Exercises in English. examples of receptive, reproductive and productive types of exercise

In order not to miss new useful materials,

Exercises ( exercises) in English language - this is the main way of consolidating the learned information and repeating what was previously passed. We will definitely work out the whole theory in exercises, since it is the repeated use of certain rules in practice that gives its positive result, leaving in our memory information about the English language.

Exercises in English can check how well you remember; how easily a person navigates; how quickly he is able to think logically and form certain phrases and expressions, etc. There are many areas of application of exercises in English. Accordingly, the exercises can be completely different, depending on what function they perform and what result they are aimed at. Even if you decide to teach or enroll in courses, the teacher will definitely ask you exercises to consolidate the material or check the level of knowledge.

Ten or fifteen years ago, we studied English using textbooks of our own production, that is, those published in our country by our authors and publishers. In other words, people who have learned English have learned pedagogy and teaching methods. The material in the textbooks was presented in the state language, be it Russian or Ukrainian.

Currently, almost all English language teaching, with the exception of some schools, is based on English-language training courses developed and published by foreign publishers, for example, such world famous Oxford and Cambridge... All information in such textbooks is presented in English, not only exercises, but also tasks ( instructions) to these exercises. And this fact confuses those who only do not have a vocabulary base in order to understand what exactly is required to be done in this English exercise. I hasten to rejoice: exercises in English are of the same type, therefore, having studied certain vocabulary, memorizing some types of tasks, you can easily perform any exercise in English from any source, if, of course, your level of language proficiency allows you.

English exercises: sample assignments

What tasks can you find in exercises in English? And what words do you need to remember in order to understand what is required of you in this or that case? As an example, take the textbook of the now popular English course. New English File, let's open it up and look at the English exercises on several pages. Here are some tasks you can meet:

  1. Listen and read. Number the pictures. - Listen and read. Number. (This can be in audio recordings, after listening to which, you must determine which picture illustrates each dialogue)
  2. Write the words in the chart. - Enter the words in the table. (Words are usually listed below, and there are several columns in the table).
  3. Copy the rhythm. - Repeat and rhythm.
  4. Complete the sentences with… - Complete the sentences by inserting the indicated words.
  5. Underline ... in these words / sentences. - Underline ... in these words, sentences.
  6. Repeat the dialogues. - Repeat dialogues.
  7. Roleplay the dialogues. - Play out dialogues.
  8. Explain the highlighted word. - Explain the meaning of the highlighted word.
  9. Look at the photos. In pairs, ask and answer the questions. - Look at the photos. Practice the questions in pairs. (First one asks, the other answers, and vice versa).
  10. Match the words and pictures. - Choose a suitable picture for the word (match them).
  11. Circle the correct answer. - Circle the correct answer. (This can be audio recordings, after listening to which, you choose the appropriate option. Or just a question and several answers, one of which is correct).
  12. Answer the questions. - Answer the questions.
  13. Put ... in the correct order. - Put ... in the right order (sequence). (This is either a set of words from which you need to make a sentence, or a list of events that need to be numbered, depending on what happened and when).
  14. Correct the following words / sentences. Find mistakes in these words / sentences. - Correct the following words, sentences. (Find errors).
  15. Fill in the gaps in these sentences (with suitable ...) - Fill in the blanks in these proposals (using suitable ...)
  16. Find a word in the diagram above that fits each definition. - For each definition, find the appropriate word in the diagram above.
  17. Choose a word from the box below to match each definition. - For each definition, select the appropriate word from the box below.
  18. Write a sentence using each of these words. - Write sentences using these words.
  19. Describe ... - Describe ...
  20. Work with a dictionary. - Work with.
  21. Translate these words / sentences. - Translate these words, sentences.
  22. Tick - Check the box.
  23. Cross out - Cross out.
  24. Cross - Mark with a cross.
  25. Cover the text - Close the text. (And reproduce everything that is written there. Memory training).

Here are the basic typical English exercise assignments that you can find in any curriculum. Now you will not feel at a loss, and complete the exercise without problems.

