Occupation test online: Which profession to choose? Where can you go to study for a girl after 11.

For graduates of the 11th grade, there is a wider choice of professions than after the 9th grade, so a person can more accurately decide on a future profession. These can be humanitarian areas, mathematical, history, biology, geography and social studies.

It all depends on the graduate and his preferences, in what he wants to realize himself, to find a use for himself - this is important, since the chosen profession will accompany him all his life.

Who to go to study after grade 11: a list of professions

Nowadays, there are no special distinctions between men and women, so a man can be a cook, designer, hairdresser, etc., and a girl can go to work as a builder, architect, policeman. A person is determined in advance with the direction, based on their inclinations and desires.

For example, if mathematical abilities are well developed, then you can go to study as a mathematician who researches and performs calculations in production and other organizations. Also, these are such specialties as a geologist, economist, programmer, inspector, work in the tax office, engineer.

If there is an inclination towards the humanities, then after grade 11 you can choose such specialties as history, philosophy, philology, politics and jurisprudence.

The latter directions are more prestigious, and therefore they are chosen by people who want to study law and be closer to power. In addition, there are social science specialties for boys and girls, both more prestigious and in demand. These are psychologists, diplomats, culturologists and lawyers.

Graduates with a historical and geographical background often dream of becoming meteorologists and geologists. The inclination and knowledge of mathematics and physics makes it possible to become an accountant, while knowledge of biology makes it possible not only to become a good biologist, but also a physician, veterinarian, astronomer or ecologist.

Professions for girls after grade 11

Modern girls want to be successful and self-confident, for which, after schooling, they enter the chosen profession and achieve their goals. This does not have to be a highly paid position, the main thing is to do what you love.

Women's professions today can be divided into several categories, suitable for character. For example, girls with a strong character can go to study as an architect, politician, military, dog handler, policeman, and talkative girls can go to study as a sales agent, manager, guide, journalist, host of the celebration or realtor.

Humanitarian areas for girls provide an opportunity to choose medical specialties, the profession of a veterinarian, etc. Patient girls with the gift of teaching choose the professions of a teacher of senior or junior classes, a fitness trainer, a psychologist, a music teacher, a choreographer, etc.

The best professions for girls who appreciate beauty are aesthetic, namely cosmetologists, web designers, photographers, stylists and designers.

Good and quite popular have always been such specialties as a secretary, administrator, accountant and librarian, which is referred to by more responsible types of girls.

Also, a graduate can choose creative professions or professions without education, which are referred to by girls who want to become mothers at the same time. These are drawing, eyelash extensions, florists, masseurs, singers and actors, PC operators, cooks, sellers, waiters, etc.

What profession to choose a guy

After the 11th grade, the young man thinks about where to go to study. Like a girl, he should not have an imposed profession, but it is advisable for him to refer to those that are more in demand in our time.

Some choose professions that allow them to quickly achieve something in life and climb the career ladder, while others refer to their skills and talents.

The most popular professions for men in our time are:

  • marketer;
  • lawyer;
  • programmer;
  • IT specialist;
  • analyst;
  • credit expert;
  • manager;
  • Web Designer;
  • Sales Representative;
  • doctor.

The choice is quite considerable, besides, if you add a list of creative, physical and mathematical, oil and other areas, then after the 11th grade everyone can find themselves.

If a young person has a well-developed drawing, then you should think about the profession of an architect, and if you have the ability for analytical and complex technical sciences, then you need to focus on them.

As for such a responsible specialty as a doctor, it is best for a young man to choose such a direction as surgery, dentistry, allergology and gynecology.


The choice of a suitable specialty for a young person entering higher education is not so simple, and can often depend on the economic situation in the region.

However, it should be understood that when choosing a specialty, you need to take into account the period of study and the fact that during this time the situation may change.

The closer the end of school, the more questions high school students have about where to go to study. According to statistics, 80% of university graduates do not work in their specialty. This is associated with a misconception about the profession or with uncertainty in one's abilities and knowledge. How to discover talent, where to go, finally, how to answer the question: what professions to choose after grade 11?

