z and A).
  • Plant some bushes and hedges.
  • Add materials to the worksite and upgrade the cottage twice.
  • Sell a bungalow and build two more cottages (B and C).
  • Add materials to the worksite twice.
  • Upgrade both cottages twice.
  • Add materials to the worksite twice and wait until the police station is built to complete the level.
  • Note: To earn the sheriff’s badge for this level, you simply have to return to this level later on and build three one-star bungalows.

Level 8

  • Repair both dilapidated town houses and sell one of them.
  • Buy both diners and construct two nice town houses (D and E).
  • Build a grocery store (F).
  • Add some hedges and build a small office (G).
  • Build a cottage (H) and upgrade it twice.
  • Upgrade one nice town house twice.
  • Build another nice town house (I).
  • Purchase the two-star cottage (J).
  • Upgrade the small office twice.
  • Build another grocery store (K) to complete the level.
  • Note: Build two two-star nice town houses to earn the sheriff’s badge for this level. You can build the observatory from the super blueprints menu afterward.

Level 9

  • Repair both dilapidated houses and sell them.
  • Build two nice town houses on premium lots (L). You will have to remove two trees to do so.
  • Start the construction of the city hall and add materials to it twice.
  • Build a diner and another nice town house on a premium lot (L).
  • Add materials to the worksite twice and build another nice town house (M).
  • Upgrade both the grocery store and the small office; add materials to the worksite.
  • Build a bowling alley and upgrade a nice town house.
  • Add materials to the worksite and upgrade the diner twice.
  • Upgrade another nice town house. Upgrade the grocery store.
  • Add a worker and the remaining materials to the worksite.
  • Upgrade the small office and add another worker to the worksite.
  • Build another grocery store.
  • Build another nice town house on a premium lot (M).
  • Wait for the city hall to be finished to complete the level.
  • Note: Return later on and build a three-star cottage to earn the sheriff’s badge for this level. After that you can construct the seaport from the super blueprints menu.

Level 10

  • Required super blueprint buildings: Observatory, Seaport.
  • Important: To beat this level, you will have to fulfill all special offers while also buying and selling cheaply offered houses to collect money quickly.
  • Build two town houses on premium lots (N).
  • Build a grocery store and a small office.
  • Build another town house and sell it (O).
  • Build a nice town house on a premium lot (N).
  • Build a diner and a third town house.
  • Upgrade all your four houses once.
  • Upgrade three town houses to a second star.
  • Upgrade the diner, the small office and the grocery store.
  • Upgrade all your four houses to a third star.
  • Add parks until you reach an appearance of 250 to complete the level.
  • Note: You have to return and build three one-star nice town houses to earn the snow globe for this level. You can return a second time and build two two-star nice town houses to collect a second snow globe.

Chapter VII: Levels 11 – 20

Level 11

  • Required super blueprint buildings: Seaport, Observatory.
  • Remove two bins near the premium lots.
  • Build two nice town houses on premium lots (P).
  • Build a grocery store and a small office.
  • Build a third nice town house on the remaining premium lot (Q).
  • Build a diner, upgrade the grocery store, and build another nice town house.
  • Upgrade two nice town houses on premium lots once.
  • Upgrade the small office and the remaining nice town house on a premium lot to the first star.
  • Fulfill a special offer if possible and sell the related house afterward.
  • Upgrade both a nice town house and the small office to a second star.
  • Build another nice town house and upgrade the remaining two nice town houses on premium lots to a second star.
  • Sell a nice town house (without upgrades) and remove the snow blockage.
  • Upgrade a nice town house to a third star.
  • Restore the estate and sell the second nice town house without upgrades.
  • Upgrade two more nice town houses to a third star to complete the level.
  • Note: You have to return and construct a three-star town house to collect a snow globe in this level. Return a second time, build another estate and collect a second snow globe.

Level 12

  • Required super blueprint buildings: Seaport, Observatory.
  • Build two estates on premium lots (R).
  • Remove some trees to free more lots and build a grocery store.
  • Build two roads (S) and a small office.
  • Fulfill an incoming optional offer if possible.
  • Remove the first snow blockage; build a third estate and a diner.
  • Build a bowling alley and upgrade an estate.
  • Buy and sell cheaply offered houses whenever possible.
  • Upgrade both the grocery store and the small office.
  • Build two nice town houses.
  • Remove the second snow blockage.
  • Upgrade the two remaining estates to the first star to complete the level.

