Vanga's predictions over the years - what will happen to us in the future? Forecast from Vanga for the year.

How about your life and fate, and about the fate of an entire country or even all of humanity. The New Year is just around the corner, so let's look into tomorrow and consider the prophecies of the great clairvoyant Vanga for 2017.

Vangelia Pandeeva was born in the small town of Petrich (Bulgaria) back in 1911, exactly on January 31st. Young Vanga did not differ in anything remarkable from her peers until one terrible, but fateful day. Once Vangelia was caught by a terrible tornado that lifted the girl above the ground.

Overnight, as a result of a meeting with the raging elements, young Vanga lost her sight, but gained, as it turned out later, the gift of foresight. The seer lost the ability of physical touch, having received in return a truly valuable thing - clairvoyance. Like a film, Vanga “scrolled” phenomena, images and events that came into the mind of a woman with bright flashes. She could both look into the future and see the distant past.

The greatest clairvoyant Vanga left our mortal world at the age of 85 on August 10, 1996, leaving behind many predictions and prophecies.

Vanga's predictions for the whole world for 2017

The famous Bulgarian clairvoyant during her lifetime predicted huge trials for the world, in which, oddly enough, the people themselves would be guilty. Large-scale bloody wars with the use of terrible weapons of mass destruction, disease outbreaks, monstrous disasters and, as a result of all this, the deterioration of the ecology on the planet. Vanga argued that all the troubles that happened would be our fault, and we ourselves would suffer from them.

To be specific, predictions for 2017 indicate that this year a terrible war will begin that will engulf the whole world. In addition, the deepest economic crisis will reign in all countries, which will develop into outright famine.

Social skirmishes and armed clashes will flare up everywhere. Moreover, in some countries the bloodshed will be very short-lived, in others - long and exhausting. People will be like animals with their intoxicating love for the sight of blood, cruelty will no longer horrify them, but only push them to new atrocities, murders and violence.

Quite disappointing prophecies for 2017 from a blind seer. We all need to prepare for terrible events. According to her, at first people will believe that they are fighting for a just cause, for justice, but very soon they will start fighting, no matter how trite, for food. This will also add the most terrible and terrible fanatical idea, because of which blood has been shed like a river for thousands of years - the religious strife of the people.

2017 will be fatal, there will be neither peace nor stability in the world. Only legends will circulate about justice, since it itself will go into oblivion. And not the one who is honest and smart will be right, but the one who is stronger and more cunning, the one who will be able to take everything and even more from his neighbor.

“Traditional power will disappear. There will be a struggle for power. The greed of the people will go to cities and fields. As if the animals will start to tear and throw, and this will affect the future.

We should all listen to Vanga's words and think - where are we going? What abyss is mankind striding into, and perhaps it is time to draw conclusions?

Predictions of the great Vanga for Russia - what awaits the Russians

Undoubtedly, the blind soothsayer loved Russia, because in her prophecies she always spoke positively about our state, foreshadowing a bright and great future for Russia. Vanga's predictions for 2017 assign our country a major role in saving the whole world.

The famous soothsayer Vanga prophesies Russia in the 21st century with extraordinary spiritual strength and great economic power, which will give hope to our whole world and bring spiritual rebirth throughout the planet. According to the Bulgarian clairvoyant, in 2017 the greatest union of the Slavs is coming under the powerful wing of a renewed Russia.

“Russia will again become a great empire, first of all, an empire of the spirit”

Among other things, Vanga predicted an extremely beneficial alliance between Russia and China and India. And, as leading political scientists note, trends towards this event are already emerging.

Vangelia always emphasized in her predictions that Russia would wake up from a dream, reject everything discrediting and negative, and fame would go about her as a superpower. In general, if you believe the prophecies of the famous clairvoyant, then Russia is destined for the fate of a great and powerful state, the purpose of which will be to subjugate the whole world to itself.

Moreover, it will not look like a cruel conquest or rude submission and the imposition of one's interests, by no means, no. It will be a voluntary and respectful recognition of the superiority of Russia and the willing observance of subordination by other countries.

“Everything will melt like ice, only one thing will remain untouched - the glory of Vladimir, the glory of Russia ... She will sweep everything out of her way and not only survive, but also become the ruler of the world”

The grandiose fateful changes are already approaching. They will find their response literally in everything and promise a great change in the geopolitical map of the world.

