Dialogue in English speaking on the phone. Conversations on the phone in English

For all obvious reasons, telephone conversations in a foreign language are somewhat difficult. Sometimes even in our native language we may not hear some words, phrases, intonations. Maybe this is because we do not see the gestures of people and do not see the expressions of their beautiful and not very faces, we can not recognize the body language (body language). Talking on the phone is like listening to an instructional audio tape in class.

We must try to take everything into account. I remember how long ago I was negotiating by phone, and my first steps in this direction were quite disastrous. Well, they learn from mistakes.

Hints. If you still started talking on the phone. In a foreign language.

Above you can listen to the debriefing I did at night.

1. Speak slowly, clearly, and clearly. Do not hurry. Due to the fact that you are nervous, you may not understand a lot from the conversation of the interlocutor, and your speech will begin to blur. Pay attention to numbers and poorly pronounced letters. Feel free to ask again. You can try writing down what you want to say before speaking. I did that sometimes.

2. Don't pretend that you understand everything and be afraid to interrupt the interlocutor. Believe me, it is not profitable for either side to miss important points and agree badly on something. To avoid unnecessary misunderstandings, try not to get annoyed.

3. Practice with a friend. Ask your foreign friend or friends who know the language to practice with you. Take time out in the evening and talk for 15 minutes. Dialogues can be of any kind. And ordinary, and business, and on special topics. If there is no telephone, then you can turn the chairs with their backs to each other. In fact, we lip-read a lot, so realizing that you can't see a person can be a healthy experiment.

4. Learn Spelling and the alphabet in general! It’s funny, not funny, when a 10th grade student cannot pronounce the letter “U” correctly. It depends on whether the person will understand what you want to tell him in detail, for example, mail, or not

5. Use words. And in general, more modality, more politeness.

6. Try to practice numbers and dates. After all, the clearer the phone number sounds, the less you will have to call back again.

Words and expressions:

Answering the phone.

  • Hello (informally) Hello
  • Thank you for calling Mirra Hotel (Thank you for calling Mirra Hotel). Janet is speaking. (Janet speaking) How can I help you? (How can I help you? / How can I help you?)
  • Or place name (formally)

Introduce yourself.

  • Hey Jane (Hi Jane). It's Lisa calling. (Informal)
  • Hello, this is Adriana Lima calling.
  • Hi, it's Amanda from the doctor`s office. Hi, this is Amanda from the office.

Talk to someone

  • Is Clara in? (informal) (Is Clara here?) Informal.
  • Is Michael there, please? (informal). Michael is here, right? (informally)
  • Can I talk to your brother? (informal) Can I talk to your brother (informal)
  • May I speak with Mr. Brown, please? Can I speak to Mr. Brown, please?

Connecting ...

  • Just a sec. I'll get him. (informal) Wait a second. I'll get it (informally)
  • Hang on one second. (informal) Hang on your phone for a bit.
  • Please hold and I'll put you through to his office. Please wait, I will transfer you through his office (informally)
  • One moment please. Moment please
  • All of our operators are busy at this time.
  • All operators are busy at the moment.


  • Could you please repeat that?
  • Could you repeat it?
  • Would you mind spelling that for me?
  • Do you mind telling me this again?
  • Could you speak up a little, please?
  • Could you please speak louder.
  • Can you speak a little slower, please. My English isn’t very strong.
  • Would you speak slower, please. My English is not that strong.
  • Can you call me back? I think we have a bad connection.
  • Could you call me back. I think we have a bad connection
  • Can you please hold for a minute? I have another call.
  • Could you wait a bit. I have another call

Passing the message.

  • Jana is not in. Who's this? (informal)
  • Yana is not here. Who is it? (informally)
  • I'm sorry, Clara`s not here at the moment. Can I ask who’s calling?
  • I'm sorry, Clara is not here. May I ask who is calling?
  • I'm afraid he’s stepped out. Would you like to leave a message?
  • I'm afraid he didn't come out for long. Do you want to leave a message?
  • He’s on lunch right now. Who's calling?
  • He's at lunch now. Who is calling?
  • It's busy right now. Can you call again later?
  • He is busy now. Can you call later?
  • I’ll let him know you called. I'll let him know you called.
  • I'll make sure she gets the message.
  • I make sure she gets the message.

Leaving a message.

  • Yes, can you tell him his wife called, please.
  • Yes, please tell him that his wife called.
  • No, that’s okay, I’ll call back later.
  • It's okay, I'll call you later.
  • Yes, it's Richard Miles here. When do you expect her back in the office?
  • Richard Miles says. When will she return to the office?
  • Thanks, could you ask him to call Brian when he gets in?
  • Thanks, could you please ask him to call Brian when he gets there.
  • Do you have a pen? I don’t think he has my number.
  • Do you have a pen? I don't think he has my number.
  • Thanks. My number is 79866- 55, extension 12.
  • Thank you, my number is 79866-55

Confirming information.

  • Okay, I’ve got it all down.
  • Ok i wrote it down
  • Let me repeat that just to make sure.
  • Let me repeat to be sure.
  • Did you say 12 Apple Street.?
  • Did you say 12 Apple Street?
  • You said your name was Christy, right?
  • You said your name was Christie, right?
  • I'll make sure he gets the message.
  • I will make sure he gets this information.