The first thing you must remember is that if thoughts are not directed towards a goal, then they are chaotic. Without a goal, you act differently every day, not knowing what to strive for. To find out what profession to choose and where to go to study, first decide what goal you are striving for.

Answer the questions. What is your meaning of life? What idea will you give to this world? What fruits will you reap in old age? Where are your steps going? - Write down the answers. Now think about what profession would help you realize your dream. It should not interfere with your goal or go along with it. It should contribute to its implementation. And remember, you don't have to do everything, you have to do the most important thing.

We bring to your attention a list of professions after grade 11 that are in demand in the labor market. What profession to choose and where to enter is up to you.


Figures, bills, documents - and so on for eight hours every day. What's more boring? - So think those who are not familiar with this profession. And only the accountants themselves know that their work is a gambling quiz show, during which there is no time to be bored.

Accounting is not only the calculation of salaries, vacation pay and sick leave, but also a hundred other issues. Oddly enough, the first to answer them are not the heads of firms, but accountants. They translate the processes taking place in the company into the language of numbers. Knowing where the company's finances go is the prerogative of the accounting department.

The accountant needs to select and collect financial related information, systematize it and analyze it. Without this painstaking work, a crisis will quickly come in the company.

In this path, you can choose several areas of activity. On the one hand, this is the “position” of an artist with a boundless flight of fancy. On the other hand, an engineer, a mechanic - that is, a person familiar with the sewer or porch device.

Architects are people who build residential and administrative buildings. There are also industrial architects. There are architects who are engaged in landscape design.

Qualities that an architect possesses:

  • Creative skills,
  • developed spatial thinking,
  • self control,
  • realism.


In Soviet times, it was in great demand, so many wanted to go to study as "techies". Half of the schoolchildren in the class, when asked what your father works for, answered with the term "engineer". After perestroika, the demand for technical specialties fell sharply. There was a desire to go to study at economic, law and other humanitarian faculties. However, today the profession of an engineer has become in demand again. And the salaries of those "techies" are constantly growing. So there is a demand!

Remember that engineers work in all areas of production. You can enroll as a civil engineer, communications engineer, space or food technology engineer. Without engineers, you won’t fly anywhere and you won’t go anywhere!

And here are the qualities that an engineer has:

  • interest in the operation of technical devices,
  • developed visual logic,
  • attentiveness,
  • discipline.

So where to go, who to ask? - We hope that this article will help with the choice of a profession after 11 classes of school. Become a professional in the path you choose - and success is guaranteed to you. Moreover, success, which can be expressed not only by external brilliance and the thickness of the wallet, but also by a deep sense of inner satisfaction and pride. Although the thickness of the wallet for any profession is very good.

There is very little time left until the end of the school year, and for sure many girls have already decided for themselves what profession they will shine themselves in and where they will go to study! Based on statistics, in 2016 the number of graduates was 746.8 thousand people, in 2017 this number is less and will amount to 716.9 thousand people.

If you have not yet decided on the choice of the business of your life, then it's time to start thinking, well, we will try to help you with this. In this article, we will tell you where you can go to study for a girl after grade 11, consider the most profitable professions in Russia, and average wages. But, before we start, we want to give you a little advice, learn the profession that, in addition to material well-being, will be able to fully reveal your potential.

Where to go to study for a girl after grade 11

Consider possible faculties for admission, depending on your predispositions to certain school disciplines.

Biology and chemistry

  • Faculty of Biology
  • Biotechnology
  • Faculty of Pharmacy
  • Faculties of medical schools
  • Ecology and nature management
  • Faculties of food industry
  • Faculties of psychology - after graduating from these faculties, you can count on such popular professions as (psychotherapist, psychologist, psychoanalyst, defectologist)

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Where to go to study with the Unified State Exam in mathematics, Russian language and computer science

If you are taking a unified state exam in these disciplines, you can choose one of the following areas:

  • Faculty of Education
  • Faculties of IT technologies
  • Management
  • Faculties of Economics
  • State and municipal administration

Did you know that the average working person in Russia spends approximately 10.5 years at work in their entire life?

