Bolivia map in Russian. Bolivia

Few people know this small but beautiful country in its own way. Bolivia is located in the center of South America. Its neighbors are Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Chile and Peru. Bolivia has no access to the sea.

Before the European invasion of South America, the territory of Bolivia belonged to the Inca Empire. In the 16th century, the first representatives of Spain set foot here, and they ruled this country until 1809. After gaining the long-awaited independence, a series of wars, economic and political difficulties fell on little Bolivia.

The official capital of Bolivia is Sucre, but the government and many state institutions are located in La Paz, it is often considered the capital of this unique state.

In Bolivia, more than 55% of the population are Indians, the white race is only 15%, and less than 30% are mestizo. It is worth noting that 37 official languages ​​are registered in this country, mostly Indian dialects.

Bolivia is the most mountainous country isolated from the whole world. It is on its territory that the saltiest, wettest and driest areas of the earth's surface are located.

The territory of Bolivia is very rich in various natural resources: oil, gas, silver, gold, iron, etc. But, oddly enough, this country is still one of the poorest not only in Latin America, but in the whole world.



9 180 000 people (for 2010)

1,098,581 km²

Population density

8.9 people / km²

Spanish, Quechua, Aymara


Catholicism and Protestantism

Form of government

Presidential republic



International dialing code

Domain zone on the Internet


Climate and weather

The peculiarity of Bolivia's climate is that this country does not have a single full-fledged climatic zone. On the plains, a subequatorial and tropical climate is observed, but in mountainous regions the weather takes on a sharply continental character. In summer (and in Bolivia this is the period from September to February), the air temperature rises to +34 ° C. At this time, there are frequent rains in the country. In winter (from March to April) in Bolivia, the temperature is quite comfortable for humans - +21 ° C. In the west of the country, on the territory of the Altiplano plateau, the average daily temperature reaches + 15 ° C. And the high-altitude regions differ from other territories of Bolivia in that the thermometer there shows + 5 ... + 11 ° C throughout the year. This country is characterized by very large temperature differences in winter.

When choosing a time to travel to Bolivia, it is better to give preference to the period from May to October. And most tourists from all over the world come to this wonderful country in August.


Majestic mountains, magnificent blue lakes, exotic forests - all this makes Bolivia a wonderful unforgettable country, attracting more and more tourists every year.

Bolivia is mostly a mountainous country. A significant part of its territory is located in Andes... Along the border with Chile, there are Western Cordillera which include a huge number of active volcanoes. Bolivia's highest mountain is also located here - Sayama, its height reaches more than 6.5 km.

Bolivia is a country not only of high mountains, but also of beautiful blue lakes and rivers. Most tourists visiting the country visit one of the largest lakes in the world - lake Titicaca... Its area is about 8500 km 2.

Many people come to Bolivia to see the famous salt lakes. Unique salt marshes attract people not only with their unique views, but also with the opportunity to live for several days in the world's only salt hotel.

Beautiful tropical rainforests cover about 40% of the entire country. The most common plants are rubber trees, as well as vanilla and saffron. In this country, one of the most amazing representatives of flora grows - a cow (or milk) tree. The juice of this plant really resembles cow's milk in color and taste.


When going to Bolivia, you need to draw up a travel plan around the country in order to see as many attractions as possible. The most famous of them are the magnificent lake Titicaca, unique salt marshes, as well as a huge number of architectural structures of the Inca culture.

When visiting Sucre- the capital of Bolivia - you should definitely visit the famous small town Tarabuco, which houses the largest trade market in the country. Dinosaur lovers should see the Dinosaur-Mark Valley, which contains a huge number of dinosaur footprints, as well as fossils of other animals and plants from the Jurassic period.

La Paz famous for its unique buildings of the Spanish period. In most of the colonial buildings today there are museums that present visitors with exhibitions that tell about the history and culture of the inhabitants of the city and the country.