Listening to the answering machine

  • Hello. You’ve reached 555- 777. Please leave a detailed message after the beep. Thank you.
  • Hello, you called 555-777. Please leave a message after the tone. Thank.
  • Hi, this is Carry. I'm sorry I'm not available to take your call at this time. Leave me a message and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
  • Hi, this is Carrie. I'm sorry I can't take your call now. Leave a message and I will call you as soon as I can.
  • Thank you for calling Dr. Orlando office.
  • Thank you for calling Dr. Orlando's office.
  • Our hours are 9 am- 5pm, Monday- Friday. Please call back during these hours, or leave a message after the tone. If this is an emergency please call the hospital at 666- 555
  • Our hours are from 9 am to 5 pm. Monday through Friday. Please call again within these hours or leave a message after the dial tone. If it is urgent, please call the hospital at 666-555

Ending the dialogue

  • Well, I guess I better get going. Talk to you soon.
  • Well, it seems to me the best to go. Let's talk later.
  • Thanks for calling. Bye for now.
  • Thanks for calling. Goodbye.
  • I have to let you go now.
  • I let you go.
  • I have another call coming through. I better run.
  • I have another call. I'll run.
  • I'm afraid that’s my other line.
  • I'm afraid I'm on a different line.
  • I'll talk to you again soon. Bye.
  • I'll talk to you later, bye.

answer - respond

answering machine - answering machine

busy signal - busy signal on the phone

call - call

caller - the one who calls

call back / phone back - call back

call display - the one who is displayed during the call (number or person)

cell phone- mobile phone

dial- dial by buttons

hang up- hang up the phone

pick up- pick up the phone

ring- call

receiver- receiver

DIALOGUE (Ordering pizza)




Hi. I'd like to order a pizza please.


Okay. I'll have to transfer your call to our take-out department. One moment, please

Recorded Message:

Thank you for calling Pizza Potenza. All of our operators are busy at the moment. Please hold for the next available person.

Take- out Clerk:

Thank you for waiting. Dmitriy speaking. Is this for take- out or delivery?


Delivery please.

Take- out Clerk:

Can I have your name and address please?


My name is ...

Take- out Clerk:

Sorry, it's really busy in here. Could you speak up a little please?


Oh, sure. This is Alice Jones. My address is Apple Alley, building 2.

Take- out Clerk:

Is that an apartment or a house?


It's an apartment. Number 33.

Take- out Clerk:

Okay. And what would you like to order today?


I'd like a large pizza with mushrooms, olives and extra cheese.

Take- out Clerk:

I’m sorry, my English isn’t very strong .Could you slow down a little please? `


No problem. That’s a large pizza. With olives and mushrooms.

Take- out Clerk:

Okay. I've got it all down.


Great. And how long will that be?

Take- out Clerk:

It will be about thirty minutes, Miss.


And how much will it cost?

Take- out Clerk:

33 dollars


Thank you. Bye for now.

Take- out Clerk:

Okay. Thanks for calling. Bye.

Zwe order pizza (Ordering pizza). By the way, how to order, see the previous post.

Duty: Pizza Potenza. How can I help?

Buyer: I would like to order a pizza, please.

Duty: No problem, I will transfer your call to the Point of Issue of Orders (Pickup). A moment please.

Message: Thank you for calling Pizza Potenza. All operators are busy now. Please stay in touch.

Duty officer on delivery: Thank you for waiting, Dmitry is with you. Are you pick up or delivery?

Buyer: Shipping please

Duty officer on delivery: May I have your name and address?

Buyer: My name is…

Duty: Something is somehow very noisy here, could you speak louder?

Buyer: Yes, of course my name is Alice Jones. My Address: Apple Alley, 2.

Duty: Is this an apartment or a house?

Buyer: Apartment, number 33.

Duty: What do you want to order?

Buyer: Would have liked a huge italian cheese pizza. Both mushrooms and olives.

Duty: Sorry, my English is not that good, can you please slow down?

Buyer: With Mushrooms. And olives. Big

Duty: Okay, I wrote it down.

Buyer: How long should I wait?

Duty: Within 30 minutes

Buyer: How much is?

Duty: 33 dollars

Buyer: okay, I will be waiting

Duty: Thanks for the order, goodbye

Buyer: Goodbye.

Have a great day

Is an integral part of the business. It is difficult to imagine a business person not making arrangements in advance and not making appointments by phone.

People who are active in business spend an enormous amount of money and time on business calls. You can make and cancel appointments, clarify the terms of the deal, book tickets and much more without leaving your office by phone.

Here's how you can test the effect of your expression on other people before speaking English. Participants often tell us how important the experience is to them and how much safer they made the experience. It's understandable that they are so relaxed in their discussion and can focus on it more easily. We'd love to hear from you who participated in the English course.

You will receive a European certificate at the end of a three-day training course

Speaking English is likely to be a side issue if he is linguistically trained, as with fitness training. The content of your conversation is essential. Which is recognized by institutions and companies in Europe and documents the state of your skills. Perhaps you can add or submit your documents.

But what is the correct way to do it in English?

Below is a list of phrases required to communicate on the phone in English.


So, if you call, then at the beginning of a telephone conversation you can use:

Hello, this is….- Hello, this is ...
Peter here. - It…
Hello, my name is …. - Hello, my name is…
Good morning I’m….- Good morning, this is….
Can I speak to Mr ...., please? - Can I talk to ...?
May I speak to…? - Can I talk to ....?
I'm trying to contact ...- I'm calling …. (Trying to contact)
Hello, is…. there? - Hello, and ... is there?
Could you put me through to Mr ..., please? - Could you connect me to ...?
I'd like to speak to Mr ... if I may. - I would like to talk to .... if possible.
Mr ...., please. - S ..., please (as a rule, they say to girls on the switchboard in order to connect with some specific person).
Hello, I'm calling from ... - Hello, I'm calling from….
I'm calling on behalf ... - I'm calling from .... (name, company).
I'd like to arrange an appointment. - I would like to make an appointment with….
I'd like to schedule a meeting with ... - I would like to make an appointment with….
Could I schedule a time to meet with ... - May I appoint (choose) a suitable time to meet with….

English and Spanish are the two most important languages \u200b\u200bin the business world. You cannot see the person you are talking about. It also requires specialized vocabulary. Here are some phrases to make speaking on the phone in English easier than ever! Every phone call should start with an introduction - a suggestion for your call. You must provide your name.