History and social studies

  • Hotel business
  • Story
  • Conflictology
  • Culturology
  • Tourism
  • Advertising and public relations
  • Document management
  • Political science
  • Jurisprudence

If you just graduated from grade 9, then it will be useful for you in 2017. We strongly recommend you check it out.

The most profitable professions for girls

We have listed the areas of study, and now we will consider what professions you can count on and what is the average salary for them.

For faculties related to biology and chemistry

  1. Veterinarian - the average salary in this profession in Russia in 2017 is 32,000 rubles.
  2. Pharmacist — 40,500 rubles.
  3. Medicines registration manager — 60,000 rubles.
  4. Pharmacist - 40,000 rubles.
  5. Biotechnologist - 45,000 rubles.
  6. Ecologist - 25 - 30 thousand rubles.
  7. Psychoanalyst — 36,000 rubles.

Mathematics, computer science

  • Architect-restorer — 50,000 rubles.
  • IT project manager — 65,000 rubles.
  • Web programmer - 45,000 rubles.
  • Economist engineer - 36,000 rubles.
  • Accountant - 40,000 rubles.
  • Auditor — 40,000 rubles.

Humanities faculties

  1. Lawyer - 35,000 rubles.
  2. Tourism agent - 45,000 rubles.
  3. PR manager - 35,000 rubles.
  4. Historian - 37,500 rubles.
  5. Hotel administrator - 20,000 rubles.
  6. Document manager - 20,000 rubles.

These salaries may vary significantly in different regions of the country. For example, the salary of a veterinarian in the Novosibirsk region is 70,000 rubles, while in other regions this amount varies from 20 to 35 thousand rubles.

If you do not have the opportunity to enter a paid department, and it is not possible to enter a budget department, you can consider such an option as special courses that can be completed for much less money and gain the relevant knowledge and experience necessary to do the job.

For those who plan to study at the university, our publication, in which we told, will be useful. Share it with your classmates 🙂

List of professions for girls with a good salary

Higher education is certainly great and gives an advantage when looking for a job, BUT according to a study by the Federal State Statistics Service, more than 60% of citizens work not in their specialty! The professions listed below do not require higher education, and if you devote yourself entirely to this business, you can reach great heights.


In order to become a photographer, first of all, you need a great desire and ability to take unusual pictures of ordinary things. Free online courses on youtube, books on photography, articles and specialized forums will help you with this. To become a photographer, you will need a SLR camera, a fast lens for taking portraits, camera accessories. Taking pictures of your friends, taking high-quality photographs of children for a small fee, you will gain invaluable experience and positive recommendations, over time you will be able to increase your customer base and, accordingly, earnings. A wedding photo shoot by a professional photographer costs from 10,000 rubles.

Hairdresser-make-up artist, Manicurist and pedicurist

This profession is available to every girl, the duration of courses for the profession of a universal hairdresser is 6 months (4500 rubles), manicure and pedicure courses will take from 1 to 2 weeks. Upon completion of the course, you will be issued a state-issued document that allows you to work as a female and male master. Constantly improving your skills, gaining experience and increasing your client base, you will be able to open your own small business, and a constant influx of clients will bring a stable income.

Eyebrow and eyelash extension specialist

The duration of the courses is 2 - 5 days, the cost is up to 5 thousand rubles. Having become a master of our craft, we can say with confidence that there will be no end to clients. And given how often women visit beauty salons, you will not be left without work.


For many, this profession remains only a dream, but if you have good looks, good health, good communication skills, stress resistance and also speak English, you can try yourself as a flight attendant. By contacting the airline and successfully passing the interview, you can take flight attendant courses - for free, all expenses are paid by the airline you will work for. Paid training is also possible, the cost is 45,000 rubles. duration 3 months. The salary of flight attendants is 80,000 rubles.

We hope that now you will not have any difficulties with where you can go to study for a girl after grade 11. And when choosing a profitable profession, remember that when work brings pleasure, it is doubly pleasant.

So the last bell rang, all the exams were passed, and every graduate of the eleventh grade thinks about after school. Perhaps this is the most important choice in a person's life, because it determines his future destiny. Finding a job you love is no easy task.

