Fox English project. Fox story in English
















Look at the picture.

Look at the picture.

You can see a fox sitting on its 4 paws in the snow.

You can see the fox sitting on ( her) 4 paws in the snow.

It has two black eyes and nose.

She has two black eyes and a nose.

It has an elongated muzzle.

She has an elongated muzzle.

Its ears are pricked.

Her ears stick out ( sticking outup).

Its whiskers are black and sticking around.

Her mustache is black and sticking out ( sticking outon both sides).

Its body is red with a big white spot in the middle.

His body redheads with a large white spot in the middle.

It has a bushy tail.

She has a fluffy tail.

It has retractable claws.

It has retractable claws.

It looks cute but it might be dangerous.

She looks cute but she may be dangerous.

Foxes are predatory animals.

Foxes are predatory animals.

They eat other animals.

They eat other animals.

General information about the fox:

Look at the picture. You can see a fox sitting on its 4 paws in the snow. Foxes are omnivorous (1) mammals that belong to Canidae family.

The fox has triangular face, dark pricked ears, black eyes and elongated muzzle. Its whiskers are black the body is red and the lower (2) part of the face and the chest are white. It has a bushy (3) tail. It also has large ear pavilion (4) - locators, using which they can catch sounds of preys (5) and catch them. Unlike (6) most members of the family Canidae, foxes have partially (7) retractable claws.

The color and size of foxes vary from place to place the northern foxes live the larger and brighter they become. Southern foxes are smaller and darker. The length of its body (without tail) can reach up to 90 cm. The length of the tail is up to 60 cm. The body weight can reach up to 10 kg.

Summer fur is much rarer (8) and shorter than the winter fur. That's why in summer foxes can look a little scruffy (9) .

The main part of foxes' food is small rodents (10) although they also eat many different plants.

Foxes dig holes or occupy empty holes of badgers (11) , marmots (12) , arctic foxes (13) and other animals that also live in dens (14) .

Like the wolf, the fox belongs to monogamous animals. Foxes are good parents. Males take an active part in the upbringing (15) of the offspring, and also take care of the females even before the appearance of the young foxes.

Foxes usually have up to 12 cubs (16) that look like wolves' ones but differ in white tip on their tails.

In the wild, foxes rarely live more than seven years but in captivity, they can live up to 20-25 years.


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Vocabulary(use flashcards for words that are difficult to remember):

omnivorous [ɑːmˈnɪvərəs]


lower [ˈLoʊər]



fluffy, shaggy




prey, victim

unlike [ˌɅnˈlaɪk]


partially [ˈPɑːrʃəli]




scruffy [ˈSkrʌfi]

sloppy, dirty

rodent [ˈRəʊd (ə) nt]


badger [ˈBædʒər]


marmot [ˈMɑːrmət]


arctic fox [ˈⱭːrktɪk fɑːks]

arctic fox



upbringing [ˈɅpbrɪŋɪŋ]




A fox is one of the most cunning, agile and wary wild animals. It hunts mainly in the daytime, but can easily chase after a prey at night. Thе red predator has an ability to see in low light conditions. And its flexible ears catch the slightest rustle made by a hare or a mouse.

To run away from the fox is not a simple task for a small rodent. This experienced hunter is very swift. Sometimes it moves at a speed up to 48 kilometers per hour. A fox's bushy tail became a symbol of hunting luck.

It is well-known that foxes are close relatives of dogs and wolves. But red cheaters also bear traits of cats. They can draw in their claws. Besides foxes have vertical pupils while other dogs have round ones. But a gray fox keeps the greatest resemblance to cats. It's the only one fox able to climb trees.

The fox is one of the most cunning, dexterous and careful wild animals. It mainly hunts during the day, but can easily chase prey at night. The redhead predator is able to see in low light conditions. And her flexible ears catch the slightest rustle made by a hare or a mouse.

Running away from the fox is not an easy task for a small rodent. This experienced hunter is very agile. Sometimes she moves at speeds up to 48 km / h. Lush fox tail has become a symbol of hunting luck.

