Ml uu single speech rf monitor. Regulation "Unified speech mode

United Russia has created four groups to monitor the implementation of high-profile laws. The results of this work will be presented in the form of a report to President Vladimir Putin.

Today at a press conference of the party Secretary of the General Council of United Russia, Vice Speaker of the State Duma Sergei Neverov explained that some of the laws in question are of a framework nature, including at the regional level. "These are important, high-profile documents, the passage of which in parliament caused resistance from various groups," the parliamentarian explained.

For a more thorough monitoring of the implementation of laws, the party in power created four monitoring working groups and invited experts and activists to take part in this work.

"The result will be joint reports that we will submit to our president," Neverov said. At the same time, the groups will work both at the federal and regional levels.

The Secretary of the General Council also called on United Russia candidates to take part in this monitoring. According to him, it is important for the party in power to convey to the head of state what instructions should be given to the government and regional authorities in order for all the necessary mechanisms to work.

The scope of interest of the working groups will include amendments to the law on trade aimed at supporting domestic producers, laws in the field of ecology regarding the creation of forest park green belts around large cities and metropolitan areas, as well as reforestation issues. In addition, "United Russia" intend to monitor the implementation of the law on the involvement in the turnover of unused agricultural land. "If any adjustments are needed, they will be carried out," Neverov promised.

With regard to the law on the basics of state regulation of trading activities, its adoption was not easy for the Parliament, since it had to overcome significant opposition.

To monitor the implementation of laws, the party created four monitoring working groups

"The amendments limit the growth of remuneration for retail chains to five percent of the price of food products, while before it was 10 percent. At meetings held in the regions, we are told that local producers are faced with the fact that chains are trying to circumvent these restrictions and, in fact, , leave everything in its place," Neverov explained.

According to the head of the State Duma Committee on Security and Anti-Corruption Irina Yarovaya, United Russia will conduct monitoring together with the Federal Antimonopoly Service.

"Our allies in this process are manufacturers, who find it very difficult to find a public plane and say that they are being forced to deceive," the parliamentarian said. At the same time, there is no talk of revoking the license of retail chains, but if there are "malicious violations", then the party in power will return to this issue.

The second block of laws concerns the ecology and conservation of the forest fund. "Amendments to the Forest Code also ran into rejection on the part of a number of timber merchants. They opposed, first of all, the creation of a register of unscrupulous forest tenants, those who, contrary to their obligations, are not engaged in reforestation," Neverov said. At the same time, he stressed that the norms of the law should not become an instrument of unfair competition. "In the same block, there are questions about the creation of forest park zones around our cities, the so-called" green shields, "the parliamentarian added.

Finally, another important document for many regions is the law on the inclusion of unused agricultural land in circulation. "It is important to prevent abuses, to understand the readiness of each region to conduct objective and understandable monitoring of how such lands are cultivated or not, how many such lands are in the region," Neverov concluded.

Single speech mode

One of the most important tasks of elementary school is the formation of students' speech skills. development of their thinking. Cognitive abilities.

The main work on the development of speech of younger students is carried out in the lessons of the Russian language and reading. However, in order to maintain the level of speech culture, and even more so to raise this level. We need a common front in the struggle for literacy and culture of speech in the classroom in all academic disciplines and in extracurricular work - a single speech mode.

The culture of speech is an integral part of the general culture. High literacy and culture of speech is a culture of thinking, a culture of mental work. Achieving high literacy and culture of students' speech is possible only under the condition of persistent and systematic work on the speech of students of the entire teaching staff. In this regard, each teacher is obliged to: 1) monitor his speech: the teacher's speech is a model for students; 2) carefully monitor the speech of students, achieving its logic, coherence, literary correctness; 3) require students to provide clear, if necessary, detailed answers with evidence; 4) write new words encountered when explaining educational material on the blackboard, explain their meaning, pronunciation and spelling; 5) recommend that students keep dictionaries with new words explained in the lesson.

It is quite clear that maintaining the rules of the regime is not yet a solution to the problem. In particular, it is necessary to compile lists of words - terms in all disciplines. In relation to primary classes, this may include such words, for example:

Russian language and reading

Paragraph, address, alphabet, fable, unstressed (sound, syllable), library, newspaper, vowel (sound), pronoun, unpronounceable (consonant), ending, case, saying, subject, proverb, subject, preposition, sentence, adjective, prefix , story, dividing (sign), Russian, fairy tale, predicate, dictionary, consonant (sound), declension, poem, noun, suffix, stress.