In contact with

D so that in the future you will not regret the wrong the step taken, now it is necessary to weigh all the pros and cons, how to study everything that universities offer and measure your desires with opportunities.

Which institution you end up going to is entirely up to you. Please note that the more serious the institution, the higher the scores for crossing the threshold. When choosing a profession, it is important to take into account the amount of money you can afford to study, the number of points you get on the Unified State Examination, as well as your preparedness for entrance exams and competitions that are established in many educational institutions.

It is not so difficult to enter somewhere in Moscow as it seems at first glance. The minimum number of points scored should not be less than one hundred and seventy, but the maximum number is four hundred.

Of course, the more prestigious and popular the university you have chosen, the easier it is to find a job after graduation. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you start studying the structure of entrance exams and preparing for competitions as early as possible, because your future life depends on it.

The most popular universities in Moscow

So, the list of the most famous and prestigious universities in Moscow is as follows:

Of course, the above list of institutions where you can go to study both in absentia and in person is not complete, because our capital is full of first-class educational institutions. It is rather difficult to enter all of them, but it is worth it, because by doing so you not only strengthen your position and can hope to get a good and, importantly, desired specialty, but the program itself, subjects and highly qualified teachers will make your student life unforgettable and interesting.

Medical Universities

Doctor - no doubt, a very important and useful profession to society. Every year more and more people decide to become specialists in the field of medicine, guided by very different principles and desires: someone wants to help people, someone is interested in studying human nature, some want to achieve financial well-being.

However, no matter what your goal is, it should be borne in mind that the competition in the medical field is incredibly tough, and in order to get the best job possible, it is advisable to have a diploma that you are a graduate of a fairly prestigious educational institution. . List of the most popular and best-of-its-kind institutes in Moscow preparing future surgeons, dentists and other specialists is as follows:

Where to go to study after the 11th grade, who wish to acquire a creative profession?

Creative professions are still in demand and important, as well as work in the field of medicine, education and economics. Moscow on a par with St. Petersburg is full of a variety of educational institutions from which you can become an excellent designer, animator, artist, fashion designer or architect.

Each of us understands that the education received is in some way the foundation of our life. Choosing a future profession is an important and responsible step that must be approached with all seriousness. And, of course, our parents always want to take part in this process. The first thing you need to do with such a step is to remove relatives from this. Despite the fact that they want the best for their children, this decision should be made purely individually and without pressure from outside.

Carefully study all the directions and faculties of the institute where you would like to go to study after 11th grade. A complete list of them is presented on the official websites of the educational institution. And you can learn about student life on special forums.

The list of professions after grade 11 is huge, and some of them look very tempting and promise to be in demand in the future. But always measure your abilities against your desires. If you want to become a doctor, however, the scores for the Unified State Examination in biology are quite a bit higher than the threshold, then this means that you simply do not need to enter medical schools. Always listen to your inner voice and know that you should not adapt to your career, but, on the contrary, the rhythm of life should remain familiar and comfortable, and work should bring pleasure.

All students are looking forward to graduation. But after the last bell rang, many of them face the question of choosing a future profession. This question baffles many graduates. Where to go to study, how to avoid a fatal mistake in choosing a life path after the 11th grade for a girl? Making a decision is just as difficult for her as it is for a guy.

Most graduates of comprehensive secondary schools do not know where and with whom they want to work. They do not have a clear idea of ​​professions. They have to rely on the advice of their parents or older comrades. Sometimes the choice falls on one or another educational institution just for the company of friends. And some do not want to go to college at all.

For girls who have completed 11th grade, there are much more possible ways to get further education than for graduates of 9th grade. Options for where to enter after grade 11 and their positive and negative sides are given in the form of a table.

Name of educational institutionAdvantagesdisadvantages
university1. Benefits for further employment.

2. Obtaining a prestigious profession.

1. With a low score of the certificate, you can not enter the chosen specialty.

2. The absence of a diploma of education does not make it possible to get a qualified job during the period of study.

Technical schools and schools1. The possibility of admission with a low average score of the certificate or the result of the Unified State Examination.