For tourists, the most interesting is the Zongo Valley with its magnificent blue lakes and ice caves. Nearby are the ruins of the most mysterious Andean city - Tiahuanaco, which is famous for its unique Gate of the Sun, the Akapana pyramid. Tourists are especially delighted with the megalithic masonry located near the southern shore of Lake Titicaca.

Lake Titicaca is the highest body of water in the world. The name of this unique reservoir, translated from the Indian language, means "stone puma". Indeed, if you look at the lake from a height, then its outline resembles the outline of a cougar's body. Since ancient times, it was considered sacred among the Indian peoples.

Unique salt lake Salar de Uyuni annually gathers a large number of foreign tourists. During the rains, the salt marshes are covered with a thin layer of water, which makes the surface of the lake smooth and mirror-like. At the same time, the impression is created that it is in this place that the earth and the sky are connected.


Bolivian cuisine is based on national Indian dishes influenced by the Spanish. The staples in cooking are potatoes, corn, and meat. Mostly Bolivians eat pork, beef, as well as poultry and alpaca. The population of remote villages still cooks and eats guinea pigs.

The local population prefers to cook food with a lot of oil. The most common dish in Bolivia is ... shashlik... Having tried this famous dish here, one may doubt who cooks tastier - Bolivians or Georgians. A prerequisite for serving meat dishes is the addition of local hot sauces " liahua" and " locotos».

When visiting local restaurants, waiters will certainly recommend you to try the national dish “ pique-a-lo-macho". This famous food is based on grilled meat served with potatoes and seasoned with a tomato and onion sauce. Another famous Bolivian dish is “ silpancho»When steak with eggs is placed on a potato and rice pad.

The unique fruit salad is quite famous in Bolivia. ensalada de frutas"- small pieces of local juicy fruits are poured with fresh yogurt with honey, and the nuts added to it give this salad a delicate taste.

No lunch or dinner in Bolivia is complete without the famous Bolivian alcoholic drink “ chichi". They drink it from small bowls with a sloping bottom. This is done so that it is impossible to put the bowl down without finishing the chicha. Most tourists, dine in restaurants, opt for the local beer "Pasegna" or "Huare", which tastes no worse than their German or Czech counterparts.

The prices in Bolivian restaurants are quite reasonable. A three-course lunch for two will cost $ 10. And in an inexpensive cafe, the same set of products will cost about $ 3.


Bolivia hotels and inns do not have an official classification. However, hotels that are part of large networks of international tour operators have their well-deserved stars. It should be noted that there are very few five-star hotels in Bolivia, they are located mainly in Santa Cruz and La Paz.

Before choosing a hotel for an overnight stay, please check the availability of air conditioning and hot water in the rooms. A large number of services in Bolivian hotels are available at an additional cost.

Bolivia is known for its original and unique Salt Hotel Palacio de Sal located in the heart of the salt marsh Uyuni... Everything in this hotel is made of salt blocks. To check in there, it is necessary to book rooms several months in advance, since this particular hotel is in great demand among foreigners. The cost of a double room is just over $ 135 per night. This hotel features a salt-water pool, hot tub and Russian bath.

Entertainment and recreation

Bolivia offers a wide variety of unforgettable entertainment. Here many fans of extreme sports will find activities to their liking, as well as those people who prefer a calm and measured rest.

Fans of outdoor activities often come here. The eastern slopes of the Andes of this country are considered the best for mountaineering, trekking and other extreme sports. Hiking trails are very common among tourists. Inca trail", Which runs through the highlands, as well as bike rides on Road to death.

Those who are fond of skiing know that it is here that the highest ski resort in the whole world is located - Chacaltaya... In this place, about a dozen tracks have been created, which are served by eight lifts. Chacaltaya is considered the most extreme resort in the world, because the air here has a rather low level of oxygen, which makes it much difficult to move around the local mountains. If you decide to look into this area, then the best time to visit it is the period from April to June.