If you find an error, please select a piece of text and press Ctrl + Enter.

  • Frontal poll Is one of the traditional, hackneyed methods. Minus - loss of precious time, negative emotions of students. Plus - keeps the class in good shape.
  • Plush poll - the teacher needs to bring a soft toy with him. A kind of frontal survey, but is perceived more emotionally by children. The teacher, pronouncing a word on the topic, throws the toy to one of the students, who must return it, naming the translation. You can use a ball instead of a toy.
  • Dictation - it won't take much time if everything is thought out. Allows you to quickly identify gaps in spelling and problems with memorizing new vocabulary. The essence of the exercise: the teacher reads out words in a foreign language to the students, the students must write them down correctly. You can also give words in Russian, and the students will have to write down their translation.
  • Tests - a more serious type of control. Tests can be alternative, multiple choice, or matching. Read on.
  • Computer tests and online services - well suited for creating tests and monitoring the understanding of the acquired vocabulary. For example, a test may contain tasks for multiple choice, for establishing correspondences, for restoring a sequence, for filling in the gaps, a crossword puzzle. Students need a computer to complete these tasks. The teacher can immediately follow the completion of assignments, evaluate the work, identify those points that turned out to be the most problematic for the students.
  • Vocabulary relay - one participant from two teams run out to the board, write on it a word in a foreign language on a specific topic, pass the chalk to the next one. The game lasts for several minutes, it can be used in the lesson instead of the usual charging. The team that wrote the most words wins. You can hide command entries from each other, for example, so that they write them from different sides of the board. In the vocabulary relay, the spelling of words is also checked.
  • The last word - a competition between two teams, where representatives of the teams take turns to name words on the topic. Similar to the previous method, but here the teams call words at a calm pace, and do not run out to the board.
  • Chamomile - the teacher prepares a chamomile in advance on the topic: in the center he writes down the topic of the lesson, and on the petals, at the bottom, the words in Russian or foreign languages. Students take turns tearing off a petal, turning it over, reading and naming the translation of the word. You can make disposable chamomile, or you can attach the petals with tape, then the chamomile can be used in several classes.
  • Tic tac toe - every time you can draw a field for playing on the board, or you can make a reusable one on a Whatman paper, stock up on cards with crosses and toes. The cards are attached to the Whatman paper with adhesive tape. The class is divided into two teams. The teams take turns calling the words on the topic, representatives from the teams attach their team's badge (cross or zero) in the field.
  • Dominoes - each detail of a domino consists of two parts - one is a word in a foreign language, the other is a translation of the next word (or a picture). For example: a cat / dog, a dog / cow, a cow / horse, etc.
  • Lotto - there are many design options. Here is one of them. Pupils are given cards with numbered fields filled with Russian words (or pictures). The presenter takes out the kegs from the bag, names the numbers. The one whose figure sounded calls his word in Russian and its translation in a foreign language.
  • Mosaic - made on two sheets. On one of them a picture is printed, on its back is a table, in the cells of which there are words in Russian. A table with translations of words into a foreign language is printed on another sheet. Both tables and picture must be exactly the same size. The sheet with the picture and the table is cut into parts along the borders of the table fields. Children are given parts of the picture, they must read the word on the back and put it over the cell with the correct translation. If all the translations are given correctly, then the children will see the correctly assembled picture.
  • Rebus- the task to come up with your own puzzles can be given as a home. And at the next lesson, ask the children to exchange works and solve the received puzzles. In order to avoid misunderstandings, it is better for the teacher to check and correct the assignments invented by the students.
