What is a good school? What is considered a good education? What's good about education.

Everyone knows what a BAD school is. But what is a good school?
I have heard dozens of very different answers to this question. Moreover, the family has TWO different points of view on what a good school is - I think one thing, but my beloved, five minutes later, Doctor of Pedagogy and former (already) deputy director of the school, is quite another.

All the answers to the question in the title of the post that I happened to hear can be summarized as follows:
"A good school is one where they teach well"is the most popular answer.
"A good school is one where children feel comfortable."- the next most popular
“A good school is one that does not demand anything from parents and deals with all its own and (children's) problems on its own” - this is something that parents rarely say directly, but very often they mean it.
"A good school is one where children are taught to think correctly, a school that prepares INTELLECTUALS"is my own answer
“A good school is the one that SOCIALIZES children correctly, allows them to subsequently take a worthy place in life” - a variant of the beloved.
"A good school is a school that provides a holistic worldview"- the answer of one very intelligent theorist of pedagogy and lecturer of the Siberian Federal University with many years of experience

Behind each of these answers, in a latent form, there is one or another idea about the MISSION of the school, about its goals and objectives. For some, the mission of the school is to broadcast knowledge, they are ready to give everything else to the child themselves, for others the school is such an entertainment and entertainment center, where the child can, of course, learn something, but the main thing is that he has a good time and gets a lot of good emotions, for the third, the school is a "storage room" where you can "take" your child every day and free yourself from caring for him for at least half a day. For the beloved (and this position is quite popular among the "new" teachers), the school is, first of all, a social institution and must ensure social stability and social progress. For me, school is only in the second place a social institution, and in the first place - the institution of cultural reproduction, and therefore intelligence is more important than socialization (however, for me, a person is just an epiphenomenon of thinking, what can you take from me, an unfinished SMD guy ...).

It seems to me that ALL these ideas about a good school have a right to exist. It's just that schools should be MANY DIFFERENT. And parents (and from a certain age together with children) should have the right to CHOOSE the type of school for their child. If you want a "knowledge translator" - here's a school that translates knowledge, if you want a "storage room" - here's a school for a "child locker", if you want successful socialization - here's a socializing school for you. Only schools should honestly offer exactly what they actually do. A law is needed, modeled on the Western laws "On Poor Advertising" - if you promise that your school prepares intellectuals, but in fact it is just pleasant for children to learn, but at all Olympiads they fail - be kind, pay a fine that compensates the parents for the loss time and effort to teach your child the wrong one. what they think is important to him.

Of course, this will "dump", or rather, place the responsibility for the child's fate FULLY on the parent. But does anyone else sincerely believe that some smart (or not very smart) uncles who call themselves the "Ministry of Education" or "educators-innovators" or simply educators can take care of the child's future better than the parents of a child? I, for one, do not believe in this. Education should become a PRIVATE BUSINESS, a personal project of the child and his parents, and educators should take their place among other professionals offering vital social services - doctors, media scholars, social technologists, etc.

And finally, a poll - of course on the topic of the post.

What is a good school

school where they teach well

3 (18.8 % )

a school where children feel comfortable

3 (18.8 % )

a school that does not require anything from parents and copes with all its problems on its own

0 (0.0 % )

school preparing INTELLECTUALS

2 (12.5 % )

a school that correctly SOCIALIZES children allows them to subsequently take a worthy place in life

The modern world is developing not only technologically. Significant changes are also taking place in the field of education. And now a "good education" does not have to be obtained within the walls of a school, and not once and for all. What needs to be brought up in a child, what do you need to accustom yourself to, without which you cannot get a good job in the 21st century? Answers to these difficult questions are given by Alexandra Shilova, an expert in the field of career guidance from Yekaterinburg.

Education is not only about school. And what else?