Prophecies of the outstanding clairvoyant Vanga, which did not come true

Despite the fact that the famous Bulgarian soothsayer clearly saw both the past and the future and gave very accurate predictions, sometimes her words did not come true or, perhaps, were misinterpreted. For example, in 2010, the Third War, fortunately, never started. True, this does not mean at all that it will not begin in the near future.

As for Russia and Vanga's predictions for 2017 regarding our country, let's hope that all the good things that the great clairvoyant spoke about will come true, and all the bad will bypass us and our state.

People have always been worried, frightened and extremely interested in their future. It is understandable. Who is not curious to open the invisible veil of secrecy and look, even with one eye, into the future? Man is so arranged that he needs to know everything in advance.

For the first time, Vanga the prophetess was talked about during the Second World War. The Bulgarian clairvoyant helped find lost soldiers and told desperate mothers about the fate of their children. During her long life - she died at the age of 85 - Vanga predicted many different and contradictory events. Some of her predictions came true, and some, on the contrary, turned out to be empty. However, disputes about the reliability of the words of the prophetess are still ongoing. The same applies to Vanga's predictions for 2017.

Are Vanga's prophecies true?

Biographers of Vanga, nee Vangelia Dimitrova, claim that her ability to predict and heal was discovered at a young age - 12 years old - and this happened after tragic events. The hurricane picked up Vanga and carried her away from the village, to which she was returning with her friends from a walk. The misfortune deprived the girl of sight, but opened the gift - to predict the future.

They say that Vanga was often wrong and only half of her prophecies came true, because in fact she guessed events from life, drawing general conclusions. According to another version, the words of Vanga herself were misinterpreted, and therefore it turns out that her prophecies will not come true, or they did not come true as she predicted.

Due to the fact that Vanga saw images, and not exact dates and events, it is difficult to determine what Vanga's prediction about 2017 is, because there are no specifics in the visions. However, much of what she said during her lifetime came true after her death.

Vanga's predictions for 2017: what awaits the planet?

As already mentioned, many of Vanga's predictions did not come true exactly or at a different time, so it is naive to say that the prophecies relate specifically to 2017. But at the same time, they can be attributed to the beginning of the twenty-first century, which the seer spoke about. So she called a number of key events in the future, the prerequisites for which have already begun to appear:

  • The Third World War will begin with and it is there that the main conflict will break out on religious grounds: the Muslim world will collide with the Christian one. The veracity of this prophecy is evidenced by the repeated explosions that have thundered on the territory of many European countries.
  • During the war, very dangerous, destructive weapons will be used, some countries will be deserted for many decades. Vanga talks about nuclear bombs, the biggest fear of her contemporaries. And it is precisely this fact that does not allow us to believe in her words to the end. After all, she predicted the beginning of such a war as early as 2010.
  • The war, which began as a struggle for a just cause, will turn into a struggle for survival, food and salvation. Many associate this prophecy with the conflicts in the east.

Not a single prediction of Vanga for 2017 has survived, speaking literally about such negative events, because she herself did not write them down, and the judgments and records of other people are subjective, and therefore they have even less faith than the seer herself.

Vanga's predictions for 2017: what awaits Russia

And among all the chaos that Vanga predicted for the whole world, the prediction for Russia, her beloved country, stands out strikingly.

The Bulgarian clairvoyant said that the future of the world is in the hands, because it is there that a new world leader will be born. And it is Russia that is destined to lead other countries out of the economic crisis. She argued that a country that is accustomed to problems in the economy will quickly and easily endure the global crisis and be able to overcome it with friendly countries.

This will become a prerequisite for recognizing Russia as a superpower. That will lead to the strengthening of its position in the world.

Also, Vanga's predictions for 2016-2017 concerned many political unions. So, she prophesied the unification of Russia with China and India, as well as Belarus. In her words, they even found a promise to restore the USSR: they say that the countries will recognize Russia as the head and will themselves want to return under its “wing”.

The seer said that people born in this country in the 21st century will endure a lot of suffering and will be brave and strong in spirit, and this will be the basis of a new society, a new Russia.