Level 13

  • Required super blueprint buildings: Seaport, Observatory.
  • Repair the market and build an estate (T).
  • Remove some trees to free a lot. Build a small office.
  • Fulfill any upcoming offer if possible.
  • Build an estate on a premium lot (U).
  • Build a diner and upgrade both estates to one star.
  • Fulfill the next upcoming special request.
  • Upgrade both estates twice so that you have two three-star estates.
  • Sell any houses you built to fulfill special requests.
  • Remove the snow blockage to complete the level.
  • Note: Return here and build a two-star estate to collect a snow globe. Afterward you can purchase the Ski Resort from the super blueprint menu.

Level 14

  • Important: This level heavily relies on upcoming orders and which houses are offered cheaply at any point during the level. If you notice early on that you are not lucky in that respect, immediately restart the level to increase your chances.
  • Build two nice town houses (V and W).
  • Upgrade one nice town house to one star.
  • Build a market, fulfill upcoming orders and buy and sell cheaply offered houses if possible.
  • Build a small office and an estate on a premium lot (X).
  • Upgrade the estate to one star and buy the nice town house (Y) as soon as it is up for sale cheaply.
  • Sell a nice town house (W). Remove the snow blockage and fulfill another order.
  • Buy the nice town house (Z) as soon as it is up for sale cheaply and sell it.
  • Repair the estate (A). Build a diner and another estate (B).
  • Upgrade two more estates to one star.
  • Remove some trash, build a villa and sell it.
  • Fulfill one more order and upgrade all estates to three stars.
  • Buy the nice town houses (W and Z) to complete the level (If necessary upgrade more buildings to reach the required number of customers for the market).
  • Note: Return later on and build three three-star town houses to collect a snow globe.

Level 15

  • Restore three dilapidated houses and repair the road to the mansion (A).
  • Sell the estate and build a villa on a premium lot (B).
  • Start restoration of the mansion and add materials to it once.
  • Build a grocery store and fulfill whatever offer comes along at that time.
  • Build a small office and another villa on a premium lot (C).
  • Build a diner and upgrade a villa to the first star.
  • Clear some trash and remove trees to free two lots.
  • Upgrade the second villa to a star.
  • Add a worker and materials to the worksite.
  • Build a villa and sell it. Take any request that comes along and fulfill it.
  • Remove the first snow blockage and upgrade both villas to two stars.
  • Add another worker to the worksite and deliver the remaining materials at once.
  • Upgrade both villas to three stars.
  • Add another worker to the worksite and sell the town house and the bungalow.
  • Remove the remaining snow blockage.
  • Wait for the restoration of the mansion to be finished to complete the level.

Level 16

  • Required super blueprint buildings: Seaport, Observatory, Ski Resort, Airport, Museum of Archeology, Concert Hall, Movie Studio, Bridge, Stadium, and Hotel.
  • Build a villa (D) and sell it.
  • Build another villa on a premium lot (E).
  • Build a grocery store.
  • Fulfill orders that appear and buy and sell houses which are offered cheaply.
  • Build a small office and another villa.
  • Buy the bowling alley (F) as soon as it is up for sale cheaply.
  • Repair the boxy apartment and upgrade one villa to one star.
  • Build a third villa and upgrade the boxy apartment to one star.
  • Build another grocery store and upgrade the small office to two stars.
  • Upgrade both grocery stores to one star.
  • Upgrade all villas to one star.
  • Build a diner and another small office.
  • Upgrade the bowling alley to one star.
  • Upgrade all three villas to three stars.
  • Upgrade or purchase other buildings until you reach the required income to complete the level.
  • Note: Return later on and build three two-star estates to collect an ancient lamp. Return a second time and build two two-star boxy apartments to collect another ancient lamp.

Level 17

  • Required super blueprint building: Seaport, Observatory, Ski Resort, Airport, and Museum of Archeology.
  • Build a boxy apartment (G), remove the trash beside it, and sell the boxy apartment.
  • Build an office block, a grocery store, and a boxy apartment on a premium lot (H).
  • Upgrade the grocery store and fulfill the first offer that comes along. Sell the building from the offer afterward.
  • Upgrade the grocery store, build another boxy apartment (I) and sell it immediately.
  • Build another boxy apartment and upgrade the boxy apartment on the premium lot (H).
  • Upgrade the grocery store and fulfill the next offer that comes along. Sell the house from the offer afterward.
  • Build a grocery store and a diner.
  • Upgrade the boxy apartment on the premium lot twice.
  • Research the two dig sites marked in black to complete the level.
  • Note: Return later on and build a two-star villa to collect an ancient lamp.