Foreign educational institutions have become more accessible. Many private schools have appeared, both with their own author's methods and with popular, proven programs. Home and extracurricular education is actively developing. Additionally, you can find mugs, sections, communities for almost every taste and budget. Career guidance and individual educational trajectories are emerging. Tutors have not disappeared anywhere. Familiar schools are introducing innovative programs and going to various experiments, which affects both their ratings and the attitude of parents and students for the better.

But if earlier the question was simply “How to choose a good one among all schools in the city?”, Now parental responsibility is not limited to choosing a school. The question now sounds something like this: "How to find quality services among all this educational diversity and how to understand what is right for my child, because in the future I want to have an interesting and highly paid job."

All children are different. How do I choose a learning method for my child?

When choosing education for a child, parents must consider many factors:

  • abilities, personality traits, and limitations of the child;
  • inclinations and interests so as not to get the lack of motivation to continue studying in six months;
  • the prestige of this type of education on the labor market in the future;
  • the possibility of obtaining an education, including the material possibilities of the family and the availability of sufficient time for the parents;
  • convenient location of the educational institution;
  • teachers to deal with.

There are the so-called “children of the system”. They feel good if they are given the rules of the game and are interested in participating in such a game according to the rules. These children find it easy at school. There are opposites that cannot be driven into any framework, they will never give a standard answer to a problem, they will make chaos out of any constructor and will order this chaos according to their own rules, invented right there, on the spot. It will be very difficult for these children in a regular school even to sit at a desk, they need creative space for the brain to be included in their studies.

I choose a profession for a child. Is he really deciding something?

Decides! The choice of the future is equally dependent on both the child and the parent. Parents are responsible for the quality of education, and the child is responsible for its application in choosing a career.

While you are thinking how to connect all these requirements with each other, where to find information and how to check it, it will not be superfluous to talk with your child about what normal work is in yours and in his understanding. That is, what are you planning this education for?

Advice! First, listen to the child's point of view, then try to find together the facts to support his arguments. You will be surprised how much outstanding esportsmen, musicians, chefs, writers and other representatives of the category “this is a hobby, not a profession” receive.

Keep in mind that children also understand: if your family has connections in a certain area, if there is a dynasty, if from the point of view of your experience one career is preferable to another, all other things being equal, it is better to choose one that the family approves. But remember: there must be a dialogue! Do not put pressure on the child under any circumstances. The more options you discuss, the easier it will be to find the ideal learning path.

The child wants either all at once, or nothing! What to do?

If there are too many hobbies, think about which of them are basic, useful in most professions, and which are specialized and can be mastered by the child later.

Advice! Focus your learning on those that provide a foundation, not a broad outlook.

The child's outlook will ensure his ability to quickly get carried away with things that are interesting to him. But if you, in a righteous impulse, enroll him in a drama circle, a circle from a photo, for singing, etc. on the list, until he has free time for anything new, you will achieve exactly the opposite effect. It is with such children that parents then come to vocational guidance with the request "He does not want to do anything, is not fond of anything at all."

Dear mums and dads, grandmothers and grandfathers! Understand that your child can get tired and burned out too. There are a lot of interesting and important things around you, and if you have the opportunity to give your children all the best, this does not mean that you need to buy whatever you like. Think what a new hobby will replace. Perhaps it will replace English, and not games on the phone, and certainly not social networks.

We found a cool school for the child. They will learn it there, and we can relax?

No! No matter how cool school you enroll your child, you cannot think that now special people will teach him everything there, and you can calmly work or live for yourself. The most interesting time for everyone is just beginning.

Important! Most of the skills that will be useful in life and future careers are not taught in school. And if they teach, then they do not give grades for them, so it is impossible to determine by eye whether your teenager has mastered, for example, systems thinking, at what level he has developed logic and whether he is able to solve non-standard problems.

First of all, children need to be taught to learn. Interest in new knowledge is instilled not only in a good school, but also in the family. If an atmosphere of thirst for knowledge reigns at home all the time, if adults read books and are interested in what is happening in the world, in science and technology, the child will copy this behavior and these values. However, he will copy any others, if they appear in the family. Advice! Motivation should be demanded first from oneself, and then from the child.