Particularly attractive for tourists are the architectural monuments of ancient peoples who inhabited this territory even before the invasion of the Spaniards. Most tourists who come to this original country dream of visiting one of the villages of Indian tribes, plunge into their life, and also take part in various carnivals and holidays of this unique people. Travel companies organize many tours of ancient Indian villages with the opportunity to stay overnight in the traditional home of endangered peoples. You will never forget such an excursion!

One of the most visited places in Bolivia is the lake Titicaca... This alpine lake with its magnificent landscapes is mesmerizing. There are numerous islands on the lake that are open to the public.

The most unusual landscape on the planet is also found in Bolivia - this unusual salty Lake Uyuni with an area of ​​12,000 km 2. In some places, the thickness of the rock salt layer here reaches 10 m. Many people who come here recognize this place as the most amazing in the whole world.

Bolivia is home to the largest zoo in South America. It is located not far from the city Santa cruz de la sierra... In this place you can see representatives of the flora and fauna of both South America and the whole world.


When shopping for souvenirs in Bolivia, you can get confused by the wide variety of similar products. Each nationality of this country creates original, unlike anything else. Bolivian wood products, ceramics, local textiles, knitted bags are especially popular among tourists. A feature of all these items is insanely bright colors.

When choosing edible products, be sure to purchase at Sucre the most delicious chocolate. In terms of its taste, it can rival even its famous Swiss brother.

Lovers of trekking can buy uniforms of well-known brands of excellent quality in this country, and most importantly, at a very affordable price.

Local shops and stalls are open from 8:00 to 19:00 with a lunch break. In the big cities of the magician

Zines, popular with tourists, are open until late in the evening, and some supermarkets are open 24 hours a day.


The most common modes of transport in Bolivia are bus and airplane... In general, air traffic in this country is well developed, mainly due to the inability to get to some hard-to-reach places by land transport. There is a Malomalsky airport in Bolivia in almost every locality. Domestic flights are operated by several local companies Aerosur, Amaszonas, BoA, GOL, Aerocon and TAM... The prices for flights within the country are quite reasonable, the average cost of one flight is about $ 120. But this country has its own peculiarities of travel by air. When registering for the plane, you must pay a tax of 15 boliviano, which is about $ 3. In the case of a flight to another country on Bolivian airplanes, the cost of the tax increases to $ 25.

Bus service connects large cities with small villages. The peculiarity of using this type of transport in Bolivia is that its operation ends after 18:00. In this country, you can find both modern comfortable buses and "prehistoric units". The cost of a trip by bus with air conditioning and a bathroom, lasting up to an hour, is $ 2. You can also rent a car in Bolivia, the cost of such a service for a week will be about $ 400.

Railways have not gained much popularity in Bolivia, however, there are still several routes that can be of great interest to tourists. The most attractive branch of the railway - Uyuni-Oruro... The magnificent picturesque landscapes visible from the train window will not leave anyone indifferent.


Oddly enough, but communication in Bolivia is well developed. Mobile operators support standards TDMA and GSM 190... They completely cover all flat areas of the country and the capital. In mountainous areas, cellular communication is available selectively. Local mobile operators support roaming services for most large European companies.

In Bolivia, the telecommunications system is at a high level. National Telephone Company ENTEL provides local communication, as well as long distance and international calls. Local call costs are quite low and international calls are expensive. So, one minute of a conversation with Europe costs more than $ 1.1, and for a conversation with North America you will have to pay a little over $ 0.5.

Network technologies in Bolivia are developing very intensively. In large cities, there are a large number of Internet cafes, the cost of one hour of using the Internet in such establishments is just over $ 5.


For the most part, Bolivia is considered a safe country for tourists. The biggest crime against foreigners here is fraud. Take special care when in crowded places, pickpockets can work here, so always keep your bag and wallet in sight.

As in any country with a tropical climate, there are various infectious diseases in Bolivia, so you should get the necessary vaccinations before arriving in this country.