Level 18

  • Required super blueprint buildings: Seaport, Observatory, Ski Resort, Airport, and Museum of Archeology.
  • Start the construction of the University of Archeology.
  • Build a boxy apartment (J) and sell it.
  • Build a grocery store and an office block.
  • Build a boxy apartment on a premium lot (K).
  • Fulfill the first offer that comes along and sell the related house afterward.
  • Upgrade the grocery store twice and add materials to the worksite.
  • Build a diner and a villa.
  • Sell the villa and build a boxy apartment on the remaining premium lot (L).
  • Add materials to the worksite and fulfill the next offer that comes along. Sell the related house afterward.
  • Build another grocery store.
  • Add materials and a worker to the worksite.
  • Create five ponds wherever they fit.
  • Add the remaining materials and two more workers to the worksite.
  • Wait for the University of Archeology to be finished to complete the level.
  • Note: Return later on and build three nice town houses to collect an ancient lamp.

Level 19

  • Required super blueprint buildings: Seaport, Observatory, Ski Resort, Airport, Museum of Archeology, Concert Hall, Movie Studio, Bridge, Stadium, and Hotel.
  • Don’t do anything until a house comes up for sale cheaply – buy and sell it.
  • Build a boxy apartment and sell it.
  • Build a boxy apartment (M) and a market.
  • Fulfill any upcoming order and
  • Remove a sign post and some trees.
  • Build an office block.
  • Build a restaurant.
  • Build a bowling alley and upgrade the office block.
  • Install some fountains.
  • Research all dig sites marked in black.
  • Note: Return later on and build two three-star estates to collect an ancient lamp.

Level 20

  • Required super blueprint buildings: Seaport, Observatory, and Ski Resort.
  • Extinguish any fires that might appear.
  • Clear and repair the road completely.
  • Repair three dilapidated buildings and sell them all.
  • Build two boxy apartments (A and B) and sell one (A).
  • Build a market and fulfill any upcoming request.
  • Build a villa and upgrade it twice.
  • Build an office block.
  • Sell the two-star villa.
  • Build two more boxy apartments.
  • Research one of the dig sites marked in red.
  • Build a restaurant.
  • Research the remaining three dig sites marked in red to complete the level.
  • Note: Return later on and build a three-star estate to collect an ancient lamp.

Chapter VIII: Levels 21 – 30

Level 21

  • Required super blueprint buildings: Seaport, Observatory, Ski Resort, Airport, Museum of Archeology, Concert Hall, Movie Studio, Bridge, Stadium, and Hotel.
  • Build a boxy apartment (C) and sell it.
  • Always buy and sell cheaply offered houses and fulfill any upcoming orders if possible.
  • Start the discovery of the Talakmul Palace.
  • Build a boxy apartment on a premium lot (D).
  • Build a market.
  • Build another boxy apartment on a premium lot (E).
  • Build an office block.
  • Especially in the beginning of this level it is very important to always receive bonus money for special orders or by trading houses. You may even have to restart the level if the offers are not favorable.
  • Build a villa and a restaurant.
  • Add materials to the worksite.
  • Build a bowling alley.
  • Upgrade both boxy apartments and the villa to one star.
  • Add materials to the worksite three times.
  • Buy the three-star villa (F) as soon as it is up for sale cheaply.
  • Add two workers to the worksite.
  • Upgrade the restaurant to one star and build another villa.
  • Upgrade both boxy apartments to two stars.
  • Add the remaining required materials and one worker to the worksite.
  • Upgrade the restaurant to one star and build another boxy apartment.
  • Add the last worker to the worksite.
  • Upgrade two boxy apartments to three stars.
  • Wait for the discovery of Talakmul Palace to be finished.
  • Chase away the yetis to complete the level.