Sometimes you can find it difficult to understand people on the phone. Could you repeat this? You can speak? Sorry, could you tell us? You may need to check some information or clarify what the caller is saying. Here are some phrases.

If they call you, at the beginning of a telephone conversation, the following will do:

… Company (or name) - can I help you? - Company ... (or my own name), how can I help?
… Speaking. - I'm listening.
Who's calling, please?- Excuse me, who's calling?
Who's speaking?- Who is calling?
Who shall I say is calling? - Transfer who is calling?
Excuse me, where are you calling from? - Excuse me, where are you calling from?
Hold on a minute, I'll put you through. - Wait, I'll connect now.
Please hold. - Do not hang up.
Just a second (moment). - Just a minute.
Hang on a moment.- Wait a bit.
I'll see if he’s in. - I'll see if he is.
I'm afraid he’s just gone. “I'm afraid he just left.
I’m sorry he’s on another line. - Sorry, he's busy.
The line’s free now ... I’ll put you through. - The line is free, now I will connect.
I’m connecting you now. - I'm connecting.
I'm afraid he’s left can I help you? - I'm afraid he left, how can I help?
I’m sorry he’s out of the office today. - Sorry, but he won't be here today.
I'm afraid he’s in a meeting. “I'm afraid he's in a meeting right now.

I have problems with you. Finally, here's how to end a conversation in a friendly and polite way. It's nice to talk to you. I have one more call. Mainly because elements of non-verbal communication, such as gesture and sign language, are missing, which otherwise help us more easily decipher the statement and intent of the conversation partner. In addition, the conversation uses a specific language. The following list of commonly used and useful language resources will help you get by phone in Spanish.

We ask you to repeat

These are the words used by the person making the call. Every challenge must be presented. Usually the person making the call appears and identifies the reason for the call. Sometimes it is difficult to understand everything the caller is saying on the phone. In such cases, you must ask him to repeat the information. Here are some suggested phrases to ask the other person to speak more slowly or slightly louder.

PS Remember that in English it is customary to speak very politely, namely: every refusal is accompanied by “I’m afraid”, “I’m sorry”, and a request or clarification - “please”.

A business conversation is simply necessary for admission to the Kemerovo Mining Technical School!


If you call , then at the end of a telephone conversation you can use:

How to ask someone over the phone

You may also need to confirm or explain the information. The following suggestions can help you express a problem on a phone call. And finish a few speeches to end the phone call. Ha-sido is not a scattering of haklar. Most people find it difficult to make phone calls in a foreign language. This is easy to understand because good preparation is essential in order not to be completely embarrassed. This saves time and, above all, nerves. A stuttering or nervous appearance can give the opposite impression, a dubious impression.

Could you tell him that ... please? - Could you tell him that ...?
Sorry about that. - Sorry (when you got the wrong number).
I must have dialed the wrong number. - I must have been wrong number.
Sorry to have troubled you. - Sorry to disturb you.
Could you give him a message? - Could you tell him ...?
Could you ask him to call me back? - Could you ask him to call me back?
Could you tell him that I called? - Could you tell him that I called?
Thanks. I'll call back later. - Thank you, I'll call you back.
Please ask him call me. - Please ask him to call me back.

Therefore, it is important that you feel comfortable and perfectly prepared for the challenge. Let's start by preparing a business call. This may be your only chance to pass your request on to your call partner.

  • This will not lose sight of the overview and purpose of the conversation.
  • It's best to make an appointment for a follow-up call.
Phone Speaking English.

We ask and answer when the person returns

Things to consider when making a business call in English. If you are too formal, it can be difficult for the other person to talk to you. Not too many "please" and "thank you" or "thank you very much." Every time you ask for something, you get something, you need help or information, you have to thank. This will automatically slow down your call partner. - Avoid being polite to claim that you understand your conversation partner when you are not. Ask your caller to repeat the information until you understand it.

  • It is important that you make the right sound.
  • On the other hand, you shouldn't be wrong when clapping.
  • There is always the right choice in the middle.
  • Be friendly and polite.
Always remember that it is not just what you say that matters, but how you say it.

If they call you, then at the end of the phone call the following will do:

I'm afraid he’s busy, can you call back later? - I'm afraid he's busy now, could you call later?
Can I take a message? - Anything to convey?
- Would you like to leave a message?
Would you like him to call you back? - Would you like him to call back?
Can I take your number, please? - Leave the number, please.
OK, I'll make sure he gets the message. - Well, I will definitely pass it on.
Could you spell it. - Could you spell it?
You must have the wrong number. - You must be in the wrong place.
I’m sorry, you’ve got the wrong number. - Sorry, but you got the wrong number.
- Are you sure you called correctly?
I'm sorry there’s nobody here by that name. - Sorry, but there is no one with that name.
Sorry, I think you’ve dialed the wrong number. - Sorry, I think you dialed the wrong number.
I'll try and put you through. - I'll try to connect you with him.
His direct number ...- His direct number ...

You must speak in a professional and friendly manner. So just try it! Make your first call and find out how to do it right. And if it still doesn't work or you feel uncomfortable, then luckily it fades 😉 Note: If you are using data in this summary report, refer to it as.

Greetings and introduce ourselves

If you're looking for a challenge for your English skills, just go to your phone. Of course, you cannot see your interlocutor and you cannot use body language. Phone calls are a complex form of communication. But don't worry! We've put together some tips to help you do this over the phone in English.

And at the very end of the telephone conversation, it is appropriate to say: thank you, thank you very much, thank you indeed etc. both for the caller and the person who was called.


The line is very bad. Could you speak louder? - The line is very bad. Could you speak louder?
Could you speak up please?- Speak louder, please.
Could you repeat that please?- Repeat, please.
I cannot hear you well. Speak louder please. - I do not hear you. Speak louder.
I'm afraid I cant hear you. - Can not hear. I do not hear you.
Sorry. I didn’t catch that. Could you say that again please? - Sorry, I didn't hear. Would you please repeat that?
Don’t talk so fast.- Not so fast.