It is well known that foxes are close relatives of dogs and wolves. But red-haired liars also have cat features. They know how to retract their claws. They also have vertical pupils while other dogs have round pupils. But most of all the gray fox resembles cats. This is the only fox that can climb trees.

How to write a short story about my favorite animal? It's very simple. In this article, you will find several examples of such stories about both pets and wild animals from the forest. You yourself can compose any such story using a simple scheme: first you name this animal, then describe its appearance, which is characteristic of it (for example, long ears, short tail, beautiful fur, smart eyes - everything that seems characteristic to you this animal).

Then describe a little of his habits, what it knows how to do, how it helps people, or how you care for it, how this animal plays, where it lives, what is its favorite food, and so on. At the end, you can write a small conclusion about why you like this animal. The main thing that you may need is a stock of adjectives about animals, the ability to use verbs in, and you can check the spelling of your essay for free on the website:

Animal stories:

My favorite animal is a dog (dog)

My favorite pet is my dog. His name is Larry. He is white with a bit of brown. He has long fur and a short tail. He is very cute and funny. When he hears my voice his tail is wagging. He likes eating meat, cakes and even chocolate. He lives in our house. All my family likes to play with him. Larry loves to run in the fields. He often follows me around the house with a small ball in his teeth and drops it on my foot, so I will kick it. Larry takes care of me. If someone approaches me, he starts to bark. But he never bites. All these reasons show why I really love my wonderful dog Larry.

My favorite pet is my dog. His name is Larry. It is mostly white in color with a bit of brown. He has long hair and a short tail. He is very cute and funny. When he hears my voice, his tail waves friendly. He loves to eat meat and cakes. He lives in our house. My whole family loves to play with him. Larry loves to run in the fields. He often runs after me all over the house with a small ball in his teeth and lowers it on my leg so that I can kick it. Larry takes care of me. If someone comes up to me, he starts barking. But he never bites. All of these reasons show why I really love my wonderful dog Larry.

My favorite animal is a cat (cat)

My favorite pet is my little cat. Its name is Musya. Her color is white, gray and a little reddish. She has very sharp teeth and yellow eyes. I take care of my cat. She has soft fluffy fur. She cleans it by her selves, but I also keep her neat and clean. I feed Musya healthy dry food and milk, but she also likes fish and meat. She is playful. Sometimes she is scratching me with her claws. Musya likes to go out in our garden where she eats some grass and climbs a tree. Sometimes she catches mice or birds. I like playing with my cat very much.

My favorite pet is my little cat. Her name is Musya. It is white with gray and reddish. She has very sharp teeth and yellow eyes. I take care of my cat. She has soft fluffy fur. She cleans it herself, but I also keep it clean and tidy. I feed Musya healthy dry food and milk, but she also loves fish and meat. She is playful. She sometimes scratches me with her claws. Musya loves to walk outside in our garden, where she eats grass, climbs a tree. Sometimes she catches mice or birds. I really enjoy playing with my cat.

My favorite animal is a horse

My favorite animal is a horse. Its name is Mila. Its color is brown. She is very tall and strong. Her teeth are very big and her tail is bushy and long. Horses are very useful. Mila lives on a farm and she helps farmers in their work. She likes eating grass, hay, apples, carrots and bread. Mila runs very fast. She is very friendly. I love to feed her, to take care of her, and I love riding her.

My favorite animal is horse. Her name is Mila. She is Brown. She is very tall and strong. Her teeth are very large and her tail is fluffy and long. Horses are very helpful. Mila lives on the farm and she helps the farmers in their work. She loves to eat grass, hay, apples, carrots and bread. Mila runs very fast. She is very friendly. I love to feed her, take care of her, and I love to ride her.

More little stories about my favorite animal

Hedgehog - Hedgehog

My favorite animal is hedgehog. He has sharp needles all over his back. It can curl up into a ball. He can climb trees and swim in water. He loves to eat beetles and dig in the ground in search of earthworms. He uses his nose to find food.