Level 22

  • Required super blueprint buildings: Seaport, Observatory, Ski Resort, Airport, Museum of Archeology, Concert Hall, Movie Studio, Bridge, Stadium, and Hotel.
  • Build a boxy apartment (G) and sell it.
  • Purchase one of the two estates when it goes up for sale cheaply and repair it.
  • Repair all four dilapidated houses.
  • Sell one bungalow and one town house.
  • Build a boxy apartment (H) and a market.
  • Remove some signs and trash to free some space.
  • Build an office block and buy the second estate when it is up for sale cheaply.
  • Sell the repaired estate and repair the one you just purchased.
  • Fulfill upcoming orders to earn some bonus money.
  • Sell another town house and demolish the remaining bungalow.
  • Build a villa on a premium lot (I), a boxy apartment and a restaurant.
  • Repair the cinema.
  • Upgrade the cinema and one boxy apartment.
  • Build another boxy apartment.
  • Upgrade both a boxy apartment and your villa to three stars.
  • Place six celebrity stars near your commercial buildings.
  • Build, purchase and upgrade houses until the cinema occupies 300 customers to complete the level.
  • Note: Return later on and build three two-star estates to collect a pool ball. Return a second time and build three two-star villas to collect another pool ball.

Level 23

  • Required super blueprint buildings: Seaport, Observatory, Ski Resort, Airport, Museum of Archeology, Concert Hall, Movie Studio, Bridge, Stadium, and Hotel.
  • Don’t do anything until a house is offered cheaply – buy and sell it immediately.
  • Build and sell a boxy apartment (J).
  • Build a nice apartment on a premium lot (K).
  • Build a market and an office block.
  • Fulfill any upcoming orders, especially related to nice apartments.
  • Keep buying and selling houses that are offered for a cheap price.
  • Build a nice apartment on the other premium lot (L).
  • Remove some palm trees, sign posts and trash to free lots.
  • Build a restaurant, a nice apartment and a cinema.
  • Upgrade the market.
  • Upgrade the cinema to three stars.
  • Build another office block and a nice apartment.
  • Upgrade two nice apartments to one star and build a boxy apartment.
  • By now your cinema should have the required number of customers. If that’s not the case, purchase houses until you have reached that goal.
  • Place some hedges and ponds to reach an appearance of 400 to complete the level.
  • Note: Return later on and build three three-star estates to collect a pool ball.

Level 24

  • Required super blueprint buildings: Seaport, Observatory, Ski Resort, Airport, and Museum of Archeology.
  • Important: This level is rather easy as long as you fulfill upcoming offers and purchase houses that are for sale cheaply. Always have some money saved for both of these cases.
  • Remove some palms to free a lot.
  • Build two nice apartments (A and B) and sell them.
  • Build another nice apartment on a premium lot (C) and upgrade it once.
  • Ideally you will get an order for a two-star nice apartment. Upgrade the nice apartment to the second star and collect the money (otherwise, fulfill whichever order comes along).
  • Build a market and a nice apartment on the other premium lot.
  • Build the celebrity trailer marked in black.
  • Build a megamall.
  • Build an office block.
  • Whenever possible buy cheap houses and immediately sell them for full price.
  • Build a third nice apartment to complete the level.
  • Note: Return later on and build one two-star boxy apartment to collect a pool ball.

Level 25

  • Required super blueprint buildings: Seaport, Observatory, Ski Resort, Airport, Museum of Archeology, Concert Hall, Movie Studio, Bridge, Stadium, and Hotel.
  • Build a nice apartment (D) and sell it.
  • Fulfill any special request that comes along.
  • Build another nice apartment (E), a megamall and an office block.
  • Remove some palm trees and sign posts to free some lots.
  • Fulfill upcoming orders and buy and sell cheaply offered houses to accumulate some money.
  • Build a restaurant and the cheapest celebrity trailer.
  • Build a cinema and another nice apartment.
  • Remove more palm trees.
  • If possible buy the nice apartment (F) when it’s offered cheaply, sell one of your other nice apartments.
  • Build the remaining two celebrity trailers.
  • Upgrade the megamall to one star and build a villa on the premium lot (G).
  • Upgrade both the megamall and the villa to two stars.
  • Place some celebrity stars next to all of your commercial buildings.
  • Fulfill any special requests if possible.
  • Upgrade both the villa and the megamall to three stars.
  • Purchase and upgrade buildings until you reach the required amount of income to complete the level.
  • Note: Return later on and build two three-star nice apartments to collect a pool ball. Return a second time and build three two-star palazzos to collect another pool ball.

Level 26

  • Required super blueprint buildings: Seaport, Observatory, Ski Resort, Airport, and Museum of Archeology.
  • Build the palazzo according to the in-game instructions.
  • Build a grocery store and two celebrity trailers marked in black.
  • Build a small office. Purchase cheaply offered houses and immediately sell them full price to accumulate some money.
  • Build a nice apartment (A).
  • Upgrade both the grocery store and the small office. Place some celebrity stars next to them to boost their capacity.
  • Build a restaurant and a cinema.
  • Continue to buy cheap houses and sell them.
  • Build the celebrity trailer marked in purple.
  • Upgrade both the restaurant and the cinema to three stars.
  • Build an office block and upgrade it to three stars.
  • Build a diner and purchase one or two houses.
  • Remove some palm trees and build a megamall (B) to complete the level.
  • Note: Return later on and build two two-star villas to collect a pool ball.