The child is not stupid, but objects are given to him in different ways. What to do?

If your motivation is okay, focus on skills such as information processing, technical literacy, and critical thinking. Without these mandatory things, all other lessons will not be as effective. As soon as the child learns to independently find, analyze and process information, any school subjects will cease to be a problem for him. Your help is needed here in order to bring this information into the system.

To explain how chemistry is connected with biology, physics with physical education, and history with literature, that in fact one of our great, magnificent world in all its diversity, and not separate sciences, passes through school. You can help build a picture of the world that you can safely refer to in the future. It is you who should act as the connecting link between the different conductors of knowledge for the child.

Learn with your child what will be relevant in the future, what professions, technologies, teaching methods. This will help you prepare for rapidly changing living conditions, choose a profession that will not become obsolete by the time your child can work. Dream together, it helps you look bolder into the future. Read and watch science fiction, fantasize yourself, this develops a more logical, systematic view of the future, helps to understand causal relationships. And as a result, make fewer mistakes.

The main thing is to pass the exam and go to a good university?

No! Do not think that education will be obtained only now and for life. Most successful people agree that in order to achieve something, you need to learn continuously. Life-long education is a modern trend that will last for the next several generations. At least until the moment when a device is invented that loads knowledge into the head in seconds.

As long as possible, d Do something creative with your child, undertake, support any of his ideas, adjusting them towards practical use. Learn to see hidden meanings and opportunities. Notice the unusual in everyday things. Discuss how it can be used. All this will help you not stop being surprised, wanting to learn all the time.

We are increasingly repeating the mantra that a good education is the key to a successful future life. But what is that good education?

In the 19th century, most of the nobility in Russia received a very good all-round education. They knew several foreign languages ​​- living and dead, were familiar with the best achievements of Russian and European culture, knew geography, general history, political history, history of art, many of them played music and sang beautifully. Can they all be called intellectuals?

I think no. And that's why. Let's remember Pushkin's novel "Eugene Onegin". Tatiana Larina, the daughter of provincial nobles, writes a love letter in French. She reads a lot, and among her favorite novels there are at least two books that have become epoch-making phenomena in world culture. These are “Julia” by Jean-Jacques Rousseau and “The Suffering of Young Werther” by Goethe. Tatiana is endowed with a sensitive poetic soul and a pure heart. She is honest, courageous and conscientious. She is able to be responsible for her own decisions and strictly judge her own behavior. However, hardly any school teacher ever asked his students an essay on the topic: "Tatyana Larina is a bright representative of the Russian intelligentsia." At the same time, some provincial teacher who does not know a word of French, or a zemstvo doctor who has never in his life read either Goethe or Rousseau, we will not hesitate to rank among the intelligentsia.

It is difficult to call both Onegin, who received a classical education, and Vladimir Lensky, a graduate of the University of Göttingen, intellectuals. But their creator, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, without any doubt, can be considered an intellectual. What's the difference?

The fact is that for Tatyana, Onegin, and Lensky, their education has never been a “working tool”. The knowledge they received formed their mind and soul, but neither Tatiana, nor Onegin, nor Lensky did not multiply this knowledge, did not pass it on, did not create something new, did not contribute to the culture.

On the contrary, in the life of Pushkin there was something that was not in the life of many of his noble friends - literary work. Poetry (and prose) for him was not just a kind of hobby, not just a way to brighten his life and please his friends. It was precisely a vocation, a work to which he gave all his strength. Moreover, Pushkin was one of the first Russian professional writers and publishers. In the last years of his life, publishing a magazine and writing historical novels was one of his main sources of income. And the excellent education received at the Lyceum, which you can visit during tours to St. Petersburg from Moscow, all the knowledge that he acquired later, working in the archives, never lay dead weight. They were "tools of labor", "resources" that Pushkin used to create his works.