Even if you are making a business call, you should take the time to do a little “little talk” before actually talking. Of course, you always come to where you want to talk about business. If you're talking to a very talkative person, it can be difficult to get back to the topic. If you want to interrupt someone, make them polite.

If you are planning to phone, confirm the details at the end of the call. This can be the hardest part of the whole conversation! You can say a few good wishes, such as luck in this interview, or hope that you feel better when appropriate. Sometimes it's easiest to mention that you enjoyed the conversation: Well, John, I enjoyed the conversation. It is important that paper and pen are ready when you make the call, as they will provide you with information such as your reference number or meeting point that you must register.

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After talking with my students, I can confidently conclude that even those who have successfully reached the Pre-Intermediate or Intermediate levels are afraid of telephone conversations in English. The main reason is that here you have to rely only on your language capabilities. Mimicry, gestures, drawings - nothing will help. This is the final exam with tied hands and feet. In addition, life is a b * tch: not only do you need to concentrate strongly only on the sounds of someone else's speech, but also the connection is not the best. To do this, teachers develop listening skills in you and select recordings of telephone conversations, especially those with poor audibility, and the voices of people with accents (you will not always come across British or Americans with a reference pronunciation, do not wait), that is, they prepare you for reality - how for example, our best teachers do it. In order to know exactly what to answer during a conversation on the phone, I offer you a set of the following phrases that you can use as templates and just substitute your x and y.

This is a reference number that you must submit later when you go to a face-to-face meeting. Be very careful with webpages that have been circulating lately when they say they are running a request in exchange for money, as the only thing they are going to do is charge you for calling you and nothing else. Then you also have to go for a personal interview, so much attention.

Transcription of the conversation

Be warned that, according to the person serving you, the questions may vary slightly, so be prepared for that. Your call may be monitored or recorded for legal or educational purposes and help us improve our services. If you have already applied for a National Insurance number, click "For all other inquiries", please click. Your call may be tracked or recorded for legal or educational purposes and help us improve our services. If you already have a Social Security number, click For any other request, click. If you need to apply for a National Insurance Number, click, if you need to re-register an appointment or receive a request to assign a National Insurance Policy Number that you have already made, please click For All Other National Insurance Number Numbers, including if you have lost your national insurance number, click. To request a social security number, click. To change your appointment date or any questions about your appointment, please click. For any other questions, including if you have lost social security, press. So I just need to give you a reference number in the first place for your application, so you want to jot down that number, please? Now the first thing I need to do is give you my reference number for your application, so please can you point it to me, please? Well, when you go, you should bring your passport and document in which you prove yourself, address and any other documents that you have where we can get your identity.

  • Please be aware that charges may apply for this call.
  • You will be charged at the rate set by your service provider.
  • It is a national insurance number allocation service.
  • Please note that this call cannot be free.
  • You will be charged the fees indicated by your phone.
  • This is a social security number service.
  • Have you applied before?
  • Perfect fit.
  • Have you requested a number earlier?
  • No, this is the first time.
  • Okay, so why do you need a national insurance number please?
  • Good.
  • Please tell me what you want a social security number for?
  • What nationality are you?
  • No problems.
  • What is your nationality?
  • Do you have any other nationalities?
  • Do you have any other nationality?
  • So what's your last name, please. Your last name. Okay.
  • Can you tell me your last names?
  • What's your date of birth please?
  • What is your date of birth?
  • What is your name?
  • And your postal code, please?
  • And what's your zip code please?
  • And what is your address please?
  • And do you have a phone number please?
  • Thank you.
  • And do you have a contact number please?
  • So, are you looking for a job at the moment?
  • Are you looking for a job right now?
  • Do you have health problems?
  • Do you have a disability or health problem?
  • So just one moment please.
  • Please wait please.
  • Yes, please tell me the address.
  • Please give me the address.
  • If you don't understand, nothing happens.
  • Okay, no problem, no problem.
The UK uses a 24 hour clock for recording, but it is said to be usually added “morning” or “afternoon” with 12 hour hours.

If difficulties arise, you can always let your interlocutor know that you do not understand everything or you may not understand: My English isn "t very strong, could you please speak slowly? (I don't speak English very well. Please speak more slowly) Do not be shy - people will meet you halfway (checked). And do not forget about the manners, try to use Could instead Can, and Please and Thank you.

Answering the call and ways to introduce yourself:

Hello. Can I help you? - Hello, how can I help you? (standard answer to incoming call)

Who is calling, please? / Who's speaking? - Who you are? (please introduce yourself)

Hi! This is Helen. - Hi, this is Elena.

Hello, Petra. This is Jean speaking. - Hello Petra! This is Jin.

Hello, may I speak to Mr. Kelly, please? This is John Ried calling. - Hello, can I speak to Mr. Kelly, please? This is John Reid.

Hello! Could you connect me to Mary Kile, extension 12, please? - Hello! Could you put me through to Mary Kyle, extension 12?

I'm calling on behalf of Mr. Johnson. “I'm calling on behalf of Mr. Johnson.

If you dialed the wrong number:

Are you sure you have the right number? - Are you sure you dialed the correct number?

I must have got the wrong number. “I must have got the wrong number.

You dialed the wrong number.- You dialed the wrong number.

You must have misdialed. - You probably got the wrong number.

Please talk to someone:

Could / May I speak to Anna, please? / I'd like to speak to Anna. - Can I talk to Anna, please?

May I speak to Harry? - Be kind Harry!

Is Olga in? - Is Olga there?

Please wait:

One minute ... - Wait a minute ...

Hold the line, please. - Do not broadcast the phone, please.

Could you hold on, please? - Don't hang up, please.

Please hold. I'll just put you through. - Wait, please, I'll connect you now.