Arithmetic, Expression, Calculation, Subtraction, Division, Square, Class, Mathematics, Mass, Minute, Multiplier, Unknown, Numbering, Addition, Product, Rectangle, Difference, Distance, Second, Addendum, Addition, Sum, Table, Triangle, Multiplication, quotient, numerator.

The world

Herbarium, hygiene, globe, horizon, calendar, map, compass, cosmos, scale, mainland, microscope, neighborhood, organ, organism, landmark, posture, digestion, soil, nature, space, desert, plain, distance, stem, temperature, thermometer, tundra, excursion.

The so-called "Corner of the Russian language" plays an important role in explaining the unified regime of literate writing and the culture of speech. It provides reference material. It includes: 1) the rules of a unified speech mode (option for students); 2) requirements for oral speech

("Speak right"); 3) requirements for presentation and composition; 4) lists of words in which errors in stress are allowed (“Keep the stress”); 5) lists of words with difficult spellings (“Write correctly”); 6) samples of business papers.

Requirements for oral speech are set out as follows. The speech of a cultured person must be correct, precise, clear and pure.

1. The concept of correct speech includes literary pronunciation, correct stress, respect for word order. Correct speech is speech built according to the rules of pronunciation and grammar.

2. Speech Accuracy - this is, first of all, the correspondence of the words used in speech to its content. Exact speech is speech that most correctly expresses a thought, characterizes an object, etc. For example, to characterize a shack that is collapsing from old age, from a number of words that are close in meaning (ancient, dilapidated, old, etc.), A. Pushkin chooses the adjective dilapidated6

Our ramshackle shack

And sad and dark.

If we use another definition, for example, ancient, we will express the idea inaccurately, since the word ancient does not define what is destroyed, becomes unusable, but what belongs to the distant past.

3. Speech can beclear, if we know what we are going to talk about, and the language, i.e. we have a sufficient vocabulary and know the grammar. Clarity of speech is disturbed by the incorrect use of words, for example, prepositions (since school), their omission, the use of sentences that can be understood in two ways, etc.

4. Pure speech - this is a speech free from superfluous words: so to speak, well, what, you know, here, in general, as a matter of fact, etc.

The unity of requirements must be met by any performance of the student in the classroom, at the meeting, outside the school. It must be remembered that an oral presentation is a short essay. It should have a short introduction, a compelling main body, and a conclusion.

The main thing in oral speech, as in writing, is clarity of thought and literacy.


Worry about someone, blame something, wonder at something, confidence in something, worry about someone, blame something, surprised by something, faith in something. A pair of shoes, boots, stockings; a lot of apples, saucers, towels; but, a pair of socks, tomatoes, tomatoes, kilograms, nursery; drivers, accountants, elections, contracts; but, director, inspector, doctor; put on (what?) a coat - dress (whom?) a child, play a role - make a difference.


It's raining again. He got lucky. Prepare the bed. Are you getting off? (From the bus, wagon). Best, worst. I go, go.

Not right

It's raining back. He got lucky. Take apart the bed. Are you getting out? (Get out?). Better, worse. I go, go.

When these expressions are learned, the rubric can be updated. Words from this rubric are included in competitive dictations and spelling olympiads, knowledge of special terms is checked in the classroom.

Alphabet, indulge, was, was, gate, depot (non-cl.), mining, quarter, kilometer, case (when declining), case (cattle), coat, repeat, put, briefcase, object, chain, dash, driver, drivers , drivers, seamstress, sorrel, etc.

Additional material for the "Corner of the Russian language". The lists below are divided into two groups of words. The first group includes words that cause difficulties for students in terms of stress and pronunciation, the second group includes words with difficult spelling. In addition, within the second group, one should distinguish between words provided for by the program (they are required for assimilation. They are practiced in connection with the study and repetition of material in the classroom, and words that are not included in the program. But often found in textbooks (children get acquainted with them after school time).

Word lists are drawn up at school (in classes) in the form of wall tables - posters. This presentation of words is designed for their visual perception. However, this does not mean that the proposed lists are only "present" in the class. These words require daily work.

Words with difficult spellings are included in dictionary dictations. When several words have accumulated that can be combined into thematic groups, connected texts (essays on key words) are compiled with such words. For example with the words station. The car, the attendant, and other students can make up a story on the topic "At the station."

ATIIIIVclasses, you can offer exercises in the selection of related words, synonyms and antonyms for these words, in the formation of other parts of speech from the proposed words.

The main purpose of the proposed lists is to provide material for working on the pronunciation and spelling of difficult words.