The hedgehog sleeps under stones and in tall grass. He has short legs and a short tail. He doesn't like winter. Winter is too cold for hedgehogs, so they curl up and go to sleep. After a few months they wake up and they are very hungry!

Fox - Fox

My favorite animal is the fox. They look like dogs. They have triangular ears and a long and fluffy tail. The fox has reddish fur and a pointed muzzle.

At night, they love to catch mice and rabbits. They also eat fruits and vegetables. They live in the forest. Sometimes they go to farms to hunt chicken. Farmers don't like foxes.

There are many tales of the fox. The fox is cunning and careful. I love them because they are very beautiful.

Monkey - Monkey

My favorite animal is monkey. Monkeys have five fingers and five toes, just like humans. They have long arms and a long tail.

The monkey lives in the trees in the rainforest. It is very hot in the rainforest. They swing with great pleasure on the branches.

They love to chew on fruits and leaves. Bananas are their favorite food. A group of monkeys is called a flock. Monkeys are very intelligent animals.

Penguin - Penguin

My favorite animal is the penguin. It is a type of bird, but it cannot fly. He waddles.
They have black and white feathers. They have black and orange beaks and black webbed feet. Penguins are good swimmers. They can jump out of the water. They live in a very cold place called Antarctica.

There is a lot of ice and the water is very cold. Penguins have a lot of body fat to keep them warm. They eat seafood, preferably fish and squid. They can lie on their stomach and slide in the snow. I love penguins because they are so cute and wonderful.

Dolphin - Dolphin

My favorite animal is the dolphin. Dolphins live in the ocean. Dolphins have a long tail and a large fin at the top. Their skin is gray and white and they have no hair.

They can swim very quickly and jump out of the water. They are very smart. There are many species of dolphins. You can find them in all the oceans of the planet.

They eat fish and seafood. They can play. They can make sounds. Some dolphin species can hold their breath for up to 30 minutes. Dolphins can sleep with one eye open. Dolphins are very nice and friendly and can sometimes save lives.

Parrot - Parrot

My favorite bird is parrot. The parrot is a very beautiful and intelligent bird. He lives in warm countries. Its color is green, yellow, blue and red. It has a strong and curved beak. He eats grains, fruits, leaves, seeds, pears, nuts, and boiled rice. It can also eat worms and other insects. He washes himself every morning.

Some parrots can talk and whistle. They can imitate the human voice. Some people keep parrots in a small cage at home. Some people train parrots to do amazing things.
I love parrots because they are very beautiful, intelligent and can learn to do a lot of things.

Hamster - Hamster

My favorite animal is a hamster. He has a small body, a very short tail, mustache, sharp teeth and red eyes. The hamster looks like a mouse. Hamsters love to eat seeds, vegetables, fruits, and nuts. The color of the hamsters is black, gray, honey, white, brown, yellow, red or mixed.

Hamsters are cute and smart. They usually sleep during the day and play at night. They carry food in their cheeks and this doubles their head. It is very funny. The hamster is playful. He loves to exercise, so you have to place the game wheel in the cage. I like hamsters because they are very cute and funny.

Fish - Fish

I have a goldfish and his name is Minor. He lives in a large aquarium. Minor has big black eyes and chubby cheeks. He has a long tail that helps him swim very quickly. At night he sleeps in a hole in a large stone. He's probably having very pleasant fish dreams!

Minor loves to eat fish food. I feed him twice a day. Minor is a very greedy fish because he loves a lot of food. His stomach looks like he's about to burst, but he never stops eating.

I love my goldfish because he is calm and quiet, easy to take care of, and very funny. This is why my cute goldfish is my favorite pet. I absolutely adore it.

Cow - Cow

My Dawn, like all cows, has a tail, two horns, an udder, and four legs with hooves. It is black in color with large white spots on the sides. Dawn hums loudly. In the summer, Zorka grazes in the meadow all day, and in the evening she goes home by herself, and I follow her, but in winter she remains in the stall. She mainly eats grass and drinks water. We also give her some vegetables and bread.