Today, Vanga's predictions for 2017 can be read both in numerous books and on the Internet. However, few people can distinguish the real words of the prophetess from the fictions and fakes that the media is teeming with. And although speculation by a famous name is not new, it is up to you to decide whether to believe in predictions or not.

Vanga. Photo:

Next year will be turbulent and many bad things will happen.

One of the most famous seers in the world, Vanga, foresaw many events of the 21st century. She made a forecast for 2017. According to her vision of the future, next year will be a year of economic crises associated with hostilities, famine, a general decline in the economy and living standards on Earth. The website writes about this.

Russia Vanga for 2017 prophesies a new war, which will be able to destroy many. Initially, a struggle for power will break out, but over time it will all develop into a struggle for food - as in many countries in 2017 a hunger strike will begin. People will forget about what justice and law are, and those who are stronger will win in an unequal struggle. But the qualities acquired at this time will help Russia get up from its knees, as many people will develop strong personal qualities that will be useful to them in the future.

Vanga also said that in 2017 there will be religious conflicts that will not subside for several years in a row.

Vanga prophesied that by the beginning of 2017 Europe would be dying, because due to numerous wars, people would die on the borders of different countries. Initially, Vanga said that the first country to become empty would be Libya. But, due to today's changes, Syria will become an empty country by 2017 - and the great clairvoyant spoke about this.

The beginning of the Third World War will begin precisely in the countries of Europe, since many countries will suffer due to the conflict in the Middle East. Europeans will fight Muslims, nuclear weapons will be used in the fight, which will destroy the whole world.

As for the fate of Ukraine, Vanga predicted that stupid people would destroy it (although she did not name the country). As long as they can keep the crowd interested in their empty words, they can control it as they please. However, time will pass and the people, who received nothing from the revolution but pain and negative changes, will call the authorities to account. The future Ukrainian leader will come from the people, a unique person who will devote all his time and energy to the restoration of the country's economy and completely revise the principle of governance.

Starting in 2017, Ukraine will begin the restoration, resurrection and construction of a new state, in which there will be no place for murders and blood feuds.

Vanga's global forecast for 2017 for Ukraine notes that the country's example will become a textbook and save other states from a similar scenario.


  • 2008 - Assassination attempt on four heads of government. Conflict in Hindustan. This will be one of the causes of the third world war.
  • 2010 - The beginning of the third world war. The war will begin in November 2010 and end in October 2014. It will start as a conventional one, then nuclear and then chemical weapons will be used first.
  • 2011 - As a result of radioactive fallout, neither animals nor vegetation will remain in the Northern Hemisphere. The Muslims would then launch chemical warfare against the surviving Europeans.
  • 2014 - Most people will suffer from ulcers, skin cancer and other skin diseases (a consequence of chemical warfare).
  • 2016 - Europe is almost deserted.
  • 2018 - China becomes the new world power. Developing countries are turning from exploited to exploiters.
  • 2023 - Earth's orbit will change slightly.
  • 2025 - Europe is still sparsely populated.
  • 2028 - Creation of a new energy source (probably a controlled thermonuclear reaction). Hunger is gradually overcome. A manned spacecraft is launched to Venus.
  • 2033 - Polar ice is melting. The level of the World Ocean is rising.
  • 2043 - The world economy is booming. Muslims rule Europe.
  • 2046 - Any organs are grown. Organ replacement is becoming one of the best treatments.
  • 2066 - During the attack on Muslim Rome, the United States uses a new type of weapon - climate. Sharp cooling.
  • 2076 - Classless society (communism).
  • 2088 - A new disease - aging in a few seconds.
  • 2097 - Rapid aging is defeated.
  • 2100 - An artificial Sun illuminates the dark side of the Earth.
  • 2111 - People become cyborgs (living robots).
  • 2125 - Hungary will receive signals from space.
  • 2130 - Underwater colonies (with the help of alien advice).
  • 2164 - Animals are turned into demi-humans.
  • 2167 - New religion.
  • 2183 - A colony on Mars becomes a nuclear power and demands independence from Earth (as the US did from England).
  • 2187 - It will be possible to stop the eruption of two large volcanoes.
  • 2196 - Complete mixture of Asians and Europeans.
  • 2201 - Thermonuclear processes slow down on the Sun. It's getting cold.
  • 2221 - In search of extraterrestrial life, humanity comes into contact with something terrible.
  • 2256 - A spaceship brought a new terrible disease to Earth.
  • 2262 - The orbits of the planets gradually change. Mars is threatened by a comet.
  • 2273 - Mixing of yellow, white and black races. New races.
  • 2279 - Energy from nothing (probably from vacuum or from black holes).
  • 2288 - Time travel. New contacts with aliens.
  • 2291 - The sun cools down. Attempts are being made to light it again.
  • 2296 - Powerful solar flares. The force of attraction changes. Old space stations and satellites begin to fall.
  • 2299 - In France - a partisan movement against Islam.
  • 2302 - New important laws and secrets of the Universe are discovered.
  • 2341 - Something terrible approaches the Earth from space.
  • 2354 - An accident at one of the artificial Suns causes a drought.
  • 2371 - Great famine.
  • 2378 - A new rapidly growing race.
  • 2480 - Two artificial Suns collide. Earth at dusk.
  • 3005 - War on Mars. The trajectories of the planets will be broken.
  • 3010 - A comet will ram the moon. Around the Earth is a belt of stones and dust.
  • 3797 - By this time, all life on Earth will die, but humanity will be able to lay the foundations for a new life in another star system.