Of course, the financial side is not decisive, but the attitude to creativity as to serious work, responsibility and high professionalism, in my opinion, are very characteristic of the best representatives of the intelligentsia.

And the following is also very important: education, an active life position and a creative approach give people the opportunity not only to do their job, but to feel part of a single historical process, to feel that their daily work is the construction of a tiny step in that endless ladder along which humanity rises from darkness to light, from poverty to abundance, from ignorance to clear consciousness. That is why Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, Vladimir Nabokov or Nicholas Roerich can be safely called intellectuals - they could be arbitrarily selfish and immoral people in everyday life, but their work, their ideas became the most important building blocks in the world building of culture. Pull these bricks out and whole walls will collapse. Therefore, we should not get hung up on getting the notorious "crusts", but work on ourselves in order to become a part of this process.

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Wikipedia defines education as follows:

  • transfer process knowledge accumulated in culture, individual.

  • aggregate knowledge obtained in the process, as a result of training.

  • level, degree knowledge or education (school, higher, etc.)

Transfer, acquisition or possession of knowledge, in short. Those. pouring theory into the child's brain, which is what the Russian education system has succeeded in doing. In the west, by the way, the approach is more practical. Practice and application of theory in real life. In France, for example, there is a system of coefficients, i.e. each subject is assigned a certain coefficient that influences the importance of good grades in a particular subject. Thus, in college (high school), for example, this system forces the child to know mathematics and French as well as possible if he wants to pass normally brevet (analogue of the OGE). At the same time, there is a compensation system of the so-called average score, which allows you to get, for example, 8 points in history, which are compensated by 20 points in biology. The maximum score is twenty points, the passing score is ten.

Who is responsible for education?

In a global sense, the process regulates and forms the state, which, in the person of teachers, often believes that parents should actively participate in the process. Getting an education up to a certain level is a mandatory tick in the life of every citizen in most developed countries. In Russia, as far as I know, parents can be fined if the child does not receive an education. Another question is that there are several forms of this very education: from the now popular home to external studies.

I like the definition from another article. Education isNS process or product of the formation of the mind, character and physical abilities of a person. And if we proceed from this approach, then the main thing is not instilling the skill of cramming and pouring information into short-term memory, but the development of curiosity and understanding of what exactly interests a particular child. Awareness of one's desires, abilities and interests (and not an imposed compulsory school program) and an interesting presentation by teachers that spur curiosity are the key to the child's happiness in the future and endless self-knowledge, self-development and self-education. And then education is not limited to the walls of the school, then the child wants to read, go to museums, opera, etc.
I would also add here the integral function of the school as an institution is the comprehension of the science of communication, which is one of the main things in the life of every person. As we are able to communicate, so we form friendly and professional ties, we surround ourselves with a certain circle of people that shapes us. And here the role of the school cannot be overestimated. The most important criterion for choosing a school is the child's psychological comfort. If it is not there, then the school or the form of education can be safely changed.