  • Crosswords - you can give a task to come up with. The easiest option is just a word in Russian or a picture meaning a hidden word in the task. A more difficult option (suitable for high school students with a high level of language proficiency) - they independently come up with the wording of the tasks. In the lesson - exchange of crosswords, solving.
  • Disappeared letters - a written task to check the memorization of the graphic image of the learned words. The student must fill in the missing letters. For example: h__lth (health), sw_m_ing p__l (swimming pool). The same task can be given to students as an oral warm-up work in the form of a presentation.
  • A comment - the teacher prepares flashcards with images on the topic. Students write words on cards (or in notebooks by card numbers). Easy level - students write translation and associations, difficult - give a commentary from one or more sentences.
  • Find a match - the task on the cards. The words are divided into two columns. It is necessary to connect the word and its translation with lines. The same activity can be done together with the class, demonstrating either an interactive presentation, a textbook supplement, or a training disc.
  • Treasure chest - it can be a decorated box, or a box made in the form of a pirate chest (will interest children). In the role of treasures - pieces of paper rolled into a tube with words written in Russian on them. The student takes out the "treasure" and names the corresponding word in a foreign language.
  • Confusion - compose a word from confused letters, a task to check the memorization of a graphic image of the vocabulary. For example: tsdtien (dentist), geurson (surgeon).
  • Make a word- the teacher gives a long word or sets of syllables, of which the children will have to make up a maximum of other words in a certain time. Such a task can be given at home.
  • Guess! - the presenter thinks of a word on the topic. The players guess it by the first letter. And also an option like "Field of Dreams"... It can also be carried out in the form of an interactive game.
  • Checkout from the blackboard / textbook is aimed at the primary check of memorization of the graphic image of the new vocabulary. You can complicate the task by limiting the execution time.
  • Lost words- sentences are given in a foreign language with gaps and a list of words mixed. Students should read the sentences and insert words from the blank list. For example: If you have a toothache you should visit the ______ (dentist).
  • Corrector - find and correct spelling errors in the original text or word list. For example: He leaves in a small village. You should cross out "ea" in the word leaves, correct it to "i".
  • Third wheel - find something superfluous in a number of words and delete it. For example: river, mountain, sea (mountain is superfluous).
  • Search for words - a field, usually in the form of a square, filled with letters. Words "hidden" by the topic can be searched horizontally, vertically, diagonally, they can also be connected by a broken line. An example of a row from such a field is pigrbwkcow (the words pig, cow are hidden). Read on.
  • Cards with words on the topic are distributed to the participants. The task of the presenter is to find out what word each player got: "Have you got a ...?" Leaders can change. Participants are allowed to give hints (in a foreign language).
  • Wrong picture - by showing the picture, the teacher (or presenter) deliberately gives the wrong name to the depicted object. The task of the participants is to recognize the error and give the correct answer.
  • A circle - students, standing in a circle, receive cards with pictures that mean words on the topic. The teacher says a couple of words. For example: "a house - a flat". Whose words were spoken are reversed.
  • Chairs -. There is one chair at the blackboard for the "correct answers" and another for the "wrong" ones. The teacher shows a picture, calls a word. If it matches the picture shown, representatives from both teams must sit on a chair for correct answers (who is ahead). If the named word does not match the picture, the opponents rush to the chair for incorrect answers.
  • Computer games, interactive presentations - the simplest interactive game can be done with Microsoft Power Point using and. See also .

