Скачать моды на майнкрафт 1.7 10 скейт.

As you have probably gathered already, Hoverboard Mod supplies futuristic styled hoverboards in Minecraft. There are also to craft the hoverboard and its power, as well as to help with .


The image above shows the four variants of the hoverboards.

  • The first one (Left to Right) is the basic hoverboard. This is equiped with its own GUI and you just right click it with an empty hand to mount it. You will be able to use WASD to control it and also customizably control to go upwards and downwards (Default: Z, X). To open the GUI the default key is ?I? or click it with an item in your hand.
  • To the right of the basic hoverboard, there is the missile upgraded hoverboard . This will function the same as the basic hoverboard, but will let you launch missiles. The defualt key for this is ?R?. You are able to change the amount of missiles launched via the GUI arrow section.
  • To the right of that, there is the thruster hoverboard . This has a slight different model and has a thruster at the back. This will let you travel at faster speeds.
  • Finally, there is the advance hoverboard . This is a combination of the missiles and thruster hoverboard. All the hoverboards will cycle through different colours and can suck up close by items into the users hand (disabled in config). They also put out a light source at night or in the dark that will decay shortly after (can be disabled in game or config for servers). Going in lava will cause damage to the hoverboard and rapidly raise the heat bar. You will need to get it out fast before it gets stuck and destroys. Going underwater will loose heat but will also slowly damage the hoverboard.

The image above shows the HUD while riding the hoverboard. At the top middle, there is a power bar . This will display your current power that is in the hoverboard using a purple bar. When the bar is gone, it means the power is empty and the hoverboard won’t work until you refill it via the GUI. Below is the heat bar, this will slowly increase while riding the hoverboard. The hotter the hoverboard is, more heat particles will be displayed. If it reaches max heat, the hoverboard will disable shortly and empty the heat half way. Heat decreases faster when the hoverboard is not in use and if it is raining when emptying the heat. Shooting missiles and going upwards will increase the heat faster.

In the left corner, there is a missile icon . The missile icon will decrease depending on the amount of missiles you have. If you have no missiles or request to shoot more than you have, then nothing will happen until you refill.

The image above shows the hoverboard GUI . All GUIs are the same but the non-missile hoverboards will not have a slot for the rockets. The GUI allows you to carry items and the two buttons also show more options .

  • The right button will just tell you more information about your current hoverboard.
  • The left will display options you can tick (WIP).
  • You can turn off your hoverboard light source, although the tick box is still a work in progress.
  • You can also disable your particles but this is mostly for single player.
  • You can turn off all particles by going in the default Minecraft options.
  • The two arrows on the GUI will allow you to decrease or increase the amout of missiles to launch. Above that, you can refill fuel and rockets using the two slots.

Above shows an image of the Hoverboard Builder . This is basically a larger crafting table to craft the hoverboards in. All the crafting recipes are currently a work in progress and are shown below.

The controls in the game shown above.

All the stuff this mod adds.

Mod Showcase:

Здравствуй игрок и любитель майнкрафта. Сегодня я имею такую возможность обрадовать тебе и предложить который добавит необычный вид транспорта, а точнее спортивное снаряжение. Данный мод понравиться тем игрокам которые имеют кататься и любят скетборд или просто всегда мечтали на нем покататься.

Как понятно из названия Skateboard Mod добавит в майнкрафт скейтборд! Скрафтить это чудо можно очень легко и просто. Создав его ты сможешь кататься на скейте делая на нем различные трюки, прыгать и скользить по блокам. То есть с данной модификацией ты сможешь почувствовать и стать настоящим скейтбордистом хоть не в реальной жизни, а в игровом мире майнкрафт.

Пользы от этого мода не много но фана ты получишь достаточно когда покататься на этом скейте. Так же хочу выделить что автор постарался создавай внешний вид скейтборда, он детально нарисовал и сделал его красивым на вид. Как он выглядит ты можешь увидеть на фотографиях.


Видео обор:

Рецепт скейта:

Дерево - Дерево - Дерево
Железный слиток - Пусто - Железный слиток.
Пусто - Пусто - Пусто

Все рецепты крафта для этого мода смотри на wiki

Так что не медли для майнкрафт и получи море удовольствия от самой игры.

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Установить Papertazer Base.
Архив не распаковывая перенеси в папку mods. Если такой папки нету то просто создай ее.

Если хочешь узнать

Getting around in Minecraft has been boring, as the only two options have been by foot or by a horse. Walking and running is an okay way for traveling, and horses are faster, but can be a challenge and are noisy. What if there was a cooler way of getting around in Minecraft. The adds in skateboards to the Minecraft world.