I Class

2nd semester

Speak right: alphabet, watermelon, indulge, run, run, gate, prey, call, spark, kilometer, glue, whooping cough, kennel, climb, shop, out of spite, repeat, briefcase, belt, owners, gypsy, seamstress, chauffeur, sorrel pinch, whatnot, apple, manger.

Write correctly: inabout Rabout bey, ga zeta, de sour, forI c, helloin go toa Ra ndash, class , toabout lhoz, kabout Rand dor, toabout ditch, labout pata, ma wand per, minute, mabout labout co, Mabout squa,about clothes, pa lto, pe cash, pabout court, ra bot, russian, sa pog, sabout tank, withabout rock, te trad, tradm wow, xabout Rabout sho,uh tazh.

II Class

1st semester

Speak right: watermelon, gate, blizzard, affairs (a lot of things), satiety, lark, drought, cocoa (does not change), kilometer, glue, kennel, lie down, lie down, windows (6 windows), repeat, put, briefcase, handwriting, sheet, shell, belt, repair, back, shell, sweeter, chance, slippery, burn, glasses (5 glasses), stool, shoe.

2nd semester

Speak right: quince, watermelon, indulge, gate, in front, give, satiety, enviably, pantry, glue, flap, museum, out of spite, windows (6 windows), brocade, loop, jacket, glider, repeat, briefcase, sheet, repair, behind, silo, carpenter, tractors, shoes, cement, overcoat, sorrel.

1st quarter

Write correctly: in friend,in place, around, ge swarm, tomorrowa to, toa empty toa rtina, toa rtofel, apartment, rooma Soabout tomka, toabout stym, cra beer, crabout wat, crabout toabout dil,To red square, forestt nand ca, ma Ga zine, ma lina, monthI c, mabout labout current, Mabout skov Kremlin, people,about Gabout genus, pabout ne delnik, pabout half, laste tomorrowa , Ra barrel, ra wailing, russ cue.

2nd quarter

Write correctly: a ba zhur,a kvarand mind,all her,app etit, ba lkon, bass ain, babout cal, ina rut, ine te wound, ine rstaq,ow evo, vose me, sune medts at,vp right,Tue swarm, ga zeta, gra fin, dand ctant, yellow, forI c, helloin go toa band no, toa strelya, toall section, me lodia, me thatll , mand zinee c, mill ion, mand shura, mabout tabout cand class

3rd quarter

Write correctly: ma rga rin, ma te Rand al, me distance, mand zinec , mill ion, regiona co, regiona st, na rtand zan, pass ajir, pa trand from, pa duck, pe nsand about ner, pe rvabout class nick, pe Reu kaz, pabout please pshe nice, ra chum salmon, ra groaning,R oneand usol dat, subb ota, tabout mate, urabout wait, he modan, he tverg, he tyre hundred, chuin to go, sha lash, shyo then, shoss e.

4th quarter

Write correctly: toa band no, toall active, toabout Rand dor,about once upon a time, orde n,about fand cer, perr he, pla stand lin, rass kaz, rass standing, ra midyo ska, re inabout lucand i, re mont, re spubland ka,Ross ia, witha lat, withe kunda, sta dand he, subb reland k, tabout pore, tractabout r, tram wai, trall heibus, fabout Nar, fut bol, xokk her, cand rk, he Rumukha, shabout toabout fret, shyo fabric.

III Class

1st quarter

Speak right: agent, alphabet, arrest, grams, decimeter, contract, document, mining, leisure, jasmine, burns, enviably, conspiracy, loan, loan, calls, call, oriole, from afar, occasionally, engineers, bondage, quarter, catalogue, quarter kilometer, glue, whooping cough, combiner, more beautiful, firmly - firmly, lie down, lie down.

Write correctly: a ba zhur,a grabout nom,a kvarand mind,acco rde is he,acc urate,all her,appe tit,a rtill series, ba yang, be cutting, ina he lin,vd voe, inabout stock, de kabr, toa nava, toa empty toa rtofe l, ka strylya, kva rubbish, rooma ta, crabout wat, lest nitsa, ma Ga zine, ma lina, me tro, mabout labout current, na genus,about the weight,about Gabout genus.

2nd quarter

Speak right: little - little by little, briefly, youth, both - both, both, both, about both, both - both, both, both, about both, alder, case (when declining), case (cattle), coat. (not inclined.), brocade, plowing, primacy, front (preposition), front (front of something), front, front, about front, jacket, glider, two by two, congratulations, polynya. equally, briefcase, sheet, protocol, percentage.