Types of control and types of tasks for checking vocabulary

When and how the described types of tasks can be used to control vocabulary acquisition in foreign language lessons, is presented in the table.

Control types




Intermediate (thematic)

The final

by function

in form


Tests, Dictation.

Computer game, Puzzles, Crosswords,

Tests, dictation,

Missing letters, Commentary,

Find a match


Control cheating,

Lost words


Third wheel,

Search for words.

Computer game, Rebus,


Tests, Dictation,

Disappeared letters


Completed by: Fayradian Anna Nikolaevna


Exercise 1. Read the sentences, insert the correct forms of the verb to be (is, am, are) into the correct form.

1) There ... a table in the kitchen.

3) There ... my toys in the box.

4) There… children in the garden.

5) My Mum's name ... Mandy.

6) I ... painting a picture.

Students read sentences and explain their choices.

Task 2. Read the words in each row and cross out the extra word. Explain your choice

. 1.a car, a boat, a sheep, a plane

2 brown, white, bright, red

3.lesson, pen, eraser, book

4.room, floor, kitchen, hall.

5. Mike had a great party ... his birthday.

Assignment 1. Fill in the blanks, where necessary, with appropriate prepositions at, on, in, over, under, behind, next to.

: He works out ... the morning every day. - He works out in the morning every day.

1. We had holidays ... July.

2. ... the 25th of March I met my future wife.

3. ... last year they had a baby.

4. I should be there ... 6 p.m.

5. Mike had a great party ... his birthday

Task 3. Fill in the blanks some / any

1. There is __________ juice in the cup.

2. Is there __________ money in your pocket?

3. There aren’t _________ old trees in the park.

4. We haven’t got _________ small pets.

5. There is ___________ some meat in the soup

Exercise 1Say that you would like to see the same in London.

Teacher: I want to see museums, galleries.

Pupil:… I want to see museum too.

Teacher: I want to visit Hyde Park, Big Ben.

Pupil:…: I want to visit Hyde Park, Big Ben too.

Teacher: I want to see cinemas, parks.

Pupil:…: I want to see cinemas, parks too.

Teacher: I would like to see Westminster Abbey, the Tower of London and Trafalgar Square.


Assignment 2: look at these items and tell me what does who have and what does not?

Task 3. Read the questions and answer them

1Do you like painting a picture? 2) Do you like swimming?

3) What do you like doing?

4What are you doing now?

Task 4 Put a question to the highlighted words:

    There are two pens on the table.

    There is a carpet on the floor.

    There are ten trees in the garden.

    There is a blackboard in the classroom.


Exercise 1.Tell about Anna's affairs using phrases.

1. Yesterday Ann was preparing for her birthday all day long. Say what she was doing all this time and why she was tired.
To bake cookies, to wash the floor, to do the shopping, tojuice dinner, etc.

Task 2. Review the reproduction and describe it.

Prospective answer:

This is a portrait of a girl with peach painted by Serov. She sits in the light verandah at the table. All around is very beautiful - the nature, the bright day, the flowers in vase.

The picture is painted with warm paints- rosy, green, tender blue .

Task 3. Read the beginning of the story and complete it by telling what Tom, Mr. and Mrs. Buller are doing, and come up with a title in the resulting story.

Today is Saturday. The Ballers are in the Park. There is Mr. Baller and Ms. Baller, daughter July, son Tom and their dog Sam. July is playing with her dog. Tom…. ...

Prospective answer:

Tom is flying a kite with some boys. Ms. Baller is eating an ice-cream. Mr... Baller is riding a bike.

Task 4. Guess an animal and describe without naming it (other students should guess the animal, name it and show it in the picture).

Types. Types of English exercises

Shcherbak E. N.

Systematic exercise is the first and foremost basis for their success, and the lack of this systematicity is the main reason why numerous and long-term exercises give very poor results. (K.D. Ushinsky)

The success of training can only be guaranteed by a rational system of exercises. The system of exercises is understood as such a set of necessary types, types and varieties of exercises performed in such a sequence and in such a quantity that take into account the patterns of formation of skills in various types of speech activity in their interaction and ensure the highest level of mastery of a foreign language in given conditions.

The problem of the system of exercises is one of the most significant issues in the methodology of teaching foreign languages. Of the domestic methodologists, the first who paid special attention to the development of the theory of the system of exercises was Professor I.A. Georgian. She distinguishes between the following four types of exercises: phonetic and spelling, grammar, vocabulary, exercises in the creation of active skills. This system does not have productive exercises, which negatively affects the formation of students' speech abilities, namely: their minimum ability to independently coherent statements in a foreign language does not develop.

A similar system is being built by P.B. Gurvich. For him, it consists of formal, formal-meaningful, meaningful-formal and meaningful exercises. According to P.B. Gurvich, dialogical beliefs are the main type of work on the development of unprepared speech. For this reason, in his opinion, dialogue exercises should be applied from the very beginning of training. The preparatory stage of the formulation of remarks under the guidance of the teacher gives way to more free group communication. He presented a classification of dialogue by types of dialogically functional units, which reflects speech reality in all its diversity. But it pays considerable attention to aspects of the language. Such systems are considered traditional. They provide for a step-by-step, sequential study of language material. At the present stage of development of methodological science, these statements are questioned. Theory and practice show that the development of speech thinking does not occur in the process of increasing linguistic difficulties, but in the conditions of solving complex mental problems.