It is also better to use bottled water in this area, it is also worth washing fruits and vegetables purchased at local markets, it is even better to clean your teeth with mineral water in order to avoid the appearance of various troubles in the form of intestinal diseases.

Speaking of road traffic, it is worth mentioning that it defies any logic in Bolivia. It is insanely chaotic, and there can be no question of any rules. So be careful, especially if you decide to drive yourself.

Real estate

The Bolivian real estate market has recently begun to interest foreigners more and more. In this country, there is a large number of proposals for the sale of real estate in the price category up to $ 50,000. For this amount, you can buy a fairly large house or apartment in a large city, with an area of ​​up to 150 m 2, or a huge plot of fertile land.

The following provinces are the most popular with foreign property buyers: Santa Cruz, Cochabamba and Beni... Despite the increased interest of foreign investors, real estate purchase transactions are mostly concluded with local residents.

Bolivian laws do not have any special restrictions on the sale of real estate to foreign citizens. Those can take full ownership of local houses and lands without any problems. In addition, buying real estate in Bolivia makes it much easier to obtain a residence permit in this country.

When buying a house in the countryside, be careful with the locals, who strive to occupy some small piece of foreigner's land, and it is almost impossible to drive them out of there.

  • Before arriving in Bolivia, stock up on a variety of sunscreens and hats, as this mountainous country has more than 20 times the sun's intensity at sea level. You need to be especially careful near the high-mountain lake Titicaca.
  • In Bolivia, you should always carry your passport or other identity card with you, which may be required by local law enforcement officers at any time. Don't be surprised if the police decide to search your hotel room or car. This is normal in Bolivia, but beware of cheating on their part. Therefore, it is better to invite an outside person during the search.
  • If you decide to find any attraction without the help of a guide, remember that houses in Bolivia are numbered in accordance with the order in which they are erected on the street, so the search for the desired house can take a whole day.
  • For many tourists visiting Bolivia, the first goal is to try coca. Be careful, the local authorities won't pat you on the head for this. The minimum that can threaten you is a large fine.
  • Treat locals with care and respect. It is possible to carry out their photo and video filming only with their permission.

Visa information

To visit Bolivia, you need to obtain a visa. It can be issued directly upon arrival in the country, while the validity of the visa will be limited to 30 days. Or you can register in advance at the Bolivian Embassy in Moscow.

To apply for a visa at the airport, you must provide the following documents: a passport, one photo, return tickets, confirmation of sufficient funds for the trip, a certificate of vaccinations against yellow fever, as well as a tourist card filled out in a foreign language.

To apply for a visa at the Bolivian Embassy in Moscow, it is worth collecting the following documents: a passport valid for at least another six months, a questionnaire completed in English, a color photograph, a certificate of income for the last year, photocopies of tickets and confirmation of hotel reservation. There are no additional fees for obtaining a compulsory visa at the consulate.

To apply for a visa to Bolivia, you must contact the embassy at the address: 119034, Moscow, Lopukhinsky p., 5.

(Republic of Bolivia)

Geographical position. Bolivia is a state in the central part of South America. In the north and east it borders with Brazil, in the south-east - with Paraguay, in the south - with Argentina, in the west - with Chile and Peru.

Square. The territory of Bolivia is 1,098,581 square meters. km.

Gchavnye cities, administrative divisions. The capital of Bolivia is Sucre (official), La Paz (actual). Largest cities: La Paz (1246 thousand people), Sant-ta-Cruz (695 thousand people), Cochabamba (404 thousand people), Oruro (183 thousand people), Sucre (131 thousand people). people), Potosi (112 thousand people). Administrative divisions of the country: 9 departments.

Political system

Bolivia is a republic. The head of state and government is the president. Legislature - National Congress.