Write correctly: anyway, risea st, ga pageabout nom, gabout Rand umbrella, dand scand plina,before St.and Denmark,before St.and tribute, rubbishe squeeze,e dand nitsa, zna me nose, toa ina lerand I, as if, somehow, toalli graphics, toolle active,about cucumber,about rex,about sina, pe juice, pand about ner, pabout year, pabout mand dor, pabout ne delnik, pshe nitsa, friand tsa, ra chum salmon, ra groaning, rass withe october, subb ota.

3rd quarter

Speak right: locksmiths, chance, burn, how many, so many, glasses, carpenter, stool, ottoman, flowing, turners, immediately, tractors, shoes, surname, cotton (plant), cotton (strike), ridge, want, want, want, cement, centner, chain, dash, seamstress, helmet, driver, sorrel, manger.

Write correctly: la don, le yte nantes, mass ah, policeman, moburn velnik, nai itch,about bee dand nenie, pa land gardener, pabout stingth hundred, po-russ ki, pI tand class nick, tabout comrade, tra mwai, tre bee class student, fe liar, xokk her, he mabout given, he twerg, chusun tvabout wat, a little - a little, silk, weating eleven, shefst wow, school - inte rnat, shabout toabout fret,the ex cursia,uh le ktrabout WHO,uh lecturerabout stationand i, yunn at,but: Yubut st, yubut sha, young.

4th quarter

Speak right: agent, atlas (collection of geographic maps), atlas (material), athlete (for “athlete”), firstly, pothole, black ice, ice, dispensary, document, leisure, conspiracy, light, oriole, from a distance, spark, bondage , flounder, catalog, quarter, pantry, self-interest, cooking, briefly, museum, white, hatred, nearby, loop, glider, rust.

Write correctly: a Tueabout mabout bil, ba drywall, band years, ina rut, inabout kzal, de zhurny, dand rector, toa le ndar, toabout lhoz, toabout ma ndir, toomm unist, toabout cmabout navt, class , furnituree l, me two days, me thatll , about dinnadc at, pa lto, passa fat, pabout rtret, pute procession, re inabout lucia, Ross ia, witha fierce,sl eva , cn equala , te le background, trall heibus, fa milia, sheating on thedts at.

IV Class

1st quarter

Speak right: watermelon, athlete (to "athlete"), grams, cousin, contract, document, prey, leisure, lark, jasmine, burns, enviably, loan, loan, light, calls, calls, long time ago, from afar, occasionally, instrument, and engineers, catalog, quarter, kilograms, kilometer, whooping cough, combine operator, kennel, more beautiful, lie down, lie down.

Write correctly: a Tueabout mabout bil,a Gand tpoint,a grabout nom,acc urate,all her,acco rde is he,appe tit, ba drywall, ba toa lea, bal ( evening with dancing) ball (mark), ba Ra ban, band bland about teka, band years, bute rbrod, ina rut, ina rubbish, ine land rank, ine labout withand ped, inand trine, secondly, inozz vanation, inabout kzal, inabout withe medts at, inabout withe mb de sat, inabout withe mb honeycomb, vra container, gabout Rand umbrella, grumm atika, gra fin.

2nd quarter

Speak right: waste paper, painter, briefly, for a long time, supine, both - both, both, both, about both, both - both, both, both, about both, alder, sedentary, bob, adolescence, case (when declining), case (cattle) , brocade, front (preposition), front (front of something), front, front, about front, jacket, glider, congratulate, two by two, briefcase, handwriting, protocol, sheet, percentage.

Write correctly: dve nadca t, dand rector, to St.and Denmark, engineere ner, inte woody, toa le ndar, toand labout gramm , toabout ma ndir, toabout mbine, kabout nstand tutsand i, kabout cmabout navt, kabout erased, toabout tlabout van, anyone, le yte nantes, ma vzabout lei, slowenn oh me thatll , mand zinee c, mand land cand about ner, na back, na by heart, na left, na right, na withe no way, no way, no way, ne slowenn about.

3rd quarter

Speak right: revolver, sapling, silage, burn, how many, cases, so many, glasses, carpenter, stool, ottoman, TV, flows, turners, immediately, tractors, shoe, persuasion, surname, porcelain, cotton (plant), cotton (strike), spine, want, want, want, cement, centner, chain, dash, seamstress, helmet.