Just a moment, please. - Give me a sec.

Thank you for holding. - Thanks for waiting.

I’ll put you though now / I’ll connect you now. - Now I will connect you.

We answer that a person cannot answer the phone:

Mr Peterson is out at the moment. - Mr. Peterson left.

I'm afraid he’s out at the moment. - I'm afraid he is not now.

I am afraid he’s in a meeting now. “I'm afraid he's in a meeting right now.

He is talking on another phone now. - He's on another phone now.

She is not in the office at the moment. - She's not in the office now.

Line is busy:

The line is busy. - Busy.

I can’t get through at the moment. - I can't get through.

The line’s engaged, Could you call back later? - Line is busy. Could you call me back?

Please call back:

Can you call me back, please? - Could you call me back, please?

Could you call again a bit later, please? - Could you call back a little later?

Try calling again later. - Try to call back later.

We ask and answer when the person returns:

When will he be in? - When will he come?

In about 3 hours. - In 3 hours.

Don't be back in 20 minutes. - He'll be back in 20 minutes.

She’ll be back in an hour. “She'll be there in an hour.

We ask and call the phone number:

What is your telephone number? - What's your phone number?

Can you leave your phone number, please? - Could you leave your number?

Could I get your phone number, please? - May I get your number?

My telephone number is ... - My phone number …

You can reach me at ... - You can contact me at the number ...

Call me at ... - Call me on the number ...

We ask and offer to send a message:

May I take a message? - What can I convey?

What message would you like to leave? - What would you like to convey?

Could / Can / May I take a message? - Can I give him something?

Would you like to leave a message? - Would you like to leave a message?

Can you, please, tell me ... - Tell me please…

Could you give me your name and address? - May I know your name and address?

Could you spell that please? - Could you spell it out?

Tell him I will call in the evening, please. “Tell him I'll call you tonight, please.

Tell him Mary phoned and I'll call again at three. - Tell me that Mary called, and I'll call you back at three.

I'll make sure he gets the message. “I'll make sure he gets your message.

Ring-ring! The article is dedicated to those who want to learn how to conduct a conversation on the phone in English beautifully and competently. Basically, we will focus on workflows. Using our phrases for a telephone conversation in English, you will learn how to correctly greet the interlocutor or answer a greeting, find out who called and ask to leave a message, make an appointment or leave an important message for a partner, and much more. Enjoy reading!

The most important rule when speaking on the phone is not to be afraid of difficulties. If you did not understand something during the conversation, inform the interlocutor about it:

My English isn "t very strong. Could you speak slower, please?
I am not very good at English. Could you speak more slowly, please?

Do not hesitate, people will meet you halfway. And do not forget about politeness, try to use " could"Instead of" can" , and " please"And" thank you».

How to greet an interlocutor

Any conversation, as you know, begins with a greeting or acquaintance:

This is Nick Carter calling.
Worried about Nick Carter.
Nick Carter here.
This is Nick Carter.
It’s Nick Carter from "Green House" here.
This is Nick Carter from Green House.

After introducing yourself, don't forget to ask an important question:

Is it convenient for you to talk at the moment?
Is it convenient for you to talk now?

If, suddenly, your interlocutor is busy, immediately clarify whether it is possible to call back and what time will be the most suitable:

Can I call you back?
May I call you back?
Could you tell me the best time to call you back?
Please tell me when is the best time to call you back?

How to answer a greeting on the phone

Let's imagine the opposite situation: you got a call and introduced yourself. What is the correct answer?

Start with the standard Good morning / afternoon / evening, then use the following phrases:

It's "Green House". How may I help you?
This is the Green House company. How can I help you?
"Green House", Nick Carter speaking. How may I be of help?
Green House, Nick Carter on the phone. How can I help you?
"Green House", Nick Carter speaking. Is there anything I can do for you?
Green House, Nick Carter on the phone. Can I help you?

Or such a situation: you are very busy at the moment and cannot talk.

Sorry, I "m busy at the moment.
I'm sorry, I'm busy right now.

And don't forget to politely ask the other person to call you back later.

Could you call back a bit later, please?
Could you call back a little later?

And if the person was wrong with the number? In this case, use one of these phrases:

What number are you calling?
What number are you calling?
Sorry, you must have the wrong number.
Sorry, you must have got the wrong number.
Sorry, you’ve got the wrong number.
I'm sorry, you have the wrong number.
You must have misdialed.
You must have dialed the wrong number.

How to clarify information about the caller

If the interlocutor did not introduce himself, be sure to specify who is calling you and for what purpose. In such a situation, the following phrases will help you:

Who is calling, please?
Please, introduce yourself.
May I ask who’s calling?
May I ask who's calling?
Can I have your name, please?
May I have your name, please?
Where are you calling from?
Where are you calling from?
Could you tell me what it’s about?
Could you tell me the purpose of the call?

Could you tell me the purpose of the call?
Who do you want to speak to?
Who would you like to talk to?
What company are you calling from?
Which company are you calling from?

How to ask to connect you with the right person

You call the company and the wrong person answers you. Ask the employee to connect you with the right person. Use phrases like this:

Can I speak to Ann?
Can I talk to Anna?
Can I get to Ann, please?

May I speak to Ann, please?
Can I speak to Anna, please?
Could I speak to Ann, please?
Can I speak to Anna, please?
Could you put me through to Ann, please?
Could you connect me to Anna, please?
Is Ann there, please?
Please tell me if Anna is there?

How to ask to wait for the connection with the right person

The opposite situation: you pick up the phone and understand that the caller wants to talk not with you, but with another employee. Ask the other person to wait a little. The following phrases will help you with this:

Hold the line, please.
Please stay on line.
One moment please.
One minute please.
I "ll put you through to him / her.
I will connect you with him / her.
Please hold and I "ll put you through to his office.
Please wait and I will connect you to his office.
One moment, please. I'll see if Ann "s available.
One minute please. I'll see if Anna can answer the phone.