Level 27

  • Required super blueprint buildings: Seaport, Observatory, Ski Resort, Airport, and Museum of Archeology.
  • Buy and sell a house offered cheaply immediately.
  • Build a nice apartment (C) and sell it.
  • Fulfill the first offer and immediately sell the related house.
  • Start the construction of the country club.
  • Build a palazzo, a grocery store and an office block.
  • Purchase houses for a cheapened price and sell them full price as usual.
  • Build a nice apartment (D) and upgrade the grocery store.
  • Build a megamall and upgrade the nice apartment.
  • Fulfill any upcoming special order.
  • Add materials to the worksite twice.
  • Demolish the grocery store and build a restaurant.
  • Purchase the nice apartment (E) as soon as it is up for a cheap price.
  • Upgrade both nice apartments and the palazzo to two stars.
  • Add materials to the worksite twice.
  • Remove some palm trees and build another nice apartment (F).
  • Upgrade the new nice apartment and the office block to two stars.
  • Upgrade all three nice apartments and the palazzo to three stars.
  • Add another worker to the worksite and wait for the construction of the country club to be finished to complete the level.

Level 28

  • Required super blueprint buildings: Seaport, Observatory, Ski Resort, Airport, Museum of Archeology, Concert Hall, and Movie Studio.
  • Wait until a house comes up for sale cheaply – buy and sell it.
  • Build a cheap condo (G) and sell it.
  • Build a palazzo on a premium lot (H).
  • Build a grocery store and remove some trash to free space.
  • Buy and resell houses that are offered cheaply, fulfill offers that come along early on.
  • Build a cheap condo on a premium lot (I) and build an office block.
  • Build a restaurant and a megamall.
  • Keep buying and selling houses that are offered cheap.
  • Remove the large sign post and build a palazzo.
  • Build a third palazzo and focus on upgrading all three palazzos to three stars.
  • Buy and sell houses to earn the required money.
  • When the palazzos are finished buy any house and demolish it.
  • Install enough fountains and plant hedges to reach 500 appearance points to complete the level.
  • Note: Return later on and build two three-star nice apartments to collect a Chinese coin. Return a second time and build a three-star cheap condo to collect a second Chinese coin.

Level 29

  • Seaport, Observatory, Ski Resort, Airport, Museum of Archeology, Concert Hall, and Movie Studio.
  • Wait for a house offered cheaply before you do anything.
  • Buy and immediately sell this house. Fulfill the first order that appears.
  • Build a megamall and a cheap condo on a premium lot (J).
  • Build an office block.
  • Continually fulfill orders and buy/sell houses offered cheaply.
  • Remove some bushes and palm trees to free space.
  • Build a cheap condo on the second premium lot (K).
  • Build a restaurant and install a bus stop next to it.
  • Continue to fulfill orders and sell the related house afterward.
  • Upgrade the restaurant and build a high-rise office.
  • Upgrade the restaurant to three stars and demolish the office block.
  • Install two bus stops near any commercial building.
  • Build a cheap condo and a cinema.
  • Purchase houses until you reach the required numbers of workers for the high-rise office to complete the level.
  • Note: Return later on and build a three-star cheap condo to collect a Chinese coin. Return a second time and build one one-star nice condo to collect a Chinese coin.

Level 30

  • Required super blueprint buildings: Seaport, Observatory, Ski Resort, Airport, Museum of Archeology, Concert Hall, Movie Studio, Bridge, Stadium, and Hotel.
  • Buy and sell a house offered cheaply.
  • Build a palazzo and sell it. Build a nice apartment on a premium lot (L).
  • Remove some trash, trees and sign posts.
  • Fulfill upcoming orders, especially related to nice apartments and cheap condos. In that way, you basically build them for free.
  • Keep buying and selling cheaply offered houses when possible.
  • Build a cheap condo on a premium lot (M).
  • Build a megamall. Build a restaurant and a high-rise office.
  • Build another nice apartment (N) and upgrade your other nice apartment to two stars.
  • Build a third nice apartment (O).
  • Build a cinema and place three bus stops next to your commercial buildings.
  • Keep buying and selling cheaply offered houses and fulfilling orders (if they suit your current activities).
  • Upgrade all three nice apartments to three stars.
  • Upgrade all four commercial buildings to one star. Build two more cheap condos.
  • Keep upgrading and buying buildings until you reach the required amount of income to complete the level.