In winter, she eats hay and straw. There is always a large lump of salt in the stall in the corner and Dawn can lick it whenever she wants. Dawn chews all the time.

She is a friendly and intelligent cow. Dawn gives us milk, and her milk is delicious. My mother milked her twice a day. Dawn is curious and calm, but she can be frightened if someone wants to touch her. We make butter and cream from Zorka's milk. I love playing with my beloved Dawn, stroking her and giving her tidbits. She snorts funny and tries to lick my nose.

Mouse - Mouse

Molly is very small, with short brown fur and a white belly. She has rounded ears, a pointed nose with a curly mustache, beautiful black eyes, and a long tail. Molly is a very clean animal that constantly takes care of itself by licking its fur.

I toss shredded paper and fabrics into her cage so she can have a comfortable bed. My Molly rips the tissues and makes a huge nest in the middle of which she sleeps, which is very cute.
I love her and give her the best food and care. I clean her cage every 3 weeks, give her mouse food every day. She also loves fresh vegetables, seeds, cheese, fruits, and grain bars from pet stores.

Whenever I give her food, she squeaks back, "thanks!" and eats it. Most of all, she loves seeds.

She does a lot of exercise, sits on my arm when I stretch her into the cage and loves to be held. Molly is tame and sweet.

Mice are wonderful pets if you're willing to take the time to play with and tame them.
I love mice because they are all unique, playful and loving animals.

Turtle - Turtle

My favorite animal is Sonya the turtle because it is cute and easy to keep as a pet. The turtle has claws, but it is a tame animal that does not harm anyone. This reptile also has a thick, hard shell to protect itself. She uses her four plump paws to crawl. The turtle is known as a never rushing animal.

Sonya loves me, and she slowly follows me around the house. She finds me and lies on her back, waiting to be tickled. I tickle her, pick her up and take out some food. The turtle is basically a vegetarian animal. It feeds on plants and sometimes worms. Sonya loves cheese and I always feed her with it.

Sonya also loves to play with small balls, I roll them 30 cm, and she follows them and tries to move the ball with her paws.

Some people love cats or puppies as pets, but I would definitely prefer a turtle because it has a long life. She can live for over 150 years.

Fox-gossipWanted Vulpecula eat honey. All she caruncle one eats, and sweet-then and there. - Go to - he says - the bees, perhaps, pohozyaynichat.Came to the apiary, so yes it is a hive of udobnenko before sat down and put my leg back to get Medcom. And the bees did not like: how they fly out of the hive as a fox attack! .. Oh, how she would rush from the apiary! Runs, only turns the nose so the bees complains.- Oh, my God! what honey Honey and bees Well what bitter! Ran home. The whole face was swollen, lies. Lay-lay, thought and thought, and honey so anxious. - I’ll go - he says - to bear. I'll ask him to live in his honey a lot. Comes.- Brer Bear, and what I tell you? And he only hums. A fox: - Do not urchi you so scared, brother bear, but I still scared ... Let’s live together, I’ll be your hostess for.- Come on! - Said the bear. So they began to live together. The bear will go to production, will govyadinki - and yourself enough and chanterelles. And all of the honey like. - Go let go, old man, an apiary, bring honey! Nothing to do, bring honey bear, two whole hive fetched. - Here, - he says - one that we may eat, and the other for the winter hide. Spruce-fir and after a while all the honey and eaten. The other hive was hidden in the attic. Bear in no hurry, and very much want Vulpecula. Thought and thought, how would it eat from the second hive. Would have gone, but the bear immediately ask - why so much. Here she is, and knock-knock tail on the wall. Bear asked: - What’s that knocking? - Yes it is knocking, I was invited to the godfathers.- Come and go, while I sleep. She went straight to the attic, and besides, the hive, and ate as they wanted. Then he returned. Bear woke up: - Well, as your godson named? - Yes Pochinochkom. - What a wonderful name! - Yeah, what a priest gave. What is there to wonderful! - Well, well.Again the next day and is a knock-knock on the wall of the tail.Bear asked: - What is the knocking? - Yes, it's my godfathers invited.- Well, go, and I'll sleep. She went back to the hive, and there was little left. Returns, and the bear woke up and asked: - Well, as your godson named? - Yes middle. A bear: - Here are the Well at your godchildren all wonderful names! A fox: - What are you, old man, come up with? How can that be wonderful, if there is a saint Sereda. - Maybe it's true, - said Bear. On the third day, again it is a knock-knock and a tail on the wall. A bear: - Who knocks so knocking? - Yes, it's my name Kum. - Oh, how often you call godfathers! - Said the bear. - Uh, man, because I love the people something. - Well, go! Went, ate all the honey, and even hives overturned and licked. Then he ran, fell and lay. Bear asked: - Well, as your godson name? - But how? Turn yes lick. - On-off, but that name is also in the world did not happen! - What are you, starichina, invent? You pop did you know? - Well, let it be on your way! That’s a little later the bear and said: - And so it is time to eat and Medcom! Climbed up to the attic, and empty hive. - Fox-sister, is that you ate? - No, not me! - No, you! - Yes, that I may not live for yesterday, if I ate! - Liar, foxy , you're not baptized godchildren, and honey-do list. Now I’ll eat you! And to her, and she of him in the woods, and ran away. I hope this is what)