What to do if a bad connection

You are calling, but the interlocutor cannot hear you - there is interference on the line. Do not be discouraged, these phrases will help you out (or not, because the connection is bad):

Can you hear me?
You hear me?
I can "t hear you.
I can not hear you.
It "s a bad line. I can barely hear you!
Bad connection. I can barely hear you!
Could you please speak up a little?
Could you speak a little louder, please?
Could you speak a bit louder, please?
Could you speak a little louder, please?
Sorry, I did not get that.
I'm sorry, I did not catch you.
Could you please repeat that?
Could you repeat that?
Come again?
Could you say it again, please?
Sorry, I didn't understand what you said. Could you repeat, please?
You said his name was Alex, right?
You said his name was Alex, right?
Let me repeat that just to make sure.
Let me repeat to make sure I get it right.
Could you please call me back? I assume we have a bad connection.
Could you call me back? I guess we have a connection problem.

How to make an appointment by phone

Are you calling someone to make an appointment but don't know how to do it? Then the following phrase templates are for you. They sound polite and will help you negotiate with a co-worker.

I'd like to arrange an appointment.
I would like to make an appointment.
When is it convenient for you?
When is it convenient for you?
Would next Monday be okay?
Is next Monday convenient for you?
I can make it after six.
I can meet you after six o'clock.
Shall we say, 6:30 next Monday, at the "Green House" office?
So at 6:30 on Monday at the Green House office?

How to politely interrupt someone on the phone

You are on the phone and suddenly a question arises during the conversation, and you need to interrupt the interlocutor to clarify the information. You can do this politely with the following phrases:

Wait a minute, please. What about ...?
Wait a minute! And what's about...?
Would you mind if I just say something here?
Would you mind if I say something now?
Hold on a second. May I add something here, please?
Wait a second. Can I add something please?

How to ask to tell someone that you called

Have you called your foreign partners, but the person you need is not there? Ask to inform him about your call and do not forget to leave your contact details.

Could you please tell her Nick Carter from "Green House" called?
Could you please tell her that Nick Carter from Green House called?
Tell her I will call tomorrow, please.
Please tell her that I will call tomorrow.
Please, tell her Nick Carter phoned and I'll call again at half past six.
Please tell her that Nick Carter called. I'll call you back at 18:30.
Could you ask her to call me back?
Could you ask her to call me back?
She can reach me at 777-5555.
She can reach me at 777-5555.

How to receive a message for someone

You got a call and asked to pass the phone to a colleague, but he is not there. You need to politely inform that the person cannot answer the phone and offer to leave a message.

I "ll let him know you called.
I'll tell him that you called.
What is your number?
What's your phone number?
Would you like to leave a message?
Would you like to leave a message?
I "m sorry, Nick" s not in at the moment. Can I ask who "s calling?
Unfortunately, Nick is not there. May I know who is calling?
He "s busy right now. Could you please call back later?
He is busy at the moment. Could you call back later?
I'm sorry, he’s on another call at the moment.
Unfortunately, he is now speaking on a different line.

How to leave a message on an answering machine

You called, but no one answers your call. The answering machine has triggered and you need to leave a message.

Hello, this is Nick Carter calling for Ann. Could you please call me back as soon as possible? My number is 777-5555. Thank you.
Hello, this is Nick Carter, I need Anna. Please call me back as soon as you can. My number is 777-5555. Thank.

What message to record for your answering machine

Take the time to write down a message for your answering machine. This will help you avoid missing important calls. The text might look like this.

Thank you for calling. There’s no one here to take your call at the moment. Please, leave your message after the signal, and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you.
Thank you for calling. There is no one near the phone to answer your call. Please leave a message after the beep and I will call you back as soon as I can.
Hello, this is Nick Carter. I "m sorry I" m not available to take your call at this time. Please, leave a message and I "ll get back to you as soon as I can. Hello, this is Nick Carter. I'm sorry, but I can't answer your call right now. Please leave me a message and I will call you back as soon as I can.
Yes? ... Ha-ha! Just kidding, this is voicemail. Leave a message if you got something to say. If you ain "t got something to say, then don" t leave anything. Bye!
Yes? ... Haha! Just kidding, this is an answering machine. Leave a message if you have anything to say. If you have nothing to say, then leave nothing. Until!

Farewell by phone

You have successfully talked on the phone, and now it is time to end the conversation. How can this be done correctly? To do this, you need the following phrases:

It’s been nice talking to you.
It was nice to chat with you.
I hope I "ve been informative.
I hope I was able to help you.
Have a nice day.
All the best.
Thanks for calling. Goodbye.
Thank you for calling. Goodbye.
Goodbye, Ann.
Goodbye, Anna.
We advise you to use our simulator to consolidate words on the topic "Telephone conversation"

An example of a telephone conversation in English (with translation)

Now let's look at a couple of examples of talking on the phone in English.