Chapter IX: Levels 31 – 40

Level 31

  • Required super blueprint buildings: Seaport, Observatory, Ski Resort, Airport, Museum of Archeology, Concert Hall, Movie Studio, Bridge, Stadium, and Hotel.
  • Don’t do anything until a house comes up for sale cheaply – buy and sell it.
  • Build a cheap condo (P) and sell it.
  • Remove trash from the streets and close the gap within the street marked in purple.
  • Keep buying and selling cheaply offered houses and fulfill the first two upcoming orders.
  • Build a cheap condo on a premium lot (Q) and a megamall.
  • Keep buying and selling cheaply offered houses.
  • Build a high-rise office.
  • Repair two estates and one town house.
  • Sell one estate and one town house.
  • Repair and sell another town house.
  • Build a cheap condo on a premium lot (R).
  • Sell the other estate and repair all three bungalows.
  • Demolish three bungalows and build a restaurant.
  • Repair the cinema (S).
  • Build a third cheap condo on the remaining premium lot (T).
  • Keep buying and selling cheaply offered houses and fulfilling orders if possible.
  • Upgrade three cheap condos and the restaurant to one star.
  • Install bus stops next to all of your commercial buildings.
  • Upgrade the cinema and fulfill one more upcoming order if it suits your current building space and activities.
  • Upgrade all three cheap condos to two stars.
  • Upgrade three cheap condos to three stars; keep fulfilling orders if you still need money.
  • Install fountains until you reach an appearance of 600 to complete the level.
  • Note: Return later on and build three two-star nice apartments to collect a Chinese coin.

Level 32

  • Required super blueprint buildings: Seaport, Observatory, Ski Resort, Airport, Museum of Archeology, Concert Hall, Movie Studio, Bridge, Stadium, and Hotel.
  • Don’t do anything until a house comes up for sale cheaply – buy and sell it.
  • Build a cheap condo (U) and sell it.
  • Remove trees, sign posts and trash to free lots.
  • When you have accumulated enough money build a nice condo (V) and sell it.
  • Build a megamall; keep buying and selling cheaply offered houses.
  • Build another nice condo (W), a high-rise office and a restaurant.
  • Fulfill the next upcoming order.
  • Buy the nice town house on the upper right-hand corner when it is up for sale cheaply and then demolish it. Build a second restaurant in its place.
  • Keep buying and selling cheaply offered houses and fulfill orders if possible.
  • Remove trees if there are any remaining.
  • Build another nice condo (X) and upgrade the high-rise office to one star.
  • Place bus stops next to all your commercial buildings and upgrade a nice condo to one star.
  • Build a cinema and add some celebrity stars next to your commercial buildings.
  • Upgrade a nice condo to a second star.
  • Buy some houses and keep them.
  • Upgrade both restaurants to three stars.
  • Keep purchasing and upgrading buildings until you have reached $500,000 income to complete the level.
  • Note: Return later on and build two three-star cheap condos to collect a Chinese coin.

Level 33

  • Required super blueprint buildings: Seaport, Observatory, Ski Resort, Airport, Museum of Archeology, Concert Hall, Movie Studio, Bridge, Stadium, and Hotel.
  • Don’t do anything until a house goes up for sale cheaply – buy and sell it.
  • Remove some sign posts and trash.
  • Build a palazzo on a premium lot (B) and a megamall.
  • Fulfill any upcoming orders if possible and keep buying and selling houses offered cheaply.
  • Build a high-rise office and a nice condo on a premium lot (C).
  • Upgrade the palazzo to one star and build a restaurant.
  • Build a fast food bar and demolish the restaurant afterward.
  • Upgrade the palazzo to two stars and remove some trees.
  • Keep buying and selling houses offered cheaply. Only fulfill orders that suit your goals from now on.
  • Upgrade the nice condo to one star and build a second nice condo.
  • Upgrade the palazzo to three stars to complete the level.
  • Note: Return later on and build two three-star cheap condos to collect a Chinese coin.