Relief. In the western part of the country, the Andes mountain range stretches from north to south. Bolivia is home to some of the highest peaks of this ridge: Anko-huma (6,550 m), Illampu (6,485 m) and Illimani (6,462 m). To the east and northeast of the mountains stretch the vast Amazonian plains; in the southeast lie the Chaco valleys.

Geological structure and minerals. The bowels of the country contain reserves of tin, natural gas, oil, silver, iron ore, zinc, tungsten, lead, and gold.

Climate. Bolivia's climate is somewhat different in different regions. In the mountainous regions it is cold and dry, in the valleys the climate is warmer. The average annual temperature in the mountains is about + 8 ° С and in the valleys - about + 26 ° С.

Inland waters. Bolivia's main rivers include Beni, Madre de Dios in the north and northeast, Pilcomayo and Desaguadero in the southeast.

Soils and vegetation. Due to the varied landscape in Bolivia, plants grow in almost all climatic zones. Among the most notable are rubber trees, more than 2 thousand types of hardwoods, vanilla, sar-saparila and saffron.

Animal world. Among the representatives of the fauna, the llama stands out, as well as the battleship, puma, jaguar, alpaca, vicuña. Reptiles, birds and insects are widely represented.

Population and language

The population of the country is about 7.826 million people, the population density is one of the lowest among the countries of the continent: about 7 people per 1 sq. km. Ethnic groups: Quechua Indians - 30%, Aymara Indians - 25%, Mestizos - 25 - 30%), Europeans (mostly Spaniards) -14%. Languages: Spanish, Quechua, Aymara (all state languages, however, Indian languages ​​are more widespread).


Catholics - 95%.

A brief historical outline

In the XIII century. the territory of modern Bolivia became part of the Inca empire. In 1538 it was conquered by the Spanish conquistador Hernando Pizarro, later the Spaniards discovered a large number of silver mines, and for the next 200 years this region was one of the most prosperous among the Spanish colonies. In the XVIII century. the mines began to dry up and practically closed by the end of the century. Bolivia gained independence on August 6, 1825. Subsequently, in the course of several wars, Bolivia ceded the coast of Chile, the oil-rich Chaco territories to Paraguay and part of the territory to Brazil.

Brief economic outline

The basis of the economy is the mining industry. Bolivia is one of the world's leading producers of tin, antimony, tungsten; zinc, lead and other non-ferrous metals, oil and natural gas are also mined. Textile, food flavoring, metalworking, oil refining industries; non-ferrous metallurgy and petrochemical enterprises. Main agricultural crops: corn, rice, potatoes, sugarcane, cotton, bananas, coffee. Pasture animal husbandry. Forestry: collection of hevea sap, cinchona bark, coca leaves. Export: mining raw materials (over 95% of the cost), oil, natural gas.

The monetary unit is the boliviano.

A brief outline of culture

Art and architecture. La Paz. National Museum and Cathedral with a capacity of 12 thousand people (built in 1933). Potosi. Cathedral of the XVI century; mint built in 1572

There is an amazing country on the world map - lost high in the mountains, which has preserved its originality, rich in natural resources and attractions. This is - Bolivia, on the world map, it spreads over the territory of the former empire of the Incas.

More than half of its inhabitants - Indians... And there are as many as 37 official languages ​​in this state - most of all in the world!

Bolivia on the world map in Russian

Connoisseurs of geography can easily find Bolivia on the map, the rest should be reminded where in the world this multinational state is located.

Another large city in the country - Cochabamba, with a population of almost one million inhabitants. The center of the department of the same name is located between high mountains in the valley. These places are fertile and densely populated. "Garden City" - so they say about Cochabamba.

The city is famous for the statue of Christ, which is 2 m higher (together with the pedestal) than the more famous Jesus monument in Brazilian Rio.

There is air communication with all these cities. There is also an airport in El Alto in the west of the country. This metropolis with a population of almost 1 million inhabitants is unique in that it is the highest mountain in the world. 4100 m - this is the height of the central part of El Alto.