2. A shorter period of study compared to a university.

3. Opportunity to continue education after receiving a diploma.

1. When hiring, employers give preference to university graduates
Narrow courses1. The duration of training is only a few months.

2. Opportunity to continue learning the acquired profession in a technical school or college, already having some work experience.

1. After completing the course, the graduate does not receive a diploma of education. Only a document on the completion of training courses in a certain specialty.

Curricula for different specialties are different. It is necessary to start preparing for entrance exams to a higher educational institution after grade 11 in advance, preferably from the 8th year of schooling.

But for this, the goal must be clearly defined, the direction of preparation must be chosen in advance. For example, for those who want to become a doctor, school subjects such as biology and chemistry are especially important, future financiers will need an in-depth study of mathematics, etc.

Attention! The sooner you make a choice of a future profession and start training in specialized subjects, the greater the chance of entering a university.

Those young people who, at the time of graduation, still have not decided on their future field of activity, and the average score of their certificate is not high enough to pass the competition to enter the institute, do not need to despair. There are other options for continuing education.

Choice of field of activity

This question is the most relevant, the most important and the most controversial for a school graduate.

When choosing options for a future profession, it is desirable to take into account the following criteria:

  • how much the specialty is in demand in the city where further residence is planned;
  • personal abilities and inclinations;
  • own hobbies and interests;
  • individual skills;
  • interpersonal skills;
  • financial opportunities.

If by the time of graduation from school individual inclinations are still unknown, special testing can be taken.

A test for choosing the type of activity will help you decide where to go after grade 11. He will not give an unambiguous answer in which area of ​​activity the maximum results will be achieved in the future. But, after analyzing the answers to the test questions, he will identify the main character traits and indicate the direction of the search.

But sometimes it happens that a school graduate knows everything about her inclinations, hobbies and skills. She clearly understands who to enter after the 11th grade, and her parents believe that the girl does not belong in such a job. We are talking about those specialties in which for a long time the road to the weaker sex was closed. For example, various military positions.

But today, girls have no less choice of specialties than boys. Only the most physically difficult types of employment remained purely masculine, for example, the work of a miner.

There are also specialties that are exclusively female:

  • Librarian. Traditionally, this is a women's specialty. Although there are no restrictions for guys.
  • Cosmetologist. Cosmetologists are mostly women. But representatives of the stronger sex in this area are increasingly common.
  • Clerk. This work is purely feminine.
  • interior. This type of activity is traditionally considered female. Although men involved in design are not uncommon. The main thing is to have creativity and good taste.
  • Pharmacist. The work of the medical direction is exclusively for women.
  • Philologist. There are very few men in this specialization, although there are no restrictions for them.
  • Nurse.

It is very rare to meet a man among the representatives of these specialties. But the list of professions for girls after graduating from grade 11 is not limited to this list.

The most popular activities for the fairer sex include:

  1. Manager. Leading position. There are many different specializations in various fields of activity. There is a management faculty in any economic or technical university.
  2. Auditor. Responsible work related to the finances of the enterprise. To get it, you need to have a mathematical inclination. The application for admission is submitted to the Faculty of Economics.
  3. Accountant. This specialization is in demand in almost any enterprise. You need to enter the Faculty of Economics.
  4. Economist. Work to improve the financial performance of the enterprise. Requires creativity. Economic universities teach the work of an economist.
  5. Doctor. Has many specializations. Those who choose this job need to be patient and persevering. There is a difficult and lengthy study at the medical university.
  6. Designer. Has several directions. Interesting work for creative, creative individuals. To become a designer, you need to enter an architectural, civil engineering university, or the Institute of Fashion and Design.
  7. . This kind of activity implies various specialties of the servants of the law. To study the profession of a lawyer, you need to enter a law university.
  8. Interpreter. Requires a propensity to learn foreign languages. A very promising profession. You can get it at the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​or the University of International Relations.
  9. Choreographer. Work for people of art. Suitable for those who are engaged in dancing and have special training. Training is carried out at cultural institutes or humanitarian universities with an appropriate bias.
  10. . For sociable people with humanitarian inclinations. You need to enter the faculty of journalism.