Write correctly: about babout rona,about dinn hell,about once, pass ajir, pabout rtret, pra vite flattery, pre dse giver, pre red, pute procession, re inabout lucia, Ross ia, witha fierce, witha mabout flight, St.about boda,with to do withe now, withe kre container, withe twelve, sevenb de sat, withe mb honeycomb, withe rzhant, withand drove, dreamsa , withabout Re innovation, spa rta toand hell, weda zhenie, subb otnik, suvorabout vec, withwhat tchik, withb there is.

4th quarter

Speak right: atmosphere, was, was not, was, was not, willow, locked up, to death, long, anger, out of malice, more beautiful, phlegm (mucus), phlegm (dampness), hatred, nearby, oasis, obelisk, ease, repeat, growth, shell, mignonette, reyat, orphan, orphans, so many, so many, so many, about so many, trackers, black grouse, beehive, beehives, team, junk, ear, surname.

Write correctly: withe now, withe right, righta , sta dione, sta nok, ta relay, te le visor, te le gram, te le background, thosenn is, te pen, oudand get in, trya sting, mustachea db ba, ust ny, morningenn ik, teachingst wow, hyo rny, chest nabout , chuin steve, sixt eleven, sixb de sat, sixthb honeycomb, shoss e, wyo weaving,uh kzamen,uh excursion,uh kska vator (earth-moving machine),uh ska lator (moving ladder), yunn at, but: yun awn, yun osha, yun th.

Write correctly!

Slitno: near, together, to the left, together, instead of, to the right, in general, like, satiety, dry, dark, up, up, forever, back, left, right, by heart, impossible, half an hour.

Apart: without asking, without getting tired. All the same, to a dead end, see you tomorrow, goodbye, goodbye, so far, as if, on the way, on the fly, for nothing, with no one, for nothing, with no one, two by two, by patronymic (by name and patronymic), in turn.

Through dash: secondly, firstly, thirdly, after all, a long time ago, because of, from under, barely, barely, heat is a bird, somehow, some, somehow, from where - then, according to ours, in a new way, in Russian, half a sheet, half Moscow.

Use the right words!

Not right: month of August, a loaf of bread, go into the room, will you go? (from the bus, trolleybus), wait for the tram, forever, for nothing, for nothing, instead, play hide and seek, lay stones, for good, it’s raining back, put on a dress, be late through the rain, what do you want? what do you want to say?

Correctly: August, roll, loaf of bread, enter the room, but: go up the stairs, are you going out? wait for a tram, wait for a tram, always, for nothing, in vain, instead, play hide-and-seek, lay stones, completely, again (again) it’s raining, dress a child, but: put on a coat (fur coat, hat), feel good, but: feel warm, take off your coat, late because of the rain, what do you want? What do you want to say?

As can be seen from the above materials, for each academic quarter, a "own" list of words was compiled. Such a division, of course, is conditional, just as the lists themselves are conditional to a certain extent. The teacher can make changes to them (the exception is the words provided for by the program). At the same time, we must remember: the more words a student learns, the richer his speech becomes, the easier it will be for him to learn, the deeper and stronger his knowledge and skills in all subjects will be. The path to knowledge lies through the assimilation of words.

Last week, the deputies of the Moscow Regional Duma went on summer holidays. The corridors of the parliament near Moscow were empty, and again political life will seethe here only in September. But before that, the deputies of the United Russia faction, who make up a confident majority in the Duma, at their meeting summed up the results of the half-year work and discussed plans for the fall.

Perhaps it was the most representative meeting of the faction in recent times. It was attended by almost all the top leadership of the regional Duma and Government: Chairman of the Moscow Regional Duma Valery Aksakov, Vice Governor of the Moscow Region Alexei Panteleev, Chief Federal Inspector in the Moscow Region Nikolai Shuba, First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Parkhomenko, Minister of the Government of the Moscow Region - Permanent Representative of the Governor of the Moscow Region region in the Moscow Regional Duma Boris Grigoriev, representative in the Federation Council from the Moscow Regional Duma Igor Bryntsalov, State Duma Deputy Oleg Kovalev, Secretary of the Political Council of the Moscow Regional Branch of the United Russia Party Valentin Drusinov. It is obvious that the authorities of the Moscow region pay very close attention to the work of the United Russia deputies.

Ivan Zhukov, head of the United Russia faction in the Moscow Regional Duma, delivered a welcoming speech to all those present.

"The session was difficult, but fruitful," Ivan Zhukov summed up the half-year. "The President of Russia and the Party put forward a number of tasks for society, which in many ways should change the life of Russians for the better."

According to Ivan Zhukov, the measures taken to develop legislation have contributed to improving the quality of life of the population, the implementation of priority national projects, and the attraction of resources for construction, industry and agriculture.