I.V. Rakhmanov presented a description of a system of exercises for the development of oral speech. He distinguishes between exercises for the assimilation of language material and exercises for the development of oral speech, i.e. language and speech, reproductive and receptive exercises. For the first time I.V. Rakhmanov gave a reasoned typology of exercises. But exercises of a mechanical nature prevail in it. Such exercises are uneconomical in time and are devoid of interest for most students. In addition, you cannot learn some linguistic phenomenon in order to use it later.

R.K. Minyar-Beloruchev identifies the following exercises: introductory, introductory and training (repetition), introductory and search (students find and combine a new language phenomenon themselves), training (repetition of speech actions and operations, as well as language material after becoming familiar with them), training search (characterized by the following tasks: "In the gaps, put an indefinite article or preposition ...", "Finish phrases using expressions ...", "Remake phrases, replacing direct speech with indirect", etc.), .) The author uses, in addition to exercises of a mechanical nature, exercises with reflexes of play, freedom and exploration. Such a training system is aimed at the practical mastery of a foreign language, but still does not completely bring the desired effect in learning, since exercises of a reproductive nature prevail in it.

In the 70-80s. the methodology of teaching foreign languages \u200b\u200bis characterized by a steady tendency towards the speech orientation of the entire educational process. This tendency stimulates interest in the problem of exercises in terms of their communicative value. The essence of the problem was to give the very process of training and automation of linguistic material and free expressions a speech character. Exercises that could embody this principle were called conditional speech and speech (P.B. Gurvich, B.A.Lapidus, E.I. Passov, S.F.Shatilov, etc.).

B.A. Lapidus argues that the system of exercises should consist of the following two types: Type I  exercises for the purposeful activation of language material; Among them, the author distinguishes three groups of exercises depending on the level of activation that they can provide: purely training exercises, elementary combined exercises (performance on a given structural skeleton, statements in accordance with a request or order) and combined exercises (conversation with a given language material) ... Type II  exercises for unregulated non-guided activation of the language material in the conditions of speech practice at the highest level, i.e. when solving complex mental problems (discussions, etc.) or with a sufficiently large load on the imagination.

This approach creates conditions for increasing the effectiveness of speech level exercises. The importance of the developed system of exercises by B.A. Lapidus is also that it provides for the activation of students' thinking. This system provides for the combination of the process of purposeful activation of the language material and speech practice, giving the exercises to activate the material of a speech orientation so that students, performing these exercises, produce speech.

The exercises proposed by V.L. Skalkin, based on the principle of communicative orientation in teaching. The communication exercises proposed by him are aimed at ensuring that students master the communicative function of language. The author in his work presented an extensive system of communication exercises.

Let's take a closer look at the purpose of these exercises. Responsive exercise. Three types of exercises can be attributed to them: question-and-answer (request for information, motivation for a speech reaction), replica (statements, invitations, assessment of judgment, signal of emotional expression, etc.), conditional conversation (a kind of communicative exercises in speaking, is an educational analogue of real oral communication  free conversation Situational exercises: supplemented situations (students are invited to add, complete a description of the situation, make a conclusion, conclusion from the presented part), problem situations (the exposition contains a non-verbal task; analyzing the problem, students describe it in detail, Reproductive exercises: retelling (transmission of someone's story, short retelling of a movie, TV program, lecture, etc.), abbreviated-selective complication, retelling-translation, dramatization (impromptu retelling of a dialogical or monologue text by two or three students Descriptive exercises: description of elementary images, op Study of plot plots, description of statistical plots, description of real objects. Discussion exercises: educational discussion and commenting. Compositional exercises: a story based on a finished plot, a story based on a proposed topic, a story based on suggested proverbs and catchphrases, a story based on a student's own topic. Initiative exercises: students' questions, press conference, composition of dialogues with emphasis on initiative responses.