Level 34

  • Don’t do anything until a house comes up for sale cheaply – immediately buy and sell it.
  • Start the construction of the Chinese restaurant.
  • Remove trees to free space, especially the premium lots.
  • Always buy cheaply offered houses and sell them full price. Also try to fulfill requests that come along whenever it is possible.
  • Build a cheap condo (A) and sell it.
  • Build a megamall and a nice condo on a premium lot (B).
  • Build a high rise office. Keep fulfilling orders and buying cheaply offered houses.
  • Add materials to the worksite.
  • Build a second nice condo on a premium lot (C).
  • Keep buying and selling cheaply offered houses, you need a lot of money.
  • Add materials to the worksite.
  • Build a fast food bar and add materials to the worksite.
  • Remove the street and the trees in the lower corner and add materials to the worksite.
  • Build a third nice condo (D).
  • Now the level becomes very straightforward. The construction of the Chinese restaurant will be completed quickly.
  • Build a cinema and buy every house that comes up for sale.
  • Keep upgrading houses and other buildings until your income reaches $600,000 to complete the level.

Level 35

  • Required super blueprint buildings: Seaport, Observatory, Ski Resort, Airport, Museum of Archeology, Concert Hall, Movie Studio, Bridge, and Stadium.
  • Don’t do anything until a house comes up for sale cheaply. Buy and sell it immediately.
  • Build a cheap condo (E) and sell it.
  • Remove trees and sign posts to free some lots.
  • Fulfill offers and buy and sell cheaply offered houses to accumulate some money.
  • Build a nice condo (F).
  • Keep buying and selling cheaply offered houses, you will earn a lot of money quickly this way.
  • Build another nice condo (G).
  • Remove more sign posts and trash.
  • Install a few fountains to keep a positive appearance.
  • Build a fast food bar and a cinema.
  • When you have earned enough money build a luxurious condo (H).
  • Place the subway marked in purple.
  • Upgrade both your nice condos to three stars to complete the level.
  • Note: Return later on and build three three-star cheap condos to collect a poker chip. Return another time and build one three-star luxurious condo to collect a second poker chip.

Level 36

  • Required super blueprint buildings: Seaport, Observatory, Ski Resort, Airport, Museum of Archeology, Concert Hall, Movie Studio, Bridge, Stadium, and Hotel.
  • Don’t do anything until a house comes up for sale cheaply – buy and sell it.
  • Build a nice condo (I) and sell it.
  • Remove some trash to free lots.
  • Keep buying and selling cheaply offered houses and fulfill orders if possible.
  • Build a nice condo on a premium lot (J) and a megamall.
  • It is still important right now to buy and sell cheaply offered houses while also fulfilling upcoming orders – you need a lot of money initially.
  • Build a high-rise office.
  • Build a luxurious condo on a premium lot (K).
  • Build a subway station marked in black.
  • Build a fast food bar.
  • Keep buying and selling cheaply offered houses.
  • Build a fitness center and upgrade it to one star.
  • Build another luxurious condo on the remaining premium lot (L).
  • Build a second subway station marked in purple.
  • Upgrade both luxurious condos to one star.
  • Add a few bus stops and celebrity stars next to your commercial buildings.
  • Purchase and upgrade buildings until you reach the required amount of income to complete the level.
  • Note: Return later on and build and build a bungalow to collect a poker chip. Return a second time and build two bungalows to gain another poker chip.

Level 37

  • Required super blueprint buildings: Seaport, Observatory, Ski Resort, Airport, Museum of Archeology, Concert Hall, Movie Studio, Bridge, and Stadium.
  • Don’t do anything until a house is offered cheaply. Buy and sell it.
  • Keep buying and selling houses offered cheaply and fulfill upcoming orders if possible.
  • Remove sign posts and trees to free lots.
  • Build a megamall and a high-rise office. Build a luxurious condo on a premium lot (A).
  • Build a fast food bar. Build a cheap condo on a premium lot (B).
  • Build another cheap condo and place a subway station.
  • Remove some more trees.
  • Build another cheap condo.
  • Build another megamall.
  • Upgrade all three cheap condos and the luxurious condo to a star.
  • Install some more fountains and upgrade three cheap condos and a luxurious condo to three stars.
  • Install more fountains until you reach an appearance of 1,000 to complete the level.
  • Note: Return later on and build three one-star luxurious condos to collect a poker chip. Return a second time and build two three-star luxurious condos to collect a second poker chip.