There are a lot of variations where you can enter after grade 11. After listening to the advice of parents and friends, having considered all the advantages and disadvantages of a particular profession, and sorting out their own desires and hobbies, a decision is made.

At the same time, you need to understand that the whole future life depends on the decision made. Therefore, it is necessary to decide independently, no matter how authoritative the opinion of others is.

The question of how to properly organize admission to an educational institution arises for all graduates,
wishing to become students. Some of them go to universities. The majority of school graduates after the 11th grade wish to enter the institute.

The admission process is already well established and organized in higher education institutions. At the same time, individual educational organizations may establish their own rules for admission.

As, for example, in the universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Therefore, admission is recommended to begin with the choice of a specialty, and then the educational institution itself.

Further on the website of the higher educational institution, you need to familiarize yourself with those subjects for which you need to pass the exam. There is also information on the minimum passing scores and the internal tests provided for applicants.

For girls after grade 11, admission may be limited in some cases. Information on the number of budget places will also be useful.

It is advisable to start preparing for exams in specialized subjects as early as possible, preferably from the 8th or 9th year of schooling. Participation in school Olympiads provides an opportunity for a student to check the level of his preparation, and significant benefits are provided for the winners and prize-winners of the Olympiads upon admission.

Military specialties

This topic deserves special attention, since traditionally military professions are considered male. But today, few people will be surprised by a woman in uniform, and the number of the fair sex entering military universities is growing. After grade 11, more than 40 military professions are available for girls. The most popular of them are:

  • Military-technical specialties. After training, you can work as a military engineer, optician-mechanic, telegraph operator.
  • Military doctor or nurse.
  • Forecaster, meteorologist. For girls with a craving for nature and knowledge of geography.
  • Cartographer. Drawing skills required.
  • Pilot. A profession for courageous and purposeful individuals.
  • Radio operator.

For girls who have chosen military affairs for themselves, it is necessary to possess such qualities of character as self-control, endurance, diligence. The ability to instantly assess the situation is also important.

Important! Obtaining a military specialty is possible only in the absence of health problems. A girl, like a guy, must be strong and hardy.

Representatives of the weaker sex can study the military profession at a university specializing in military affairs, or at the military department of higher educational institutions in other fields of activity. Specialized military universities are subordinate to the Ministry of Defense, so the rules for admission and training in them are stricter than in others.

Enrollment in the military school is strictly limited. At the same time, concessions during admission and training for the fair sex are not provided.

Also, a military specialty can be obtained at universities subordinate to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, where they train professionals for law enforcement agencies. The Higher School of Police gives the right to subsequent employment in the internal affairs bodies.

After the 11th grade for girls and boys, the rules for entering the institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, including the police school, differ in comparison with civilian educational institutions:

  1. The application for admission is accepted by the police department at the place of residence, and not by the selection committee.
  2. Entrance tests are carried out in two stages: the passing of standards for physical training and general education (the results of the Unified State Examination).
  3. Body check. In the presence of certain physiological parameters and diseases, admission to educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is impossible.
  4. A mandatory mental health assessment is carried out.
  5. Test for drugs or other psychotropic substances.

Without a successful medical examination or with a positive drug test, training in an institution of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for boys, as well as for girls after grade 11, is impossible. These applicants are not allowed to pass entrance examinations.

After receiving a diploma of graduation from the Higher School of Police, you can directly start serving in the Ministry of Internal Affairs or further improve the level of education at the university. Many police schools have now been reconstructed at the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and have all the rights of Higher Educational Institutions.

Education in Belarus

The development of education in Belarus has reached a high level. Statistical studies show that in terms of the number of schoolchildren and students, Belarus reaches the level of the developed countries of Europe. The state provides an opportunity to receive higher education to every inhabitant of the country. Education at the university there is not only prestigious, but also affordable.

There are more than 8 thousand educational institutions in this country where school graduates can enter after grade 11. Eight universities in Belarus are among the best in the world. This list includes 4 thousand educational institutions. In addition, Belarus is part of the European integration educational project - the Bologna Process, although on the terms of the Road Map.

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