Reproductive exercises: imitative (they put in the learner's memory the language forms presented by the teacher), dialogue patterns (improving speech based on previously learned samples), dramatization (mastering speech structures based on establishing direct connections with a specific situation), substitutional (based on substitution lexical units into the structure of any grammatical form), transformation (modification of lexical and grammatical forms), reproduction (reproduction of the forms that were mastered in the previous exercises in students' cues).

Productive exercises: tasks requiring analysis, conclusion; guessing tasks, tasks requiring determination of cause and effect, tasks requiring comparisons; tasks that require imagination; tasks, with the installation to assess the facts of the content; tasks, with omitted semantic links, problem-role-playing games. At the present stage, personality-oriented education is becoming the leading pedagogical trend in our country. Proceeding from the focus on the personality, on the development of the linguistic personality, the activity basis of teaching the subject is brought to the fore. This means that traditional frontal work, in which the teacher is verbal and active only if asked, is being reduced in favor of independent, group and collective forms of learning. The effectiveness of verbal communication depends on the ability of students to influence each other, to use speech statements adequately to communication tasks.

List of references

1. Galskova, N.D. Modern methods of teaching foreign languages \u200b\u200b/ N.D. Galskova // M .: ARKTI, 2000.  165 p.

2. Rakhmanov, I.V. The problem of receptive and reproductive mastery of a foreign language at school / I.V. Rakhmanov // M .: higher school, 1954.  84 p.

3. Skalkin, V.A. Basics of teaching oral foreign language speech / V.A. Skalkin // M .: Education, 1981.  154 p.

    Receptive exercises .

I. Choose the one word out.

II. Complete the story with a , an , the where necessary.

1. I don’t like …… coffee.

a) a b) the c) -

2. What is …… weather like today?

a) a b) the c) -

3. He doesn’t play …… football.

a) a b) the c) -

4. We have …… lot of work to do.

a) a b) the c) -

5. I bought …… beautiful dress yesterday.

a) a b) the c) -

III. Make up tag questions.

1. It's a sunny morning,

2. Kate is lying in bed now,

b) doesn’t he?

3. They don’t help to cook dinner,

4. Oleg likes to watch TV,

5. Mike spoke to his granny yesterday,

    Reproductive exercise.

I. Make up questions from the words and answer them.

    today, like, What, the, is, weather?

    was, the weather, yesterday, What, like?

    your, What, favorite, is, weather?

    do, wear, What, warm, clothes, you, in weather?

    favorite, of, type, What, clothes, is, your?

    you, What, did, wear, yesterday?

    wear, What, will, you, tomorrow?

    often, you, clothes, buy, How, do?

II. Look at the picture. Read the story and open the brackets.

1. Mrs Green and her children …… (to be) at home.

2.They usually …… (to have) lunch at 1 o'clock.

3. Polly …… (to choose) cereals in the cupboard.

4. Nelly …… (to take) juice from the fridge.

5. Sam and Vicky …… (to eat) a cake on the floor.

6. Dick …… (to look) into the microwave oven.

7. Mrs Green …… (drink) tea.

8. They ……. (have) got a dog.

9. The dog …… (have) lunch too.

10. The kitchen …… (be) in a mess.

III. Complete the sentences with suitable forms of the words in capital letters.

    Miss Betsy is a ……………… swimmer. ( FAME)

    She’s going to swim across the ……………… Channel on the 25 th of May. ( ENGLAND)

    She’s planning to leave the coast of her ……………… ..early in the morning. ( MOTHER)

    She hopes to arrive at some place near Calais, a town in …………… ..France, in fifteen hours after the start. ( NORTH)

    Her friends and family will be waiting for her …………… on the French coast. ( ANXIETY)

3. Productive exercise.

I. Find out what your partner is going to / isn’t going to do this weekend. Use these ideas. You can use your own ideas as well.

do homework

play the piano

book tickets for cinema

shop for clothes

buy a birthday present

go skiing

have dinner with friends

visit his / her grandparents

II .Look at the map of London. Imagine that you are showing London to your friends. Tell about the places you want to show them.