The fox made friends with the crane. The fox once had a notion to treat the crane to dinner and went to invite him to her house.
"Come godfather! Come dear! How I" ll entertain you! "
The crain went to the dinner party. The fox had cooked farina cereal and spread it over a plate. She served it and urged.
"Eat, my friend-godfather, I cooked it myself."

The fox made friends with the crane. Once the fox decided to treat the crane and went to invite him to visit her.
-Come Kumanek! Come dear! How will I treat you!
The crane is going to a banquet. And the fox boiled semolina and spread it on a plate. Served and treated.
-Eat, my darling-kumanek! She cooked herself.

The crane went peck-peck with his bill, knocked and knocked, but got nothing. Meanwhile, the fox licked and licked the cereal until she had eaten it all.
The cereal eaten, the fox said,
"Don" t be offended dear godfather. There is nothing more to offer you. "
"Thank you, godmother for that. Come to visit me."
The next day the fox went, and
the crane made cold soup.

The crane bangs, bangs, bangs, bangs, nothing hits. And the fox at this time licks herself and licks porridge, so she ate it all herself.
The porridge is eaten; fox says:
-Do not blame me, dear godfather. There is nothing more to regale.
-Thanks, godfather, and on this one. Come to visit me.
The next day the fox comes, and the crane cooked okroshka.

He poured it into a pitcher with a narrow neck and put it on the table. He said,
"Eat godmother. Truly, there" s nothing more offer you. "
The fox began to spin around the pitcher. She approached it one way, then another. She licked it and sniffed it, but couldn "t get anything. Her head wouldn" t fit into the pitcher.
Mean-while the crane sucked and sucked until he had eaten everything up.

He poured it into a jug with a narrow neck, put it on the table and said:
-Eat, gossip. Really, there is nothing more to regale.
The fox began to spin around the jug. So he will come in and that way, and lick it, and smell it, nothing will get it. The head does not go into the jug.
Meanwhile, the crane pecks at itself and pecks until it has eaten everything.

"Don" t be offended godmother. There "s nothing more to offer you."
The fox was annoyed, having thought she would eat for the whole week. She went home having gotten nothing.
It was tit for tat! From that moment on, the friendship between fox and crane was over.

Well, don't blame me, godfather. There is nothing else to treat.
The fox took annoyance, thought that she would eat up for a whole week. The fox came home hungry.
As it came back to haunt, and responded! Since then, the fox's friendship with the crane has been apart.

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