Answering our question, what is good education, I would use the following words:
The environment, people, interactions and processes that develop in a person the desire to learn, dig deeper, create and create.
And the key role here, if we are talking about school, of course, is played by the teacher. In primary school, school is not important, the teacher is important. The elders are teachers. In our country, unfortunately, education is more of a priority in words. The profession is not respected and not prestigious, people who have not managed to enroll elsewhere go there .... In Europe, for example, teachers become teachers out of "love for art", since it is long and hard to study, the competition is unrealistically high, and the exams are passed very difficult. There are even one-year courses that help prepare directly for this exam, since it’s so difficult to pass the first time! That's why the motivation of our and Western teachers is somewhat different.
So what happens? We, as parents, have a certain vision of "good education" for our children, which was invested in us by previous generations and the system. Namely, a "good", or better a private school, where the child will have A's in all subjects. And since a private school will give any marks for your money, and it is not clear what kind of A's in ordinary schools, we hire 150 tutors so that the child will pass the USE at the exit. For the same reason, many are switching to home education. This is about the level of education in Russia, which according to Russian ratings is almost ahead of the rest of the world, which does not correspond to the assessments of independent world ratings. And in the middle of the 20th century, by the way, Russia was in fourth place in terms of education in the world. So at the exit, our poor unfortunate child walks around the tutors all day and does the hated lessons. And nobody canceled childhood, transitional age with all that it implies, first love and unwillingness to shake our ambitions, becoming excellent students! ..... or canceled? .... we ..... ourselves? Therefore, in one epoch we have 13 million unemployed lawyers at the exit, in another - economists, but there are no happy people!
After all, what do we really want for our children? And we want our children to be happy, right? To find the work of their life, become professionals and enjoy their work. You don't have to spend your childhood and adolescence embodying someone's idea of ​​happiness and good education, no matter what you put into this concept. To do this, their you just have to love: without conditions and claims! Do you agree?

Mikhail Yakovlevich Schneider, director of gymnasium No. 45, Moscow:

- A good school meets the needs of the surrounding community. This means that good schools must be different. And in Moscow there are such - I, for example, really like the experience of Yamburg or Rachevsky.

For me, as a person (and director) liberal in outlook, the following provisions are obvious. First, we have no right to decide for the child what he should become. We can only imagine what it can become, and we offer a set of educational services so that it chooses its own path. Secondly, we must create the most favorable conditions for the formation of tolerance, the ability to live in a civil society, and law-abidingness. The social dimension is generally very important in education - now it has almost disappeared from schools. Parents and students, unfortunately, often perceive the school as a “knowledge store”. It seems to me that we - not only at school, but in the country in general - have very serious problems in the sphere of “person - person”. This is what education should do. The rest is much more straightforward.

Natalia Anatolyevna Kurdina, director of the secondary school № 9 named after A.S. Pushkin with in-depth study of subjects of the physical and mathematical cycle, Perm:

- Personally close and dear to me is the point of view that a person's education is the process of acquiring his own image. A good school should help a child find their own image. I confess that, despite the growing professional sophistication over the years, my heart stops when I meet a good school.

I am happy for the children who have the opportunity to visit such a school every day; for the parents of these children, who do not spend efforts on the daily “extinguishing school fires” and can think about the issues of their child's education without fuss; for teachers who did not splash their teacher's happiness in the bustle of life; outside the city, the village where there is such a school: it is warmer next to it, it is safer to live.

I am convinced that a good school is a small miracle created by people.

Efim Lazarevich Rachevsky, Director of the Tsaritsyno Education Center No. 548, Moscow:

- A good school is an effective school. What is the concept of efficiency for me? First of all, the school must be culturally consistent. It is necessary to exclude from it the archaic that interferes with life. You need to see the personality and maximally personalize the pedagogical process: to teach not the class, but the child. In addition, the time has come to move away from school-centrism in education. It's time to understand that the school as a source of information is now far from the first place. We have a slogan hanging in the lobby of the school - the words of Mark Twain: "Going to school should not interfere with my education." At first, those who do not like to go to school were delighted. But very quickly it became clear what was meant. Look: additional education is becoming extremely relevant today. I don’t remember who, but I very correctly called additional education the zone of proximal development of general education. Here the child's motivation is completely different, no one drives him here. Additional education is one of the most important elements of an effective school.

Further, an effective school is a school where the resource approach dominates. By the way, resources are not just money. The first and foremost is the qualification resource of the personnel. The second is a resource of time for a student and a teacher. The third is informational. The role of the school library has grown immeasurably today. It's nonsense that children are reading less. The library has a protected article in our school's budget.

Another aspect of an effective school is that its management should not be monopolized by the administration. In such a school there is a real legal space, and the subjects of the educational process are clearly aware of their rights and obligations. For example, we have ombudsmen - ombudsmen for the rights of participants in the education process. A very effective thing.