While the skateboard from the Skateboard mod 1.8.9 is not much faster way of traveling, that’s not really the point of a skateboard. Like real life skateboards, the Skateboard mod’s skateboards are for doing tricks.

There are a handful of skateboards that can be made from materials like wooden planks, leather, coal, and other common items. You can also build half pipes and other items with new crafting recipes that are added by the Skateboard mod for Minecraft.

Along with adding new recipes and items to the game, the Skateboard mod 1.8.9/1.7.10 also adds a new mod, the police officer. The police, who are riding Segways, will try to stop you from skateboarding in areas that have no skateboarding signs posted.

Like many other mods for Minecraft, you will need to have Launcher to make the mod able to run. This is both good and bad, as the modcan work with many of the other mods that use Forge, and that the Skateboard mod minecraft is able to run on servers that have Forge installed . The bad about mods that relay on Forge is that Forge takes time to update to the newest version of Minecraft.

If you want to use the mod, like stated before you will need Forge Mod Launcher installed and running for the version Minecraft that you are planning to use. Then you need to download the version of the Skateboard mod that matches the version of the Forge Mod Launcher you have. Once the download is completed, move the .jar file into the mod folder of the .minecraft folder in the Roaming folder of your computer. This is found using Run, and typing in %appdata% and hitting enter.

The newest version of the Skateboard mod is Minecraft 1.8.9. The mod’s creator has stated that about 10% of the coding is done to update version 1.10. There is also more work that needs to be done before a new version of the mod can be released.

One of the more popular mods for the game Minecraft is the Skateboard Mod . It is great for several reasons. One, it allows you to add a sense of realism to the game that may have been unfounded to begin with. Two, most people enjoy skateboarding and now you can too even in-game. And lastly, there are even concepts behind segways and other mods of transportation that give an even bigger variety to an already creative mod.

The Skateboard Mod for Minecraft was made to allow for different means of transportation, the freedom to do tricks and skate on half-pipes in-game, and overall add a touch of authenticity to Minecraft. It is not a major mod by any means, and it is not something that is going to be groundbreaking in the technical sense, but it is popular for a reason all due to the fact that it is one more thing you will be able to do in this world that was not possible before.

Mods on Mods

This mod happens to need another mod itself to work properly, Forge. Forge is already a requirement for so many out there so this is not really a big issue but one thing that should be noted all the same. In fact, if you are unfamiliar with Forge , you just opened yourself up to plenty of different mods to go along with the Skateboard Mod that will enhance your Minecraft game-playing even more. Give those a browse and see just how much more fun you will have with this game than you already were.

Different Types of Boards

The Skateboard Mod /1.9.4 does not just add skateboards to the game but hoverboards, segways, scooters, and other that act as skateboards without literally being a skateboard. This is not only creative but overall fun for people who enjoy outdoor activities but were not able to incorporate that in their Minecraft game. Now, you do not have to go without knowing that feeling and can instead enjoy doing tricks, being on the go to hunt and mine for ore, and otherwise just have a good time in a virtual world that you already call home. Minecraft is home to many different mods, with many more being added all the time, but none quite live up to the mobile expectations of the mod. Try it for yourself and you too will see how fantastic it really is.


Skateboard mod для Minecraft 1.7.10 1.7.4 1.7.2 1.6.4 1.6.2 1.5.2

Как видно по названию Skateboard mod для Minecraft 1.7.10 1.7.4 1.7.2 1.6.4 1.6.2 1.5.2 - эта модификация добавляет скейтборд. Кроме того, в игре появляются некоторые новые предметы и даже новые враги. Ну как враги, скорее нейтральные игроки. Это полисмены, они издают звуки аналогичны свиньям, а также никогда не атакуют персонажа. Зато если их убить, то Вы получите новый предмет под названием «полицейская дубинка». Как ни странно, именно от нее игроки-полисмены получают самый большой урон.

Также при наличии других модификаций, сможете принять облик полисмена и следить за соблюдением закона в игровом мире Minecraft. Кроме нового оружия и полисменов, в игре появляться вкусные пончики. Это обычные пончики, которые пользуются популярностью среди тех же стражей порядка. Как и другие виды еды, пончики восстанавливают здоровье игрового персонажа. Что же по поводу самого скейтборда, то в скором будущем на нем можно будет покататься. А пока мод в разработке, Вы сможете только посидеть на скейтборде. Если вам кажется, что в игре плохое освещение, возможно вам поможет , добавивший динамические тени в игру.

Видео-обзор по Skateboadr mod снят в Minecraft

Установить Forge
Архив переместить в /mods

1.7.10 1.7.4 (cкачиваний: 926) 1.7.2 (cкачиваний: 926) 1.6.4 (cкачиваний: 926) 1.6.2 (cкачиваний: 926) 1.5.2 (cкачиваний: 926)

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