III. Your friend asked you to wait for him / her. But you are in a hurry. Write him / her a message (50 words) explaining the situation, write down why you can’t do what he / she asked you to.


Receptive exercises

Exercise 1

Using the indefinite article:

Enter uncertain article:

Table, ____ apple, ____ pen, ____pencil, ____elephant, ____ girl, ____ boy, ____ orange, ____ cat, ____flat, ____umbrella, ____engineer, ____teacher, ____ iron, ____ car, ____ owl, ____ doctor, ____ room, ____ desk, ____ sofa, ____ window, ____ aunt, ____ uncle, ____ wolf, ____ evening, ____ tree, ____ flower, ____ eagle, ____ exercise, ____ chair, ____ plane.

Assignment 2

Comparison of adjectives


Short, long, silly, busy, big, rich, poor, nice, clever, pretty, shy, fine, sweet.

Form comparative and superlative adjectives.

Talented, sensitive, successful, unpleasant, comfortable, complicated, honourable, interesting, beautiful, difficult.

Assignment 3

Using a verbtobe inPresentSimple

Insert verb to bein Present Simple.

1.I ... a pupil. 2. My father ... not a teacher, he ... a scientist. 3. ... your aunt a doctor?. - Yes, she ... 4. ... they at home? - No, they ... not at home, they ... at work. 5. My brother ... a worker. He ... at work. 6. ... you an engineer? - Yes, I .... 7. ... your sister a typist? - No, she ... not a typist, she ... a student. 8. ... your brother at school? - Yes, he ... 9. ... your sister at school? - No, she ... not at school. 10. My sister ... at home 11. ... this your watch? - Yes, it .... 12. She ... an actress.13. This ... my bag. 14. My uncle ... an office worker. 15. He ... at work.

Reproductive exercise

Exercise 1.

Say that you would like to see the same in….

Teacher: I want to go to Moscow

Disciple: I want to go to ...

Teacher: I want to see museums, galleries

Disciple: I want to see….

Teacher: I want to visit The Red Square.

Disciple: I want to visit ...

Teacher: I like playing football in my free time

Disciple: I like playing ... computer games in my free time.

Teacher: My sister likes cooking in her free time

Disciple: My ... brother likes ... fishing in his free time

Task 2.

Look at these items and tell me what who has and what does not?

I have got a ...

My friend has got a ...

Assignment 3

Read the dialogue. Make a dialogue with your partner by analogy.


Hi! I'm Pavel. And you are ...?
- I'm Nina.
- How are you, Nina?
- Good, thanks.
- Where are you from?
- I'm from Britain. How about you? Where are you from?

And I'm from Australia. Nice to meet you, Nina.
- Nice to meet you.

"In a clothing store".

Assistant: Good morning, ma "am. How can I help you?

Customer: I "m looking for a pair of jeans. Where can I find them?

Assistant: They are over there, ma "am. Which size do you wear?

Customer: I usually buy either small or medium.

Assistant: I see. And what color do you prefer: dark blue, black or light blue?

Customer: I "d like to find dark blue jeans without any decorative elements.

Those over there look pretty to me.

Assistant: They come only in small size. Would you like to try them on?

Customer: Yes, please. Where is the fitting-room?

Assistant: Follow me, ma "am. I" ll show you.

Customer: Thank you.

Assistant: How are they? Do you need a larger size?

Customer: No, I don "t. They are perfect on me. I" ll take them. I also need a nice T-shirt to go with them. Do you have any?

Assistant: Yes, of course. We have lots of T-shirts of your size. What color do you want?

Customer: White or beige would be great.

Assistant: Here, try this one on and tell me if you like it.

Customer: Yes, it "s wonderful, thank you. I" ll take the T-shirt too.

Do you accept credit cards?

Assistant: Yes, we certainly do, ma "am.

Customer: How much should I pay?

Cashier: It "s 85 pounds, ma" am.

Customer: Here you go.

Cashier: Thanks, ma "am. Have a good day!

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