Secretary: Good morning, "Best Motors" Company. How can I help you?
Jack: Hello, this is Jack Wharton speaking. Could I speak to Nick Stanley, please?
Secretary: Oh, I'm afraid Mr. Stanley isn’t here at the moment. Would you like to leave a message?
Jack: Certainly. Would you, please, ask him to call me back? I need to talk to him urgently!
Secretary: Yes, of course. Thank you for your call.
Jack: Thanks, bye.
Secretary: Good bye.
Receptionist A: "Cassat" Company. Can I help you?
Patrick: Yes, I would like to speak to Mr. Green, please.
Receptionist 1: Do you have an extension for him?
Patrick: No, I don "t, but I know he is in the delivery department.
Receptionist 1: Hold on, please. I "ll ring that department.
Patrick: Thank you.
Receptionist B: Delivery department, Miss Elliot.
Patrick: Mr. Green, please.
Receptionist B: Mr. Green is on the other line at the moment. May I know who "s calling to let him know?
Patrick: This is Patrick Brown. Mrs. Priesley suggested that I call him.
Receptionist B: Will you hold on or would you like to leave a message?
Patrick: I "ll hold on, thank you.
Mr. Green: Mr. Green speaking. How can I help you?
Patrick: Yes, my name is Patrick Brown. A mutual friend of ours, Susan Priesley, referred me to you. I am interested in changing careers, and she thought you would be a valuable source of information for me.
Mr. Green: Mrs. Priesley, of course. How can I help you?
Patrick: I would like very much to come up and speak with you. Would you be willing to give me a few minutes of your time?
Mr. Green: Well, my schedule is a little tight. When would you like to meet?
Patrick: Whenever it is convenient for you.
Mr. Green: Well, can you make it after five o'clock some day next week?
Patrick: Yes, absolutely.
Mr. Green: Fine, then how about 5:15, Wednesday, my office?
Patrick: Next Wednesday at 5:15 then. Thank you very much, Mr. Green.
Mr. Green: You "re welcome. Hold on, my secretary will give you directions.
Patrick: Thank you. See you on Wednesday!


So, if you practice these phrases, then during a telephone conversation in English they will be remembered instantly. A great idea is to practice with one of your colleagues or friends: call each other, and have at least part of the telephone conversation in English. Go for it!

Big and friendly family EnglishDom

Barbara: Could I speak to James?

Sarah: Who is calling, please?

Barbara: It`s Barbara from Berlin.

Sarah: Thank you, I shall put you through.

Barbara: Good afternoon. Could I speak to James, please?

Secretary: I`m sorry, James is on the other line. Would you wait, please?

Secretary: I`m putting James on the line. Sorry to have kept you waiting so long.

Barbara: Thank you very much. Oh, telephone communication was knocked out. I try to dial again.

Somebody: Hello!

Barbara: Hello! I would like to speak to James.

Somebody: I`m afraid you have dialed the wrong number. There is no James here. What number are you calling?

Barbara: I was calling 777-888-999.

Somebody: This is 377-888-999. And there is nobody by name James here.

Barbara: I`m very sorry to bother you. I really have dialed a wrong number.

Somebody: It`s all right.

Barbara: 777-888-999. Hello.

James: James speaking.

Barbara: Hello, James, this is Barbara. I`m calling to invite you to a party next week. I and my sister Jane are going to make barbeque in the country. Jane hasn`t seen you since the last year. I think the party will be a good reason to get together again.

James: Sure! I`m looking forward to meeting you both. And what about Jane, could you give her my best regards, please?

Barbara: Of course I could. See you next week!

Translation - Telephone conversation

Dialogue: Phone call

Barbara: Hi!

Sarah: Hi!

Barbara: Can I talk to James?

Sarah: Excuse me, who is this calling?

Barbara: This is Barbara from Berlin.

Sara: Thank you, I'll connect you now.

Barbara: Good afternoon. I would like to talk to James.

Secretary: Sorry, James is on another line (telephone). Could you please wait?

Barbara: Of course.

Secretary: Putting you in touch with James. Sorry for the long wait.

Barbara: Thank you very much. Oh, the telephone line was cut. I'll try to dial the number again.

Someone: Hello!

Barbara: Hi! I would like to talk to James.

Someone: I'm afraid you dialed the wrong number. There is no James here. What number did you dial?

Barbara: I called 777-888-999.

Someone: This is number 377-888-999. And there's no one here named James.

Barbara: I'm sorry to bother you. I actually dialed the wrong number.

Someone: It's okay.

Barbara: 777-888-999. Hey.

James: James is on the phone.

Barbara: Hi James, this is Barbara. I'm calling to invite you to a party next week. My sister Jane and I are going to have a barbecue outside town. Jane hasn't seen you since last year. I think the party will be a good excuse to meet again.

James: Of course! I look forward to meeting you both. As for Jane, could you say hello to her for me?

Barbara: Of course I could. See you next week!

James: Goodbye!

Secretary: Good morning. President's office. How can I help you? - Good morning. Office of the President. How can I help you.
Vladimir: Hello. I'd like to speak to George W., please. - Hello. I would like to speak with George W.
Secretary: May I ask who’s calling? - May I ask who is asking him?
Vladimir: It's Vladimir. - This is Vladimir.
Secretary: Could you tell me what it’s about? - Could you tell us what issue you are calling?
Vladimir: No, I'd like to speak to him personally. - No, I would like to speak personally with him.
Secretary: Just hold on, please ... I’m sorry. It's busy at the moment. Would you like to speak to somebody else? - Wait, please ... Sorry, but he's busy right now. Would you like to talk to someone else?
Vladimir: No, I have to speak to George W. - No, I have to talk to George W.
Secretary: O.K. Can I take a message or shall I ask him to call you back? - Good. Can you leave a message or should I ask him to call back?
Vladimir: Could you tell him I called and I’d be grateful if he’d call me back. I'll be in my office all morning. “Tell him I called and I would be grateful if he called me back.
Secretary: Does he have your number? - Does he have your number?
Vladimir: Yes, but just in case, I’ll give it to you. It's (001) 202-123-4567. - Yes, but just in case, I'll leave it to you. Number (001) 202-123-4567.
Secretary: So, that's (001) 202-123-4567. - So the number is (001) 202-123-4567.
Vladimir: That's right. - Right.
Secretary: O.K., I’ll give him your message. Goodbye. - Okay, I'll give him your message. Goodbye.
Vladimir: Thank you. Goodbye. - Thank. Goodbye.