As Aleksey Panteleev, Vice Governor of the Moscow Region, noted at a meeting of the faction, today, by absolutely all indicators, the Moscow Region uses its potential much more efficiently than neighboring regions, including the capital: in terms of pace, economic growth, investment and industrial production. He also praised the deputies for their work, saying that the Moscow Regional Duma "can be cited as an example in terms of the decisions made and the level of deputies' responsibility."

Chairman of the Moscow Regional Duma Valery Aksakov, who was recently admitted to the ranks of the United Russia faction, told the audience that, within the framework of federal legislation, deputies of the MOU adopted 272 laws for the development of the region's economy in six months. At the same time, the speaker of the Moscow Regional Duma praised the deputies for their work on the regional budget, emphasizing that 62% of the funds included in it are spent on the social sphere. "There are no such high figures in any of Russia's budgets," Aksakov noted.

Secretary of the Political Council of the Moscow Regional Branch of the United Russia Party Valentin Drusinov thanked the deputies for their good and productive work, noting that the deputies of the faction and the regional organization of the party are part of a single team led by a member of the Supreme Council of the United Russia Party, Governor of the Moscow Region Boris Gromov . "The team," emphasized Valentin Drusinov, "which understandably solves the tasks set by the President of the Russian Federation, the party and, most importantly, the inhabitants of the Moscow region." Nikolai Shuba, Chief Federal Inspector in the Moscow Region, conveyed words of gratitude and a wish on behalf of Georgy Poltavchenko, Plenipotentiary of the President of the Russian Federation in the Central Federal District, to keep in the same mobile mode. He also noted that the Duma today looks very authoritative due to the fact that its main backbone is the faction of the United Russia Party.

Already at the meeting of the Duma, the Governor of the Moscow Region Boris Gromov addressed the deputies. He told the deputies that Russian President Vladimir Putin highly appreciated the activities of the Government and deputies of the Moscow Region. At the same time, Boris Gromov urged the deputies not to relax, as "there are problems that need to be addressed." According to the head of the Moscow region, one of the problems concerns the energy sector in the Moscow region, which today delays the development of the region's economy in all areas, including housing construction.

Expressing gratitude to the deputies for their effective work, Boris Gromov said: “We really work with you in a dark contact, by the way, to the envy of many regions. the region continued to develop powerfully and dynamically, and the inhabitants had the opportunity to live better and better every year.

Press service of the Moscow regional RO VPP "United Russia"

05.04.2018 16:33

The meeting of the Russian Language Council was held today in the Government of the region under the chairmanship of the Deputy Governor Oleg Vasiliev. Philologists, writers, journalists, language teachers, methodologists, as well as representatives of universities and institutions of culture and art of the region took part in the event. The main topic of discussion was the question of the procedure for introducing a unified speech regime in educational institutions of the Vologda Oblast.

“We are holding the first meeting of the Russian Language Council this year. Today we have several questions, they are quite serious. One of them will be completely new. We must consider the proposal to hold the first congress of teachers-philologists in the region. Also today we will discuss the introduction of a unified speech regime in the general educational organizations of the region, since the topic is relevant. To be able to speak, write, and communicate correctly in Russian is the task of our entire society.”, - Oleg Vasiliev addressed the participants of the meeting.

A unified speech mode is a system of requirements that regulate the activities of participants in the educational process in order to provide conditions for optimal speech development. This system assumes that ALL participants in the educational process comply with speech norms, foster speech culture, competently design all materials, documents, and visual agitation in the institution.

“Currently, methodological recommendations have not been developed at the federal level on the issue of introducing a unified speech regime, which requires some work in this direction in the region”, - said Lyubov Vorobyeva, Deputy Head of the Department of Education, during her speech.

The professional standard of the teacher, adopted in 2017, puts forward new requirements for the professional competencies of the teacher. One of them is the ability to organize the communicative activity of students. This means that increasing the level of Russian language proficiency of schoolchildren directly depends on the qualifications of teaching staff. In this regard, the specialists of the Vologda Institute for the Development of Education made recommendations to the Council to develop an additional professional advanced training program for teachers of general education organizations “Uniform requirements for oral and written speech of students in general education organizations”.

The members of the Council decided to recommend to the heads of educational organizations to control the effectiveness of the introduction of a unified speech regime. Representatives of the Vologda Institute for the Development of Education will work to intensify the activities of methodological associations of educational organizations.