Internal organization

Bolivia is a republic led by the president... The country has its own state symbols reflecting history and national characteristics.

Flag and coat of arms

Rectangular tricolor- this is how the flag of the country looks like. Its cloth is divided into three identical stripes: the lower one is green, the central one is yellow, and the upper one is red.

Green symbolizes hopes for a better future, yellow - the wealth of the country's bowels and the color of the ancestors of today's Inca Bolivians, the red stripe is a symbol of the blood shed by patriots who fought for the country's independence.

In the center of the yellow stripe is depicted bolivian coat of arms... It is oval in shape and is enclosed in a blue frame. The center of the coat of arms is occupied by Mount Potosi, the fauna of the country is personified by the alpaca, agriculture - by the sheaf of wheat and breadfruit. Shotguns, an ax, a Phrygian cap, laurel branches, a condor, stars - each of these images on the Bolivian coat of arms has its own meaning.


Above lives in Bolivia 11 million people... This is the most "Indian" country in America, where most of the indigenous population is preserved - 55%. Mostly these are the Aymara and Quechua peoples. About 30% of the inhabitants are mestizo and 15% are Europeans.

There is a large diaspora of foreigners in the country Germans who moved to the South American continent after World War II.

Is in Bolivia and russians... These are mainly the descendants of the Old Believers. The resettlement of Old Believers began in the second half of the 19th century. But the flow of Russian emigrants became more massive during the years of collectivization. Old Believers settled far from cities, were engaged in agriculture, animal husbandry.

The Old Believers did not marry local Old Believers, which allowed them to preserve the Russian language and their culture.

Due to the government land reform the settlers began to experience certain inconveniences and began to move to their historical homeland. The return to the Russian Federation (in particular to Primorye) took place through the compatriots resettlement program.


Few know what language is spoken in Bolivia. And the language of interethnic communication in Bolivia is Spanish... But the uniqueness of this country is that 36 more are recognized as official languages ​​there - all spoken by the locals. This is a real world record!

Almost all Bolivians know the Quechua and Aymara languages. BUT Bolivian Spanish differs in that it includes many Indian words and phrases. Interestingly, even those languages ​​spoken by only a few dozen residents of the country are officially recognized.


What is the currency in use in Bolivia? The local currency is called boliviano, in one banknote 100 coins - centavos.

Boliviano have denomination: 1 and 2 (coins), 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 and 200 (banknotes). In circulation there are centavos in denominations of 10, 20 and 50.

American dollars are accepted everywhere in the country, in use and Euro... The exchange can be made at banks, exchange offices, airports, hotels, travel agencies and large retail outlets. Cashing traveller's checks is only possible in major Bolivian cities.


Russian citizens can enter Bolivia without a visa if the visit is private, tourist or transit. Moreover, the planned stay in the country should be no more than 90 days.

If the trip is planned for a longer period, a visa will be required at the Bolivian consulate in.

You can apply for a visa and at the entrance to the country on the border. You will need a passport, medical insurance, return tickets, the presence of a certain amount of money.

The Russian Embassy in Bolivia with a consular section is located in La Paz.


Bolivia's tourism sector has great potential. There is a lot to see and admire in this country. Majestic mountain landscapes, original Indian culture, original national cuisine and natural attractions attract more and more tourists.

Rest in the country

How to characterize a vacation in Bolivia? He varied- this is undoubtedly:

  1. fans of active entertainment can go to Andes, where there is everything for skiing, mountaineering and trekking;
  2. extremals will offer to ride a bike along the dangerous winding Road of Death, and hardy tourists - to walk along the Inca Trail;
  3. lovers of tropical landscapes should visit Amazonian jungle with their riot of colors, an abundance of exotic flora and fauna;
  4. connoisseurs of architecture should go to main cities of the country that have preserved their colonial style and their own special local flavor;
  5. those who are interested in Indian culture need to visit far from civilization high-altitude villages where the way of life has changed little over the centuries.