Tatyana Nikolaevna Romashina, director of gymnasium No. 1567, Moscow:

- A good school is one where you want to come without waiting for the end of the holidays, and where you don't want to leave. This is the school where they teach. We have one parent who, before giving her child here, walked around the school and listened to what the children were talking about. And I found out that some talk about equations, others about some kind of astrolabe - in general, about study. And walk along the corridors, take a look. It is very little to just be "buzzed". During recess, children continue to learn.

Another good school is a school that has a good vector learning outcome, because it is important not only to learn, but also to learn. It is easy to measure this result - how many children enter the university.

Tatyana Georgievna Malinkina, director of school No. 992 "Izluchina", Moscow:

- I think that in a good school a certain common line should be built on which all services would work. Maybe this aspect prevails for me, we ourselves are now engaged in the creation and testing of the system, while we are still developing as a school. We hope you are good.

For us, the main guideline in "building" is the student: we want to educate, teach, prepare such a graduate for whom we would not be ashamed. After all, after us they go to different schools, and we are always in a situation of "state acceptance" (our school is experimental: it has only elementary grades). Therefore, if we graduate weak students, we will immediately feel it on ourselves, losing the trust of secondary schools and students' parents, which we value very much.

Igor Anatolyevich Fastovsky, Director of School No. 1301 with Advanced Study of Economics, Moscow:

- This is the school that provides the child with the opportunity to get the education he wants, the quality that he "can take." This is the main thing: it must provide an opportunity. And the child and his parents either use this opportunity or not.

- A child should receive in a good school the desire and ability to find knowledge, and through it, the entrance to the culture. We need to help the child build the primary vector of his immediate development. That is, to answer the question of how I can develop that individual that I have in order to move along the path of building my personality.

A good school should develop competencies that are somehow related to the future activities of a person. Simply put, this is what a person must be able to do in order to take action. The first is generating an idea, or accepting someone's idea for myself, which will become a working one, determining what I want to do. Then you need to initiate the emergence of a circle of people who will implement this idea together with me. This is an absolutely essential competence for any person. The ability to project the implementation of an idea, analyze the situation, calculate resources, the ability to imagine the entire course of work, communicate with people and use information technology - that's what is important.

Among other things, there is one more necessary thing that I would define as creating your own moral image. A lot of things are combined here: how to stop pride, and how to be tolerant, what it means to love, how to fight hatred, and so on. After all, any activity, even carefully planned, is always threatened. If we learn to make envious companions, then we can say that we can do something.

A good school is an activity school. Knowledge that is not actively lived is dead and useless. Here, perhaps, the main thing is to live knowledge in action, as the people who generated it lived it.

Alexander Semenovich Bubman, director of the Moscow City Linguistic Gymnasium No. 1513:

- A good school gives a good education. And for such an education to take place, the student must evolve during school from student to student. From learning, in which he is an object of influence, it is necessary to go to learning - an equal partnership.

Maria Aleksandrovna Steblina, director of secondary school No. 18, Surgut:

- A good school is a school in which no one is constrained by fear, where you want to go, where you can be yourself, and it will be pleasant for others. This is a place where respect for a person is a fact, where a child has the right to make mistakes, where everyone's interaction with everyone is based on the norms of culture, and the main principles of life are purposefulness and conformity to nature, common sense.

Vladimir Lvovich Chudov, Director of Lyceum No. 1502 at MPEI, Moscow:

- A good school is a school with a strong teaching staff. A school that tries to meet the aspirations of parents - that is, first of all, provides a basis for the development and self-determination of the child, a school with a good microclimate. It takes a lot of trips, different events to live interesting.

Children lack normal socialization - they sit in apartments, buried in computers. Parents raise them like flowers on a window, being afraid of everything and passing on their fear to their children. A good school is not necessarily a college preparatory school. This is an educational institution with a developed system of child socialization, including in blue-collar occupations.

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