Prediction, Vanga's prophecy for 2017. 2017, according to Vanga, will be a turning point in the history of all mankind. A soothsayer about 50 years ago told that by 2017 Europe will be empty. This will happen as a result of a war between the United States and a Muslim country, during which the latter, as a final argument, will use chemical weapons. Terrible diseases, blindness, ulcers, abscesses will hit the citizens of European countries, and after a while, cold empty Europe, as Vanga predicted, will be next to Russia. Vanga 2017. SHOCKING PREDICTIONS OF VANGA. WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO RUSSIA AND THE WORLD IN GENERAL. Vanga's predictions 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 It has been 16 years since Vanga died. The people to whom the seer predicted fate are still amazed at the accuracy of her foresight. The collapse of the USSR, the victory of Boris Yeltsin in the presidential elections in 1996, the death of the Kursk submarine and the September 11 attacks in the United States - she saw all this already in the 80s, but Vanga predicted a brilliant career for Philip Kirkorov. The financial crisis, the war in Syria, the chaos in Europe due to the endless flow of refugees. Incredibly, everything that we see in the news was predicted thirty years ago by the famous Bulgarian seer Vanga. How will all these events affect our country? What is the future for Russia? What did Vanga say about the third world war, what resource would the great powers fight for, and what role did the great soothsayer assign to Russia in the future of world history? Vanga is a Bulgarian woman who is credited with the gift of foresight. Born in the family of a poor Bulgarian peasant. She lived most of her life in the city of Petrich, at the junction of three borders. For the last 20 years she has received visitors in the village of Rupite. Vanga (Vangelia Pandeva Gushterova, née Dimitrova; January 31, 1911, Strumitsa, Ottoman Empire - August 11, 1996 Petrich, Bulgaria) is a Bulgarian woman who is credited with the gift of foresight. Born in the family of a poor Bulgarian peasant. She lived most of her life in the city of Petrich, at the junction of three borders (Bulgaria, Greece, the Republic of Macedonia)]. For the last twenty years she has received visitors in the village of Rupite. Topics of documentaries of our channel: 1) Distant and attractive space: video space, all the mysteries of space, and unsolved mysteries of space. 2) UFOs - unidentified flying objects, new videos about UFOs, what is the higher mind, who were the ancient aliens and where are UFOs hiding now? 3) Ancient civilizations that lived on Earth thousands of years ago. Riddles of antiquity and interesting secrets of ancient civilizations. The great mysteries of Egypt, the construction of the pyramids on the Giza plateau. 4) All the secrets of history - from ancient times to our time. The truth about ancient highly developed civilizations, Atlantis, Hyperborea and Lemuria. Secrets of the history of the 20th century - all about the Second World War, about secret societies and secret organizations. 5) Anomalous zones and anomalous phenomena. Places of power and portals to other worlds. All documentaries from the Secret Folder Channel All Playlists from the channel "Secret Folder" Subscribe to the channel "Secret Folder" Exciting and amazing documentaries are waiting for you

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