Tom is a student who wants to speak to Mr. Lau to arrange a visit to his company. Mr. Lau isn’t there. What does Tom say to make sure he gets to speak to Mr. Lau next time he calls?
Tom: calls - Calls.
- Good morning, Asia Pacific enterprises.
- Hello, can I speak to Mr. Lau?
Secretary: I’m afraid Mr. Lau is in a meeting right now. Can I help you? “I'm afraid Mr. Lau is in a meeting right now. May I assist you?
Tom: Well, I am doing a project at Hong Kong University on work experience… Perhaps it’s better if I speak to Mr. Lau personally. - I am working on a project at Hong Kong University to gain work experience. I guess I'd better speak to Mr. Lau in person.
Secretary: Fine, could you call back when the meeting is finished? - Could you call back when the meeting is over?
Tom: Yes, could you tell me when the best time to call is? - Yes, tell me what time is better to call back?
Secretary: Probably after 4 pm. - Perhaps after 16.00.
Tom: Yes, I'll do that. Thank you for your help. - I will. Thanks for the help.
Secretary: You’re welcome. - You are welcome.
Tom: Good bye. - Goodbye.
Secretary: Bye. - Yes, goodbye.
Tom: hangs up - Hangs up the phone.

Tom is a student who wants to speak to Mr. Lau to arrange a visit to his company. Notice how Tom makes all the arrangements in one call.
Tom: calls - Calls.
Secretary: Good morning, Asia Pacific Enterprises. - Good morning Asia Pacific Interprasis.
Tom: Hello, could I speak to Mr. Lau, please? - Hello, can I speak to Mr. Lau?
Secretary: Yes, I’ll put you through. May I know who is calling? - Yes, I'll screw you up. May I know who is calling?
Tom: Yes, my name is Tom Wu. I am a student at Hong Kong University. I am calling about a project we are doing. - Yes, my name is Tom Wu. I am a student at Hong Kong University. I'm calling about a project we're working on.
Secretary: OK. Could you hold the line, please? - Okay, stay on the line, please.
Mr. Lau: Hello, how can I help you? - Hello. How can I help you?
Tom: My name is Tom Wu. I am a student at Hong Kong University. I am calling about a project we are doing on work experience. Mr. Chan from Eurasia Products said you might be able to help me. He is a friend of my uncle. - My name is Tom Wu. I am a student at Hong Kong University. I'm calling about a project we're working on. Mr. Chan from Eurasia Products said that you might be able to help me. He is my uncle's friend.
Mr. Lau: Yes, I know Mr. Chan ... So? - Yes, I know Mr. Chan ... So?
Tom: Well, one of our assignments is to find out more about a particular company and the kind of work that it does. - Well, one of our tasks is to get information about certain companies and the work they do.
Mr. Lau: Yes? - Yes?
Tom: I wonder if you would mind if I visited your company one day next week and talk to some of your staff. - I would like to know if you mind if I visit your company next week and speak with someone from your management?
Mr. Lau: Hmmm, we are rather busy. What would you like to do exactly? - Hmm, we're pretty busy. What exactly do you want?
Tom: I would like to spend a day in your company and sit with one of your staff while they are working. I'd like to find out more about what the work involves. - I would like one day in your company, watching the work of someone from your leadership.
Mr. Lau: Yes, well, as I said, we are very busy next week but you might be able to arrange a visit for you the week after. “Well, as I said next week, we’re very busy, but you can arrange a visit in a week.
Tom: Oh, that would be fine. Thank you. I don’t want to cause you any trouble. - It will be great. Thank. I don't want to inconvenience you.
Mr. Lau: I will try to arrange something. Which day would you like to come? - I'll try to arrange everything. What day do you want to come.
Tom: Let me see ... Wednesday is the best day for me. - Wait ... Wednesday will be best.
Mr. Lau: No, sorry! We have an office meeting in the morning. How about Thursday? - No, sorry. We have a meeting at the office in the morning. How about Tuesday?
Tom: Thursday, Thursday would be fine for me. What time is convenient for you? - Tuesday, Tuesday is fine. What is the most convenient time for you?
Mr. Lau: 10 a.m. O.K.? - Is 10am good?
Tom: Yes, 10 am. Could you tell me where your office is? - Yes, 10 am. Please tell me where is the office?
Mr. Lau: On the 7th floor, Room 723. Please ask for my secretary. - On the 7th floor, room 723. Ask my secretary.
Tom: Room 723 ... OK, then I'll come to your office in Room 723 at 10 am on Thursday the 25th. “Room 723, okay, then I'll be in room 723 at 10am on Tuesday 25th.
Mr. Lau: O.K. - Good.
Tom: Thank you so much for your help. I look forward to meeting you. - Thank you so much. I look forward to our meeting.
Mr. Lau: Me too! Good luck with your project. - I also. Good luck with your project.
Tom: Thank you. Goodbye. - Thank. Goodbye.
Mr. Lau: Bye. - Goodbye.
Tom: hangs up - Hangs up the phone.

On the telephone:
SPEAK: Are you there? Are you there?
WATT: No, I'm here.
SPEAK: What’s your name?
WATT: Watt.
SPEAK: What’s your name?
WATT: Watt.
SPEAK: Can't you here? What's your name?
WATT: WATT is my name.
SPEAK: Yes, what’s your name?
WATT: My name is WATT.
SPEAK: I'm asking you.
WATT: I'm called WATT.
SPEAK: I don’t know.
WATT: I'm Mr. Tom WATT.
SPEAK: Oh, I'm sorry. I didn’t understand.
WATT: Who are you?
WATT: Speak? I am speaking. What's your name?
SPEAK: No, it isn't. My name is SPEAK. I want to speak to DAY.
WATT: You can speak today. I can hear you.
SPEAK: I don’t want to hear you. I want to speak to DAY!
WATT: At what time?
SPEAK: Now! I want to speak to DAY! To DAY! To DAY!
WATT: It’s today now, speak, speak, speak.
SPEAK: But I want to speak to Mr. Henry DAY now.
WATT: Oh, I'm sorry. You can’t speak to Mr. DAY today. He doesn’t want to speak to SPEAK today. He told me so.

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