The meeting also discussed the results of a trial final oral interview in the Russian language in the 9th grade of the region. To date, 650 students from 10 educational institutions of the region have taken part in it. The results showed that 96.3% of the students received a "Pass" in the oral interview. Passing the final interview next year will be admission to the GIA for graduates of the 9th grade. In the current year, the results of the final interview will not affect admission to the final certification.

Professor of the Department of the Russian Language Guriy Sudakov spoke at the meeting of the Council with a report on the I Congress of Teachers of the Russian Language and Literature of the Vologda Oblast. It will take place in October 2018 at the site of the Vologda State University. The congress participants will be met by 20 educational organizations of Vologda. The participation of teachers in the V All-Russian Belov Readings “BELOV. VOLOGDA. RUSSIA". The materials of the teacher's congress will be prepared for publication.


The Russian Language Council was formed in March 2015 and approved by a decree of the Governor of the region. Its main goal is to unite the efforts of various public, scientific and state structures for the study, development and use of the Russian language.

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The subject of the Russian Federation*

Not specified Altai Territory Amur Region Arkhangelsk Region Astrakhan Region Belgorod Region Bryansk Region Vladimir Region Volgograd Region Vologda Region Voronezh Region St. Petersburg City of Sevastopol Jewish Autonomous Region Trans-Baikal Territory Ivanovo Region Irkutsk Region Kabardino-Balkar Republic Kaliningrad Region Kaluga Region Kamchatka Territory Karachayevo -Circassian Republic Kemerovo Region Kirov Region Kostroma Region Krasnodar Territory Krasnoyarsk Territory Kurgan Region Kursk Region Leningrad Region Lipetsk Region Magadan Region Moscow Moscow Region Murmansk Region Nenets Autonomous Okrug Nizhny Novgorod Region Novgorod Region Novosibirsk Region Omsk Region Orenburg Region Oryol Region Penza Region Perm Territory Primorsky Territory Pskovskaya region Republic of Adygea Republic of Altai Republic of Bashkortostan Republic of Buryatia Republic of Dagestan Republic of Ingushetia Republic of Kalmykia Republic of Karelia Republic of Komi Republic of Crimea Republic of Mari El Republic of Mordovia Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) Republic of North Ossetia-Alania Republic of Tatarstan Republic of Tyva Republic of Khakassia Rostov Region Ryazan Region Samara Region Saratov Region Sakhalin Region Sverdlovsk Region Smolensk Region Stavropolsky Territory Tambov Region Tver Region Tomsk Region Tula Region Tyumen Region Udmurt Republic Ulyanovsk Region Khabarovsk Territory Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra Chelyabinsk Region Chechen Republic Chuvash Republic Chukotka Autonomous Okrug Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug Yaroslavl Region