Level 38

  • Required super blueprint buildings: Seaport, Observatory, Ski Resort, Airport, Museum of Archeology, Concert Hall, Movie Studio, Bridge, Stadium, and Hotel.
  • Don’t do anything until a house comes up for sale cheaply – buy and sell it.
  • Focus on fulfilling orders and buying and selling cheaply offered houses in the beginning.
  • Remove some trash and sign posts to free a few lots.
  • Accumulate around $1,000,000 quickly, then build a nice condo (C) and a megamall.
  • Build a high-rise office and a second nice condo (D), while also still buying and selling cheaply offered houses.
  • Build a fast food bar and a subway station marked in black.
  • Fulfill any upcoming order if possible.
  • Build a fitness center and a third nice condo (E).
  • Upgrade all three nice condos to one star and build a second subway station marked in purple.
  • Build a luxurious condo and upgrade all four commercial buildings to one star.
  • Build a megamall and another luxurious condo.
  • Upgrade both luxurious condos to one star and place some bus stops and celebrity stars next to your commercial buildings.
  • Upgrade both luxurious condos to a second star.
  • Build a third luxurious condo.
  • Upgrade all three nice condos to three stars and install some fountains.
  • Upgrade the third luxurious condo to two stars.
  • Build another high-rise office.
  • Purchase and upgrade buildings until you reach the required amount of income to complete the level.
  • Note: Return later on and build a bungalow to collect a poker chip. Return a second time and build two bungalows to gain another poker chip.

Level 39

  • Required super blueprint buildings: Seaport, Observatory, Ski Resort, Airport, Museum of Archeology, Concert Hall, Movie Studio, Bridge, and Stadium.
  • Don’t do anything until a house is offered cheaply. Buy and sell it.
  • Build a nice condo and sell it.
  • Build another nice condo (A).
  • Now it is important to fulfill upcoming offers and to buy and sell houses offered cheaply.
  • Build a megamall and a high-rise office.
  • Build a cheap condo and a fast food bar.
  • Build another cheap condo and purchase a nice condo when one is offered cheaply. Don’t sell that nice condo though.
  • Build a subway station (B).
  • Build a nice condo and upgrade it to one star.
  • Build a fitness center.
  • Install some fountains to keep the appearance positive.
  • Build a second megamall and buy a cheap condo when one is up for sale.
  • Upgrade all three cheap condos to one star.
  • Build a second high-rise office and upgrade all three cheap condos to a second star.
  • Place some bus stops next to your commercial buildings.
  • Upgrade a nice condo to one star and build a luxurious condo.
  • Place some celebrity stars next to your commercial buildings.
  • Install some fountains and build a second fast food bar.
  • Upgrade three cheap condos, three nice condos and one luxurious condo to three stars to complete the level. While you are doing so you can also upgrade some commercial buildings to avoid dissatisfaction.
  • Note: Return later on and build three three-star luxurious condos to collect a poker chip. Return a second time and build a bungalow to collect another poker chip.

Level 40

  • Required super blueprint buildings: Seaport, Observatory, Ski Resort, Airport, Museum of Archeology, Concert Hall, Movie Studio, Bridge, and Stadium.
  • This level is very slow in the beginning and requires some patience, but gets easier along the way.
  • You will receive money transfers from all the friends you have made throughout the game. When you receive your first money transfer build and sell a villa.
  • Remove trash and sign posts to free some lots.
  • Build another villa and sell it.
  • Fulfill the first order that appears. Collect the money and sell the related house afterward.
  • From now on buy and sell houses that are offered cheaply when you can afford it.
  • Build and sell a cheap condo (C).
  • Fulfill another order and start construction of the grand hotel (D).
  • Keep fulfilling orders and buying and selling houses which are offered for cheap.
  • Build a nice condo (E), a megamall and high-rise office.
  • When you have accumulated around $700,000 add materials to the worksite three times.
  • Build another nice condo and a fast food bar.
  • Build a fitness center and add materials to the worksite.
  • Keep fulfilling orders and buying and selling houses that are offered cheaply.
  • Add materials to the worksite twice.
  • Build a subway station marked in purple.
  • Upgrade the megamall to two stars.
  • Upgrade fitness center and high-rise office to one star.
  • Add the remaining materials and the maximum number of workers to the worksite.
  • The level will be paused as soon as the construction of the grand hotel is finished.
  • When the level continues, immediately start the reconstruction of the grand hotel and add all the required materials.
  • Install some fountains.
  • Add a worker to the worksite whenever you can afford it.
  • Wait for the construction to be finished to complete the level.
  • Congratulations, you have completed Be Richest!

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