Bolivian hotels differ in the level of service depending on the number of stars and accessories. Hotels of international chains comply with the declared standard. The 5-star apartments are characterized by a high level of service.

For budgetary tourists are destined for a lot of other places of residence: hostels, inexpensive hotels, private apartments and houses.

The basis Bolivian cuisine are potatoes, meat and corn. They prefer to cook meat dishes in a pan with the addition of a large amount of oil. In the outback, they eat guinea pigs, which is very exotic for Europeans.

Attractions and nature

Bolivia is real Paradise for lovers of mountain landscapes. Seeing with your own eyes the majestic peaks of extinct volcanoes with a height of more than 6 thousand meters is an unforgettable experience for a tourist.

Lake Titicaca- a unique natural landscape. At an altitude of 3800 m, there is a vast reservoir - the highest of all navigable lakes in the world. Since ancient times, the Indian peoples have revered the lake as sacred.

On the shores of Lake Titicaca are the ruins of the ancient city of Tiwanaku, which belonged to the Inca state.

About a third of the country's territory is occupied by wet rainforest... Saffron, milk tree, vanilla, rubber trees are the most common in these woodlands. The country is home to jaguars, cougars, llamas, vicuñas, alpacas, various reptiles and many birds and insects.

Those who want to see a truly unearthly landscape should go to Uyuni salt desert... The landscapes here are unrealistically beautiful, somehow cosmic. The rains turn the salt marsh into a huge natural mirror.

Depending on the interests of tourists, you can visit more several places:

  • The most extreme ski resort in the world is also located in this amazing country. This is Chacaltaya with its ten tracks of varying difficulty and thin mountain air;
  • Those tourists who are interested in the history and culture of the country should visit the city. Potosi(silver capital) with a mint and a cathedral of the 16th century;
  • Colonial architecture can be appreciated by visiting La Paz with its spacious cathedral, which can accommodate 12 thousand people, the National Museum, the Witch's Market, the Valley of the Moon;
  • IN Zongo Valley beautiful blue lakes, ice caves, the ruins of Tiahuanaco - a mysterious city with the Gate of the Sun;
  • IN Madidi National Park guests will see an amazing variety of landscapes - from tropical Amazonian forests to icy mountain peaks.

Lost in the high mountains, Bolivia is now more and more open to the world. Tourists are welcome here, because Bolivians want to show people all the beauty and sights of their unique country. And let every guest make sure that the epithet "most most" characterize Bolivia in the best possible way.

See in this video where exactly is Bolivia on the world map:

The map can be enlarged or reduced

Bolivia from satellite

Bolivia, one of the most famous Spanish colonies in South America. It was part of the Inca empire, from the 13th century, but in the 15th century the Spaniards came and conquered this state. Indeed, we got to the right moment when the tribes dissatisfied with the rule of the Incas were ready to revolt and supported the Spaniards. However, the Spaniards turned out to be no less harsh masters. This was especially evident when they discovered a huge amount of silver. And they drove yesterday's allies to their prey, with steel and muskets, with a whip and a stick. Making the freedom-loving Indians groan and actively resist.

However, until the mines ran out, the resistance was brutally suppressed. Later, Spain lost interest in the region and the revolution led by Bolivar won.

Bolivia, along with Colombia, is the largest producer of cocaine. Contemporary President Evo Morales, friend of Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez, leader of the Coca Producers Association. Being an Aymara Indian who has chewed coca leaves as a stimulant from time immemorial, he strongly opposes international demands to stop producing coca. To this he declares that the leaves are harmless, and he also fights against the production of cocaine. The US administration is extremely worried, but Morales believes that this is just a pretext for the presence of the overseas ruler in the country. Most of the population supports him.
Bolivia is a poor state and mountain roads are incredibly dangerous here. Narrow, winding, as if they were laid along goat paths. The fence posts on tight bends look like a mockery when thick clouds envelop them.

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