Name of company*

Not specified Vologda multidisciplinary lyceum State educational institution Physics and Mathematics School Academic gymnasium No. 56 of St. Petersburg State budgetary educational institution Gymnasium No. 177 Secondary school No. 255 with in-depth study of subjects of the artistic and aesthetic cycle SBEI " Secondary school No. 258 with an in-depth study of physics and chemistry "GBOU "Secondary School No. 574" GBOU "Center "Dynamics" of the Admiralteysky District Gymnasium No. 528 GBOU Lyceum No. 150 GBOU NOSH No. 300 GBOU SO KSHI "Yekaterinburg Cadet Corps" GBOU Secondary School No. 139 GBOU SOSH No. 376 Secondary school No. 489 Secondary school No. 503 Secondary school No. 518 Secondary school No. 17 School No. 522 of the Admiralteisky district of St. Petersburg Gymnasium 171 with a bilingual Russian-French department work with gifted children "School of Cosmonautics" MAOU "Gymnasium No. 42" MAOU "Secondary School No. 19" MAOU "Secondary School No. 56" MAOU "2nd Novosibirsk Gymnasium" MAOU "Gymnasium named after A.S. Pushkin" MAOU "Gymnasium No. 100" MAOU "Gymnasium No. 35" MAOU "Gymnasium No. 70" MAOU "Lyceum No. 9" Leader "MAOU "Polesskaya secondary school" MAOU "Secondary school with in-depth study of individual subjects No. 104 Chelyabinsk" MAOU "Secondary school" No. 108 "MAOU "Secondary School No. 31" MAOU "Secondary School No. 15" MAOU "Secondary School No. 1" MAOU "Secondary School No. 1" MAOU "Secondary School No. 12" MAOU "Secondary School No. 94 of Chelyabinsk" MAOU "Secondary School No. 59" Prospect" MAOU "Tatanovskaya secondary school" MAOU "Chervishevskaya secondary school" MAOU of Kostroma Gymnasium No. 25 MAOU Lyceum 77 MAOU Lyceum No. 6 Perspective MAOU multidisciplinary gymnasium No. 13 MAOU secondary school No. 140 with in-depth study of individual subjects " MBOU "Secondary School "Terra Nova" named after Sharani Dudagov MBOU "Secondary School No. 163" MBOU "Secondary School No. 167" MBOU "Secondary School No. 5" MBOU "Anninsky Secondary School No. 1" MBOU "Gymnasium No. 2 MBOU "Gymnasium No. 21" MBOU "Gymnasium No. 8" MBOU "Kantemirovsky Lyceum" MBOU "Koelga Secondary School named after twice Hero of the Soviet Union S.V. Khokhryakov" MBOU "Lyceum of the village of Khlevnoye" MBOU "Lyceum No. 11 » MBOU "Lyceum No. 41" MBOU "Mitrofanovskaya Secondary School" MBOU "Nikiforovskaya Secondary School No. 1" MBOU "Secondary School with. Red" MBOU "Secondary School No. 13 named after A.L. Shirokikh" MBOU "Secondary School No. 13 named after the Hero of the Soviet Union G.K. Kulik" MBOU "Secondary School No. 19 named after V.V. Strelnikov, MBOU "Secondary School No. 21" MBOU "Secondary School No. 25 named after the 70th Anniversary of Tatarstan Oil" MBOU "Secondary School No. 27" MBOU "Secondary School No. 2" MBOU "Secondary School No. 89" MBOU "Secondary School No. 9 MBOU "Secondary School No. 9 named after A .WITH. Pushkin" MBOU "Secondary school No. 11" MBOU "Special (correctional) boarding school No. 4 MBOU "Special" correctional" educational boarding school for students with disabilities No. 11" MBOU "Secondary school No. 27" MBOU "Tyamshanskaya Gymnasium" MBOU Academic Lyceum No. 95 Chelyabinsk MBOU Kostroma Gymnasium No. 1 MBOU Kostroma Secondary school No. 10 MBOU Gymnasium 14 University MBOU Gymnasium No. 14 MBOU Gymnasium No. 7 MBOU Zagustayskaya secondary school MBOU Izberdeevskaya secondary school MBOU Lyceum 22 Nadezhda Sibiri MBOU Lyceum No. 1 MBOU Lyceum No. 3 im. K.A. Moskalenko MBOU Nikolaev secondary school MBOU Russian Gymnasium No. 59 MBOU secondary school md. Vyngapurovsky MBOU Secondary School No. 1 MBOU Secondary School No. 101 MBOU Secondary School No. 27 MBOU Secondary School No. 37 MBOU Secondary School No. 56 MBOU Secondary School No. 7 MBOU Secondary School No. 3 MBOU Khrenovskaya Secondary School MBOU School No. 34 MBOU School No. 39 "Center for Physics and Mathematics Education in Ryazan" MBOSHI "Askizsky lyceum-boarding school" them. M.I. Chebodaeva MOU "Roshchinskaya secondary school" MOU "Argayash secondary school No. 2" MOU "Valerianovskaya secondary school" MOU "Gymnasium No. 17" MOU "Gymnasium No. 6" MOU "Lyceum No. 9 named after the honored school teacher of the Russian Federation A.N. Neverov, Dzerzhinsky District, Volgograd, Lyceum No. 10, Kirovsky District, Volgograd, Novomichurinskaya Secondary School No. 1, Sargazinskaya Secondary School, Secondary School No. 8 named after Ts.L. Kunikova "MOU "Secondary School No. 26" MOU "Secondary School No. 101" MOU "Emmaus Secondary School" MOU Lyceum 1 MOU Lyceum No. 1 MOU Murmashinskaya Secondary School 1 MOU Secondary School No. 14 "Green Noise" MOU "Suduntuyskaya secondary school" Municipal educational institution "Dubovskaya secondary school with in-depth study of individual subjects "

1. Do you know that the school where you work has won a grant from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and is implementing an innovative project?
2. What events (including webinars) related to the innovative activities of the school were held by the school for school teachers?

3. Did you take part in these events?
4. Assess how sufficient are the measures taken by the school administration to clarify the essence of the ongoing innovation project?

5. Has a working group been formed at the school to implement the innovation project?

6. Are teachers included in it?

7. Do you know about the creation of a methodological network of organizations implementing innovative projects and programs?
8. Is your school a member of such a methodological network?

9. In your opinion, have there been any changes in the school over the past six months?

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